Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these
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February 3rd Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 7 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for February 3rd are Glorious.
Retreat in China February 10 - 13
Day of prayer February 14
Sidney Rosary at 6:20p.m.
A Healing Rosary
Valentine's Day February 14
February 2, 2006
January 31, 2006
China, Indiana
Our Lady of China
This was received on the Feast of St. John Bosco
Received under Our Lady of China
Messenger: I felt her presence really, really strong as she delivered the messages.
Messages from the Sidney Rosary
Song: Ave Maria
Mary: Oh my children I speak to you of peace that your hearts will be quieted, and that you will know the love of my Son Jesus, for He is with you always. I am Mary your Mother, and for these 11 years I have appeared to you to deliver this message — that God is with you, that He is truly present in His Divinity and humanity, no less present than the day that He walked this earth and I ask you to sing.
Song: Ave Maria
Hail Mary
Mary: Peace my children, I come to bring you my peace. That your hearts will be consumed with love for the Almighty God and that you will see Jesus living in your brother. That you will respect your brothers and love them, that the song of your heart will be the song of forgiveness and love. That you will say "yes" to realizing that God lives in His people, that there will be respect and love for one another. And in your imperfections that you will rise to the place of peace in your hearts, in making peace with one another, in living in peace in your own heart, living in the truth, recognizing your imperfections and begging for the grace to be more likened to my Son.
And my Son Jesus has given to you His letters of love to teach you, how to love God more deeply and how to love one another with this respect. To speak to those people who are baptized Catholic and have left the Church, that they know that Jesus, the Son of God, is truly present in His Divinity and humanity in the Eucharist. And this is the message that Jesus comes to deliver in His Blue Books today. Such a gift that God gives to us, that He is no less present than the day He walked the earth. Oh my children, I cry to you as your loving Mother. Open your eyes and your hearts to the God Who speaks and loves you so. Spread this message to the far ends of the earth, that the world will know that He is with you this day.
Song: Ave Maria
Messenger: And Jesus says —
Jesus: Do you say yes? Do you say yes to the commitment that I have asked you, to serve Me and thank Me for the gifts that I have given to you. For you must look with a wider vision for My Movement I have given to help renew the Church and the world. Will you say yes? Will you see with a vision that comes from above and down to you? The Creator with a plan that speaks to the creature, or is it the creature that wants to try to form the plan in their own mind asking God to come to them. I have called and I have given these messages to you over the course of 11 years, to help to form an order and I ask you to pray. For your sisters and brothers are dwindling throughout the world and the priests are ever so scanty, and yet your prayers have helped the Church and many people from turning from their faith, to leave for some other church that is not Catholic.
I come to you today and deliver this message — that I am the Son of God, truly present in My Divinity and humanity in the Holy Eucharist and I am with you in the tabernacles of this world.
Our Lady of China to the left
Jesus: And it is this message that I deliver in My Blue Books. For the gift that I give to you in the Church is beyond price or of any measurement that you even comprehend. Do not be afraid. My people, walk in the faith. Pray to the Spirit that He will move in you, that He will shine through your eyes, that the fire of His love will fill you, that you will not be as a turtle with their head stuck inside their body. But that you will shout it to the world, "Jesus Christ is here and truly present in the Eucharist, no less present than the day He walked the earth." And I speak to the fallen away Catholics, that you will give them a Blue Book, that you will tell them of My letters of love.
Jesus: When My Mother appeared daily so many days, she spoke of the souls that were falling into hell like rain. Did you see the hurricanes of the South as they came as a whirlwind, sweeping with them trees and homes and many things. For you do not know the day nor the hour, nor do you comprehend the ways of the Lord, and yet I open to you your minds and your hearts, that you may see with a wider vision, that you will open your hearts and listen to Me. These are My messages of love in God's Blue Book, that must be circulated to the far ends of the earth and the prayer chapters begun. But if your vision originates with you in your small brains, if you want the plan of God to center in your daily activities, you are missing the gift of the Lady of Clearwater who came to deliver to her children the message —
Jesus: the message for the earth, that the Son of God is truly present in the Eucharist, no less present than the day that I walked the earth. Oh My children, hearken to Me and listen, for many have closed their eyes and plugged up their ears, and they do not comprehend for which I speak to them to tell you the plan of the Father.
And a man got up one day, and he took out his little book and he decided everything that he would do. Every 10 minutes he marked and prodded his path. And when it came to lunch he knew exactly what he would eat, he knew exactly where he would go to get it, and he knew exactly how long it would take him to eat it. He returned after lunch and began the daily activities according to his schedule. And in the middle of the day there was a fire in the office and the whole place burned down. What is the lesson for why I tell you this story? What was the lesson that was learned in the hurricanes that swept across the state of Florida? Could they prod the path? Could they tell which house would be damaged? I am God, the Creator. The creatures were created by Me.
Song: Come Holy Spirit
Song: Ave Maria
Mary: Oh my children, how dearly God loves you. I wrap you in my mantle of love. It is peace, my children, peace — peace in trial and suffering. It is peace to know the gift that the Divine God gives to you this night, the gift of a greater sharing in His life. Oh my chosen ones, how dear you are to Him and how He has imparted to you knowledge, that you will dwell ever deeper in His Heart uniting with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Oh precious one of God, open your eyes and see what a gift you have been given, see that the Shepherds of Christ Movement is the Movement of Jesus, to help to lead the souls to the depth of intimacy with the Sacred Heart. Oh precious child, how dearly you are loved by your God.
