Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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March 9, 2008
March 10th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 8 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for March 10th are Luminous.
Retreat in China
March 10th - 13th
Retreat begins at 10:00am on March 10th.
Mass times
March 10th - 11:00am
March 11th - 11:00am
March 12th - 8:00am
March 13th - 12:00pm
We need volunteers to help with the
Priestly Newsletter Mailing.
Please call Sheila if you can help.
We are trying to mail the Priestly Newsletter out.
If you can help us with your donation
it would be greatly appreciated.
Transcribed from a tape
as it was delivered live.
March 5, 2008
Glorious Mysteries
R. So I always do 4 days of retreat, so the first day is the Joyful, the second day is the Mysteries of Light, the third day is the Sorrowful Mysteries and the 4th day is the Glorious Mysteries. So today again, I will meditate on the Glorious Mysteries.
The Resurrection
1. R. As we meditated on the readings during Lent, we saw how God was calling us to greater holiness, to dying to those things, that are not likened to Him. And on Holy Saturday night the readings are so just tremendously awesome. We see the reading of Genesis, and how Adam and Eve sinned. And we see the readings, the seven, if they do all seven of those, and we are given great gifts, as we relish every word that is in that special service on that Holy Night. In listening to the words of the Exultant, which are so absolutely beautiful, we can see that Christ, the New Adam, is our model, and we hear the words of the Father, who speaks to us, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."
In all of our imperfections, because of our wounded human nature, because of the sin of Adam and Eve, many times, we fail to recognize that these tendencies are in us, because of our wounded human nature, and so therefore, we see God with imperfect vision, because we have a wounded human nature. We look at each other with imperfect vision - jealousy, anger, greed, lust, seeking dominance for dominance sake - all the tendencies, because of our wounded human nature, and not only that, we look at ourselves with imperfect vision.
God, when He gave to me the Blue Books, would say that, He is giving to me the vision of God. It's like parking the car in the parking space. When we look at one another, we look with tainted eyes, because of the wounded human nature. The more we are filled with God's precious grace, the more our wounded human nature is healed, the more that we can be more likened to God, more like the Father desires. The Father who says, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." The Father sent Jesus, His Son into this world, the New Adam, the Almighty God, to show us how to be pure and more perfected.
It is in denying these weakened tendencies, that we have in our wounded human nature, that we can fall into the trap, of thinking that we are perfect. And so it says, in 1 John —
1 John 1: 10
If we say, ‘We have never sinned,’
we make him a liar,
and his word has no place in us.— for we look imperfectly, and we fall into sin, and we have a lifetime of trying to be more perfected. The gift that God gives to us, is the Bread of Life. He gives to us His precious grace, as we go to the Eucharist. And as we read His Word, the Bread of Life, nourishing and feeding us, to be more like the Son of God.
Genesis 1: 27
. God created man in the image of himself,
in the image of God he created him,
male and female he created them.It is so awesome in Genesis, as we read, that we were created, in the image and likeness of God, and yet although, it says at the end of chapter 1 of Genesis, we were created in the image and likeness of God, we see in chapter 3, how Adam and Eve wanted to be equal to God. They disobeyed God. The story that we must embrace through all of this Lent, is the dying, more and more, to those imperfections, bad habits, sins that we have, our lack of forgiving one another, and choosing love, dying to ourselves, that we will be like the New Adam.
Genesis 3: 2-6
The woman answered the snake, 'We may eat the fruit of the trees in the garden. But of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden God said, "You must not eat it, nor touch it, under pain of death." ' Then the snake said to the woman, 'No! You will not die! God knows in fact that the day you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, knowing good from evil.' The woman saw that the tree was good to eat and pleasing to the eye, and that it was enticing for the wisdom that it could give. So she took some of its fruit and ate it. She also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate it.
