Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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March 13, 2010
March 14th Holy
Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
March 13th
Starts 12:00 noon
We need funds —
We have sent Fr. Joe's book
to about 26,000 priests —
Thanks for your help —
We really need your help —
here are the priest responses
Please pray with us.
March 13, 2010
Sing: Hosea
Hosea 6: 1-6
Come, let us return to Yahweh.
He has rent us and he will heal us;
he has struck us
and he will bind up our wounds;
after two days he will revive us,
on the third day he will raise us up
and we shall live in his presence.
Let us know,
let us strive to know Yahweh;
that he will come is as certain as the dawn.He will come to us like a shower,
like the rain of springtime to the earth.What am I to do with you, Ephraim?
What am I to do with you, Judah?
For your love is like morning mist,
like the dew that quickly disappears.
This is why I have hacked them to pieces
by means of the prophets,
why I have killed them
with words from my mouth,
why my sentence will blaze forth
like the dawn–
for faithful love is what pleases me,
not sacrifice;
knowledge of God, not burnt offerings.
Psalm 51: 3-4, 18-19
For I am well aware of my offences,
my sin is constantly in mind.
Against you, you alone, I have sinned,
I have done what you see to be wrong,In your graciousness do good to Zion,
rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
Then you will delight in upright sacrifices,
—burnt offerings and whole oblations—
and young bulls will be offered on your altar.
Luke 18: 9-14
He spoke the following parable to some people who prided themselves on being upright and despised everyone else, ‘Two men went up to the Temple to pray, one a Pharisee, the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood there and said this prayer to himself, "I thank you, God, that I am not grasping, unjust, adulterous like everyone else, and particularly that I am not like this tax collector here. I fast twice a week; I pay tithes on all I get." The tax collector stood some distance away, not daring even to raise his eyes to heaven; but he beat his breast and said, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner." This man, I tell you, went home again justified; the other did not. For everyone who raises himself up will be humbled, but anyone who humbles himself will be raised up.’
First reading says —
People have their own plan so often —
People offer, through the prophet,
prayer to God —
God tells them I will forgive you —
Like Samuel said to Saul
God didn't want sacrifice
but obedience
God says I want your love
God says I want your obedience
God says I want your heart
We need to put God first
God has given us a free will —
God has given us grace to do what we
were called to do in baptism —
When we do good it is because of God's grace
and we cooperate with that grace
We came to do God's will —
not our will opposed to God's will —
A sacrifice based on love.
We need to do God's will not our own —
The Pharisees when praying were not
focused on God but on themselves
We can be self-conscious when praying before others,
focusing on ourselves, focusing on what others think,
focusing on how we sound — when we should focus
on praying to God, honoring God, loving God,
and being united in this prayer with those we
pray with in a powerful way.
We are all sinners
We pray to do God's will
We pray to give honor and glory to God —
Trying to convert our hearts —
To be faithful to God and
help to build His Kingdom on earth
When we do good its because of God's grace
Create in me a clean heart, Oh God —
that my life will be lived in greater
purity for Thee
For my eyes have crusted over and I want
to see with clarity through the
eyes of the heavenly Father who
created me
My mind and my heart I give to You that
the joy of salvation will fill
my heart ever more as I live
in greater oneness with Thee —
Nights are dark, but with Your love
the light of Your love fills me
whether night or day —
My life is ruled by Thy love
within my heart —
One light can light up a dark place —
let the glow of Your countenance shine
on me —
that my heart is filled with Your
vision, my light is from Your
light dwelling within me
Create, oh God, a clean heart within
me —
In this Mass today I want to help make
reparation for my sins and the sins
of the world
I want to thank You for all Your gifts
to me and to the Shepherds of Christ
Oh God, have mercy on us and fill us
with Your grace —
Oh Holy Spirit come and renew the face
of the earth
Fill us, Oh God —
Let Your light be within us —
Let Your gentle touch - fill our
memory that we are not hurried
and heartless, but realize —
the Movement is to bring the
gentle love of Your Sacred Heart
to the world —
Oh God — fill us with love —
Help us not to live to prove we are right,
but live to be as You want us
to be
Oh God, help us to be holy, gentle,
loving — wanting Your will —
in Your timing, in Your way —
Christ be in me,
Christ be my light —
Christ let me follow You —
Help me to realize it is about You —
not about me
God hear my prayer for the Shepherds of Christ —
so we are servants of You —
that we love You — as You deserve —
with our whole hearts, our whole souls
and our whole being.
Jesus tells us don't let your hearts be troubled
Fear not I am with you
John 14: 1-6
Do not let your hearts be troubled.
You trust in God, trust also in me.
In my Father’s house
there are many places to live in;
otherwise I would have told you.
I am going now to prepare a place for you,
and after I have gone
and prepared you a place,
I shall return to take you to myself,
so that you may be with me
where I am.
You know the way
to the place where I am going.Thomas said, ‘Lord, we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’ Jesus said:
I am the Way; I am Truth and Life.
No one can come to the Father
except through me.
Wisdom 3: 1-9
But the souls of the upright are in the hands of God,
and no torment can touch them.
To the unenlightened, they appeared to die,
their departure was regarded as disaster,
their leaving us like annihilation;
but they are at peace.
If, as it seemed to us, they suffered punishment,
their hope was rich with immortality;
slight was their correction, great will their blessings be.
God was putting them to the test
and has proved them worthy to be with him;
he has tested them like gold in a furnace,
and accepted them as a perfect burnt offering.
At their time of visitation, they will shine out;
as sparks run through the stubble, so will they.
They will judge nations, rule over peoples,
and the Lord will be their king for ever.
Those who trust in him will understand the truth,
those who are faithful will live with him in love;
for grace and mercy await his holy ones,
and he intervenes on behalf of his chosen.
Jesus says: don't let your hearts be troubled
R. We may cry because of loss of loved ones in our lives
or because of suffering with others in love
People who die and go to heaven are at peace —
May God deepen our faith — we pray for the increase of faith
We want to be one
Response in Christ (excerpt)
e) Relationship with Members of the Church
There is but one true Church of Christ. Yet this one Church has three different states of existence. There is the pilgrim Church, the Church of this world, composed of members who have received the grace of Christ and strive for its development. They have not yet obtained the goal of their efforts, as have the members of the heavenly Church, who enjoy God in eternal happiness. The Church suffering is an intermediate state of existence necessary for those who had not achieved the required purification as members of the pilgrim Church. Although there are these three phases of the Church’s existence, there is a profound union existing between all the members. All these members possess the same basic life of grace in Christ, and this common life establishes the most intimate bonds of love. In our preceding chapter, we discussed the pilgrim Church. Let us now consider the Church suffering and the heavenly Church.
end of excerpt
Jesus says open now
That I can touch your heart deeply
Let go of any anger
Feel My gentle touch and you —
let Me touch you
Song: All I Ask of You
Jesus: I love you, I love you, I love you --
Let Me touch your heart —
Let go of anger and unforgiveness —
Focus on My presence deep in your heart
I am here with you now —
Let go
Sing: Little Child
R. Dear God help me to be holy
Jesus says: Sing: Here I Am Lord
R. Oh God we love You so much —
Thank you for giving Yourself to me in the
Eucharist —
Outpour Your grace on my friends and on
the world —
Oh God we love You —
Outpour Your grace to us —
Let us proclaim the mystery of our faith —
Christ has died, Christ has risen,
Christ will come again —
Our Father
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Lamb of God
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.