Sing: Ave Maria, ooh...
Mary: Oh my children, this is real. Jesus Christ the Son of God is truly present and with you this day.
The Birth of Jesus
Song: Ave Maria
Mary: I love you my children. I love you my children and I hear your call. I am Mary your Mother and I love you. And my Son loves you so dearly, my children. Tell the world about His letters of love and their hearts will change. This is the mighty medicine for the sick world.
Hail Mary
Mary: I love you my children.
Song: Ave Maria
Mary: I love you my children.
Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple
Jesus: Look at a bird in flight and think of the might of God who created the bird and the fish under the sea with all their beauty. Are you not more precious to Me, My dear ones, than the birds of the air and the fish of the sea?
Song: On Eagle's Wings
From Today's Mass
Malachi 3: 1-4
Look, I shall send my messenger to clear a way before me. And suddenly the Lord whom you seek will come to his Temple; yes, the angel of the covenant, for whom you long, is on his way, says Yahweh Sabaoth. Who will be able to resist the day of his coming? Who will remain standing when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire, like fullers’ alkali. He will take his seat as refiner and purifier; he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they can make the offering to Yahweh with uprightness. The offering of Judah and Jerusalem will then be acceptable to Yahweh as in former days, as in the years of old.
Psalm 24
To Yahweh belong the earth and all it contains,
the world and all who live there;
it is he who laid its foundations on the seas,
on the flowing waters fixed it firm.Who shall go up to the mountain of Yahweh?
Who shall take a stand in his holy place?The clean of hands and pure of heart,
whose heart is not set on vanities,
who does not swear an oath in order to deceive.Such a one will receive blessing from Yahweh,
saving justice from the God of his salvation.
Such is the people that seeks him,
that seeks your presence, God of Jacob.Gates, lift high your heads,
raise high the ancient gateways,
and the king of glory shall enter!Who is he, this king of glory?
It is Yahweh, strong and valiant,
Yahweh valiant in battle.Gates, lift high your heads,
raise high the ancient gateways,
and the king of glory shall enter!Who is he, this king of glory?
Yahweh Sabaoth,
he is the king of glory. Pause
Hebrews 2: 14-18
Since all the children share the same human nature, he too shared equally in it, so that by his death he could set aside him who held the power of death, namely the devil, and set free all those who had been held in slavery all their lives by the fear of death. For it was not the angels that he took to himself; he took to himself the line of Abraham. It was essential that he should in this way be made completely like his brothers so that he could become a compassionate and trustworthy high priest for their relationship to God, able to expiate the sins of the people. For the suffering he himself passed through while being put to the test enables him to help others when they are being put to the test.
Luke 2: 22-32
And when the day came for them to be purified in keeping with the Law of Moses, they took him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord—observing what is written in the Law of the Lord: Every first–born male must be consecrated to the Lord— and also to offer in sacrifice, in accordance with what is prescribed in the Law of the Lord, a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons. Now in Jerusalem there was a man named Simeon. He was an upright and devout man; he looked forward to the restoration of Israel and the Holy Spirit rested on him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death until he had set eyes on the Christ of the Lord. Prompted by the Spirit he came to the Temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the Law required, he took him into his arms and blessed God; and he said:
Now, Master, you are
your servant go in peace
as you promised;
for my eyes have seen the salvation
which you have made ready
in the sight of the nations;
a light of revelation for the gentiles
and glory for your people Israel.
February 2, 2006 - Mary's Message
Feast of the Presentation
Mary speaks: I call you to purity.
Many are argumentative.
Jesus asks for your help as apostles.
When a man was asked at work to do a task
and if done incorrectly the boss tells
the man, not this way and it is over.
Another man in another relationship may
do something wrong and argue with
someone trying to prove they were right.
They may be so prideful wanting to get
recognition so bad for their foolish
pride they do not even look
at the job at hand!!
The focus is themselves, most of the time
working out problems from old
relationships —
who could work with
Another having a big conference may
pick a fight with their intimate
other to work out anxiety about the
conference. They cannot control
the conference, but they can
argue to win with their spouse.
Do they think it will bring them
peace to argue wrongfully with
an innocent other?
Some people are addicted to conflict,
they create problems to be a rescuer
over their boss.
Some people experiencing a minute of
peace —
create problems because that
is what is familiar to them
— always
confrontation, they may feel they are always
being a victim so they keep this situation
going all the time —
like running a
play "The Victim", with a new cast
every day.
When they get up - they may tell
as they do this —
how great they are and
constantly disobey the will of God as
they fit events into a life of "not
doing the will of God" and justifying
why it is the right thing.
— this is the devil
Confusion —
Simply doing what you were asked to
would bring peace, but they
play games, they are not interested
in peace —
they want control —
Play one game
do God's will in love.
Manipulation causing confusion,
lack of peace, disobedience
to authority is how satan
Life is simple.
