Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages |
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March 22, 2004
March 23rd Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 9 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for March 23rd are Luminous.
A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb
the Bridegroom of the soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
Schedule for
March 23, 20044:00 a.m. - Mass
4:37 a.m. - Sorrowful Rosary January 26, 1995
from the Red Rosary Book5:56 a.m. - Songs from Jesus
6:20 a.m. - 6:20 prayers led by Father Carter
Holy Spirit Novena
Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual
Rosary7:24 a.m. - Sorrowful Rosary Aves
7:57 a.m. - Lenten Songs &
Stations of the Cross9:17 a.m. - Seven Sorrows
9:31 a.m. - Newsletter 2000 Issue 2
(Suffering: A Source of Life)11:06 a.m. - Lenten Songs &
Stations of the Cross12:26 p.m. - Sorrowful Rosary March 21, 1995
from the Red Rosary Book1:13 p.m. - Nursing Home #15
1:51 p.m. - Spanish Songs
sung by Fernando2:27 p.m. - Lenten Songs &
Stations of the Cross3:47 p.m. - Songs from Jesus
4:00 p.m. - Mass
4:37 p.m. - Sorrowful Rosary January 26, 1995
from the Red Rosary Book5:55 p.m. - Songs
6:20 p.m. - 6:20 prayers led by Father Carter
Holy Spirit Novena
Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual7:24 p.m. - Lenten Songs &
Stations of the Cross8:45 p.m. - Sorrowful Rosary March 17, 1995
from the Red Rosary Book9:37 p.m. - Mary's Message
9:43 p.m. - Sorrowful Rosary August 20, 1996
from the Mass Book10:55 p.m. - Lenten Songs &
Stations of the Cross12:15 a.m. - Seven Sorrows
12:29 a.m. - Live Rosary February 13, 1997
1:52 a.m. - Choose Life
2:54 a.m. - Lenten Songs &
Stations of the Cross4:00 a.m. - Mass
Rosary makers - we need your help please!
We have school orders that need to be filled
and lack rosaries to fill them.
The next apostle, associate,
Shepherds of Christ / St. Ignatius Retreat
will be April 12, 2004 (at night)
thru April 16, 2004
There will be a rosary at Morrow
on March the 30th, 2004.
Please tune in!
March 22, 2004
Song of songs 2: 10-13
My love lifts up his voice,
he says to me,
‘Come then, my beloved,
my lovely one, come.
For see, winter is past,
the rains are over and gone.‘Flowers are appearing on the earth.
The season of glad songs has come,
the cooing of the turtledove is heard in our land.
The fig tree is forming its first figs
and the blossoming vines give out their fragrance.
Come then, my beloved,
my lovely one, come.
March 22, 2004 message continues
I knew a beautiful woman who was
younger than me and went on
She loved God so much — she helped
me with her words and her love.
Today was her funeral on the
day of the anniversary
of the "old seminary" corner
falling off.
Every day we go through our
problems and we think that
day will never come
when we will actually die.
A sweet and wonderful priest
just died. Who helped Fr. Carter
get the Newsletter to the priests.
God calls us to help —
We cannot take our money with us.
The day will come when we die.
2 Timothy 4: 6-8
As for me, my life is already being poured away as a libation, and the time has come for me to depart. I have fought the good fight to the end; I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith; all there is to come for me now is the crown of uprightness which the Lord, the upright judge, will give to me on that Day; and not only to me but to all those who have longed for his appearing.
March 22, 2004 message continues
A little 3 year old girl is at the
circus —
5 days later she is unable to talk
and walk because a disease
inflicts her.
John 14: 1-6
Do not let your hearts be troubled.
You trust in God, trust also in me.
In my Father’s house
there are many places to live in;
otherwise I would have told you.
I am going now to prepare a place for you,
and after I have gone
and prepared you a place,
I shall return to take you to myself,
so that you may be with me
where I am.
You know the way
to the place where I am going.Thomas said, ‘Lord, we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’ Jesus said:
I am the Way; I am Truth and Life.
