Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the
world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater,
Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish
this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A. We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages
rests |
![]() |
April 1st Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 3 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mystery
for April 1st is Joyful.
We urgently, urgently need
funds and volunteers for
the priestly mailing!
Please help us!
Come to Florida on
April 5, 2003
for the live rosary
Here is the schedule for our web radio
April 1, 2003.4:00 a.m. - Mass
4:37 a.m. - October 13, 1996 Live Rosary
- Songs from Jesus6:20 a.m. - 6:20 prayers led by Father Carter
Holy Spirit Novena
Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual
Rosary7:24 a.m. - Tell My People
read by Father Carter8:55 a.m. - Newsletter 1999 Issue 4
read by Father Carter10:23 a.m. - Choose Life
11:25 a.m. - Grace by Father Carter
read by Father Mike Paraniuk12:33 p.m. - August 20, 1996 Rosary
from the Mass Book1:45 p.m. - Newsletter 2000 Issue 1
read by Father Carter3:05 p.m. - Rosary of Light from November 15, 2002
led by Rita Ring4:00 p.m. - Mass
4:37 p.m. - Blue Book Reading
- Songs from Jesus
6:20 p.m. - 6:20 prayers led by Father Carter
Holy Spirit Novena
Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual
Rosary7:24 p.m. - Tell My People
read by Father Carter8:55 p.m. - Love Songs and Messages
October 1, 19949:59 p.m. - Spirituality Handbook
read by Father Carter11:33 p.m. - Mary's Message
12:30 a.m. - November 13, 1996 Live Rosary
1:50 a.m. - Messages from December 12, 2002
feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe2:37 a.m. - August 20, 1996 Rosary
from the Mass Book3:50 a.m. - Songs from Jesus
4:00 a.m. - Mass
March 6, 2003
Reverend and dear Director,
Thank you very much for sending me a copy of "Shepherds of Christ-Spirituality 2 Newsletters" by Fr. Edward Carter S.J. along with the Prayer Manual for Shepherds of Christ Associates.
I sincerely thank you for the wonderful and laudatory work you are doing to rekindle the dying embers in the hearts of priests torn asunder in this secularized world of to-day.
I would like to start a chapter in the parish of "Sacred Heart of Jesus" in the city of _________ itself with at least ten members to begin with.
Adjoining the church, we have a beautiful shrine with the picture of the garden of _________. The sisters of the congregation of the _________ visit the chapel by turns and spend time in adoration. Local people also join them in silent prayer. The parish priest, Rev. Fr. ________, highly spiritual, is very much interested in this movement for prayer for priests, the Holy Father, the Church, Shepherds of Christ Associates and its Newsletter. He will be the contact person for Our Archdiocese. Both he and I joined together have translated the Prayer Manual in ____. We intend to start the chapter with at least 10 persons from the First Friday of April, myself offering the Holy Mass on that day.
I am sending you a translation of the Prayer Manual in _____. Though you may not understand the language, I am proud to say it is a very ancient language, but still continuing to be a living one with a vast literature. May I request you to pray, bless and help this movement.
I give here below the name and address of the contact person for our Archdiocese of _______________.
May I request you to contact him and send any material to him and to me.
This is my 25th year of the Episcopal Jubilee and this will be a good event to start this movement in thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for all the favours he has showered on me.
Thanking you,
I remain,
Yours devotedly in Christ,
Archbishop of ________
April 1, 2003
Messenger: It is for God we live.
There are three Persons in one Divine God.
Yesterday I did the Blue Book reading at 4:30.
You can hear it on the radio at 4:37 p.m.
Our Lord wants us praying these prayers for the
priests, the Church and the world.
Fr. Carter S. J. taught at Xavier 31 years and
had a doctorate in theology.
After writing 33 Newsletters during his life
sending them to all the priests in the United States
he died December 18, 2000, the day after the 4th
anniversary of Mary's appearance on the
Father Carter had a doctorate in theology
and authored 18 books on the spiritual life.
March 31, 2003 message continues
Messenger: Here is one of the homilies he gave on living
in the moment in our Eucharistic
Center in China, Indiana.
