Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing        

April 16, 2016

April 17th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is 
Day 7 Period II.

The Novena Rosary Mysteries 
for April 17th


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                April 16, 2016

                Today's Readings

Acts 9: 31-42

The churches throughout Judaea, Galilee and Samaria were now left in peace, building themselves up and living in the fear of the Lord; encouraged by the Holy Spirit, they continued to grow.

It happened that Peter visited one place after another and eventually came to God's holy people living down in Lydda. There he found a man called Aeneas, a paralytic who had been bedridden for eight years. Peter said to him, 'Aeneas, Jesus Christ cures you: get up and make your bed.' Aeneas got up immediately; everybody who lived in Lydda and Sharon saw him, and they were converted to the Lord.

At Jaffa there was a disciple called Tabitha, or in Greek, Dorcas, who never tired of doing good or giving to those in need. But it happened that at this time she became ill and died, and they washed her and laid her out in an upper room. Lydda is not far from Jaffa, so when the disciples heard that Peter was there, they sent two men to urge him, 'Come to us without delay.'

    Peter went back with them immediately, and on his arrival they took him to the upper room, where all the widows stood round him in tears, showing him tunics and other clothes Dorcas had made when she was with them. Peter sent everyone out of the room and knelt down and prayed. Then he turned to the dead woman and said, 'Tabitha, stand up.' She opened her eyes, looked at Peter and sat up. Peter helped her to her feet, then he called in the members of the congregation and widows and showed them she was alive. The whole of Jaffa heard about it and many believed in the Lord.


Psalm 116: 12-13, 14-15, 16-17

What return can I make to Yahweh
  for his generosity to me?
I shall take up the cup of salvation
  and call on the name of Yahweh.

I shall fulfill my vows to Yahweh,
  witnessed by all his people.

Costly in Yahweh's sight
  is the death of his faithful.

                        I beg you, Yahweh! I am your servant,
                        I am your servant and my mother was your servant;
                            you have undone my fetters.
                        I shall offer you a sacrifice of thanksgiving
                            and call on the name of Yahweh.


John 6: 60-69

    After hearing it, many of his followers said, 'This is intolerable language. How could anyone accept it?' Jesus was aware that his followers were complaining about it and said, 'Does this disturb you? What if you should see the Son of man ascend to where he was before?

'It is the spirit that gives life,
the flesh has nothing to offer.
The words I have spoken to you are spirit
and they are life.

    'But there are some of you who do not believe.' For Jesus knew from the outset who did not believe and who was to betray him. He went on, 'This is why I told you that no one could come to me except by the gift of the Father.' After this, many of his disciples went away and accompanied him no more.

    Then Jesus said to the Twelve, 'What about you, do you want to go away too?' Simon Peter answered, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the message of eternal life, and we believe; we have come to know that you are the Holy One of God.'


                R. We see God is a God of miracles. It is
                ordinary for God to perform miracles. God
                used these men to perform miracles in
                His name. But we see in the scriptures
                that to act in God's name and have
                miracles happen, there must be faith.
                Jesus said that. They asked once why they
                couldn't perform the miracles – Jesus
                told them they must have faith.

                    We can see the image of Our Lady of Clearwater
                on the building. Many come to see it, but
                many did not want to change their lives.

                    There was a movie and a man came
                who needed food and work – he went first
                to the Church and the pastor turned him
                away, then he went to a business man and
                he was almost thrown out. After the Sunday
                homily – the man entered the Church and
                came down the middle isle. The pastor
                had just talked on following in the footsteps
                of Jesus. The man spoke and said "No one
                would help me." With that he fell to the
                ground and died. The pastor next Sunday
                wanted to have a pledge with everybody
                who was willing to live a whole year and
                ask yourself before you act "What would
                Jesus do?" Eventually the pastor was fired
                and those who were living a "new life" suffered
                from the rejection of the people in the Church.
                The Church had settled in – being a community
                which did what the people felt comfortable
                with – the deacons fired the pastor for being
                more like Jesus.