A Prayer before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Let me be a holy sacrifice and unite with God in the sacrament of His greatest love.
I want to be one in Him in this act of love, where He gives Himself to me and I give myself as a sacrifice to Him. Let me be a holy sacrifice as I become one with Him in this my act of greatest love to Him.
Let me unite with Him more, that I may more deeply love Him. May I help make reparation to His adorable Heart and the heart of His Mother, Mary. With greatest love, I offer myself to You and pray that You will accept my sacrifice of greatest love. I give myself to You and unite in Your gift of Yourself to me. Come and possess my soul.
Cleanse me, strengthen me, heal me. Dear Holy Spirit act in the heart of Mary to make me more and more like Jesus.
Father, I offer this my sacrifice, myself united to Jesus in the Holy Spirit to You. Help me to love God more deeply in this act of my greatest love.
Give me the grace to grow in my knowledge, love and service of You and for this to be my greatest participation in the Mass. Give me the greatest graces to love You so deeply in this Mass, You who are so worthy of my love.
-Mass Book, December 27, 1995
R. Dear Jesus — we want to make a spiritual
communion, we cannot receive You
now, but we want to know Your
presence deep in our heart —
deep in our soul — Oh God fill us
with Your presence that we can
just focus on You and Your love
for us now — Love deep in us —
Oneness with You —
Quite surrender to be alone in
this moment with You in our heart
in deep love —
We love You so much our beloved
God — March 3, 2010
Love is Action from the Heart (excerpt)
March 5, 1994 8:00 p.m.
Jesus: ....The love of God is active. I, a prisoner, sit this very moment in all the tabernacles in this world out of ardent love for My beloved ones. I, God, sit and wait for your love. Little prayers you pray, half asleep, in a monotone-lip-service! No action from your heart! Look at Me. Look at My life. Action from the heart, the Heart of Jesus.
I want an active relationship with you. I wait for a heart ablaze with ardent love. You sit on the shoreline throwing little words at Me.
Love is embracing, love is entwined, love is vibrant and forceful, love is burning, love is longing, love is wanting, love is thinking about the other and talking about that person at all times. Love is an active force. It is on fire. I am God. The love I have for you is inexpressible in human terms.
You sit and throw words at Me. They are cold. You talk about My love and the love of God as you talk about the rain that is coming down or your dirty socks.
I am God, child. I am the Son of God and I love you. If a lover professed such love to you, would you not run to His waiting arms? ....
end of excerpt
2000 years ago Christ walked the earth —
Christ was kind, Christ taught the Father's
message — Christ healed the sick, comforted
the poor and needy — Christ forgave sins —
Christ gathered around Him the men who
would form the foundation of His Church.
Today Jesus still walks the earth —
He still preaches the Father's message —
He still manifests love and kindness —
Fr. Carter says
"Now Christ's redemptive mission
on earth is visibly manifested, not
through His physical body, but through
His mystical body, that body, which
is His Church —"
Fr. Carter says
"The Church is the earthly, visible
continuation of Jesus in His redemptive
Incarnation. United with the glorified
Christ the members of the Church assist
Him in continuing His mission of
being King, Prophet and Priest for the
salvation of the world —
The closeness of the People of God
with Christ is brought out by the
words of St. John"
John 15: 5-7
I am the vine,
you are the branches.
Whoever remains in me, with me in him,
bears fruit in plenty;
for cut off from me you can do nothing.
Anyone who does not remain in me
is thrown away like a branch
—and withers;
these branches are collected
and thrown on the fire
and are burnt.
If you remain in me
and my words remain in you,
you may ask for whatever you please
and you will get it.
from Tell My People
"What I say to you in the dark, tell in the day-
light; what you hear in whispers, proclaim
from the housetops." (Matthew 10:27)
Jesus Has Come to Give Us Life
Jesus: "This is the day celebrating My Resurrection (Easter). The day of newness of life. I am Lord and Master. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Tell My people to come to Me if they wish to experience life in abundance. I want to give all an ever greater share in the life of My Resurrection. Without Me you cannot be happy, nor have peace, nor have real joy. Tell My people to surrender to Me more and more. The more they do so, the more they will experience My love, wisdom, power, peace, joy, happiness, mercy, and goodness. Within My Heart My people will find these riches. I am Lord and Master! Please listen to My words."
Reflection: Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus has come to give us life, and to give us this life in abundance.
When we were baptized, we were incorporated into Christ and His Church. When we were baptized, we received the life of sanctifying grace. This life is a created sharing in the life of the Trinity. Truly, we are called to live a God-like existence according to the teaching and example of Jesus! It is our duty and our privilege to develop our life of grace—our Christ-life—through our participation in the Mass, through the reception of the sacraments, through prayer, and through all other good works. Indeed, we are called to love God and neighbor more and more.
What a glorious life has been given to us! In a spirit of thanksgiving, and together with Mary our Mother, let us always strive to know Christ more intimately, to love Him more ardently, and to follow Him more closely, so that He will always bring us to a closer union with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
Prayer: Father, we are profoundly grateful for the life You have given to us through Jesus and in the Holy Spirit. Through the constant intercession of Mary our Mother, we ask for the grace to always be Your worthy sons and daughters.
Jesus: "My beloved priest-companion, I have allowed you to experience in extraordinary fashion the riches contained in My Heart and My Mother's Heart. I desire that you tell all My people about these riches. I desire that My people consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart and to Mary's Immaculate Heart. My people are living in the beginnings of the age of the Two Hearts.
"After the time of the purification is completed, this new era of the Church and the world will become firmly established. This era will be characterized by the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. All those who consecrate themselves to My Heart and to My Mother's Heart will help to establish this glorious new age. I am Lord and Master. Please listen to My urgent request. Within Our Hearts you will experience the love and security, the peace and the joy, which you all desire. I love My people with a tremendous love, and in My love I give them this message!"
Prayer: This is the Age of the Two Hearts! The surest road to sanctity in these our times is through consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. In making this consecration, and striving with God's grace to live it as best we can each day, we are contributing to the establishment of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and to the arrival of the reign of the Sacred Heart.
Jesus: "My beloved companion, remind My people of their responsibility toward the world. They have a duty to try to make this a better world for all to live in.
"Today there is much which is wrong with the world. Sin covers the face of the earth. Sins of all kinds blemish the goodness of My Father's creation.
"However, My Mother and I are increasingly gathering our forces for the battle against Satan and his followers. We are more and more forming Our followers to wage the battle to win back that part of the world dominated by Satan's influence. We are forming our followers in the ways of love. We are forming Our followers with the grace which flows from the bosom of My Father, through My Heart, given in the Holy Spirit, and distributed through the intercession of the maternal and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
"We are forming Our followers to give themselves in the greatest love for God and neighbor. We are bringing them ever more closely to Our Hearts so that they may draw from the flames of love of My Heart and Mary's Heart! The more My followers dwell in Mary's Heart and My Heart, the more they are enlightened and strengthened to give themselves for the salvation of the world.
