Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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March 8, 2008
March 9th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 7 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for March 9th are Joyful.
Retreat in China
March 10th - 13th
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March 10th - 11:00am
March 11th - 11:00am
March 12th - 11:00am
March 13th - 12:00pm
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Transcribed from a tape
as it was delivered live.
March 2, 2008
Afternoon Rosary
From a Talk Rita did before the Rosary
R. ... The way that will really get us into deeper intimacy with Him is in letting go — letting Jesus do the dance. We say, "Okay, Jesus, I'll let You do the dance. Come on, let's go out and dance." And then guess what we do? Just think of Jesus as this beautiful Bridegroom, all dressed up, ready to lead us in this smooth little dance, across the dance floor, and then all of a sudden, our old self comes back, and then we just start stepping on His feet. Jesus says, "Hey, what's going on here?" You say, "Well Jesus, I let You have it for like 2 seconds. Now it's time for me to step on Your toes, too." Or maybe we let Jesus drive our car, and He's sitting there and He's driving along, and everything is perfect, and we're in the passenger seat, and then all of a sudden, we start grabbing the wheel, "Here Jesus, let me help You." What happens when the passenger starts grabbing the wheel of the driver? How many times do we do that to Jesus?
Song: We Will Rise Again
R. "But I want that Jesus. I want it my way."
Song: We Will Rise Again
R. "I want to worry! I got up this morning, that's how I usually do my day!" To open up the Blue Book and He says, "Let go of your fear, dear. Be transformed from fear to fearlessness." You say, "Well, those are nice words, Jesus." And then you go out and then it's like the old tapes start playing, "But Jesus, this is me." He says, "I know! I'm trying to stretch you in a new direction. You hold on, and hold on, and you worry, and you won't let go, and you are just so vulnerable. You may not be able to have your next breath. Let me breathe on you. Let me fill you with My life. Let Me give you My special grace in the Eucharist. Let Me love you as no person could ever love you. The reason for which you were created, is to have this love your soul craves and yet you go down, and you go down the road, and look at all the flowers, and you keep picking them." You say, "Maybe this one will do it. Maybe that one will do it. Maybe this one will do it." And Jesus, the Divine Almighty, Bridegroom is there saying, "Come on sweet one, let's dance." You say, "Okay, Jesus," take His arms, start to lead, and step on His feet. And Jesus' halo is shaking back and forth, when you get done with Him.
Song: We Will Rise Again - Sing!
R. How are we going to rise again? We are going to do the dance with Jesus. We're going to let Jesus have the lead. We are not going to step on His toes, shake His halo, we are just going to say, "Come on Jesus! You lead the dance." We are going to get in His car, and we're not going to grab the wheel. The person that really has a problem is the one that reaches over, and puts their foot on the gas. Do we do that sometimes to Jesus? Faster Jesus, faster! Faster! Faster! He's says "the timing — it's the wrong timing — not now. You have to suffer. Your whole life is death - resurrection. Suffering and rising in greater life in Him. And you say, "Faster, Jesus, faster. You just are not making it too good here." He says, "Well, if you do it now, you're going to be doing the whole complete wrong thing. Their attitude is not open like it should be. You need to pray for the grace, You need to pray for the timing. You need to do it the right way." ...
Joyful Mysteries
Rita Stated After This RosaryR. Whenever I do a retreat, there's 4 days, and Jesus told me to do, the Joyful, the first day - the Light, the second day - the Sorrowful, the third day - and then the Glorious, on the fourth day. So today is March 2nd, and this retreat will end on the 5th, after the 5th prayer service at night, and so I want to meditate on the Joyful Mysteries.
R. So Mary and Jesus appeared here. Jesus really appeared in such beauty when He was talking, and He stayed there. And then Mary appeared with such beauty that I can't describe it. But it's a great gift that God has given to us to be in this building. She was so beautiful, that's all I can say and she prayed with us. We have to stay united in our hearts, praying for the things in this rosary. And this should be on the internet in a couple of days, and then you can hear what was said. This was the afternoon rosary. We'll do another rosary tonight. I'll be back here at 6:20. This is a retreat with Mary and Jesus, that's what it is.
The Annunciation
Sing: The Angel Gabriel
1. R. What a gift that God has given to us! Mary Immaculate conceived without sin, without any of these things, like we have, from our wounded human nature - anger, and envy and jealousy and lust, and seeking dominance for dominance sake, and blaming one another. Mary's heart - pure love. When we say the Litany to Mary, we honor her, in her Motherhood, in her Virginity, in her Queenship and all of her titles. As we go through this rosary, let us think of the sinlessness of Mary, and what a gift Mary is to the human race, that God allowed Mary to be our Mother.