From a Lenten Homily, March 24, 2000
Live in the Moment
Today’s Gospel in its story certainly points ahead to Jesus in His Passion and death. And as we read passages such as this during the Lenten season, we are reminded once again that the Church in her Liturgy of the Word gives us an opportunity to undergo a purification, an ever deepening cleansing of ourselves so that we may be a more fit instrument
for receiving the great graces which are to be given to us at the time of the Resurrection memorial on Easter. And so all in all, Lent is a time of purification to prepare us for ever-greater gifts of the Lord. It’s a time of self-discipline, a time to renew our efforts to be self-disciplined in the service of the Lord. Self-discipline is an aspect of purification. And I suggest that one of the most difficult acts of self-discipline in the spiritual journey is to concentrate on the present moment. We have a very strong tendency to disregard the importance of the present moment by focusing in a wrong way on the past or in a wrong way on the future. There are proper occasions for thinking of the past and the future. For example, we have to learn from the past and we have to prepare for the future, but our great emphasis has to be upon the present. There is a Latin axiom which says, age quod agis, age quod agis, which means: do what you are doing, concentrate on the present. And of course we are familiar with that term in the history of spirituality: the sacrament of the present moment. And so the discipline of Lent certainly encourages us to include in a deeper self-discipline a greater determination to get as much as we can out of the present moment. People with a terminal illness have an opportunity as they prepare for death for increased prayer, contrition, love of God. However, some are taken very, very quickly. But for those who have the opportunity of knowing with some certainty the time of their death, I’m sure as they look back on their lives, they are saddened by the many times they did not use time and opportunities for the service of the Lord properly, and are overjoyed at those times in which they did use the present opportunity properly. A great means we have of living in the present properly is a greater focus upon our Lord. For if I have that awareness of the fact I am united with Jesus here and now, why should I be concerned so much about the future or the past? Yes, a great help in living in the present and deriving all the good we can from it for ourselves and others is an ever greater focus upon Jesus, because the more I focus upon Jesus and the more I live with Him in the present moment, the more I am satisfied with the present moment. And so let us in our Lenten activity resolve to grow in that self-discipline - which is very difficult at times - to really live in the presence with the fullness of our being as much as is possible, with the help of God’s grace. Now is the day of salvation. Now is the day of salvation.
end of Father Carter's homily
March 31, 2003 message continues
Messenger: Servants and handmaids pray hourly there before
the Blessed Sacrament for the priests, the
Church and the world.
We have 48 hours of adoration before
the exposed Eucharist on the 12th, 13th and
14th of each month praying for the priests,
the Church and the world.
On the 5th of each month we have a prayer
service at 6:20 and Mary turns rainbow
and gold and Jesus appears. Here are some
of the pictures when I went there on
January 5, 2003 and February 5, 2003.
January 5, 2003
February 5, 2003
Messenger: The mailing we are sending to the 85,000 priests
now includes this.
Messenger: This will be out by Easter,
many Shepherds have worked hard
to get these prayers to the priests and
Mary's image.
Here is a letter from a Bishop we just received
March 6, 2003
Reverend and dear Director,
Thank you very much for sending me a copy of "Shepherds of Christ-Spirituality 2 Newsletters" by Fr. Edward Carter S.J. along with the Prayer Manual for Shepherds of Christ Associates.
I sincerely thank you for the wonderful and laudatory work you are doing to rekindle the dying embers in the hearts of priests torn asunder in this secularized world of to-day.
I would like to start a chapter in the parish of "Sacred Heart of Jesus" in the city of _________ itself with at least ten members to begin with.
Adjoining the church, we have a beautiful shrine with the picture of the garden of _________. The sisters of the congregation of the _________ visit the chapel by turns and spend time in adoration. Local people also join them in silent prayer. The parish priest, Rev. Fr. ________, highly spiritual, is very much interested in this movement for prayer for priests, the Holy Father, the Church, Shepherds of Christ Associates and its Newsletter. He will be the contact person for Our Archdiocese. Both he and I joined together have translated the Prayer Manual in ____. We intend to start the chapter with at least 10 persons from the First Friday of April, myself offering the Holy Mass on that day.
I am sending you a translation of the Prayer Manual in _____. Though you may not understand the language, I am proud to say it is a very ancient language, but still continuing to be a living one with a vast literature. May I request you to pray, bless and help this movement.
I give here below the name and address of the contact person for our Archdiocese of _______________.
May I request you to contact him and send any material to him and to me.
This is my 25th year of the Episcopal Jubilee and this will be a good event to start this movement in thanksgiving to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for all the favours he has showered on me.