                    We can do this – in Churches, in schools,
                in our homes and communities – try to
                make communities, homes, make us feel
                comfortable and be dysfunctional – not
                really doing God's will – growing to be
                more and more like Jesus. If someone
                comes and points out what is more
                like Jesus, we can throw them out and
                try to force our ways, our dysfunctions
                on them so we are comfortable and don't
                need to change.

                    To be like Jesus we must look at Jesus,
                and pray for grace from the Holy Spirit to help
                us to do the Father's will and grow
                more in the image of God.

                    Take years and years of people
                wanting not to change and trying
                to mold things so they can have it
                their way and things can get more
                and more out of line.

                    God has given us the Commandments,
                the Church, the Word. This is how we
                know the truth. We need to pray for
                the priests, the Church and the world
                to be more and more in the image
                of Jesus. The Church and the world
                and the individual Christian are a
                Pilgrim Church and a Pilgrim
                world – we are in the state of
                becoming more and more Christic.

                    It is about change. The Pascal
                Mystery is about death/resurrection.
                Dying to our ways not like Jesus and
                rising in our ways like Jesus.

                    We hear the scripture –

Galatians 2: 19-20

...I have been crucified with Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me.


                R. Mary said at Fatima we need to
                pray for conversion.

                    Yesterday I talked about Noah –
                we see that the men had become
                corrupt and Jesus used Noah to
                build the Ark, but Noah had to
                do what God wanted and Noah had faith –
                Even if people persecuted Noah or
                laughed at him.

                It is kind of like the 3 pigs – they knew
                they had to prepare for the dangerous
                wolf –
                but 2 pigs played around – one built
                a house of straw, another a house
                of sticks and the wolf blew their houses
                in –
                only the pig that didn't play around,
                but built a house of bricks had
                a place to withstand the attacks of
                the wolf –

                    We know we must change our ways –
                not give into a weak will, the deadly
                sins, live to be more one with God –
                We are pilgrims on a journey – We need
                to have a strong will – we need to be
                strong and God gives us baptism –
                we receive a sharing in Divine Life in
                baptism, but we must work hard and
                go to God – pray for an increase in the
                infused virtues of faith, hope and love we
                received in baptism. We pray to the Holy Spirit
                for the increase in the other virtues
                and for grace to live by them and
                we pray for the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
                We have been told by Jesus to
                Consecrate our hearts to Jesus and Mary,
                but we are dying to the ways not
                like Christ – to be more and more
                likened to Christ –

                    We have not arrived in the spiritual
                life – we are changing to be more like
                Jesus until our death – we are to be
                growing in greater holiness every
                day – more and more like Jesus.
                This is our calling.

                    We see in baptism we are commissioned
                to go out and spread the Good News.
                Jesus got me up yesterday 3:30 or 4:00
                to give yesterday's message –
                Would people follow Jesus by watching
                how we witness to God in loving
                others and working with those Jesus
                asked us to work with in love –
                Are we witnessing to Christ – that
                people would follow us and we
                could grow more and more like Jesus –
                as individuals, as communities,
                in families, in Churches and in
                the world?

                    Are we a light to the nations –
                showing faith – how we believe in
                God with our whole heart, our whole
                soul, our whole being – or do we
                talk about God and then do what
                is comfortable for us – living our
                will and our dysfunction –

                    Are we disciples – learners, listening
                and seeing ourselves 'under' God and
                wanting to change to please God because
                we love Him.

                    We can live our whole life trying to
                change the whole world and everybody
                around us to accept our selfish
                ways, our prideful ways – living
                like Eve in the Garden who wanted
                God to do what she wanted – put up
                with her eating the forbidden fruit!

                    God is unchanging – God has
                called us to be prepared, to be converted –
                We are pilgrims on a journey trying
                to be more and more in the image of God,
                helping to shape the world more in
                this image by spreading the Good News
                of Jesus.

