February 21
, 2012
February 22nd Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 3 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for February 22nd are Luminous.
Sidney Rosary
February 21, 2012 - Tuesday 6:20pm
Please tune in!
For a $500 donation we will give you the gift of the 12" Guadalupe Statue with glass from Mary's image face and you will help 500 priests in the United States get Fr. Joe's homily book. |
In these trying times in the United States preceding the election, Jesus has asked us to circulate the Priestly Writing, Fr. Joe's homily book focusing on the Word and the Eucharist with the Shepherds of Christ prayers in the back of the book. The only thing that will help to renew the Church and the world is following the commandments and the Father's Plan. Please help us send this book to the United States priests.
Call Rosie 1-888-211-3041
Available $15.00 plus shipping
Call Rosie
The Florida Book Store
Please pray for some special intentions.
Through the intercession of Fr. Carter
and Our Lady of Clearwater
please pray for Dan's healing.Please pray for Betty, Jimmy &Adeline.
Pray for Hal Wittrock & family
Blue Book 6C is here!
Available for $10.00 plus shipping
Call Rosie
February 21, 2012
R. TRUTH Goodness
Knowledge and Love
It is an act of the will to love
I saw from high up down with clarity
I saw close up with clarity
All at once
Flowers were on the ceiling
A man can have passion and vision for God
and can give into ruining oneself by
giving into the deadly sins
pride, greed, envy, wrath, lust,
and sloth
He can give into such temptation that
he ruins himself and hurts those
around him
A man can abuse wealth and power
for his own vain glory
We are called by God to be instruments
of love blowing like wind in the
lives of others, touching them as
God touches them through us with
His love
Or we can choose to try to ruin things
around us, by giving into selfishness,
anger and sin.
The devil wants to take a good man with
vision - down with pride and sin
and impurities - practicing the 7
deadly sins
pride, greed, envy, wrath, lust,
and sloth
Here are the virtues
faith, hope, love, prudence, fortitude
or courage, justice, temperance, humility,
obedience, and sociableness.
How often Jesus refers to how He
answers the man of faith in Him
how He rewards faith and holy prayer
We are on the stage of life
how careful should our lives be the
lives, the Divine Director wishes
for us
This day's performance is one of the
many movies of our lives we make and
when we go to bed tonight
that days performance
never returns
Doing God's will in love is the daily play
The knowledge of God and His will is
to be the song of our lives
the script we play that day with
utmost seriousness as the
great performer like the wind
touching men's lives, that they
know the Christ who lives in us
having been touched by our
lives touching theirs
Jesus: The wind blows and no one knows
where it came from or from
whence it will go -
A man rooted in Me is one touching
others as God touches them through
our loving and pure and obedient
hearts rooted in Him
rooted in truth
rooted in love and goodness for
all men
God is all Good Let your lives be
the hand of God operating in your
pure and loving hearts
The man of God, is a man who is
going out not caved in, stuck
in a bucket of his own quick sand
being sucked up from below
Be a man telling the world of the gifts
given in My letters of love in My
Blue Books
Don't listen to satan or
look a gift horse in the mouth
Your legs carry you around
one whose legs are injured limps and has
difficulty walking
Who would injure their own legs on purpose.
Why would you fill your heart - made for God
made for love with rocks of black
coal and dead debris
What heart filled with junk can keep a
man alive.
I call you to order
To follow My order
That your will is in harmony with the
Father's will
That your heart is full of on-fire-love
as in My Blue Books
Your will is to be harmonious with
the Father's who created the
earth and keeps it in existence.
Oh foolish one one to oppose and be a
rival to God's will for their own
power and affections and vain glory
for wealth
I own the universe
You are free to choose heaven or hell.
What do you do with your freedom
Are you living in God's will
Is your heart full of love
You will have beauty and goodness
in your life only when you
tell the truth!!
Satan is a liar he wants to steal your
happiness and deceive you with
your pride and anger, jealousy,
envy and wounds
When you ignore God's will and plan
and plot your schedule, stay
uncommitted to your vocation
you are a rival to the Father's
I am the way, the truth and the life
When you don't live in the truth
you forfeit life in Me
you forfeit beauty and goodness in your life
I came to teach you
The devil deceives you to tell you to hold
back from doing God's will
You will never really be happy opposing God.
