Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb, the Bridegroom of the Soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
Messenger: Include Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in 6:20 prayers.
Messenger: Jesus is the perfect Spouse, He accepts me and loves me. He looks lovingly on me, my heart skips a beat. He is with me when I am persecuted, He is with me upon rising and sleeping. He is my God.
I open my day with Him with me.
I am never alone.
Quiet moments through the day give me time to steal a sweet glance from my Savior, my Spouse, my God.
We walk hand in hand, I at His side, as He acts in me to do what He wills. He is my God, He is my beloved Savior.
March 23, 2000 - Second Message
Jesus speaks: I ask that the message of December 31, 1993, be printed here.
December 31, 1993 - Early Morning
I am the way, the truth and the life. He who abides in Me will have the light of life. I am Jesus, Son of God. I am the most important thing you do every day. If you are tired, then you are focusing on the wrong things. Be ready, for your Savior awaits you and you are His messenger.
I am Jesus, Savior of the World. I am ready for you. Listen and write My words. I am the light that shines in this dark world. I come to you in the night and you know it is Me. I come in such silence and no one knows that I am surrounded by angels. No one knows so many things that you do not see. Faith is the answer for My brothers. Faith is the answer for you, for when you do not see you still believe. When there is no proof, you are still absolutely sure that I am here. This faith does not go unrewarded. Where there are no proofs, you believe in Me. Blessed are they who have not seen and yet believe.
What I reveal to you here, I do in your heart. My connectedness to you is in your heart. I do not need the senses. Man wants God to be like them. Do not ask to have God explained in human terms. This, My child, is surely in the realm of the spirit. Things of God are not like the things of man. I communicate to you as I am. Others want you to explain to them just how it is.
Your human minds do not fathom the ways of God. To ask My messenger to answer your human questions is to ask her to tell you why stars shine, why a baby is conceived in the mother. In the end there is an element of mystery which is beyond words. Don't ask her to tell you why and how she writes these letters. She writes these letters by the power I have. She writes these letters for Me. She writes these letters because I am dictating them to her for you. She sits, half asleep, and writes such clear lessons in faith. And, you My brothers, ask for explanations? I am Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. I am He Whose boot strap you are unworthy to tie, yet I make Myself so personal to you in Holy Communion. But, little ones, I am God. You cannot comprehend one little speck of My ways. Your human mind is so limited. Do not try to make sense of Me in human terms. I write these letters to bridge a gap between you and Me.
I am this personal to you, but My ways are not your ways and, though I try to make you understand some of the mystery, you cannot in your humanness explain the ways of God. Go ahead and try, child. It is a waste of your time. Do not ask My messengers for explanations that you will understand. You will not ever on this earth understand any of what is happening here. My ways are the ways of God. What is happening here is a miracle.
You ask too many questions and you, in your humanness, expect too many answers. I am the God of your Fathers. They never knew such a God. I was the same God to them and I spoke to similar people to open up Myself to them, but you have been given a great, great gift indeed in these letters. Do you question and question or do you study and become wise. Study My words and accept all I give you with faith.
Be blessed for the faith you show. Your faith will save you in this sick world. I am here, all right. I am in the Eucharist, Body and Soul. Would you like for Me to explain the real presence. How can I, in your earthly form, explain such things to you? Wake up. I give you a gift and you spend your time asking how, why, where, when. I give you this day a gift of My love for you. You will not understand the ways of God but, from these letters, I will become as real as the nose on your face. You can busy yourself asking questions and miss the miracle of My coming to you in these letters.
I come to you, you who are hungry and thirsty and you are waiting for more. To those who listened, much was imparted to them. To those who remained blind, nothing was gained. They try to explain God in human terms. I cannot be explained to your liking, My child. To do so is just silly.
I am God. I am Who Am. I am the Son of God. I am Human, but I am also Divine. You will not understand My divinity. You are a human. Be glad for what you are given. Pray for faith. So many souls will be lost for their stubbornness to have every situation explained. I will not ever be explained to you. If you do not go out on a limb, you will miss the sunset. The glories that you need to seek are to be seen at the end of the limb.
You do not know why, in your heaviness, the limb does not break. You will not understand, in your humanness, My ways. I impart to you many gifts. Do not try to explain My ways in your human ways. It is a futile task. It is impossible. It is not human. It is divine. Accept this miracle on faith and reap such a reward! God-made-man talks to you, not to the messenger. Talks to you! Do you want an explanation? You will not understand My divinity in your humanness, so quit trying and get about the job of listening to My words with your heart.
