Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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March 1, 2007
March 2nd Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 3 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for March 2nd are Joyful.
Click on the Radio and hear the Sidney Rosary
and Fr. John's mass.
Rita Ring will be in Florida
March 5th at 6:20pm.
Please come and pray!
Or tune in!
There will be a powerful retreat
in China this month.
March 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th.
It will be on the weekend.
Please come!
Every day at 6:20pm on the
Shepherds of Christ Radio
we are playing a Mass
that Fr. John did October 13, 2006
(It was the 10th Anniversary
when the 13th's started
October 13, 1996 at Tom's Farm.)
After the Mass we will play Fr. John
praying the Shepherds of Christ prayers and
Sheila will then do the Holy Spirit Novena.
Please tune in and pray united to the radio.
Others who cannot tune in to the radio
pray the 6:20 prayers as usual.
All should be united in prayer,
some listening to the Mass,
some praying the prayers as usual.
March 1, 2007
For the endless hours that Jesus waits in
the tabernacle we want to tell Him our love. God wants
union with Him, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Intimacy —
a Personal love affair for us with Jesus the bridegroom
of our soul.
We may want our love union with others to be
euphoric and then we say God I will be happy and love
you when I have intimacy with another.
For His religious God wants an even more special
bridal union with Him. Think of how it is that so
many priests and religious cannot spend that hour with
Jesus, alone before the tabernacle. They may rationalize
the Church, others are all more important than having
one hour a day before the Blessed Sacrament to be with
We do what we do not because of what others do if
they love us, give us affection, money, admiration,
passionate euphoric love — we love Jesus in
sunny weather and rainy weather — we love Jesus
first, not see if we get love from another individual
and then love Jesus.
Jesus loved us when they beat Him — crowned Him
with thorns. He loved those who beat Him so much
He died for them on the cross.
We are to have this special love union with
God for God's sake, not because we are happy
with an individual — that's when we love God and
when we are sad in a relationship our deep love
for God dwindles.
A person loving God is a person of strength
like Mary.
She stood beneath the cross and she loved the
precious souls He died for. Mary is our model. Mary
did not put John and the apostles before Jesus. Her
love was to honor God — her love flowed to others
from this - not the other way around.
God has called religious to a special spousal
union with Him to teach others about the
mystical marriage WITH GOD.
If the religious in the Church drew their strength
from the relationship with God they would not
be so easily swayed by looking for satisfaction
in things and people in the world.
God is the primary focus — To love God above all
things — to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Holding onto any one inordinately — another —
our family — trying to rescue — looking for
understanding to the point it is that which
determines our moods and actions — can be
blocking our focus on God first — love flowing
from this to others, loving ourselves as God's
special creation.
Why do it? Why can one person be so attached
to family or others they have inappropriate -
slavishly dependent relationships — Filling
ourselves with candy leaves little room for the
good foods we need.
The mission God gave to me was to feed the hungry.
16 years ago — I have lived to help to feed the hungry
souls — for at least 2 years I spent in front of
the tabernacle feasting on the grace outpoured
into my wounded soul — until God began to
lavishly fill me with this love from the Mass
and adoration — I knew Him, I love Him,
I wanted to be with Him.
God may open our eyes to inordinate
attachments in our lives and we say — no God —
I want what I want.
We can see how we are asked to let go of
mom or dad, sometimes our children, people
we love to death and then in that void we may
discover deeper and deeper love of God — thirsting
after the Eucharist.
We have to put on the Father's vision — His
Plan for the world — surrender and let go to what
He wants with our lives — loving deeply God
first — others as God desires.
I cry for the souls — I want to know
the love of God so much. Jesus is the
bridegroom of my soul.
I look at the priests suffering and I
know that God longs for them to spend time
with Him — loving Him — being so one with
Christ in celebrating the Mass —
From this the grace flows —
Putting God first like the 1st Commandment
1. I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.
Fighting what God wants for us
Making ourselves looking to fill voids
in our hearts by loving possessively
or before God —
blocks the very deep mystical marriage
we can have with God when we
make Him have His rightful place
as the King and Center of my heart
We were created with the desire that can
only be filled by God —
vocations to the religious life could prosper
if this love affair and its great gift
were talked about.
