Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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Messenger: The devil is darkness, God is light. The devil wants us to feel dark and depressed, the Lord wants us to have the lightness, the beauty of feeling lifted up within.
In Him there is no darkness at all.
1 John 1:5-10
This is what we have heard from him and are declaring to you:
God is light,
and there is no darkness in him at all.
If we say that we share in Gods life
while we are living in darkness,
we are lying,
because we are not living the truth.
But if we live in light,
as he is in light,
we have a share in anothers life,
and the blood of Jesus, his Son,
cleanses us from all sin.
First condition: to break with sin
If we say, We have no sin,
we are deceiving ourselves,
and truth has no place in us;
if we acknowledge our sins,
he is trustworthy and upright,
so that he will forgive our sins
and will cleanse us from all evil.
If we say, We have never sinned,
we make him a liar,
and his word has no place in us.
Messenger: The teachings of Blue Book I are teachings to lift you up. Jesus wanted the hot air balloon. Some people argued with me, for they did not want a book with a balloon on the front. The message given from Jesus appears on the front of Blue Book I. He wanted the book blue, He wanted one balloon on it. He told me exactly what He wanted. November 17, 1993, front of Blue Book I, page ii.
![]() This is God's Blue Book. I knew the color would be blue. I saw it in my mind's eye. It is God's blue book, for our living light. Blue for Mary, never dark. It is light and our Hearts are lifted in peace to Him. He lifts us up like balloons into a light blue sky. He even provides the sky. We become selfless and unattached and we ascend into the sky, free of weight on our heels. We sail the skies as if in a hot air balloon and He watches us on our way. Our destination color is blue. We go to a light blue book for our answers. We sail His sky in our Hot air balloon, light and unattached, floating free. We just go where His wind takes us, never knowing where or why. We are free and happy because He is at the helm. Alleluia. Put a balloon, red and orange, on the front, as in the fire of His love. We are thus powered through His blue sky. RR 11/17/93 |
Messenger: Click on Blue Book II January 18, 1994 excerpt from page 38.
I opened the book now as I was instructed and I read page 33, October 19, 1993 (Blue Book I). His instruction was to open anywhere.
"As a child of God, you are cared for by your birth father and birth mother and loved with the greatest love. You are Our child, too, precious, beautiful, full of God's love and you are truly favored. Know your specialness and your dignity. Know your uniqueness. Feel warm and secure in My love and then you will run and not get weary. You will shine like the brightest stars in the darkest night. Your lights are bright lights in the night, but you must be feeling good inside to do this. Satan wants you bowed down. You can't shine when you are bowed down. Shine as a beacon light in the darkest night. Let all who see you praise Him Who is your Father. You are a reflection of Our love for you if you keep yourself holy. Strive to be holy as your heavenly Father. In all things, do that which is the saintly thing. I love you so much, little one. Come and rest in Me."
Messenger: All through the Blue Book I, He speaks of light.
Revelation, December 6, 1996, Apostles Manual pages 184-185.The Father looks to the earth; He sees much darkness.
The Father looks to the earth. There are few hearts fervently in love with God. The hearts of love light up the earth. It is as lights on a Christmas tree. It is sparsely lighted by a few hearts. Therefore, the tree looks dark.
As the Shepherds of Christ Movement spreads (as well as other movements focused on spreading consecration to Their Hearts) the tree is covered with more hearts and the earth becomes more lighted.
The tree is covered with hearts consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The tree is illuminated.
As the Shepherds of Christ apostles spread the consecration to the Church, the family, and the school, the tree is covered with lights and the earth is covered with the fire of His love.
The Father looks to the earth now. He is displeased with the hearts of men. The Father wants us to love God and love each other. He wants us to live according to His will in love.
Isaiah 30:26
Then moonlight will be
bright as sunlight
and sunlight itself be
seven times brighter
--like the light of seven days in one--
on the day Yahweh dresses
his peoples wound
and heals the scars of the blows
they have received.
Jesus speaks: The Blue Books are My teaching tools to you. I am Light, I am the Light of the World. The devil is darkness. I fill your heart and soul with light. I want you to focus on Me and My might. Use the Blue Books, live by the Blue Books, they will lift you up when you begin to be bowed down. The ways of the world may drag you down, down, down. My way is light, peace, love to take you up, up, up.