To not tell the truth is to live in an
unreal reality
Beauty is truth and
truth is beautiful and good and leads to
joy and happiness and living more
deeply in Me
R. When we lie to ourselves about things
we never really see things as
they really are
our vision is distorted and the more
we live a lie the more
distorted we see we don't
see things as they really are
Jesus: I am the way, the truth and the life!
R. Vain glory means we see ourselves
before God
God is the source of goodness
and beauty and we see
reality the more we see
the truth in Him
We see with distorted vision
The more we are rooted in the truth
the more we see through the eyes
of the Father
the more we know reality
Reality is seeing God's truth.
Truth gives light to our hearts
our minds we see clearly
we are rooted on firm ground
We see a man who has a cluttered,
dark room he keeps bumping
into things in the darkness
Jesus: Let your hearts be lighted with the
truth I am the way, the truth and
the life
Satan is the grand deceiver Satan is
the father of lies!!
The more the one gives into lies, the
more the heart, which is made for God,
is left shriveled and starved
seeking to be made happy on lies
this can't happen
Only the truth really makes a man happy
The angry heart of a starved soul is
the heart of more and more despair
wanting emptiness, a black
R. If our thoughts are based on lies we
cannot move ahead steadfastly
we move ahead with the counsel
of satan and make mistakes!
Truth is the candle
Truth enlightens the mind
Truth enflames one's heart with
light and love and unity,
harmony with God
Who would fill an airplane with
the coal on a barge and
let it fall in by its weight
into the sea!!
A heavy heart, is a heart weighed
down, with not truth, but
lies that take away
the light of purity and truth.
Let your hearts be lighted and set fire with
My truth and love and you will
fly on eagle's wings
A man controlling everything is
like one trying to steer a big
boat on the ocean with a little paddle
You must be rooted in the truth to
really live in Me
In heaven the saints have the
fullness of life
Speak the truth and the truth will
set you free
Why be a slave to satan's lies?
Is a dead man alive?
Why give into the deadly sins?
James 3: 13-18
Anyone who is wise or understanding among you should from a good life give evidence of deeds done in the gentleness of wisdom. But if at heart you have the bitterness of jealousy, or selfish ambition, do not be boastful or hide the truth with lies; this is not the wisdom that comes from above, but earthly, human and devilish. Wherever there are jealousy and ambition, there are also disharmony and wickedness of every kind; whereas the wisdom that comes down from above is essentially something pure; it is also peaceable, kindly and considerate; it is full of mercy and shows itself by doing good; nor is there any trace of partiality or hypocrisy in it. The peace sown by peacemakers brings a harvest of justice.
Jesus: I am the way, the truth and the life!
Live in Me!!
A man had asthma and he could not breathe,
he felt he was choking and the life
felt as if it was smothering in him.
Men seeking dominance for dominance
sake are like choking men
choking out the life they could have
in living virtuously, in harmony
with the Father's will
in love and truth
Sing: In beauty we walk
Life comes inside
Your heart must be operating or
you die
You must be able to get
breath or you die
A shriveled branch - not connected
to the vine soon falls
to the ground dead
Life is rooted in Me
Life is rooted in truth
How many people who are successful
actors, actresses, people with money,
have searched and searched and
can not find what they need inside
to bring them happiness
Truth, obedience to God's will
The more fame grows, sports players, actors,
'successful people', the more they
can turn themselves away from the truth
searching and looking for something to fill them
You must obey the ten commandments
I must be first in your lives
Look at some who have married,
married and married again and
have plenty of money and fame and
are miserable, empty and searching
Circulate My Blue Books
Use the Blue Books
Satan wants them blocked
Give them to people
Feed the hungry
Give them My letters of love
Be on fire for your vocation
on fire for the love of God
Today's Readings
James 4: 1-10
Where do these wars and battles between yourselves first start? Is it not precisely in the desires fighting inside your own selves? You want something and you lack it; so you kill. You have an ambition that you cannot satisfy; so you fight to get your way by force. It is because you do not pray that you do not receive; when you do pray and do not receive, it is because you prayed wrongly, wanting to indulge your passions.Adulterers! Do you not realise that love for the world is hatred for God? Anyone who chooses the world for a friend is constituted an enemy of God. Can you not see the point of the saying in scripture, The longing of the spirit he sent to dwell in us is a jealous longing.? But he has given us an even greater grace, as scripture says: God opposes the proud but he accords his favour to the humble. Give in to God, then; resist the devil, and he will run away from you. The nearer you go to God, the nearer God will come to you. Clean your hands, you sinners, and clear your minds, you waverers. Appreciate your wretchedness, and weep for it in misery. Your laughter must be turned to grief, your happiness to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up.
