Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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April 17, 2008
April 18th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 2 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for April 18th are Joyful.
14 Years Ago
April 17, 1994
Messages from Jesus
Video or DVD
Call Sheila
By Rita Ring
transcribed from a tape as it was delivered live
April 11, 2008
At the end of the afternoon
Song: Lord, When You Came
Mary says My beloved children, my Son Jesus cries out to the souls of this earth, who are lost and can not find their way. In this retreat He calls you to come with a heart that is open for prayer, to pray to my Spouse the Holy Spirit, to fill the earth with the fire of God's love, that you, yourselves will know, the burning heat of His love. For you indeed are so precious to Him, that God has called you to help to bring this great era of love to this earth, in which His Sacred Heart will Reign and my Immaculate Heart will Triumph. Pray to be holy, pray to be pure. Focus on God's love for you. How precious you are that my Son Jesus has called you to the Shepherds of Christ, that He died for you, and that He remains truly present with you here. I am Mary your Mother and I love you so very much. My children, listen to me. Help me do what I came at Fatima to do, that this great era of peace will come to your troubled world. Have faith, hope and love and dwell in my heart, and the Heart of my Son Jesus - the Hearts of pure and holy love. I am Mary your Mother. Thank you for responding to my request.
Song: Lord, When You Came
And Jesus says I love you, I love you, I love you. I love the precious souls of this earth so, I died for them. If you only knew a little of the love that God has for you, and yet so many in the world are so lost. Hear My voice. Be attentive to My call. Today there are many that will go to the fires of hell. And this mission that I have given to you, is so majorly important to the Church and the world. Sing to the Holy Spirit more and more, begging Him to renew the face of the earth. I am Jesus, the Savior of the world. Do not be afraid for I walk with you. I love you, My chosen ones.
Song: Lord, When You Came
Jesus: There is enough to go around, and yet, you are so worried for so many things. Do you not realize, that your heavenly Father has outpoured to you such tremendous gifts? But it is because you do not ponder the gifts that you are given, and come to Me, begging to know more deeply My love for you — that you are left wandering, searching, looking, but it is not to be found in those places. Come into My Sacred Heart, know I give you My most precious love on fire for love of you today. This is My retreat, in this church in China, the Eucharistic Center of the world, and I will outpour the most tremendous grace to you, My chosen ones for the mission that I have called you to. For many will know My love and give devotion to My Sacred Heart, and the Heart of My Mother's Immaculate Heart because of your prayers. Do not give in to the tauntings of satan to distract you. I have called you to help build My Kingdom. Rejoice and be glad. Come and give your heart to Me.
end of April 11, 2008
Pictures of Fr. Carter
Fall Leaves
Pictures from Rome
St. Ignatius' shoes
St. Ignatius' Stone
St. Ignatius' bust of head
St. Ignatius' writing table
St. Ignatius' Books
Hall with ceiling St. Ignatius visions of Mary - life
Pope John XXIII in Rome
The Vatican
The Vatican
The Vatican
The Vatican
The Vatican
The Vatican
The Vatican
The Vatican
The Vatican
The Vatican
Palm Sunday
The Vatican and fountain
The Vatican
The Vatican
April 17, 2008
God the Father is the Creator — we are the
creatures — in humility we must recognize
our creaturehood —
We were created in the image and likeness
of God —
Genesis 1: 27
God created man in the image of himself,
in the image of God he created him,
male and female he created them.
A fish needs water
We are to recognize man is to strive ever
more to be like God. God is love.
Man was created to love.
I went to church today and the priest said
we are (1) gathered
(2) instructed
(3) sent
First God gathered us as the Shepherds of
Christ — God the Father made it clear to
me January 5, 1995 when I heard Him speak
at the Holy Spirit Center before the main
altar —
He said "My plan will unfold despite the
disobedience of anyone here"
On January 5, 1999, it was so cold in Clearwater
and I was under the image and He said
January 5, 1999
God the Father speaks: It is because of your fervor to pray here that you have held back the hand of My Son from punishing the earth with just punishment for the crimes committed against your God.
In June, 2004 I was crying before the Blessed
Sacrament in a church on a hill in the
dark in West Virginia
crying because Mary's image head was
knocked off
I cried —
"Oh please put Mary's head back"
I heard loud clear and strong
"They knocked off Mary's image head"
Mary appeared to me every day for 14 months at
the old seminary
July 5, 1994 - September 5, 1995
The corner fell off the old seminary on
Lucia's birthday March 22, 1994
Shepherds of Christ would then be kicked out of the old seminary —
Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center —
invited back and kicked out 2 more times
Mary continued to appear to me every 5th after
September 5, 1995 — Fr. Carter told me to go to
Holy Cross-Immaculata —
Fr. Carter was here to obey the messages to
start the Priestly Newsletter
to buy the building in Clearwater
to have Felix do the crucifix
and to set up all the ministries and structure
of the Shepherds of Christ received in messages Jesus
gave me.