And let us be sensitive to why God has called us here, to this building, to spread to the children of the earth, the great gift of the love of God, to a world that is hungry, that is in pain and suffering, that has been taught through others, that have been selfish and possessive and jealous and all the things, because of their wounded human nature and sin in the world. Let us pray to God that the purity of the heart of Mary, will be seen with wider vision in this Sunday where the blind man was the Gospel. And that we will be able to help to bring to completion, the mission that Mary began at Fatima, in spreading the consecration from the little ones to the elderly, to the priests to the dioceses, to the people of the earth. Mary Immaculate, you indeed, are a gift from God.
2. R. Singular Vessel of Devotion
3. R. Mystical Rose
4. R. Tower of David
5. R. Mary is the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. Dear Holy Spirit, work in the heart of Mary, and all of us, during this retreat and all of us that are here, so that we will do God's will with love, that we will be able to discern properly, what God's will is for us. And we will not give into the devil or our own thoughts, telling ourselves its okay for certain things, just because we want to, and we know God is telling us to do something different. Dear Holy Spirit, in the days that are left during Lent, help us to grow in this greater spiritual life in You.
6. R. I just love the Litanies so much. I think that this is a great gift, and whenever we pray the Litany, and it's in the Shepherds of Christ prayers, that the Holy Spirit is giving us tremendous, tremendous grace, to have this wisdom. Wisdom is imparted to us in our soul, as the Holy Spirit counsels us and gives us greater gifts. I love this — it's Mother of Divine grace — isn't that beautiful — Mother of Divine grace, Mother of His life.
7. R. It's so honoring to honor Mary, when we sing - Mother undefiled — God the Father likes us to recognize the gift that Mary is. For it is in recognizing the gift that Mary is, that we see and recognize our own sinfulness, our evil tendencies. And when we recognize Mary as undefiled, God the Father is pleased.
8. R. Mother most pure, Mother most chaste.
9. R. Oh Holy Spirit, impart to us Your wisdom and Your light. Help us to see with eyes that are open, to see deeper insight into the hidden mysteries. Help our hearts to be quieted, as we feast at the table of the Lord, and we taste the pleasures, that You give to us there, the gift of life, streams of running water.
10. R. Like a hungry, thirsty deer, we are thirsting for this abundant grace, to be outpoured within our soul - thirsting like a parched dessert, begging God to quench this thirst. For it is in this, that we do not get caught up in these little incidental things, that make us, sometimes, almost crazy worrying about details, and stepping on Jesus' toes while we are doing it. When He's saying, "I called you to the dance, take My hand and let us glide across the floor in love." And you say, "No Jesus, I have an agenda. I have to do this. I have to do that." He says, "You have to let go."
The Visitation
R. In this mystery, we think about the barren women in the dessert, and how God used this, and chose Elizabeth, who was considered barren, and in her old age brought forth, John the Baptist. The ways of God are not the ways that we think, many times, and yet in our human incapabilities, we can become pompous in our thinking, and thinking we're so smart and we know it all. And in fact, we know so little, and we do not even know what will happen today, or tomorrow, or the next day. We can plan, but we're not absolutely sure.
God knows all things. He knows everything, and He is telling us with certitude, how much He loves us, and that He is with us, and that He will help us to know, and that He wants us to love Him. When we look at the barrenness of Elizabeth, and we see the birth of John the Baptist, when we think about the magnificat, we should think how God is so good to us, despite our weaknesses, that He has given to us the Church, and the Eucharist to feed us and His Word. We are certainly blessed, are we not?
1. Jesus: And I come to you with a Heart of love, and I fill you with My life, and you become so focused, so many times, on so many details. And I send you another to love, to touch their heart, and you are focused on the grass, as you watch it grow. The little things, that really need no care at all. And yet, your life can be consumed with these little details, as you say to Me, "Hold on Jesus, I think I better watch the grass grow here. Or, the birds in the backyard are flying upside down - oh they're getting too close to the creek, one might fall down in there. Oh look Jesus, the trees are all barren around China, do you think you'll remember to bring them back?"
