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March 6, 2009
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March 5, 2009
Mary told me to take this picture
while she appeared and
Jesus appeared on the Cross
She was looking at people
in the room in the Clearwater Building
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From the Building of the 2 Hearts
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We chose to put more than just one of each of these 5ths because of they're importance.
October 5, 2003
November 5, 2003
Jesus instructed the prayer service
be done inside
November 5, 2003
Jesus instructed the prayer service
be done inside
December 5, 2003
Jesus instructed the prayer service
be done inside
December 5, 2003
Jesus instructed the prayer service
be done inside
December 5, 2003
Jesus instructed the prayer service
be done inside
December 5, 2003
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January 5, 2004
January 5, 2004
January 5, 2004
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February 5, 2004
February 5, 2004
February 5, 2004
February 5, 2004
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March 5, 2004
March 5, 2004
March 5, 2004
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March 6, 2009
Today's Readings
Ezekiel 18: 21-28
'If the wicked, however, renounces all the sins he has committed, respects my laws and is law-abiding and upright, he will most certainly live; he will not die. None of the crimes he committed will be remembered against him from then on; he will most certainly live because of his upright actions. Would I take pleasure in the death of the wicked -- declares the Lord Yahweh -- and not prefer to see him renounce his wickedness and live?
'But if the upright abandons uprightness and does wrong by copying all the loathsome practices of the wicked, is he to live? All his upright actions will be forgotten from then on; for the infidelity of which he is guilty and the sin which he has committed, he will most certainly die.
‘Now, you say, "What the Lord does is unjust." Now listen, House of Israel: is what I do unjust? Is it not what you do that is unjust? When the upright abandons uprightness and does wrong and dies, he dies because of the wrong which he himself has done. Similarly, when the wicked abandons wickedness to become law–abiding and upright, he saves his own life. Having chosen to renounce all his previous crimes, he will most certainly live: he will not die.
Matthew 5: 20-26
‘For I tell you, if your uprightness does not surpass that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never get into the kingdom of Heaven.
‘You have heard how it was said to our ancestors, You shall not kill; and if anyone does kill he must answer for it before the court. But I say this to you, anyone who is angry with a brother will answer for it before the court; anyone who calls a brother "Fool" will answer for it before the Sanhedrin; and anyone who calls him "Traitor" will answer for it in hell fire. So then, if you are bringing your offering to the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar, go and be reconciled with your brother first, and then come back and present your offering. Come to terms with your opponent in good time while you are still on the way to the court with him, or he may hand you over to the judge and the judge to the officer, and you will be thrown into prison. In truth I tell you, you will not get out till you have paid the last penny.
Excerpt from Response in Christ, by Father Edward J. Carter, S.J.
ONE The Concept of the Christian Life (excerpt)
The Church, then, continues Christ's death-resurrection. She consequently continues the entire mystery of Christ, since Christ's entire life is contained in His passover event.2 We see therefore why the Church can be referred to as the continuation of the redemptive Incarnation. Indeed the Church is Christ, the mystical Christ. Because she is the earthly continuation of Christ, the Church has everything within her structure needed to be the source of salvation and sanctification for men of all times. For instance, in reference to the presently much-discussed theme of the Church's relevancy to modern man, we know from theological reflection that the Church has this relevancy radically structured within her very existence. This is simply an application of the reality that the Church actually does prolong the mission of the Incarnate Word; since Christ was relevant to His age, the Church has the capacity to be relevant to all ages.
What do we mean by saying Christ was relevant to His age? Christ revealed the Father and communicated the Father's life to men by adapting Himself in a fundamental way to the life situation which existed at that particular time in Jewish history. Since Christ through His humanity adapted His message to the people of His times, so the Church must use her innate capacity to be relevant for the men of this or that age. She must in a sense be constantly reincarnating Christ, for she is the only visible Christ which this world now has. This reincarnation largely means being relevant.