The set up was in yesterday's message —
Fr. Carter saw to it my messages were
followed and he told me to compile the
Apostles Manual.
Jesus told me to begin the 13ths October 13, 1996
and every month to do them — anyone seriously
a leader in the Shepherds of Christ was to be there and pray
as He directs or they couldn't be a leader —
Fr. Carter stood behind this and the Blue Books
Fr. Carter said they, the Blue Books, were as much his as mine —
Fr. Carter listened to the messages — discerned
the messages 4 times every day when the
daily message started July 8, 1998.
On Good Shepherd Sunday — the whole left of the
church — the front wall was illuminated and
Mary appeared more beautiful than I
ever saw her in China —
She said God the Father sent her to deliver
the message below transcribed from
a tape —
Jesus sent by God the Father called this
Movement to bring to completion —
Mary's message began at Fatima —
Fr. Carter founder of the Shepherds of Christ founded it
on a few messages from Jesus and Mary,
himself, and mostly my messages as
co-founder of the Shepherds of Christ Movement —
The message yesterday shows the (2) instruction
(1) Jesus gathered us — called each of us
(3) Now being sent — the Newsletter and Mary
has appeared to me
to deliver this message for God the Father —
transcribed from a tape
as she delivered it live.
April 13, 2008
Glorious Mysteries
The Resurrection
1. Mary: I stood beneath the cross of my Son and my heart was in such anguish for the little ones that would be lost forever. In the world as it is today, with the division, I must tell you my children, that there is the gnashing of teeth, those screaming in the fires of hell. God has given to you a great mission, that you would answer in helping to reach the Church, with the message that I delivered at Fatima, to consecrate your hearts to my heart and the Heart of my Son. In this lies the peace of the world, as the bishops and archbishops spread this devotion more and more in their dioceses, as the families give their hearts more and more to the Hearts, as the children learn to pray the rosary in their homes instead of listening to so many vile things on the television. I love my little children so much, and I watch the world and what is happening today.
My Son Jesus has given to you a great gift, in giving to you this Movement. God the Father allowed me to appear in rainbow color on the building in Clearwater, as a sign of the covenant that God made with His people. Today there is so much division, so many divorces. There are so many children that are being aborted. There is so much promiscuity. I call to you. I call to you to be attentive to the messages that God has delivered these 14 years, asking you to give your heart to my heart and the Heart of my Son, to say 'yes' on this Good Shepherd Sunday to the Good Shepherd, who calls you, to recognize that God has given to you these messages in this Movement to spread this devotion, to the Nursing Homes, to the school children, to the families, and most of all, to the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Yes my children, God has called you.
2. Mary: My Son Jesus came forth from the tomb, but so many today are tied in wraps of their own making, hearts that are like stone, for they search in the world, for what they think they need. The Creator created them, that they would seek Him, that they would find their happiness and their joy in Him. And yet they walk down the roads of darkness hurting others, crying for their wears, the children from home to homes - split, while the devil tries harder to divide marriages. Spread the consecration as I have asked you, as Jesus has asked you. Recognize the importance of this mission to the Catholic Church and to the souls of this earth. Pray for your priests. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill your hearts, with great love, that you do not give into the division, when satan comes and tempts, wants you to judge, wants you to hate others. It is only in hearts of love, hearts filled with the fire of God's love, in which the Holy Spirit moves more and more, in your lives, that you will be able to help to accomplish this mission that Jesus has given to you.
3. Mary: When the night comes, you see much darkness, but sometimes the moon is full and you say, "Oh - thank goodness, there was the light of the moon, for I could see." When the lightening flashes across the sky, you see only a glimpse and say, "Hey! God, why did you do that? I wanted to see and you showed me just a little, just when I started to see and it was gone." And Jesus says to you, that He is giving to you in this Movement great insight into His Divine Mysteries, but you could not comprehend the depth of the mysteries, unless you let go more and more of some of the foolishness of giving into the woundedness of your human natures. You must put aside the anger, the impurities, the jealousies, the envy. You must put aside that — the division, for it is that satan always wants you divided with someone. You know that you will struggle. You will struggle and struggle, but you must not be impure. You must not give into those impurities of anger and hatred.