And evil entered the world, there was sin, it came into the light. You are the children of Eve. You are begotten from your ancestors. You learned their ways before you could walk and talk.
God the Father gives you the Holy Spirit to fill your weary soul. He is the Spirit of light and truth.
1 John 1:5
...God is light,
and there is no darkness in him at all.
Jesus speaks: Keep your focus on Me. Read the Blue Books all through the day. Carry them in your car. You may only have to read a sentence, a paragraph, and it will lift you up as a balloon that sails in the blue sky. You will know the FIRE of MY LOVE, you will love God and love one another. The secret is in dwelling in Our two Hearts. You will know the light, you will know My ways, you will have joy in your hearts. My way leads to real joy. My way leads to living always in the light. In Me there is no darkness at all.
I AM the LIGHT of the WORLD.
My Mother appears in Clearwater, the Lady Clothed with the Sun, to lead her children to the LIGHT. She is Our Lady of Clearwater, Our Lady of Light, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Fatima in the Americas. She is the Lady clothed with the Sun to take you to the Light. In Me there is no darkness at all.
LOOK inside. DO you want LIGHT, peace and love? Do you want joy? Do you want God? You were created to be possessed by God. Come to Me and I will give you rest. Put your weary souls in Me. I AM LIGHT, IN ME THERE IS NO DARKNESS.
Fly Away
February l7, 1994 After Communion
Jesus speaks: Picture yourself in a light blue sky. Fly away. You are free of everything and Jesus carries you along. Be alone with Me, in My love! You are totally surrounded by My love. You are totally free of all cares. Have this picture when you eat My food.
I love you.
Not one care, floating alone, no problems, no deadlines. I am in control and I have all the power. Let go. You have no cares. You are totally free, on a vacation. Let go like this after Communion. We are alone together, with no cares.
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I lift you up and you are raised to such heights.
Alleluia, Praise the Lord.
Jesus speaks: LET your light shine! I am the Light of the World. I want to dwell in you and operate in you.
February 20, 1999
Mary speaks: My children,
I am asking the book of my messages be released immediately.
All are to work diligently. You do not see the workings of Satan to block the message books.
The books we give as messages from Florida must be released. They will draw people to the site.
I further wish a supply of tapes be circulated. The message tapes and rosary tapes are not being distributed as they could be.
Tapes from the Florida site concerning messages and rosaries can be made and labeled elsewhere.
The more you promote the site and the tools we have given you, the more the funds will come.
The messages need to be put simply in books and published.
The original book tells many things of my apparition in Florida.
Please do as I have requested. The sign is given. The more Our Lady of Guadalupe is promoted, the more men cannot deny this sign in Florida.
This is the sign heaven gives to the earth, my permanent image on the building. Please help me. Mary.
Spouse of the Lamb, February 20, 1999
Messenger: Today I wade through the struggles in giving the message to the earth. Today I received a message from Mary how important it is to get the daily messages in book form. Before the first Rosary Book went out, it was a tremendous struggle. Before the second Rosary Book went out with the Imprimatur, there were also painful struggles. Mary, you and the Father wish these messages to be published and circulated in book form. Satan has created every distraction to block the accomplishment of this task.
He must increase, I must decrease. I have delivered the message to the world. The proof that heaven wishes to give a message is in the image of Mary on the building. Jesus, I beg You for help to accomplish this task. I am immensely frustrated that Blue Books IV, V and VI never were published. I remember all the obstacles, but no one can stop You. I beg You to handle this situation. I sit with a message from Mary yesterday and today and I am unable to accomplish this task on my own. It takes many people surrendering to the will of God and responding in faith. More than anything, it takes Your grace and Your might. As Your spouse, I implore You to help me, please grant grace that the people will answer the call to help me answer Marys requests. She also wishes the tapes of these messages to circulate. Jesus, please grant the grace that men will see and not look away.
Messenger: I love You, I am Your beloved child and servant.
February 12, 1999
Jesus speaks: Do you think she is your enemy, do you think he is your enemy? Satan is your enemy.
When you have lived a life of serving Me and trying to be more pure, when you have asked for the protection of My precious Blood, when you have given your all and all you want is God and that is your focus, you nevertheless must be well aware of weaknesses.
I give you this message. Satan is division. He wants you stopped and now. So much headway is taking place, and the Florida site may soon be yours. Every prayer is important to the Fathers plan. Satan will attack you NOW, NOW, NOW.