                    We are to look to God, our eternal salvation
                why we act – look up – not decide we
                want and then try to make others put
                up with our pride and deadly sins
                so we don't have to change –

                    We are on a journey to grow in
                greater holiness, we are pilgrims on
                a journey –

                    God is with us. Jesus gives us
                Himself in the Eucharist – we
                are living to serve God – to love
                God – to live more and more in the
                image and likeness of God – this takes
                the Holy Spirit – this takes grace – this
                takes docility – this takes love –


        From the Priestly Newsletter Book III by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.

The Holy Spirit And Mary

The late Archbishop Luis M. Martinez of Mexico strikingly speaks of the ongoing cooperation of Mary with the Holy Spirit regarding the reproduction of Jesus within us: "Christian life is the reproduction of Jesus in souls…

"Now, how will this mystical reproduction be brought about in souls? In the same way in which Jesus was brought into the world, for God gives a wonderful mark of unity to all His works. Divine acts have a wealth of variety because they are the work of omnipotence; nevertheless, a most perfect unity always shines forth from them because they are the fruit of wisdom; and this divine contrast of unity and variety stamps the works of God with sublime and unutterable beauty.

"In His miraculous birth, Jesus was the fruit of heaven and earth…The Holy Spirit conveyed the divine fruitfulness of the Father to Mary, and the virginal soil brought forth in an ineffable manner our most loving Savior, the divine Seed, as the prophets called Him…

"That is the way He is reproduced in souls. He is always the fruit of heaven and earth.

"Two artisans must concur in the work that is at once God’s masterpiece and humanity’s supreme product: the Holy Spirit and the most holy Virgin Mary. Two sanctifiers are necessary to souls, the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, for they are the only ones who can reproduce Christ.

"Undoubtedly, the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary sanctify us in different ways. The first is the Sanctifier by essence; because He is God, who is infinite sanctity; because He is the personal Love that completes, so to speak, the sanctity of God, consummating His life and His unity, and it belongs to Him to communicate to souls the mystery of that sanctity. The Virgin Mary, for her part, is the co-operator, the indispensable instrument in and by God’s design. From Mary’s maternal relation to the human body of Christ is derived her relation to His Mystical Body which is being formed through all the centuries until the end of time, when it will be lifted up to the heavens, beautiful, splendid, complete, and glorious.

"These two, then, the Holy Spirit and Mary, are the indispensable artificers of Jesus, the indispensable sanctifiers of souls. Any saint in heaven can co-operate in the sanctification of a soul, but his co-operation is not necessary, not profound, not constant: while the co-operation of these two artisans of Jesus of whom we have just been speaking is so necessary that without it souls are not sanctified (and this by the actual design of Providence), and so intimate that it reaches to the very depths of our soul. For the Holy Spirit pours charity into our heart, makes a habitation of our soul, and directs our spiritual life by means of His gifts. The Virgin Mary has the efficacious influence of Mediatrix in the most profound and delicate operations of grace in our souls. And, finally, the action of the Holy Spirit and the co-operation of the most holy Virgin Mary are constant; without them, not one single character of Jesus would be traced on our souls, no virtue grow, no gift be developed, no grace increased, no bond of union with God be strengthened in the rich flowering of the spiritual life. mm

"Such is the place that the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary have in the order of sanctification. Therefore, Christian piety should put these two artisans of Christ in their true place, making devotion to them something necessary, profound, and constant." 18

18. Archbishop Luis M. Martinez, The Sanctifier, op. cit. pp. 5-7.


           From Tell My People by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J.

The Holy Spirit

Jesus: "My beloved friend, tell My people to pray daily to the Holy Spirit. They are to pray for an increase in His gifts. My people must realize that the Holy Spirit comes to transform them. The Spirit desires to transform you more and more according to My image. Those who are docile to His touch become increasingly shaped in My likeness. He performs this marvel within Mary's Immaculate Heart. The more one dwells in My Mother's Heart, the more active are the workings of the Spirit. The Spirit leads Mary to place you within My own Heart. In both Our Hearts, then, your transformation continues. The more you are formed after My own Heart, the more I lead you to the bosom of My Father. Tell My people all this. Tell them to pray daily for a greater appreciation of these wondrous gifts. I am Lord and Master. All who come to My Heart will be on fire to receive the gifts of the Spirit in ever greater measure! I love and bless My people!"