I am all Powerful and Almighty. I am with you. Open up your heart. In the scripture readings today, where the blind man's eyes were opened, think about how you have been blinded, by so many events in your life, because of your lack to allow your heart to be open, your eyes to be open, to forgive and to love, to build the Kingdom that I want built on this earth. So you say "10 rocks, 2 fishes - I will build my kingdom." And I say, "You build My Kingdom with a heart of love."
2. Jesus: Foolish ones indeed! For you weigh and count and decide, and then you watch things collapse right in front of your face, because of the weather, because others are not thinking as you are thinking, And you say, "Oh I am so frustrated, I will just make it happen for sure the next time. I will be the one that will control. I will be the one that will make it happen." And I say to you, "Hey - slow up! Get in My car awhile. Let Me take you on a drive, and the roads will be curvy, but you will get to your destination. You will go through the death, and the resurrection. You will know greater life in Me - for the car ride that I give to you, is the one that will, lead you, into greater and greater years, greater and greater love, greater and greater hearts of peace. And when you try to step on My foot, as I am driving the car, you do not see, that you are going against the Plan."
3. Jesus: Surrender, surrender, surrender, to find peace, love and joy.
4. Jesus: Surrender, surrender, surrender to know that, I know all things, and I have all the Power, that I am with you, that I will care for your every need - but you must let go, you must live with greater life in Me. Pray. Pray for a greater outpouring of My life within you.
5. R. What does the barrenness of the Bible tell us?
Jesus: What about the stars, as numerous as can be? What is it that you do not envision that I am Almighty and all Powerful, that I created every cell in the body, that I gave to you the eye with all it's intricacies, to see, and the ear to hear. And you would be standing over My shoulder and saying, "Jesus, did you remember the iris?"
6. Jesus: Come away with Me to the land flowing with milk and honey. Come away, for I am your Master, and your Lover, and the Bridegroom of your soul. And where I will take you is to the fields — green with the little flowers, you know the little ones, so dainty, that you can not even believe their beauty. And yet to those whose eyes are clogged, who are clogged vessels, they see nothing of these things. They are there in their mud puddles, sorting out the old dirty rocks.
Lift your eyes to the heavens, and count the stars if you can. Do not give in. Come to My Heart, and know freedom and peace and love and joy. Be the light to others. Do the will of the Father. It is in this, in following the Plan of the Father, that you will have peace, love and joy, and that you will be empowered, far beyond your wildest dreamings. You will have strength to not grow weary. You will be a light to the darkened world.
R. And He is appearing as He speaks.
7. Mary: Count the stars if you can. Could you do it? Could you count the graduals of sand on the seashore? Do you know how much water is in the ocean?
R. Oh mommy, how come I cannot count the raindrops? They keep coming and I have no clue!
Mary: And she says, "Honey, that's a mystery."
8. Jesus: Now I have a question for you. How many snowflakes, did you think it took to cover up the stoop outside of your front door? How many do you think? I provided each and every snowflake, and it melted. I provide such gifts for you, and you worry for such frivolous things, and I tap you on your shoulder and say, "Your mind is a human mind, but I have elevated your knowing and loving capacity, through the sacrament of Baptism."
It is in focusing more on the finer things of life, in the insight into the hidden mystery, into doing the good for others, into loving and forgiving, into promoting the rosary, and telling people of the gift of the Eucharist, that you will have fruit that lasts forever. It is this fruit that never dies. It lives in the souls of those, that move from here, and go to heaven for all eternity. And so there are those in their pride, that want to be dominant, leaders, rescuing others, and what are they doing? In the end, they are just trying to tell themselves how good they really are.
You are good. I love you so much. Tell the others of My love, and they will know what they need, to move to a place of love, forever - giving their hearts to Me, living by the commandments, living as God intends. They will be able to go to eternity, forever. And not only that, they will touch, as the vine and the branches - many, many others, with their lives, as numerous as the stars in the sky. I am light - not darkness. I am strength - not weakness. I am joy - not hatred and anger. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a Heart of purest love. I forgive the sinner. I outpour My mercy. I give to you a sharing in My life. I died for you. When you come with your hard hearts, and you press on others, are you really spreading My love? I am love.
9. R. And I want to pray through the intercession of that little boy, and Fr. Carter and Pope John Paul II, and all the people that have went before us, but especially our Holy Mother. I want to pray for her intercession, for all of your intentions, and that we will all be holy, that we will be formed, more and more, to be like Jesus wants us to be.
