Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding
these messages |
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February 22nd Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 7 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for February 22nd are Sorrowful.
Pray for the publication of Blue Book V.
God's Blue Book 5
To Fr. Carter my spiritual director who aided me continually while receiving these messages and discerning them.
To Fr. Mike and Fr. Joe my great brother.
To John our beloved president of Shepherds of Christ.
To Doris Jones for her help with all the messages.
To Ellen for all her help always and typing.
To Joe Lee for his help with the music.
To our donors.
To Cathy for the cover and helping me.
To Joe and Cathy for being there when Mary appeared and I received these messages.
To my husband, Bob and my other children Carol, Sharon and my family.
To Jesus and Mary and St. Michael -- I pray.
Messenger: On October 20, 1994, I had this vision - I account it here from my notebook. That night we had the First Enthronement of the Sacred Heart at my house.
Vision - St. Peter in Chains - Before Mass
I told St. Margaret Mary how much I loved her. I had a vision of a nun to the left of the altar. She was wearing a dark habit with a white collar and in her hands was a white book. Then I thought, "Who is this, St. Therese?" I was trying to see her more clearly. I realized tonight the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart Book had a white cover. I think the nun was St. Margaret Mary. Just as I saw the vision my little son kissed me and told me he loved me. This was after the gospel while the priest was talking.
I didn't look at my son because I was seeing a vision.
Messenger: While at mass at the Cathedral, I saw a vision of St. Margaret Mary reading from a white book. This happened right before the meeting. When I drove into the driveway of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, I heard Our Lord speak, "These are My apostles of My Sacred Heart.", or something to that effect.
This is from one of Fr. Carter's books that he wrote and gave to me.
The Fifth Book
The Sacred Heart Book - His Song Book
So Deep is the Love of His HeartJesus started giving me His love songs at the beginning of the fifth book. The book began on October 1. On October 7th, He gave me the first song. He gave me almost all the songs in October. There were references in the second and third book as to how I would be given His love songs and He wanted them to spread to the world. All songs centered deeply on the love of His Most Sacred Heart.
The fifth book carried the message for the Shepherds of Christ meetings. He calls the members to such deep love with Him. He tells them over and over again they are His apostles to spread this love to the world. He tells of the "beautiful words of His Heart." He wants us to love Him in return. He asks us to write Him a love letter. He tells all how He wants His Heart to reign in their homes and their hearts. Homes need to be enthroned with the Most Sacred Heart.
October 1, 1994
God Calls Us to Love
I give you a new commandment: love one another; you must love one another just as I have loved you. John 13: 34
‘Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7: 7
Messenger: Dear Jesus, I stand at the door of Your Heart and knock to come in. I want entry - to be lost totally and entirely in Thee. I want to be sheltered inside of Your Heart and wrapped deeply in Your infinite love.
Jesus: I call you, child, to love. Love is rooted in Me. I gave My all for love of you. I held nothing back. Love gives freely for the good of the other. Love exists to draw the other closer to God. If your relationship with your brother in anyway separates you from God, it is not love.
Love is not haughty, love does not demand its own way, love exists to lead the other to closer union with Me. I loved you to My death. I gave to you My all! I ask you to give your all for your beloved brothers. In loving them, you are loving Me. I live in your brothers. How can you love Me who you do not see, if you do not love your brother who you see.
I am the way. I am the truth. I am the life. I give that you will know Me and know how to love one another. Love your brothers as I have loved you. When they persecute you and holler every evil word against you, love them. This is My way - to lay down My life for My friends.
I give you a new commandment: love one another; you must love one another just as I have loved you. John 13: 34
Messenger: And to those who heeded His words, their lives were lived in peace and love and they experienced joy in their hearts, for true love brings peace and true love gives joy to the heart of the beholder. It is in loving that you receive, it is in giving that you are rendered to and it is in following the way of Christ that we are led into a life of everlasting happiness.
Jesus: I have not gone. I live with you this day. I am in your brothers. Love them as I have loved you.
Messenger: And He sent them such blessings in such abundance and they knew a little of His unending mercy and love.
October 1, 1994
I Feed the Hungry Soul
Jesus: Another person cannot feed your hungry soul. You search, you seek. Your starved soul craves only that which I can give. When your heart is searching for love, come, My sweet dear child, into My Heart. My Mother will take you to the deepest recesses of My Heart. There you will know such comfort - in My Heart on fire for love of you this day.
You are a child of dignity. You are precious to Me. You are the creation of the Father. I gave the last drop of My blood for you. This is love - you need grace to realize the immenseness of God's love. You are so special to God, all three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Mary loves you so much.
You can never be satisfied on this earth. If you find the dearest mother, father, lover, friend, they will not fill you with the love your soul craves. To find Me is to seek Me. You will not be satisfied on this earth.
You, My child, experience longing for My intense love. I love you to want Me. This is how I long for love of each precious soul. I long for them with the most tender Heart, beating and breathing with fire. I never falter. I never grow dim. I am the same, with the same burning love. Come to Me and jump into My precious Heart. I love you so much.
October 2, 1994
You Are the Father's Creation
Jesus: I come to you in one another. Let not your hearts be hard, let your hearts be as little children, tender and pure. They do not hold grudges, they love each other, they love themselves.
You are the creation of My beloved Father. You were created with such dignity and love. I died for you. I gave My life that you would share My life. Oh, My child, pray to the Holy Spirit to open your eyes, to let you see where you are blind, to open your hearts to the ways of God. Pray to Him to sanctify you.
You are called to be Christ to one another. Your hearts have turned hard. Your ways are not My ways. My way is always to love. My ways are to give. My ways are to see in your brother the creation of the Father, so beautiful, so uniquely created.
Each child is a gift from God to this world. Each child is a gift of unique love, given by the Father. You were uniquely created. You are so loved. Pray to know your specialness to God. It is in realizing His love for you that you will love your brothers.
Messenger: We are brothers in Christ. God is our Father. We are to be one.
Jesus: Join, My little ones, in such love. It is in loving that you will be at peace. Love of each other creates joy in your hearts. Pray for the grace to know and love God more. It is in this knowledge and God's love that you will be My light that shines in the darkest night.
I am the Way, I am the Truth. I am the Life! To live in Me you must come to know and love Me. Follow My ways. My ways are the ways of truth. My ways are not always the easy way, they are the ways of love.
If you are to be joined in your hearts, you must love every man. Every man is your brother. You must put on Christ in all your ways. Would Christ act as you are acting?
I love you so much. It is in meditating on My love for you that you will love your brothers.
I put you on this earth to love one another. Pray to the Spirit to know My ways. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I truly come to bring you new life. It is in Me you will have the light of life. I love you so, the Father loves you so, the Spirit wants to live in your hearts and make you alive with the love of God. Pray to Mary to lead you through her loving heart into such love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
My child, come to My ever burning Heart. I do not love you one moment and forget you the next. I am forever burning brightly for you. I never falter. I am forever on fire for love of you. If you forget Me, I never ever forget you, I love you so much.
October 4, 1994
These Messages Need to Circulate
Jesus: My dear children, I tell you to listen to Me here. I am delivering messages for all to be read and distributed. Souls need to read these messages. Your Center will grow in love of Me when you circulate these messages. I ask. You have a free will. These are My letters of love to all. They are not being read. I deliver these messages to you to deliver to My faithful ones. Please, I beg you to circulate My messages. What more do I say to you!
This world is moving further and further from Me. I control your every breath. Do you think you are independent of He Who keeps you alive, second by second?
You do not know how truly frail you are? You do not control the air, the water, the sun, your food. You are dependent on Me for your existence, second by second.
I am your Most loving Savior. I speak to you here. Please listen to Me. This is an urgent request. I love you so and love each hurting soul. All the Blue Books have different messages. They speak to all of you. They need to be published. I will provide the funds to see to this. Your delays are stopping the progress of so many returning to My most intimate love. I beg you, please answer My plea.
October 4, 1994
Come to My Waiting Arms
Jesus: My child, My eyes are watching you. You sit in front of Me in the tabernacle where I am exposed and you kneel in front of Me. I am no less present than when I hung from the cross.
My eyes looked to the heavens above to behold the glimpses of My dear Mother under My cross. My eyes saw it all. I saw the hatred, the anger in their eyes as they came for Me to scourge Me. Such deep darkness in their souls - the bottomless pit of darkness! These eyes of Mine beheld My dear Mother, close by My side on Calvary. To see her suffering! My eyes watched as I so horribly suffered Myself. My eyes watch you, My beloved, kneel in front of Me here and know how My Heart forever beats with such love for you and you do not realize this love.
My eyes watch My beloved ones suffer so. Many sufferings made by their own willfulness to do what they choose and not what I tell them. My eyes watch My beloved ones suffer and I do not interfere with their free will. But, My eyes watch them with the same love that led Me to death on the cross.
Think of My eyes watching you. Know how I am present to you in your hearts. I am so close to you, My dearly beloved ones! If you only knew how your life depends on My constant care for you!
Your every breath is dependent on Me. Oh, little blind earth, when will you come to My waiting arms? When will you see this God Who loves you so dearly? What do I need to do to show you My love? Open up your closed hearts. Pray for grace. Come and sit with Me in front of the tabernacle. Attend the Mass. Receive communion. My grace I pour out to you to know and love Me more. If you do not come, you are missing such graces! Love your brothers. You receive graces through your good works. You will grow in your love and knowledge of Me as you cooperate with this grace I pour out to you.
Oh, little one, you need to come to Me. The devil is so strong. You need the grace I pour out to you to grow in holiness. You need the Spirit to sanctify you. Oh, I love you so. Do not give into satan to trip you up and get you focused on his nonsense. I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, am in your midst this very day and I am forever watching you.
Messenger: The eyes that watch me as I sit here with Him! He is watching me with such love! The Father is with me with such love. The Spirit is within me, moving within me to make me grow in holiness. Oh, please God, I want to grow in love and knowledge of you. I love you so much!