Reflection: The Holy Spirit is given to us to fashion us ever more according to the likeness of Jesus. And the more we are like Jesus, the more Jesus leads us to the Father. Do we, each day, pray to the Holy Spirit to be more open to His transforming influence? Do we strive each day to grow in union with Mary? The greater our union with our Mother, the spouse of the Holy Spirit, the greater is the transforming action of the Holy Spirit within us.

end of excerpt


                R. We see with distorted vision
                because of original sin. We see
                God and others and ourselves
                distortedly. We want to see through
                the eyes of God. This takes the Holy Spirit.
                Seeing through the eyes of God is
                living in faith – We want the
                Father's will – We need the gifts of
                the Holy Spirit –

                    We hope for our eternal salvation
                for ourselves and for others. We
                pray for an increase in faith, hope and love.

                    We are commissioned in baptism to
                spread the Good News. We see the witness
                of Peter and Paul and those in Acts in
                the Church as it grew. They were
                driven by the fire of God's love –
                They had the Holy Spirit working in them –
                There was growth –
                They were one in Christ – They were
                full of faith to work the miracles
                in today's readings.

                    Do you remember the 4th of July –
                when I was young we had some
                fire crackers and we had a
                big driveway and we could set
                them off there. Some fire crackers
                were "duds" and some went way
                high and were so beautiful and
                everybody saw them and enjoyed

                    God wants to set our hearts on
                fire with His love. So we are lights
                before men. The Second Blue Book
                really tells us –

                    A city set on a hill will shine
                its light to the world.

                    We can be duds – with our
                self-will and what we want to get out
                of Jesus' Movement Shepherds of Christ –
                it's like pouring water on the fire crackers –

                    Or we can learn and listen. Fr. Carter said
                the whole second Blue Book was on surrender
                and Fr. Carter loved it. We must surrender
                and let God run the show. We can
                spend 20 years trying to regulate people
                to be like us and that will be like
                putting water on fire - crackers.

                    It takes faith – look at the
                beautiful sunset
                and sunrise – look at the magnificent
                oceans and the high mountains –
                See Jesus taught from the mountain –

Luke 6: 20-23

Then fixing his eyes on his disciples he said: 

    How blessed are you who are poor: 
        the kingdom of God is yours. 
    Blessed are you who are hungry now: 
        you shall have your fill. 
    Blessed are you who are weeping now: 
        you shall laugh. 

    ‘Blessed are you when people hate you, drive you out, abuse you, denounce your name as criminal, on account of the Son of man. Rejoice when that day comes and dance for joy, look!—your reward will be great in heaven. This was the way their ancestors treated the prophets.


                R. When we live a virtuous life and have
                the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we grow more and
                more in the image of God and
                we have the fruits of the Holy Spirit –


Galatians 5: 22-23

On the other hand the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness and self–control; no law can touch such things as these.


Matthew 5: 3-12

How blessed are the poor in spirit:
the kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
Blessed are the gentle:
they shall have the earth as inheritance.
Blessed are those who mourn:
they shall be comforted.
Blessed are those
   who hunger and thirst for uprightness:
they shall have their fill.
Blessed are the merciful:
they shall have mercy shown them.
Blessed are the pure in heart:
they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers:
they shall be recognised
   as children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted
   in the cause of uprightness:
the kingdom of Heaven is theirs.

Blessed are you when people abuse you and persecute you and
speak all kinds of calumny against you falsely on my account.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven; this
is how they persecuted the prophets before you.


                R. To grow, to prosper – we must
                have love! We turn to God to grow –
                not live in fear and trembling and
                try to mold everything like ourselves,
                the bad example of generations past,
                the way the people of the world are
                deteriorating away from God.

                    The members of the body of Christ
                should be growing to be more and
                more Christic and through their
                example lifting up the people
                of the world – so they want to
                have the light the members of
                the mystical body of Christ have.
                We are to witness and help the
                world to grow more and more in
                the image of God.