The readings are so beautiful on Holy Saturday Night, and the readings from Romans reminding us,
Romans 6: 3-11
You cannot have forgotten that all of us, when we were baptised into Christ Jesus, were baptised into his death. So by our baptism into his death we were buried with him, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the Father’s glorious power, we too should begin living a new life. If we have been joined to him by dying a death like his, so we shall be by a resurrection like his; realising that our former self was crucified with him, so that the self which belonged to sin should be destroyed and we should be freed from the slavery of sin. Someone who has died, of course, no longer has to answer for sin.
But we believe that, if we died with Christ, then we shall live with him too. We know that Christ has been raised from the dead and will never die again. Death has no power over him any more. For by dying, he is dead to sin once and for all, and now the life that he lives is life with God. In the same way, you must see yourselves as being dead to sin but alive for God in Christ Jesus.
that we are to die to those imperfections that we have, the habits of jealousy, possessiveness, anger, lust, greed, envy, slothfulness, seeking dominance for dominance sake. We are to die more and more, to our imperfect ways, that on Easter, we will shine, more like the New Adam, coming forth from the tomb, in glistening glory, in the most magnificent light, because God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. God is love.
If we do all the things to act holy in the world, that we say, "I'm doing this for the Church, that, for the Church, and we are not loving to the people that God has put us with in our families - we are not being holy like God wants. God has given us this tremendous grace, to be more holy - and we are more holy, because of God's grace - we must recognize that the holiness that we have is because God has graced us, not thinking 'I'm holy, you're not so holy'. We have to co-operate with His grace, but God gives us the precious gift of His grace to be more holy. It is a gift from God. God is working in our lives, to help us, to help one another.
He has put us in families, put us in communities, put us with each other, that we will help each other to get to heaven. And so if we have a pompous attitude — I am holy, and I will tell you what to do — we must go to God and say, "My brother is hurting, but I want to be as You want me to be, God. I am thankful for the grace that You have given to me. I need prayers that I will act according to Your will, not pompously and pridefully. But what will be accomplished is the conversion of the other, in deeper holiness as I live a more perfected life in You living for Your honor and glory."
I have one thing to say about this mystery. The victory is won. Let us ask God to help us be humble in our hearts, that He can instruct us and teach us, how to be likened, more and more, to Him. In the world today, the attitude is, "I know it all , don't tell me nothing." We can not have that attitude with God. God is Almighty, all Powerful. God knows all things, God knows every motive inside of our heart, and why we act. God is love. To be likened to Him, we must love. To live our lives as God intends, we are to obey the commandment of God, which is to love God above all things, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. This is the command, from God, not a suggestion.
We have only a short amount of time here, to live to help to build His Kingdom, to live in love, to live to be more likened to our Heavenly Father. In this rosary, and in this Hail Mary, I pray for the grace of healing, that the Holy Spirit will flood us with His wisdom, that we will be saturated more and more, with God's grace, that as we go to the Immaculate Heart of Our Mother, the Holy Spirit will work in us, bringing us forth, more and more, children of the light, in this darkened world, to spread the light of Christ, in our very being. For God has outpoured His grace to us abundantly. We will be held accountable for what we did in our lives, and using our gifts as God has given to us. God help us utilize our gifts.
2. R. And so it is a long journey, these days of Lent, the 40 days, and likewise, the days of Easter, the 40 days — the days in which God comes to us, and if we are docile and humble and willing, and wanting to grow, more and more, in this perfection — if we let Him, He can help us burn off more and more, of our imperfections — We must give our will to Him. We are like gold tested in fire. He is working in us, all through this Lent, but every moment of every day, we are to be focused on dying to our imperfect ways and growing in holiness. The world will tell us many times, that we should, try to be dominant over every one else, focus on ourselves and be prideful.
Jesus is telling us, to focus on our imperfections, and to be more holy, this Lent, not to focus on our brother's sins, but to look at ourselves, that we can grow in greater holiness, and be more united to Him. It is not an easy thing, to live likened to Christ. If we tell ourselves, we just get in the old pilot mode, where I sit in the seat and I'm off, that's not how it is. He's given us all these years of our lives, to try to be, more and more, like the saints, that went before us, likened to Jesus, the Son of God, whose life we meditate on.