Say to yourself, "My brother is not my enemy, it is Satan I am dealing with."
I give you a mission. Satan will do everything to try to stop it.
He works in startling ways. If you are praying all day every day, how can he get in? You are not perfect. He uses cars, accidents, policemen, accidents at home, anything that would cause a severe interruption in a smooth-flowing situation. Emotions flare, thinking and feeling from the heart are blocked. All this results in his easily being able to cause division. If you knew at what hour the thief was coming, you would board up the doors and secure the locks and crevices.
But Satan needs that edge with My holy ones. He works when energy is low, when hunger is present, when you are caught off-guard, when a vehicle approaching you at the greatest speed misses you by a hair.
At certain times you are better able to handle stress. Satan picks his moments, he works through others to call at inappropriate times who cause tension and lack of concentration.
You do not realize fully how severely you are being attacked. You continue to allow him to get the upper hand because you are not taking Me seriously.
I am God, I have all the power. You will learn love and forgiveness, opening yourselves to pure, true communication. Otherwise, he will continue to get the upper hand in your lives and you will suffer for the lack of proper response on your part.
My children, I tell you My centers are gardens to bear fruit. Satan wants you to eat the forbidden fruit, not bear good fruit. He will maneuver whatever he can in your lives to get you focused on yourselves. He will try to block your rational and heartfelt decisions. He will try to get you to let your emotions flare.
So you say, "I should have known better, I should not have fallen into the snare, I will plan better the next time", and I say to you:
If you would have known when the thief was coming, would you not have secured your dwelling? Satan is like a thief, he wants to stop you. He wants you to block yourselves from the mission I have given you.
Unless you sit honestly and face the fact you are under severe attack, he will work and work with the same tactics. He will whittle you down to mere frustration and to a state of being severely upset.
You have not yet learned. When I give you a mission and you are not accomplishing the task I give you because of flaring emotions and division, Satan has become victorious over you. You have let him win in this situation.
I give you opportunities and he maneuvers events to block these opportunities.
I am unveiling secrets of dealing with him in these messages.
Satan works in old wounds. When your temper flares or you are overly sensitive, a person has poked you in a sensitive wound. You must stop and look at the situation. The party involved who may have spoken an innocent remark, rarely is the person responsible for the others adverse reaction. If you love one another and want to unveil the workings of Satan to divide you, you will talk over the situation in heartfelt love and truth, being as honest as possible with one another about your feelings. It this is impossible, come to Me and write a letter analyzing the situation and other similar situations in your present life and the past.
Let Me give you this example: It is necessary in intimate relationships to share ones feelings. I communicate in your heart and allow you to experience certain feelings. Some emotions and feelings must be looked at and shared. In some marriages and intimate relationships, the woman may wish to share her feelings. The man may stifle this. Stuffed feelings and unmet needs from childhood can cause great dysfunction. A child that was forced to stuff his feelings will have many wounds until he works out these feelings with Me and/or others who accept and love him. To have mutual love in a marriage, one must share great, joyful love experiences as well as problems involving deep feelings. To merge more and more into oneness, it is necessary to share the good times and the bad, the problems and the cares, lovingly and in truth.
If all problems are pushed under the rug, there will be a constant building of walls between the parties.
A woman who wishes to speak intimately about problems to her husband who refuses to share or listen well, is forced to live by his rules.
One cannot make another listen, but if heartfelt love is to grow and if you are to unveil the workings of Satan in relationships, there must be this sharing of feelings. Many times Satan works over and over and over again because one or both have lived their lives hiding their true feelings, thinking this is a Christian thing to do. It is not Christian to judge others' feelings when they come crying and in pain and wish to speak to you. You must try to listen, and if you truly love one another, you will help each other grow out of the imperfections that are causing the problems. The devil works in your imperfections. If you have attained a certain composure and self-confidence in containing your problems, he will jostle your spirit through a startling event and then the imperfections will surface and a disagreement or argument can easily follow.
You will be laid bare.
Luke 2:35
'and a sword will pierce your soul too--so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.'
Jesus speaks: You must work always to grow in greater purity. No one is perfect. When conflict arises between parties, it is nonsense to blame it all on one person. If the imperfections of one is a problem, the other, if they feel completely blameless, must try to help the other grow.
Q: How does my deep connection with Our Lord keep me permanently united to you in my heart even when we are not together or with others?
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
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Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (513) 932-4451
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