Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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Messenger: We are little children praying on the surface of the earth.
The devil tries to get us to focus on ourselves, to worry what people are thinking about us. If they are or are not thinking of us what matters is that we are doing Gods will.
Freedom is found in living in His will.
Put a rosary on the rear view mirror in the car. It is a witness to all who see us. They see the rosary and the crucifix. It is protection for us and reminds us of Jesus and Mary.
Jesus speaks: If you had a terminal disease and only 6 months to live, would you hold on to all that you are holding on to? The Father is your Father. You are children, His children at play. He looks to you to love and help each other. What else matters, but that you love God and one another?
Freedom is found in living as little children of the Father, living to please HIM - He is God. Your Mother Mary is your Mother to help you grow in your life in the Spirit. I am Jesus the Son of God. I lived in TRUTH according to My Fathers ways. I am the WAY, THE TRUTH and the LIFE. YOU must follow Me. I am the perfect Son. I am your model. The way to the Father is through Me.
Let Go!
April 14, 1994
Messenger: Why should I get anxious about anything? All that matters is that I do what He wants me to do. He wants me to love Him and love my brothers.
Jesus speaks: How is the tone of your voice? Is it gentle? How do you talk to your children and your special loved ones? Are you less loving to your family? Always calmness, always love. No need to fret or fume. Where are you going? What do you have to do? Do you yell anxiously at your family and demand their attention, by your tone? Do you demand urgency by a summoning tone or do you display a tone of peace and love when you talk to all?
If I am tending to your every need, why do you have to get so irritated? Are you tending to your needs and being irritated because it isn't done to your liking?
I call you to peace. Let go of your irritations. Do not get angered. Accept things as they are. Each person has a right to be. Why do you have a right to tell them how to be? Mind your own affairs. You have lots to learn to be kind and gentle and loving. You are going nowhere. You do not even know how irritable you are. Listen to yourself, demanding your way, snapping at your beloved ones. Oh, but you have to get the job done! Right. For what reason? Be at peace. I tend to the lilies of the fields and the birds of the air. I tend to the babies in the womb. Do you hear anyone yelling to get the job done?
I am peace. I am assuredness. My ways are truth and right. My ways are calm and direct. I do not yell or tell you to get the job done for Me. I let you be and you make mistakes, but I let you have your free will. You have a free will. If you choose to make your will the Will of God, everything works in such harmony. You do not need to demand your way. You do not have to shout urgent pleas to your brothers.
Let go, let yourself go. Feel the freedom of surrender. You tug up the hill, you puff, you pant. I come to you and give you a powerful push. All of a sudden you operate with no effort. This is life with Me, when you surrender. You pray hard, you push hard, you yell hard, you are hard! Let go of yourself. My way is easy. You are going nowhere too late or too soon. You are operating in My world. Your only job is to love Me and love each other. When you push to make someone move as you want, you are in control. You do not need force if I am in control.
I make things happen. I know exactly what is going on in the air, the ground, your hearts, your heads, your bodies. I know all things. When will you surrender and come to Me for your answers? Silly ones! I am God. I loved you to My death. Do you not think I would care for you this day if I died for you? I love you. I give you what you need. Cling to Me. Be attentive to Me. Surrender yourself. Come and pray to Jesus in the tabernacle and after Communion. What wisdom!
I am God. Where I am, Father and Holy Spirit are present. Oh, I love you. Mary is your loving mother. Surrender, little ones. Do not run your lives. Pray My Prayer for Union with Me.
Your lives will truly change. I am the Alpha. I am the Omega. I am God. Do not yell at the lilies! What a useless task! Do you think you will make them grow prettier or faster? Let go, be at peace, surrender to Him Who ardently loves you. Oh, little ones, let your hearts pant for love of Me. I love you so. Feel a flutter in your chest at the mention of My name.
I am truly here this day, waiting to release you from your anxieties. I am Jesus, the Son of God. I am your beautiful Shepherd. I know Mine and they follow Me. Surrender, little, beloved ones. I want to caress you and lead you down My path. I am the Good Shepherd. I am Who am. I am here this day. Come to Me in Communion and sit for long periods. These are the golden moments, in Communion. Oh, sweet ones, know Me, love Me, serve Me. I am God and I love you so!
Q: How do you feel God has acted in our lives to increase our faith? (State particular times when you know it was only accomplished by God or He gave a special gift that you felt was from Him.)
Message for April 17, 1999 Meeting
Messenger: That day the video of the Messages
from Jesus was made at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in
the afternoon.
The sun pulsated over the building on the video
after we prayed the Prayer for Union with Jesus and as we announced the
1st Blue Book Messages.
I received a message from Jesus toward the end
of the video to include the message December 17, 1993, "I
Communicate in Your Heart." We did not know Mary would
appear in Clearwater, Florida, on the building 3 years later
December 17, 1996, the Lady Clothed with the Sun. I saw the
vision of His burning Heart on Blue Book II December 17,
Jesus would like this video circulated
extensively. The world will see with the light of seven suns.
The power is in the Eucharist.
April 17, 1994
1. Prayer to the Holy Spirit from prayer
2. November 1991, From This Day Forward
3. November 8, 1991
4. February 21, 1992
5. Use Your Talents - October 3, 1993, Chicago Marian Conference,
11:30 a.m. - Blue Book I
6. How to Focus on God's Love - January 31, 1994, After Mass,
9:40 a.m. - Blue Book II
7. Respond in All You Do with Love - January 24, 1994, 2:50 a.m.
- Blue Book II
8. Seek True Treasures - February 17, 1994, 5:30 a.m. - Blue
Book II
9. Song: Pass It On - Kurt Kaiser
10. Love the Unloving - November 4, 1993, 5:00 a.m. - Blue
Book I
11. Song: Jesu, Jesu Fill Us with Your Love
12. Song: Service - Buddy Ceasar
13. You Love Always - March 18, 1994, After Communion, All Saints
Church, 7:15 a.m. - Blue Book II
14. I Want Pure Love - March 28, 1994 - Blue Book II
15. I Call You To Spread Our love - March 29, 1994 - Blue Book
16. Choose Love - March 30, 1994, At St. Gertrude's Church, 8:30
a.m. - Blue Book II
17. Anger Is Destructive - Love Heals - April 12, 1994, After
Communion at All Saints Church, 7:00 a.m. - Blue Book III
18. Satan's Way Is Division - April 12, 1994, After Communion at
St. Gertrude's Church - Blue Book III
19. Song: I Have Loved You - Michael Joncas
20. I Give You All You Need - April 13, 1994 - Blue Book III
21. I Love You - April 13, 1994, Letter from Front of Blue
Book II & III - Blue Book III
22. Be With Me in Communion - April 14, 1994, After Communion - Blue
Book III
23. Song: From the Day You Were Born
24. Let Go! - April 14, 1994 - Blue Book III
25. How Did I Treat You Today? - April 15, 1994, 12:50 p.m. -
Blue Book III
26. Prayer for Union With Jesus - Blue Book III
Holy Spirit Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, almighty Sanctifier, God of love, who filled the Virgin Mary with grace, who wonderfully changed the hearts of the apostles, who endowed all Your martyrs with miraculous courage, come and sanctify us. Enlighten our minds, strengthen our wills, purify our consciences, rectify our judgment, set our hearts on fire, and preserve us from the misfortunes of resisting Your inspirations. Amen.