Psalm 55: 7-11, 23
How far I would escape,
and make a nest in the desert! PauseI would soon find a refuge
from the storm of abuse,
from the destructive tempest, Lord,
from the flood of their tongues.For I see violence
and strife in the city,
day and night they make their rounds
along the city walls,Inside live malice and mischief,
inside lives destruction,
tyranny and treachery never absent
from its central square.You, God, will thrust them down
to the abyss of destruction,
men bloodthirsty and deceptive,
before half their days are spent.For my part, I put my trust in you.
Mark 9: 30-37
After leaving that place they made their way through Galilee; and he did not want anyone to know, because he was instructing his disciples; he was telling them, 'The Son of man will be delivered into the power of men; they will put him to death; and three days after he has been put to death he will rise again.' But they did not understand what he said and were afraid to ask him.
Who is the greatest?
They came to Capernaum, and when he got into the house he asked them, 'What were you arguing about on the road?' They said nothing, because on the road they had been arguing which of them was the greatest. So he sat down, called the Twelve to him and said, 'If anyone wants to be first, he must make himself last of all and servant of all.' He then took a little child whom he set among them and embraced, and he said to them, 'Anyone who welcomes a little child such as this in my name, welcomes me; and anyone who welcomes me, welcomes not me but the one who sent me.'
R. We beg for the grace to live virtuous
We have a free will
Virtue helps us to be happy
Vice leads to unhappiness
We cannot give into feelings
of envy, jealousy, anger,
lust we are to obey the
We are to discipline our
free will
We are to use our right reason
to govern our actions
People give into the deadly sins
There is an energy inside
I feel angry
I feel jealous
I feel lustful
I am consumed with envy
I need to do God's will
When I know peace inside
I should not stir up
problems for division
and excitement
When I give into vices there
is a war going on
inside of myself
trying to be a rival to God's will
for me
When I give into vices there
is a war against God's will
against my fellow man
who I have been commanded
to love
to give what is his just due
A virtue is a good habit
A vice is a bad habit
Man was formed in the
image and likeness of God
We are to seek God's will
To discipline ourselves
Our goal must be to do God's will
Our goal to go to heaven
When I give into lust, anger,
seeking dominance for dominance
sake, envy, jealousy I
make war within myself
There is the law God gives us
I am to discipline my thoughts,
my words, my actions
to be according to God's
I have free will to give
into thoughts and words and
actions against God's will
I am to develop this vision of God
operate with right reason
Doing what I want with no
strings attached is not
right reason
We are under God's rule
We are to serve God
Not give into satan
Not give into our passions or
energies for sin
the deadly sins
Wanting to be over just authority
Wanting to be angry, jealous
envious and act on it
basing our actions on this
Sin is the enemy of virtue
Sin makes us unsettled inside
God intends us to live in
harmony according to
His rules
We are to love God and his rule
above all things
Feelings need to be controlled
with right reason
We aren't to act on
these negative energies
of lust, anger, envy,
wanting to control over
We must focus on our goals
Think with right reason
Obey God's law
Love God first
Seek heaven by how we
live our lives
Using will power
We base our actions on
God's will right
Matthew 22: 36-40
'Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?' Jesus said to him, 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets too.'