You must see always before your eyes the Plan of the Father. See the children of this world today and how they are wounded. How many have been taken from home to home, because of divorces. Spread the consecration. Tell the people to pray the rosary. Spread the Blue Books that they will go to the Blessed Sacrament. The Power is in the Eucharist. I am Mary your Mother. I am talking to you today, that Jesus has called you to help to bring to completion the mission that I began at Fatima. Please listen to me. Respond with all your heart. As you give your lives in the Morning Offering and in prayer, and you believe — pray to God to increase your faith, that you will be worthy to answer His calling more and more. You are the apostles of His Sacred Heart. He has called you, the Good Shepherd — Come follow Me.
4. Mary: And the nights can be long and the days can be longer, and the nights can be long and the days can be longer. When you give into the division of satan, for in suffering much time is lost, and you block the Plan of the Father. Listen to me. Would you like to see a vision of hell, as I showed to the children of Fatima? Would it convince you then, that the words that I speak are real? After so many apparitions, after the building in Clearwater — what will it take for you to recognize, that you must be strong in your prayer life. You must be holy in your hearts. You must follow the call for which you are telling the world, that they should consecrate their hearts to my heart and the Heart of my Son, rather than through lip service say the words, but not really change in your ways of love. I am Mary your Mother. I come to you appearing with my Son in my arms, with the light that surrounds me, for this is a most important message. Hear me, hear me and help me do the work.
5. Mary: One little light in the darkness — one little light in the darkness — but you do not recognize the importance of your lives, and how God has called you, and how the Father has sent me today to this place to deliver this message. It is a serious message, for it is serious when one soul is lost. It is serious when there could be this great love and devotion to the Sacred Heart and to my heart, where there could be peace on the earth, where more and more men could be living according to the Father's will, where more and more could be obedient, respecting authority, and going to the Eucharist, being filled with the abundant grace that God outpours. This is a serious message in a world that is wayward and rebellious. I come to you as Mary your Mother to tell you how to be holy.
6. Mary: The children cried an utterly piercing cry as they went into many of the dark allies that they were led — by the hand of their parents? Why would parents not be caring for their children? Why would parents be so focused on themselves? How is it that parents could even kill a child within their womb? How is it that the world is the way that it is today, and yet Jesus gave to Fr. Carter a message, a message that there would be this era of peace, this era of love, that the Sacred Heart of Jesus would reign and that my Immaculate Heart would triumph. Oh you, so blind in your sight. What sign should Jesus send to the earth — in your troubled times, in your leaders that have become debased, what would you like - God to hide His face, so He did not take note of the sins of men?
Never my children, for my Son paid the price for the sins of the men today, for the children, that are being taught with the pornography and the ways of the world. I am Mary your Mother and I speak to you, as the spiritual Mother of this world. Turn to me and listen to my words. The gifts given to you - 14 years ago in the Shepherds of Christ Movement - are a treasure for this troubled world. Do not underestimate the power, when you do what Our Lord has told you, for He will magnify your efforts and transform the hearts of the people, but if you lay back motionless, nothing will happen.
R. She's like so beautiful. She is just - I've never seen her like this in here. She is beautiful.
7. Mary: Think of the devastation of World War II, the rise of secularism. Think of the bodies on the heaps because of the war. Why do you turn a deaf ear when Jesus speaks so clearly? Why do you give into the evil one with division in your own lives, when He has asked you to be a leader for unity? Why do you not read the Blue Books, and know that on every page, my Son speaks to you of oneness, to help to bring about this great era of peace and love?
R. Oh! She is so beautiful, so beautiful, covered with light.
8. Mary: God has given to man the Catholic Church, the commandment and the Word of God, that he would know the truth. God has given to you so many gifts. Thank your Heavenly Father. Thank Him for allowing me to appear here, in your church in China. Thank Him every day for the gifts you have received. This will please Him, and He will outpour abundant blessings to you, for striving so much.
Listen. Listen Do you hear the noise in the world? When you are overcome with the clamor of the noise, think of the beating of the Heart of Jesus, and then it stopped. I stood beneath the cross and I watched Him expire. He beat the last beat of His Heart for the souls of this earth. Can you not answer my call today? There are so many of my children that are going into hell. You have been given a great gift in giving your lives to Jesus, in giving your heart to me. You can help to spread the love of the Two Hearts, and many will know Our love and be changed.