Thanking you,
I remain,
Yours devotedly in Christ,
Archbishop of ________
Messenger: This is what Mary said we must do at Fatima
for peace.
"until a sufficient number of people
make and live the consecration, we
will not have peace in the world."
Jesus speaks: My people, listen to your Mother
give your heart to Me, I am the
Sacred Heart of Jesus, make Me the
King and Center of your lives, of your
homes, your Churches.
Mysteries of Light
Baptism of Jesus
Mark 1: 7In the course of his preaching he said, ‘After me is coming someone who is more powerful than me, and I am not fit to kneel down and undo the strap of his sandals.
2. Mark 1:
8I have baptised you with water, but he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit.’
3. Mark 1:
9It was at this time that Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptised in the Jordan by John.
4. Mark 1: 10
And at once, as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit, like a dove, descending on him.
5. Mark 1:
11And a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on you.’
6. Messenger:
Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist.7. Messenger:
Tremendous grace is outpoured when we8. Messenger:
Jesus is truly present in His Divinity and Humanity9. Messenger:
Jesus is the Light of the World.10. Messenger: Jesus
loves us so much.
Marriage at Cana
1. Messenger:
Jesus performed miracles while on earth.2. Messenger:
Jesus loves us so much.3. Messenger:
Jesus wants us to love Him.4. Messenger: Jesus is the Light of the World.
5. Messenger: God
is all Powerful.6. Messenger: We must rely on His Might.
7. Messenger: We must surrender our lives to Him.
8. Messenger:
Mary did the will of the Father.9. Messenger:
Pray through the intercession of Mary.10. Messenger:
We are lights in the darkness.
Kingdom of God
1. Messenger: Jesus
is the King of heaven and earth.2.
Excerpt of The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, by Louis J. Puhl, S.J.136. THE FOURTH DAY
The one of Christ, our supreme leader and lord,
the other of Lucifer, the deadly enemy of our
human naturePRAYER. The usual preparatory prayer.
window at a former Jesuit Seminary
137. FIRST PRELUDE. This is the history. Here it will be that Christ calls and wants all beneath His standard, and Lucifer, on the other hand, wants all under his.
138. SECOND PRELUDE. This is a mental representation of the place. It will be here to see a great plain, comprising the whole region about Jerusalem, where the sovereign Commander-in-Chief of all the good is Christ our Lord; and another plain about the region of Babylon, where the chief of the enemy is Lucifer.
139. THIRD PRELUDE. This is to ask for what I desire. Here it will be to ask for a knowledge of the deceits of the rebel chief and help to guard myself against them; and also to ask for a knowledge of the true life exemplified in the sovereign and true Commander, and the grace to imitate Him.
140. FIRST POINT. Imagine you see the chief of all the enemy in the vast plain about Babylon, seated on a great throne of fire and smoke, his appearance inspiring horror and terror.
141. SECOND POINT. Consider how he summons innumerable demons, and scatters them, some to one city and some to another, throughout the whole world, so that no province, no place, no state of life, no individual is overlooked.
142. THIRD POINT. Consider the address he makes to them, how he goads them on to lay snares for men and bind them with chains. First they are to tempt them to covet riches (as Satan himself is accustomed to do in most cases) that they may the more easily attain the empty honors of this world, and then come to overweening pride.
The first step, then, will be riches, the second honor, the third pride. From these three steps the evil one leads to all other vices.
143. In a similar way, we are to picture to ourselves the sovereign and true Commander, Christ our Lord.
144. FIRST POINT. Consider Christ our Lord, standing in a lowly place in a great plain about the region of Jerusalem, His appearance beautiful and attractive.
145. SECOND POINT. Consider how the Lord of all the world chooses so many persons, apostles, disciples, etc., and sends them throughout the whole world to spread His sacred doctrine among all men, no matter what their state or condition.
146. THIRD POINT. . . .
end of excerpt of The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
3. Messenger:
Mary told me to reach the youth and tell them4.
Messenger: Jesus wants us to pray the rosary.5.
Messenger: Jesus wants us to give our lives to Him.6. Messenger:
In Mass we offer ourselves united to the7. Messenger:
The Mass is so powerful.8. Messenger:
The Power is in the Eucharist.10.