"I am Lord and Master. I ask all to follow Me and My Mother to help us bring forth the great age of love and peace for the world. This age will emerge after the phase of purification has been completed. This age will be characterized by the triumph of Mary's immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. In this great new age, soon to come, My people will love and praise My Father, with Mary and through Me and in the Holy Spirit, as never before!
"I love My people with a tremendous, burning love, and in this love I give them this message!"
Reflection: The world belongs to Christ. St. Paul tells us about this:
As he is the Beginning, he was first to be born from the dead, so that he should be first in every way, because God wanted all perfection to be found in him, and all things to be reconciled through him and for him, everything in heaven and everything on earth, when he made peace by his death on the cross (Colossians 1:18-20).
Since the world belongs to Christ, we, who are His followers, must have a great love for the world as created and redeemed by God. We must labor through our participation in the Mass and through all our other prayers and good works to more and more help the Christic image of the world to shine forth in ever greater splendor. This is our duty and our privilege. Out of love for God and neighbor, let's resolve to get on with the task!
Prayer: Father, give us the grace to labor to make this world the kind of place which Your tender love desires for all Your children. We make this petition together with Mary, through Christ, and in the Holy Spirit.
The Two Ways
Jesus: "My beloved friend, remind My people of the seriousness of life. Two paths stretch before them. One way is My way, the way which leads to eternal happiness in Heaven. The other way is the way of Satan, the path which leads to everlasting punishment in Hell.
"I have laid down My life for each of My people so that they could possess eternal life. I paid a great price to do this! But I did so gladly because of My great love for My Father and all My people. As I was suffering the excrutiating pain of My brutal passion and death, My Sacred Heart beat with overwhelming love for each of you! I knew each of you by name. How I long for each of you to love Me in return, and to follow Me on the path to eternal life! Do not waste the graces which cost Me such a great price. Resolve each day to grow in knowledge and love of Me. Resolve each day to make use of the precious opportunities to love God and neighbor. Resolve each day to become saints! Oh! how much the Church and the world need saints in these the most critical of times!
"Be in communion with those in Heaven and Purgatory. They have successfully completed their earthly journey. They followed My way, and now eternal life in Heaven is theirs, or will be. Pray that those in Purgatory may soon join the blessed in Heaven. Pray to the blessed in Heaven and the souls in Purgatory that they in turn, may help you in all your needs.
"I am Lord and Master. Listen to My words! United to My Mother's Heart, come to My Heart each day for the light and strength to follow the path of life I hold before you—the path which leads to eternal bliss.
"I love My people with an overwhelming love, and in this great love, I give them this message!"
Reflection: Here are some Scripture passages which speak to our subject at hand!
"... you will reveal the path of life to me, give me unbounded joy in your presence, and at your right hand everlasting pleasures" (Psalms 16:11).
"Yahweh, make your ways known to me, teach me your paths. Set me in the way of your truth, and teach me, for you are the God who saves me" (Psalms 25:4-5).
"Let the wicked man abandon his way, the evil man his thoughts. Let Him turn back to Yahweh who will take pity on him, to our God who is rich in forgiving" (Isaiah 55:7).
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through me" (John 14:6).
Prayer: Jesus, give us a deep desire to follow You more and more closely. Always give us the light to see that Your way is the only way to happiness, peace, and joy — here and hereafter. Allow us always to remember that the way which is not Yours leads to restlessness, unhappiness, and bitterness. We make this petition in union with Mary our Mother, and we beseech You to place it before Your Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus: "My beloved friend, remind My people that the Church was born from My Heart, pierced with the soldier's lance on Calvary. From My pierced Heart the Church with her sacraments was born. Two of these sacraments, the Eucharist and Baptism, were symbolized by the Blood and Water which flowed forth from My pierced side.
"As the Church was born from My pierced Heart, so does the Church's life grow from the graces I continually give her from My pierced Heart—this Heart which is now glorified. "I call all the members of My Church to help build up My Body, the Church, by coming to My pierced Heart. United to My Heart, and dwelling within It, I will give to each one the light and strength to carry out My Father's will in the building up of My Church.
"Mary is Mother and Model of the Church. As 'Mother of the Church,' she intercedes for all the graces the members need to contribute to the building up of My Church. As Model—as perfect imitator of Me—she shows the children of the Church how all, individually and collectively, are to be increasingly formed in My image. As all come to My Heart for the building up of the Church, let them do so united to the Heart of Mary.
"My Church is experiencing critical and very difficult times. There are many divisions. There are many false teachings, including some put forth by certain theologians. These false teachings occur because those responsible are not in proper union with My vicar, the Pope, and the Church Magisterium. I want all My children to pray daily for the cure of the many and serious ills of the Church. With increased prayer and sacrifices for the health of the Church, that day will soon come when the Church will be purified and revitalized. When that day comes, the Church will be a light to all nations as never before. When that day comes, the renewed Church will be characterized by the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. Thus the message of Fatima will have reached fulfillment.
"I am Lord and Master. I request that all My people listen to My words and respond to them. I love My people with a tremendous love, and in this great love I give them this message!"
Reflection: In speaking of the Church, St. Paul tells us:
"Just as a human body, though it is made up of many parts, is a single unit because all these parts, though many, make one body, so it is with Christ. In the one Spirit we were all baptized, Jews as well as Greeks, slaves as well as citizens, and one Spirit was given to us all to drink....
"Now you together are Christ's body; but each of you is a different part of It. In the Church, God has given the first place to apostles, the second to prophets, the third to teachers; after them, miracles, and after them the gift of healing; helpers, good leaders, those with many languages. Are all of them apostles, or all of them prophets, or all of them teachers? Do they all have the gift of miracles, or all have the gift of healing? Do all speak strange languages, and all interpret them?" (1 Corinthians 12:12-30).
In His message above, Jesus reminds all of us that we have a responsibility to help in the building up of the Church. St. Paul reminds us that we each have our own role. He names many of these roles and there are many who share in them. For example, there are many teachers of various kinds in the Church. But each teaches according to his or her personal uniqueness. Consequently, we can truly say that each one has a mission, has a role, in the life of the Church which no one else can fulfill. To the extent each of us gives his or her life to Christ, we continue His work upon earth through the visible, tangible humanity each of us possess. To the extent each of us fails to surrender to Jesus, to that extent we refuse Him the opportunity to live through our personal uniqueness. What an awesome privilege has been given to each of us! And what an awesome responsibility!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, always give us the light to see how You wish us to fulfill our roles in the life of the Church. Always give us the strength to live according to this light. We make our petition in union with Mary, in and through Jesus, and in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
end of excerpts
Help me publish this book —
the vision of our founder
2 Corinthians 4: 8-10
We are subjected to every kind of hardship, but never distressed; we see no way out but we never despair; we are pursued but never cut off; knocked down, but still have some life in us; always we carry with us in our body the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus, too, may be visible in our body.
Jesus: What good does it do a man to win the
world and lose his soul —
I have called the Shepherds of Christ to help
renew the Church and the world —
I have called you to help
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
Jesus: Help Me spread the Priestly Writing and
form prayer chapters devoted to
My Heart and Mary's heart —
praying for the priests, the Church
and the world.