It is a hard journey and so He shows to us, how He carried the cross with our sins, and He had to mount the cross, and die on the cross, for our sins. And many times we just go through our lives saying, "Oh I feel this way, so I will do this." And Jesus says, "You have to be guided by wanting the will of God, and by always acting in love, not as reactors, to the faults of others, but as actors, acting more and more like Christ, according to the Father's will." It is a journey. Christ is our teacher. He outpours His grace in the Eucharist, as we are saturated, more and more, with His life in us, so that we too can say, "I have been crucified with Christ, and yet I am alive" as St. Paul said, "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me." Death - Resurrection — the Pascal Mystery - every moment of our lives, living out that Pascal Mystery. Our life is a journey and we can't say, we're done, until we're done.
3. R. And now look at the world in the darkness, how sin is treated as - it isn't even sin so many times, not obeying the commandments, the commandment of living, faithfully to your spouse, the commandment that God gives to us, that we should not kill, lie, cheat, bear false witness — the basic commandments, first being to love God with our whole heart, and our whole soul, and our whole being. With the rise of secularism in the world, there are so many that are out there, that do not recognize God as their God.
After World War II, the chastisement as Mary said at Fatima, if we do not obey her message, was far greater for the men that turned to secularism, that made themselves their own gods. It is for this, that God gave to us the Shepherds of Christ Movement, to spread the consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that people all over the world will honor Jesus, the Sacred Heart, as the King and Center of their hearts, as the King and Center of their homes, and schools, and churches.
And so as we spread the Priestly Newsletter, and we are sending it out right now, as we spread the newsletter to the hierarchy and to the priests, we spread what Mary asked us to do at Fatima, and Jesus asked Fr. Carter to spread the devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart, to the hierarchy. That dioceses more and more, will be consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and that families will be consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Mary, Queen of Peace told us what to do at Fatima, to pray the rosary, to spread the consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and the angel of Portugal told us about how we must be so full of devotion and love for the Eucharist.
4. R. Kathleen and I went to a video store, they had a lot of DVD's of really dark things. It was a whole series, I could not even believe, and we walked by and it had a name, and we were shocked. And you think of yourselves, and how you had each one of your children, and you loved them so deeply, you cared for them, and you wanted the best for them in every way, and yet the world goes, more and more, into many dark ways. But Mary told us at Fatima, the more that we spread the consecration, especially to the bishops, to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, that there will be peace on this earth. Mary told Jacinta that the Sacred Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerate next to the heart of Mary.
5. R. Death - Resurrection. I love these writings during Lent, don't you? — especially every Sunday, as you just look at them — like the blind man was last Sunday, and the lady at the well the Sunday before, thirsting for streams of life giving water. And next Sunday, Lazarus, and Lazarus was brought back from the dead, by Our Lord. He was in the tomb. and they said there may even be a stench, "Jesus don't you know there might be a stench?" One of the things that we miss the most, is our lack of faith. When something really bad happens to us, and we really need to pray to Him and have faith, we can go back to doing something weak, for an assurance, when God is trying to test our faith. I'm not saying if you're really sick, that you don't have to go to the doctor.
But God gives us great opportunities to have greater faith, ascending steps of greater trust and faith, every day, and we may be strong, and then all of a sudden, we run back in the corner and say — well now lets insure everything in the house to make sure that and — can you really make sure of that — everything in the house is the way that it is, and can you tie it all down? Even in the sickness or the flu, or whatever it is, that He may give us, He may be testing us more and more, stripping us down, as He does, so that, then He can work with us, because we can see how truly vulnerable we are.
Oh I thought I had it all together. So therefore, I will go around thinking I have it all together, and then something happens, and then we say, "Oh why did this happen? I've been praying, I've been good." And it's the very thing that we really needed, a little bump on the head, for Jesus to say to us, "Hey, you're not trusting enough in Me. You need to have greater faith. You're vulnerable. Tomorrow morning you might not wake up. You must realize that I want to be in your every breath, and your every heartbeat. And even though you have trials and things that you have to handle, you never handled them alone. Your stability, your empowerment is always in that oneness with Me."