R. We cannot follow those
angry feelings or
jealous feelings
seeking dominance for
dominance sake,
envious feelings
People can use abuse to get
what they want with
these angry, jealous,
lustful desires and feelings
We are united to others
Sin is not isolated
We are not isolated
Sin hurts ourselves, God,
the community, the
We need God's grace to be
Here are the steps we took, which are suggested as a program of recovery:
1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol,
that our lives had become unmanageable.
2. Came to believe that a Power greater than
ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives
over to the care of God as we understood Him.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human
being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all
these defects of character.
7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed,
and became willing to make amends to them all.
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible,
except when to do so would injure them or others.
10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we
were wrong promptly admitted it.
11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our
conscious contact with God as we understood Him,
praying only for knowledge of His will for us and
the power to carry that out.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps,
we tried to carry this message to alcoholics,
and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
R. God has all the power we
ask for His grace
to resist the devil
We are not to use violence to
try to accomplish our
angry goals against
our neighbor.
Rita Ring
Books written by the cofounder of Shepherds of Christ Ministries
Mass Book
A Journey Into the Heart of Jesus - Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
$ 12.00 plus postageMass Book, by Rita Ring: Many of the entries in the Priestly Newsletter Volume II from a spiritual journal came from this book. These entries
are to help people to be more deeply united to God in the Mass. This book is available in English and Spanish with the Churchs Imprimatur.
Rosary Meditations for Parents and Children
From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
$ 10.00 plus postageRosary Meditations for Parents and Children, by Rita Ring, Short Meditations for both parents and children to be used when praying the
rosary. These meditations will help all to know the lives of Jesus and Mary alive in their Hearts. Available in both English and Spanish with
the Churchs Imprimatur. $10
God's Blue Book I
Teachings to Lift You Up. Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00 plus postageGod's Blue Book I by Rita Ring. Open Anywhere This book will change your life. These are beautiful love letters to us from Jesus. A million books have been printed and circulated. Jesus loves us so much He wants a personal relationship with us He wants us to go to the Eucharist and be with Him before the tabernacle. $10
God's Blue Book II
The Fire of His Love. Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by Fr. Edward J. Carter S. J.
$ 10.00 plus postageGod's Blue Book II by Rita Ring. Letters from Jesus about His on fire love Jesus wants this great intimacy with us On fire love Personal love letters from Jesus about the love of His Heart A book on surrender Fr. Carter said! $10
God's Blue Book III
Love God, Love One Another. Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00 plus postageGod's Blue Book III by Rita Ring. Fr. Carter's favorite book It is about loving and forgiving each other Being pure in heart A book for unity in family, community, in life!! $10
God's Blue Book 4
The Love of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Author: Rita Ring
$ 5.00 plus postageGod's Blue Book IV by Rita Ring. This book is about the love Jesus has for Mary and Mary has for Jesus and Jesus and Mary have for us It is truly the Love of the Two Hearts. Mary appeared every day at the Holy Spirit Center Fr. Carter was there. Mary's first apparition July 5, 1994. $5
God's Blue Book 5
So Deep Is the Love of His Heart. Author: Rita Ring.
$ 5.00 plus postageGod's Blue Book V by Rita Ring. Jesus wants to be the bridegroom of our soul He is our beloved Jesus tells us about pure love how we are to be pure of heart and love God and love others. It is a must, to hear about love from Jesus Jesus is love $5
God's Blue Book 6A
He Calls Us to Action Author: Rita Ring.
$ 10.00 plus postageGod's Blue Book 6A by Rita Ring. Rosaries from Their Hearts during apparitions. Jesus and Mary appeared every day and I received rosaries from Them and They were transcribed from a tape. Also messages of love from Jesus on days of January, 1995 About Baptism writings from Fr. Carter and the Scriptures. $10
God's Blue Book 6B
He Calls Us to Action Author: Rita Ring.
