Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing        

March 29, 2016

March 30th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is 
Day 7 Period I.

The Novena Rosary Mysteries 
for March 30th
are Glorious.


Pray for special intentions.

Pray for Dan & Melanie, Jimmy,
Fr. Joe, Mary, Blue Book 16.

Please pray for funds & grace.    


 Give the gift that Counts.

Blow Out Sale for Reprinting of Blue Book 1, 2 & 3

While Supplies Last

Blue Book 1   -  $4 each plus postage
Blue Book 2   -  $4 each plus postage
Blue Book 3   -  $3 each plus postage

Call 1-888-211-3041 for Doris



New Homily Book - Cycle C
Available $10.00 plus postage 



                March 29, 2016 - Easter Tuesday

Click here to read messages from Jesus.The Way to Him Is the Way of the Cross

 May 19, 1994

R. He went out in such pain. Why should I be free? Suffering and pain teach us to let go. When I am experiencing intense pain, I cannot experience it without letting go. It is in suffering that I am drawn closer to Jesus. If I let go, I jump into His waiting arms. Intense pain…let go…forced to…Faith and trust…let go…Hairs of our head are numbered…don't have time to fume and fret and focus on self…constant letting go, giving to Him and trusting…I sit still…others move around me and bump their heads…He walks up and gives us what we need…The more I do it, the more I botch it up!  end of excerpt


                R. What is justice?

                Justice is giving to God what is His due.
                Justice is giving to others what is their due.
                Justice gives security –

                We need purity in our love of God so we are in
                    the right relationship with God.

                Happiness comes in serving men as God intends
                    of us.

                Our life is a gift, given to us by God.

                Our whole life is to be lived in working in love
                    of God, of others, of seeing ourselves as
                    precious and loved by God with a purpose.

                God calls us to obedience to His will –

                Knowing His will is through living virtuously in
                    faith, hope and love – in prudence and
                    temperance, in fortitude and justice –
                    in humility and letting go of controlling
                    self-will to embrace the will of the
                    heavenly Father in love.

                There must be gratitude and truthfulness,
                    a man with a welcome heart to those
                    God is trying to reach through them.

                There must be obedience to the 10 Commandments.
                    In living a virtuous life the man will
                        be living by God's rules.

                God has given us a sharing in His life and elevated our
                    knowing and loving capacity in baptism –
                    so we can know and love supernaturally.
                    It is a capacity and a gift from God,
                    given in baptism, and we must want to live
                    virtuously and pray for God's grace to do so.
                    We must want the Holy Spirit to come to us.
                    We must want to live in the truth and ask
                    the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to fill our hearts
                    more and more with love. The Father, Son and
                    Holy Spirit live in the graced, baptized soul.

                It is wanting the Father's will for us – not our selfish
                    self will. It is abandoning oneself in surrender
                    to God and asking God to come and possess our

                Justice and peace will kiss, but men must live
                    by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit –
                    there will be peace and order when men
                    live in justice.

                Man can find happiness when there is peace
                    and order.

                Order means there is structure.
                    A man afraid of authority and living upside
                        down where they deny the order God
                        wants by usurping power because of
                        their fear of structure is a very
                        unhappy man. He is opposing the
                        will of God, by denying order God wants
                        and forcing his will over God's will to feed his
                        fear of God's order and structure.

                Man must give God what is His due or he is unhappy –
                    Real happiness comes – not in opposing God,
                    but in working in unity according to God's will.

                A person so addicted to chaos is only comfortable
                    in chaos – what is normal to them can be
                    always darkness, even making up problems
                    that don't exist to have chaos.

                A man of wisdom wants unity with God, wants
                    God to possess their soul, wants justice
                    and order as God ordains.

                The man of selfish will – full of fear of
                    authority, full of fear and not love –
                    can create things to fear, so they can
                    be in turmoil.

                Eyes are the windows of the soul. Today it is
                    spring here and the birds are chirping,
                    the white trees are in abundance – it
                    is the week of resurrection and of letting
                    go to the blessings God wants to pour out
                    in this week prior to Divine Mercy Sunday.