                If the members of the mystical
                body of Christ aren't growing
                themselves, they won't be
                witnessing to the world –
                God is love – Do people know
                about the love of God from
                watching us?

                    God has called us. We are to
                respond to God's love for us.
                We are to live in love.

                    Mary shows us. The incarnation
                goes on in us. We are to be more
                Christic, not more like the dysfunctions
                and darkness of the past.

                    We are to be growing in God's Plan.
                We are to be surrendering, not

                We are to live our lives following
                    Jesus and the Father's Plan
                    for us –

                    The Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell
                in the graced, baptized soul.

                    It is about presence.

                Song: Your Presence Pervades My Soul

                Song: God's Love

                R. We are to be Easter People –

                We are to be people, living and
                    going out to others  – witnessing
                    and spreading the Good News of
                    God's Love –

                Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia


                April 16, 2016

                R. Dear Father,

                    We offer You all we do all day –
                all our prayers, works, joys and
                sufferings, united to Jesus in the Mass,
                in the Holy Spirit, through the powerful
                intercession of Our Lady of Clearwater.

                    What a gift to unite with Jesus in
                our days, so little compared to what
                Jesus did for us. Does it matter if
                God asks us to carry a pebble or
                a boulder. If we love someone we
                do what He asks us to do. God asks
                us for a little and how do we
                respond to Him asking us for putting
                Him first.

                    The devil tells people to oppose
                God's will, think about themselves
                and God can be calling them to do
                things that may be difficult, but
                He will give us the grace and help
                when He does, that if we keep
                God where He belongs, first in
                our life.

                    The wise person keeps things in
                order. God is first in our life –
                When we put ourselves first
                we have conflict inside ourselves
                and we can blame everybody
                else when we are the ones making our
                own conflict by our bad habits of
                not working in love for God.

                    God calls – God calls us to our
                vocation – God calls us to work in
                love with those He calls us to
                work with –

                    Out of order is out of order –
                We can live our whole life with
                conflicts in ourselves because we
                put ourselves first in our lives,
                or isolate ourselves –

                    When we see Jesus on the Cross –
                we see His example given to us.
                How Jesus, the Son of God, died
                doing the Father's will.

                Could people say we are following
                    in God's footprints by how
                    we act?

                Are we witnessing before others
                    so people see Jesus in our
                    works and want what we

                Jesus: I am the way, the truth and the
                    life. What good does it do you
                    to win your control and lose your soul.

                You are here to learn –

                You are here to obey the Father's Plan –

                Putting yourself before Me –
                    is out of order –
                    and you have conflict inside
                    of you.

                I am Jesus –

                I have blessed you so much –

                I would like it if you were
                    grateful and tried to
                    spread My Message and
                    My love and My light –

                God the Father sent
                    Our Lady of Clearwater –
                    How did you change after
                    all Mary gave to you –

                Mary came as a messenger
                    from God the Father –
                    Did you listen and
                    help spread the message
                    and love to her children –

                I am Jesus – You have one
                    life to live – One day today –
                    God is first! You are pilgrims
                    on a journey.

                R. Jesus ascended into heaven. We are
                always to be prepared – constant
                vigilance, always ready to meet
                the Lord.

                    My sister had a knee operation –
                she said it was very painful – I
                look at the people that suffer
                sometimes the most – that bear
                witness to how good God is to
                them. I have watched Dan and
                Melanie and how they weathered
                the suffering of his sickness and
                he has gotten good reports.

                    My brother had his 75th
                birthday Friday and he has Parkinson's
                disease. I listened to his beautiful
                wife and Jim and how they were
                so positive.

                    God has blessed us so abundantly –
                I talked to Sheila and she said she did
                a rosary out of Blue Book 16, 1997 and how
                fervent everyone was and there were
                so many people. She said how
                beautiful it was.

                    We need constant vigilance. We
                never know the time or the place –
                Many Cardinals from around the
                world write to us and thank us
                for our prayers and what we do.
                Nobody can tell us what to do –
                We have a free will. Jesus says
                when we are selfish and do our
                will over His, we have conflict
                in us and it isn't anybody's
                fault we blame.

