Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages |
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April 19, 2004
April 20th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 1 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for April 20th are Luminous.
Rosary makers - we need your help please!
We have school orders that need to be filled
and lack rosaries to fill them.
We need 13,000 rosaries
to fill the orders we have now.
Schools want the rosaries.
Please if you could send in
your rosaries for the schools
as soon as possible.
We have kits available for making rosaries.
APRIL 20, 2004 11:00 and after
A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb
the Bridegroom of the soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
Schedule for April
20, 2004
4:00 a.m. - Mass4:37 a.m. - Morning Offering & prayers
4:49 a.m. - Tell My People read by Father Carter
6:20 a.m. - 6:20 prayers led by Father Carter
Holy Spirit Novena
Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual
Rosary7:24 a.m. - Live Rosary October 13, 1996
8:46 a.m. - Soothing Mary Songs
9:14 a.m. - Spirituality of Fatima
9:57 a.m. - Nursing Home #8
10:33 a.m. - Children's Glorious Rosary
July 15, 199511:27 a.m. - Songs from Jesus
12:19 p.m. - Newsletter 1999 Issue #2
(His Body, the Church)1:50 p.m. - Mary's Message
1:56 p.m. - Glorious Rosary April 16, 1995
2:40 p.m. - Choose Life
3:42 p.m. - Songs from Jesus
4:00 p.m. - Mass
4:37 p.m. - Children praying the
Shepherds of Christ prayers4:56 p.m. - Spanish Songs from Jesus
5:32 p.m. - Nursing Home video from
the feast of the Epiphany January 5, 20036:04 p.m. - Songs from Jesus
6:20 p.m. - 6:20 prayers led by Father Carter
Holy Spirit Novena
Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual7:24 p.m. - Glorious Rosary Aves
7:57 p.m. - Mary, Peace, the Two Hearts Songs
9:17 p.m. - Special messages given from Jesus
to Father Carter & Songs from Jesus10:31 p.m. - Piano songs
11:23 p.m. - Rosary of Light from November 14, 2002
11:56 p.m. - A talk given about Shepherds of Christ
1:15 a.m. - Mass celebrated by Father Carter
on July 5, 20002:05 a.m. - Mary's Message and a talk given
by Father Carter on February 13, 19973:00 a.m. - Sorrowful Rosary Aves
3:32 a.m. - Songs
4:00 a.m. - Mass
April 19, 2004
We will try putting the new message each
day in blue.
April 19, 2004
Messenger: Dear Jesus,
Teach us to be holy. Dear Jesus we give ourselves to
you. Dear Jesus thank you for the retreat in China.
I feel so much closer to Him from the retreat, it
was so wonderful. Being with Jesus all those days
when He was exposed in the Eucharist. Singing
and praying for healing in ourselves and the world.
Praying to let go of inordinate attachments.
Praying to see our faults and to act more purely.
Praying to model our lives after Jesus and Mary.
Praying to have pure intentions for our actions.
Jesus speaks:
You should pray for purity in
your actions. Focus your life on doing all
things for the honor and glory of God.
Live to promote My Kingdom.
Live to love and do God's will.
From these retreats, I know God is opening
up a new realm of greater purity
for those in the Movement.
Next month is the 87th anniversary of Mary's
appearance at Fatima.
The retreat will probably begin May 11 at night and
extend until May 15. The official retreat begins
May 12.
It is important all come who can pray
and celebrate on May 13, 2004 the 87th
anniversary of Mary's apparition at Fatima.
These days of retreat stay with us long after
the retreat has ended.
I am living the principles in St. Ignatius
Spiritual Exercises. My life is being lived to grow
in greater purity, like Mary.
How would Mary and Jesus act? In our
meditation for 4 days on each set of mysteries
of the rosary, we read the scripture and
sing and think about the Mysteries of the
One set of Mysteries each day. So much to
meditate on.
The incarnation goes on in us. Jesus is the
New Adam, Mary is the New Eve. We model our
lives after Jesus and Mary. Jesus is our King. Jesus
is God. Jesus remains with us truly present today
in the Eucharist.
I feel so close to Jesus from being in China all
those days before the exposed Eucharist. What a gift.
So much grace poured out to us.
Jesus wants us to see the Passion Movie. The
Passion Movie is so much like the Stations Jesus
gave me.
I cannot wait to go to another retreat in China.