                But there can be such darkness in some men's
                    hearts who are full of fear and addicted to
                    control and excitement, drama and attention.

                God has called Servants and Handmaids of the
                    Good Shepherd to live as the Spouse of Jesus –
                    in a message February 23, 1994 –
                    A City on a Hill Shine To the World.


Click here to read messages from Jesus.A City on a Hill Shines to the World

February 23, 1994 5:30 a.m.

Jesus: I am the light of the world. A city on a hill will shine to the world. You at the Center will be this city when you are filled to the brim with the love of Jesus. What power, what might, to have each person a personal spouse of Jesus Christ! This is the light to the darkened world. The love of Jesus radiates from the very being of those who love Him. What light when all together are lifted by His love abounding deep within their breasts!

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. My life is the life inside that cannot be contained. It is bursting and budding forth. My life is the real life. To possess the life of Christ within your breast! Such power! I am the city set on a hill that will stand united and shine to this world. You at this Center will be this city. You will be the true Center that places the mark on this world.  end of excerpt


                R. Jesus wants us to be His personal spouse. Jesus
                    is the Bridegroom of the Soul.

                A person can give up the beauty of living as the
                    Spouse of Jesus if they put off, and put off
                    and put off their responsibility God is calling
                    them to in their vocation.

                A job is to be done and a person is called in their
                    vocation – in justice – to do the job responsible
                    and to be accountable for when and how they
                    do the job.

                So they have put it off, put it off and put it off –
                    Of course there will be a problem –
                    When the results from such behavior hits a
                        land-slide happens and then the lying
                        to themselves and others start –
                        They may say "Oh I didn't know" –
                            "Oh it wasn't my fault" –

                Satan works in this lack of responsibility and
                    accountability and then picks up the
                    pieces when the catastrophe happens from
                    the person who contributed to the land-slide
                    by not telling anyone or trying to do what
                    they were responsible to do.

                Satan is at work causing chaos and lies and
                    untrustworthiness in the deliberate actions
                    that become very bad habits of procrastinating
                    and putting off what God wanted done
                    responsibly and in love –

                Now couple this, with the justification that –
                    they may say, "I did no wrong", "I cannot be corrected" and
                    "I will continue this way whenever I feel
                    like it".

                Is this justice to God, to one's vocation, to the
                    people who should be represented by the
                    person who calls themselves with a
                    title, a leader.

               This is a grave defect of character to let others
                    down over and over again and then
                    stand up to say, "Oh I didn't know"

                Learning to be responsible and trustworthy
                    and being just in our dealings, is
                    coupled with the other virtues of prudence,
                    temperance and courage.

                A person does not live virtuously, but slothfully,
                    when they disregard and put off simple
                    tasks of responsibility and are not available to
                    show their accountability for the task they
                    were to do.

                Life here, before God, is not about being "right"
                    always and lying about the truth of
                    the matter.

                It causes utter pandemonium when a person
                    does not understand they are here to grow
                    in the image of Jesus and not lie
                    about their irresponsible actions. These
                    irresponsible actions are not giving justice
                    to God who loves us so much and gives so much
                    to us and not being just by performing
                    responsibilities to the community, family
                    and denying accountability by holding out
                    and anger or punishment for correction.

                We are here to grow to be more and more like
                    Jesus and to be corrected and die to
                    our destructive behavior patterns and
                    grow in new life in Christ, grow in
                    virtue and die to deadly sins of pride,
                    anger, envy, slothfulness, jealousy,
                    gluttony and lust.

                Man is here as a servant –

                Man is here to serve God and to serve others in
                    the vocation God has called him to –

                If men live in peace and order – they can
                    find happiness.

                There is happiness in giving to God and men
                    what is their due –

                There is unhappiness in procrastination,
                    laziness, slothfulness.

                A man called by God to do something and
                    doesn't do it – is acting – He is
                    saying "no" to God – and opposing God's will.

                Opposing God's will is living in unhappiness,
                    it may give the man some immediate pleasure,
                    but ultimately he foregoes real happiness
                    that can lead to eternal happiness.