You are complicating things and giving
into the devil because you
are anxious and don't want anybody
telling you what to do.
I cry bloody tears.
My Heart is pure —
Many focus on themselves, they don't
even tell themselves the truth.
A man had a female boss, he didn't
want any woman telling him
anything —
he provoked problems,
arguments and told himself it was
a good thing and God's will
he was in a constant state of disharmony
at work and
he tried to work out all his female
resentment, mom, ex-wife, etc.
with his boss.
Soon he was fired, he was unpredictable,
self-focused and causing
confusion and confrontation
always disharmony
A person like Jesus sees the truth in
themselves, they do not try to manipulate
others with game playing, transferring
problems from the past relationships
to innocent others.
What a hollow heart if you fail
to let yourself in on the truth about
yourself, acting from habits, that
have caused you problems your
whole life.
All these games and lies block your
with God. I am Mary Immaculate,
your spiritual Mother, sinless.
The thing about people with bad habits
are the more they have masked them over the
years the deeper they are engrained in them and
the craftier they are at doing them
Like the man in the hole.
They get up every day and run to what
comfortable to them, confusion,
bitterness, victim-hood and they begin
to live an ugly burdened day.
To a spouse or intimate other
who does not want to participate they
keep creating more confusion to pull
them in like a spider in a web,
they are "pros" at their scam.
Dysfunctionality in the end, lack
of purity is a bad end for the
liar and the operator of that car
while you fail to walk in the truth
people know when they are with you
the lack of peace is a driving force
for them to "get away
from that mess."
You yourself in the end - lose
out for
bad habits
giving into satan
control for the sake of control
I AM Mary Immaculate —
Quit your foolish confusion and
Jesus doesn't like games that
are giving into satan
He died for your sins —
Excerpt from February 1, 2006 message
Messenger: The priest at Mass said
"you can explain your sin as,
'it is my genes, it is because
this, that...', when you sin you must
take responsibility for your actions,
humble enough to admit we haven't
done it all right - say you are
sorry when you hurt someone
God tells us to come follow me
we just say when we've done
something wrong, I am sorry
simply say I'm sorry, I will
try to do it right and depend
on God to help me, I need
God's help."
1 John 1: 8-10 - 2: 1-2
If we say, ‘We have no sin,’
we are deceiving ourselves,
and truth has no place in us;
if we acknowledge our sins,
he is trustworthy and upright,
so that he will forgive our sins
and will cleanse us from all evil.
If we say, ‘We have never sinned,’
we make him a liar,
and his word has no place in us.My children, I am writing this
to prevent you from sinning;
but if anyone does sin,
we have an advocate with the Father,
Jesus Christ, the upright.
He is the sacrifice to expiate our sins,
and not only ours,
but also those of the whole world.
February 1, 2006 message continues
Messenger: Some have the attitude I am
We see the sin of Adam in the
garden. This is the beginning of
the human race - Eve sinned - we
see the weakness of Adam and Eve.
Genesis Chapter
3Now, the snake was the most subtle of all the wild animals that Yahweh God had made. It asked the woman, 'Did God really say you were not to eat from any of the trees in the garden?' The woman answered the snake, 'We may eat the fruit of the trees in the garden. But of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden God said, "You must not eat it, nor touch it, under pain of death." ' Then the snake said to the woman, 'No! You will not die! God knows in fact that the day you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, knowing good from evil.' The woman saw that the tree was good to eat and pleasing to the eye, and that it was enticing for the wisdom that it could give. So she took some of its fruit and ate it. She also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened and they realised that they were naked. So they sewed fig-leaves together to make themselves loin-cloths.
The man and his wife heard the sound of Yahweh God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from Yahweh God among the trees of the garden. But Yahweh God called to the man. 'Where are you?' he asked. 'I heard the sound of you in the garden,' he replied. 'I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.' 'Who told you that you were naked?' he asked. 'Have you been eating from the tree I forbade you to eat?' The man replied, 'It was the woman you put with me; she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.' Then Yahweh God said to the woman, 'Why did you do that?' The woman replied, 'The snake tempted me and I ate.'
Then Yahweh God said to the snake, 'Because you have done this,
Accursed be you
of all animals wild and tame!
On your belly you will go
and on dust you will feed
as long as you live.
I shall put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
it will bruise your head
and you will strike its heel.'To the woman he said:
I shall give you intense pain
in childbearing,
you will give birth to your children
in pain.
Your yearning will be for your husband,
and he will dominate you.To the man he said, 'Because you listened to the voice of your wife and ate from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat,
Accursed be the soil because of you!
Painfully will you get your food from it
as long as you live.
It will yield you brambles and thistles,
as you eat the produce of the land.
By the sweat of your face
will you earn you food,
until you return to the ground,
as you were taken from it.
For dust you are
and to dust you shall return.The man named his wife 'Eve' because she was the mother of all those who live. Yahweh God made tunics of skins for the man and his wife and clothed them. Then Yahweh God said, 'Now that the man has become like one of us in knowing good from evil, he must not be allowed to reach out his hand and pick from the tree of life too, and eat and live for ever!' So Yahweh God expelled him from the garden of Eden, to till the soil from which he had been taken. He banished the man, and in front of the garden of Eden he posted the great winged creatures and the fiery flashing sword, to guard the way to the tree of life.