Sing: Ho-ly, Ho-ly, Ho-ly is His Name
10. Hail Mary
The Birth of Jesus
R. And so we meditate on this mystery, and we realize that Jesus came, a little tiny baby into the world. Babies can't talk, they can't care for themselves. And yet He came in poverty, to teach us about His ways, about His love, about how we can go to Him. He loves us so much. He came a baby, that we would not be afraid to love Him, but to know how gentle and kind He really is.
1. Hail Mary
2. Hail Mary
3. Hail Mary4. Jesus: Little sweet one, I came a baby into your midst. Think of a baby, the tenderness and the gentleness - think of My Heart on fire for love of you. Do not be afraid, and do not think about how others who should have loved you, did not act loving at all. Focus on My love and what I am telling you in My Blue Book writings, about how real My love is, and how gentle. You learned how to love by many imperfect others, and so you may be wounded, but it is My calling to you to teach others of My love now, for the world is hungry and it is calling out, thirsting to know the truth. Many are dried up, they are longing so much for love in all the wrong places. They are hurt by others, and then their hearts become hard, like stone.
But they see your love, they see your faithfulness to Me, and they know more of My love. You are the teachers of My love to others in the world, by your example and your love given, by your gentleness, by your hanging on and hanging on - even when it is hard. You teach others how your faith means so much to you. They see that you live the life of death - resurrection, and they are strengthened by your example. You teach so many lessons, in the world every day, and you are not even realizing what you are doing. Come to Me and I will bathe you in the love of My Heart, and you will know the truth, more and more. And you may see yourself flounder around, but you will know Jesus.
R. Jesus loves me. I will not let go. I will not give in. I will do what He is asking me to do, when it is hard and when it is easy. I will live to do God's will, in love. I will not interfere in the lives of others, trying to stop them to do God's will, because of my possessiveness, or my need to control. I will pray to the Holy Spirit, not only for the people I know need prayers, as I am thinking in my mind, but I will pray for myself, and my involvement with them, because I may not be pure in my motives, of rescuing and try to prove to them, how they need prayer and that I am the one that is holy. I will be more and more, Jesus, as You want me to be. Outpour Your grace to all of us here today, to see through Your eyes, to read the Blue Books and to spread the Blue Books - that people will genuinely know that You are love, gentleness, kindness, that You want us to forgive, that You want us to build the Kingdom, that we will not be selfish in our ways, but will have more and more, hearts like you, and the pure heart of Mary. Jesus, help us. We long to be holy.
Sing: Ho-ly, Ho-ly, Ho-ly is His Name
5. Sing: Be Not Afraid
6. R. In the silence comes His word, and we look at the town when Jesus was born, in Bethlehem, and we listen to the words of the song - Silent Night, Holy Night all is calm, etc. And God the Father looks to the earth — do you think He sees, the peace that He wants the people of this earth to have?
Dear God the Father, in the Name of your Son Jesus, in the Holy Spirit, with all the angels and the saints and the souls in purgatory, we want to help make reparation, for the fact that the human race, knocked off the head of the image of Mary here. We're sorry, and we thank You for the gift that You have given to us in the statues. And we hope that more people can have these in their house, and pray the Shepherds of Christ prayers, and that there will be special healing graces given to them, that they will believe, and that their families will be healed, and they will be little families of love, strong families of love, building up the human family, building up the Church, being more a loving family in the body of Christ, being a loving family in the community.
Dear Father, You can outpour this grace to the families, that receive the statue and pray together, the Litany to Mary and the Litany to the Sacred Heart, and ask for hearts that are gentle and meek and loving and kind. We are the poor banished children of Eve, and we are tainted in our ways and we give into the tendencies of anger and jealousy and all those things, that make us not nice, but with Your grace, with Your love, with this desire in our hearts, to be holy, to help build up this human family, so that the human family will live more in peace as you intend, in spreading the consecration and the images, to Your Son the Sacred Heart, and to Mary, that we will be able to have greater peace on this earth.
God the Father, I cry for all these years, I have tried with all my heart, to do the mission, that You have given to me in the Shepherds of Christ, please open the eyes, the ears, and the hearts of the people, to see that it is You that calls them, to help me do this. Because we are so blessed, all of us, in our Catholic faith, and the love that we have been given in our lives, and we can become selfish, and not take the role that You want us to, in helping to build Your Kingdom. Thank You for this building here, God the Father, and for Mary's image, and for the apparitions of Jesus and Mary. With every cell in my whole body, I beg that You will help me do this work, for the sake of souls and the love of the priests and the Church, hear my prayer. Amen.