They constantly accused Jesus and persecuted Him with such accusations. He showed us the way. He was silent. He did not argue. They clothed Him many times and made Him change His garments. Jesus was the little innocent lamb led to the slaughter. He yielded to them, and they stripped Him and persecuted Him. He did all this for love of us. He was silent. Are we silent when satan tries to attack us through others? Does it do any good to answer an angry attack? He was silent to His death on the cross. He loved those who persecuted Him. He yielded to their treatment. He was the victim being led to the slaughter.
The Father loved us so much He gave His only Son up to death with such persecution! He loves us so much this very day. He sees the creation He has made and He loves His creation so much. We are so loved by the Father.
Jesus: I am the Way. I am the Truth. I am the Life. I am Jesus, come to you this day, exposed here in the Eucharist. I give you Myself out of such love. I yielded to all their insults and persecution that ended in My death. I remain in such love for you this day.
What more do I say to you? I love you so much. Study My passion and see the love I gave for you. Oh, dear one, you are so loved!
October 5, 1994
God the Father Loves Me
Messenger: Father, I adore You. I lay my life before you, how I love you. I have been realizing the Father's love so much this morning and the Gospel reading was on "Our Father".
Father, you created me with such tender uniqueness and love. You have a plan for my life. Father, I give myself entirely to you. I give you my life.
The concept of the Father and His tremendous love makes me feel so warm inside. He is a loving Father that created us and gave His only Son for us. He loves us so much. To realize His love and Jesus' love and the Holy Spirit's love makes my heart feel so very full and warm inside.
All the love I have yearned for seems to fill me when I realize how He is forever guarding and watching and loving and caring for me. He is my loving Father. No person on this earth can give me this paternal love as He, God, gives to me!
It is in surrendering my whole self in the Mass that I am free. I offer myself to the Father with Jesus. What a sacrifice! What freedom and love for me!
The freedom comes in living only for the love of my precious God. I act for love of my beloved Jesus. If satan tries to taunt me, I focus on why I live, I live to love Jesus, and show His love in me.
I fall so short, but I constantly keep trying to focus on the oneness of the one Triune God. God is in me. God dwelling in me gives me my peace.
Jesus stood His passion and death. He knew the Father's love. Jesus died in perfect peace! No one can ever take away my union with God. That is what gives me peace and joy - realizing the love God has for me and I have for God! Love is the answer. Love is the answer to peace and joy. Love centered in God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- Words are too weak to explain it. We are so blessed to have the love of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
A child needs love. The Father loves us so much. As the little child that sits on their Father's lap, I know the Father pours out His love to me. So many of us did not get the love we needed from our earthly fathers even though they meant to love us. The Father loves us so perfectly, our heavenly Father. He created us. God loved us so much to give us life. He made us and He loves us. He loves us with the dearest love. He loves all He creates. We are His beloved children. Go to the Father. He loves us so much.
The Our Father
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
I give myself totally over to the Father as a little child does to their father, always sure of His great love for me. Total surrender in the Mass. Jesus gave Himself as a sacrifice. I give the Father my life. I am the child, He is my loving Father. I entrust my life to my "Dad".
My beloved Father, I see Him as my Father as a little child might sit on their father's lap and put their head on the father's chest. The Father is not harsh. He is loving and approving. He loves me. He made me. He gives me His love. He accepts the love I give to Him. There is no wall, there is union. I am His beloved child. He loves me, He made me...such bonding with my beloved Father!
Jesus: You are, Rita, the child of My Father. He loves you as the most loving Father. He is God. You cannot even fathom the love He pours out to you! He wants you to be all He created you to be. He gave you so many gifts and talents to do His work. He wants you to use these talents and do His work, His plan, He makes clear to you in your heart. As a child that follows their parent's commands, you are not happy when you do not follow His will. He loves you so much. He wills what is best for you.
And you, My little one, will be with Him some day in such union in heaven. Today you must pray to grow in His love. It is the key to your peace and joy. It is in realizing His plan and His love that you will have this great peace inside, He dwells within your heart. Turn to Him always, your beloved Father - He loves you so much!
Messenger: To think of the love of the Holy Spirit, I want to cry. It fills me so much. I am engulfed in such fullness. To ponder the love of the Holy Spirit makes me feel so full in my love for God the love I have for the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I feel overwhelmed to the point of tears. I feel His life burning inside of me as if I could burst. I am filled with such love I cannot express it, I am filled ----
Think of Mary when she cried out the Magnificat and when the Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost!
The presence of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit within me make me want to shout for joy. This is the Good news: Jesus has died, He has risen. God lives: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in our hearts, with such love this very day! This is what it is all about. This is what we live for. This is what we die for. This is the one, Triune God within us. What shouts of exultation for Their presence within. God is with us - we know God in one another and in His creation.
Jesus: You will know peace, love and joy as you grow in your knowledge and love of the one, Triune God. Such fullness, through Mary!
Messenger: I feel as if I am flying high with Their immense love within me. To know God is to love God. He is love. The Holy Spirit sets me on fire, our Blessed Lady takes me to her Son. Impart to me, Oh Spirit, your love and the Fire of this love, active and alive within my very soul! I know God within me, I know God's burning love within my very soul.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
October 6, 1994
A Song From Jesus
Jesus: I came as a little child. I was born that you would have life. I came as a little child. I lived. I loved. I preached. I showed you the way. My Mother cared for Me and all My needs. St. Joseph raised Me as a father who cared for his child.
Messenger: I came. I find joy and peace in love. I must love all my brothers. Who am I that God loves me? The more I focus on His love, the greater my peace. I must feel His presence within me at all times. I must let Him operate me when I am with others.
Messenger: A Song from Jesus was given October 7, 1994.
On October 7, 1994, Jesus told me to write a song to be sung after Communion for a Mass at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center on October 8, 1994. I told Him I couldn't write music. He said, "You will not do it, I will." My daughter and I sat at the piano bench and in five minutes Jesus gave me the words and music to A Song from Jesus. This is His love song to you.
October 8, 1994
You Should Do All Things with Love
Messenger: This message was given the day after I received A Song from Jesus.
Jesus: Whatever you do, you should do with much love. I come, little one and I teach you such lessons. Some lessons you do not see. I teach you again and again, with much grace. You begin to see My work I have for you to do. Pray for the grace to know and love Me more. It is in your union with Me you will find such peace. As your love grows for God and Mary, your love grows for others. You cannot love Me and hate your brother. I call you to new life. I call you to oneness with Me.
I am Jesus, the Son of God. Surrender your whole being, offer yourself as a sacrifice, whole and complete, to the Father at every Mass. Offer Him all you are, your love and good works. Offer yourself wholly and completely with My Body and Blood - this is the most pleasing sacrifice to the Father.
Every day offer yourself to the Father in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass being offered around the world for all your intentions. Say the Morning Offering with your children. Pray and offer your day so you will know and love God more.
Do not let Satan talk in your head. Always love your brothers. See the God Who created them when you talk to them. See the love the Father has for them. See My love to die for them. See the Spirit Who wants to be alive in them. Do not give in to Satan.
I am in charge. I support you. I love you. I watch out for you. I am the Almighty God. You do nothing on your own. Your brother depends on Me. Realize your frailties. Praise your Father in heaven lavishly. Praise God. We want to be praised by you!
I am your beloved Jesus and I love you so much.
October 9, 1994
Be Christ to Each Other
Jesus: My little one, be of a clean heart. Be with Me. You must take time to be with Me. My love is surrounding you. You do not fear. I am Jesus. I am your Savior. You live to love God and do the will of the Father.
I am forever with you. All you do must be acts of love. Put on Me. In all your actions, put on Me. Love, love, love. Interior peace comes from God dwelling within you.
Put on Christ. Be Christ to one another. Be as I would be to your brothers. You are My blessed one. Do not fear. Just put on Christ. Be so connected to the God Who lives within. Total peace. Total love. Total presence. We are at the helm.
As you operate with others, be Christ to each other. Love one another. Your heart must be forever connected to Me. Feel My presence within your heart. I dwell within you now. Easy does it. I am dwelling within you. You are living to love God, to serve God in this world, to be Christ to others as We dwell in you.
Each person you encounter is very dear to Me and I love them so. Love them. See My beautiful creation in them. See Me loving them so much. See beyond the negative acts. This person is My beautiful creation.
I am the God of Jacob, of Joseph, of all your ancestors. I talk to you here. Do not worry. Do not fret. Put Satan behind you and let My love come forth to this world.
Calm, peace, joy, love always. If you always love, you have peace and joy. I am Jesus, come to Me, My sweet ones. I live in you, live in My love. Alleluia, Alleluia.
October 11, 1994
(Messenger: I saw a vision in my heart of a little wet child standing by a tree in the storm in a dark night. Just a little light, enough to see the child.)
Jesus: You are this little child. You are in the storm. The wind and the rain are beating down on you. You are cold. You are wet, as wet as you can be. You stand by a tree and the wind beats against you and the rain pounds harder.
My child, My child, there is such shelter in My most Sacred Heart. Come into My Heart, child. You will be protected from the wind that blows so hard on you. You will be out of the rain. It may pound down all around you, but your refuge is found in My Heart. My Heart is a burning furnace of love. See yourself, little child, stand by the tree and whimper and you want to go it alone? Let My Mother lead you by the hand. You, little child, come with Mary, your Mother. Let her take you to the shelter of My Heart.
I am the Way; I am Truth and Life.... John 14:6
There is not life without Me. My life I give to you that you will have life and have it abundantly. Today I give you My very own Heart on fire for love of you. Come to Me through Mary's pure and tender Heart. We will shelter you in the darkest storm.