No one can come to the Father
except through me.
March 22, 2004 message continues
Judy was selfless —
Judy was beautiful —
Judy loved God —
today she died —
Someday we will die —
It is a reality.
Some people think only of their diet and their
fat cells, they make their bodies
their gods.
Mary speaks:
Oh my children —
Your lives are so short —
Many fashions offend your God —
You have made money your god —
Now so many have made their own
bodies their gods and some think
little of the life hereafter —
I have called rosary makers —
Some watch television for hours, but
would not lift a finger to help
me with my rosaries.
I have cried out to you all these
years and you have focused
on my messenger and ignored
my call.
I want rosaries for my pilgrims in
Florida —
I want rosaries for my school children
in May —
Sing: All I Ask of You
Please help me with getting the
rosaries to these people —
Your lives are so short — you think
of all these little details and many
ignore their preparation for
the life hereafter —
Genuine love for the souls — Jesus
gave His life for —
So many are out for their own
recognition — they are prideful —
Jesus wants humble souls —
Luke 1: 46-55
The Magnificat
And Mary said:
My soul proclaims
the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit rejoices
in God my Saviour;
because he has looked upon
the humiliation of his servant.
Yes, from now onwards
all generations will call me blessed,
for the Almighty
has done great things for me.
Holy is his name,
and his faithful love extends age after age
to those who fear him.
He has used the power of his arm,
he has routed the arrogant of heart.
He has pulled down princes
from their thrones
and raised high the lowly.
He has filled the starving with good things,
sent the rich away empty.
He has come to the help
of Israel his servant,
mindful of his faithful love
—according to the promise
he made to our ancestors—
of his mercy to Abraham
and to his descendants for ever.
Song: I have Loved You
Song: On Eagles Wings
Jesus speaks:
Oh you who wander around
aimlessly. Your focus must be on
Me. Focus on Me —
You wander like little men so many
times lost, wandering down the
wrong roads.
I am what you seek.
On January 4, 2004 I was sent to
for the Feast of the Epiphany.
Isaiah 60: 1-6
Arise, shine out,
for your light has come,
and the glory of Yahweh has risen on you.
Look! though night still covers the earth
and darkness the peoples,
on you Yahweh is rising
and over you his glory can be seen.
The nations will come to your light
and kings to your dawning brightness.
Lift up your eyes and look around:
all are assembling
and coming towards you,
your sons coming from far away
and your daughters
being carried on the hip.
At this sight you will grow radiant,
your heart will throb and dilate,
since the riches of the sea will flow to you,
the wealth of the nations come to you;
camels in throngs will fill your streets,
the young camels of Midian and Ephah;
everyone in Saba will come,
bringing gold and incense
and proclaiming Yahweh’s praises.
January 4, 2004
January 4, 2004
January 4, 2004
January 4, 2004
January 4, 2004
January 4, 2004
January 4, 2004
January 4, 2004
January 4, 2004
January 4, 2004
January 4, 2004
January 4, 2004
January 4, 2004
March 22, 2004 message continues
The Church's liturgical year is
Psalm 116: 12-13, 15-18
What return can I make to Yahweh
for his generosity to me?
I shall take up the cup of salvation
and call on the name of Yahweh.Costly in Yahweh’s sight
is the death of his faithful.I beg you, Yahweh! I am your servant,
I am your servant and my mother was your servant;
you have undone my fetters.
I shall offer you a sacrifice of thanksgiving
and call on the name of Yahweh.