Excerpt from Newsletter 2001 - Issue 1Relationship with Members of the Church
There is but one true Church of Christ. Yet this one Church has three different states of existence. There is the pilgrim Church, the Church of this world, composed of members who have received the grace of Christ and strive for its development. They have not yet obtained the goal of their efforts, as have the members of the heavenly Church, who enjoy God in eternal happiness. The Church suffering is an intermediate state of existence necessary for those who had not achieved the required purification as members of the pilgrim Church. Although there are these three phases of the Church’s existence, there is a profound union existing between all the members. All these members possess the same basic life of grace in Christ, and this common life establishes the most intimate bonds of love. In our preceding chapter, we discussed the pilgrim Church. Let us now consider the Church suffering and the heavenly Church.
The members of the Church suffering are those who have departed from this life in an incomplete state of Christian development. Their development is incomplete in the sense that grace has not fully taken possession of them, and, as a result, they are yet closed in upon themselves to a greater or lesser degree. They as yet cannot open themselves out in complete love to the Triune God in the beatific vision. They must undergo a further purification, a purification which could have been achieved upon earth with merit. Now the purification must be achieved with no merit attached. The pain of this purification is mixed with the certain expectation of achieving the vision of God. We can hasten the advent of this vision for this people by the offering of prayers and other good works. Scripture itself refers to our action on behalf of those in purgatory in Chapter 12 of the Second Book of Maccabees beginning with verse 38.
The members of the heavenly Church are those in whom the life of grace has taken full possession and has reached its completion in the life of glory. Faith now is unnecessary, as the light of glory gives the human intellect a new strength and capacity for seeing God face-to-face. While the Christian was a wayfarer, he received the imprint of the indwelling Trinity as he shared in God’s own life. Now in heaven that grace-life and possession of God reaches its completion—the absolute completion is not achieved, however, until the resurrection of the body. The divine persons give Themselves to the beatified in a profound union far surpassing that of the indwelling of the Trinity experienced here below.
This life of heaven is still the Christ-life, for just as we possess a share in Trinitarian life here below as mediated by Christ, and exercise this grace-life as structured by Him, so also in heaven is the mediation of Christ present. In the words of Rahner, "One always sees the Father through Jesus. Just as immediately as this, for the directness of the vision of God is not a denial of the mediatorship of Christ as man."14 And not only does the humanity of Christ unite the blessed to God, but also, in some way, to the whole of creation. This is merely a completion of what is begun here below, namely, the union with Christ in His humanity establishing the Christian in a special relationship with God, with other men, and with the whole of creation. We have a glimpse, therefore, of the fullness of life which members of the heavenly Church possess.
The heavenly Church, as St. Thomas says, is the true Church.15 The Church of this earth and the Church of purgatory are, each in its own way, reaching out in loving hope for the heavenly Jerusalem. Vatican II puts it very simply: "The Church, to which we are called in Christ Jesus, and in which we acquire sanctity through the grace of God, will attain her full perfection only in the glory of heaven."16
The members of the heavenly Church can help us in living our life of grace until we too share its fullness with them. Their power of intercession on our behalf is but another ramification of the communal aspect of Christianity. We are meant to help others grow in Christ. We, in turn, are intended by God to receive aid from others—yes, from members of the heavenly Church, as well as from those with whom we dwell here below.
Not only can we be aided by the saints’ intercession, but the example of the canonized saints can also be of great value to us. They have concretely proved that full holiness is possible. Such an inspiration is of real worth when we are tempted to think that Christian sanctity in its higher degrees is impossible of attainment. Moreover, the canonized saints, in their diversity, teach us that there are many authentic versions of Christian holiness. They can be innovators in showing us that there are numerous possibilities in assimilating the mystery of Christ, although the basic assimilation remains the same for all Christians of all times. In the opinion of Rahner this is one of the chief roles the canonized saints exert in the life of the Church.17
16. Second Vatican Council, Constitution on the Church, No. 48.
17. Cf. Karl Rahner, Op. cit., pp. 100-101.end of excerpt from Newsletter 2001 - Issue 1
1. Matthew 17: 1-8
When they heard this, the disciples fell on their faces, overcome with fear. But Jesus came up and touched them, saying, ‘Stand up, do not be afraid.’ And when they raised their eyes they saw no one but Jesus.Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There in their presence he was transfigured: his face shone like the sun and his clothes became as dazzling as light. And suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared to them; they were talking with him. Then Peter spoke to Jesus. ‘Lord,’ he said, ‘it is wonderful for us to be here; if you want me to, I will make three shelters here, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.’ He was still speaking when suddenly a bright cloud covered them with shadow, and suddenly from the cloud there came a voice which said, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; he enjoys my favour. Listen to him.’