Messenger: When I am filled up with Your love, Lord, I do not whimper as a little child. I am filled with love and peace and joy. Take me, Mary, to the Heart of your very dear Son and place me there forever in a little pocket surrounded by His ardent love. I want to be lost deeply in the recesses of this Heart. How deep do you place me in His Heart? I want to be surrounded by the immense love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit and know, Mary, you are so closely united in this Heart!
This is the comfort in the dark, windy, wet night. This is my refuge. This is my life. This is the closest I can come to heaven on earth - to be united in such love with the Trinity and Mary!
Help me to let go of it all and come as a little child, running from the rain to the warmest shelter. A roaring fire, warmth, dry clothes and light - the light radiated by the Heart of Jesus. In the darkness I find my light in You. Alleluia. Praise God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Love to my beloved Mother. This is bliss.
Song: I am Your Sacred Heart
October 11, 1994
Surrender to Me
Jesus: I call you to love. I call you to love as I have loved. To grow in the life I have given you, you must be open to receive My grace and you must comply with the will of the Father.
I pour out to you such gifts of My love. I want to share My life with you. I love you so dearly. Each one of you here is so precious to Me.
Know that I never leave you. Satan will constantly tell you that what you feel when you are close to Me is not so. What you feel, this drawing to be ever closer to Me, is real!
I am Jesus, your Savor. I truly died for you. I would die for you this very day. I gave My flesh! I gave My Blood! I give Myself to you - no less present this day as the day I died on the cross.
I am Jesus. I am your Savior. I am in your midst this very day. I come to you and ask you to trust in Me. I ask you to surrender yourselves entirely. Surrender yourselves entirely to the Father at every Mass. Offer yourselves with My precious Body and Blood to the Father.
My song, A Song From Jesus was given 4 days before this message.
Song: A Song From Jesus
Messenger: Hold not back. He loves you so much. He created you. He molded each of you as a special work of art into the beautiful creation you each are. There is not another person like you. There is not another person that can love God as you do. There is not another person that can give to this world what He created you to do. If you hold back yourself, your love from Him and this world, the world will suffer from the loss of your gifts.
Jesus: You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill will shine with the light of God's love through you. You will reflect the love of My burning Heart from your being.
Song: Let your light shine for all the world to see. All will see the good you do and give your Father praise.
October 11, 1994
Father Forgive Them, They Know Not What They Do
Jesus: When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, He fills you with the fire of God's love. Do not be angered at any man. To be angry destroys your peace, your love. You cannot love and be angry. Put your problems at the foot of the cross and offer them to the Father with My precious Body and Blood. Stand there with Mary. Offer up your troubles to the Father with love. Let Him dissolve your problems.
Love mends. I loved those who crucified Me. Is your anger more justified? I loved them. Love is forgiveness and caring for the other. Forgive your brother. Pray for him and his needs.
Messenger: It is in giving that we receive. We are raised to deeper life in Him. We must love God and love one another.
Jesus: Come to Me. Sit with Me in front of the tabernacle and let Me mend your hurt heart. Receive Me in the Eucharist and be healed. It is only in Me that you find peace, love and joy. I give you a new commandment -- love one another as I have loved you. Do you fight with your brothers or do you think thoughts of how they have wronged you? Do you not hear Me say, "To enter heaven, you must love. Love God above all things and love your neighbors as yourself?"
Oh, listen, My little ones. Peace in your heart is found only in love. Listen to Me. Pray for your brothers. Pray to the Father through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Pray to the Spirit to help you silence satan. Pray united to the Mass. Cast satan into hell, bind him up and send him away. Pray the rosary. It is a weapon against him. He hates the rosary. He will try to stop you from praying.
Your brothers need love. I want to love through you. Will you answer My call to love the unloving? Will you see beyond the exterior of your brother to the person created by God the Father?
Why, children, do I tell you over and over again? You are like little children that need to learn. I am your teacher. You are going to My school to learn My lessons of love. Are you realizing what I am calling you to? Do you try to act as I showed you? To My death, I loved those who crucified Me. I came, I showed you the way. Meditate on My life. It is through Me that you will be led to happiness.
I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life. I am Jesus, the Son of God. I love you with the deepest love. I came to call you to love your brothers. Will you answer My call?
Come to the endless furnace of love found in My Heart. I love you so much!
October 12, 1994
Father, I Give Myself
Messenger: Lord, let me die to myself, let me go to the pure heart of Mary so I can say, it is no longer I who live, but He who lives in me. You gave Your all for love of us. I give to You, my beloved Lord, myself, placed lovingly in the arms of Your Mother. I give my life to You to love Your beloved ones.
Song: "Dream the Impossible Dream, Until I Am Laid to My Rest."
There is peace in surrender.
Yes, God so loved the world
that he gave his only Son,
that whoever believes in him may not
but may have eternal life.
—Jn 3:16.Messenger: He shows us surrender. Look at Him laying lifeless in His Mother's arms under the cross. His dead body. He showed us the way to surrender!
Messenger: Let me be forever wrapped in the arms of Your loving Mother, as she wrapped You under the cross, Lord. I give myself totally and entirely to You. Father, I give myself to You. Please accept my sacrifice. I want to live in You, Lord, for You, Lord, and with You, Lord.
See Jesus laying in the arms of His dear Mother under the cross. This was the will of the Father. Jesus died for us and rose on the third day. Jesus knew the Father's love. The Father loved us so much to give His only Son for us. Jesus loved us so much to die for us. The Holy Spirit loves us. Look at Him under the cross:
The Father to give His Son.
The Son to die for us.
The Spirit loves us so much and
Mary is our beloved Mother.
October 12, 1994
To His Death He Did the Father's Will
Messenger: Think of her holding Him under the cross — total surrender to the point of death. He gave the last beat of His Heart.
Does He ask us for little things? Do we want to do the Father's will? He showed us how He obeyed the Father's will — look at Him, lifeless in Mary's arms. This is doing His Father's will — this is knowing the Father's love. This is me seeing Jesus and knowing His love for us. He died for us — the Father's love for us — He gave His Son!
Jesus: This is My life, given up for you, My beloved ones. I am Jesus, I am your Savior, I am Who Am and I gave Myself. I did the will of the Father I died for love of you.
Do you know Me? Study My ways. I come to show you the way. I did the Father's will. Do you follow His will? I came to show you the way. I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life. I love you. I died for you. Live to love. Love those I died for. Don't say no, I want you to love your brothers for Me. Your mission is to love more than anything and do the Father's will. To My death I loved My attackers. You love those who are cruel. They are the creation of My Father, they are precious to Me. Live to love, My dear ones. You are so loved by Me.
My dear ones, I love you, as a warm bath. I bathe you with My love. Feel the warmth surround you. Feel this security and know My love.
I am your ardent lover, on fire for love of you, this day.
Song: A Song From Jesus
How do we grow in peace?
Peace comes from doing the Will of the Father.
Peace comes from dying to self.
Peace comes in loving God — in living for
His love and not for ourselves.We are so special to God. He created us. We do not need to prove ourselves. We are special because the Father created us.
Peace comes with realizing the Father's will.
When I resist His will, I am unhappy. I must do always the Father's will to be happy.Christ had perfect peace, even to dying on the cross.
No matter what they did to Him, He accepted it. He knew the Father's will. He knew the Father's love.
Spirit, help me to know you more and love you more. I am thirsty for the love of God. Fill me with your gifts.
Song: God's Love
Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
My dear fellow Associate Members,
Jesus is calling special apostles to join a new division of the Shepherds of Christ Movement. Here is a message from Jesus given to Father Carter:
My beloved priest-companion, I am requesting that a new prayer movement be started under the direction of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I am asking for volunteers who are willing to pray before the Blessed Sacrament for one hour, twice-weekly. Members of the Shepherds of Christ prayer chapters, as well as others, are to be invited to join this movement.
These apostles are to pray for the intentions I am giving you. For part of the hour they are to use the prayers of the Shepherds of Christ Associates Handbook. They may spend the rest of the hour as they so choose.
I will use this new prayer movement within My Shepherds of Christ Ministries in a powerful way to help in the renewal of My Church and the world. I will give great graces to those who join this movement. The name, Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, is to be given to this movement.
I am inviting My beloved Rita Ring to be coordinator for this activity.
I pour out the great love of My Sacred Heart to all. I am Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock.
This is indeed a special calling for us to unite in one heart with His Eucharistic Heart and pray for the following intentions:
- For the spread of the devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary culminating in the reign of the Sacred Heart and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
- For the Pope.
- For all bishops of the world.
- For all priests.
- For all sisters and brothers in the religious life.
- For all members of the Shepherds of Christ Movement, and for the spread of this movement to the world.
- For all members of the Catholic Church.
- For all members of the human family.
- For all souls in purgatory.
end of Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart message
October 12, 1994
You Are Very Dear to Me
Jesus: I am the Lord, your God. You shall not have any gods before Me, not man, not possessions, not yourself. I want to be first in your life. You ask Me for greater union, union is achieved through surrendering to self, of yielding to the will of God. You cannot surrender and hold on at the same time. Let go and it will carry you deeper into My loving arms. There is nothing that happens that I do not allow. I am allowing this for a reason. Through your compliance to the Father's will, through your surrender, you are drawn closer to My Heart.
You, My child, are very dear to Me. I guard your life. You give yourself to the Father, to the Holy Spirit, to Me, to Mary, then let go. Do not ever be angry at your brothers. They are My precious ones. See in their eyes the creation of the Father! Pray for a pure heart. Pray to be sanctified through the Spirit. Pray for this holiness.
Life is not easy. To get to heaven you must walk a narrow path, with bumps along the way. Will you walk over the rocks and still love? This is the test - to be so rooted in Me you will walk with love, always!
It is in your trials you learn to love always, all your brothers, even when you feel you have been wronged and hurt. I am Jesus. I love you so much. Surrender and be drawn closer to My Heart. You offer yourself, then fight to let go? Give your all. See Me as I died on the cross, I gave all My Blood. I gave the last beat of My Heart! I treat you so gently. You surrender. Be thankful for all the blessings you have, this very day.