I shall fulfil my vows to Yahweh,
witnessed by all his people,
John 13: 1-15
Before the festival of the Passover, Jesus, knowing that his hour had come to pass from this world to the Father, having loved those who were his in the world, loved them to the end. They were at supper, and the devil had already put it into the mind of Judas Iscariot son of Simon, to betray him. Jesus knew that the Father had put everything into his hands, and that he had come from God and was returning to God, and he got up from table, removed his outer garments and, taking a towel, wrapped it round his waist; he then poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel he was wearing. He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, ‘Lord, are you going to wash my feet?’ Jesus answered, ‘At the moment you do not know what I am doing, but later you will understand.’ ‘Never!’ said Peter. ‘You shall never wash my feet.’ Jesus replied, ‘If I do not wash you, you can have no share with me.’ Simon Peter said, ‘Well then, Lord, not only my feet, but my hands and my head as well!’ Jesus said, ‘No one who has had a bath needs washing, such a person is clean all over. You too are clean, though not all of you are.’ He knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said, ‘though not all of you are’. When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments again he went back to the table. ‘Do you understand’, he said, ‘what I have done to you? You call me Master and Lord, and rightly; so I am. If I, then, the Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you must wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example so that you may copy what I have done to you.
John 19: 25-27
Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. Seeing his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing near her, Jesus said to his mother, ‘Woman, this is your son.’ Then to the disciple he said, ‘This is your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.
Luke 24: 1-12
On the first day of the week, at the first sign of dawn, they went to the tomb with the spices they had prepared. They found that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb, but on entering they could not find the body of the Lord Jesus. As they stood there puzzled about this, two men in brilliant clothes suddenly appeared at their side. Terrified, the women bowed their heads to the ground. But the two said to them, ‘Why look among the dead for someone who is alive? He is not here; he has risen. Remember what he told you when he was still in Galilee: that the Son of man was destined to be handed over into the power of sinful men and be crucified, and rise again on the third day.’ And they remembered his words.
And they returned from the tomb and told all this to the Eleven and to all the others. The women were Mary of Magdala, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James. And the other women with them also told the apostles, but this story of theirs seemed pure nonsense, and they did not believe them.
Peter, however, went off to the tomb, running. He bent down and looked in and saw the linen cloths but nothing else; he then went back home, amazed at what had happened.
March 22, 2004 message continues
Jesus speaks:
The details you hold so important are
but little things that you
have long forgotten.
Oh the day comes and you will leave
all your worries behind, you will
go to the life hereafter.
I remember Judy, my friend who died,
met me at Church one day and I was
going through a tough cross
said "I love you." At that time I
didn't know her really well, but
her words stuck in my heart and
I can hear her say the words today.
Words of love given to encourage,
to comfort, words of love
She knew she would go on dialysis
she spent 12 years in her house
and could not go out.
Jesus speaks:
I have given My love letters to you to
spread them to My souls that are
Many in the world are more concerned about
every fat cell than their own souls.
Many are more concerned with having
a good name and honor here below
than having a relationship with Me.
Oh how I love My precious souls
I give you My letters of love
in God's Blue Book to tell
them My love.
Here are pictures out of the video
of the sun pulsating when we
introduced God's Blue Book
April 17, 1994.
This video can be ordered
April 17, 1994 -- at the old seminary
click here to view
April 17, 1994 video
on Web
March 22, 2004 message continues
Call Morrow 1-888-211-3041
or go to one of the Centers or Stores
Jesus speaks: Oh My
I love you so much.
Please help Me to reach My People
with these messages of My love
I Died In Peace (excerpt)
August 31, 1993
Jesus speaks:
You are hurried. Relax and soak in My peace. Only My peace will quiet you. Your days are full of changes. You are adapting well, but always come back to My peace. Breathe in Jesus, out anxiety and fear. In Jesus, out anxiety. Quiet your mind and focus just on My face. See My sorrowful face, see Me with thorns. Bring yourself back to the Passion. It is because of you and your sins I suffered and died for all My children. How great is My love for you that I would die for love of you. Think of this-that you have a friend Who died for you. Oh, how I love, how I long to be with you to tell you of My infinite love for you. Your human minds cannot even comprehend My Divine love! In your deepest meditation you couldn't come close to all the love I have for you. But you must keep trying to know and feel this love. This is your salvation. This is what sets you free in a world of hate. You can always be drawn back to My love and know it is waiting for you always. It never stops. It is infinite. This is what comforts your troubled soul. When they scorn you and mock you, think of Me loving you. I am the all-perfect love. Always come back to Me. Don't let the world get to you. I am here, with peace, love, joy, rapture, being connected to your heart so divinely. I love you so much! I wish you would totally feel this love the way I want you to...
end of excerpt from August 31, 1993
I Long For You! (excerpt)
February 2, 1994 5:10 a.m.