$ 10.00 plus postageGod's Blue Book 6B by Rita Ring. Jesus and Mary appeared every day in February, 1995 So beautiful transcribed from a tape the Stations, 7 Sorrows, prayers in the Prayer Manual, the Holy Spirit Novena Book and the Song Book. Pure love loving and forgiving a book about Jesus' love, baptism, grace and Fr. Carter's Newsletter. $10
Rosaries From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary - Volume I
Red Rosary Book - Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00 plus postageRosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Book 1. Mary appeared in Clearwater December 17, 1996 in rainbow color and these rosaries left the printer the same day from Apparitions of Jesus and Mary transcribed from a tape. $10
Blue Rosary Book
Rosaries From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary - Volume II
$ 12.00 plus postageRosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Book 2. This is a book of so many rosaries - transcribed from a tape. So many beautiful rosaries. pages $12
Short Rosary Meditations for the Ederly, Ill, and Homebound
From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary: Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
This book is 8 1/2" by 11" and you can open it up and sit it on your lap.
$ 10.00 plus postageShort Rosary Meditations for the Elderly, Ill and Homebound. This book is so important with pictures they can open it and lay it on their laps and pray the rosary. $10
Messages From Jesus
Given by Jesus to His Messenger Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
This book is 8 1/2" by 11" and you can open it up and sit it on your lap.$ 10.00 plus postage
Messages for the Elderly, Ill and Homebound. This is a big book of loving messages for nursing home people and homebound from Jesus and Mary Their lives are so important united to the Mass offering up their suffering, their lives for the souls of this earth. $10
Daily Messages From Heaven 1
From the Florida Apparition Site Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00 plus postageDaily Messages From Heaven Volumes 2 thru 5 (Spiral bound)
From the Florida Apparition Site Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$25.00 each plus postageDaily Messages from Heaven. First book of Daily Messages. $10
Rosary Meditations for Little People and Elderly
Short Meditations for the Rosary
$ 3.00 plus postage
Color the Lives of Jesus and Mary, Books 1 thru 5
A Coloring Book with Short Meditations on the 15 mysteries of the rosary. Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 5.00 each plus postageColor the Lives of Jesus and Mary. Volumes 1 through 7. Coloring books and meditations for grade school children and others on the mysteries of the rosary - really good. $5 each.
Coloring the Lives of Jesus and Mary Books 6 and 7
Mysteries of Light
$ 5.00 each plus postageColor the Lives of Jesus and Mary. Volumes 6 through 7. Coloring books and meditations for grade school children and others on the mysteries of the rosary - really good. $5 each.
God's Blue Book I on CD, Disk #1
God's Blue Book I, Disk #1 Read by author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00 plus postage
Mysteries of Light Rosary Book
Rosaries From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary - Volume I
$ 5.00 plus postage
Mysteries of Light Rosary Book
Rosaries From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary - Volume II
$ 5.00 plus postage
Apostle's Manual
Shepherds of Christ Overview: Very carefully discerned by Fr. Edward J. Carter S. J.
$ 20.00Apostles Manual. About the Movement - the structure of the Movement All Ministries - from the time 3 months before Mary appeared in Clearwater and 3 months after. Rosaries of the 13ths, Fr. Carter's Newsletters. Messages from God the Father Reaching the priests, the Church, the schools and the world. $20
Songs From Jesus
Given by Jesus to His Messenger Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 3.00Songs from Jesus Songbook. These loving songs were given from Jesus. So beautiful Love Songs from Jesus of His love - helping us have pure and loving hearts. $3
Shepherds of Christ Holy Spirit Novena
Holy Spirit Novena by: Rita Ring
$ 1.00 plus postageHoly Spirit Novena Booklet. In four languages with the Imprimatur with 18 scripture readings for two complete novenas this very powerful Holy Spirit Novena has prayers for prayers for Protection by the Blood of Jesus, Healing, Strength and Light, To Be One with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, One with Jesus, To Dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Prayer for the Holy Spirit and His Gifts, and the Word Alive in Our Hearts. All these prayers take about 10 minutes daily recited out loud. $1