The Eucharist is such a gift I give you. This day, I, Jesus, give you Myself. Such love I pour out to you. It offends Me to see you so focused on other things, I am God and I give you a heart on fire for love of you and you balk. Oh, child, union with Me is dying to oneself. Consecration is a giving of yourself. Give and you will receive. It is in your surrendering to Me and My ways that the Father can mold you into His special creation. You will be tested in fire and you will come forth My specially molded child. I am Jesus, come to Me and be free!
October 12, 1994
Jesus Loved Those Who put Him to Death
Messenger: You loved those who persecuted You. You loved those who put You to death. You said nothing, You were silent. You love all souls unconditionally, no matter what their sins. You love all men. You see the creation of the Father behind their faults. You love them despite their faults.
Who am I to not love every man? My job is to love and obey You and Your will.
Jesus: My little child, you will grow. You will prosper in My love, I never leave you. I am forever with you, guarding your way. All I send you is in greatest love. Draw close to My Heart. I love you so much.Song: A Song From Jesus
October 14, 1994 - After CommunionCirculate These Rosary Meditations
And Mary said:
My soul proclaims
the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit rejoices
in God my Saviour;
because he has looked upon
the humiliation of his servant.
Yes, from now onwards
all generations will call me blessed,
for the Almighty
has done great things for me.
Holy is his name,
and his faithful love extends age after age
to those who fear him.
He has used the power of his arm,
he has routed the arrogant of heart.
He has pulled down princes
from their thrones
and raised high the lowly.
He has filled the starving with good things,
sent the rich away empty.
He has come to the help
of Israel his servant,
mindful of his faithful love
—according to the promise
he made to our ancestors—
of his mercy to Abraham
and to his descendants for ever Luke 1: 46-55Messenger: It is the love of the Spirit which I am filled with after communion. He is alive in my breast. I love Him so very much. To receive Jesus, I want to jump for joy as the child in Elizabeth's womb jumped for joy.
God Is Within Me — Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
The presence of God fills my soul. God is here. Alleluia! Who am I that He comes to me, a lowly person? His love is so great for us to give us Himself. Live the Mass, the whole day should be centered around you partaking in the Mass. It is a gift of self, wholly and entirely to the Father.
Father, I surrender myself to you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, wholly and entirely. The Spirit fills me and my heart is on fire for the one, true God alive within me. My heart is so filled with the presence of the one, triune God. The love I have for the Holy Spirit and He has for me fills my soul to jubilation.
Oh, God, impart to me a constant realization of Your presence so I can forever feel this fire that burns within my heart for you. Such awareness and feelings in my chest for God! He fills our souls and sets our hearts aglow with the fire of His love. God is ever present within us. He never leaves. Help me to always feel so keenly, this interior awareness of the Trinity. My heart is on fire with His presence and His love.
Jesus: I call you to suffer with Me. Suffer with Me in love — this is what draws you closer to Me. Promote the rosary and the meditations on it. People pray the rosary and are missing Our lives. They do not think about Our lives. Teach the meditations to all, spread them, so they will be led by the Spirit to ponder the mysteries of Our lives. Do not listen to Satan. I am calling you to spread this devotion and to entwine My love for all with the mysteries of the rosary. I am calling you to spread devotion to the Eucharist in the rosary. The rosary is a key to living according to the lives of Christ and Mary. I want you to promote the rosary and promote meditations on the rosary. If they learn one set of meditations, the Spirit will expound on those to lead them closer to My Heart through My Mother's Heart.
I want you to circulate these meditations and lead the rosary this way. Tell them to learn them so they can later meditate on them and grow in their love of God. It is through Me and Mary's tender Heart that you, being led by the Spirit, will grow in your union with all three Persons of the Trinity. I am calling you this day to take this job so seriously. This will lead souls to love of God.
I am your loving Savior. Every day My children should carry one picture of the stations or rosary with them and meditate on that during the day. Look at the picture and think about it. The Spirit will lead you into deeper knowledge of the lives of Jesus and Mary. I am Jesus. I want My people to know the great love My Mother and I have for them. The rosary is the key to meditating on My Life. The stations will lead them into deeper understanding of My Passion and love for them.
Every day should be spent in union with the Mass, being offered throughout the world. Your day should center around your participation in the Mass. Your day is a constant surrendering of your will to the Father. It should be lived in constantly giving yourself to the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Mary. In the Mass you should surrender yourself and offer yourself with Me, wholly and entirely, to the Father. This is the high point of your day - your sacrificing of yourself entirely to Him, being in union with Me in the Holy Eucharist. I come to you and we are one in this Sacrament. Your day should be a preparation for this event. Your life, centered around receiving Me in the Eucharist.
I never leave you. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell within you at all times in a special way if you are in the state of grace. Constantly focus on My interior presence within you. Within this lies your peace. I never leave you. I will never abandon you. What have you to fear? I am your God.
My presence surrounds you. I am in your beloved brothers. Be Christ to one another. Live in My love as I live in you. Do not falter or become afraid. Do not give in to Satan to trip you up. My presence surrounds you in each other and in your world. In the air, the sun, the leaves, the sky, in My creation! Be attuned to My Life, My presence surrounding you. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God, I give you this message. Heed My words and you will know peace and joy. I love you intently. I am on fire for love of you this moment.
Messenger: High feelings of love, overwhelmed with the love of the Trinity. Intellectual vision — something really special. I praise you Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I understood a little when Mary received the Magnificat and was filled with the Spirit. The Spirit fills me. I understood this mystery as I did the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. The spirit permeates my being.
It is in suffering that I am comforted. He who suffered and died for us asks us to share in His suffering. Meditate on one station a day, carry a picture with you.
October 14, 1994 - During the Rosary on Friday Night
As Mary appeared at the 6:30 daily prayers
Messenger: I got a message on the rosary. Mary was so lighted up and the roses were so strong - so strong, everybody smelled them, especially on the 6th sorrow - so strong - it was the strongest yet and Mary was so beautiful.
October 15, 1994
Hearts of Hatred and Anger
Jesus: Think how it is to have someone point a finger at you. They came at Me with their weapons and lances. They had hearts filled with hatred and anger. I did not answer back, I complied always to the will of the Father. Can you love he who points his finger at you and talks cruelly about you? They stood around in numbers and shouted awful accusations at Me. All I had done was to love all. Are you accused and treated cruelly when you are trying to be Christ-like? Look at Me and follow My way.
Messenger: Gentle Jesus show me your ways. The face reflects the heart. Jesus' face is so gentle, men with hardened hearts reflect their heart in their eyes and face.
Saw from the side a face, long hair, stringy, mouth wide open excruciating pain. What stood out was the open mouth -- the hair over the cheek -- crown of thorns. How wide His mouth was open.
Jesus: I did this for you, this is the love I have for you, this is the love I have this day. I knew the Father's love for Me.
I am your God, pray to your heavenly Father to know His great love for you.
Messenger: My prayers rise like incense to the Father.
His eyes cast upward with such love to the Father.
Doing His will to His last breathe.
October 15, 1994
As Mary appeared at the 6:30 daily prayers
Messenger: Went to Holy Spirit Center with my children at first it was locked.
Saw Mary, she looked so alive, prayed, I received messages! Mary was lit up all through the rosary. She was so lighted when I received the messages. I smelled roses 3 times. Also I smelled them at different times during the day.
Mary stayed with me and the children a long time. So, so beautiful - looked so alive. Mary said she loved me and the children.
SO ALIVE! At the Holy Spirit Center Jesus appeared to me in the Sacred Heart statue as you enter in the hall. He had different faces. Birds chirped so loud this morning.
October 16, 1994 - Feast of Margaret Mary - 4: 45am
Always Love
Messenger: No matter what you have done, my brother to me or my children, I must forgive and live only to love. I see Him under the cross in Mary's arms. He loved, He never lost His peace. His Heart pierced with a lance. He gave His all. She gave her all, to do the will of the Father and to love.
Jesus: Love when they hate you, it is a great act of love when you love those who hate you and holler slander against you.
Trust Fr. Carter totally.
I am the way, the truth and the life. I never ever leave you abandoned. Focus on Our great love. No person can ever take away the burning love you have in your breast.
Love, Love, Love. Show no anger for any misdeed. Love your child and show them My way. Your child is very special to Me and will suffer much, but will learn the lessons your child needs to learn to do My great work.
Spend time talking and being with your child. I am Jesus, I am the Son of God, your face must reflect your deep love for Me. Put on the face of love, deep, deep love of God. My face was gentle because I loved. Love and total surrender to the Father's will. You are being guarded.
Messenger: My interior love for the Holy Spirit is overwhelming. I just love God so much. I cried so hard tonight in church, I want to be so united to God -- Such longing to be united to Jesus and Mary - there is this longing. I wanted Jesus so much and I love Him. I just love Him so very much. I keep seeing the pictures Christ condemned to death, Christ under the cross, Christ carrying the cross. It was not an accident I received Christ carrying the cross yesterday. He knew the Father's love. Jesus was doing the Father's will.
Mary suffered so always doing the Father's will, Mary received a crown in heaven.
October 16, 1994
Mary Queen of Heaven and Earth
Messenger: We meditate on Mary going up to heaven and being crowned. All she suffered, all she silently endured with greatest love. She showed us the way, she was humble, she was always there, she was more in the background. She was with Jesus. Mary always did the will of God. God loved Mary so much to pick her. Mary was taken up to heaven, she was crowned Queen of heaven and earth.
Mary was clothed as the sun, the moon under her feet and twelve stars around her head.
Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. Revelation 12: 1
Messenger: Mary suffered so, she did the Father's will always. Mary loved. Mary was so beautiful. Her love made her more beautiful. Mary knew the love of God. She knew the love of the Father and Jesus and Holy Spirit. I love God so much and I am filled with God's love, it is that, that sustains me. Though the earth be shaken and the sun cease to shine, the love of God interiorly will sustain us.