R. We have circulated 15,000,000
Priestly Newsletters, lose and in books, in 16 years —
Help us spread the Prayer Chapters —
Prayers are on a brochure now
easy to spread
R. We need funds to do this —
Jesus called us to repentance,
conversion, renewal and ultimately
salvation —
Jesus calls us to help build up His
Kingdom — Doing all things for
the honor and glory of God —
We need to repent and continually
to convert —
Luke 13: 6-9
He told this parable, ‘A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came looking for fruit on it but found none. He said to his vinedresser, "For three years now I have been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and finding none. Cut it down: why should it be taking up the ground?" "Sir," the man replied, "leave it one more year and give me time to dig round it and manure it: it may bear fruit next year; if not, then you can cut it down." ’
Why do we run from God — look
at the Prodigal Son — He took his
Father's money and left and he wasted
it — Do we waste the talents
God gives us and then come running back
if we realize our error —
God intended us to build His
Kingdom —
Pope John Paul II said — 'why do
we act like a rival to the Father's
Plan for us'
1 John 1: 8
If we say, ‘We have no sin,’
we are deceiving ourselves,
and truth has no place in us;
We need to love and to forgive —
We need to let go of our anger that
we could be acting out on
innocent others —
Jesus was forced to flee because of Herod —
This was the beginning of Jesus' life on earth —
Matthew 2: 16
Herod was furious on realising that he had been fooled by the wise men, and in Bethlehem and its surrounding district he had all the male children killed who were two years old or less, reckoning by the date he had been careful to ask the wise men.
Born in a stable because there was no room
for Him in the Inn — Then He had to
flee to Egypt because of Herod —
John the Baptist preached and
baptized and God the Father proclaimed
"This is My Beloved Son in whom I am
well pleased"
Matthew 3: 2-3
‘Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is close at hand.’ This was the man spoken of by the prophet Isaiah when he said:
A voice of one that cries in the desert,
‘Prepare a way for the Lord,
make his paths straight.’
Matthew 3: 17
And suddenly there was a voice from heaven, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on him.’
We saw in cycle C — the First Sunday
of Lent — Jesus was tempted by the
Matthew 4: 1
Then Jesus was led by the Spirit out into the desert to be put to the test by the devil.
and His victory over this —
Being obedient to the Father —
Matthew 4: 16
The people that lived in darkness
have seen a great light;
on those who lived
in a country of shadow dark as death
a light has dawned.
In the second Sunday we see
the transfiguration where again the
voice is heard
"This is My beloved Son"
In Lent we see the Father sent the
Son to teach us how to be sons of God —
Do we follow His example — Lent is a time
to die to those ways not likened to
Christ so we can be more and more
likened to Him —
We are God's instruments today
in the world to spread the Good News —
Jesus' message is the preaching
of the Kingdom of heaven and we
need to repent — to change our hearts
Sing: Change Our Hearts oh God
We are to be righteous as seen
in the Sermon on the Mount — that
means doing the will of Our Father —
Our Father
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Moses came and gave us the commandments —
the Law
Jesus gives us so much more —
deeper —
life in Him —
Matthew 5: 17
‘Do not imagine that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete them.
Jesus comes for this fulfillment
of the law —
Jesus cured disease and illnesses
and preached the Gospel
Jesus forgave sins,
But the Church will now
have this responsibility
in the future through
its chosen priests
as God's holy chosen
ministers —
Jesus sent the disciples out to
teach the Gospel
Matthew 13: 44, 47
'The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which someone has found; he hides it again, goes off in his joy, sells everything he owns and buys the field.
'Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like a dragnet that is cast in the sea and brings in a haul of all kinds of fish.
"The Kingdom of God is at hand"
Jesus had enemies —
Jesus was rejected
the Pharisees wanted to put Him to death
There is the righteous ones and the
rebellious ones with hard hearts.
Jesus predicts His passion —
Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple
Jesus is faithful to His Father
Jesus drank the cup of suffering
Matthew 28: 18
Jesus came up and spoke to them. He said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Matthew 27: 51-53
And suddenly, the veil of the Sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom, the earth quaked, the rocks were split, the tombs opened and the bodies of many holy people rose from the dead, and these, after his resurrection, came out of the tombs, entered the holy city and appeared to a number of people.
Matthew 28: 2
And suddenly there was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord, descending from heaven, came and rolled away the stone and sat on it.
And Jesus rose on the 3rd day
Response Letters from the mailing of
Fr. Joe's Homily book - Cycle C
1. I received your literature a couple of days ago and the book of Guiding Light, homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson, and am delighted with it. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and generosity. I will remember all of you in my Mass on Sunday (24th). Will also keep you in my prayers in continuing your splendid work. 1/22/10 – priest – Washington DC
2. Thank you for the book and the gracious praise of our priesthood – would that we much all be deserving of it! 1/16/2010 – priest – NY
3. Thank you for sending me Guiding Light and for your prayers for us priests. Your ministry is deeply appreciated. May God bless you and help you to continue. 1/2010 – priest – NY
4. Thank you for the book of homilies. 1/2010 – priests – NY
5. Thank you for the book Guiding Light. 1/2010 – priest – NY
6. Thank you so much for your brother’s homily book. Please thank Fr. Joseph, Mr. Weickert and your group of Shepherds of Christ for me. Your kindness, thoughtfulness and especially prayers for me and for other priests are deeply appreciated. Please continue your prayers for me as I will for all of you. May God bless you always and reward you abundantly. 1/2010 – priest – NY
7. Thank you for the Cycle C Homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson. Please send me a copy of B Cycle and the A Cycle if possible. I’m enclosing a small offering. “Oremus Pro Invicem” 1/25/2010 – priest – NY
8. Thank you so much for making me so proud and affirmed in my priesthood. You truly make our priesthood worth living for. I am a chaplain in a correctional facility – “the priest-in-prison”. Your love makes me love my prisoners more. God bless you and continue to reward the work of your hands. 1/26/2010 – priest – NY
9. I received the book “Guiding Light Feed My Soul” – Thank you. They are indeed beautiful homilies that Fr. Joe Robinson gave in Cycle C Book. I have no idea how much it cost the ministry to print and send this book out to all the priests, but I can imagine that it was a great amount of money. Enclosed please find my gift to help to defray the expenses involved. It isn’t much I know, but maybe it will help some, o.k.? Once again THANK YOU and Good luck in your ministries in getting the word of Jesus out to others. 1/28/2010 – priest – NY
10. Thank you so much for the book. I will use it as I put my homilies together. Together let us bless the Lord, for God has been so good to us. God bless your ministries. 1/29/2010 – priest – IN
11. I do not know when you mailed the book with/of your brother’s homilies – but I received it just today. Thank you, I shall refer to the homilies in my preparations. Thank you for your prayers. I am sure you are obtaining many graces, conversions and returns to faith as a result of perpetual adoration. 1/19/2010 – priest – NY
