Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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April 18, 2008
April 19th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 3 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for April 19th are Sorrowful.
The magnificence of the earth, the Grand
Canyon, the fish of the sea, the earth with many bodies of water.
God gives to us the magnificence of His creation for
us to live with these gifts and to learn to love and
to recognize how uniquely special we are to Him.
We see the blue sky so very beautiful, we experience the
beauty of the ocean, hear its waves, we experience
a new spring with it's beautiful pink and white
flowers and the woodlands with little creatures
and the green splendor of fields, trees, hearing
a symphony of birds, sun peeking through tall
trees as we listen.We see red rocks, blue waters, waves so high,
rivers so beautiful, falls from so high,
mountain peaks. All the animals, bugs, that
inhabit the earth — We see life surrounding us
in God's animals and splendor of the growth of
the earth.I knew when Mary appeared on Sunday, the
message I received was one from Our Heavenly Father
through Mary the messenger He sent. I felt this
connection deeply in Clearwater — that the Clearwater
image was a gift from Our Heavenly Father.We do not comprehend how Our Heavenly Father
loves us and wants His creatures in heaven with
Him for all eternity — I know from Mary's visits to
me that the message was sent to this earth from
Our Heavenly Father out of great love that we
would be able to help souls go to heaven.In receiving the Blue Book writings I knew God's
love for me more and more and His love for all His creatures.
God wants us to want to know Him as a lover seeking
knowledge of the one loved, seeking relationship —
wanting to spend time together in just being
united.In the world of divorce and division I see how
satan has tried to lead man away from the
Plan of the Father through impurities, such as
anger, betrayal, selfishness. I think it is
important to note how Judas betrayed Jesus — so
we could know Jesus was betrayed by Judas who
gave Him away for 30 pieces of silver and it led
to Christ's crucifixion. I think it is worthy to note
Thomas who lacked faith and how Christ addressed
this and told us about the importance of faith —
John 20: 27-29
Then he spoke to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here; look, here are my hands. Give me your hand; put it into my side. Do not be unbelieving any more but believe.’ Thomas replied, ‘My Lord and my God!’ Jesus said to him:
You believe because you can see me.
Blessed are those who have not seen
and yet believe.
Jesus says — if I want work done and satan
blocks all communication, then works through
untruths tempting another to give into pride,
control, possessiveness, jealousy, envy,
punishing others — then satan has pretty much
succeeded in a willing soul to block God's
work.R. I must focus on the unity of the Trinity —
3 Persons — one God — the unity of my ecstasies,
unity through communion with God at Mass —
unity in this very commandment.
Matthew 22: 36-40
'Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?' Jesus said to him, 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets too.'
When one sees others as detriments to our lives,
not wanting social ties — the devil can work
in this isolation to see others in an unloving
manner, rather than seeing them as Jesus did when
He died for His precious souls.Every person was created by God,
Every person uniquely created by God,
Every person precious to God —
So much so Jesus died for them —This is God's world —
God created us and the world
God is all good.
God wants good for us.
God wants good for His creatures.To study a creature is to marvel at God's
magnificent design — His stupendous creation.One only has to gaze upon the small children, one,
two, three, four, five years old and
marvel at the creation of that precious child
by God.If we really saw ourselves as so precious in God's
eyes and our fellows we work with, live
with, we would be more loving to each other.God created every child so precious.
Song: Little Child
We wonder when we see a picture, a design of
someone who made a car, a computer, but look at
the magnificence of a one year old child — toddling
about — playing hide and seek or the three year old
so independent to play games and carry on such
a conversation —God wants us to carry on our conversations in
love — to communicate — God has given us tongues,
hearts, minds — when a person holds back
conversation to hurt another or block work we
must think —How can two people called by God for a holy purpose
say this is God's will to carry an important mission
and one because of control hold out conversation
which is necessary to implement the mission.Conversation is a gift from God —
Using our God given talents in anger and pride
to punish another is to use His talents
not as God intended —
How do we dare use our gifts from God for
evil purposes to hurt His work and
harm others, harm God's mission.