Jesus knew the Father's love, see Him under the cross, in Mary's arms. Mary knew the Father's love - see Mary holding Jesus.
Messenger: Father please help me to know your love. I love you so much. Spirit, I feel your love so alive in my heart, I love you so much, I feel Your love so strong within me. Mary always knew the love of her spouse the Holy Spirit, burning and on fire. The love of the Holy Spirit burns within my breast, His fire is aglow and radiant. I feel His gifts in my life. God is all powerful. I feel God's presence in me. I know His life within me. God's life enabling me to act for the love of God. His love is not inactive, but active, alive within me. Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out the Magnificat. The Apostles received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. God's presence pervades my soul and fills me and fills my very being. I am wrapped in the fire of His love, active and alive within my soul.
Oh Spirit, I love you so much, I love you and Jesus and Mary and the Father. I love you so much, I am elated at your presence within me. Your love permeates my soul! ALIVE, FIRE!! EXPLODING inside of me. God's life is alive in me. LOVE!
Song: Your Presence Pervades My Soul
October 16, 1994 - 6:00 pm
I Love the Wounds of Jesus
Messenger: I love Jesus so much, so much love for Him and suffering over how He suffered. I feel so connected to the events of the passion, Jesus on the cross. I feel so connected with Mary and Jesus under the cross, such connection with Them and such burning love for Him and such sadness to the events. I love Him so much. I love His wounded body so much, His precious head and His hands and feet and His side. I just love Him so much. I love His beautiful Heart pierced with a lance.
October 16, 1994 - After Communion
Experience More Deeply God's Love
Messenger: He gave Himself on the cross. He gives Himself to us now. He, God is no less present than when He died on the cross. He comes to me in such oneness. God comes to me and gives Himself to me. The Spirit is the fire of God's love. The more I get in touch with the Spirit, my heart is on fire and burning with the love of God. The Spirit adds the fire to my heart for this intense love I have for Jesus. I love Him so much.
To know Jesus is to love because He is love. I cannot know Jesus and not love you. Harboring anger in our hearts blocks our deep union with God. I must forgive. I act in love. I do not wish to block my union with God. God is love. To be deeply united to God I must be loving. The more my heart is filled with dissention, the further I go from Him. To unite in His love deeply, I must try to free my heart and be loving to men.
I cannot be likened to Him Who is love if I am not loving. To be united to Him, I must let go of hate and anger and forgive. God comes to us and wants us to be joined in deepest love with Him.
Jesus: I am the way, the truth and the life. I come to you in the deepest love. I want to be so closely united to you. Rid yourself of impurities so I can be one with you. I am love. I want to be so close to you. Your impurities block My oneness with you. Oh, beloved of My dear Father, I loved you to My death. Open up your heart and feel the fire of My love. I want to pour Myself out to you and become so united to you. It is you, your impurities, that block My union with you. Open your hearts to the fire of My love. I give you Myself, this day. I, God, come to you. Oh beloved, let go and be so close to Me, so in love with Me! I am love and I want to be united in this love with you. What a gift — your feeble minds cannot fathom. I love you so.
October 17, 1994 - 5:15 a.m.
Pray from the Heart
Messenger: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. We say the words in the Creed. Do we think about the words in the Creed?
Do we say our prayers as if we are in a race? We are talking to God. How do we talk to one another, like machines? How can I get in touch with my heart when I am racing to say my prayers? If I was talking to a celebrity I would plan my every word so carefully and worry for its delivery. Here is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Here is God, maker of heaven and earth and how do we approach Him?
Jesus: From the heart, My dear sweet ones. I want prayer from a heart filled with the tenderest love. This is a love affair with Me. Speak softly to Me and whisper your love. Profess your love lavishly in your voice. I love you so. Do you have any idea how I suffered from the coldness of men's hearts? I was rejected by so many souls and I love so perfectly. I am love. In My love I give to you. I am not received with love by many.
I give you My very Self in Communion. I love you so much. Pray with a heart on fire for love of Me. The time lingers when you are in love, there is not a rush, you never want to leave.
Come with a heart that is overflowing with love for Me. I wait for you to come to Me and love Me. I want a love affair with you, My beloved. I want to be the center of your life. My Heart burns for you. I want your hearts to burn in love for Me. Is anything more important than exchanging love with God? I am the tender lover. I will give you love as no mortal can. I feed your starved soul. I await you with anxious arms. Oh, My beloved, do not treat Me coldly or indifferently or hurriedly, or neglect Me all together. My Heart cries out for your love. Come and share your all, your whole being with Me. Let go of your world. When you pray, let go and experience a closeness that you never knew. I will give you My love. This is heaven.
Messenger: I adore You, Jesus, I adore You. You are my most beloved Jesus. (Everybody was excited about a speaker coming because he talks to Mary, but ...Jesus is here every day, all day. Go to the real King. Jesus sits on His throne in the tabernacle. He is truly present at every Mass...the Father and Holy Spirit are there ... they are with us!)
Jesus: Come to My tabernacle and adore Me. I am God, no less present than when I walked on Calvary. I am the Son of God.
Messenger: Father, keep our hearts focused on Your love, Your will, on You. I lift my eyes to the heavens, whence comes my refuge and my strength. My Father is there, Alleluia! I love You, Father. You created me, You gave me life and You gift me with Your love. You gave Your only Son so that I could have life with You. Thank You, Father. You are love. You are He Who is. I want to be united to You, through Your Son, in union with the Holy Spirit and with Mary at my side.
It is presence that is the key. I have felt His presence with me and He speaks to me. I have felt closer than with anyone else, because I love Him so much and crave it. He is present, now. I want a constant awareness of His presence, He never leaves. He is forever with us. His presence pervades my very being. I am never alone. His presence to me now after Communion is so strong. I don't want to do anything but be with Him. My heart feels His presence as a burning love. When I think of the Holy Spirit and Father and Mary, my heart is so full. When I think of the Holy Spirit in relation to Jesus and the Father throughout the day, I still feel this presence.
This is what He felt when He endured His bitter Passion, only much more -- the Father's presence ( He is one with Him), the Father's love! And He says to us this day, I love you as the Father has loved Me. He waits to give us this love this day.
Look at Him hanging on the cross. He is no less present this day in the Eucharist, giving Himself to us again in such love.
Father, I adore You, I love You!
Jesus, I adore You, I love You!
Holy Spirit, I adore You, I love You!
Father forgive them they know not what they do. His mercy flows through Jesus' most Sacred Heart. Your love, oh God, the Father, poured out through Jesus, in the Holy Spirit!
Any hatred for myself blocks my union with God. Help me, Jesus, to see myself as the divine creation of the Father, to realize with humility my failings, but to never lose sight of my preciousness to the Father and His great love for me. Help me to unite more and more to You.
Holy Spirit, sanctify my soul and make it holier so I can better unite with my beloved God. Give me the grace to know and love Him ever more. Into Your hands I commend my spirit. I surrender my all to you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In humility, I give myself to you and hope you accept my sacrifice. I am Your creation. You are what makes me special - it is in You I have such dignity and honor.
Dear Lord, how many times did I nail You to the cross? Your Mother stood by and watched her beloved Son suffer so. She helplessly watched, oh, agony to the heart! But, You, Jesus, knew the Father's love and in Your great pain, Your eyes were fixed on doing His Will. Your Heart was one in His love.
Make me one in my love with the Father, through your great love, in union with the Holy Spirit and in Mary's heart, lead me to this most magnificent union. I crave greater union with Thee. Impart to my heart purity, holiness, sanctity to better unite with You. Create in me, oh God, a pure heart, free of anything that keeps me from You. Give me a heart of love for my brothers. Make my face reflect Your love, shining to my brothers. I want to serve You, Lord. Give me a pure and gentle heart like Yours. Help me to grow more and more like You in my ways. Spirit, mold me in the Heart of Jesus, my most beloved Savior. I love Him so much!
October 17, 1994 - After Communion
Fr. Carter's Mass
Messenger: I want to be in this ecstatic state! I want such intense union with Him. My heart burns in my chest. To just be with Him, total surrender, fusion, wrapped in His love. Rapture, no words to express the way I feel. Nothing here is like this.
This Mass was so special and yesterday was like a little experience of heaven to me. This is a taste of heaven, there is so much more to behold union with God. I just want to sit after communion and let go, be lost totally in His Heart - deep, deep, deep, just be in Him.
October 18, 1994
My Love Letter to You
Jesus: I am your Savior. I beckon you to please come to Me in the Blessed Sacrament. Put your world aside. I am truly Jesus and I am waiting for you. I love you so much. Please come and sit with Me. My Heart cries out for you to come. This day I long for you so intently. Oh, My beloved ones, your soul is craving Me. Do you see how created things do not satisfy you? You were created for God and He alone will satisfy you.
Come to Me in your weariness and let Me love you. Your impurities and doubts keep you from Me. Be pure, let go of any anger at your brother, of making yourself right and him wrong. Forgive now all who have wronged you.
Let go. I will give you My grace now in your hearts if you earnestly let go. Let go. Experience freedom. Put your heart in My Heart. Ask My Mother to deeply place you there. Be with Me in such union now. I love you all. Thank you for being with Me today. I am your precious Jesus. I love you.
October 18, 1994 - After Communion
Messenger: I was in the dentist office and Mary was so present and she talked to me. I am closely united to Mary. She talked to me. It was so real. I did not experience any of what the dentist was doing!
Then, Jesus came and He was so present. My heart still feels this presence to talk about it - it was so strong! It was a beautiful experience. I went to the dentist to have a tooth drilled, to be capped, and it was a wonderful experience because they were present to me.