Jesus speaks: ...Oh, little ones, come.
I am here in the tabernacle, Body and Soul, waiting and waiting. I lament the loss of your love and your indifference. I long for you as a real Person. I am an ardent lover on fire for love of you. You cannot even comprehend My love. Oh, I beg you, come in your busy lives and seek the real treasure. Come, My little ones. I am He Who longs for you. I love you so much...
I love you. Jesus.
end of excerpt from February 2, 1994
I Come Into Your Heart (excerpt)
April 8, 1994
Jesus speaks: ...I am the
Son of God and I am in your breast this very day because I love you. How it wounds Me when you ignore Me and look the other way and focus on your incidental worldly cares. Oh, be with Me, please. I come with such love. God enters your breast and I am with you, inside of your heart. Put away all the cares of this world and just be with your Lover...
end of excerpt from April 8, 1994
Received at the Holy Spirit Center (the old seminary)
when Mary appeared
March 17, 1995 Noon (excerpt)
The Sorrowful Mysteries
Jesus Is Scourged at the Pillar
5. Jesus: They will persecute you! They will treat you with such anger! Come to My Heart and know the immensity of My love. For, minute by minute, second by second, I am ever attentive to all of your needs. I am the most ardent Lover, waiting to be close to you. If you tap ever so gently, there is so much more!8. Jesus: I give to you My Heart as a sign of My immense love for you. See My Heart beating! See it, each pulse of My Heart! This is how I love you. Second by second, minute by minute, I am always there.
March 22, 2004 message continues
Oh My beloved God
I love you so much
Thank you for all your gifts
Thank you for life
Thank you for people like Judy that
give us love and brighten our day.
And He gave us Himself in the
Cling to Me
May 13, 1993
Jesus speaks: My dear child, if you stay close to Me, then I live in you and you live in Me. I am He Who created you and I love you with such an intensity that you will never know. My words are your truth. You must abide in My heart in all things. There is no room for doubt. My ways are steadfast, direct, and without error.
You must stay rooted in Me to ward off the power of the evil one. His grip is paralyzing and crippling. His power is stronger every day.
When you live in Me, I am in your heart and he has no power over Me. I am your God. I am your true lover. I want to protect you. I want to guard you from this force. Stay rooted firmly in Me and he will have no power.
I am He Who comforts you. My hand is upon you. Hold tight to Me, My child. My eyes are fixed right on you. You are My most precious child. I love you as no other can. My arms are about you. My tenderness surrounds you. My love is in your heart. You go not alone. I walk with you.
I share every aspect of your life with you. Cling to Me, feel My presence. It is warm and secure within your chest. There is no room for fear, for I cast out fear and bring you comfort and joy.
end of May 13, 1993 message
March 22, 2004 message continues
Jesus speaks: Satan's grip is
paralyzing and crippling
and he wants you to stop what
you are doing.
Pray the prayers I have given you for
the priests, the Church and
the world.
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)end of July 31, 1994 message given to Fr. Carter
10 Years Ago
March 22, 1994
an old seminary
Mt. St. Mary's Seminary
March 22, 1994
Mary appeared to me part
of the time
in that other corner
Excerpt from March 7, 1994
Jesus speaks: "Busy yourself for your day is at hand and you will know My might! I will shake the earth and you will listen Then you will listen, but where were you when I gave you forewarning? You are waiting for the big boom. I am calling you now to listen to Me here....Time is so short. One moment and it is up in smoke....What do I do to shake you? I, in My might can rock you off your rockers. I try to prepare you but you are too busy. Hold on to your last piece of dust and watch it go up in your face! I am Jesus Christ, Son of God and I write to you and who pays heed here? This should tell you of your attachments to worldly things. You want proof. You look the other way. I am God and you contain the mighty medicine for this sick world. I am Jesus, the Son of God. Do you listen?"