9. Mary: Do you hear the bombs? Do you hear the division? Do you hear the screaming children? I know how my children are suffering in this world, and it is because of this that God the Father allowed me to appear here in such beauty, that your hearts may be moved, as never before, to be committed on this Good Shepherd Sunday, to the mission that God has called you to. In Fr. Carter's passing, he gave his life that this Movement would continue — to his last breath too, his thoughts were that it would continue as Jesus had told him.
Today, as Mary your Mother, on Good Shepherd Sunday, I tell you, my children, the Good Shepherd wants His Newsletter to reach the hierarchy every other month, centered in the consecration to my heart and the Heart of Jesus. You must pray for this. You must pray to God that He will lead you in the ways that you need to help — if it is in prayer or in any way. If it is to come more to the church in China, to make sure that you are here on the 13ths, to listen to the prayers on the internet and to pray united. This is a Movement of prayer and spiritual renewal.
R. She's is so beautiful. Oh!
10. Hail Mary
R. What do I say to you oh blessed lady — in your beauty and your splendor adorned in such light? What is it to know that you have come to visit us here in the church in China, to deliver a special message from God the Father, to strengthen us, and to help us to be more greatly united, and committed to our calling from Jesus. Oh Heavenly Mother, in all your beauty and splendor, we pray to your spouse the Holy Spirit, to fill us as never before, with all the grace needed to do this mission, for it lays heavy on my shoulders.
When there is division since I know the oneness so deeply, as I speak of, in the Mass Book, to be possessed by God: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to know that unity with the saints and angels in heaven, to know how tenderly God's Heart is, that He loves us so much, that He truly died for us, that He did shed His Blood, and gave the last beat of His Heart, that I heard Him tell me of His Passion and of His glory — that I have heard you speak of His Birth and Annunciation and yet when I speak my words fall on deaf ears, for satan presses in and minimizes the importance of this message.
And yet Heavenly Mother you appear in such splendor and beauty, that I can not even tell any one what it is like to see you. Oh Holy Spirit, help us all to be strengthened, to have the courage. Give us the faith that we need. Help ourselves to realize what an honor it was that God gave to us the building in Clearwater, and the Eucharist exposed here in this church in China. And I feel alone so many times, and there is such division for senseless, senseless reasons. Strengthen me, always to carry out the prayers as God has called me to do, in these days of retreat that are so important to Him so much, that God the Father has allowed you to appear here.
What is it we say that the men of this world do not recognize Mary's apparition at the Clearwater building, but why is it that we do not recognize this splendor of the apparitions that I have received in this very church in China. But never, never to the beauty to which you appear this day. Heavenly Mother take my petition to your Spouse the Holy Spirit, ask Him to give all that is necessary for us to do this work, for your Son Jesus and for God the Father.
Glory Be
The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven
1. Mary: A baby! Oh my children, the Divine Almighty God, the Son of God came into this world - a baby. How is it that you think of yourselves as so high and mighty. Look at the baby in my arms. Jesus the Son of God came a baby. I held Him. I touched His tender skin - a helpless little baby, the Divine Almighty God within my arms. And yet I watch the arrogance and the pride and the anger and the envy, the jealousy — and I want to say to you, that heaven has none of these, my children.
When you call yourselves holy — and I say life is so short, so short indeed. It is by your love that you will be judged, in living according to the Father's will, for all else is fruitless, if it is to promote vainglory or if you block the work the Father wishes. Great gifts have been given to you and great grace. It is in unity that you will be able to accomplish the work that God the Father has given to you, through His Son Jesus. It is in division that you tear down the bridge and cast it into the sea.
2. Mary: If I showed myself as I did to the world in Clearwater and to you too, would you believe more? Would your harmony be greater, if I would have stayed one more day in Clearwater? Would it have made a difference? Should I appear on the glass again? Or should the Father allow me, so that someone can throw a rock into my head? What would you wish, the God-head to do? God has given to you tremendous blessings, and you must show the gratitude that is forthcoming for what He has given to you.
And in that gratitude I will send, more and more, my love and ask the Holy Spirit to come into your hearts, that you will be filled more and more, with peace and joy and love, that you will be leaders in this great era of love that my Son has promised to Fr. Carter, your founder. Read the messages with a heart of faith. Read the messages with love, realize that I am Mary your Mother and I appear here, in the most magnificent beauty, on this 13th, that you will be attentive to my cry and the cry of my Son Jesus, Who loves you so very much. You were chosen by Him, by God the Father and by the Holy Spirit.