                Courage or fortitude is a virtue – A man must
                    want to please God to do what he is
                    supposed to do – it is an act of the will
                    and he needs to pray for the gift of
                    fortitude to have courage to do what
                    he needs to do, to do God's will.
                    A man who needs to do a job needs
                    fortitude when he is faced with
                    difficulty, with disaster and troubles –

                A man sitting on a pity-pot of anger, feeling
                    sorry for himself can waste years by
                    destructive, habitual behavior – giving
                    into himself or you can say – when
                    God expects a man to act responsibly –
                    he gives into satan's temptations to
                    not do what he is responsible for and
                    further deny accountability for his actions.
                    Fortitude helps a man to overcome
                    difficulties when he is to do a job
                    for good of himself and others.
                    Fortitude is a virtue. The man must
                    want to do it and pray for grace from
                    God to do what he is responsible for –
                    not just don't do it and wait for a
                    landfall and then steer away from

                In doing a job slowly and with the might of
                    God and prayer we can learn to
                    do the difficult tasks with God's might
                    behind us –
                    feeling sorry for ourselves, not doing it at
                    all – brings great unhappiness to
                    ourselves and others.

                In our actions – we have right reasoning and
                    seeing our actions in view of our eternal happiness.

                We must seek a well disciplined will –
                    not a weak will or diseased will where
                    we give into every temptation from satan.

                Sometimes doing God's difficult tasks for
                    us takes lots of strength and love
                    and walking slowly with Jesus
                    in much courage – but the rewards
                    are happiness and not the slothful
                    habit of sinning, lying and not being
                    responsible and accountable for the
                    disaster when we choose anger and
                    bitterness rather than action that
                    God is asking for –

                Fear can rule a man's life and satan works
                    in fear to keep a man from doing what
                    he is supposed to many times –
                    he can justify why living in
                    fear and playing it up – is more
                    important than doing his normal
                    job with love and conviction that
                    God expects him to do.

                Fortitude gives a man the courage to face
                    the difficult and to do it the way
                    in which he will succeed – not do
                    it angrily and in a wrong manner to make
                    more problems for himself and others –

                And then in anger when the plan of action fails –
                    strike out at innocent others for their
                    failure because they did it wrongly and
                    caused a mess.

                Fortitude perfects the will to accomplish
                    the good –
                    Fortitude is a virtue –

                But fortitude and justice, temperance
                    and prudence all work together!

                Fortitude directs the passions that can get
                    out of control –

                Justice helps us in relationships with God
                    and others to give what is their due.

                Temperance helps the will to choose moderately
                    the tendencies of the appetites and
                    to help them to operate in right reason.

                With fortitude it helps us to have the
                    courage not to be fearful and do
                    nothing and not to be daring to
                    just do something that is to get it
                    done in a wrong manner –

                The ultimate fear for man is death,
                    but fear can grow in a man –
                    he makes everything a challenge
                    of some form of safety for him –

                If death is the ultimate fear – surely facing
                    lesser fears of doing, for example, an 'accounts
                    payable' that needs attention is far less –

                Prudence tells us we must do the job
                    we need to do and can't put it off
                    because we are responsible for it
                    and accountable to God and others –

                Prudence helps a man see what he
                    can and cannot do.

                A person can be fool-hearty in making
                    a solution that makes a mess –
                    and a person can be fearful and do not
                        do what he needs to do.

                We need the virtues of temperance, prudence,
                    fortitude and justice to perform
                    our actions.

                A man who wants to operate without
                    responsibility and accountability to
                    others –
                    without regard for authority and
                    justice of what is his due with
                    respect to God and others –
                    who just does what he thinks and
                    refuses corrections, directions and
                    has an undisciplined will – weak or
                    diseased will is
                    bringing a mess into things –
                    and that road gets much more messier
                    and he lives to prove he is 'right' and
                    demands his way.