12. Thank you for the C cycle copy of “Guiding Light”. I’m enjoying it in my prayer life … and preparing homilies. I would like to buy the A & B cycles. Send me the bill and mailing cost. Thanks again. 1/2010 – priest – NY
13. My twin brother and I are priests in Florida and I’m sure I speak for many priests throughout the country in expressing appreciation to Father Joseph. His Christmas homily – the voices of all within and around the crèche, was especially beautiful – and I didn’t want the year to get too for away from us without expressing gratitude to you and to Father Joseph – what a fantastic Ministry. Please know that you and your brother are in the prayers of many of us. 1/14/2010 – priest – Florida
14. Thank you very much for the gift of the book for homily help. It is very generous of you to give this gift. Even though retired I help out on Sundays so any help to get a homily started is really appreciated. God bless you for your kindness and may Lent bring you the best gifts from Jesus. I appreciate your prayers. 2/10/2010 – priest – NY
15. Thank you for your letter and for the book “Guiding Light” by your brother Fr. Joseph Robinson. Also, thank you for your letters over the years. I’m very grateful. 2/8/2010 – priest – Illinois
16. Thank you for the Cycle C Book of Father Robinson’s homilies. I’m grateful to for your prayers and on your mailing list. Love and prayers. 2/2010 – priest –
17. Many thanks for the book. Received with great love and joy. 2/2010 – priest – MA
18. Many thanks for sending me the book of Father Joe’s homilies for Cycle C – and to your brother for making it possible. I’m especially grateful, of course, for your and the other Shepherds daily prayers for me and other priests. 2/17/2010 – priest – IL
19. Thank you for the copy of Fr. Robinson’s book of homilies. 2/2010 – priest – NY
20. Thank you for the encouraging letter you sent and the book, Guiding Light. May the Lord bless your efforts to bring spiritual renewal to souls. 2/23/2010 – priest – MA
21. I like the book of homilies. 2/26/2010 – priest – IN
22. Thank you for sending me the book Guiding Light, Feed My Soul. I shall treasure this as I used to receive newsletters from Father Carter for many years. If people had been praying for priests years ago then the priesthood would not be in themes it is at this time. I shall remember you at my Mass tomorrow. I am very grateful for your gift. May God be with you. 2/25/2010 – priest – IL
23. Recently I received your book of homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson, and trusting it will be helpful for preparing our Sunday Celebrations, enclosed is a check. It was my understand that “Shepherds of Christ Ministries” was no longer in existence, especially since my classmate of High School and College in Cincinnati, Fr. Ed Carter had died. Peace, Prayers & Progress in Jesus. By the way, my 1st prayer every morning is the Morning Offering. 3/1/2010 – priest – NY
24. Thank you for sending me a copy of Fr. Robinson’s collection of homilies. I have already found it helpful in preaching about the Transfiguration this past Sunday. It’s a fine resource. Thanks, too, for your prayers. 3/1/2010 – priest – MA
25. I truly appreciate the book of sermons that you sent as I will make good use of it. 3/5/2010 – priest – CA
26. It was very thoughtful of you that you have generously shared your gift of ministry with the priests. 3/2010 – priest – CA
27. Thank you for sending me Fr. Joe Robinson’s book of homilies for Cycle C, and especially for all of the prayers and devotions that the Shepherds offer for us priests and for the Church. I spend a great deal of time preparing my homilies, and from reading father Joe’s book, I can see how it will be helpful to me. 3/3/2010 – priest – CA
28. I am so pleased to know that I am remembered and prayed for by such holy people and society. I am ever grateful to you and assure you of my remembrance at Mass your organization and mission. Thank you also for the book of sermon notes of your brother priest Fr. Joseph. I appreciate it and I find it very inspiring and enlightening which I will be using very effectively in my preaching ministry. I shall be pleased to have a copy of the other two cycles as well, if possible later on. Thank you once again and asking God’s blessings upon you and your good work. 1/29/2010 – priest – IL
29. Thank you so much for your thoughtful letter of 13 January and for the enclosed copy of Guiding Light: Feed My Soul. I Appreciate your kindness in sharing this good work with me and I presume so many other priests, especially through the benefaction of Fr. Joseph Robinson. God bless and strengthen you as you carry out this beautiful work. Have a happy and blessed year. 2-23-2010 - priest - NY
30. I am grateful for the many prayers you raise to God on my behalf and that of my brother priests. The book of homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson will surely be help to me in the years to come and for as I give you my thanks. May the Lord bless you for your kindness! 3/7/2010 – priest - IL
31. Thank you for the Homilies of Cycle C of Fr. Joe Robinson. God bless you in your apostolate. 3/8/2010 – priest - PA
32. I just wanted to thank you for the book “Guiding Light” for this Lent and the celebration of the year for Priests. May the Lord reward you with his grace for your work, prayers, and sacrifices. I know you sent the books out to many priests, but I would like to just say thanks and give this small donation for your work and apostolate. 3/8/2010 – priest - MA
33. Thank you so much for this wonderful gift, Celebrating Light. Fr. Robinson has wonderful insights that I plan on sharing with our retreatants weekly. God bless you and your wonderful ministry. 3/10/2010 – priest – CA
34. Thank you for the copy of Feed My Soul (Cycle C). 3/10/2010 – priest – IL
35. Thanks for the book of Fr. Joe Robinson and the covering letter expressing appreciation for the priests. God bless you. 2/22/2010 – priest
36. Thank you for sending me “Guiding Light” Feed My Soul book of homilies. Certainly it will help me with my ministries. 3/4/2010 – priest – CT
37. Thank you for your letter of January 13, 2010, with the enclosed copy of the book of homilies by Fr. Joseph Robinson. I Sincerely appreciate your kind and generous gift. Moreover, I am pleased also to know about the Shepherds of Christ and your ministries, particularly your prayers for priests. 2/23/2010 – priests – IL
38. Thank you for the very lovely Cycle C book Guiding Light which just arrived at my place in NY. 1/23/2010 – priest - NY
39. I received the 3 volumes of homilies, thanks again for your generosity and sending to me this marvelous works of divine power. Let us be and work together to build our church. May the almighty God bless you and your work. 2/6/2010 – priest – Ethiopia
40. Thank you for sending Fr. Robinson's book of homilies for Cycle C. Actually you had given me a copy earlier, and now I can share this treasure with another priest. And a treasure it is, both the introduction and homily text. I sincerely hope the holiest Birthday anniversary will be a religious experience for you and all of Shepherds of Christ. 12/20/2009 - priest - Ohio
41. Just a small devotion to let you know I enjoy reading Fr. Joe's homilies. God bless you and your ministry in 2010. 12/23/2009 - priest - Kentucky
42. Thank you for Guiding Light by your brother, Fr. Joseph Robinson. I greatly appreciate this gift and I thank you very much. This "Feed My Soul" is based on the Sunday Gospels of Year C — Do you still have spare copies for Years A and B? What do they sell for? Thank You. Enjoy the Christmas Season. 12/2009 - priest - Florida
43. Greetings! Last year you sent me the book – Guiding Light: Focusing on the Word. It is a series of homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson. What a wonderful gift. I have used it for all my homilies and spiritual reading. It has been a blessing for me and even more – a blessing for my parish. I am very grateful for this gift. – 10/22/2009 – priest - Florida