end of excerpt from March 7, 1994
Excerpt from March 13, 1994
Jesus speaks: "You must tell them how I wait for them. I wait. I want them to come and I will give them such love! Tell them, Rita, tell them! Your discontent is from what emotions I give you and you keep them inside. I want all to know Me and My love. I am crying out to you, little one. Tell them, tell them. Do not waste any time. I am crying out for you to spread this message. I want you to tell all of My love and how I am waiting. Emotion, Emotion! I am crying out to you in your heart. I long for their love. I died for them. How do I make them know if you, to whom I speak, hold back? I want you to get the messages out child.
Ready yourself for a big boom. No one is listening. I am crying out to you. Prepare your brothers, they are in darkness....I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am on fire for love of them. I am Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. I call you to this state of urge! ncy. Move your friends by this urgent letter. There is no more time to waste. I call you all here to deliver this message personally to you. I am Jesus. I am begging each of you to spread My message. Tell them of My ardent love. In each moment you waste, souls will be lost."end of excerpts from March 1994
On March 22, 1994 at 10:30 a. m. Jesus told me I would be sitting on a chair, the floor would shake under my feet and I would hear the biggest boom I ever heard. (March 22 is Lucia's birthday, the main Fatima visionary)
At Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, about 14 people were praying the rosary in the Rosary Chapel at 1:00. I had tried to deliver another message I was ignored. I wanted to cry from frustration. I looked up at the ceiling and said to Jesus, "You handle this, Jesus, it is Yours. I have done all I can do to deliver Your messages to promote devotion to the Eucharist and Your love. These are Your messages, You do something." Wanting to run and leave, I started to cry. Jesus said, "Go to the chapel and pray the rosary." I went into the Rosary Chapel and they had said the Creed and a few ! Hail Mary's. I sat on the chair feeling so bad inside , holding back my tears, about the 9th Hail Mary or so of the first mystery I heard the biggest boom I ever heard. It lasted about three minutes, it seemed. The floor shook under my feet as I sat on my chair and I knew it was Him. For the first time after a month of my stomach being in knots I was relieved. He acted. Everyone got up and was alarmed and I felt comforted for I thought, "Thank God, now they will believe." We went out of the chapel and I looked down the hall and saw the sky. The entire end wing had fallen off. We ran from the building and outside there was a hole, in the earth surrounded by bricks that looked as if they had been laid neatly around the hole. The cloud of dust in the hole was sky high.
Excerpt from March 11, 2001Father Mike Paraniuk was in the old seminary
moments before it collapsed March 22, 1994.
He came from the last class of priests
who graduated from the old seminary in 1981.
Moments before the corner collapsed his
beeper went off, he went out to place a call to
see who beeped him and he could not find
anyone who beeped him.Father Mike and Father Carter had one meeting in
which they talked in their lives.
March 22, 1997 on Father Mike's radio show (Radio Rosary of the air)
Father Mike interviewed Father Carter about
the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
It was 3 years exactly from the date the old seminary
corner collapsed after Fr. Mike left the old abandoned
corner of the building where his room was when he went
to the seminary there.End of excerpt from March 11, 2001
I Showed You the Way--I Showed You Surrender
March 7, 1994 4:00a.m.
Jesus: You are the city set on the hill. You will shine with the intimate love of Jesus. I am the Son of God. I am He Whose bootstraps you are unworthy to tie.
I am Jesus and I loved My little ones to My death. Do you know even a little about what it is to give your life for someone? Do you think of yourself and ponder yourself being this selfless? People cannot even take one hour to sit with Me. The world has made you all blind. You do exactly as you want. Meditate on My sorrowful Passion. Read My meditations on the rosary. This was My life, given for you, My little loved ones. I gave My life for you and you want more? You want more proof and signs, yet you cannot even pray a few moments after Communion!
I am the Master. I taught you about selflessness and surrender. Look at My position on the cross. Yet you hold back. You want your comfort. You want to make the world your end! Oh, you give a little. You give Me what you dole out, a little here, a little there, and say, "Okay, Lord, I'm good. I pray prayers. I spend my life doing holy things, but I am in control of what and how much I give you. I am in control, Lord. Aren't you satisfied?"