As the Church is the continuation of Christ, so is the life of the Christian. Just as the Church centers her life in Christ's death-resurrection, so does the life of the Christian. Both Church and Christian then are continually dying with Christ, dying to all which is not of Christ. At the same time Church and Christian are meant to rise more and more with Christ, assimilating ever more perfectly His life through grace. This life of grace is the Church's and the Christian's share in Christ's Resurrection. It is true that this life of grace will have its completion only in eternity. Nevertheless, it does have very real beginnings here in this life.
It is therefore apparent why the Church's life is directed to the liturgy, especially the eucharistic liturgy.3 For it is within the liturgy culminating in the Mass that the death-resurrection of Christ is constantly renewed in a special manner. In the Mass the People of God have the constant opportunity to assimilate the death-resurrection of Christ more and more into their lives. As they do so collectively and individually, the People of God are continuing Christ's life and mission upon earth.
The Christian life, then, is a response to God's gift of Himself. God in love gives us a life of grace, a share in His own divine life. We respond in love by giving ourselves to God and our fellowman, by dynamically living out this life of grace, this Christ-life, in the pattern of death-resurrection. This life of grace is meant to be exercised constantly, as the Christian loves God and man, in Christ, according to the will of the Father. Also, to reiterate, God intends that our life in Christ be lived out in the community of the Church. The Christian life can never solely be an individual's response to his God.
As the Christian lives out this life of grace in community, he is offering Christ a new humanity through which He can reincarnate Himself. It is not only through the Church as a whole that Christ reincarnates Himself, but also, ideally, through each Christian within the Church. Each Christian has a special responsibility and privilege. No one else can offer Christ the unique opportunity of reincarnating Himself as can this or that particular Christian. For each Christian is a unique, created imitation of God never again to be repeated. Each Christian has a unique humanity to offer Christ. To the extent that he fails to do so, to that degree Christ has lost this opportunity to reincarnate Himself through this humanity.
Consequently, the Christian life can be conceived as the Christian permitting Christ to live more and more through his total person. Christian holiness is continual growth in the assimilation of that great thought of St. Paul, ". . . I live now not with my own life but with the life of Christ who lives in me." (Ga 2:20).
There are many ways in which the Christian can permit Christ to live in and through him. Love of the Father and love of all men, of course, are the two great themes which will channel this reincarnation of Christ. These were the great driving forces in Christ's life, and consequently they will be so in the life of the Christian.
If the Christian is to grow in projecting Christ through his Christian personality, he must be aware of the many various ways in which Christ loved His Father, and His will. He must be aware of the various ways in which the Father's will comes to him, and thus he will realize the multiple ways in which he is to love the Father in embracing that will. The Father's will can come to him in joy and happiness or in pain and sorrow; in work or in relaxation; in a life of great obscurity as well as in a life which commands public attention; in frustration or in success. These and many other channels of the Father's will offer the Christian the opportunity to continue this witness of Christ's life: no matter how easy or difficult, the Father's will must be lovingly embraced in all things. This is how Christ radically saved the world. This is how the Church, living according to the same principle, cooperates with Christ in furthering His redemptive work.
Christ's great love and concern for men must also be continually reincarnated through the Christian. Contemporary spirituality makes considerable use of personalism.4 One basic way we can apply personalism to our present theme is as follows: God revealed His love to men in a concrete way, through a Person possessing a tangible, visible human nature. Although this tangible, historical Christ is no longer with us upon earth, the basic plan of the Father continues. To a considerable degree He still continues to give Himself, His love, through tangible, visible human natures. It is through the Christian united with Christ that God continues in many ways to make His love tangible, visible – and human – to mankind.