44. Please accept this donation to help in some small way the apostolate you have so devotedly engaged in for the glory of God and the spiritual growth of his people. 2009 – priest - Ohio
45. Greetings from Ohio. And Merry Christmas! Thanks for the book of Fr. Joe's homilies. I've used it already today in my own homily. I remember you from the Athenaeum Chorale. 12/20/2009 – priest - Ohio
46. Enclosed, please find a check for the book entitled, “Guiding Light: Feed My Soul”, by Fr. Joe Robinson. I enjoy his homiletic reflections very much. They are very helpful and spiritually uplifting. Thank you for sending the book so quickly. I received it in just a few days following my order, just in time for the First Sunday of Advent. I would be very interested in receiving the Cycle A edition when it is in print. Thanks again for all your help. 2009 – priest - Ohio
47. Thank you so much for your gift book, “Guiding Light”. I’ve read a number of homilies, and they are really good. However, the book has already led me into sin! You see, I’ve “stolen” some of Fr. Robinson’s stories and incorporate them into my own homilies! Many blessings, and I will certainly be purchasing items from you. 2009 – priest – Ohio
48. Thank you for remembering me and for your kindness. Be assured of continual prayers for you and your family. 2009 – priest – Ohio
49. Thanks for the copy of your brother Joe’s homilies. Years ago he and I worked together at St. Columban. He is a good friend. 12/19/2009 – priest – Ohio
50. Thank you for Father Joe’s Cycle C homilies. 12/19/2009 – priest – Ohio
51. Thanks for the book. Enclosed please find check. 12/2009 – priest – Ohio
52. Merry Christmas and I blessed New Year. Thanks for your prayers for priests. You also will be remembered in my prayers. 12/2009 – priest – Ohio
53. Thank you for the book gift of “Guiding Light”. Much appreciated for enriched preaching. Enclosed is a little token gift. Many thanks! Christmas cheer and blessings! 12/22/09 – priest – Ohio
54. Thanks for the good work. May the Lord receive your prayers for all priests. 12/2009 – priest - Florida
55. Thanks for sending me the book “Guiding Light”. I wish you all success and for my prayers for the noble ministry you do. 12/2009 – priest – Florida
56. Thank you for sharing Fr. Joseph Robinson’s homilies with me. May God bless you and your apostolate for us priests! 12/24/2009 – priest – Indiana
57. Thank you for the gift of the book of homilies and especially all you do spiritually for the Church and for priests. We need more emphasis on the spiritual aspects of the priesthood, along with all the other things priests are asked to do. I do Parish Missions and realize many Catholic’s seek a deeper spiritual life along with their lived “human” life. 12/27/2009 – priest – Kentucky
58. Many thanks for the Cycle “C” homilies by Fr. Robinson. Very insightful! God bless you in your work, that’s a tremendous apostolate. 11/19/2009 – Msgr. – PA
59. Thank you so much for the “Cycle C” readings. I always read the “B” ones – great insights and ideas. Wishing all of you the Blessings of the Christmas Season. Hope 2010 will be a time of great joy in your ministry. 12/2009 – priest – Missouri
60. Thank you for the complimentary copy of Guiding Light Feed My Soul – the homilies of Father Joe. I am grateful for your kindness. May God continue to bless you and your ministry in the New Year. 12/2009 – priest – Ohio
61. Thank you for your generous gift of Fr. Robinson’s homilies and for all your care and kindnesses for priests. I too will remember you in prayer. The world needs us. May God bless you and your ministries. 12/2009 – priest – Ohio
62. Thanks a lot for your lovely greetings. I appreciate your love and prayers. Wish you a hope-filled 2010 – with New Year blessings! 12/29/2009 – priest – Kentucky
63. Thank you for the book “Guiding Light” for the Cycle C Readings. May God bless all of you with the best of health and peace throughout the coming New Year! 12/23/2009 – priest – Indiana
64. A word of gratitude for your prayers, ministry, and copy of “Guiding Light”! God bless your dedicated work in His vineyard! 12/28/2009 – priest – Indiana
65. Thank you for the homily book – I used them a lot last year. I really appreciate them. 12/2009 – priest – Florida
66. Thank you for your greetings and the copy of “Guiding Light” I find his books very helpful. 12/7/2009 – priest – Illinois
67. Thank you for mailing me free copy of Homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson. I enjoy reading his homilies. In the past you sent me that of another Cycle. Happy New Year to all in Shepherds of Christ Ministries. 1/7/2010 – priest – Florida
68. Many thanks for the gift of your brother’s book of homilies. I am 90, in a nursing home, sometimes with two Masses a day, and I need some ideas for homilies. 1/7/2010 – Msgr. – Ohio
69. I am delighted to have your greetings at Christmas, with all those dear names personally signed. Thank you. The photo of Fr. Carter with John and Rita is good. 1/5/2010 – priest – Ohio.
70. I was so happy and overjoyed to receive this past Advent the best Christmas present – one that I had wished for – in your brother’s Cycle c homilies – Guiding Light. The book cover is beautiful and when Cycle B ended I said to myself I wish I had the new cycle, but alas, I didn’t know where I was going to get it…Then like an answer to prayer, it was in the mail! I was already missing his homilies at the beginning of December until the book arrived. I love the cover and I love the work you are doing. In the Year of the Priesthood this is certainly a welcome gift and presentation to the priests. And for me the best Christmas gift. And it came free!! The cover is great, the print is nice and big and easy to read, and the thoughts, of course, are great. One week Fr. Robinson talked about how long he was in a parish and changes, and I could use that talk myself. So the Scripture, reflections, homilies, and personal antidotes are perfect. With your generous gift you have certainly made it a blessed and Merry Christmas for me. Thank you for your prayers before the Blessed Christmas and be assured of our prayers every week when we pull out “Guiding Light – Feed my Soul” for encouraging words for our parishioners here. 1/10/2010 – priest - Florida
71. Thank you for your letter and the book of your brother’s homilies, as well as for all your prayers. You and everyone at Shepherds of Christ Ministries are doing wonderful work. 1/18/2010 – priest – Washington DC
72. Thank you! Great work – great book! 1/2010 – priest – Washington DC
73. The Holy Father wishes me to express his gratitude for your kind gift of a collection of homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson. He appreciates your thoughtful gesture. His Holiness will remember you and your associates in his prayers. Invoking upon all of you joy and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ, he cordially imparts his Apostolic Blessing. 11/24/2009 - Holy Father - Vatican
74. I thank you for your beautiful letter and for the fine publications of Shepherds of Christ Ministries you sent me. With all my best wishes for your splendid apostolate. 11/24/2009 - Cardinal - Rome
75. Thank you cordially for the booklet, you sent to me, especially for the sermons of Fr. Robinson. I am a retired bishop, but can use it for meditation. Also my sincere thanks for your continuous prayer and for your apostolate for the priesthood and for vocations. With you I pray for that daily. May God bless you and your apostolate with all esteem, wishes and blessing and cordial greetings. 11/10/2009 - Cardinal - Netherlands
76. Thank you very much for your kind letter of November 13th last, enclosing Fr. Michael Barth's homily given during your monthly retreat in China, Indiana. With cordial regards, I remain 11/27/2009 - Cardinal - Vatican.
77. Thank you for your letter addressed to Cardinal and the books and material you enclosed from the Shepherds of Christ Ministries. The Cardinal has asked me to extend his thanks to you. Wishing God's blessing, I remain 12/4/2009 - Cardinal - Vatican.