November 1991, From This Day Forward
Jesus speaks: From this day forward, you will have love, peace and joy.
You are drawn to Me like a magnet - come home
to Me and feel the inner joy in your heart.
I am with you always to the ends of the earth.
I am your God and you shall not have other gods
besides Me.
I will be with you - that is My promise. I will
be with you forever more. Cling to Me for I am strong.
Do not be afraid for I will gently show you the
way of the Lord.
November 8, 1991
Jesus speaks: In the midst of confusion,
be the light shining in the darkness, be life to those who are
down-hearted. I have the power to do all things and I am within
you, so you have the power to be My light to the world.
You are plugged into an undying source. I am
there. I want to love, I want to give, I want to comfort and
strengthen. I will do these things to My brethren through you, if
you let Me.
Love your family, I have given them as gifts to
you, to love and care for...
February 21, 1992
Messenger: He told me - let go, relax,
and let Him run the show. My most important job is being a light
to the world - no tension, no anxiety.
(November 8) Jesus speaks: Fight a good fight: wage a good war, for God will bless you in the days of battle.
October 3, 1993 Chicago Marian Conference 11:30a.m.
Jesus speaks: I am your Savior, Son of the Living God. I come to you that you might have life, not as the world gives you life, but My life which is life eternal. I carved you from My special carving and made you little less than an angel. I love you and cherish all the moments when you, My special child, come to sit with Me. I wait here and I hope you will choose to come, but I never force you. Your will is totally free and I give it to you because of My love and the will of the Father. I inform you in numerous ways. You do not have to guess and wonder. Come be with Me in this silence and all you need to know will be told to you. Your life is unfolding as a beautiful rose. Each petal falls and you plant My odors about as I so desire. I make your life full and sure as you trust in Me. No need for worrying, My little flower. My ways give you freedom if you listen to your heart. I am a personal God and you know Me as giving you fullness and life. You know there is some magnetism to Me and the way you crave to be part of Me. This is the work of the one, true God Who created you with a thirst that can only be quenched by Me. All roads that lead to Me give you fullness, worth, peace and joy, not as the world thinks, but as you yourself know true peace and joy. When I really touch you, you do not remain the same. I shed My Blood for you that you will have the life only I can give. What friend in this world would die for you? You, My child, were worth My dying for. I came that you will have life eternal and the gift I give is My Precious Blood for your sins. Come to Me in trouble and when you are bowed down. Come to Me in joy. Come to Me every day that you live and I will give you all you need. Seek to know Me more and more. Knowledge of Me, being with Me, are the only way to perfect peace. They lead to eternal life.
I have a divine plan for you. I created you with special gifts and talents to be used to do My work. They are not for your own self-promotion. You, My child, are nothing except as I created you. Why try to promote yourself? It is none of your own doing. I gave you the talents you are using. You had nothing to do with it. These talents were given to you to do My work. To use these talents to make yourself feel better than your brother is indeed a sin. You must realize they are loaned to you to work for Me. As you give someone a car, or loan them a place to stay, I loan you your talents to use to work for Me. If you do not work for Me and use them to make yourself better than your brother, you are offending Me. Likewise, if I give you talents and you do not use them because you think you are not as good as your brother, you are not being thankful to Me for My gifts to you. You are not using My gifts and that offends Me greatly. Each person was created by Me to do My work. Each person has all he needs to do My work. To be envious of others is fruitless. They have their job. You have yours. You are not supposed to do their work. That is why you were not given their talents.
Do your own work. Don't be envious of your brothers. Don't hide your talents. You did not earn them. I gave you your talents. You must sing because I will it. Others must do as I will them to do. It displeases Me to give you a gift and watch you hide it and make light of it. I give the gift. You must use all your gifts. They were given to you to do My work. Your brother has his gifts. Be grateful for your brother and he should be for you. You are all chosen by Me for a special mission. You know what to do. It feels right. I plant little seeds in your heart and all you do that is for you in the end feels right. You are not to be doing your brother's work or he yours. Talk to Me that you might know just what your work is and do it.
Do not hide your talents. Praise your God Who gave you these talents. Embrace and use them. This is not pride. This is My plan. I love you. I give to each of you, My precious children, as a mother who buys special Christmas gifts for each child. To buy gifts all the same for all your children is not to respect their specialness, their individuality.
Oh, I love you, little ones, so much. Please come to Me. I am so good and I wait to be with you and share My love with you. Come now. This is your top priority. All else will work when you come to Me first. I love you. You are My chosen children. Come and be filled and I make your loads light and I fill you with the Spirit of Salvation.
All roads that lead to Me are the right roads. Praise Me for I am good and I love you, little dear ones.
January 31, 1994 9:40 a.m.
After Mass
Jesus speaks: I want you to speak. You have the tools to change many hearts. I am talking to you. Hear My voice.
Messenger: I am truly realizing the love of Jesus. He longs for us to be with Him. He wants to tell us how He loves us. He says (August 28, 1993 message): "I long to be with you. I long for these moments with you. My love is so intense. I am truly present, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the tabernacle. I love you."
He wants us to love Him so much we can't stand it when we are not with Him. He wants us to long for Him. God The Father loved us so much He gave us His only Son. Spread His love. He loved us to His death. He longs and waits for us. He loves us in our doubts and trials. He wants us to feel warm and secure about His love. Be a reflection of God's love for you--Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
These messages are His loving and waiting for us. He wants us to return to Him. He has so much to give. He says (October 19, 1993 message), "I love you all so much." "Remain steadfast in My love." "My love is there. My truth is there. Remain only in Me, one hour in front of the tabernacle." He goes on (November 19, 1993 message), "I am a real Person and I want to be known as I am, Son of God, loving and true. I want to be known on a personal basis. I love each child this personally. I live. I am here. I am your love. I want all to know the message of love."