The things that we need to get rid of, is our bad habits, our angriness, our wanting to be dominant, when we are not even suppose to be in charge. Our tendencies of trying to rule, being afraid to let go to God, asking God for something, and then giving Him the time to work on it, rather than saying "Well, He didn't answer me right away, so I am going to go do this," and quickly doing the wrong thing.
God is with us at every moment, helping us, teaching us, telling us the right time, telling us to wait, even though we're suffering, until it is the time. And don't jump the gun, and try to do something quicker, just because we are anxious, always praying, and relying on His Might. For He knows everything. He knows everything. I don't know what is going to happen to me in the next moment, but He does. He knows everything.
6. And Jesus speaks and He says: I am your Sacred Heart. I am in love with you, and I want you to come to My Heart. There you will know the riches of My Heart, the wisdom of My Heart. In Our Hearts — My Heart and the heart of your Mother, you will know more, your little heaven on earth. As you give your hearts to Our Hearts of purity and love, you will receive, the great riches, waiting for you there.
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
The Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven
1. R. I love the Liturgy. It is so exciting to even look at all of Lent, and the Sunday readings, and then see all through the daily readings — how the prophets are rejected, how they struggle, and how Christ, the chief prophet is rejected and put to death. God is teaching us that, it is not an easy journey, when we follow Him, but if we walk in His bloody footprints, we will suffer and we will rise. We will have death and resurrection. Suffering and new life.
It is like that. When we want, sometimes, to have the deepest intimacy with Him, it may be the time that He allows us to suffer the most, and we say, "Well, I thought I was going to have it easy here. I would go to You, sit in front of the tabernacle, have fun with You, God, just being with You. And instead, You are teaching me to tell you of the anxiety that I have, and relying on Your Might and Your grace to let go, and to let You help me solve it.
And Jesus says, Well, don't you see the gift in that? For I am strengthening you, that you will be able to do the work that I have called you to, that you will not give in to your easy little ways of thinking, everything is easy — to follow Me is to learn more and more and more, My ways. My ways are to help you to be more perfected, to be more likened to Me, that one day you will be with Me in heaven, in such a deep union, being one with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Oh sweet one, your vision is so impaired, and yet in the Blue Books, I have given to you, a more perfected vision, that when you are struggling you can open the book, and read even a sentence, and it helps your vision become more clear. To those who read My letters of love, those that are struggling, they see through My eyes, not through their tainted vision, to help them on their journey, to help them to be strengthened, to help them find their way.
And the Priestly Newsletter that you have sent, over 5 million, in 14 years, has given to the hierarchy and the priests, more the vision of the Father, the voice of the Good Shepherd, the wisdom of the saints, through the popes writings, through the scripture, and the pronowned theologians. In a world that is tainted, and filled with so many untruths, you sent to the hierarchy and to the priests, a document rooted in the truth, filled with the vision of the Father, to help strengthen them, along with your prayer support, that they will know, that you are praying for them, that you are supporting them, that you are loving them, and that you have given your lives for them.
2. Jesus: And to those who have helped the Shepherds of Christ, they have been abundantly blessed by My hand, that they have been taken deeper and deeper, into My Heart and My Mother's heart, as I promised Fr. Carter 14 years ago. But their families have been blessed, and the blessings of the promises that I gave to St. Margaret Mary, that I would help them in their state of life, I would bless them and write their names on My Heart.
I am Jesus, the Sacred Heart. I am giving to you, My Movement. You will be blessed, when you help Me circulate the Priestly Newsletter, and pray for the priests. Your parishes will be blessed as you pray the Litanies, and consecrate them to My Sacred Heart, and the heart of My Mother. Where My Heart is venerated, there will be peace, for I will come to that place, and as long as you continue to pray, there will be peace, and I will be the King and Center of that place, when you pray to Me, as such.
3. Jesus: The message that Mary gave at Fatima has not been followed. Mary appears here as Our Lady of Fatima in the Americas, and I have continued the work, of Our Lady of Fatima in My mission in the Shepherds of Christ.