7. Hail Mary
8. R. I give myself to you, God, and I thank You for the gift of Yourself in the Eucharist. Dear God, hear my prayer, please. Help us to spread the newsletter, and to keep this building, and to just keep doing this work, more and more ardently. For the sake of souls, please God. Please hear our prayer.
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
1. R. And Mary and Joseph took the Child Jesus to the Temple, and Simeon told her of the sufferings to come. Jesus is the Light of the World, and if we know Jesus, and we have Jesus in our hearts, then we are a light. We cannot use our religion, in ways, where we are not recognizing that He is a Light. Because we do more damage to hearts than good, because of selfish impure motives. Our whole focus is to serve God, and He showed us how He served us, when He washed the feet of the Apostles and He hung on the cross.
Jesus was taken to the temple, and Simeon said to Mary, "And a sword too will pierce your heart, Mary." And a sword did pierce her heart, over and over again. Mary in her purity, in her love for her children, endured the suffering and said "yes" to God. And it is because of that "yes" today, that we know, more and more, about pure love. Pure love is different than being selfish. Pure love is not being angry and greedy, for doing things for our own personal gain, for not obeying authority. Pure love is doing it, because it is the Father's will in love, for His honor and glory and not our own, of wanting the truth to always be spoken.
Because we hurt others when we do not speak the truth, and our whole mission in doing religious work is to help to lead people to the truth, that they will be rooted deeply, in the truth of God, and that it will help them to go to heaven. Religion is not about selfishness. Religion is about love. Religion is about giving. Religion is about doing God's will. Religion is about obedience, so much so, that Jesus hung on the cross, to His death, showing us how He obeyed the will of the Father, where as Adam and Eve, disobeyed the Father's will. Whatever we do in this life, we teach others by our example. We must always pray to the Holy Spirit, to do God's will.
2. R. From this building, God has asked us to help make reparation, for the fact that the image head was broken. And He has given to us the availability, to be able to share the little pieces of glass with others, that they can have their own little prayer corner. But He has given to us the Shepherds of Christ prayers, centered in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the pure Hearts, that we can give great love as we pray the Litanies, and recall the promises of St. Margaret Mary, and we give our hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, praying for the priests, the Church and the world.
They are not weird things that are going on here, these are the solid things that will lead us to greater holiness. They are rooted in the truth. They are in love for the sake of souls, for our beloved Church and our priests, and for the great world that God has given to us. They are for the souls that Jesus gave His life for. Help me to do the work that God has called us to, so many years ago, 14 years. Jesus asked Fr. Carter to start these prayer chapters, praying for the priests, the Church and the world. And to know the people can have the Fatima statue, as Jesus told me to have, with this little piece of glass, and have their prayer corner or even a crucifix like the one here.
It is a great gift that God has given to us, to be able to pray these prayers, in so languages with the Imprimatur. Help me to do the work, that we have been called to in this building, to help to bring to completion the mission Our Lady began at Fatima, in spreading the consecration to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart, and in telling the people of the gift of the Bread of Life, His precious Word and the Eucharist, our precious priests, such a gift. I cannot even speak of what this gift is. But in His writings, in God's Blue Book, in His letters of love, He tells us how He ardently loves us so much, and longs for us to come and to be with Him. When we give a person a Blue Book, we're helping to change their life, if they are open.
Help me to do the work, God has called us to here, in spreading the rosaries to the schools, and this Priestly Newsletter, now that we have with Fr. Carter's book, to the hierarchy and the priests. It never stops for us. Every two months, Jesus wants me to send that newsletter, and every two months I have been able to, except just lately, the past two months. Let us pray now, as I have prayed to the Father, to help us to do what Mary wants with the Shepherds of Christ, in helping in the completion of the Fatima mission. And Simeon told Mary, "A sword too shall pierce your heart, O Mary."
3. Hail Mary
4. Hail Mary
5. Hail Mary
6. Hail Mary
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
1. Hail Mary
2. Mary: I am Our Lady of Fatima, and I have come to you this day, that you will reach inside of your hearts, to spread the love of my Son Jesus, that the Father will be more and more pleased, that the families of this earth will live the consecration to my heart, and the Heart of my Son. For it is in this that your peace lies, that families that display the Sacred Heart and my Immaculate Heart, will have centers of love and will be protected, by my precious mantle of love. Think of this, my children, how purely the Father wants the families of this earth, to live in love, the nations to be those, that are living in love with each other.