78. I thank you very much for spreading the Priestly Newsletter for the past 15 years and for all the other pastoral and liturgical actions you undertake. You fulfil this pastoral task with an exceptional courage and continuity. I pray for your work and that of all the Shepherds of Christ Ministries and I hope you can carry on this work in the service of spiritual life. 12/1/2009 - Cardinal - Belgium
79. Thank you very much for your respectful letter, which enclosed material produced and used by the Shepherds of Christ Ministries to promote the renewal of the spiritual life and the prayer for the priests, as well as the homilies of Fr. Joseph Robinson and Fr. Michael Barth. But above all, thanks for your prayers which all of us priests need, in order to be faithful instruments of God’s grace. 11/18/2009 - Cardinal - Vatican
80. I am pleased to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated 13 November 2009, wherein you kindly enclosed several publications of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. Thank you very much for your consideration in this regard. I remain grateful for your important service to the Church, and in particular to the priests and bishops. I am confident that all you do is a tremendous support to the clergy and no doubt will bear great fruit. With renewed sentiments of gratitude and warm regards 11/14/2009 - Cardinal – Vatican
81. Thank you very much for your wonderful letter and for the Homily sent on November 13, 2009. Please be assured of my prayers for you and your wonderful ministry. 12/2/2009 - Bishop - USA
82. I thank you for your recent letter to me. Thank you for the information which you have forwarded to me – along with a copy of the homilies preached by your brother, Fr. Joseph Robinson, and others. You are in my thoughts and in my prayers as you continue your apostolate. 11/16/2009 - Cardinal – Scotland
83. I recently received your letter of 13 November 2009 in which you presented a homily by Fr. Michael Barth. Thank you for your prayers and concern for me and the work; they are much appreciated. In reviewing the materials on your website, it appears that your materials may be available in Italian as well as in English. If you have materials in Italian I would be interested in seeing those in lieu of the materials in English. If the materials are only available in English then we would be most happy with those items. Availing ourselves of this opportunity to express our thankfulness and to extend our best wishes for a blessed Advent 12/4/2009 - Cardinal - Vatican
84. Please accept my appreciation for your letter of November 13, current. My commitment to remember in prayer the efforts of the Shepherds to support priestly formation and lifestyle. Your practice of perpetual adoration before the Blessed Sacrament is a wonderful expression of the kind of entrustment to the Lord of those many needs which priesthood in the contemporary Church continues to experience. Before the same Altar, kindly remember me and those associated with me in the service. 11/16/2009 - Cardinal - Vatican
85. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness! I have received Fr. Joe Robinson’s Cycle C, Guiding Light Feed My Soul along with the prayer cards and the CD titled The Priest, A Gift from God. I will share these with the priests and the faithful of the Diocese. May God shower his blessings upon you this holy Season of Advent and Christmas! 12/10/2009 - Bishop - USA
86. Thank you for the books and materials you sent me. Your support for all priests is very much included. I pray for you and your ministry – Shepherds of Christ Ministries. God bless you. 11/11/2009 - Bishop - USA
87. Thank you very much for the book of homilies and other prayer cards from the Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I will enjoy reading your book – During this Year for Priests, I commend you for the good work you are doing for the Church and for priests, and pray that the Lord will continue to bless you and your work. Please keep me in your daily prayers, as you are assured of my prayers. 11/12/2009 - Bishop - USA
88. His Excellency has asked me to thank you for the gracious communication of November 13, 2009, and especially for all the documents which you sent. The Bishop is grateful for your thoughtfulness and kindness in sending this information to him. 11/17/2009 - Bishop - USA
89. Thank you for your recent letter and for the items from Shepherds of Christ. I look forward to listening to the CD and to reading the homilies. 11/6/2009 - Bishop - USA
90. Thank you so very much for the many ways that you express your love for Jesus and Mary and your love for priests. I am most grateful to you for your prayers, especially before the Blessed Sacrament. I thank you for this current mailing, very especially for the homilies of your brother, Fr. Joseph Robinson, on Cycle C. May God continue to bless you and your ministry in rich abundance! 11/9/2009 - Bishop – USA
91. Thank you for your letter of November 13th and also, for the information on the ministry of Shepherds of Christ Ministries along with the book, booklets, cards and CD. May God continue to bless you and your ministry. 11/9/2009 - Bishop - USA
92. I thank you for your letter of November 13, 2009 with Guiding Light, the book of homilies for Cycle C, by your brother, Fr. Joe Robinson, as well as a CD recording of Fr. Michael Barth and various other materials relating to Shepherds of Christ Ministries. With my appreciation and an assurance of my prayerful best wishes. 11/9/2009 - Apostolic Nuncio - USA
93. Thank you for your recent letter and for the various materials from the Shepherds of Christ Ministry. I appreciate your kindness in forwarding these materials and look forward to reviewing them. With prayerful best wishes. 11/9/2009 - Bishop - USA
94. Thank you for the very helpful books that will help us celebrate The Year for Priests. I am grateful to you and those who serve with you for all that you do to support us priests. It pleased me especially to know the hours that are spent before the Blessed Sacrament. That is the most wonderful gift. God’s peace to all. 11/10/2009 - Bishop - USA
95. It is with sincere appreciation that I received your letter of November 13, 2009 and the information you sent on the Shepherds of Christ Ministries. Thank you for the materials you sent on your ministry for priests, including the book Guiding Light and the CD The Priest – A Gift From God. Thank you also for your kind words, and for the work you do in support of our priests. In this the Year For Priests, may our Lady, the Mother of all priests, bless your efforts and endeavors to promote a greater love and appreciation for the holy priesthood. And let us continue to remember and pray for all priests, to grow in love, fidelity, and courage in the service of the people of God and of the Church. 11/10/2009 - Bishop - USA
96. Thank you for your letter and for the enclosed book, Guiding Light: Feed My Soul, CD, The Priest: A Gift from God, and materials. I appreciate you thinking of me and taking the time to send them. Be assured of my prayers for you. May the Lord bless you with His love and mercy. 11/11/2009 - Bishop - USA.