                    We are here and we are to
                work in order. God is first
                and we will have sufferings
                and disappointments, but it
                is how we live to answer God
                and serve Him and we are to
                be prepared, accountable for our
                actions and responsible for the effects.
                We are to ask God to forgive us and
                forgive others.

                In the St. Ignatius exercises the
                    First Principle and Foundation is this –

From The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
    by Louis J. Puhl, S.J. p. 12

                        23. FIRST PRINCIPLE AND FOUNDATION

                            Man is created to praise, reverence and serve God 
                        our Lord, and by this means to save his soul.

                R. The Purpose is this –

From The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
    by Louis J. Puhl, S.J.  p. 11

21.                     SPIRITUAL EXERCISES

    Which have as their purpose the conquest of self
    and the regulation of one's life in such a way that
    no decision is made under the influence of any
    inordinate attachment


                R. The message of the Apocalypse the
                    last book of the bible is
                    hopeful –
                    We see how John suffered
                    in imprisonment at Patmos
                    and how positive He was –
                    how God used him to write
                    the book of Revelation –

                It tells us about the Era of Peace,
                    of God's Reign –

                The Jews were suffering for they
                    tried to get them to give up
                    their religion –
                    sufferings were unsurpassed –

                John and others remained faithful
                    to God even in such suffering.

                We are to be prepared to meet our
                    Maker always –

                Remember the scripture of the
                    foolish virgins –


Matthew 25: 1-13

‘Then the kingdom of Heaven will be like this: Ten wedding attendants took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were sensible: the foolish ones, though they took their lamps, took no oil with them, whereas the sensible ones took flasks of oil as well as their lamps. The bridegroom was late, and they all grew drowsy and fell asleep. But at midnight there was a cry, "Look! The bridegroom! Go out and meet him." Then all those wedding attendants woke up and trimmed their lamps, and the foolish ones said to the sensible ones, "Give us some of your oil: our lamps are going out." But they replied, "There may not be enough for us and for you; you had better go to those who sell it and buy some for yourselves." They had gone off to buy it when the bridegroom arrived. Those who were ready went in with him to the wedding hall and the door was closed. The other attendants arrived later. "Lord, Lord," they said, "open the door for us." But he replied, "In truth I tell you, I do not know you." So stay awake, because you do not know either the day or the hour.


                From Fr. Joe's Homily Book

98th Anniversary of Fatima
October 13, 2015

My dear priests, hierarchy and members of the mystical body of Christ,

    I give my heart to Jesus and Mary with you in love.

    Fr. Carter our founder wrote two very important books Response to God’s Love and Response in Christ.

    The following thoughts are inspired by these two books.

    God first loved us.

    We receive a sharing in Divine Life in baptism – our knowing and loving capacity is elevated.

    We are human creatures and yet we see God’s loving self-communication to us with our concomitant response to Him in love.

    Man rejected this self-communication of God in original sin.

    God on His part communicates His own life through grace and man in return gives himself to God and his fellowman in loving service.

    We can respond to this marvelous gift God gives to us as members of the mystical body of Christ – with Christ our head.

    We can be witnesses of Christ alive in us both in the Church and in the world because the Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell in a special way, in our graced, baptized soul.

    God wants such intimacy with us.

    I, Rita Robinson Ring, have learned a lot about the spiritual life from Our Lord in daily Mass and in spending at least one hour a day before the Blessed Sacrament where Jesus is truly present in His Divinity and humanity, no less present than when He walked the earth.

    I have been guided by Fr. Carter our founder and had the gift of my brother, Fr. Joe Robinson at Mass, Sunday, week days, funerals etc. and other priests who have helped us on our journey in Shepherds of Christ.

    Through the Priestly Newsletter of Fr. Carter we circulated 17,000,000 Newsletters to Priests and Hierarchy since 1994. This is Fr. Joe’s 9th book. We sent out most years to about 38,000 priests and hierarchy. We have circulated about 300,000 of Fr. Joe’s homily books over 8 years to priests and hierarchy.