Shepherds of Christ Holy Spirit Novena CD
Holy Spirit Novena Read by: Rita Ring
$ 10.00 plus postage
Holy Spirit Novena CD. Prayers and scripture readings from the Holy Spirit Novena Booklet read by Rita Ring. $10
Colorea 1 thru 5
las vidas de Jesϊs y Marνa (recibido el Imprimαtur)
$ 5.00 each plus postage
Para Comprender Mejor La Santa Misa
Una Jornada Hacia el Corazσn de Jesϊs
$ 10.00
Meditaciones del Rosario
para Pequenos y Ancianos
$ 10.00
Fr. Joe Robinson
Guiding Light homily series - Reflect on the Word - Cycle B The Word leaves an impression on our souls. In my thoughts and reflections are born a more tangible understanding of these eternal concepts presented in the Gospels and the readings. Anyone can read a sentence, but not anyone can absorb it's true meaning. Truth, in this day and age, is almost a matter of opinion or individual entitlement. We believe that Christ's truth is our Roman Catholic Church. We, as priests, champion it's teachings; we are ambassadors for the Pope and Christ to those faces looking at us. We are the light by which our congregation reads to reflect upon real truth and we do it hand in hand. $15 |
Guiding Light homily series - Steadfast to the Son - Cycle A The sunflower is a great example of how we should be steadfastly guided by light. What a powerful thought that this exceptional plant is not stuck in one pose day in and day out, yet adaptable and magnetized to the sun. We feel the same about our Son. Our heads turns to face Christ as each day presents its challenges to find light. We join together like plants in a field and soak up the Son through the pulpit. We are a warm circle of strength using the wind of our breath to carry our priests' words, Christ's words, to new rich soil. $15 | ||
Guiding Light - Feed My Soul - Cycle C In a world rapidly advancing and encouraging personal gain, we are faced with modern problems. There is a challenge to find time in our busy schedules for Sunday Mass or a family meal. We are able to research, shop, bank and even work without hearing one human voice. It is no wonder that we may often feel disconnected and famished at our week's end. In Fr. Joe's third book of homilies from Cycle C, we are reminded of the charity that Christ intended us to show each other. We have a calling to turn the other cheek and be the Good Samaritan to others. We are rewarded with the Father's kingdom and love when we are not worthy. We are not left alone or hungry. $15 |
Guiding Light - Focusing on the Word - Cycle B At times we may feel that our path to Christ is a bit "out of focus". Like the disciples in the Book of Mark, this ordinary life clouds our vision of Christ's Divinity. We may doubt the practicality or possibility of applying His teachings and example to our modern life. Cycle B's homilies are a "guiding light" to help us realize Jesus' Messianic greatness and His promise of better things to come. $15 |
Guiding Light - The Word Alive in Our Hearts. - Cycle A (partial) Homilies by the Reverend Joe Robinson given at St. Boniface Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is a tremendous honor Fr. Joe has allowed us to share these great gifts with you – for greater holiness and knowing more and more about God. $10 |
Fr. Edward J. Carter |
Light, Happiness, & Peace
Journeying Through Traditional Catholic Spirituality Author: Fr. John J. Pasquini
$ 10.00 plus postageThis book Light, Happiness and Peace is a journey into the spiritual life an awakening of deeper life IN HIM. Here are some of the comments we received from bishops and cardinals about the book. Cardinal – Pontifical Council for Culture – Vatican City “I am sure that this book, Light, Happiness and Peace through a discussion on traditional Catholic Spirituality will contribute in bringing back prayer into the mainstream of life.” $10
In Imitation of Two Hearts
Prayers for Consolation, Renewal and Peace in Times of Suffering Author: Fr. John J. Pasquini
$ 10.00 plus postageIn Imitation of Two Hearts - Prayers for Consolation, Renewal and Peace in Times of Suffering Fr. John J. Pasquini leads a suffering soul to the gentle Hearts of Jesus and Mary. In these most loving Hearts - the prayers by Fr. John Pasquini - help the person suffering to know more deeply the pascal mystery of death/resurrection. President of the Pontifical Council for Health $10
Authenticity - Prayers and Meditations Author: Fr. John J. Pasquini