3. R. When rain comes, some say, "Oh-h it's raining." Others say, "Oh it's raining, it'll water the flowers!" What do you say when blessings like these have been given to you? Do you say thanks to God? Help me to serve You more. Help me to live the Blue Book messages. Help me to ask you - why Mary did God the Father allow you to appear so long in Clearwater? Why do you appear now? What is it that I can do for such a great gift given to us here?
4. R. Mary would appear at the Holy Spirit Center, every day in 1994 and 1995, in such magnificent light sometimes, I could hardly get up from the chair, knowing her presence, and that deep intimacy that I had with the experience. And as we prayed the rosary together, and They gave me messages, my children would leave and Fr. Carter would say pretty much what's the prayers in the Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual — the first Shepherds of Christ prayer chapter was there. The children left and Fr. Carter and I were before the Blessed Mother, who appeared as we prayed the Litany to Mary, the Litany to the Sacred Heart and we had a picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe right before us at the bottom of the statue. I did not know then in the summer of 1994, that Mary soon, would appear as Our Lady of Clearwater, very close to that image.
In all of our lives, God has been forming us to say yes to this mission. In the struggles that we had, and all the different occurrences, to lead us to say yes, to lead us to be strong believers, to lead us to have the grace to carry on - keeping on, through the rejection that is so common for prophets. And in this when only three would come to a rosary after Our Lady appeared for 2 hours at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in 1995. And we had probably circulated a half million newsletters by then, maybe not even that many. There were 5,500,000 at least more, because I didn't count on what the people were doing, but I knew what Mary was doing.
She is just so beautiful. After all these years of blessings, let us be united more than ever before, in prayer to help to accomplish what God is asking us to, to have greater faith and to pray for that, and ask for the Holy Spirit, to be with us in all of our actions, guiding us, to do the will of God in love, as a strong unit accomplishing this mission. Now it's like the whole, like wall there, is just awesome!
5. Hail Mary
6. Hail Mary
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and Mary
1. Hail Mary
2. Hail Mary
3. Hail Mary
4. Hail Mary
5. Hail Mary
6. Hail Mary
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
The Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven
1. Hail Mary
2. Hail Mary
3. Hail Mary
4. Hail Mary
5. Hail Mary
6. Hail Mary
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
Mary is Crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth
1. Hail Mary
2. Hail Mary
3. Hail Mary
4. Hail Mary
5. Hail Mary
6. Hail Mary
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
Hail Holy Queen
end of 4/13/2008 rosary
These messages must be studied.
I felt the presence of God the Father —
The mural Jesus referred to long ago as the
Father's thumbprint.
(2) God instructs
(3) God sends
The Apostles slept in the garden
Jesus sweat Blood — they slept
Many Apostles were not under the cross when
Jesus died — where were they
John 13: 16-20
‘In all truth I tell you,
no servant is greater than his master,
no messenger is greater
than the one who sent him.‘Now that you know this, blessed are you if you behave accordingly. I am not speaking about all of you: I know the ones I have chosen; but what scripture says must be fulfilled:
‘He who shares my table
takes advantage of me.
I tell you this now, before it happens,
so that when it does happen
you may believe that I am He.
In all truth I tell you,
whoever welcomes the one I send,
welcomes me,
and whoever welcomes me,
welcomes the one who sent me.’
At church today the priest said
"When Ghandi was younger he
said he wanted to prove he was right,
When he got older he wanted to be
AWAKE — not prove he was right"
The Apostles slept
Many Apostles were not under the cross
Judas betrayed Jesus
Did Mary appear to me
14 years
appear 7 1/2 years in Clearwater and
then at the height of the Movement
after God the Father
(1) gathered
(2) instructed 14 years
(3) no sending???
no Mary???
Jesus speaks
You stiff-necked people
How slow you are to recognize God
in your midst —
Your world is bleeding
Your Church suffering
June 26, 1995
The Pain - Naples, FloridaR: He spread His arms, He gave His all, Jesus, the Son of God, the greatest sacrifice, He gave Himself entirely for the good of all men. He opened His arms, He died on the cross.
His arms were covered with blood, His arms so weak and filled with pain, wounded. His arms, the pain shot up His arms and the final blow to each arm a nail through each precious hand.
All the agony He experienced, all the pain, and the crown, to each arm, a nail hammered into the hand.
All the nerves cut and severed by the nail, the pain shooting up His precious arms, the final blow given to His most precious members.