Priestly Newsletter Book II - September/October 1997

Scriptural Reflections

In all this Mary offers an example. Selfishness was totally foreign to her. She did not belong to herself. She belonged to God. She was not closed in upon herself. She was completely open to God. When God spoke, she listened. When God pointed the way, she followed. She realized that life is not a process a person masters by carefully mapping out one's own self-conceived plans of conquest, but a mystery to be gradually experienced by being open to God's personal and loving guidance.

Selfishness, then, did not close Mary off from God's call. Neither did fear. God asked her to assume a tremendous responsibility. He asked her to be the Mother of Jesus. Mary did not engage in a process of false humility and say that such a great role was above her. She did not say that she did not have the proper qualifications for this awesome mission. Briefly, she did not waste time looking at herself, making pleas that she was not worthy, telling the angel he had better go look for someone else. No, Mary did not look at herself. Her gaze was absorbed in God. She fully realized that whatever God asked of her, His grace would accomplish. She fully realized that although she herself had to cooperate, this work was much more God's than hers.

Mary's words, then, truly sum up what is the authentic Christian response at any point of life, in any kind of situation: "I am the handmaid of the Lord," said Mary, "let what you have said be done to me".


                R. Fr. Carter set up 5 things on the Concept of
                    the Christian Life

                    1. response to God's love
                    2. participation in God's life
                    3. elevation of human nature to know and love supernaturally
                    4. living the Christ-life
                    5. Mary's role as Mother of our Christ - life –

                The Shepherds of Christ is to teach men to pray –
                    to Consecrate their hearts to be
                    Hearts under Jesus –
                    Hearts like Mary --

                To live by the Scriptures

                To live the life of dying to our bad behaviors and
                    growing in the life of resurrection
                    that leads to being in the image of God.

                The Christian virtues – lived in our lives –
                    faith, hope and love are central

                The Christian and the Church –
                    The Church as body of Christ, sacrament
                        and the Church, the world the
                        individual Christian in the state of becoming
                        more and more like Christ.

                The Christian and the liturgy –
                    The Church's life centered in the liturgy –
                        with focus on the Eucharist.

                Psychology and religion – different personality
                    theories – Fulfillment model
                                Consistency model

                Involvement with the World –
                    We are to be men for others –
                    Service makes us happy
                    Serving God
                    Serving others

Matthew 22: 36-40

'Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?' Jesus said to him, 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets too.'


                R. Prayer Mass – Rosary
                    Shepherds of Christ Prayers
                    Holy Spirit Prayers


                    Prayer and self identity
                    Prayer in action

                Mysticism – full development of the Christian Life

                Incarnationlism and Transcendence –

                Other aids –

                    Spiritual Direction – No man is an island
                    We are meant to walk hand-in-hand –
                    Retreats days of renewal
                    A plan for life


Prayer for Healing the Family Tree
by Rev. John H. Hampsch, C.M.F.

Heavenly Father, I come before you as your child,
in great need of your help.
I have physical health needs, emotional needs,
spiritual needs, and interpersonal needs.
Many of my problems have been caused
by my own failures, neglect and sinfulness,
for which I humbly beg your forgiveness, Lord.
But I also ask you to forgive the sins of my ancestors
whose failures have left their effects on me
in the form of unwanted tendencies,
behavior patterns, and defects in body, mind and spirit.
Heal me, Lord, of all these disorders.  – pause –  

With your help I sincerely forgive everyone,
especially living or dead members of my family tree,
who have directly offended me or my loved ones in any way,
or those whose sins have resulted
in our present sufferings and disorders.
In the name of your divine Son Jesus,
and in the power of the Holy Spirit, I ask you, Father,
o deliver me and my entire family tree
from the influence of the evil one.  – pause – 

Free all living and deceased members of my family tree,
including those in adoptive relationships,
and those in extended family relationships,
from every contaminating form of bondage.
By your loving concern for us, heavenly Father,
and by the shed blood of your Precious Son Jesus,
I beg you to extend your blessing to me
and all my living and deceased relatives.
Heal every negative effect transmitted
through all past generations,
and prevent such negative effects
in future generations of my family tree.  – pause – 

I symbolically place the cross of Jesus
over the head of each person in my family tree,
and between each generation.
I ask you to let the cleansing blood of Jesus
purify the bloodlines in my family lineage.
Set your protective angels to encamp around us,
and permit Archangel Raphael, the patron of healing,
to administer your divine healing power to all of us,
even in areas of genetic disability.