Through these brief indications we can realize the various and many possibilities through which Christ lives again in the Christian. As the Christian in this manner projects Christ to his contemporary world he relives the total mystery of Christ. All the mysteries of Christ's life will be apparent somehow in such a Christian existence. But as the Christian puts on Christ more and more, death-resurrection will be especially apparent. For the Christian will be more and more going out of a self-centered existence, dying to that which is not really life at all, and increasingly passing over into a greater existence, into the life of Christ Himself. In this manner the Christian continues that transition process of passing from a lower to a higher mode of existence. We have seen this transition process to be at the heart of salvation history. We saw it in the exodus-event of the Jewish people. We saw it in the death-resurrection of Christ. We continue to find it in the life of the Christian as he prolongs the paschal mystery of Christ.
Yes, we live a new life in Christ. Christ, therefore, wants to share everything relating to our existence – sin alone excepted. When He united us to Himself in assuming human nature, He united to Himself all our authentic concerns, values and interest. He is truly a man, and He wants to share with us all our truly human experiences. He and His grace want to touch these experiences. Nothing which is really human is alien to our life in Christ.
We enjoy the freshness of a bright clear day, the stillness of the night, the innocence of a little child, the companionship of a friend, the relaxation or stimulation of a good movie. Christ wants to share these joys with us. In our daily work there is a sense of satisfaction, accomplishment and joy – there also can be pain, disappointment and misunderstanding. Christ wants to be there in the midst of all.
A strong, young American, the pride of his father, and full of promise, goes off to war. One day he fights his last and is no more. His father is in anguish and sorrow, and we sympathize. We observe the hatred and suspicion which exists between many white men and many black men, and our hearts grieve. Science achieves a great new discovery, and we are glad for this progress of the human race. A young man and woman are deeply in love, they marry, and their joy is great. And we rejoice with them. All these human experiences Christ wants to share with us, for He, too, is a man. The Christian actually is in Christ, and we must be bold enough to apply this reality to all the authentic areas of our existence. Christ wants it no other way.
The chief source of strength for the Christian as he lives in Christ is the liturgy, for this is the heart of the Church's life. Yet participation in the liturgy alone will not make certain the Christian's progress in holiness.5 The Christian must be constantly living out his previous participation. His life in Christ necessitates various types of activity which complement his liturgical life.
One such form of Christian endeavor is Christian asceticism. Karl Rahner says that our present age is very much in need of a sound asceticism.6 There are various reasons for asceticism in any age. Because of original and personal sin, the Christian has within himself many tendencies which are not in accord with Christ. Whether these involve the exterior senses or the interior senses and spiritual faculties, these tendencies must be controlled; otherwise, the Christ-life, the life of grace, cannot dominate the total person of the Christian as it is meant to do. Christian asceticism therefore embraces the traditional concept of mortification, namely a constant, reasonable control of the total person. Asceticism also includes the idea of organized effort in the spiritual life; it includes moreover the idea of renunciation and penance. These are traditional meanings of the term.
Yet Christian asceticism as contemporary thought conceives it goes further than mere control, organized effort, renunciation and penance. It embraces the reality of selflessness, a gradual going out from self-centeredness. As the Christian grows, his existential frame of reference becomes more and more Christ and others. To live means increasingly to love Christ and men. Paradoxically, the more the Christian goes out of himself, the more he authentically becomes himself, the more he becomes a true person. Viewed in terms of death-resurrection, Christian asceticism is seen to be more concerned with the death aspect of the paschal mystery. However, Resurrection is also present in a proper asceticism, for, among other reasons, Christian asceticism carries with it its own joy – a share in Resurrection joy.
Asceticism and other expressions of the Christian life involve the exercise of the infused virtues, both theological and moral. These virtues can be conceived of in terms of supernatural faculties which give expression to our life of grace in Christ. These virtues, the chief of which are faith, hope and love, give the Christian all the capacities he needs to form meaningful, graced relationships with God, man and the rest of creation. (The horizontal dimension outward to man and creation is receiving special attention in the contemporary treatment of faith, hope and love.) Although the death aspect of the paschal mystery is present in the exercise of the virtues, we more easily identify these virtues with the Resurrection aspect of the paschal mystery. For the life of grace, with the infused virtues playing a dominant role, is our share in Christ's Resurrection.