The legs that carried Him, that carried the heavy cross, the legs that were forced and cajoled, that continues to Calvary - the legs weakened, skinned, bleeding, beaten, burned, the legs that knew patience and perseverance, the legs connected to a sore foot that was rubbed and gashed and bleeding, the members of Jesus, filled with such pain and exhaustion, now is crowned with the final glory. The nail that was driven into the foot, the pain shot up this already weakened leg, covered with blood and wounds and pain, the final blow, the nerves severed by the hammered nail.
A blow to each hand, a blow to each foot, a blow to the head, a stamping that pressed down and continued in excruciating pain.
Jesus: They numbered all My bones. They gave Me vinegar and gall to drink. They gave Me a cloth to wipe My blood-covered flesh.
What did they give to Me? Love is giving, My dear ones. How many of you are wounded when you are not given things by your brothers you love?
My members were in such pain, the pain shot up My arms. My legs were so weak I could scarce move them. I was filled with pain within them.
To all who watched, they saw a man, weakened and covered with blood and wounds. They did not see the pain inside that shot up My legs and arms, the nerves inside My body that sent signals of deep pain to My central nervous system. They did not see the nerves inside sending pain signals everywhere.
The final blow being to each hand and foot, the severing of My nerves by the blunt and rusted nails.
An arm extended. A final blow. I beheld a nail pounded into My hand and the pain shot up My arms, unbearable to a human mind.
Do you know of the pain within My body? Signals sending messages of deep pain everywhere. I knew all of these sufferings in the garden. So great were the sufferings to My mind, I sweat blood.
My flesh was covered with wounds. My arms were stretched from their sockets. My body was beaten and bleeding, every inch of My body covered with deep wounds. But, My loved ones, you miss the depth of My love. My wounds were so deep, but the final wound, the pounding of the nails in My hands and feet, a severing of the nerves, an ending of the deepest pain, to experience even deeper pain, beyond your human comprehension, it was done to the Almighty God, a Divine Person, I suffered the final blow to each member.
The pounding in the hands and feet, the crown to each member, and they numbered all My bones. My nerves a network of pain running throughout My entire body.
The pain within the body, the pain recorded in My loving head, the pain sent by a network of nerves in My body, now records the final blows, the nails in the hands and feet, the pain being recorded from every thorn that pierced My skull, every gash to My body, the pain, the pain, the pain - a network of signals and pain, running through My body and the final hour, the pains recorded on the cross, arms outstretched - a surrendering to all pain. I surrendered to a body laden with pain.
You focus on your little problems, your little aches and pains. You discuss them and show the world your pin pricks and sufferings.
Do you want to know holiness and love? They gave Me vinegar mixed with gall. This was their offering. They gave Me a cross. They crowned My head with a crown of thorns.
This, My dear ones, is suffering, My beloved souls, I gave My life for and this is their return.
A severing of My nerves, the final blows to all the aches and pains recorded in My nervous system. This was one of the final blows - the rusted nails pounded into My hands.
You will feel little aches and pains in your hands and feet to remind you of this message. Your understanding of the immense pain within will deepen. What was visible to the eye on My battered body was nothing compared to the pains within. I gave My all. I gave My insides, My mind, My Heart, wounded for the love of men.
All functions in the body were stopped.
The final curtain, blood and water pouring out from My Heart, show that all functions of the body had ended.
R: All signals that carried messages of immense pain had ended, the final act of surrender for God to die to this human body and surrender His flesh.
Jesus: And end, a beginning, the water and blood flowed from My Heart, the beginning of My life in the Church, life flowing into your spirit.
R: Come give me life, abundant life. I thirst to be with Thee.
Jesus: My blood was spent. My human flesh and blood offered as the sacrifice, the sacrifice of Calvary is now made present at every Mass.
An end, a beginning, and the grace and life flow through the sacraments in the Church. My life flows to you in the Mass. Mary, the Mediatrix of all grace, stands by the side of the altar and the grace flows from the Father, through My body offered up as a sacrifice in the Holy Spirit, given through the Mothership of Mary to you in the Church.
You stand under the cross with My Mother and you receive the gift given, My Body, My Blood.
R: Man is reconciled with the Father through the Divine Person, Jesus Christ, and you receive His life poured out to you as Calvary is made present in the unbloody sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Do you feel the graces poured out to you at this sacrifice of the Son of God at every Mass? Do you feel the presence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and Mary, all the angels and saints, and the souls in purgatory? Do you feel united as one at the sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present upon the altar through the priest? The priest who now puts on Christ and through Him the dispenser of this life given to man.
Jesus: Oh, My beloved ones, love so dearly your priest. Give him such reverence. He is the chosen instrument of God and you treat him with such ordinariness. You are so blind and so dumb in your ways.