2. Messenger:
Fr. Carter wrote the book Response to God's LoveExcerpt from Response to God's Love
...In reference to Christianity, God himself is the ultimate mystery. Radically, God is completely other and transcendent, hidden from man in his inner life, unless he chooses to reveal himself. Let us briefly look at this inner life of God.
The Father, in a perfect act of self-expression, in a perfect act of knowing, generates his son. The Son, the Word, is, then, the immanent expression of God's fullness, the reflection of the Father. Likewise, from all eternity, the Father and the Son bring forth the Holy Spirit in a perfect act of loving.
At the destined moment in human history, God's self-expression, the Word, immersed himself into man's world. God's inner self-expression now had also become God's outer self-expression. Consequently, the mystery of God becomes the mystery of Christ. In Christ, God tells us about himself, about his inner life, about his plan of creation and redemption. He tells us how Father, Son, and Holy Spirit desire to dwell within us in the most intimate fashion, how they wish to share with us their own life through grace. All this he has accomplished and does accomplish through Christ. St. Paul tells us: "I became a minister of this Church through the commission God gave me to preach among you his word in its fullness, that mystery hidden from ages and generations past but now revealed to his holy ones. God has willed to make known to them the glory beyond price which this mystery brings to the Gentiles—the mystery of Christ in you, your hope of glory. This is the Christ we proclaim while we admonish all men and teach them in the full measure of wisdom, hoping to make every man complete in Christ" (Col 1:25-28).
God is light.4.
1 John 1: 5This is what we have heard from him
and are declaring to you:
God is light,
and there is no darkness in him at all.
Messenger: Jesus appeared to me here transfigured
Excerpt from December 22, 1998
Messenger: On January 9, 1996, I went to pray. The snow was so bad the street was blocked to Holy Cross-Immaculata. I finally managed to find a place to park and trudged through the snow, panting with joy to be with Our Lord in the tabernacle there. When I arrived all I could do was kneel before the Sacred Heart statue and pour out myself to Him.
Please show a picture of the tabernacle and the Sacred Heart statue.
From my writings of January 9, 1996, I write:
"I was engulfed again in my love of God and cried so hard because I love Him so much. In this intimate act of giving myself totally to Him, my whole act was in emptying myself, wanting only to be lost in Him and united forever to Him in this most blissful moment. I turned myself over and was lost in Him, knowing His presence with me and knowing His deep love. The world stopped and I existed in Him, longing to forever stay there, so this moment would never end."
"I touched you, God and in this embrace I knew your unending love. I saw Your Body as if it was transfigured and glowing in light and I was lost in Thee."
This is how it began. I would see a great reflective light, as if from a mirror, on the eaves of the church in the front of Holy Cross-Immaculata and His Body was changed in the most brilliant light before my eyes. I cannot describe what I saw, nor have I ever seen it except in this vision and two that would follow the next two days. Jesus was transfigured before my eyes.
The date of January 9, 1996, when it first happened, was the same date January 9, 1994, when I genuflected before the crucifix and the altar at St. Gertrude's and the Father spoke; Blue Book II-page 18, January 9, 1994: "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."
On January 9, 1996, I would see Jesus transfigured before me in the statue.
end of excerpt from December 22, 1998
Jesus speaks: My people I am the King of the Kingdom.7. Jesus speaks: I am the Light of the World.
8. Jesus speaks: You are My people, I love you so much.
Last Supper
Messenger: Jesus likes us to sing this song to Him.
Jesus speaks: I am the light of the world.3.
April 28, 2000So good is our God to give us this visible sign. My heart hungers and thirsts for Him in this great gift given.
Today at the consecration of the Mass the priest consecrated the Host in a silver dish. My heart longs to see the beautiful white consecrated Host so much I could hardly stand it, I desired it so much. He lifted the dish and took out the beautiful consecrated Host and a see-through Host the same size appeared above the Host. I often see a small transparent halo surrounding the top of the Host. This appeared as such:
I had such a burning in my heart to see the consecrated Host and I heard the words "are not our hearts burning within us."
My heart ached with joy and wanting to be in this ecstatic state forever, but I was so aware of souls and the Sacrifice being offered, longing to be so one with Jesus as I dwell in Mary’s pure Heart, so that my heart would be so deeply united to Jesus’ in this Holy Sacrifice to the Father.