Jesus speaks: I love you and I am truly Jesus, Son of the Living God. I am as present here as I was at My death on the cross. I am a personal God. I am a God of love. I am a Person Who wants to love My people in a personal way. I will give them these messages through you.
Messenger: How do you focus on God's love? The more you understand how God loves you, the more filled you are inside and so you come from a place of giving love rather than needing love. Your main emphasis is on God's love for you.
Jesus speaks: I am a personal God. I love each of you this way. I loved you to My death. I love you this very way this day. When you realize the intensity of My love for you, you will be able to love your brothers for Me. This is your call: to love Me and to love each other. I am Jesus Christ, the one, true God and this is what I command you as My people to do. Make yourself selfless and lost in Me. It is only in Me that you can achieve this command. Love is the key. The more you realize My love for you, the more your life will become clear. It all comes down to this: love of God, love of one another. I am the source of all love. To give love to your brothers, you must come to Me.
Messenger: Love is not selfish. Love gives. Love is yielding to the other. Love does not seek its own way. Jesus Christ loved us so much He gave His life for us. To His death on the cross He spread His arms in total submission to The Father's will and for love of us. When we feel our crosses are heavy, we study the Master with His arms open in the act of perfect love for us!
Jesus speaks: I am your God, little ones. How do I make you see that My love is real? I want you to study these letters and focus on My proclamations of love just for you. I have spoken here to each of you the same as to the receiver. When you read, think of Me talking to you as a real Person and proclaiming these words to you. I am a real Person. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God and I profess this love for you this day.
Study My Passion. It is in your study that you will realize My immense love of you. My Passion and death had its meaning in how I love you. It was for love of each of you that I suffered.
Read My letters. Read them as if your lover were talking to you. When I tell you how I love you, reflect on God's truly being there and telling you He loves you. I am truly present in the tabernacle.
January 24, 1994 2:50 a.m.
Jesus speaks: I want you to write a special message to everyone. I am God and I am talking to you. You are My messenger to reach many. This is not a little task. This is a big task. Thank God that He has given you such a gift. I want you to thank and praise God! Look how fast you are attacked and torn to shreds. That is how Satan works. Think of what he said. Listen to the words. Are they not just the same that constantly tell you in your head that you have not done enough, that God is upset with you, that You aren't doing it right, that You should be ashamed, that nobody is like you, that you didn't do it right, that you didn't do enough? Yet you are spending your life trying to serve Me!
I am pleased with your efforts to do My will. You are right to always try harder. I tell you what I want. You must say the prayer for Union with Jesus constantly. Make yourself selfless and unattached. Be of a clean heart, always ready to be led by My hand. Your days of sufferings are not over. This world will be tested more and more by My might. Continue to pray--I mean every day, all day!
Get up early. Offer up the sacrifice to Me. Pray the Morning Offering with your children. Make your whole day a day of prayer. Come and be with Me all day in your mind. I want your constant union with Me. Silence Satan who is telling you constantly that you should be ashamed and that you have not done enough!
Do not focus on your attempts to do My will. Focus on Me, My love, the job at hand. Do not worry about yourself. I am God and I want to use you. If you are worrying about how you did and how you should improve, you are focusing on self. Be spontaneous and constantly in prayer. Satan is the Master of Deceit. He wants you to always feel bowed down.
My life within you makes you vibrant. You know you are constantly struggling to do My will. You try harder to do that which your heart is telling you to do. I do not demand perfection. I want love. Try to serve Me with all your heart. Think of your great love for Me and know this is what beckons you to serve Me so ardently.
Respond in all you do with love. Love is the answer. When others hate you, forget their hate. It is Satan using them. They are blind and in need of your love. Be selfless. Do not worry how others offend you. Say, "Thank you. You have given me such an opportunity for grace." What a gem. Look at Me on the cross. Offer it up and forget yourself. You have work to do, don't ever give in to self-pity. You cannot do My work and let Satan taunt you through others.
Realize that, when others are being mean, it is Satan who acts through them. Come and be alone with Me and read the Blue Book. Say "thank You, Lord" for your trials. This is such a high form of prayer, to not react to another's anger! You are to say what I prompt you to say and go away and pray. Don't give in to attacks by Satan. Say "thank you" and do as you think I would do.
Do those things that you would never have done. When others taunt you and are mean, do not respond with anger, but love. If someone is attacking you verbally, go away. Do not be attacked. Do not even listen to what they say. Believe Me, it is Satan who speaks through them. So those words are ringing in your ears? Forget them and offer them up. Don't dwell on any words of Satan. They should sound like the silly arguments he plants in your head.
Concentrate on Me. Say thanks for the opportunity for grace and forget the words of the attackers. They are the empty words of Satan to get to you and shame you. Oh, how he aims to shame you and tell you others are watching your ways! They see what you have and are jealous, so they criticize you. Keep doing as you are doing and praise God they are watching you! You know what you are doing. You are striving to serve Me. They are, indeed, watching. By your good works others are being fed. I minister to others through your example.
Come to Me, little ones. Come at work, come always in your hearts. I am there to tend to your littlest care. I am your ardent lover. Have a two-way conversation with Me. Don't tell any more people what a sad soul said to you. Come and tell Me in your choir, at work, in your home, in your car. I am there, your best friend, ready to listen with love. Let Me kiss your wounds and send you out to play.
You are freed in Me. I am God and I can take a hard day, when Satan is really pressing on your mind, and lift your hearts up in a second. Or I may let you suffer and help you to offer it up for grace. Whatever I do, I will be teaching you a mighty lesson.
Listen all day with the ears to be taught by Me. Every minute is a day in My school. My big lesson is to remain selfless. Do not bring your selves back to yourselves. Remain steadfast in Me. Do not complain to others. That is a great opportunity for grace and complaining brings you back to yourself. Carry your crosses and, when the burden seems great, leave them at My feet and proceed with doing My work.
I am with you, little, beautiful ones. I love you intently and I am by your side. I am being attacked when you are. I have known all your trials and their frustrations. Come to Me and I will give you rest. I love you!
Jesus, place Your hands on my brother. His heart is in need of Your healing. His heart is dark and hard and he needs You to melt all the hate and anger that has made his heart black and cold. Thaw his heart with the warmth of Your love. Let the fire of Your love turn his heart soft, vibrant, aglow inside, with Your rich love.
Let the heart be as Yours, red and filled as a furnace with Your love, red outside, burning with white light and heat inside. Melt the trouble away. Cast the devil and his hatred back to hell. Command him to stay there and never to return to the heart of my loved one. You are all powerful. You I adore and honor and praise. You I am forever thanking for Your great glory. You I love intently.