And they numbered all My bones. Each nerve carrying a message of My love of mankind, each member in My Church carrying a special message, all united as one working in harmony according to the Father's will, each carrying a message of love to one another.
The body is many members, you are the messengers of My love. Christ is the head. The message does not flow as it should when some are cut off from the Head.
They nailed My hands and feet and My nerves were severed by the nails, such pain, undescribable in words, the severing of My nerves from the body, the severing of many members from the body of Christ.
My Body given for all on the cross, the network of nerves within carrying the messages of My love to all mankind. My body covered on the outside with blood and wounded, the pain recorded within.
Your Church, covered with blood on the outside, the slaughter of innocent babies, the homosexuality, the sins of the flesh, the members that have severed themselves from the source by their sins, but the pain is carried in the nerves inside. The blood of the Lamb shed for each and every soul, the real pain carried within. The life is weakened in your Church because the love of God is so weak in many members. The messages of love are not being transmitted as they should be. Your body shows the wounds, but your pain within is the root of the problems. The pain is from the messages of love that are not being transmitted.
Unless you seek to fill your priests and sisters with the fire of God's love, fill their hearts with burning love for God, your Church will continue to show the marks of the blood shed without. I give to you these letters as a mighty medicine for this world, directed to make men's hearts burn with love of God and love of one another. The rosaries are meditations and messages given from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
These messages will make men's hearts burn with fire for love of God.
You have ignored the importance of these letters.
I send to you the mighty medicine to heal a hurting world.
My priests and religious need these messages. The love of God will be transmitted to the Church from these messages when you circulate these letters.
The devil has blocked the minds of men involved in these messages because of their importance to the world and the Church.
I am speaking to you Fr. Carter to help to get these messages published and circulated as soon as possible. I give to you a mighty medicine for a sick world.
Read St. Thomas Aquinas about the medicine for the sick Church.
You know what these messages have done for you. I am Jesus. I give to you the mighty medicine for a sick world, for a sick Church, rosaries and letters from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Your Church shows the wounds of bloodshed, abortion, homosexuality, sins of the flesh, murder of little children's minds with sex education in Catholic schools and you hold back the gifts of God's love I am giving to the Church and this world.
My arms were weak and wounded but the final blow as the nail put in My hand. It severed the nerves.
The final blow is the bloodshed in the Church, the slaughtering of children's minds in Catholic schools. My children are pure and innocent. They are not being taught messages of God's love, they are being taught messages of sick sex and coldness.
Men's hearts have turned cold. They have been severed from the life of the body. The body is decaying from within. Only with the love of God enkindled in men's hearts will this bloodshed stop.
I beg you to publish and circulate these messages in the Church. I am Jesus. I am giving you the mighty medicine for the world. Your body wears the marks of the bloodshed, only with messages of My on-fire love will it stop.
Mary leads you to Jesus. Never is she the end. The Father has a plan. Mary's messages have led men and will lead men to Jesus. Satan has tried to stop all efforts to publish and circulate these messages. I am the Almighty God. The funds will come when you circulate and publish these messages and rosaries under the Shepherds of Christ Publishing. I am working with Fr. Carter and Rita as messenger to renew the Church and the world. Each messenger has a very vital role in the Father's plan. The significance of these messages are being overlooked. You are not studying the messages as a whole and their content. There are five unpublished Blue Books and more than four Rosary Books which I and My Mother have given to this world in the last 14 months. I have also given 15 songs of My love. I am begging you to see to the recording and publishing of this music. I beg you to listen. This is the mighty medicine for the Church and the world to draw men to the burning love of Jesus. Please harken to My call. I will send you the money. You must study and read these messages. This is a fulfillment of Fatima - these messages were given to bring priests to the burning love of Jesus. I am Jesus, your beloved Savior.
End of June 26, 1995 message
R. Most of Lent I couldn't breathe — I thought I
would die —
I was sick until Easter
On Good Friday I had severe pains in my hands
where His nails were and I have the
pain now as I write messages and my
right arm hurts and shoulder
15 years ago
August 23, 1993
On His Passion
Jesus speaks: My dear child, I was condemned to death, death on a cross. They gave Me a big cross and made Me carry it. They stood around and glared at Me. It weighed on My shoulder and I pulled at it until it finally moved. Every step was almost impossible as I dragged it, weighing so heavily on My shoulders.
