Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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February 18, 2007
February 19th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 1 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for February 19th are Glorious.
February 18, 2007
We need postage for the Priestly Mailing
on the Eucharist.
Special Offer
Fr. John J. Pasquini's book
Light, Happiness and Peace
$5.00 plus postage
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For this one time special offer we
offer these books so you can
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The book Light Happiness and Peace is a
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Authenticity book of prayers —
it is a masterpiece
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$5.00 plus postage
Prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, life.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled, as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned.
It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Writing today February 17, 2007
To us much is given much will be expected.Genesis 7: 11-12
In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, and on the seventeenth day of the month, that very day all the springs of the great deep burst through, and the sluices of heaven opened. And heavy rain fell on earth for forty days and forty nights.
God is revealing to us insights into the hidden mysteries- the mysteries of His love.Love Love LoveMatthew 11: 25
At that time Jesus exclaimed, ‘I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to little children.
I see now more clearly how I, a tainted human person, can be more able to act more purely.where before I felt blind- I truly see a clearer vision of how I want my actions to be likened to Mary, Mother of God,I am a human creature and I have been baptized and received a tremendous gift because of my baptism, but I have a wounded human nature and I act with imperfections out of my wounded human nature.Yesterday I saw more clearly than ever before the goal God gives to me to be more like the New Adam and the New Eve.When I struggle in communicating with others there is a place after frustration that I can "give in" act angry.God has called me to be likened to the saints- like the Virgin Mary and to give His directions to help accomplish this mission.We are all tainted- subject to all kinds of problems when communicating, but we must trust and work together in love to accomplish this mission- in deep oneness in mind and thought to accomplish this and also with the same vision.This vision can be affected by our imperfect vision of ourselves (thinking we are always right- pride- etc.)This vision can be affected when our frustration turns to anger and we actually block the work God wants accomplished because we allow ourselves to be paralyzed by this anger.Other vision we have that is not perfect is our vision of God.We may fail to trust Him as we should.We may not be seeing His power to accomplish through us His work.When I go to Mass or to pray, satan can press down, and try to get me focused on other things-God may allow me to be tested and I am asked to remain pure in the frustration I may be given to endure.Time can become a god to some of us.Our schedule to such a point we are not open to God to even create opportunities in our lives to accomplish what He wants to through us.If I am filled to the brim-one moment scheduled on everything I think is important- I have taken over and do not open myself to God so He can work when He wants to with me - freedom to be the empty vessel ready for His plan.Here is the profound teachingMary is sinless- Mary's actions not taintedthere was not jealousy, anger, envy, lust, gluttony, pride, slothfulness, greed- in Mary's actionsWhen I act I may begin in an action in purity-another through passive-aggressive ways seeking control can test me over and over-I must continue with God's grace not to act with jealousy, pride, greed, lust- etc.Every action is performed- without inordinate attachments- not with the tainted part of my human nature.This is my goalGod is my Bridegroommy love is pure forhis honor and glory- not for pride greed- affection not according to God's will- not for control- dominance
My focus is the purity I see as He hung on the cross to His death;this is lovethis is my goal.I did not write for two days for I do not know how to explain what I know so clearly to help prevent tainted actions more and more as we truly see- Mary would not be jealous- Jesus is the I am- all PerfectBut I see Mary because she is the only human creature conceived without sin.She was not jealous- she acted, but where our tainted human nature may do things in jealousy, pride lust, greed envyMary would not do that.We can see in our actions how jealousy can block God's plan- because we want to selfishly possess another- so we act taintedly instead according to God's will.We can see how God asks us to do something and another because of ignorance or seeking dominance may try and try us and yet there is a place with God's grace to not give into anger.God has allowed me on very important times with important people in His plan to be in places where I was being tested by them and tried and had to act in control to accomplish His mission.Only in withstanding this trial in control could His ultimate plan for us be accomplished.God told Cain he could put satan behind him.God will give us the grace in the most difficult situation if we want God's Plan and we want to not act out of our wounded human nature.We are always one with Him in acting.We act for Him.We must feel that oneness when being tried and not give into the wounded human nature.We pray- we say the Prayer for Union we have memorized.We pray to stay focused on His work and our love for His plan and love for the other despite the difficulty.We keep the truth in our hearts and arguing the truth with another when they are already under attack may be like arguing with one under the influence of alcohol.Sometimes we cannot force the argument when one is ready to fight and win and they are wrong.We have to pray for grace to not drop God's ball for a plan He wants us to accomplish and beg for His grace as we are with another that may be difficult-but not ever lose sight of how Mary would have done it and How we want God's Planpraying to accomplish it- empowering the other He has called and loving them despite our faults and their faultsGod works in structure.The crucifixion shows us how Jesus obeyed His Father and how Jesus loved those He died for.I have a vision of what I know and I may fail to express it clearly, but as I try to live more purely myself with this truth imparted to me - I, with the grace of God, can express it more clearly as I try to live more deeply my life modeled after Mary and Jesus.To me this is a big beginning of seeing how I can model my life more after the pureness of my heavenly mother Mary.God wants us to live His truth.God wants us to have more and more the vision He is imparting to us of His plan.In heaven the saints live in complete accord with the Father's willthere is one Planthere is lovethere is not the tainted human nature being a problemGod help me to be holy- I love you Ritaend of February 17, 2007
This will help spread these beautiful
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This will help us with the Newsletter.
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