Give special power to our family members’ guardian angels
to heal protect, guide and encourage each of us in all our needs.
Let your healing power be released at this very moment,
and let it continue as long as your sovereignty permits.

In our family tree, Lord, replace all bondage
with a holy bonding in family love.
And let there be an ever deeper bonding with you, Lord,
by the Holy Spirit, to your Son Jesus.
Let the family of the Holy Trinity pervade our family
with its tender, warm, loving presence,
so that our family may recognize
and manifest that love in all our relationships.
All of our unknown needs we include with this petition
that we pray in Jesus’ precious name.
Amen, Amen and Amen.


Prayer for Intergenerational Healing   
based upon a prayer and the writings of Dr. Kenneth McAll

In the name of Jesus, and by his authority,
I come against any and every curse
that may have been directed to any member of our family.
I call down the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
and I break any curse on my family or person
in the Holy name of Jesus.
I forgive and bless those who sent them.
Lord bless our enemies—do so by sending
your Holy Spirit to lead them to repentance,
to healing and to freedom.
I now break in the name of Jesus Christ
all psychic heredity and any demonic hold
upon my family line as a result of the
disobedience of any of my ancestors.
I declare all of this to be absolutely null and void.
In the Holy Name of Jesus.
In the Holy Name of Jesus.
In the Holy Name of Jesus.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,
I renounce all the work of evil,
together with any occult practices of my ancestors.
I subscribe myself to Jesus Christ,
my Lord and Savior, both now and forever.




Give the gift that keeps giving.

Blue Book 1 & 2 – $4.00 each plus postage



Blue Books 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6A, B, C, 3 – 
$3.00 each plus postage


Blue Books 4 & 5 –$2.00 each plus postage

Blue Books 14 & 15 –$5.00 each plus postage


The more you use the Blue Books and
    become one with Jesus – more
    intimate with Jesus –
    the more your lives are a blessing and
    everything you do in life can help
    to bring down great grace for the world
    because of your being so
    one with Jesus.


Guiding Light Homily Book Series

Fr. Joe’s Books

Cycle A –
Steadfast to the Son

Cycle B –
Focusing on the Word

Cycle C

Feed My Soul

Cycle A
Inspired to be Genuine

4 for $20 plus postage of $5.95 


These books can be given to:

1) All Priests

       2) Good for Music Ministers
       3) Good for DRE's
       4) Good for Deacons
       5) Good for Principals of Schools
       6) Good for Teachers
       7) Good for Mom and Dads



                Given March 21, 2014

                R. Pray for These Things

                1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
                2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
                    Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
                4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
                    also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
                5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
                6) People going to Florida and China.
                7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
                8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
                9) Pray for pope helping us.
               10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
               11) Blue Book 16 and cover and all involved.
                    For our Publisher and all involved
               12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
               13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
               14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
               15) Donors and members and their families.
               16) Healing of the Family tree.
               17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
                    Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
               18) All who asked us to pray for them.
               19) All we promised to pray for.
               20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
                    Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
                    2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
                    Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple
, Rosie & all involved.
               21) 2 babies and moms.
               22) Funds and insurance.
               23) Jerry's garage.
               24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
               25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
               26) Consecrate all hearts.
               27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.



 The Wedding Rosary 

Crystal Image Rosary

$40 plus shipping


Original Image Rosary

8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box

$40 plus shipping



Give the gift that counts.

                Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.

Tell My People                    $5.00
Response to God's Love    $8.00
Response in Christ              $8.00



Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur 
$2.00 plus postage


New Mass Book with Imprimatur   
$8.00 plus postage


New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage


Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage

Give the gift that keeps on giving!

Give to your priest.

Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage


Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage



Shepherds of Christ Ministries  
P.O. Box 627  China, Indiana 47250

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