Messenger: Jesus was nailed to the cross. He was crucified, but He had peace. He knew the Father's love. His presence was forever with Him. As I write this, I feel flutters of His presence in my chest. There is such a presence after communion. I want to go off and be alone with Him. I feel it so much, it is accentuated by the awareness of the Holy Spirit and the Father, and Mary — such fullness to think about Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Father, and Mary!
His presence after communion pervades my soul. If the whole earth splits under my feet, it is the presence that will sustain me. O, Spirit, impart to me the fire of God's love!
The presence I feel is like being with someone you really love, that feeling of something in your heart. Some feeling in my heart as when you are with someone you deeply love, except nothing I can say describes it.
Jesus: Presence is the word - My Presence. My child, you do not talk about it. You have it within your very heart, a burning of My love for you. Do you experience that which you cannot describe? This is My divine life I give to you. You share in My life in union with Me. Focus intently on this. When you do the dishes, know My Presence. Be drawn constantly into My Heart and Mary’s Heart.
Take shelter in Our Hearts. I want you to dwell within My most Sacred Heart. Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection. Read My promises, live your life focusing on My most Sacred Heart. Realize the great love My Mother has for you. Her Heart knows your heart. She loves you so much. Consecrate your lives to our Hearts and promote this devotion. Our Hearts are the key to draw you into the love of God.
Oh, little one, My heart is the tenderest, most loving Heart. I want My Heart to reign in your heart, in your home and in your family.
I am Jesus, the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am burning for love of you. Come into My Heart, out of the wind and the rain and you will know peace and joy. As the Father has loved Me, so I love you. I love you this way, this day. It was His love that I knew all through My Passion. Focus on God's love and presence with you.
Song: Your Presence Pervades My Soul
October 19, 1994
Enthronement of the Sacred Heart
(To be read by leader or family member)
We are gathered here to honor our King, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is our most honored guest. He loves us so ardently and wants to be King of our home and King of our hearts. We all join together and most graciously welcome Him in our midst. We love You, dear Sacred Heart of Jesus. We honor You this day and are privileged that You, God, love us so much.
Please help us all grow in our knowledge and love of You. We honor You. We praise You. We adore You, and we love You.
We ask You to come and dwell in our hearts. As our King and the center of our lives, we forever want to be with You, most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we love You so much.
Come and be with every member of this family in a special way. Guard us in our undertakings. Dear Holy Spirit, lead us to the on-fire love of Jesus' Heart.
Mary, our most loving Mother, as you carried Jesus in your womb, you who cared for Him as a child, you who forever stood by Him and walked with Him on Calvary, you, dear Mary, as you stood under His cross and suffered so for love of Him and us, you who held His lifeless body under the cross, you who saw His glorified body after the resurrection and watched Him ascend into heaven, you, dear Mary, you who know this most Sacred, tender, loving Heart, place us so gently into His most Sacred Heart.
Protect and lead every person present and their families to this intense union with your Son. We pray for the priests the world over, Your special anointed sons, to lead all children to the love of Your most Sacred Heart.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus forever reign in the hearts of all people through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
We praise You, we honor You, our beloved Jesus. We tenderly love Your heart so!
Dear Father, thank You for Your beloved Son. Thank You for Your gifts to us. We thank You for giving us a sharing in Your divine life through baptism. We are Your beloved children. Draw us ever closer to union with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and Mary, in communion with the angels and saints. Amen.
October 20, 1994
St. Margaret Mary
Messenger: On October 20, 1994, I had this vision - I account it here from my notebook. That night we had the First Enthronement of the Sacred Heart at my house.
Vision - St. Peter in Chains - Before Mass
I told St. Margaret Mary how much I loved her. I had a vision of a nun to the left of the altar. She was wearing a dark habit with a white collar and in her hands was a white book. Then I thought, "Who is this, St. Therese?" I was trying to see her more clearly. I realized tonight the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart Book had a white cover. I think the nun was St. Margaret Mary. Just as I saw the vision my little son kissed me and told me he loved me. This was after the gospel while the priest was talking. I didn't look at my son because I was seeing a vision.
October 21, 1994
I Will Lead Your Every Step
Jesus: You savor the moments when I granted unto you My special graces, My dear, sweet child. How could I write to you all this time and you not hear My voice and know Me? My little child, go off in such a realm of intimate union with Me. It is the voice you hear now that I want you to hear, gentle and loving. My words are forever planted in the deepest parts of your heart. Though you did not comprehend what you received, your heart burst with this great love I gave you! In your heart you are overflowing with a cognitive awareness of My great presence, that compels you to speak, but how few want to listen!
Song: Your Presence Pervades My Soul
Jesus: My child, My love I pour out to you to lead others to Me. It is in your delivery many will be aware of My emotion and love for them. Be not anxious or perplexed. Your life unfolds and I will lead your every step. Pray hard for My beloved ones to be open in their hearts to the fire of My love. I love you so much. I write to you from the depths of My deepest love for you. I am God and I share My great love with you in this most intimate way.
My child, write that I may comfort you in your sorrow. I love you intently. I am Jesus, the Son of God and I have chosen you for this mission. I love you with the deepest love. Let go and dwell in Me. Do not act like the world. Live in constant love with Me. Every action will be an action rooted in our deep love. My presence pervades your being. I will not leave you. Your work is at hand to spread My love to My beloved ones. The picture of Our Hearts beating will constantly be in your heart. You will have, from this moment forward, a constant awareness of the love of the one, triune God. Be lost and wrapped totally in this love. It is this love and this love alone that will sustain you. You are called to holiness. Pray for sanctification from anything that keeps you from this intense union. Be unattached, constantly surrendering yourself to the will of the Father. My work is at hand. My day is set. Do not belabor any events in your mind. Focus always on the most intimate love with the Spirit. Let go. Surrender. I am your God. I bless you and I love you. Amen.
October 21, 1994
Messenger: We are God’s chosen children from the first moment of conception. The life in the Mother’s womb is a life created by God. From the first moment it is conceived, it is a creation of the Father and He deems it to be alive. We are fooling around with the divine creation of God the Father if we, in any way, stop the child from being born. Only God can create a human life! No man can, in any way, take this life and destroy it without answering to God the Father.
The child in Elizabeth’s womb leapt for joy at the presence of Jesus and Mary. He was God in the womb.
Jesus said to me, in a vision:
"These children are the chosen ones of My Father. You saw My Heart, the flowers were for the dead children that are dying. You are little flowers growing into a beautiful bouquet for My Father. Each moment of your life is a flower in the bouquet. You want your bouquet full of flowers that are beautiful, not half dead. When you sin, you are not growing into the beautiful flowers He wants you to be. Each moment is a flower. Will your bouquet be half-dead? Will your moments be as little petals you present to the Father, full of life and beauty?"
"Tell the little children to come to Me. Bring the children to church. Let them be in front of the tabernacle. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Bring your children to church. Children need to be close to Me. I love My children - bring them to Me!"
To really know God is to love - every action that comes from you should be a result of His love within you.
October 21, 1994
Let Me Reign in Your Heart
Messenger: Make me like a little child. The most Sacred Heart of Jesus was formed in the womb of the blessed Mother. His Sacred Heart was inside of her. I see the two Hearts. Jesus and Mary, as she holds the Child Jesus so lovingly.
To think of His most tender Heart in the body of a baby makes it seem so very much more tender. His Heart is the tenderest of all hearts. There was such union between Mary and Jesus from the first moment of conception. I see the two Hearts joined and beating in such love for us.
Jesus: I am your most Sacred Heart. Turn to the Child Jesus for your trials. I was present as God when I was a child.
Messenger: To see His most Sacred Heart in the Child Jesus' body. Such power and gentleness!
Jesus: I am the Light of the World. I shine in this world through you, My beloved children. Come to Me as little children. Come as a baby at the breast. Take shelter in the most tender Heart of the Child Jesus. I forever burn with the deepest love for you. When you see an image of My Mother and the Child, see Our Hearts beating as one in the most gentlest love for you. I came as a baby at the breast, so helpless. I ask you to come to Me as a baby at the breast, in total submission. I ask you to give yourself entirely to Me. Give your will and your life in total surrender to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Such freedom, such power!
Come My little children, to the ardent on-fire love of the Child Jesus. Take refuge in My Heart through My Mother. She carried Me in her womb. Enter into My Heart through her most pure and tender Heart. I was carried in her womb. I ask you to go through My Mother's Heart to My most precious, tender, loving Heart. My Heart was inside of the womb of My Mother. My Heart was beating inside of her.
I come to you this day in the Eucharist. I am no less present than when I was on earth. I enter your body as the Incarnate Son of God. What honor indeed I bestow on you, My beloved ones! I, Who am perfect love, come to you, My love. My Heart beats inside of My Body, no less than it beat in the womb of My Mother. My Heart is a human Heart belonging to the Son of God.
I am the Way. I am the Truth. I am the Life. I am Jesus, the Son of God, entering your body as I entered Mary's womb. Through the Father's great love for you, I am given to you. I give you Myself. Bread and wine are changed into My very Body and Blood. I, God, come into your heart to dwell.
I am Jesus, your most ardent love. I enter you, child. I love you. My Heart beats in you. Let Me reign in your heart. Realize your specialness - that the Incarnate Son of God comes inside of you and dwells there. You are so special. You are My beloved. You are My chosen ones. I come to you. I come to you with the greatest love. I am your loving Savior. I am your God. I died for you. I come to you this day.
Song: I Love You Jesus
October 21, 1994
Between 12 and 3 p.m. I Heard Bells in the Priests' Residence Chapel
Messenger: God is love. How can we love God if we do not love one another? I do not know God if I do not love. If I know God and share truly in His divine Life, I must love.
Oh, God, how I love You! You are in the morning sun, the breath of fresh air. You are in the sun-lit morning. You are in all those things, created by You. You are in my brothers, in their smiles and in their eyes. You exist - You truly exist in this world this day. I am surrounded by Your presence. Your power and Your might surround me as I dwell on this earth. As I live and breathe, I breathe in life with the air You provide for me. I am connected to You at every second. There is not one second that I am not dependent on You for my existence.