God did not make me deaf — my speech —
the ability to communicate is a gift God
gives me —My talents are a gift from God
how can I be prideful about gifts given to
me from God to do His work — to divide with
my brother and possibly try to hurt or
punish my brother.If I see myself as Mary's little child whether
6 or 60 I see myself, humbly as
the daughter, the little one —
I should see myself always dependent
on the Father, serving Him for His
purpose —
in the arms of Mary —Sunday Jesus appeared as a baby in the
arms of Mary —
If Jesus appears as a baby — a child
in Mary's arms —
Why are we so high and mighty —
angry with our brothers —
knowing we were created in the
image and likeness of God, but not even recognize
anger in church before the exposed Eucharist —I could never understand how people could
get angry at the Clearwater siteSome were silent in awe because Mary's image appeared
While some, focused on self, unmet needs,
anger — did not relish the gift given —One even knocked off Mary's image head
This deprived all that came after them the
gift of the image.A person who is full of anger can be blind to
seeing many things
There are no impurities in heaven
Heaven is full of love.Are our eyes really open — do we see
how magnificent God is? He made us —
He created the world — God gives to us these
gifts — God is the giver — we receive — why are we
so abusive of His gifts to hurt others — not think
God for all He has given us — Why do we not see it
was give to us to serve Him.God created everything from nothing —
To see Our Lady of Clearwater's image could
have been received with awe —
love for the gift —To see a beautiful baby we should be in
awe — parents as co-creators —
but people become selfish — anger —
envious, punishing of others —Some even are so selfish they rationalize
it is okay to kill an embryo for
their own agendaMan can look into the eyes of a new little child
and be angry, jealous, cold —From the heavens —
God sent His love —
Jesus conceived in the womb of a woman —
The Incarnation goes on in us —
God created us in the image and likeness
of God —
God is love —
We are to be loving
We are to be good
We are to be generous, not selfish
Our lives are a gift from GodGod is the ultimate mystery
The wise man seeks to know the mystery
of God —The proud man may think he knows
everything —
He may want to be equal to God
like Adam and EveThe proud man — may want no one
really over him —
The proud man does
not live in the truth —
He is the creature
God is the Creator
God has the PlanIn the beginning God created the
heaven and the earth —
Genesis 1: 1-5
In the beginning God created heaven and earth. Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness over the deep, with a divine wind sweeping over the waters.
God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. God saw that light was good, and God divided light from darkness. God called light ‘day’, and darkness he called ‘night’. Evening came and morning came: the first day.
God loves us —
God does not need to bend men's
stubborn mindsGod is first
God is omnipotent
We are dependent on God
Jesus came to teach us about love.
Jesus taught us how much God
loves us.
Jesus told us how much we are
to love God — with our
whole being —
From The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius,
Man is created to praise, reverence and serve God
our Lord, and by this means to save his soul.
Jesus taught us how God wants to love
us and to love one another
Jesus came to teach us to love —
to the extent we understand this we
will understand Christianity.
1 Corinthians 13: 13
As it is, these remain: faith, hope, and love, the three of them; and the greatest of them is love.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell in
the graced baptized soul in a
special way. God knows us, our
every thought — we are so foolish
to think we could hide something
from God.
God has revealed to me in knowing
His love, deeper insight into knowing
God as one and knowing and loving the
Divine Persons, the Father, the Son and
the Holy Spirit.
God wants unity in families,
communities, Churches — to love
Christ deeply, is to help me in
my love of Father and Holy Spirit.
The devil will work in jealousy,
envy, possessiveness, pride to
divide families, communities,
parishes — how it offends God
when He gives us each other and we
are uniquely created for His holy
purpose and we block His Plan
because of selfishness — seeking
dominance for dominance sake —
hurting others, punishing them,
being unloving to others when
God created us to be good and
love and serve Him with our whole
heart, our whole being, our
whole soul.
God is all good —
God is kind
How is it we can punish others with
our tongue, hearts filled with hatred —
God gives us our lives —
God is in control.
But God gives us a
free will —
God is unchangeable
God is.
God is so attentive to our every
need —
God knows our hearts
God wants us to love Him —
have relationship with Him —
love and help each other —
People filled with pride, jealousy,
anger against another — are not
acting like Jesus
We are called to love God and Neighbor
Love is unity
Love can change our lives
The Church is the bride of Christ
Jesus loves His bride
We are to love the Church
We must love if we are to be
united as God intends
Love is in the person
They know God's presence in
them, they act lovingly.
Personal Relationship with
God is the goal of the Blue Book and
love with each other.
In loving someone we wish good for them.
Selfishness for our vain glory is
not love —
Matthew 6: 24
‘No one can be the slave of two masters: he will either hate the first and love the second, or be attached to the first and despise the second. You cannot be the slave both of God and of money.
1 John 3: 18
our love must be not just words
or mere talk,
but something active and genuine.
We realize God loves us
We accept ourselves as loving
We operate from a place
empowered by God's love
Love is a virtue
We must develop habits of
When we sin — we voluntary
act —
Sin is not in order
Sin is against God's will —
We choose sin —
It is an act of our will —
Man's reason and appetite
influence his actions —
The devil doesn't make
anyone sin —
they give in!!
A sin is an act of a man's will.
What has happened to our
spontaneity — our ability
to love
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