4. Jesus: To you who have supported My Movement, I have outpoured My richest blessings, even though, you may have been asked to struggle, the struggle was one, to lead you to greater peace and holiness, to live a more perfected life. When you are suffering, and you are trying to live a holy life, you must realize that I am helping you to grow ever holier.
5. Jesus: And the world will tell you that, "Oh, a pain! Get rid of it! Oh, indulge! Have yourself some fun." And I speak to you — meditate on My life and the life of My Mother.
For the Father speaks to you and He says, "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, Listen to Him."
Jesus: Listen to Me, My precious one, I am with you at every moment. I never, ever leave your side. Do not fear, for you will know that when you turn to Me, that I am with you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
6. Jesus: And so you say, "But Jesus, I have to worry right now." And I say, "Take all your worries to prayer, continually doing the things that you feel that you must do, but come to Me, and know that I will strengthen you, and I will help you in your struggles. I will make you stronger than you ever were before, empower you in helping to build My Kingdom. I will bless those who help Me in My Movement, abundantly, and their families and their churches, for praying the prayers. Spread the consecration to My Sacred Heart, and to the heart of My Mother, and watch more and more, My peace fall upon those there.
7. Jesus: And there was a little, weak shoot, that started to grow and the winds came, and it blew and it blew and it blew, and somehow, the little shoot was able to survive. And as it grew to be stronger and stronger and stronger, it grew into a big tree. And when the winds came, and it blew and it blew, the birds of the air would come to take cover, because they knew, they would be safe there. You must see yourself as this little shoot, growing more and more, to be strengthened, by My wisdom and My light — that I am nurturing you, and outpouring My grace, as you go to the Bread of Life, as you read the scriptures, as you try to live a holy life of love, according to the Father's will, as you pray to the Holy Spirit, as you forgive one another, and work through difficulties, not being like the world that says, "You did this, you're done."
You must help one another, for you are imperfect. You act imperfectly, To the one that goes to church and feels they are so saturated with My grace, and yet when the other, does not act very nice, it is not the thing to say, "Oh they did this to me, so I will not be nice back." It is the time to say, "They did this and they are hurting. God help me to act in the ways of love, to spread Your light, especially to the people that are the closest to me, to the ones that He has asked us to live with, to always hold tight, and know that love is the answer."
8. R. I never counted the word "of love" in one Blue Book, but to talk of God is to talk "of love." And if the hearts are not open, because they're closed, because of lack of forgiveness, because of old wounds, because they become more and more, hearts of stone — they become more and more angry, because God created us to love. And to not live to love, is to live a life in which we are miserable. Our goal is to love God, in this, we will have happiness.
9. R. And He ascended into heaven, and His Apostles looked from the field below, and a cloud took Him out of sight, for they had seen their beloved Jesus, and how strong He was. For they had, not really supported Him at the Crucifixion, except for John. They were afraid, because now Jesus was leaving, and here they were. But He told them to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit, and their fear would be transformed to fearlessness.
The more we pray to the Holy Spirit, the more we recognize the truth that God teaches us in these mysteries, the Glorious mysteries — the more we will be victorious in living a life in helping to promote His Kingdom, here below. The Apostles looked into the sky, and watched Jesus, and a cloud took Him out of sight. He is never out of sight for us. He remains with us in His Divinity and humanity, feeding us with His Body and Blood, showering us with His abundant grace, filling us more and more with His life, so that, we say, "It is no longer I who live, but He who lives in me."
But to those who give in to the hardened heart, whose hearts are clogged, like the clogged vessels of somebody's heart that is having heart problems, years of unforgiveness, years of proving that you are right instead of loving, years of not working through difficulty with people that we must work with, in order to do the will of the Father. Bend the stubborn heart and will, melt the frozen, warm the chill, guide the steps that go astray — living according to the Father's will, always following the authority of the Church in love, for the Church is our authority.
10. And Jesus tells us to "Go! Go! Go!"
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