    What a gift these homilies of Fr. Joe’s are as he teaches us about Responding to God’s love, being Christ a-live in this world as a witness to Jesus and teaching us about the Bread of Life: the Word and the Eucharist.

    We pray for the priests and have since 1994 in prayer chapters. Our prayers have been translated in 8 languages with the Imprimatur. We especially pray 8 days every month with Mass and the Holy Eucharist exposed most of the days for the priests, the Church and the world. We pray 24 hours every day and night in China before the exposed Eucharist for the priests and the Church.

    Please pray with us, the prayers, Fr. Carter, our Founder, gave us in 1994 centered in Consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary praying for the priests, the Church and the world. Life is in Jesus.

    With love,

    Rita Robinson Ring and all at Shepherds of Christ


                R. Please help us – we have sent this
                    weekly homily book now to
                    all Cardinals, all Bishops in United States,
                    most of the priests in United States –
                    about 30,000, please help us
                    for this weekly Priestly Newsletter –

                Think of all the people we can
                    reach with this weekly
                    homily book.

                We pray for the Priests, the Church
                    and the world.

Novena al Espiritu Santo  English

Novena al Espiritu Santo  Español

Novena al Espiritu Santo  Français

Novena al Espiritu Santo  Português

Novena al Espiritu Santo  Italiano

Novena al Espiritu Santo  Polska


                R. Please pray the prayers –
                    Jesus gave Fr. Carter 22 years

July 31, 1994

Words of Jesus to Members of Shepherds of Christ Associates:

"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.

"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.

"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."

- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)




Give the gift that keeps giving.

Blue Book 1 & 2 – $4.00 each plus postage



Blue Books 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6A, B, C, 3 – 
$3.00 each plus postage


Blue Books 4 & 5 –$2.00 each plus postage

Blue Books 14 & 15 –$5.00 each plus postage


The more you use the Blue Books and
    become one with Jesus – more
    intimate with Jesus –
    the more your lives are a blessing and
    everything you do in life can help
    to bring down great grace for the world
    because of your being so
    one with Jesus.


Guiding Light Homily Book Series

Fr. Joe’s Books

Cycle A –
Steadfast to the Son

Cycle B –
Focusing on the Word

Cycle C

Feed My Soul

Cycle A
Inspired to be Genuine

4 for $20 plus postage of $5.95 


These books can be given to:

1) All Priests

       2) Good for Music Ministers
       3) Good for DRE's
       4) Good for Deacons
       5) Good for Principals of Schools
       6) Good for Teachers
       7) Good for Mom and Dads



                Given March 21, 2014

                R. Pray for These Things

                1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
                2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
                    Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
                4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
                    also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
                5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
                6) People going to Florida and China.
                7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
                8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
                9) Pray for pope helping us.
               10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
               11) Blue Book 16 and cover and all involved.
                    For our Publisher and all involved
               12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
               13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
               14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
               15) Donors and members and their families.
               16) Healing of the Family tree.
               17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
                    Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
               18) All who asked us to pray for them.
               19) All we promised to pray for.
               20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
                    Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
                    2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
                    Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple
, Rosie & all involved.
               21) 2 babies and moms.
               22) Funds and insurance.
               23) Jerry's garage.
               24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
               25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
               26) Consecrate all hearts.
               27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.



 The Wedding Rosary 

Crystal Image Rosary

$40 plus shipping


Original Image Rosary

8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box

$40 plus shipping



Give the gift that counts.

                Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.

Tell My People                    $5.00
Response to God's Love    $8.00
Response in Christ              $8.00



Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur 
$2.00 plus postage


New Mass Book with Imprimatur   
$8.00 plus postage


New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage


Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage

Give the gift that keeps on giving!

Give to your priest.

Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage


Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage



Shepherds of Christ Ministries  
P.O. Box 627  China, Indiana 47250

Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405  
FAX: (812) 273-3182

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Rights for non–commercial reproduction granted:
May be copied in its entirety, but neither re–typed nor edited.
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