I am only satisfied when you surrender your all to Me! You give Me such little bits and pieces and you pat yourself on the back and look at the sick world and say, "Well, I am pretty holy." This is not the point. You judge, you decide, you do your own will! This is you, playing the game of running your life! You give here, you keep there. I want your all. I want your time spent alone with Me in front of the tabernacle. I want you to have an ardent on-fire love affair with Me. When you love, you give. You say to your lover, "Oh, anything you ask for I will give to you." If you ask for my shirt, I will give you my cloak as well because I love you this much!"
You don't know about love. You control your relationships with Me. Then what hurts My aching heart is how you talk about the love of God. There is not love in your actions. If you came and spent your life with Me, if you freely gave sacrifices for Me, this is love!
You look to the world and you judge yourself as doing so much. Look to Me, hanging on the cross, and judge yourself by My standards. I call you to an ardent love affair with Me. I call you to love--love of God, love of one another.
You do not have love for one another because you do not love God first. Love gives its all. Love does not seek itself. Love gives freely!
I died on the cross to teach you how to love. I am the Master. If you look to the world and judge yourself, you are not learning any lessons from Me. You must look to Me to learn from Me.
Look at Me on the cross, My arms outstretched, hanging from the cross. I gave My all! I gave Myself for love of you. I held not back a little. I held not back and I, God, could have stopped it all, but I gave you freely from the bottom of My heart with greatest love for you!
This, My sweet ones, is love. I showed you the way. I showed you surrender. I am Jesus Christ and I write to you. Do you listen? Oh, you, in your busy lives, do not surrender to Me even now.
What do I do to shake My beloved ones? You are all blind and dense. Look at how attached you truly are. You do not surrender. You do your will, you do your thing. I tell you over and over again to come and pray with Me for long periods. I tell you to pray after Communion. I write about praying before the tabernacle, but you do your will. You go to the world. You ask your questions there. You look for answers from each other. You do not surrender even one hour of your time.
I come and you receive Me, the Son of God, in Holy Communion! Do you stay and sit with Me or do you do what you want? I died for you, yet you cannot let go of even little things.
I am Jesus, Son of God. If you who profess to love Me cannot give of your life to Me, how do you expect others to learn from you? You teach as you are. You teach in your actions. Your actions are selfish and centered on self. I call you to denial of self and love of God.
One person fixed to the true life of Christ can move a mountain. You follow the world and try to do it yourself.
I preach coming to Me and sitting with Me. I, God, have all the answers. No one listens. What do I do to shake My faithful ones in their comfort?
I am Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. I want to dwell in you and operate with the power of God. I invite you to My altar. I sit and wait with all the answers and you, in your pride, tell Me, "I am too busy."
Busy yourself for your day is at hand and you will know My might! I will shake the earth and you will listen. Then you will listen, but where were you when I gave you forewarning? You are waiting for the big boom. I am calling you now to listen to Me here.
Play your safe game. Waste your time. I am God and I am talking to you. You do it your way. I sit with the answers. Every answer is given here. I want My beloved ones to read these letters. I grow so tired of your foolishness. I am God and you are busy. Die to yourself, child. I showed you the way. I lead. You must follow Me!
I am your God. You shall have no gods before Me! Do you pray to Me in silence? You want your answers given to you. You want My love given instantly as you demand. I am waiting for a love affair with you. The fire of love is enkindled. Love is time spent together. Lovers sit together for long hours and learn to know one another. Would you give so little of yourself to develop a love affair with Me? I sit, I wait. I am there at every moment in all the tabernacles of this world, and you are busy!
Time is so short. One moment and it is up in smoke.
All that remain are the things of God. You are here to know, love and serve Me. I am sending out an urgent plea to publish all these messages--now.
These letters will turn the cold hearts to love. Do you not think I have all the power? You tarry, you deliberate. I grow tired. I am God and no one listens. You want Me your way. You want Me to come your way.