February 1, 2006 message continues
Messenger: We see the bride coming down out
of heaven at the end of the
The all Perfect God comes
the new Adam, Jesus the Son of
God, He is the pure one
He gives Himself for the sins
of the human race.
Jesus is the New Adam
Jesus hung on the tree for our sins.
Jesus was whipped and beaten for our sins.
Jesus speaks: It is unpleasing to Me when one sins
and then lies about it and fails
to take responsibility for their
Do you think you fool Me.
I know the motive of your heart.
Sin is sin.
Many can look at other's sins, but
to admit their own.
Bitterness and lack of forgiveness
in the
heart is like a big bolder to joy and
You are happiest in truth.
Any lie blocks your joy.
You are happiest in living in the truth.
I am the way, the truth, and the life.
February 2, 2006 message continues
Mary speaks: Jesus
carried His cross and you,
many of you, throw your little
crosses at others and lie about your
two-faced games.
Revelation 3: 15-16
I know about your activities: how you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were one or the other, but since you are neither hot nor cold, but only lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth.
February 2, 2006
Good and Evil
Messenger: God put Adam and Eve in the garden
—The devil tries to tempt —
The people in the world today can give
into the devil.The devil works through anger and
jealousy. A person may say —
nobody is ever going to show me as
weak in front of anybody else and
then they can let their anger at
someone making them look weak - grow
and grow, ferment. Coupled with old angry —
dogs in the basement from child-
hood suppression, they may become
ready to pounce on somebody like a
hungry lion and a person who is
getting pounced on was only doing
their job, but the prideful person
gets angry if anybody even looks
like they may be telling them anything
to do.One man gets up and is happy — looking
for peace and love — another person —
angry saying "I never get what I want —
looking for somebody to blame and punish."(Some people may have red hot buttons of
some things of the past they do not recognize
but react to with anger when an innocent other
may do a small thing that acts like a trigger.)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Have you ever watched children playing?
One with more advanced social
skills and a meager deposition, from a
happy home, may be loving, giving -
taking and respecting others.Another child may be unable to get along —
crying to adults for attention —
"crying" looking up intermittently and
a temper-tantrum seeing if they are
getting their way or the attention
they are trying to get.When Mary our spiritual Mother
says "Be Good" she gives a good
message to her children.But if a person never really looks
at their own imperfection and lies
to themselves and others and tells themselves
they are "perfect" and lies to others to prove
or try to prove they are "perfect" at all costs —
how can we deal with someone who lies and
deceives. It is like a moving pole, the devil is
deception, the devil is the father of lies.
Mary speaks: Some children
think that finding
a prince, buying a car, having a
baby, buying a house will bring
happiness. I say children, because you
are all my children, and these things
do not ever bring you real happiness.
No person, place or thing can bring
a person the happiness they desire.
Happiness only comes from God.
To manipulate events in lies is so
foolish because you displease
your Heavenly Father. You never
fool God. What good does it do
you to live a life of lies for treasures
here below and for all eternity
not gain your eternal reward.
God's Blue Book 6
11 Years Ago Today
February 2, 1995 - Message for Nursing Home
Salem Park Nursing Home
Jesus speaks:
My dear, sweet ones, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. How I long and thirst for you, My precious souls. I wait for each one of you. I want to be so close to you. You see before you your world. You do not realize how truly present I am. As you breathe, so your heart beats. I am forever with you. My Heart is a burning furnace of endless love.Time here is so short, here today - gone tomorrow. I came to this earth that you may have life and have it to the full. Life is not life if it is not rooted in Me - it is mere existence. The Father created you with the greatest love. You are His precious child. There is not another person like you. The Father loved you so much He sent His only begotten Son into the world so that you might be saved. I want you to be with Me forever in heaven, joined in such union with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Oh, sweet one, open your heart and pray to Me. Pray to the Spirit to lead you. Life here is but a passing moment, the dropping of a pin, the batting of an eye.
I ask you for two things: love of God, love of one another. Hearken to My call. Close your eyes and open your hearts. Forgive all those who have offended you. It is only in a pure heart that I can be close to you. To hold on to anger and hatred is to make your hearts hard. Your home in heaven is beyond all comprehension. Live to spread My love that you may forever dwell with Me for all eternity in the courts of heaven.
I love you. I love you. I love you. You are My precious ones. Trade any bitterness you have for My divine love. I love you so much. Offer up your sufferings for the souls that are hurting. It is in loving you will find joy. All that you do, do it for love of God and love of your brother, and someday you will inherit a Kingdom far beyond your comprehension. Heaven is a reward promised to those who love and serve the Lord. I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to Me will never be hungry. It is in loving you will find your greatest peace.
'Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11: 28
Messenger: Alleluia, Alleluia, and He gave to them great graces to be drawn ever closer to His Sacred heart, the Heart of burning love.
Mary speaks: My dear children, I am your Mother Mary. I ask you to pray the rosary from your heart. Put yourself there in the lives of my Son, Jesus, and me.
In meditating on Our lives you will grow more and more into the image of Jesus, my Son. He loves you so much. He gave His flesh and Blood for you. He would die for you this day.