Thank You, Jesus, for responding to this heart.
We love You so!
February 17, 1994 5:30 a.m.
Jesus speaks: My little ones, how are you doing? Are you getting bogged down in this weather? Do you know yet that you do not control the elements? You live every day and you think you have much to do to control your actions but you do not see the eyes of Him Who watches over you with loving care.
I give to you this earth and all you need to sustain your life here. Man worries about the earth and if this or that will happen. Man has become so independent that he thinks he controls all things and he needs to worry about his present and future.
You, My favored, chosen ones, know that life here lasts but a moment and like smoke it is gone without a trace. Look at your ancestors. So few people ever remember their ancestors, yet your ancestors thought that at every moment their actions were so crucial. Little ones, you hold on to life. You hold on to these little happenings here and you worry in vain! Look at the big picture, My little ones. Here today, gone tomorrow, and where are you going?
The days go by with such speed. "Oh," you say, "Where have the years gone?" You think every second is so important. You worry, you fret, you wander empty roads and I watch you. I see you with your emphasis on the moment. You are being deceived, My little ones. It is in seeing the moment as part of eternity that you really know what is going on. Each moment you live, you are the teacher about the God Who dwells in your breast. Each moment you live, you are My messenger to this cold, scared world. Nothing you do means anything except as you are serving Me.
Take off your glasses. Behold the life above. See every moment as a drop of the life to come. See every moment as part of eternity. All these drops together make up your pass into My kingdom.
You worry, you wonder, you fret, you hold on. I give you a toothache, I take it away. One second and a toothache is gone. Is that not how it is with life--one second and it is gone? Oh, how those little precious moments seem to die away and you scarce can remember what happened! Yet during people's lives those moments seem earth-shattering. Those moments are yesterday's forgotten memories. You hold on, you fret, you fume and I watch you let go of each moment, only to become forgotten by today.
Store up your moments as part of eternity. Every moment here is part of your pass to My kingdom. How are you living this moment? Is it used to give service to Me and preach My gospel? Are you making all your moments count towards your eternity? Each moment is but a breath and it is gone. Did you use the moment I gave you to do My work? This time is not yours. I can snatch your moments away in one breath. It matters, My children, only as you choose to serve Me and spread My love!
If everyone had God as their primary goal, what love you would possess. What power you would know, because God is the mightiest force. I have all the power. Other power is false power!
Do you get it yet? Do you think anything you hold on to is so precious here? Here today, gone tomorrow, and I snatch you from your seats and you never return to finish what you deemed so important.
Are you comprehending My words here? The body is but an instrument to get you around. Reach with the spirit within. Live from the soul. Communicate with Me in your soul. Look for the unseen world that surrounds you constantly. Die to yourself.
You have a soul at this very moment that is a vibrant spiritual force alive within you. Live from your soul, My little ones. Focus on your soul. Live from your heart. Do not fret and fume for the things of this world. Here today, gone tomorrow, and then forgotten. Today's moments, yesterday's forgotten treasures. Do they mean so much or do you forget what seemed so important?
Reach with the soul. Live for God. Each moment is your chance to store up treasures for eternity. They will never be forgotten. What you do to help others to know Me will never be forgotten. How you loved will never be forgotten. How you gave lives on in those you touched. Your love is like a bubbling brook. It bubbles and keeps on bubbling. Your selfishness dies the moment after you live it.
Love is the force. Love is the power that reflects the God above. Love is not selfish. Love does not demand its own way. Love gives and doesn't stop giving. On the day of judgment it will be found in the hearts of those you touched. Think of only yourself and watch your moments become yesterday's forgotten moments. Love your brothers and watch the world reflect the love you gave, from now to the end.
Love or selfishness? I call you to love. I call you to plant a seed that grows into a mighty oak. Plant My seeds of love. Ask not how you can attain your goal but how you can fulfill the goal of God. Love God, love one another. Too simple, too hard for many.
Love, children. Reflect the God Who dwells within your soul. Store up your moments forever lest they become yesterday's forgotten treasure.
Like ripples on a pond, your love never dies. It reaches on and on and goes into the moments of eternity. Love is lasting. Love never dies. Love God, love one another. Die to yourself and live.
Song: Pass It On by Kurt Kaiser
November 4, 1993 - 5:00a.m.
Jesus speaks: Today I want to talk about your enemies. To be like Me you must never have any enemies. Does that sound impossible? Every soul is a soul created by Me to love and be loved. When My children are willful and allow Satan to be in control, they become very sinful and do very many unloving things. So why love them if they are sinful?
These children need My love more than anyone. All My children need My love, but these children become engulfed in darkness. They continue to only look for their reality in the dark corners and make their world reflect only darkness. This gives them the room to continue in darkness. Darkness to them makes sense. They are surrounded by it. But you come along and you may be with them and you love them. Your light, in contrast to all their darkness, shines out. It makes their dark world have a ringer in it, so to speak. It stops and they take notice. What is this? I hate you and you love me? All I see on TV is surrounded by hate. Their hearts are hate. They look at darkness only. They see only hate and you come along and love?
They must take notice of your love in this dark world. What sets you apart, they ask themselves? They may struggle with admitting I am what makes you different, but indeed they must, if they want to really know, admit it is the God in you that makes you love when everything else in their life is hate.
So you think your kindness means so little? To a person who only sees darkness, your kindness is as a bright light in the darkest night. The darker the night, the more your little light shines.
If people are ugly, who wants to be nice to them? But, you say, why love the unloving? Because that is the way Christ would do it. It is your little light shining in the darkness that makes them have to take notice. Let your light shine. It is I Who shine from you. That is how I reach My sick children in the darkness. They will never come to Me. You may be the only touch they receive from Me. But your touch will not go unnoticed. It is powerful and carries much weight. Even when they continue to hate you, you continue to love. That is My way. Not to get upset in the ugliness of others. That is their way. That is not My way. When they hate you and persecute you for My sake, remember your reward will be great in heaven.
I am here, little one. Listen to Me. You do not and never will understand My ways, but My life I give to you as a model to live by. Study Me and know how I am. My ways I make clear to you. To love the unloving is indeed a challenge, but your love may save their souls. Be of Me in all things. Do not get attached to the ugliness of your sick brothers. You know what powers them. Do not get pulled in by their hate. It is not of me. Continue and love and pray for strength. This is My work, to love the unloving. I love you, little ones. Will you be My candle in the dark world? I give you My power and My love. It is not a big job, you say, but it is the job that preaches to those in darkness. Will you preach My love today to your unloving brothers?