I sweetly tell you, in My gentle love letters, that I come, Jesus, the Son of God, gently in Communion. You are numb and blind. You want Me to roll drums and blare trumpets, but I come in the quiet moments. I roll no drums, I blare no trumpets. I come and you miss My calls!
What do I do to shake you? I, in all My might, can rock you off your rockers. I try to prepare you but you are too busy. Hold on to your last piece of dust and watch it go up in your face!
I am Jesus Christ, Son of God and I write to you and who pays heed here? This should tell you of your attachment to worldly things. You want proof. You look the other way. I am God and you contain the mighty medicine for this sick world. I am Jesus, the Son of God. Do you listen? Look at Me, dying on the cross. I gave My all for you. Do you not think I would send a mighty medicine this day for you? You are so blind. You do not listen.
I, God, talk here to you this very day.
end of March 7, 1994 message
March 13, 1994 5:45 p.m.
R. I was overtaken by an intense unrest. I was compelled to go to the tabernacle. I felt such suffering, suffering that Jesus suffered so for us and that everyone is so busy about their lives. Suffering for the indifference to Him and how He loves us despite our neglect! It was awful. I felt as I had on Christmas.
Jesus: I am the Lord, thy God. Thou shalt not have any gods before Me. I must be first in your life.
R. If you place any woman, man, children, food, clothing or any other little things above Him, you are not doing His will.
Jesus: I died for you, sweet one. I allow you to suffer. This is suffering. You are given this to know how I suffered. You I only give such little things. I suffered, sweet one. I suffered, bloodied, bruised and beaten. Blood rolled down My cheeks. My head was pierced with sharp thorns. They spat on Me. They whipped Me. They beat Me on My head, My precious head. They hit Me on My thorns and the pain was so intense--the piercing thorns! I was slapped hard by these senseless ones. Oh, such evil in the hearts of those who beat Me, the Son of God!
My whole Body ached from head to toe. I suffered so, My child. You will never know how I suffered for love of you. I am God and I loved all My precious ones to My death--and they ignore Me!
Oh, how I suffer from this wounded heart. They will never know what love I have to give them. They will never know how I, God, love them. They are so busy with their worldly lives!
You must tell them how I wait for them. I wait. I want them to come and I will give them such love! Tell them, Rita, tell them! Your discontent is from what emotions I give you and you keep them inside. I want all to know Me and My love. I am crying out to you, little one. Tell them, tell them. Do not waste any time. I am crying out for you to spread this message. I want you to tell all of My love and how I am waiting. Emotion! Emotion! I am crying out to you in your heart!
I long for their love. I died for them. How do I make them know if you, to whom I speak, hold back? I want you to get the messages out, child.
I loved all My beloved ones to My death. I love you this way this day. I am Jesus. I am begging you to not hold back this emotion.
Oh, child, My beloved ones are blind and are going down the road that leads to nowhere. You must preach My message. You must distribute My letters. You must tell all how I wait here!
Go to My faithful ones. Spread the messages at the Center. Keep them in your car. You will be called on in an instant and I will speak My message to My beloved ones through you.
Ready yourself for a big boom. No one is listening. I am crying out to you. Prepare your brothers. They are in darkness. Their souls are dying inside of them. Some come to Me with such indifference in Communion.
I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am on fire for love of them. I am Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. I call you to this state of urgency. Move your friends by this urgent letter. There is no more time to waste. I call you all here to deliver this message personally to you. I am Jesus. I am begging each of you to spread My message. Tell them of My ardent love. In each moment you waste, souls will be lost.
I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am your God. I am calling to you. Will you listen or will you be numb to My pleading? I yearn for your love. Come and sit with Me every day. Sit in front of My tabernacle so I can give you what you need. Pray the Prayer for Union with Jesus.
I am Jesus, the Son of God. I cry out to you to preach My love. Spread these messages. Tell all you meet that I, Jesus, am alone. I am in your midst and I love you this very day. I wait for you in the tabernacle. Come and be with Me every day. This is all that you need. I give you everything. All will work when you come to Me to get your supplies.