My sweet children, open up your hearts and let me lead you to His loving Heart. He loves you so much!
February 2, 1995 - 1:45 p.m.
Talk at St. IgnatiusJesus: My dear children, I ask you to purify your hearts. Rid your hearts of any debris that is keeping you from greater union with Me. Any ill feelings toward your brothers diminishes the flow of My love within you.
If you want holiness, you must be willing to forgive all those who have wronged you. Trade your bitterness for My divine love. I call out to you with this urgent message: purify your hearts, go to confession! Time is so important. Each moment you live, live to spread My love.
Song: A Song from Jesus
Reach out. It is in the reaching out that you will grow ever closer to Me.
Pray to the Spirit. He wants to transform you into fearlessness. You must be fearless soldiers to spread My love to a world that is Godless. I call out to you this day — will you answer this call?
Oh, sweet ones. I love you so much. I am forever with you. I remain with you in the tabernacle, no less present than the day I died for you.
I wait for you, I long for you. I want you so close. Put aside your doubts. Open your heart now to experience My abundant grace that I am pouring out to you, grace I am especially giving to you, this night to help you grow ever closer to Me, to help you to know and love Me more.
It is through the grace I pour out to you that you will grow in your knowledge and love of Me, the Father and Holy Spirit.
I give you My grace abundantly in the Sacrament of the Eucharist and in front of the tabernacle. I am truly present in My Divinity and humanity.
Let go and experience the fire of My love. I AM ALIVE, I AM TRULY PRESENT IN THE EUCHARIST. I CALL OUT TO YOU THIS DAY. Open your heart so you will be closer to Me. I call you to union with Me. Come to My tabernacle. Let Me fill you with the burning fire of My love. Let Me give to you My grace, My Life. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, born in a stable in the town of Bethlehem. Open your eyes, pray to the Spirit for vision. You see so little. You do not know how My love will set this earth on fire — it begins with you!
Song: Come Holy Spirit
Jesus: You are My soldiers to set the world on fire. I ask for two things love of God, love of one another. Come My children, harken to My call, pray for vision. I am on FIRE with burning love for you.
I remain in the tabernacle and wait and long for you to come. Come, I call you today. Come let Me nourish you with My Body and Blood, My life I give to you. Oh children, I love you so, I love you, I love you, I love you. Harken to My call, one person fixed to the love of God can move a mountain. You are the light that will shine in this dark world. I call. Will you answer?
Song: I Love You Jesus
Messenger: We need to fall in Love with the Lord.
When we love Him, we will want to be with Him.
Power House
Power is in the Eucharistic Heart of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Songs to Sing
Look Beyond the Bread you eat - Glory and Praise
Oh Holy Mary
Mary's Song
Come Holy Ghost
Ave Maria between Hail Marys
I Love You Jesus
February 2, 1995
Feast of Presentation of Our Lord
Transcribed from a tape recorded live as Rita delivered it.
Before the Exposed Eucharist at St. Ignatius.
The Church had many people there.Sorrowful Mysteries
The Agony in the Garden
1. Messenger: Put yourself in the Garden with Jesus. Be there in the night. See Jesus as He kneels.
2. Messenger: Jesus' greatest agony in the Garden was the agonies He experienced to His Most Sacred Heart. He loved each soul so dearly and He saw before Him all the souls from all time that would neglect Him and treat Him indifferently, would not even think about Him. His Heart burning over with love for each of His precious ones, He saw before Him all the souls that would not even think of Him.3. Messenger: He saw before Him all the souls that would be condemned to eternal damnation despite the fact that He would suffer and that He would die on the cross for them.
4. Messenger: We do not realize the immensity of His love. We do not realize that Jesus is God, that He was born a man out of greatest love for us. The Father sent His only Son into this world to take on a human nature because He loves us so much. And Jesus, now in the Garden, seeing before Him all the souls that would not even realize the great gift that had been given to them, souls that would reject His love and spend their whole life without even a thought of Him!
5. Messenger: Jesus, out of greatest love for us, remains with us this very day in the Tabernacle. Jesus remains with us no less present than the day that He was in the Garden, in His Divinity and humanity. He waits! He longs! He thirsts for our love! He wants us to come and to share His love. He waits for us so many endless hours in the Tabernacle! How He suffered in the Garden for the endless hours that He would be a prisoner in the Tabernacle. God made Man, and no one would come and be with Him!
6. Messenger: Jesus' Heart is a burning furnace of endless love!
7. Messenger: Jesus saw before Him His entire Passion, everything that He would suffer. He suffered all this because He loved us so much. His agony was so great that His sweat became as great drops of blood upon the ground, blood that He shed for love of us!
8. Messenger: Jesus went to His disciples and they were asleep and He said to them: Can you not watch one hour with Me? How Jesus says to us this very day: I give you twenty-four hours in a day! Twenty-four hours I wait for you to come. I am truly God! I wait. Out of greatest love I wait for My beloved souls to come and to be with Me. It is usually that the servant goes to the Master! But He is God and He waits us, a human, to come and be with Him. And out of the twenty-four hours that we have in the day, how many times do we say to Him - I do not have one hour to spend with You, My Lord!