To be nice to only those who already love is not hard. To be nice to those who are ugly is very hard, but the rewards may be so great for their souls. This is My true job for you, little ones. Love the unloving. They need to be touched by Me. Pray for strength and do what I ask of you and you will know a freedom as you have never before experienced. You are not reacting to their hate. You are still staying fixed in Me. Don't bow to Satan. He wants you to get mean in return. That is Satan's way. My way is the way of love. I am filled with love for you. Come and get your supplies. Spend time pondering My ways. Spend time with Me and get your strength. You need Me to go to the dark world. Without Me you get caught up in their darkness. You need your supplies. Come to Me and you will not run amok. You will run and not get weary. You will fly on eagles' wings and I will love through you. Love the unloving. That is the greatest gift you can give to your sick brothers. I love you. Come that you might do My work and minister to your sick brothers. You can't do it without My supplies. I love you.
Song: Jesu, Jesu Fill Us with Your Love
Song: Service by Buddy Ceasar
March 18, 1994 7:15 a.m.
At All Saints, After Communion
Messenger: Dear Jesus, how holy is my soul? I do not see it as you desire. Do I judge my brothers? Do I compare myself to them and tell myself that I am right and they are wrong? Why do I judge at all? My job is to love, to love You with all my heart. My job is to preach Your gospel, to emit Your love from my very being!
When I am caught up in being wronged by my brother, how can Your love radiate to anyone? I am a clogged vessel and the love You want to give to those around me is trapped behind my anger.
Oh Lord, open my heart to Your ways. How easy for Satan to talk in my head and tell me how I should be feeling when I have a job to do. This job is more serious than any worldly job. This job is to spread Your love to a world that is hurting. When I am a clogged vessel, all those around me suffer from the loss of love they would receive if my heart were open and love were flowing out to them.
Oh, how Satan is so crafty as to steal our hearts away and fill them with such impurities, thoughts of anger at our brothers! How easily I comply. This is the self in me. Have I been wronged? Have I been threatened? Will someone think badly of me? Lord, help me to be selfless, to live only for love of You and to know You truly love me, to want not to answer any accusations of others, to remain silent when attacked unless You prompt me to speak.
Control my tongue as the doorway from my heart. Control my heart. Keep it full of Your love and free of all impurities. I want a heart that is free of hate and anger. I have a job to do, Lord, and it is to spread Your love. This job is a top priority. I receive all my love and support from You, Lord. Is that not enough or am I not thinking of how immense is the love of God?
Jesus speaks: Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened and I give you rest. I fill you with such love. I am God. I am love. Why focus on your suffering brothers? Because they are suffering from the evil of this world. You need not suffer if you turn to Me. I have all you need. I never abandon you or leave you. I am by your side. I, Jesus, walk with you where you go, and with such love. The love of God is all-encompassing. When I am by your side, why do you fret because of your ailing brothers? Pray for them. Some are in total darkness. How will My light shine from you if you are clogged with any anger or hatred? You must remain fixed only in love--love of God, love of one another!
Put your anger aside and look to My suffering face. I loved you all to My death. I did not count the cost. I did not number your sins. I loved you. I forgave you. I loved you unconditionally. I gave My all for you. Can you not do this for your brothers? I suffered for the sins of men and I was silent. I speak of My love. I do not speak of your sins. Who of you are sinless? If you expect Me to forgive you, can you not forgive your brothers when they have wronged you?
I am the light that shines through you to the dark world. I want to shine from your hearts. To have the least taint of hate and anger blocks My light from your souls. Clean out your hearts every minute. Let the hate and anger go! Do not let it fester and grow in your hearts. Keep your hearts pure only in the love of God. When your brother wrongs you, forgive him instantly. Do not let Satan talk in your head. Do not let self come to the front lines. Be ready to withstand the attack. Remain selfless and unattached.
I live in you and you live in Me. You are immersed in a vat of My love. My might shines from your being. Your brothers are suffering. Love them, watch them in their suffering and see them as My precious ones in need of My love. They are hurting so. Will you not tend to their bleeding wounds? Or will you scoff at them and go on your way?
This world is suffering. The only cure is the love of God. You have the opportunity to spread My love or act like the world. How can I love My sick ones if you act as they do? Did I argue on the way to Calvary? Did I answer their accusations and say, "Oh, I didn't do that?" I was silent! Can you not remain silent when you are accused? Can you not turn to Me and pick up your cross and see My suffering face?
I suffer for how they are hurting you. But to strike back in anger is not the way of love. This is not My way. My way is to love. I loved those who whipped Me. I loved those who crowned My head with thorns. I loved those who spit at Me and yelled obscenities at Me. I loved you all in all your sins! I loved you to My death! I showed you the way to love. I showed you the way to forgive. I showed you the way.
Why do you look to the ways of the suffering? If they scoff at and persecute you and yell any slander against you, focus on the love of your Father in heaven Who gave His only Son for love of you! The way of God is the way of love. Any taint of anger, of hatred, of getting even, of being wronged and making yourself right, is the way of the evil one.
My ways are steadfast and direct. I operate from love. Stay rooted firmly in the love of God. See Me suffering, beaten, bloodied, crowned, slapped, kicked, slandered--and every vile thing yelled at Me. See Me, see Me and then see Me dying on the cross in sweet surrender, arms outstretched, hanging by nails, head hanging--all out of great and ardent love for you!
I showed you how to love. Can you not forgive your suffering brothers? Can you not love? I loved to My death. Can you not let go of such little things coming from them who are hurting? You are My soldiers in this cold war. Your weapons are your hearts filled with the ardent, on-fire love of Jesus. Your hearts are powerful. God has all the power. Love finds the way. The only way to warm a cold heart is through the warmth of love, true love, unconditional love, that I give to you. Love always. I loved you to My death. Will you love My hurting ones for Me? Can I use you to light the dark world? I call this day. Will you answer?
The way to Me is the Way of the Cross. Do you see your life as the way to Me? Each day is a day on the way to the end which is heaven, hell or purgatory. Do you see yourself as making it for this life or for everlasting life? Oh, if only children were taught to see their lives in their entirety, from beginning to end, only to go to another place. If only children were taught to see that this is a "layover", not the end in itself!
Look at your life. You are on your way to somewhere else. This is a journey to get you to another place. If you are traveling, you do not camp out on the train, or try to make your vehicle an end in itself. You are in transit to another life. You have not arrived. You have not come to your destiny.
I am the Way. I am the Truth. I am the Life. To have eternal life you must model yourself after the Master. I loved you to My death. I love you this much this day. I gave My life for you. Do you not believe that to turn to Me is to give you all you need?