I will work in your hearts in your quiet time with Me. You do not do this work, either. The more you look for explanations with Me, the more you miss Me. My ways are a mystery. I impart such little glimpses of Myself to you. They are in your hands, to burst forth later. Now you busy yourself with the work at hand. Come in silence and make yourself selfless. I will be the giver of many gifts. If you decide what gifts I will give you, you have missed the boat entirely. I give to you as you need.
You are My babies. Babies do not tell their mothers of their needs. They wait and they are fed. They wait and they are changed. They wait and they are loved. Wait on the Lord. What you get is coming from Him Who loves you. I know all things. I know your needs. I am like the loving mother. I am God. I know your every need. Come and soak in the sunlight. Quit your questioning. Quit your asking for such things that you may never need. Turn yourself over like little babies, freshly born. They have soft little cries and are very dependent on their mothers. Come with your little cries but know that I, in the end, will give you all you need.
Don't try to control Me. I am God. Who are you to come and think you will tell God what you need. I see the whole picture and I comprehend it as God. You see as in a tunnel and think you know so much. Come and make yourself putty in My hands. Remain formless and unattached. Remain a baby. Take all I give and do not ask questions. It is in your submissiveness to Me that you grow in Me. I dwell in you and I can operate from you. In your willfulness, I cannot come in. How can God act in a soul who is in control. If you are operating, I cannot.
Oh, you have much to learn, but it is revealed in these letters how to become creatures of God. Most of your work is in submission to Me. Your biggest job is to die to yourself and live in Me. I am all powerful and I want to dwell in your breast. I want to possess your soul. I want to impart to you My love. I want to fill you to the brim with the things of God. All that is in the way of My working in you is yourself. If you hold onto self, you get yourself. To be of Me, you must let go of yourself. Come to My altar and sit silently before Me. Let Me work in your soul. Look for Me.
I give to you according to your needs. I answer you according to the things of God. I give you gifts that you never knew possible, because your mind cannot imagine the things of God. Do not limit your soul by being in charge. The soul is in the image of God and God must deal with it. To try to feed your soul humanness is useless. Only God can feed the soul. Come to Him and let Him have full reign in your hearts. Don't try to decide what you need. You don't know of the needs of a soul. God is so good and so loving and He wants to give you what you need. Surrender to Him and be open to all He wants to do in you.
Jesus speaks: Many go to men for their answers, you must go to God and follow His laws.
From the Reading of Today's Mass:
Jeremiah 17:5-10
A group of wisdom sayings
Yahweh says this,
'Accursed be anyone
who trusts in human beings,
who relies on human strength
and whose heart turns from Yahweh.
Such a person is like scrub
in the wastelands:
when good comes, it does not affect him
since he lives in the parched places
of the desert,
uninhabited, salt land.
'Blessed is anyone who trusts in Yahweh,
with Yahweh to rely on.
Such a person is like a tree by the waterside
that thrusts its roots to the stream:
when the heat comes it has nothing to fear,
its foliage stays green;
untroubled in a year of drought,
it never stops bearing fruit.
'The heart is more devious
than any other thing,
and is depraved;
who can pierce its secrets?
I, Yahweh, search the heart,
test the motives,
to give each person what his conduct
and his actions deserve.
Mary speaks: I stood beneath the cross of my Son, and my Heart was in such pain for I saw Him before my eyes. I saw Him covered with blood. I saw Him die. My Heart, my children, my Heart to watch my Son, but my Heart, my Heart, how I suffered for my little children of the world that give in to this world and give up the love of my Son. O my little children of light, I give you this message. Carry this light into the darkness for your Mother Mary, for I stood beneath the cross and I cried. I cried for the little ones. I cried for the young ones, the ones that do not care and will lose their souls. How do I make you see for you will not listen to me? What can I do? I come. I appear. I beg. I plead. I give you these gifts from my Son, and you reject me. I do not deliver messages very often anymore for I have been ignored. The message is the same. You do not read the messages I have given to you. Please help me. Help the little children. I appear. I appear. I appear, and I am ignored. I stood beneath the cross, and I cried. I cried, and my Heart was in such anguish for my little children, for I am searching for them this day as I searched for the Child Jesus. Please, please help me. I cannot hold back the hand of my Son any longer. I am Mary, your Mother. I ask you to help my children. You are my children of light.
Song:O Lady of Light, shining so bright, be with us this day, guiding our way, O Lady, O Lady of Light.
Mary speaks: I appear to you as Our Mother of Sorrows.
End of Mary's Message)Q: How do you feel we can help our relationship by praying to the Holy Spirit?
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