March 1, 2007 continues
Married people who end in divorce may be looking
to put someone else in and fill the desire
of their hearts only God can do —
disobedience against the commandments
is wrong
1) the first says to love God above all things —
we can't have the attitude I will be
happy when I am loved by others,
sad when we are not and forget
God is the strength and summit of our
love given
2) We are to do things because it is God's
will — even if we are suffering
and people cause us pain —
our actions are like a moving
pole — satan can control by
pressing on others around us —
if our actions are determined
by how others are acting to us.
Others may act to hinder what we
believe God wants, but if we
can we always try to do God's
will even when suffering —
Mary acted purely —
We can act purely and then we can
get frustrated and give
into our tainted human nature —
then we act taintedly —
We can rationalize to ourselves —
why this thing that is really wrong
is okay in our case.
The devil wants this —
Making exceptions for ourselves —
A person may say about another
"It's okay for me because he does this."
So I don't have to obey the
Commandments —
That isn't right —
Mary has warned making right
wrong and making wrong - right,
the devil wants this —
A person can tell themselves its
okay to kill an unwanted
unborn baby —
What about the 5th commandment?
What about sex outside of marriage?
unfaithfulness that leads to
weakening of the family structure and
damages children of the marriage —
some for life —
What about the children as people
make their own rules for
selfish reasons — for selfish
affections —
What about the children of the
children who bent the rules
for their own selfish love
relationship —
What happened with Henry VIII —
What happened from the sin of
Adam and Eve —
I want to be pure, but heaven is a
reward to those who love and serve
the Lord and obey His commandments
Having a candy can be an
inordinate attachment —
The devil works in relationships
to try to get them off balance —
1) fighting —
2) too much the other way against God's will
Mary did not have a tainted human
nature —
She is our model
To serve God first
To serve God as He desires
To get about His work and not selfish
affections against His will — or
division, jealousies, anger
The Sacred Heart wants homes
of peace — children around the
table —
A lady was addicted to alcohol —
the children suffered
A man gave all his affections to
His secretary and never once
showed love to his wife —
The children watched a home of
unloving relationships while
he rationalized his wife didn't
treat him right.
What about all the affects of those
innocent children while we give into
selfish affections —
We are here as parents — co-creators
to teach the children —
to do God's will —
Generation after generation suffers
when one lies and the children
don't know what the big
log is in their hearts that block
honest love where love is to be
learned by the Parents —
If one is unloving it does not give
the other person the right to have
romantic affections outside
the marriage — sneakiness so the
children do not learn about the
love of God — but they were co-created
through the parent's actions.
I knew one thing —
I had my children and
it was God's will I was their mother —
My way must be dependent on what
God wants —
if another does something and
I can still do God's will
I should do it —
unless there are circumstances
like physical abuse or something
A husband and wife are to raise their children —
a husband and wife leave mother and father —
sometimes possessive mothers and fathers interfere
and the children are hurt because of meddling
grandparents — possessive, self-focused for
their personal affections —
In religious life — one must especially
teach the children of the Church
about celibacy if they are to be
celibate —
This helps to make amends to God for
the sins of sex in the world when
one gives themselves to God in
religious life and takes a vow of
celibacy and obedience (a sister,
brother, priest)
Jesus is longing for the souls to come
and give Him love — to live as St. Paul
Galatians 2: 19-20
I have been crucified with Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me.
Oneness in religious life with Father, Son and Holy Spirit
going to the pure heart of Mary —
Consecrating our lives to Jesus and Mary
help us to live our lives in our
vocations in purity, according to God's will
not too much one
way or another — God's will —
Why give God anything else
Special Offer
Fr. John J. Pasquini's book
Light, Happiness and Peace
$5.00 plus postage
Call Glaci
For this one time special offer we
offer these books so you can
spread these special prayers.
The book Light Happiness and Peace is a
companion to the
Authenticity book of prayers —
it is a masterpiece — please read
the following writing
$5.00 plus postage
This will help spread these beautiful
writings and prayers for lent.
This will help us with the Newsletter.
Crucifix — hand carved by Felix
who carved the crucifix 22'
at the Virgin Mary building.
Available for $750.00
Giclee Art Print
Canvas Stretched on a wood frame
Print is suitable for direct hanging
12 x 16 - $150.00
18 x 24 - $200.00
Call Glaci