Follow Me. I show you the Way. You need to be led to the kingdom that waits for you. If you follow other leaders, they take you from the correct way. Only one way leads to My kingdom. It is the way I showed you. It is the way I show you this day. Would you go to a tour guide who knows the way or to one who is guessing?
Your brothers are following paths that lead to destruction. I show you the way to the kingdom of heaven. Why would you follow an amateur who knows not the way? You pay the price for your foolishness. My way is the Way of the Cross. If you try to find another way more to your liking, you get off course. The way to My kingdom is led by Me. I am with you this day in the Eucharist and in the tabernacle. Will you come and sit with Me in silence and listen when I give you your directions or will you go to a bad guide and try to find a short cut?
There is no short cut to My kingdom. My way is the only way. Pick up your cross and follow Me. Do not try to put your crosses down. Accept what I send you as coming from Him Who loves you. It is in this acceptance that you grow in your relationship with Me. My hand is in everything you experience.
See Me clothed in a white tunic, My love radiating from My being. See My hand outstretched as I walk before you and say, "Sweet one, this is the way to My kingdom. I bring you such love along the way. You will suffer, but My love will see you through. Come and follow as I lead. I walk before you backwards, right in front of you. Do you not see Me? Keep your eyes on Me, sweet one. I love you so. I will never lead you off the right road. I lead you with such love and peace. You will not know all My love here, sweet one, but when we get to My kingdom, what a reward for following Me! My house has many mansions. I have a place prepared just for you. I ardently love you. I am your Jesus, Son of the Living God. I come, you follow. We will live in My kingdom soon."
9:45 a.m.
Jesus speaks: Unless a grain of wheat dies, it does not produce fruit. Such dying must be cultivated by obedience and your covenant with God, rooted in love and forgiveness. Die to yourself and live in My love, child. Child, I love you. Do you know now?
Messenger: Jesus, I believe. Jesus, I believe. Jesus, I believe. I believe in you.
Jesus speaks: You know that what I tell you is truth. Do not even think. I will bring them to you. You remain set in your place. Pray all day. Be busy about My work. I need you to do My work for Me.
March 28, 1994
Messenger: Thank you for the crosses that teach me such lessons, Lord.
Jesus speaks: Oh, sweet one, I love you. I am here with you. Mary is here.
Messenger: I smelled roses strongly after Communion. Mary is telling me to tell all how "where Jesus is, she, our loving mother, is always there." She is there in our closest moments with Jesus. She is our most loving mother. She never leaves our side.
Jesus speaks: I am your God. I am with you. You will learn all the lessons I need to teach you to do My work. Do not fret or fume. Do not be busy as to what others are doing with My letters. Never be angered. Be only rooted in My love.
Pray, My child. Strip yourself of all that is worldly. You must not hold on to anything but the love of God.
Love all your brothers. Never respond with a hint of anger or judgment. You are not he who is to judge. You are only to love. Be selfless in how you respond. Do not justify your actions. Remain silent. I speak for you. Do not go back to your human ways to make yourself right. Only respond with the love of God. You are My servant to spread this love. Your lesson is that of pure love. You must rid yourself of all anger and resentment and focus only on My love. Do My will. My ways I make known to you. I teach you My lessons so sweetly. Take them.
When first you are taught, you will receive such benefits! Accept all your trials as rose petals from heaven. These are the ways you are drawn closer to My Sacred Heart. The way to Me is to pick up your crown and place it on your head. The crown is not the crown of glory, but the crown I wore. You will wear the crown. I will use you to spread My love.
Be humble and kind in heart. Be pure in your ways. You are being taught your lessons from Jesus Christ. All I give you is from Me. Accept what you are given. Cast the devil away. He aims to divide you and fill you with his hate.
I am love. I am union. I am God, one, true, magnificent, and I, child, come to you and love you. I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, come and dwell in you, the same Jesus Who died on the cross. Rejoice for you are favored, My beloved.
I am your Jesus and I love you.
March 29, 1994
Jesus speaks: The devil is working to divide you. You were called to this Center to be the city set on the hill, to spread My light. You were sent there to spread the love of our Blessed Lady and My love. My way is love, not division. Each person has a part to play. The devil will try to get you to be at odds with one another.
My way is love, My way is to see My love in each person. Each person has a part to play. The city will only shine if all are united. To talk about your brother, to talk negatively to anyone on the outside, is to divide your city. You need to unite in My love. You need to pray for unity and to ward off Satan's evil attacks.
It is only in this unity that My renewal will be accomplished. Satan will strike you hard. He is busying himself by talking in your heads. This time of rebuilding is a time to rebuild the love in your hearts. After the tearing down, the wall is rebuilt stronger and better.
I love you. Jesus.
March 30, 1994 8:30 a.m.
At St. Gertrude
Messenger: I cannot have division with any man. I must let go of my end of the problem. They can hate me, but I must love them.
Jesus speaks: To My death they persecuted Me and yelled every slander against Me, but I remained silent and in love with My attackers. This is My way, to love those who attack you. If you pick up the sword, you will die by the sword. You must always choose love.
There is no room for hate and anger in a heart of God. You must always love those who persecute you. I am Jesus. I showed you the way. I loved those who tore My flesh. Can you not love your brothers in Christ who are hurting? Call them brothers. You are brothers in Me. They are not to be looked on as persons you are not akin to. You are brothers in Me. Love them as I love you. I love you in all your weaknesses. I love you in your darkest sin. I never abandon you.
Oh, My children, you must follow the Master. The way to Me is to model your life after Me. You cannot hate any man. You must love them as you love Me. The way to peace is love. Not tolerance, love! See them as your dearest friends hurting and coming to you in great pain. Put the self aside. Do not focus on yourself and being attached. Focus on their pain. Selflessness in all things leads to godliness. Remain selfless and see your brothers in their pain. Love. Love Me, love one another.
Come to My tabernacle. Come to Me after Communion. I give you My love and you can spread My love to your hurting brothers. The way to Me is the way of love. Hear Me, little ones. If you pick up the sword, you will perish by the sword. I call you to love. Nothing else matters.
The way to My kingdom depends on two things, love of God and love of one another. Not tolerance but real love, caring and giving. Give to those who are hurting. That is how I can live in you. My way is love in all things. Rid yourself of hate and resentment. Fight against the talk of Satan in your head to tell you you have been wronged. Remain selfless and love. What you do to the least of your brothers you do to Me.
Anger Is Destructive-Love Heals
April 12, 1994 After Communion at All Saints Church 7:00a.m.