The life of the Christian must also involve prayer. Why? Our life of grace is a created participation in Trinitarian life. What is life in God? It is essentially a life of knowledge and love. The life of the Trinity consists in the knowledge and love which exists between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Then it is from the Trinity that the knowledge and love of God also goes out to creation.
Our life of grace is structured in the same manner. In union with Christ it essentially consists in knowing and loving God and in knowing and loving His creation, both on a supernatural level. Because this life of grace is centered in God, prayer is an absolute necessity. For prayer essentially is an interpersonal dialogue between God and the Christian. Without prayer the knowing and loving of God will never be what it should and neither will be the knowledge and love of God's creation. For one cannot envision, one cannot love man and the rest of creation without the intimate contact with God which prayer gives. This is because it is God's vision and God's love of His creation which the Christian shares in the life of grace.
The Christian, however, must not only pray. He must also externalize his life of knowledge and love in various ways. Today's spirituality with its incarnational trend stresses this fact.7 The Christian's life of Resurrection in Christ must to a considerable extent express itself in the daily world which surrounds him. This Christ-life must be expressed in the Christian's concern for the problems of the inner city and in his concern for a more just distribution of the world's wealth. It must manifest itself in the Christian's solicitude for the diseased and the poverty-stricken the world over. This life we have in Christ must incarnate itself in a concern over the spread of pornographic literature and other forms of godlessness. It must manifest itself as solicitous regarding the hatred which often exists between black man and white man. Our Christ-life must also express itself by our showing a tangible, warm love and interest toward those with whom we come into direct encounter.
This list of love and concern on the part of the Christian could be extended on and on. To what extent the Christian will manifest his concern in any of these areas will depend upon his vocation, the graces he receives and other circumstances. Our main point is this: the Christian through his life of grace in Christ has been called to further the creative and redemptive effort of God. He must, therefore, intimately involve himself in the affairs of this world. (Even the cloistered contemplative is called to involvement through such means as prayer.)
We have briefly indicated that the life of the Christian involves liturgy, asceticism, the exercise of the infused virtues, prayer and action. Rounding out such a list are other traditional aids to holiness, for example, spiritual reading, examination of conscience, spiritual direction. All of these are means of expressing our life of grace in Christ. They are also ways of growing in that life. All these should be seen in their connection with the Christian's participation in the passover mystery of Christ, His death-resurrection.
This first chapter has purposely centered the reality of the Christian life around the death-resurrection of Christ. In the remaining chapters we will expand upon the essentials we have treated briefly in these first pages. As we progress, we hope to show in detail that Christian holiness is life in Christ, for our life in Christ contains everything – our love of God, our love of men, our love of all creation. We hope to portray the Christian as one who believes from the depths of his being that to live is Christ.
2. The Mystery of Christ is essentially one reality. Any of the individual mysteries implicitly contains the others. For a treatment of this, cf. L. Bouyer, Liturgical Piety (Notre Dame, Indiana: Notre Dame University Press, 1955), pp. 189-190.