$ 10.00 plus postageAuthenticity, the Yellow Book of prayers by Fr. John Pasquini, can lead the soul into deeper intimacy with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, can lead to greater love of Mary which leads to the unitive life and greater holiness. The book of prayers Authenticity by Fr. John J. Pasquini is to help one grow ever deeper in the Unitive life. Apostolic Nuncio – Archbishop – Philippines “With Authenticity, much is gained in prayer, and much is accomplished through prayer. More especially if prayer is directed in behalf of the Church.” $10
Medicine of Immortality
Prayers and Meditations for Mass and Eucharistic Adoration Author: Fr. John J. Pasquini
$ 10.00 plus postage“In Medicine of Immortality, Father John Pasquini offers his readers the richness of Catholic devotional prayer, the wisdom of the Fathers and, most of all, the fruits of his own prayer and meditation before the Blessed Sacrament. I recommend this book to all who wish to grow in their love for the Lord, who sustains the life of His Church through the precious gift of His Body and Blood.” Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., Archbishop of Chicago $10
Ecce Fides
Pillar of Truth - Dedicated to defending Catholic beliefs through reason, Scripture, and the life of the Holy Spirit Author: Fr. John J. Pasquini
$ 10.00 plus postageEcce Fides is a work dedicated to defending Catholic beliefs through reason, Scripture, and the life of the Holy Spirit. "It is important that we (as people of God) return to the source of life, our faith, which is usefully exposed in this volume, and take it out to our contemporaries, evangelizing them and their cultures and inculturating the Gospel." Cardinal – Pontifical Council for Culture – Vatican City $10
Shepherds of Christ Spirituality Newsletters
Author: Fr. John J. Pasquini
$ 35.00 plus postageShepherds of Christ, a book of Spirituality Newsletters, is a compilation of the first nine newsletters from Fr. John J. Pasquini begining in August 2006. The Newsletter has been circulated to the priests and hierarchy spreading devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart, promoting love for the Eucharist, greater love for the Church, the Priesthood, Mary and the Holy Spirit, the Mass, Prayer, and greater intimate relationship with God. $35
Authenticity Ocean DVD
The Authenticity Prayer Book is read with the Ocean as a backdrop.
$ 10.00 plus postageDVD - Prayers from the Authenticity Book read by Rita Ring on the ocean it is beautiful. 410
Nursing Home Mass DVD
A special mass by Fr. John J. Pasquini for those in nursing homes or homebound.
$ 10.00 plus postageDVD - A beautiful Mass was done by Fr. John J. Pasquini for Nursing homes and assisted living. It was done at St. Joseph's magnificent chapel St. Joseph's assisted living in Jupiter, Florida. It last about 33 minutes. We call it the golden Nursing Home Mass from St. Joseph's. $10
Consolation DVD
Give this DVD as a sympathy present.
$ 10.00 plus postageConsolation by Fr. John J. Pasquini upon the passing of a loved one. Fr. Pasquini has done a beautiful gift of his most wonderful homily given when someone dear has died. It can be given as a tremendous gift. $10
Divine Mercy Chaplet CD
Give this DVD as a gift.
$ 10.00 plus postageDivine Mercy Chaplet CD. Prayed by Fr. John J. Pasquini $10
Statues/Religious Items
Statues, Crucifixes, and Religious Artwork
These items are very special additions to your home or place of worship.
Special 27" Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass
27" Statue with crown
$ 450.00 plus shipping
Special 18" Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass
$ 250.00 plus shipping
Special 15" Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass
White gown with gold trim around mantel
$ 200.00 plus shipping
Special 12" Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass
White gown with gold trim around mantel
$ 160.00 plus shipping
Special 18" Our Lady of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass
Blue and Pink gown with a rosary over her hand.
$ 250.00 plus shipping
Special 11" Our Lady of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass
Blue and Pink gown.
$ 150.00 plus shipping
Crucifix by Felix - Hand Carved
Crucifix with incredible detail!
$ 750.00 plus shipping
Imitation of Two Hearts
Giclee Art Print on Canvas
$ 150.00 plus shipping
Lucia's Vision
Giclee Art Print on Canvas by Harold Kellner
$ 150.00 plus shipping
Mary's Image 12 x 16
Giclee Art Print on Canvas of Mary's image with a sliver of glass and a little bottle of Jesus and Mary water. The glass will be fixed behind the back of the picture.