I want so much in that moment of consecration. I want my sacrifice united to His so deeply so that grace will be outpoured for our needs. I beg and I cry for the souls in the world, all of us who so desperately need God’s grace and mercy.
Oh, I want to offer such a Holy Sacrifice from the depth of my soul for grace and help from God. Oh, God, I am so sorry for our sins. Oh God, oh God, help us, I plead and I beg and I cry, I want it so much. I want all souls to love Him as I love Him and to unite in this Sacrifice as holy little children of the Father, pleading to God for help.
A Prayer before the Holy Sacrifice of the MassLet me be a holy sacrifice and unite with God in the sacrament of His greatest love.
I want to be one in Him in this act of love, where He gives Himself to me and I give myself as a sacrifice to Him. Let me be a holy sacrifice as I become one with Him in this my act of greatest love to Him.
Let me unite with Him more, that I may more deeply love Him. May I help make reparation to His adorable Heart and the heart of His Mother, Mary. With greatest love, I offer myself to You and pray that You will accept my sacrifice of greatest love. I give myself to You and unite in Your gift of Yourself to me. Come and possess my soul.
Cleanse me, strengthen me, heal me. Dear Holy Spirit act in the heart of Mary to make me more and more like Jesus.
Father, I offer this my sacrifice, myself united to Jesus in the Holy Spirit to You. Help me to love God more deeply in this act of my greatest love.
Give me the grace to grow in my knowledge, love and service of You and for this to be my greatest participation in the Mass. Give me the greatest graces to love You so deeply in this Mass, You who are so worthy of my love.
-God's Blue Book, December 27, 1995
A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb the Bridegroom of the soulof the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins
7. From Priestly Newsletter Book II, p. 248
At the Last Supper, on the night He was betrayed, our Saviour instituted the Eucharistic Sacrifice of His Body and Blood. He did this in order to perpetuate the sacrifice of the Cross throughout the centuries until He should come again, and so to entrust to His beloved spouse, the Church, a memorial of His death and resurrection: a sacrament of love, a sign of unity, a bond of charity, a paschal banquet in which Christ is consumed, the mind is filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory is given to us (Vatican II, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, No. 17)9
9. The Documents of Vatican II, "Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy", America Press Edition, No. 17.
8. From Priestly Newsletter Book II, p. 248
The Church, therefore, earnestly desires that Christ’s faithful, when present at this mystery of faith, should not be there as strangers or silent spectators. On the contrary, through a proper appreciation of the rites and prayers they should participate knowingly, devoutly, and actively. They should be instructed by God’s word and be refreshed at the table of the Lord’s body; they should give thanks to God; by offering the Immaculate Victim, not only through the hands of the priest, but also with him, they should learn to offer themselves too. Through Christ the Mediator, they should be drawn day by day into ever closer union with God and with each other, so that finally God may be all in all. (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, No. 48)10
10. The Documents of Vatican II, "Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy", America Press Edition, No. 48.
9. From Priestly Newsletter Book II, p. 248-249
Through the Eucharistic Sacrifice Christ the Lord desired to set before us in a very special way this remarkable union whereby we are united one with another and with our divine Head, a union that no word of praise can ever sufficiently express. For in this sacrifice the sacred ministers act not only as the representative of our Saviour, but as the representative of the whole Mystical Body and of each one of the faithful. Again, in this act of sacrifice, the faithful of Christ, united by the common bond of devotion and prayer, offer to the eternal Father through the hands of the priest, whose prayer alone has made it present on the altar, the Immaculate Lamb, the most acceptable victim of praise and propitiation for the Church’s universal need. Moreover, just as the divine Redeemer, while dying on the Cross, offered Himself to the eternal Father as Head of the whole human race, so now, ‘in this clean oblation’ He not only offers Himself as Head of the Church to His heavenly Father but in Himself His mystical members as well. He embraces them all, yes, even the weaker and more ailing members with the deepest love of His Heart. (Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis AAS. XXXV, 232-233)11
11. Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Letter, Mystici Corporis, AAS, XXXV, pp. 232-233.
Psalm 85: 13
Justice will walk before him,
treading out a path.
Messenger: We must be positive.
Focusing on God and not the darkness
Putting all our trust in Him
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus I place my trust in You.
God loves us so much.