Oh, blind men on this earth, it is indeed so clear to all who look! God is present and in our midst this day! He is alive and ever ready to provide us with every need. Yet, God, the Son of God, Who waits for the love of mere creatures, sits alone in both tabernacles here all morning! He is truly present, exposed or not. He is here and waiting our love. He writes the song He wants us to sing to Him. I scarce can breathe to be near to You, my God! This is the love He wants us to have. He is present. He is there. He is alive, and He knows our every thought and action. He is the love we all crave. He is truly here. Oh, my God, who am I that I sit in Your presence here. I sit and others do not even realize how You long for their love.
Jesus: Tell them, My child. I have commissioned you and Father to tell them of this great love I have. I am your most precious Savior. Truly, I died for you. Truly, I would die for them this day. You are My apostles to spread devotion to My most Sacred Heart and My Mother's Immaculate Heart. She tells you at every rosary, "I am the Immaculate Heart of Mary and I love all My precious children." This is your calling - to spread the love of these two Hearts.
See My Heart as beating and on-fire second-by-second. I never leave you. Promote the promises. Tell all to say them every day. It is through My most Sacred Heart you will be warmed in the coldest night. Take shelter from the wind, the rain, the cold, from pestilence, from every kind of affliction you may suffer. Find shelter in the dear, tender Heart of the Child Jesus. My Heart is on fire and waiting to exchange love with My beloved ones. They do not know how this Heart beats for them this very day.
Come to Me and I will lead you away into the realms of intimacy with Me - intense intimacy in My most Sacred Heart! I am the Heart of Jesus, on fire for love of you, My beloved ones!
Messenger: (How can I really know God and not love? He is Love!)
Song: I Am Your Sacred Heart
Messenger: The same day I had this vision.
This is the picture from my notebook.
October 21, 1994
An Exterior Vision: I saw His Heart on His chest, hands off to the side.
Messenger: I was praying (people opened the door in the Priest’s Resident Chapel). I kept looking at the vision - a little child was in the heart, in the center. It could have been an embryo in a developed stage. His Heart was formed in the womb of His Mother. Rays were around the heart.
He said something about being a child. I was distracted by the opening of the door but I continued focusing on the vision.
I kept hearing the song, "when you are inside of Me", the song Jesus gave me.
I have been smelling faint smells of incense and roses at different times.
His presence pervades my soul. I love Him so much, it is He whom I seek! I want only Him. I love you so much, my precious love!
I feel such love for St. Margaret Mary. I had a vision of a nun at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains, she appeared to the left of the altar. She held a white book. My son kissed me during Mass, during the vision. I did not look away, I stayed focused on the vision. From this I have developed an intense love for St. Margaret Mary.
I do not want to leave the tabernacle. He says: "My presence is with you, take it forever with you in your heart! I give Myself to you in this special way. You are never without My deepest love. I dwell in you in deep union. Be lost in My love."
I always have trouble on Fridays between noon and 3pm. He wants me to cherish this time with Him. I love you Jesus. Jesus. Jesus!
All hope of life eternal comes through Christ crucified. Our hope of eternal life comes through His death and resurrection.
Make the sign of the cross, profess our faith in Him and our love of the Trinity. I love God!
October 22, 1994
He Knows All Things
Messenger: Jesus, how I love You! You know all things. You know I needed this. I open up Your Blue Book, any Blue Book and I find my answer. You know all things, the answers are always there. I open to any page and You direct me to what I need to know.
Jesus: I am Jesus, your Savior. I am He Who loves you and know all things. I write these letters to you this day, October 22. I tell you, with My deepest love for you, I am your Savior. I love you so. I died for you. I love you. I want you to know this love. I write these letters to you. Please hear Me speak to you, as you read each letter. Open the book anywhere and I will speak to you. I love you so much. Come to My Sacred Heart, through My loving Mother's heart and I will give you rest. I fly your balloon. I lift you up in these love letters to you from Me.
Surrender, My dear child, to your most loving God. The beauty of surrender is to trust in Him who truly loves you!
Feel the freedom of flying. You are totally free. I am running the balloon. You, child, let go. You surrender to Me. At first you are afraid, but here you are flying and it is such freedom. Take in the sights. Be lifted up. Do you trust Me like that? If you do not, you are in control.
Note: January 18, 1994
Messenger: In Vol. One of God's Blue Book, teachings to lift you up, the Holy Spirit prompted me to write about the cover of God's Blue Book, page 11.
October 22, 1994
I Will Never Forget you
Messenger: I looked at the beautiful fall trees and He said: "I will never forget you, My people." The old leaves fall off and the trees go into dormancy. New life will come soon in the spring. He guards our way. We are pruned, we are cut back. We have periods in which we feel a "dark night" of the soul. He will never forget us. The tree buds in the spring and burst forth into new life. He outpours His grace upon us and we bud forth into new life in Him.
Jesus: I will never forget you, My people, I have carved you in the palm of My hand. Even if a mother forget her child, know I never will forget you. It is in the cutting back that the new growth occurs. It is in this surrendering to Me, it is in dying to self, that you are born to new life. Even if a mother forsake her child, I will never abandon you. As the fall is so brilliant in its color, the winter moves in with its dark and dismal appearance, but the spring brings forth such life to My beloved chosen ones, for I have come to bring you new life that you may partake in My life abundantly. I am your Savior, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. I speak to you that you will preach My words to My most beloved children, who I love dearly. Hold not back My words to My most beloved ones. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you will receive the courage to preach My words. In the highways and byways, wherever you are called upon to do My work. It is My work, you do. It is not of your own making. I summon you to this task. I am your Savior, Jesus Christ, your God
October 22, 1994
Thorns around His Heart
Messenger: If I think I have said anything unkind about anyone, it saddens me so badly. I don't want to ever hurt anybody He loves. God forgive me for all I do that is wrong and never enough, for all I do to justify myself or ignorantly do, that I should not have. I see Your Heart and I love You so much. I love You. I love You. I love You.
Are the thorns around Your Heart for Your agonies to the Heart, suffered so because of Your great love for us, for all those who do not even care? Oh, I am sorry, my Jesus, I love You so much. I love You, I love You.
Father forgive me, I know not what I do. How I am trapped and do not realize I offend You! Oh, I love Your Heart!
October 23, 1994
This will be the best day of your life
Jesus: This will be the best day of your life. You will fall deeply in love with My Heart. I am He Who loves you dearly. You are accompanied by the angels and saints. All know you and love you. Come into the heavenly court and live in the love sent to you from heaven.Come into My Most precious Heart and dwell forever in the abyss of My dear love for you.
(Looking at the Pieta): You turn to Me and you see Me held by My beloved Mother. I gave My life, My blood was spent, I hung in her arms, lifeless and without breath in My body. Where do you turn, My sweet and precious child? You turn to the Heart of your beloved Savior! My Heart beats endlessly with such love. I am always there, waiting with open arms to love you. Let go into My arms!
Meditate on My passion. Let go of your focus on yourselves. See Me as I stood by in all My trials. I fell under the cross, they poked Me, they pushed Me, but I remained in perfect peace with the weight of My cross laying on My back as I was on the ground. They poke you, Rita, they press from all sides, you remain at peace in My Heart! Go there and find refuge. It is in My Heart you know My love. It is in My Heart you know the love of the Father. I love you. The Father loves you. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one. As the Father has loved Me, so I have loved you! Take refuge in My Heart, the abyss of God's love. I come to you with greatest love, I am your loving Savior. Reach out to Me and do not fear, I want to be so close to you. Let go, Rita, let go and surrender. Your heart is hard and anxious. Only a heart of pure love can join to My Heart. It takes surrender.
If you are angry at any man, if you hold on to man to give you My abundant love, you are holding on -- release yourself, surrender to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Put yourself in the abyss of My love, My love is God's love. To know My love is to know the Father's love. To know My love is to know the Spirit's love. I am. God is. From My Heart flows grace and mercy. From the Father, in the Holy Spirit, through My Heart, from Mary's heart to you.
God created man in the image of himself, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. Genesis 1: 27
October 24, 1994
Spread these Messages
Messenger: He showed us the way, His way is perfect peace.
Jesus: I come to you with these letters and no one is listening. I speak to Rita, I tell her these beautiful words of My Heart, you do not listen. I want My messages to be heard. Souls will be lost. Time is so short. I, Jesus, talk here and you are too busy to listen. What more do you want Me to do to convince you to listen to Me. I am Jesus Christ the Son of God, these messages are for My beloved ones. I beg you to spread these messages of My love. Why do you not listen when I speak? Pray for courage to do the will of God. These messages need to circulate. I speak, you do not listen. To silence Rita is to silence Me. If satan tries to get enough people to doubt and satan makes enough confusion the messages are stopped. Do you not see the trickery of satan's ways? Satan does not want these messages of My love to circulate. I tell you so sweetly of My beloved Heart. It is through My Heart -- you will ward off the devil. I tell you of My Heart here. Who listens. It is through My Heart grace and mercy flow. My Heart is a fountain of endless mercy. These are the messages of My intense love given from My Heart. It is through My Mother's heart you will know My Heart more deeply. These messages need to circulate. I come to you with greatest love, I am your loving Savior, I am your God, I died for you, I come to you this day. If I died for you, why do you not see how I come this day in these messages. I want My love letters to circulate to My beloved children. I love them so tenderly. My Heart is ablaze and on fire for them this very day. Who hears My messages? Do you listen? I, Jesus, talk here and who listens. I am in your midst. I am truly present in the tabernacle. Can you not wait one hour with Me? I am the Center of your life. I am pouring out My love. Time is so short. I warn you, time will come. I cry out in a loud voice to be heard.