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
Song between decades: A Song from Jesus
Jesus is Scourged at the Pillar
1. Messenger: How Jesus loved Judas so dearly and Judas betrayed Him with a kiss. How Jesus loves each one of us with a burning Heart on fire. How He waits for us and remains with us this day!
2. Messenger: They pulled His hair! They hit His face and they led Him away as a common criminal!
3. Messenger: They tied Him to a pillar and the men stood around Him. They whipped Him! They tore His flesh! They beat Him to their own exhaustion!
4. Messenger: Be there with Jesus as He is tied to the pillar. Be there and hear the blows they gave to our Beloved Jesus. His once unblemished back is now an open wound!
5. Messenger: Can you hear the blows that they gave to Jesus? He suffered those blows for every one of us! He suffered them for me! He suffered them for you!
6. Messenger: Jesus calls us to love; love of God and love of one another. How can I not love my brother when I can hear as they whip Jesus. I can hear the blows that they gave to Him! I know that He loved my brother so much that He took those blows. How can I not love my brother when Jesus suffered so for love of my brother?
7. Messenger: Jesus calls out to us to meditate deeply on His Passion because it is in this meditation that we will realize more and more the immensity of the great love that He has for each one of us and that He truly stood at the pillar and suffered as they beat His body because He loves us this much! He would go through this, this very day, for each one of us because His love is a personal love. He loves each one of us individually, as the Father loves each one of us individually. He created each one of us uniquely special.
8. Messenger: Dear Jesus, help me to realize more and more the immensity of Your great love. Draw me ever closer to Your Most Sacred Heart. Help me to grow in my union with the Father, with You, with the Holy Spirit through Your Beloved Mother.
9. Messenger: Dear Holy Spirit, fill us with the fire of God's love. The Fire! The vibrancy of God's love! Dear Holy Spirit, fill me with the fire of Your love so I realize more and more that the love that You have is not a little lip service love but it is the love that Jesus had for us when they scourged Him at the pillar to stand and let them beat His body out of greatest love for us!
10. Hail Mary
Song between decades: A Song from Jesus
Jesus is Crowned with a Crown of Thorns
1. Messenger: They covered Jesus' body with a dirty purple cloak. His open wounds covered with this cloth! And they gave Him a scepter to hold and pounded into His Most Precious Head a sharp crown of piercing thorns!
2. Messenger: The blood from His thorns ran down His face and into His eyes and into His ears. His mouth was full of blood from the blows they gave to His head. But He said not a word! He sat and He suffered all of this!
3. Messenger: They spit on Jesus and they mocked Him as a King! In compliance with the Will of the Father and out of greatest love for us, Jesus was silent!
4. Messenger: The little, innocent lamb led to the slaughter!
5. Messenger: Jesus came to this earth - God made man - to show us the way! Jesus Christ is our Savior.
6. Messenger: Jesus showed us the way. How He loved! He loved us so much that He suffered this brutal passion and He calls out to us this day: Do you not see, you who are so blind, the immense love that I have for each and every one of you? I wait for you. I long for you. I thirst for you to come and to be with Me. And how few come!
7. Jesus: My presence surrounds you. I am truly present in My Divinity and My humanity in the Tabernacle. I am present inside of each one of you in such a special way when you are baptized and in the state of grace. I see life in a blade of grass. You who are so blind, pray to the Spirit to open your eyes more and more to My presence for it is in this realization that you will be drawn ever closer to My Most Sacred Heart.
8. Messenger: Jesus was persecuted! He was whipped! He was treated so harshly! But these were not the greatest agonies that He suffered. His greatest agonies were the agonies that He suffered to His Most Sacred Heart. He, who loves each soul so dearly! How souls reject Him!
9. Messenger: As Jesus suffered so for the sins of men, He was comforted by the acts of love that we give to Him this day. He was comforted by the hours that we spend with Him in front of the Tabernacle, the time we spend with Him after Communion, the time that we unite so closely to Him all through the day and tell Him of our great love. Jesus can experience this love now!
10. Messenger: We love Jesus and Mary. Jesus thirsts and longs for this love! Mary wants our love.
Song between decades: A Song from Jesus
Jesus Carries His Cross
1. Messenger: Jesus stood, His hands tied, the look of peace on His face. The angry men stood around Him with their instruments to jab Jesus. The hate and anger on their faces and in their hearts! But Jesus remained at peace because He knew the Father's love. The Father loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son into this world. Do we realize how the Father loves us? Jesus had such peace. Jesus knew the Father's love.
2. Messenger: They gave to Jesus a heavy cross that they put on His shoulder. He was made to carry this cross. It was laden with the sins of all men from all time! Jesus carried this cross willingly. He did not surrender the cross or try to give it away. He finally collapsed because the weight of it was so heavy. But willingly, He carried His cross on Calvary.
3. Messenger: His Mother by His side! She walked by His side always! She saw the little child that she once held in her arms and loved so dearly. She saw Him covered with blood, wounded, carrying the heavy cross. She heard the cross as it went along the road. She helplessly stood by. She could not raise a hand to help her Beloved One!
4. Messenger: Their eyes peered into each other's eyes. In that peering look Their Hearts were joined. Mary saw her Son from the time she had conceived Him in her womb. She knew Jesus so well. In that look was this look of knowing between this Son and this Mother - all the time that Jesus and Mary had shared together!