Messenger: Love is healing. If you attack me and I respond with love by the grace of God, but let it fester later into anger, I have an active emotion inside of me. You hurt me. I was right, you were wrong. I get angry or I get depressed. Some action occurs within me. If, by the grace of God, I acted lovingly when you attacked me, then, when I go away, I must continue to dismiss any thoughts of how I have been wronged and beg God for His help to forgive and love you.
Satan's Way Is Division
April 12, 1994 After Communion at St. Gertrude Church
Jesus speaks: To preach the gospel in your very being, you must always be fixed in My love. When they tore My flesh, I loved them. I at no time responded to them with anything but love. The way to Me is the way of love. I forgave them. I forgive you for your sins.
You must always love and forgive. When they persecute you and holler every slander against you, remember the way to Me is love. Love those who persecute you. Love your attackers. Love your brothers. Love is action from the hearts. It is not lip service. Love is giving. Love is action. Love mends broken fences.
Satan's way is division, hatred, anger. These create such a destructive force! It is an energy that tears at the hearts of men. It is transmitted and lives in hearts, just as My love is transmitted and lives in hearts.
Purify your heart at every second. Keep it so clean. Do not let any anger, resentment, hatred for your brothers mount up by the side of your heart. Flush it away. Pray, pray, pray for grace. Pray for love. Pray for your brothers. You need My love to respond with love. I give you freely of My love when you ask. I am the source of all love. You come, you partake, you give to your brothers as I have given to you. Love is a force. It is a mighty life. It is a light that shines brightest in the darkest night.
Be at peace. Be full of joy. I am God. Do not fret or fume or doubt. Do not be angry or feel you have been wronged. These are from the evil one.
I am in control. I am God. I am by your side this very day in that cross you carry. You in your pain will learn My mighty lessons of love. I am molding you and shaping you into My mighty soldiers, soldiers in My army of love!
Be open, pray for love, pray for the grace to forgive. See Me dying on the cross. I held not back. I gave the last drop of My blood, the last beat of My Heart, for love of you! Can you not forgive your hurting brothers? I need you to love those who hurt you. I need you to forgive those who injure you. You are My soldiers. You will fight My battle for My loved ones. You will carry the flag of love to those who are hurting.
Forgive all those who hurt you and pray for them. Love is the answer. My way is the way of love. Love finds the way to peace. If you want peace, you must forgive and let go. You must trust totally in Me and know that I will never desert you. My hand is in everything you experience. I allow suffering for a reason. You learn mighty lessons in your trials. You are purified in your sufferings. You can gain many graces for yourselves and others when you accept all I give you with love. I give you love. I give you what you need. Let go and surrender to Me, My little, beloved ones. I never ever leave your side!
Song: I Have Loved You by Michael Joncas
I Give You All You Need
April 13, 1994
Jesus speaks: I am the Good Shepherd. I know Mine and they follow Me. Come, My little lambs, follow My ways. I am truly your Savior. When you are hungry, I give you to eat. When you need for anything, I know your needs. I ponder the way of your heart. Surrender your lives to Me, little, scared ones. Have no fear. I am God and I give you all you need. I am God. I am mighty. Why do you fear when I, God, watch out for you?
You wander, you wane in and out, and I am truly here. You get full of self, you think you need to find a way for yourself. You need to remain rooted in love and give of yourself. I will care for your needs. You do not have to fight a beaten path for what is important. I yield to you exactly what you need in all My gentleness and love! You only need to stay fixed in Me and trust in Me for all things. Anger is a force that tells you you need to take control. You need to have your way. I tell you to remain selfless, to surrender, to let go. Holding on is draining. "I will keep track of this little thing I have with you and that thing with you." Such a waste of your energy and your valuable time when I could have loved! You choose selfishness, caring for yourself. When does it end? Do you get enough to feed the starved self? Only the love of God feeds your hungry soul!
Only love of God, love of your neighbor, gives you peace. Do you want peace or power? Do you ever have enough power? Do you want to promote yourself or be free? You are already so very special. You were created by God and you are so perfect, so beautiful, so precious. You are the only soul like you and I love you dearly as you are. You are My prized loved one. Oh, how I love you! You are the perfect creation of My Father, My little, beloved one. I love you so. The Father loves you, the Holy Spirit loves you, the Blessed Mother loves you. You are My precious one. You are perfect and I love you as you are. I loved you to My death.
Do not let your heart be busy feeling bowed down and anxious. Come to Me and be filled by My ardent love. I love you intensely at this moment. I am Jesus, the Son of God. You are My beloved ones. To My death I loved each one of you. Do not be angered at your brother. Love him as I love you. Light up the darkness with the love of God in your heart.
I am Jesus and I love you.
I Love You
(Letter for Front of B.B. II)
April 13, 1994
Jesus speaks: How, child, do I, Jesus, tell you I love you? You hold on to silly things, when God is in your midst and is ardently loving you. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am writing to each precious child this day. I am on fire for love of you. I remain in the Eucharist to be with you with My ardent love. I did not want to leave My beloved ones at the Last Supper. I love you so, My dear and ardently loved children. I remain with you this day in the Blessed Sacrament, the same Jesus Who died a brutal death on the cross.
Do you know I am truly present there? Do you know that God waits every day for you in the tabernacle? Do you comprehend even a minute amount of My love? You will never on earth know how I love you.
I, Jesus, truly the Son of God, came to earth a man and suffered a brutal death for love of you. I love you so much! I remain with you this day. I long for your love. I want you to come and be with Me in front of the tabernacle. I wait, I yearn for you to come and whisper your love to Me. I am a Person and I love you this day with such an ardent, on-fire love. No human could ever compare a speck to My love for you.
I wait, little ones, in the tabernacle. I wait for you to come and receive Me in Communion. I want you to want Me so much that you cannot wait to come and receive Me. I want to be the love, the Center of your life!
I am Jesus. I am the Son of God. I am writing to you this day. I want to possess your very soul and live in you. I have all you need, sweet ones. Oh, you are so blind! I long for your union with Me. I wrote the book on love. I instituted it, yet you go to the world for your love and do not even come to Me! Oh, I love you, little ones. Little ones, beloved of the Father, loved by the Holy Spirit, mothered by My very own mother, what more can I say? The rest is up to you!
I give you your will with such love and I want your love, freely given. I am God. What do you think you could ever need that I do not give you? I am the Savior of this world. I am Jesus, the Son of God. I am waiting for you. I am longing for you. I am yearning for you. I am God. I have all you ever will need!
Surrender this life to Me. Pray My prayer for union with Me. I want to possess your soul and operate from your very being. I am Jesus. I am the Son of God. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am Who am. I died and rose on the third day.