$ 200.00 plus shipping
Blue Crystal Rosary
Rosary with the Image of Our Lady of Clearwater
6mm - $ 30.00 plus shipping
8mm - $ 40.00 plus shipping
Red Crystal Rosary
Rosary with the Image of Our Lady of Clearwater
6mm - $ 30.00 plus shipping
8mm - $ 40.00 plus shipping
Clear Crystal Rosary
Rosary with the Image of Our Lady of Clearwater
6mm - $ 30.00 plus shipping
8mm - $ 40.00 plus shipping
Mug with the Image of Our Lady of Clearwater
$ 15.00 plus shipping
Call Rosie
w/glass - 28
w/glass - 24OL-Mt. Carmel
w/glass - 24
w/glass - 24
w/glass - 24
w/glass - 24
w/glass - 24SH-Blessing
w/glass - 24
Sorrow M
w/glass - 24
w/glass - 24
w/glass - 18
OL-Mt. Carmel
w/glass - 18I Heart
w/glass - 18
I Heart - Ivory
w/glass - 18
w/glass - 18
w/glass - 18OL-Guadalupe
w/glass - 12
w/glass - 27
w/glass - 18
w/glass - 15
w/glass - 18
w/glass - 12
w/glass - 11
St. Padre Pio
St. Joseph
St. Therese
St. Francis
St. Anthony
St. Claire
St. Jude
Divine Mercy
Holy Family
St. Philomena
Pieta - Marble
Pieta - Color
Holy Family 12
St. Anthony - 18
St. Francis - 18
St. Joseph - 18
St. Therese - 18
St. Rita - 18
St. Clare - 12
St. Rita - 12
St. Padre Pio - 12
Divine Mercy - 12
St. Michael - 11
Limpias - 8
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 627
China, IN 47250
Toll free - 1-888-211-3041
Local - 1-812-273-8405
fax - 1-812-273-3182
web: www.sofc.org
e-mail: info@sofc.org
Holy Family
St. Anthony
St. Claire
St. Francis
St. Joseph
St. Jude
St. Padre Pio
St. Therese
Divine Mercy 22" $125
Angel 22" $100
St. Philomena 20" $100
St. Philomena 16" $65
St. Joseph 18" $65
St. Francis 18" $65
St. Anthony 18" $65
St. Rita 18" $65
St. Therese 18" $65
Pieta - Color 15"
Pieta - Marble 15"
Holy Family 12" $75
St. Padre Pio - standing 12" $100
St. Padre Pio - sitting 9" $100
St. Michael 11" $40
St. Rita 12" $40
Divine Mercy
12" $50
St. Claire 12" $40
Pieta - Color 8"
Pieta - Marble 8"
Limpias 8" $25
Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass 28" $500
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass 24" $500
Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass
Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass
Infant of Prague w/glass
Our Lady of Grace w/glass
Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass
Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass 24"
Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass 24"
Sorrowful Mother w/glass
Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass 18" $300
Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass 18" $300
Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass 18" $300
Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass 18" $300
Our Lady of Grace w/glass 18" $300
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass
Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass 12" $200
Fatima w/glass
Fatima w/glass
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 12"
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 15"
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 18"
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 27" $450
Call for Shipping Price (1-888-211-3041)
IN Tax (7%)
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Order Total
Call Rosie
Immaculate Heart and Sacred Heart Pictures Available
with & without frames - different sizes available
© 2012 Shepherds of Christ.
Rights for
reproduction granted:
May be copied in its entirety, but neither re-typed nor edited.
Translations are welcome but they must be reviewed for moral and
theological accuracy by a source approved by Shepherds of Christ Ministries
before any distribution takes place. Please contact us for more information.
All scripture quotes are from the
New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
Revised: January 1, 2012
URL: http://www.sofc.org
Contact Information for Shepherds
of Christ
Email: info@SofC.org
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 627
China, Indiana 47250
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405
FAX: (812) 273-3182