5. Messenger: Mary appears to us to tell us of the love of her Son. She asks us to see through her eyes as her Son carried His cross on Calvary. See through her eyes the love that He has for each one of you. This is truth! Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth out of greatest love for each and every one of us and suffered this brutal Passion to His death because He loves each one of us so dearly.
6. Messenger: Mary appears with her sorrowful face. Mary appears with her joyful face. She appears with her old and young face. All the faces of the lives of Jesus and Mary that we meditate on in the Rosary. It is in this meditation of the Rosary that we are drawn ever closer to Their lives; that we can more and more imitate Their lives, and live more and more like Jesus and Mary.
7. Messenger: Can you see Mary as she so tenderly holds the child Jesus and now see through her eyes the horror that she watches as He carried His cross on His back? See the blood that was teaming from His face and His wounded body! Can you see through the eyes of His loving Mother? And she comes to us and she says: See the love My Son has for you. It is in realizing this immense love that you will spread this love to the hurting soldiers in this world. There are so many hurting souls!
8. Song: See the Eyes that Look at Mary
9. Messenger: Open up our eyes, O Spirit, so that we may see more and more with the vision of God, that we may realize more and more the immensity of the love of God. Fill our hearts full of this fire of the love of God so that we can radiate Your love that You want to give through us to this world. Make us empty vessels to spread this love to the darkened world that is hurting and needs to be touched by Your immense love.
10. Messenger: Mary carried Jesus in her womb. She held Him as a child. Mary was with Jesus all through His life. Now she walks beside Him on the way to Calvary. She asks us to see through her eyes. Stand with Mary through these meditations on the Rosary. Stand next to her! See the love of these two Hearts; the love of her heart for each one of us and the love of His Heart for us. It is in realizing the love of the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary that we will grow closer in our union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Song between decades: A Song from Jesus
Jesus is Crucified and Dies on the Cross
1. Messenger: Mary held the baby Jesus in her arms as Simeon prophesied the immense sufferings that Mary and Jesus would suffer. Mary held the tiny child, with His little hands and His little feet. From that point on, Mary remembered the prophecy of Simeon. Now she stands by as they pound into Jesus' Most Precious Hands and Feet the big nails! Mary is so closely united to Jesus. They both suffered so immensely for each one of us. She calls out again and again to come back to the love of her Son. It is only in realizing your calling that you will spread this love to the hurting world. We are the apostles to spread the love of the Two Hearts, the Hearts that suffered all this anguish because They love us so much. She asks us this day: Please My beloved children, lead men to the love of My Son! He longs to be close to them!
2. Messenger: It is in spreading this love that many souls may go to heaven. Mary calls out to you! Can you say no? It takes courage! It takes the fearlessness the apostles had when the Holy Spirit descended upon them. The apostles had been so full of fear they had locked themselves in the upper room. When the Holy Spirit descended upon them, they were fearless. They went out into the world to preach the Gospel. Mary's calling is this calling to you this day - to go out into a world that has turned godless and to spread the Good News! The Good News is: God sent His only begotten Son into this world and out of greatest love He suffered so all through the Passion - He rose on the third day to give us new life - He came to give us life that we may have it abundantly - and He ascended into Heaven! He wants us with Him forever and ever and ever in Heaven. Can we take this call from the Blessed Virgin Mary so lightly? Mary, who watched Her Son as they pounded the nails through to the cross!
3. Messenger: Mary stood under the cross and Mary watched her Son as He hung for three agonizing hours. Stand there with Mary in the darkened sky. See as the wind blows Jesus covered with blood and battered! He hangs there to His very death because He loves each one of us so much!
4. Messenger: They pierced Jesus' head. Think of how it is to have a splinter that goes into your hands. But think of the thorns that were pounded into His Most Precious Head - every drop of blood that He had was spent. He gave His very flesh! He gave His life! He said once: I GAVE MYSELF! I GAVE MY LIFE ON THE CROSS! WHAT MORE DO THEY WANT? I GIVE MYSELF TO YOU THIS DAY! I AM TRULY PRESENT IN THE EUCHARIST THE SAME AS THE DAY THAT I HUNG ON THE CROSS. In My Divinity and humanity, I give you My Life, I give you My Body, I give you My Blood to nourish the life that I give to you in baptism and you take it so lightly!
5. Song: Take and Eat
6. Messenger: Jesus would lament many times when people would leave after Communion and Jesus said: If I were in the church with My cross on My back walking across the front of the church, do you think people would get up and leave? Jesus said over and over again: I GIVE MYSELF TO YOU! I GIVE MY LIFE TO YOU IN THE EUCHARIST! I AM GOD! And men get up and they walk out and they talk and they do not even realize the great gift that they are given here!
7. Messenger: Jesus calls us to love each other as He has loved us. He loved us to His death on the cross! Does that mean that He calls us this day to love our brothers so much that we would die for them?