Luke 1: 52
He has pulled down princes
from their thrones
and raised high the lowly.
Isaiah 40: 5
then the glory of Yahweh will be revealed
and all humanity will see it together,
for the mouth of Yahweh has spoken.’
Isaiah 35: 4
and say to the faint–hearted,
‘Be strong! Do not be afraid.
Here is your God,
vengeance is coming,
divine retribution;
he is coming to save you.’
Psalm 147: 20
For no other nation has he done this,
no other has known his judgements.
Jesus speaks: Oh My people, I love you so much.
Oh America land of plenty I love you.
Baruch 5: 5
Arise, Jerusalem, stand on the heights
and turn your eyes to the east:
see your children reassembled
from west and east
at the Holy One’s command,
rejoicing because God has remembered.
Baruch 4: 36
Jerusalem, turn your eyes to the east,
see the joy that is coming to you from God.
Psalm 98: 3
mindful of his faithful love and his constancy
to the House of Israel.The whole wide world has seen
the saving power of our God.
John 1: 14
The Word became flesh,
he lived among us,
and we saw his glory,
the glory that he has from the Father
as only Son of the Father,
full of grace and truth.
Matthew 2: 2
asking, ‘Where is the infant king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose and have come to do him homage.’
Epiphany January 5, 2003
John 8: 12
Jesus, the light of the world
When Jesus spoke to the people again, he said:
I am the light of the world;
anyone who follows me
will not be walking in the
but will have the light of life.
John 1: 32, 34
And John declared, ‘I saw the Spirit come down on him like a dove from heaven and rest on him.
I have seen and I testify that he is the Chosen One of God.’
Messenger: God we are sorry we have sinned.
Jesus speaks: Oh My people I love you so much
I come to you dripping in Blood
hanging on the cross
Jesus speaks: Oh Jerusalem let your light shine
do not give into satan.
Isaiah 60: 1-6
Arise, shine out,
for your light has come,
and the glory of Yahweh has risen on you.
Look! though night still covers the earth
and darkness the peoples,
on you Yahweh is rising
and over you his glory can be seen.
The nations will come to your light
and kings to your dawning brightness.
Lift up your eyes and look around:
all are assembling
and coming towards you,
your sons coming from far away
and your daughters
being carried on the hip.
At this sight you will grow radiant,
your heart will throb and dilate,
since the riches of the sea will flow to you,
the wealth of the nations come to you;
camels in throngs will fill your streets,
the young camels of Midian and Ephah;
everyone in Saba will come,
bringing gold and incense
and proclaiming Yahweh’s praises.
Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7
Here is my servant whom I uphold,
my chosen one
in whom my soul delights.
I have sent my spirit upon him,
he will bring fair judgement to the nations.
He does not cry out or raise his voice,
his voice is not heard in the street;
he does not break the crushed reed
or snuff the faltering wick.
Faithfully he presents fair judgement;
he will not grow faint,
he will not be crushed
until he has established
fair judgement on earth,
and the coasts and islands
are waiting for his instruction.I, Yahweh, have called you
in saving justice,
I have grasped you by the hand
and shaped you;
I have made you a covenant of the people
and light to the nations,
to open the eyes of the blind,
to free captives from prison,
and those who live in darkness
from the dungeon.
1 John 5: 1-9
Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ
is a child of God,
and whoever loves the father
loves the son.
In this way we know
that we love God's children,
when we love God
and keep his commandments.
This is what the love of God is:
keeping his commandments.
Nor are his commandments
because every child of God
overcomes the world.
And this is the victory
that has overcome the world -
our faith.The source of faith
Who can overcome the world
but the one who believes
that Jesus is the Son of God?
He it is who came by water and blood,
Jesus Christ,
not with water alone
but with water and blood,
and it is the Spirit that bears witness,
for the Spirit is Truth.
So there are three witnesses,
the Spirit, water and blood;
and the three of them coincide.
If we accept
the testimony of human witnesses,
God’s testimony is greater,
for this is God’s testimony
which he gave about his Son.
Copyright © 2003
Shepherds of Christ.
Rights for non-commercial reproduction
May be copied in its entirety, but neither re-typed nor edited.
Translations are welcome but they must be reviewed for moral and
theological accuracy by a source approved by Shepherds of Christ Ministries
before any distribution takes place. Please contact us for more information.
All scripture quotes are from
the New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
Revised: March 31, 2003
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