October 24, 1994
I Am Your God, First and Always
Messenger: Does it matter where we lay our head when we die? We came into this world helplessly, we go out helplessly. God is in control. We go out when He decides. Our breath depends on Him. Our lives are fleeting. We are not in control. Why do we hold on to the things here and make them an end in themselves?
Jesus: I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life. Your destiny is to arrive at your true home in heaven. You are here to know, love and serve Me. You were created by Me to do My work. If you make yourselves and others your gods, you are missing the reason for your existence. I am love. My way is love. It is peace and harmony. My way leads to everlasting life. If you follow other roads, you may not get to your destination. Come and find refuge in My Heart. Let the light of My Heart lead your way. All graces flow from My Heart. My Heart will lead you to heaven, your home. Come through the door to My Heart and forever dwell with Me. I am your God, you shall not have any gods before Me!
Messenger: Did God mount a throne and come on the earth in glorious proclamation at His birth? Jesus is God. God the Father gave His Son. Jesus came a helpless little baby, born in a stable, laid in a manger. A helpless little baby! Jesus was born to show us the way in a little baby body. We were created in the image of God. Jesus gives us a special sharing in His life at baptism.
Oh, blessed Savior, how sweet You are to come and give so freely to us. You are love, You give Yourself, You give us love. You teach us Your ways, so sweetly, so lovingly. Jesus is our Savior. Jesus gives us His tender Heart. Through Him we are saved - He is our Savior. Sing Song
October 24, 1994
Reach Out
Messenger: I am the slave of His Most Sacred Heart. It is through this most precious Heart, pierced with a lance, that all graces and mercies flow.
Jesus: I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am forever present. I am in your midst this day. I was born a baby with My Heart on fire for love of you. I died for you. From My birth to My death, see this love I poured out to you. My Mother held Me in her outstretched arms at birth. I hung alone at My death. She held My lifeless body under the cross. This shows Our love for you! As I was held lifelessly under the cross, you meditate on this life given for you.
This is My life I give to you this day. I am the Bread of Life. He who eats My Flesh will never die. Death has no power over Me. I have died, but I have risen that you will have life and have it to the full.
Song: I come to you with greatest love. I am your loving Savior. I am your God. I died for you. I come to you this day.
Messenger: He comes to us this day, as He came as a baby in His Mother’s womb. He tells us:
Song: Reach out to Me and do not fear. I want to be so close to you. I am your God, your precious One. I come to give you life!
Messenger: Reach out, it is in the reaching out, in the surrendering of ourselves in our entirety to Him that we grow in this union with Him. He outpours His grace to us. He wants us to reach out. He reached out. He held His arms outstretched and gave His all to us.
He is a fountain of endless mercy and grace, gained for us on the cross. From the Father, in the Holy Spirit, with His Mother under the cross. He comes to us in every Mass as this unbloody sacrifice and pours out His grace and mercy to us.
Oh, Savior, how great is your love for us to give us Yourself in the Mass. How great the gift of our loving Father to give us Jesus, His Son, in the Holy Spirit, under the appearance of bread and wine. This is my loving Savior. This is how I see Him. Such love poured out to us in the Eucharist! Jesus, the Son of God! How I love Him!
I am in awe to behold Jesus with us this day in the Eucharist. He is truly the Son of God. He loves us and comes to us with this great love. If God is love, how can I not love you, whom He created and loves? Open my heart, Lord, to know and love all men as you do and see with Your eyes, Your compassion. Help me to know this world and all Your beloved creatures through the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
I am a slave to Your Most Sacred Heart, Lord, use me to promote this devotion to Your loving Heart!
John 14: 14, 18, 21
If you ask me anything in my name,
I will do it.I shall not leave you orphans;
I shall come to you.Whoever holds to my commandments
and keeps them
is the one who loves me;
and whoever loves me
will be loved by my Father,
and I shall love him
and reveal myself to him.
"Reach out to Me"
Matthew 7: 7
'…knock, and the door will be opened to you.'
Revelation 3: 20
Look, I am standing at the door, knocking. If one of you hears me calling and opens the door, I will come in to share a meal at that person’s side.
Messenger: "Feed the hungry". I heard this for six weeks. I saw doors. It is through His Heart we will be saved. Go through the door of His Heart to eternal Salvation!
Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. If you enter into the abyss of My Heart, you will be saved. My Heart will ward off the devil. It is your protection from the evils of this world. Come to Me and know My Heart. It is through My Most Sacred Heart all graces and mercies flow.
Messenger: All I want to do is to be wrapped endlessly in the fire of His love.
Jesus: I came into this world, a little baby. Marywalked My passion with Me, suffering for love of you. Always, total surrender to the Father’s will. This is seen at My birth, this is seen as I lay in her arms under the cross. Mary and I both, always in total compliance to the Father’s will.
Your peace and joy lie in doing God’s will. Total surrender, your every breath depends on Me. Where do you think you are going in your busy, busy lives? The victory is won in doing the Father’s will with love. In it lies your peace.
Song: God's Love
October 25, 1994
The Hungry Soul Craves Union With Me
Messenger: As a deer thirsts for water, my soul thirsts for you. Oh, Lord, you take me to the summit of your love, then, My Lord, to the depths of doom my soul falls. Oh, Lord, rescue me from this pit and raise me to the most abundant love of Your Heart.
My soul thirsts for you, my Lord. It is for you and your love I live. I live for you. My heart is longing and pining for the courts of the Lord. Oh, my Lord, to know you a little and never enough! My soul is so thirsty for only Your love.
To really know You is to want You. My soul thirsts for You ever more. I want You ever so closer my dear, dear, Lord!
Jesus: The hungry soul craves union with Me. It is drawn to Me as steel to the magnet. So you wander and roam and your soul feels empty. Only in My Heart do you find rest. Come to Me, go to My Mother, lay yourself in her arms. She cradles you in her heart and brings you ever so gently to My Sacred Heart. Your soul is oh, so hungry, for only My love. I am your ardent love. I love you this way with My whole Heart on fire for you. My Heart burns for you, My child. Come to the endless source of love. My Heart knows the way. Follow My Heart and know My burning love.
Messenger: We enter His Heart, we are purified with His love. He beckons us to come and dwell deep in His Heart. He does not say that we must be perfect, He asks us to come as we are. He loves us despite all our faults, and longs for us to come in all our imperfections. But, as the impurities are burned away, we become changed as we dwell in His Heart. Purify me, Lord. I know you love me despite all my faults. I want to be wrapped in the abyss of Your love. Mold me and fashion me into the creation the Father intends me to be. Melt away my impurities in my heart with the fire of your love.
From the depth of my soul I cried to Him and He heard my plea. He leads me ever so gently to His Sacred Heart. He took me as I am and I dwelt in the inner recesses of this most tender Heart.
Jesus: You are My chosen ones. I invite you this day to come and dwell deeply in My Heart. Put aside any anger and forgive all your brothers. As you release all your angry thoughts and forgive all your brothers, as you let go and release all your anxieties, you will experience My peace. I lead you to the sanctuary of My Heart, come and dwell with Me there in My love. Close your eyes and focus on My presence with you. See yourself placed in My Heart ever so gently by My beloved Mother, your loving Mother. Be wrapped in Our love. Let go of everything but My presence, and your dwelling is My warm and tender Heart. Relax your whole being and surrender all your cares to Me. Focus on the warmth and glowing light of My Heart; It surrounds you with My deepest love!
Song: Little Baby Hands and Feet
October 25, 1994
Behold His Tender, Baby Feet
Messenger: Behold His tender baby feet, so perfect, His sweet little hands, behold His feet pierced with the nails and His hands with the nails. He loves us so much. Mary beheld her baby child with such love in her arms. He is so perfect, the Child Jesus, the little child, so beautiful, so precious, His tender skin. Oh, what piercing thoughts she had when Simeon prophesied Jesus' and Mary's sufferings! Her joy to behold her beautiful baby, turned into such sadness to know He was to suffer!
Always in compliance to the will of the Father. Mary was asked to be the Mother of Jesus, she, as always, saying "yes" with such faith, always doing His will. See her tenderly holding her little child and feel her suffering to know a sword would pierce her heart because of all He would suffer.
Oh, Jesus, you were born so perfect and beautiful, little hands and feet, perfect flesh, but you
gave your precious feet and hands for our salvation. The sword pierced Mary's heart. The nails pierced Jesus' tender hands and feet. Oh, Jesus, You gave Your all, holding nothing back for love of us and complying to the Father's will! You showed us the way. You did the Father's will. Your Heart was pierced, Your hands and feet pierced. Mary carried all these things in her most loving heart. Her heart was pierced. His body was pierced. Jesus' and Mary's most tender love for us. Jesus and Mary always doing the will of the Father. They withstood this for us. They knew the Father's love. Jesus said, "as the Father has loved Me, so I have loved you." He loved us to His death. How He loves us this day, with the same great love! I behold the cross of Christ as the symbol of love given to us. The cross is love personified, love given from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. His Heart was pierced with a lance, hers with a sword. From the five wounds of Christ we draw strength, from Jesus, our Savior. From Mary's pierced heart, I know her tender love, given as our most loving mother.
October 25, 1994
Petition to Jesus
Messenger: Help me, Lord, to let go of my self-focus so my heart is as a child. Pure and without grudges, to forgive those who have wronged me, and love the person with the love you want me to have for them.
Create in me, oh Lord, a clean heart, so I hold on to Your love.
I want to be close to You, Lord. Help me to be lost in Your love, permeate my soul, help me to die to myself and live only as You want me to be, so I can unite with You in such oneness.
Lead me to the sanctuary of Your Heart so I know Your love ever more deeply.
I am Yours, Lord, create in me a heart likened to yours, my beloved Savior. You who gave your all for love of me. I give myself entirely to you.
Jesus: I am the potter, you are the clay.
Messenger: Mold me and fashion me, Lord.
Prayer for Union with Jesus
Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.
I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me.
I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.
When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.
-God's Blue Book, January 17, 1994
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