3. Cf. Second Vatican Council, The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, No. 10.
4. Cf., for example, E. McMahon and P. Campbell, Becoming a Person in the Whole Christ (New York: Sheed & Ward, 1967).
5. Cf. Second Vatican Council, The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, No. 12.
6. Cf. Karl Rahner, Spiritual Exercises (New York: Herder & Herder, 1965) pp. 66-79.
7. Cf., for example, Second Vatican Council, Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, No. 34.end of excerpt from Response in Christ
The Building of the Two Hearts
1. A gentleman from Florida called and said since he got the Fatima Statue with glass his life has been transformed. 3/3/2009
2. After using the Jesus water, pain and non-movement (for 3 years) in my fingers was healed instantly. Now fingers are cracking and working and no pain. Has taken x-rays. 10-19-2008
3. Ruptured ACL Ligament and PCL ligament left leg (knee) and damaged meniscus. 3-4 weeks excruciating pain. MRI showed damaged ligaments - went to do surgery and scopes revealed no damage other than meniscus injury. Day before surgery we came here to pray for healing. Wife anointed knee with Jesus water. Were told prior to surgery that would be out of work 3-6 months and surgery would be 4 hours. Surgery was only 40 minutes and recovery time is 1-2 weeks. 8/13/2008
4. My best friend (a couple) was granted a son, which now is my godson. They've been married for a long time but never had a child until they both came to see the Virgin Mary's image. 8/4/2007
5. I just wanted to tell you we have had so many prayers answered most especially since we have had the image statue in our home a few months ago. Prayers being miraculously answered for our children & grandchildren, our daughter's heart has literally almost healed ... she is also pregnant and that is also a miracle that she carried the baby this far, she is so thankful and also her cardiologist can't figure out how she is doing so well, and even agreed with her it must be prayers being said for her. He also told her in her 4th month to abort the baby, maybe he will have a conversion, we hope. Others in my family have changed since we got the statue. They are more understanding and patient and love being a Catholic more than ever before ...We thank Jesus, Mary, Rita and you all. Praise all of heaven. We are also so eager to have many more prayers answered. We are giving our married children a 10 inch statue each for their homes and red prayer manual if they would also like to say the prayers if they so choose to. The statue we know will help them with many graces as they pray before it as it has helped us in our home and lives. Love you all. 8/3/2007
6. Pregnancy. (A long note about how a woman got pregnant after she came to the Virgin Mary Building.) 3/21/2008
7. My mother was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia in April 2005. She received the Jesus water of Clearwater that my brother brought to El Salvador. She was treated at Instituto Salvadoreno del Segino Social. She was expected to live 3-6 months. She lived well for 2 years. Now she rests in peace with Lord Jesus and Virgin Mary. She died of Pneumonia March 21, 2007. 4/27/2007
8. The CAT scan showed a dark spot and they thought they would have to remove my right kidney. My family went to the Blessed Mother and asked for prayers and help. They also got the healing water. Well all our prayers were answered. There was no cancer or tumor. Thanks for all your prayers and help, and thanks to the Lord above. 4/18/2007
9. Knees were injured from motorcycle accident July/August 2006. His mom got the water in Florida right after the accident and took it to him and he used it every day and now his knees are completely healed. He knows Jesus water did it. 1/9/2007
10. Suspected blood clot. Pain in leg with swelling. Jesus water was used and pain went away and swelling. 12/31/2006
11. Barretrs -- My husband brought Jesus water to hospital and put on my stomach. Biopsy came back fine. 12/27/06
12. A man from South Carolina came to thank Jesus and Mary for his healing. His brother sent him Jesus' water when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Three doctors told him there was nothing they could do for him. He started using Jesus' water and started feeling better (He could hardly walk, he was using a wheelchair a lot). He went back to the doctor and tests showed no more cancer — gone! The doctor told him he never saw this happen before. He is around 70 years old and walks and feels normal. 2006
13. A lady from Egypt wrote asking St. Mary for a baby for 3 years. She helped me and now I have a little daughter. Her name is Mariam after St. Mary name by my language. Thank God and Thank St. Mary. She always remembers me. - Egypt 10/25/2006