How strong the Father wants the members of the Church to be, that they will go to the Church, and that the priest and the people will be united in this mission of praying, adoring God, loving the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit — that the focus will not even be, as so many have, on themselves, even at church. It should be from your whole heart, and your whole soul, and your whole being, that you are loving God, and thanking Him for the gifts that you have been given. For the Church, that you long to go to church, to be there, to receive the Eucharist, and to tell God thank You for the gift, thank You for your family, thank You for those He has given in your lives - so that you could experience the love that you have. You are to honor your Father. God the Father wishes that you honor me, Mary, as your Mother.
R. And she's really appearing as she speaks, all adorned in light in such beauty. This is not a little thing, that the Mother of God was allowed to appear on this building for 7 1/2 years. She appeared here to her children, to help lead them home, to the love of her Son. She appears to me now to deliver this message to you, that you will be strengthened in seeing the families of love and peace, that we will believe together, that as we pray more deeply, and grow in greater holiness ourselves, that we will be able to do what the Father wishes us to do — that we are not focused on ourselves, but that we are focused on God, and what He wants with our lives, in honoring Him, in making our own families, families of love.
Religion isn't something that is to be selfish - me and God. It is to be loving God deeply, that we will be Christ to others in the world, that we will live by the principles, that God has given to us, that our homes will be homes of love. I believe in the peace of this world. I believe in the hope of Jesus. I believe in love, for God is love, and He created us for this, to love Him and to love one another. But it is in obedience to the Father's will, that we can do this. Every person can not do what they want to do, because they want to do it. We must do what God has called us to do, and live in the obedience of the Church.
3. R. Thank you Mary, for appearing in such radiant beauty, as you delivered that message. For whether you see or I see, the message was given to all of us, and it was as she appeared to me, in such a brilliance, and still appears. But she has appeared to me these 14 years, and the things that she spoke in the Red Rosary Book, have come to fruition as we did, more and more, what They asked us, and the Movement spread across the whole world.
4. And Mary says I appear as Our Lady of Fatima in the Americas. She has given to us in the Shepherds of Christ this mission to help to bring to completion the mission she began at Fatima, and as you prayed, Mary prayed with you. Mary is praying with us. She is interceding for us. She is with us, as we try to do what she has asked of us, to help to bring to completion this mission.
5. And Mary says I pray with you. I pray with you, my children.
R. For it is in this mystery, we recall the loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple, but they found Jesus, and it is as we pray, more and more, that more of her children will find Jesus, and that our Church members will be stronger, and that our families will be more as the Father intends them to be, families of love. This is what Mary has given to us, that the Shepherds of Christ was given, from her Son Jesus, to help to bring about the Reign of the Sacred Heart and the Triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart.
And she just appears so brilliantly gorgeous. You just cannot even imagine, in her gentle, beautiful face, in her crown of love, as Our Lady of Fatima in the Americas, from this building. And she gives to us the glass to spread that to the homes, that families can be healed. For God the Father wants families to be families that are stable and loving, that work through problems and forgive, families of love, not families that shift in the night, because somebody got mad. Families are to be solid.
Let us pray for the family and the children that are jerked from the womb, and the terrors of abortion. Let us pray for those people who have suffered, because they have given into sin, and ask God to help us. Our Lady of Fatima, pray with us, help us. Please, make it easy to touch the souls all over the earth, through the hierarchy and the mailing, through the statues, through the prayer chapters, with the spreading of the rosary and the consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
6. And Mary says My children, my children, I never left this building. I have been with you the whole time, and today I appear that you will help me more than ever before, in the mission that Jesus has given to the Shepherds of Christ, that you will pray for those involved, for the strength to do as He desires. My children, my children, how pleased I am with your efforts to help me.
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
Sing: Glory and Praise to Our God
Hail Holy Queen
R. So Mary and Jesus appeared here. Jesus really appeared in such beauty when He was talking, and He stayed there. And then Mary appeared with such beauty that I can't describe it. But it's a great gift that God has given to us to be in this building. She was so beautiful, that's all I can say and she prayed with us. We have to stay united in our hearts, praying for the things in this rosary. And this should be on the internet in a couple of days, and then you can hear what was said. This was the afternoon rosary. We'll do another rosary tonight. I'll be back here at 6:20. This is a retreat with Mary and Jesus, that's what it is.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank You God, for Your gifts.
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