Come to Mass and Communion daily. I wait for you to come and be in union with Me. I want to be so close to you. I love you all and I am asking you each to busy yourself about your love affair with Me. Make Me first in your life. Give Me all you are. Pray My Prayer for Union all through the day.
It is your union with Me that will change this world. You will light the lights of the souls in darkness. They will see the might of God in your soul. Energy will be emitted from your very being. You will be as you are, My most important workers, just in your being, if you surrender and be about our love affair!
It's so simple. Come to Me, be united in Communion, pray with Me in silence after Communion, pray to the Holy Spirit for all of His gifts. Pray, lay hands on each other for strength. I am Jesus. I am alive. I will live in you in such a way that you will do such wonders, just in your being more in love with Me.
I love you all dearly. Open yourselves. Be selfless and let Me possess your soul! I love you. Jesus
end of March 13, 1994
March 20, 1994 -
before the end of the building collapsed
at the Holy Spirit Center.
(the old seminary in Cincinnati)Jesus: You don't have to prove the authenticity of these letters. You know they are true. If they doubt, let them get their proof. You don't have to give them signs. If they want the love of God, they will search and know the letters are from Me. Everything else is everybody else's responsibility.
I want you to speak always. I speak through you. I want you to circulate the letters. You do not prove the letters to any man. You write, you talk. Their doubt is their problem. You answer no more than I tell you to. They can turn their backs and lose the true treasure here.
I am Jesus, the Son of God. Say little in your defense. You know they are the fools if they question you. They miss My divine treasure here. I love each child ardently to write to them. Silly to not listen when I speak to you!
You are My messenger. You must only do the delivering. You owe no man any valid reasons why it is true. Publish these messages. I want the book published. What happened to Volume II? I, Son of God, am talking to you and who listens? Now they are holding it up because of the priests. I am Jesus I want all these messages published. If the devil creates enough doubt and confusion as he did, then you deal with that instead of the messages.
I am God. I am so tired with you to publish these letters. You are going to suffer for the souls will be lost while you tarry. Tarry more and do your own thing. Why should I give you any messages? You have not published any that I gave you. If you do not do this work, I will give them to someone who will. I am so tired with you. You are not doing My will and this world is suffering for your delays.
You check, you tarry, and I am God and I am talking to you. You test My messenger. You try her. You want proof. I give you messages, so many messages, and you want a sure thing. You test them on man. Does man know why God tells you here? Why is the world in this state if man is so smart? Why did he not cure it by now? All those you ask, ask them, why are you not curing the world!
I am God. I have spoken. I am so upset with these delays. What do I do to shake you into listening? You want proof. You lack faith. No human being has this knowledge. She is a math teacher and has not even studied theology or the Scriptures. She doesn't even know the books in the Bible. She only loves Me dearly. You test and waste My valuable time. I grow very tired of this.
I am Jesus Christ. I am the Son of God. You are all afraid or you would listen. You are afraid of the priests, afraid of the people, afraid. I have all the power, I am God. I can turn the world upside down. I have all the power. I am tired to give you more messages. You are not publishing anything. You want to be safe. The world is suffering and sick.
You want what you want in the way you want it. I am God and I do things the way I, God, know best. If I did things your way you would have no faith. Man gives into himself. I teach you to reach within your souls to the things and ways of God. You want Me to act like you. I am God and I do not act like the way you want. I am tired!
end of excerpt from Apostles Manual
Mark 12: 10-11
Have you not read this text of scripture:
The stone which the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
this is the Lord’s doing,
and we marvel at it ?’
Excerpt from March 7, 2004 message
Jesus had told me to give Mary my grand
piano. Before this I had told the priest early in
March, 1994 — he said I want it in the priest
residence house —
I said Jesus wants it in the big chapel —
He told me in a strong smart voice —
"If Jesus wants that piano in that chapel He will
have to knock a wall out."
The chapel was a big chapel where the priest
from the Cincinnati diocese did vespers —
It was called Mt. St. Mary's seminary
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