14. This woman filled out a healing form at the site. I am so blessed by the Blessed Mother that she has been there for me on more than several occasions. She performed a miracle on all occasions, one in particular was cancer of the right leg. The doctors wanted to cut my leg off the cancer was in the bone. When I returned to New York and went to a plastic surgeon he saw the cat scan and said my chances weren't good. When he did the surgery the cancer was not in the bone. It was superficial. 9/2/2006
15. Stroke. Healed August 2006. 9/2/2006
16. A year ago he went to Orlando for a test on his prostate. It was positive. He came here in May and got some Jesus water out of the trough. He went back to the doctor and he was healed. - Venezuela 8/25/2006
17. Infertility. Conceived and gave birth exactly 9 months after our first visit to Clearwater in August 2000. Our son was born exactly 9 months after our visit (May 20, 2001). I've had surgeries on both ovaries in 1998 and had very little chance of conceiving. Mother Mary gave us our blessing and wish. 7/21/2006
18. Peter was operated on for cancer he had for 10 years on his leg and because the wound was so big, they had to take some skin from another part of his leg to be able to fix it but it did split. So Monday the doctor said that another surgery was needed but thanks to Jesus water on Wednesday on that same week he was healed. - Argentina 7/2/2006
19. Cancer of the lungs. A friend of ours who we visit from Canada. He told us of his illness and we came and prayed at the Virgin Mary's appearance on March 28, 2006. He had Jesus' water put on him the night before his surgery. His surgery was on March 31 and the cancer was gone. Thank you for your blessings. 4/2/2006
20. Lower back muscle strain. After straining my back I used the Jesus water before using pain crème. After putting on the water I no longer needed the crème. The strain was gone. 3/16/2006
21. Neuropathy. He had gotten Jesus water a few days ago and went to the doctor yesterday. 3/15/2006
22. Pregnancy. I could not become pregnant. I came here to ask Mary to extend her hands on me, to be able to have a child. The miracle happened. I did not know that other women had become pregnant by asking Mary. My son is 3 years old. I am convinced that he is called to be special in his life, he has a mission. When she went to see the doctor, specialists, they said forget it, she couldn't have a baby, and she went to many different ones. Came here to pray and became pregnant. All the doctors never understood what had happened. They said he is a miracle child. 3/8/2006
23. Pregnancy. Became pregnant of twin girls after we prayed in 2005 and even have a statue of the Virgin Mary in our yard. After 15 years of concubinage Virgin Mary finally blessed us. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. Jesus water was used to help conceive. 2/2/2006
24. A woman came in today from New York and said she was here last March (2005) and got the Jesus water. Her cousin who was very healthy and had just retired at age 60 suffered a massive stroke. He was taken to the best neurological hospital in New York and the doctors said he had no chance of recovery. He had a blood clot at the base of his brain stem. He was in intensive care and the woman with the other family members were visiting him and she put Jesus water on him and they prayed over him, while he was laying in bed in a fetal position unable to talk was paralyzed. After she had left (only 30 minutes of visitation in Intensive Care) the woman received a call from her cousin's wife saying the man had sat up in bed after they left and was miraculously healed. He is back at home now. The doctors came in and said this was a miracle. This was 2 months ago. 1/24/2006
25. Dermatomyositis (a form of Muscular Dystrophy). I was given 6 months to live. I was really depressed ready to give up when, while being in town for my girlfriends niece's Christmas Party. I heard it on the news. (December 17, 1996) Decided why not let's go, when I got here I was not expecting to see what I saw. I couldn't believe what I saw. Within an hour I put the cane down, slowly but surely got better enough where I wasn't paralyzed or dead. Thank you Jesus and Mary. 12/16/2005
26. Small Bowel Syndrome. Infant acquired surgical intervention at birth. 4 months care at home. Healed completely as of May 2005. 11/24/2005
27. Newborn very sick - 2 lbs. My mother came to visit me. We used to live in the post apartments by Target. I brought my Mother to the Virgin Mary Building in Clearwater and she prayed for my niece, who was in Guatemala. When my Mother returned to Guatemala she took the picture of Virgin Mary and put it in my niece's room. When my niece was born, she needed a tube feeding. She couldn't eat on her own. She was very thin and very sick. Many people told my sister and my mother (including the doctors) that my niece was so sick that she probably would died. Thank to our Lady Virgin Mary, my niece is a healthy gifted 9 year old girl. - Guatemala - Healing was at 6 months old. 11-22-2005