My shoulder felt as if the bones inside would crack and the cross would fall through to the ground. I couldn’t drag it any more. I tried, I fell. I fell and its weight fell on Me. A guard hit Me with something sharp. It really hurt because he wanted Me to move, and fast! People were watching—on with the show! How dare I fall in the middle of the show! He hit Me again and the blow really stung Me. I got up because it hurt so badly. I tried to walk on.
My Mother was in the crowd. She looked at Me and her face looked red and hurt. Tears rolled down her cheeks like rain and as her eyes met Mine, I was hurt so by her sorrow! She was always by My side, silent and loving. She was My mother of love! She is always there next to you when you suffer.
I fell again and he (the guard) really hit Me. It (the cross) was so heavy that he and I together could barely move it. It seemed as I walked, heavier with the sins of the world heaped on it. My hands were bleeding. Blood ran from the wounds of My thorns and My head throbbed, seeming to make the wounds in My head bleed even more. Some of the Blood was dried, some of it running all over My Body. I had so many cuts and bruises—and people watched and laughed!
I am Jesus, Son of the Living God, and they laughed and mimicked Me! Oh, such hardened hearts! How vile can men’s heart become? The devil’s grip is paralyzing and crippling.
The walk was so long up a hill and over rocks—the cross had to be lifted over the rocks. My Body was bleeding so badly! My heart was pounding. I knew that the salvation of all men depended on My love. Therefore, I went through such agony.
I thought of My intense love for you—that many would go to heaven because of My suffering—and I continued to the top of the hill. At the top they laid Me on the cross and with a big hammer nailed My hands to it. It was the worst (suffering) yet. My hands were nailed with big nails and the big hammer. Oh, it was unbelievable! Then, as if that weren’t enough, with a big nail they nailed through both feet.
Then they lifted the cross and banged it into (a hole in) the ground. My shoulders ached from how I hung. My head bobbed and My neck ached and they laughed and said, "Now save Yourself." I hurt so much! I suffered this way for hours—which seemed like forever—and they glared at Me and laughed! My Mother watched in such agony.
For love of you, to My death I gave you My Body. My child, I shed My Blood and gave you My life that you might be with Me forever in heaven -- not for a day, a month or a year, but forever with Me in heaven.
I am the true Bread come down from heaven. He who eats My Flesh will have life forever. For the drink I give you is My Blood and food you eat is My Body. Who would lay down his life for a friend? I did, for you. I love you this much, child. Forget about those who reject you. You have My life that I gave you and I give you life eternal.
I am the One true God. I am the Light of life. He who abides in Me will have life eternal, for the drink I give is My Blood and the food I give is My Body. Drink and eat and have everlasting life.
My child, that is all you need to know. Love one another and be good that you may enter into My kingdom.
end of August 23, 1993
R. I have since had pains in my feet where the
nails were
God has given us these messages for 14 years and
the whole Church was gifted with the
left altar all lit up as Mary appeared
April 13, 2008 —
Good Shepherd Sunday
(1) Gathered
(2) Instructed
(3) Sent
How slow you are to recognize Me —
My message locked in boxes while you
fight My messenger
My Mother will continue to appear and the
message she delivers is not from
Me, but the One Who sent Me —
God the Father —
When God the Father gave these messages
January 11,
1997 click
January 18,
1997 click
How did you listen —
Because Fr. Carter was alive?
My only messengers for the Shepherds of Christ are Fr. Carter
and Rita Ring —
Study the message Mary gave on Good Shepherd Sunday
Hear My voice — I am the Good Shepherd
burns with fury —
(1) Gather
(2) Instruct
(3) Sent
God the Father:
I sent Mary to deliver My message to you
and the world —
Ignore Me no longer —
I relented when you knocked off the
image head in Clearwater —
My love for My people, My priest, My Church
burns with fury —
Do not be asleep
But awake —
Study My words —
You ignored My Son |
You ignored Mary |
![]() |
Now you will ignore Me
(1) Gather
(2) Instruct
(3) Sent
God the Father:
You deal with Me
John 13: 16-20
‘In all truth I tell you,
no servant is greater than his master,
no messenger is greater
than the one who sent him.‘Now that you know this, blessed are you if you behave accordingly. I am not speaking about all of you: I know the ones I have chosen; but what scripture says must be fulfilled:
‘He who shares my table
takes advantage of me.
I tell you this now, before it happens,
so that when it does happen
you may believe that I am He.
In all truth I tell you,
whoever welcomes the one I send,
welcomes me,
and whoever welcomes me,
welcomes the one who sent me.’
Ghandi — I wanted to be right!!
Now I live to be AWAKE
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