97. Many thanks for your recent letter and for the many years your group has been praying in prayer chapters in all parts of the world. It is overwhelming to hear that prayers are offered for our intentions every day, at all hours of the day. What a wonderful gift you are to us. Thank you for sending me a copy of the homily by Fr. Michael Barth given during a retreat in China, Indiana. With gratitude to you and all your associates in the Shepherds of Christ Ministries for your continued remembrance of us and with the assurance of my own prayers for you. 11/11/2009 - Archbishop - USA
98. Thank you for your letter and for your many kind gifts. I am grateful for your thoughtfulness and generosity, and I appreciate very much your continued prayerful support of my brother priests and me. Please also know of my appreciation for your work to advance the Kingdom of God through Shepherds of Christ Ministries. 11/12/2009 - Bishop - USA
99. I would like to thank you for sharing with me the book Guiding Light: Feed My Soul, CD and other pamphlets. I am sure your efforts in putting together these materials will be greatly rewarded. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and prayers. 11/11/2009 - Bishop - USA28. On behalf of Bishop, thank you very much for the copy of the book, Guiding Light: Feed My Soul – Homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson and the CD: the Priest A gift from God – Recording of Fr. Michael Barth. Bishop is currently out of the office, but will no doubt appreciate your thoughtfulness in remembering him with this gift. 11/15/2009 - Bishop - USA
100. The book Guiding Light: Feed My Soul and The Priest: A Gift from God DVD which you were kind enough to send to Archbishop arrived and he has asked me to thank you for your thoughtfulness in providing this gift. 11/17/2009 - Archbishop -USA
101. A word of thanks for the material I just received and your letter of November 13th. Our priests will be on retreat beginning November 30th. I am sure that your prayers will help them have a wonderful spiritual experience. 11/18/2009 - Bishop – USA
102. Hey I just wanted to call you and say blessings – this is simply just an affirmation call. I got in the mail a while back Guiding Light – the Word Alive in Our Hearts – Homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson. I have to admit this has been one of the most edifying pieces of literature I have received in my hands in a long time. Fr. Joe’s homilies are inspiring, they are just wonderful. They are absolutely wonderful. I would love to hear this man preach. I mean that assuming that from what I saw – He’s still around – 40 years – it says on the back here – I haven’t read it thoroughly. – it even has a song – the song about priests! What an edifying thing that Christ has given to you – the Holy Spirit given to you. I just want to say from one of the priests out here in the trenches along with the great laity of the Church – Thank you! What a blessing this has been to me. So I would love to integrate this in some how, and thank you for the mission of the Shepherds of Christ. What an edifying thing for us today. So no need to call back, but I would just give you my cell phone number. And there’s no need to call back or anything. You got tons on your plate already and everything. But I mean these were just blessed homilies – I would like to see if there is a continuing of Fr. Joe’s homilies and the series and stuff. So anyway – my opinion for whatever it counts. Blessings to you this Christmas season and may the Blessed Mother and all the angels and saints just fill you with Christ’s presence. Talk to you later. – 12/30/2008 – priest – Kentucky
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I Heart - Ivory w/glass - 18
Our Lady of Grace w/glass - 18
Our Lady-Mt. Carmel w/glass - 18
Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass - 18
Infant of Prague w/glass - 24
Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass - 24
Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass - 24
Sorrowful Mother w/glass - 24
I Heart - Ivory w/glass - 24
I Heart of Mary w/glass - 24
Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass - 24
Our Lady-Guadalupe w/glass - 28
Our Lady of Grace w/glass - 24
Our Lady-Mt. Carmel w/glass - 24
Fatima w/glass - 11
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass - 12
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass - 15
Fatima w/glass - 18
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass - 18
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass - 27
St. Padre Pio
St. Joseph
St. Therese
St. Francis
St. Anthony
St. Claire
St. Jude
Divine Mercy
Holy Family
St. Philomena
Pieta - Marble
Pieta - Color
Holy Family
St. Anthony - 18
St. Francis - 18
St. Joseph - 18
St. Therese - 18
St. Rita - 18
St. Clare - 12
St. Rita - 12
St. Padre Pio - 12
Divine Mercy - 12
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 627
China, IN 47250
Toll free - 1-888-211-3041
Local - 1-812-273-8405
fax - 1-812-273-3182
Size Price Quantity Holy Family
St. Anthony
St. Claire
St. Francis
St. Joseph
St. Jude
St. Padre Pio
St. Therese
Divine Mercy 22"
$125 Angel 22"
$100 St. Philomena 20"
$100 St. Philomena 16"
$65 St. Joseph 18"
$65 St. Francis 18"
$65 St. Anthony 18"
$65 St. Rita 18"
$65 St. Therese 18"
$65 Pieta - Color 15" $75 Pieta - Marble 15" $75 Holy Family 12"
$60 St. Padre Pio - standing 12"
$40 St. Padre Pio - sitting 8"
$50 St. Rita 12"
$40 Divine Mercy
$40 St. Claire 12"
$40 Limpias 8"
$25 Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass 28"
$500 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass 24"
$500 Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass
$500 Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass
$500 Infant of Prague w/glass
$500 Our Lady of Grace w/glass
$500 Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass
$500 Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass 24"
$500 Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass 24"
$500 Sorrowful Mother w/glass
$500 Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass 18"
$300 Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass 18"
$300 Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass 18"
$300 Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass 18"
$300 Our Lady of Grace w/glass 18"
$300 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass
18" $300 Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass 12"
$200 Fatima w/glass
$150 Fatima w/glass
$250 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 12"
$160 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 15" $200 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 18" $250 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 27"
Call for Shipping Price (1-888-211-3041)
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Shepherds of Christ
P. O. Box 627
China, IN 47250
Call Shepherds of Christ
Fr. Joe's Homily Books
Guiding Light - Cycle A
The Word Alive in Our Hearts$10.00
Guiding Light - Cycle B
Focusing on the Word$10.00
Guiding Light - Cycle C
Feed My Soul$10.00
Fr. Carter's Books
Priestly Newsletter Book I
12 Newsletters
July 1994 - June 1996$12.00
Priestly Newsletter Book 2
17 Newsletters
1996 - 1999$12.00
Priestly Newsletter Book 3
4 Newsletters & Prayers
Response to God's Love
Messages given
by Jesus and Mary 1994
Tell My People
The Pain and the Joy
Synopsis of the Spiritual Life
Spirituality Handbook
Priestly Newsletter on CD
2000 - Issue 1
Priestly Newsletter on CD
2000 - Issue 2
Fr. Pasquini's Books
Prayers and Meditations
$10.00In Imitation of Two Hearts
For those suffering or
in Nursing Homes
$10.00Light, Happiness and Peace
Journeying through traditional
Catholic Spirituality$10.00
Medicine of Immortality
Prayers and Meditations - will assist the reader in growth toward a deeper understanding of the mystery of the Eucharist
Ecce Fides - Pillar of Truth
Ideal for RCIA, Adult & Youth Bible Study, Homeschooling, Catholic
Identity Studies$10.00
Shepherds of Christ Newsletters
9 Newsletters
2006 - 2008
DVDs and CDs by Fr. Pasquini
Authenticity DVD
Prayers on the Ocean$10.00
Nursing Home Mass DVD
Consolation DVD
Medicine of Immortality
Read by Rita Ring2 CDs - $17.00
In Imitation of Two Hearts DVD
Consolation CD
by Fr. John$8.00
Nursing Home Mass CD
Holy Spirit Novena DVD
Divine Mercy Chaplet DVD
plus shipping
Call Shepherds of Christ
Available for $10.00 plus postage
Call Shepherds of Christ
God’s Blue Books
God’s Blue Book 1 –
Teachings to Lift You Up$10.00
God’s Blue Book 4 –
The Love of the Hearts of
Jesus and Mary$5.00
God’s Blue Book 2 –
The Fire of His Love$10.00
God’s Blue Book 5 –
So Deep Is the Love of His Heart$5.00
God’s Blue Book 3 –
Love God, Love One Another
(Fr. Carter's favorite)
God’s Blue Book 6 –
He Calls Us to Action$10.00
Rosary Books
We are trying to get
Response to God's Love
and the Mass Book out.
Anybody who wants to help us
with a donation to get these 2 books
out in the Priestly/hierarchy mailing —
Please call Shepherds of Christ
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
The China Church is over 140 years old
and we pray in there 24 hours a day.
It needs stucco and so does
the community building.
Can you please help us?
Call Shepherds of Christ
Likewise the priest house
is 150 years old.
Jesus told us to repair it
which we have been doing.
We need $13,000.00 for this work.
You can help put the Blue Book V
in the hands of 1,000 people
we need $1,200 postage for this
It is ready to go
Call Shepherds of Christ
Crucifix — hand carved by Felix
Available for $750.00
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