Harken to My call, harken to My pleading. Spend your days in love with Me. Nothing matters unless it is rooted in Me and rooted in My love. I am the Son of God. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I love you with the tenderest love. I am waiting this day for you, My beloved one. Come to Me for I am the tenderest of all hearts. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Be with Me in Communion
April 14, 1994 After Communion
Jesus speaks: My tenderness, My love, My goodness, My presence I pour out to you in the Eucharist. You run from My altar to be about your busyness. I am God. I yearn and long for you so! Oh, if you only knew how I want you to sit and wait with Me. I cry for your love. I ache so in My Heart to give you My ardent love.
You receive Me, you leave, and I write in these letters to you, My beloved ones. What more can I tell you? I want you to know Me intimately. I am truly present in the Eucharist you receive. It wounds Me so to watch you run from Me, when I, God, want so much for you to stay and be with Me.
Oh, little ones, I love you, I love you, I love you. I am sorrowful for your neglect and indifference. This is so painful to My aching Heart, to be neglected and treated so indifferently. I am so tender in My love for you. Sit with Me. Do not be busy for such useless tasks. I am suffering from your indifference. I love you this day.
Song: From the Day You Were Born
Let Go!
April 14, 1994
Messenger: Why should I get anxious about anything? All that matters is that I do what He wants me to do. He wants me to love Him and love my brothers.
Jesus speaks: How is the tone of your voice? Is it gentle? How do you talk to your children and your special loved ones? Are you less loving to your family? Always calmness, always love. No need to fret or fume. Where are you going? What do you have to do? Do you yell anxiously at your family and demand their attention, by your tone? Do you demand urgency by a summoning tone or do you display a tone of peace and love when you talk to all?
If I am tending to your every need, why do you have to get so irritated? Are you tending to your needs and being irritated because it isn't done to your liking?
I call you to peace. Let go of your irritations. Do not get angered. Accept things as they are. Each person has a right to be. Why do you have a right to tell them how to be? Mind your own affairs. You have lots to learn to be kind and gentle and loving. You are going nowhere. You do not even know how irritable you are. Listen to yourself, demanding your way, snapping at your beloved ones. Oh, but you have to get the job done! Right. For what reason? Be at peace. I tend to the lilies of the fields and the birds of the air. I tend to the babies in the womb. Do you hear anyone yelling to get the job done?
I am peace. I am assuredness. My ways are truth and right. My ways are calm and direct. I do not yell or tell you to get the job done for Me. I let you be and you make mistakes, but I let you have your free will. You have a free will. If you choose to make your will the Will of God, everything works in such harmony. You do not need to demand your way. You do not have to shout urgent pleas to your brothers.
Let go, let yourself go. Feel the freedom of surrender. You tug up the hill, you puff, you pant. I come to you and give you a powerful push. All of a sudden you operate with no effort. This is life with Me, when you surrender. You pray hard, you push hard, you yell hard, you are hard! Let go of yourself. My way is easy. You are going nowhere too late or too soon. You are operating in My world. Your only job is to love Me and love each other. When you push to make someone move as you want, you are in control. You do not need force if I am in control.
I make things happen. I know exactly what is going on in the air, the ground, your hearts, your heads, your bodies. I know all things. When will you surrender and come to Me for your answers? Silly ones! I am God. I loved you to My death. Do you not think I would care for you this day if I died for you? I love you. I give you what you need. Cling to Me. Be attentive to Me. Surrender yourself. Come and pray to Jesus in the tabernacle and after Communion. What wisdom!
I am God. Where I am, Father and Holy Spirit are present. Oh, I love you. Mary is your loving mother. Surrender, little ones. Do not run your lives. Pray My Prayer for Union with Me.
Your lives will truly change. I am the Alpha. I am the Omega. I am God. Do not yell at the lilies! What a useless task! Do you think you will make them grow prettier or faster? Let go, be at peace, surrender to Him Who ardently loves you. Oh, little ones, let your hearts pant for love of Me. I love you so. Feel a flutter in your chest at the mention of My name.
I am truly here this day, waiting to release you from your anxieties. I am Jesus, the Son of God. I am your beautiful Shepherd. I know mine and they follow Me. Surrender, little, beloved ones. I want to caress you and lead you down My path. I am the Good Shepherd. I am Who am. I am here this day. Come to Me in communion and sit for long periods. These are the golden moments, in communion. Oh, sweet ones, know Me, love Me, serve Me. I am God and I love you so!
How Did I Treat You Today?
April 15, 1994 12:50p.m.
Messenger: How did I treat you this day, you, very special soul, created by God? You are God's precious child. Were you treated harshly when you were little, or has someone wronged you this very day, or are you sick and suffering? I do not know all the details of your life, but I do know you are a precious child of God and you are my brother.
How did I treat you this day? Did I think how much God loves you and wants you with Him forever in heaven? Did I think about your soul when I saw you hurting? I want to go to heaven and I want to be there with you. You are my brother and I love you.
I knew you were hurting today and I didn't see your soul. I only listened to your angry words and tolerated you and walked away. I made myself right and thought about you with anger. I told others and felt more right and knew you were definitely wrong. I didn't feel good inside. I knew you were suffering. Could I not have smiled and forgotten your anger and prayed for your aching heart? I know you are my brother. I want to be in heaven with you. You needed God's love today. Did I love you for Him or did I walk away?
I want to love like you. The more I know what You are asking me to do, the more I know how truly beautiful a Person You are. Jesus, it is hard to love our brothers when they wrong us. Jesus, it is hard to forgive their misdeeds. Jesus, You forgave those who tore Your flesh. The way to You, Lord, is love and forgiveness!
Jesus speaks: My child, you do not do anything alone. When you come to Me in the Eucharist and in front of the tabernacle, I give you special graces to help you love. I shower you with My love. I fill you with such gifts you cannot receive anywhere on the face of this earth.
Do you, My beloved ones, want to love your brothers? Do you want to know My ways and live in harmony with Me? Come to Me in My Blessed Sacrament and let Me minister to you. The time you spend after Communion is your dearest treasure. Do not run from My altar to get to your world. Stay and let Me bathe you in My beautiful love! I bathe you. You leave with such beautiful love to share with your beloved ones.
I call you to give My love to My hurting brothers. I call you to love them for Me. I call you to minister love to them.
Messenger: How did I treat you this day? Did I treat you with His love? Do I really want to touch you so you will go to heaven? Did I miss a golden opportunity to share God's love with you when you needed it so badly?
How did I preach the gospel to you this day? Do I really love you, my brother?
Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.
I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me.
I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.
When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.
-God's Blue Book, January 17, 1994
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