28. My daughter was told she had thyroid cancer, after having one side of the thyroid removed they found the cancer was gone. This had to be due to Mary and Jesus Water and her belief in the Mother and Son. 9/17/2005
29. Virus. He was in Egypt. His relatives came to the site and asked for prayers for healing for him. That same day they were here he was completely healed of his Liver virus. He is a physician. 8/31/2005
30. After waiting about 8 months for the baby to get bigger for the surgery, the doctor checked him and couldn't believe it, but she said, "It just fixed itself." He was 4 months premature and this surgery would have lowered his sperm count significantly and its already been lowered by a double inguinal hernia surgery. 6-14-2005
31. Burst tube with unexpected pregnancy. Was internal bleeding. Doctor told was miracle, surviving from this kind of operation. She (the mother) had come to the site and prayed to God if this Image (Our Lady of Clearwater) was from God to grant her a miracle. Her daughter who was in Lithuania at the time was in the hospital and the above miracle happened during the 2 hours the mother was praying at the site. 5/4/2005
32. Heart failure. He was not breathing. Jesus water was poured on him while praying. He started breathing again. 4/23/2005
33. When I was pregnant, my baby was sick. My baby born was well. Thanks. 4/18/2005
34. Flu. Both sitting in car, praying rosary both sick of flu. He very sick, not getting better. Both used the water, felt pain leave body, didn't say anything, but after few minutes he said "I feel pain is gone." They drove back to tell us that they were healed. 4/18/2005
35. Asthma. Put Jesus water on neck. Breathing much better. 4/17/2005
36. Severe back pain. Have a bad back from laying brick for years and sometimes I bend over and the pain is severe and it takes at least 3 or 4 or more weeks for it to go away. I put Jesus water on it and it went away in 2 days. Alleluia. 4/16/2005
37. I must admit that some days I forget to wash in the water. But I have felt the same feeling once again a few days ago as I did on March 2nd, the first time I applied it to my knees. On the movie that you took, I am walking on the beach without a cane. I don't know if you noticed. I didn't use the cane yesterday, and I have no pain. I'm still slow at climbing the stairs, but I'm seeing a tremendous improvement. I'll keep a journal, and continue updating you I pray a lot, as I'm applying the medicine. Part of my prayer is "If it be your will." Thank you. I'll be in touch soon. 3/11/2005
38. My husband had a good friend and he was diagnosed with cancer and given less than a few weeks to live. Jesus told me to take him the Jesus water. I never really met him, but I went to the hospital. He was so sick. He bounced up and said I knew it - I will be healed. And he lived over two years longer.
39. Leukemia went into remission February 7, 2003. Her doctor can't believe how well she is doing. She has the worse kind of Leukemia there is and she is doing extremely well. He said this does not happen, so soon, we told him its because of all the prayers, everyone is saying for her. The day after we visited the Blessed Mother Building, her blood count was excellent. Thank you so much. As of 11/3/2004 she is still in remission and doing very well, a happy 10 year old little girl. We are all so thankful for all the prayers from everyone, we truly believe, if we hadn't had our faith and by going to the Virgin Mary building so often, we wouldn't have been so fortunate to have her. Prayer is still the most powerful and healing process. Thank you so much. 11/3/2004
40. Spinal Manangitas. December 16th, 2002 we almost lost our little grandson. He was taken flight for life to Madison where they worked on him for hours. They told us he would either be blind - deaf - brain damage, or he might not walk. Today he is a happy - healthy little boy full of life. Thanks to everyone's prayers to our Blessed Virgin and our heavenly Father, without them we would not have him. Thank you. As of this date November 3, 2004 our little grandson is doing very well, a healthy happy little boy, and so full of life, and without any complications. Our prayers and by going to the Virgin Mary building truly helped this little boy. Thanks to everyone for all their prayers. 11/3/2004
41. After my family visited the Virgin Mary and returned to hospital, I showed no sign of having a stroke. Doctors at hospital said I would not recover. 4/2001
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