8. Messenger: Jesus loved us so much that He died for us!
9. Messenger: They gave to Mary, Jesus' lifeless body under the cross. As Mary held the child Jesus, she now holds the lifeless, battered, bruised body of her beloved Son in her arms. Can you say no to Mary's call? You are the soldiers to spread His love throughout this world. One person fixed deeply on the love of God can move a mountain because it is His might that radiates from within you that has all the power. Mary calls out today to come to the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle is the source of such immense power. It is in it that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, dwells no less present than the day that He walked on Calvary. Can we say No to this Divine Love He gives to us and He outpours His grace in the Eucharist. So abundantly does Jesus outpour His grace to us in the Eucharist because Jesus is truly present in His Divinity and humanity and the graces flow!
10. Hail Mary
Song between decades: A Song from Jesus
The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sorrowful Mother Lighted.
1. The Prophecy of Simeon. Mary and Joseph took the child Jesus into the Temple. Simeon had been told by the Holy Spirit that before he died he would see the Messiah. The Holy Spirit led him into the temple and he saw Mary and Joseph and Jesus. He went over and held the child Jesus. Then he said that he was ready to die and he told Mary that a sword, too, shall pierce your heart, Mary! From that point on, whenever she looked at the child Jesus, she remembered the prophecy of Simeon of how Jesus would suffer. Think of looking at your child and knowing what Mary knew! Her heart through her whole life knew this prophecy. And a sword, too, shall pierce your Heart, O Mary!
2. The Flight into Egypt. Joseph and Mary had to flee into Egypt with Jesus. And a sword, too, shall pierce your Heart, O Mary!
3. The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple. When Jesus was twelve years old they took Him to the Temple for the Feast of the Passover. When it was over, Joseph and Mary left with the caravan and Jesus had been left behind. When they realized that Jesus was not with them, they returned with their hearts sorrowing in search of the child Jesus. And a sword, too, shall pierce your Heart, O Mary!
4. On the Way to Calvary Jesus and Mary's eyes Met. The intimacy in that look between the Son and His Mother! The immense love between the two Hearts! The love that these two Hearts have for us and the call of both Jesus and Mary this day to come back to the love of God!
Song: See the Eyes that Look at Mary
5. Mary stood under the Cross as Jesus Died. I saw Jesus appear. Jesus loves us so dearly! It is Divine Love He has to outpour to us this day. He wants to give us an outpouring of His grace and love. He remains with us in the Tabernacle truly present in His Divinity and humanity. Jesus Christ, the same Jesus that died on the cross, is present and in our midst this very moment. God loves us so much that He remains with us this day! God is so good to us!
6. Jesus is taken down from the Cross and laid in Mary's Arms.
See Mary under the cross and they give to her the lifeless body of her Son. She touches her Son and she knows that His body is dead. See that picture so clearly, the picture of the Pieta that you see so much. Think of Mary as she holds the infant child in a horizontal position in her arms and now she holds His lifeless body under the cross. In that picture, if you visualize that, there is so much to see. See the love of the Father that He sent His only begotten Son into this world; God became a man because He loves us so much. See the love that the Son had that He truly gave His flesh and His blood for each one of us. To His death Jesus gave His all for love of us. And Mary, see her with the tears on her face. How can you describe the pain in her heart to hold her Son now lifeless in her arms? Mary is our loving Mother. Mary is my loving Mother. She calls out to us, the Most loving Mother that we could ever imagine! Jesus gave His very own Mother to us! She is calling out to each one of us here, who have been called here this night by Jesus and Mary, to make a commitment to consecrate ourselves to these two Hearts; to be soldiers in this world with our hearts filled with His love! We receive so much grace from sitting in front of the Tabernacle. Pray to be apostles and be able to go out into this world and spread these messages! Pray for the grace from the Holy Spirit to be transformed from fear to fearlessness and to carry the Gospel message with us everywhere we go! What radiates from our being is the love of the God that lives within. She is calling us to grow ever closer in union with Jesus. The greatest thing we can do for this world is to be united to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in our hearts, to let Him operate us, to surrender ourselves, to follow the Plan of the Father, the unique plan God has for us to be His soldiers, to march on a world that has forgotten God. But the Power of the Almighty God is a Power that cannot be contained. And in our every smile and glance, this love radiates from our being and we touch every person that we look at when we are united to God!
7. Jesus is Locked in the Tomb. The cold reality that now Jesus is locked in the tomb and a stone is rolled in front of the tomb and Mary weeps outside so bitterly. But death has no power over Jesus! Locked in the tomb for three days, on the third day He rose triumphant to give us new life. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus rose on the third day. The Might of God cannot be contained! His life He pours out to us! He gives us a special sharing in His life in the sacrament of Baptism. He has provided for us so well through the Church. We are His chosen ones! Can we not spread this message to this world that is hurting - that is looking in every nook and cranny for something to satisfy the stocking soul? The only thing that satisfies the soul is the love of God! He calls out to us this day to carry this message to every person we meet for it is in our glance, it is in our smile, that we truly will spread His Gospel message, His love to this world.
This rosary was prayed at St. Ignatius Church on Thursday evening, 7:30pm., on the Feast of the Presentation, February 2, 1995. Rita gave a talk on the Love of Jesus and Mary following the Rosary. There were many people present.
AND THE WORLDI _________________ give my heart to
You Jesus and Mary on this day
I promise to help spread the devotion to
the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.