All retreats are broadcast on the internet. These
retreats have changed our Movement and our
lives. We broadcast the retreats live from Florida.
The retreat, the Masses in China, the blessing
on the 13th give us special gifts and graces.
This 13th will be a special celebration for this
87th anniversary of Our Lady's appearance at
April 19, 2004 message continues
Today is my first mom's birthday. She died when
I was five, but I know she is in heaven and
I can be close to her.
When she died, I was five and I learned deeply
about life after death at an early age.
We take so much for granted, the gifts God
gives us our moms and
dads, the green grass,
the blue skies
April 19, 2004 message continues
We are trying really hard to get the rosaries to
the schools and the rosary aves and consecration
We are really pleasing our Lady in doing
this. When she appeared to me daily July 5, 1994 to
September 5, 1995, Mary begged, begged to reach the
school children.
It is sad to have a school ask us for rosary
beads in May for May crowning and we have to
turn them down because of no rosaries. We
need 13,000 more. We already made and sent out
so many. We have plenty of kits if you can
make the rosaries and send them to us. Call
Doris in Morrow. She can send you the kits.
We need them now more than ever.
Give Mary a Mother's Day Present for May.
She wants the rosaries, rosary aves and
consecration cards to reach the school
We had lots of Rosary Ave sheets and consecration
cards printed
These Meditations have the Imprimatur
The Annunciation
- The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and asked her to be the mother of the Messiah.
- She said yes. Mary had such faith! She always complied with the Father's will.
- She was filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
- There was such a bond between Jesus and Mary from the very moment of conception!
- She felt His life grow within her womb. His Most Sacred Heart was formed in her womb through the Holy Spirit.
- Jesus wants to be alive in our hearts. We should carry His life with great joy in our being.
- The Spirit wants to be alive in our very being with the fire of His love.
- We are children of God. Mary mothers us as she mothered Jesus.
- It is through Mary that we are led to intense love in His most precious Heart.
- It is truly the love of these Two Hearts that will lead us to union with God.
The Visitation
- Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth.
- When she arrived, the child in Elizabeth's womb leapt for joy at the presence of Mary with Jesus in her womb.
- Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out, with a loud voice, the Magnificat.
- "My soul doth magnify the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior."
- "Because He has regarded the lowliness of His handmaid, from all generations they will call me blessed."
- God Who is mighty has done great things to us in His name.
- Jesus is no less present in our hearts after Communion than He was in Mary's womb.
- Should we not jump up and cry out that we truly receive the one, true God in our hearts?
- Are we open to the Holy Spirit to fill us with the love of the one, true God and Mary in our hearts?
- It is through her pure and tender Heart that we will love God more closely.
The Birth of Jesus
- Joseph was filled with joy to see the splendor of the night, but with sorrow to see Jesus born in such poverty.
- Not a place for Jesus to lay His head--in a manger at birth, His head on a cross at His death--both bare wood.
- He showed us the way, in total submission to the will of the Father. He loved us so much that He was born a human, God-made-man.
- What the birth of this baby, the child Jesus, did to change the world for all time!
- This is Jesus, the Son of God, come to free the world of its sins.
- He came as a little baby. He was born of Mary in the little town of Bethlehem.
- This is how it is with Jesus today: there is no blare of trumpets, no roll of drums. Jesus comes quietly at every Mass.
- The only blare of trumpets and roll of drums are in our hearts.
- If you are not aware of Christ truly present in the Eucharist, you miss the big event.
- Jesus, the same Jesus who was born in Bethlehem, comes to us in our hearts.
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
- Mary took Jesus to the temple to be presented to the Father.
- Simeon told Mary of the future sufferings of Jesus and Mary.
- Joseph, in his sorrow at hearing of the sufferings, was comforted by the joy that so many souls would be redeemed.
- They returned to Galilee to the town of Nazareth and Jesus grew in wisdom and strength.
- Mary, with such love, beheld her precious Son!
- She gazed into His precious baby eyes.
- Simeon predicted that her heart would be pierced with a sword.
- Her heart would be pierced with a sword for, just as she held His baby body at birth, she would hold his lifeless body under the cross.
- How well Mary would know the Heart of Jesus! She would ponder all the events of His life in her Heart.
- It is through her most loving Heart that we grow in fervent love for His Heart.
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
- When Jesus was twelve years old, the Holy Family went to Jerusalem for Passover.
- When it was over Mary and Joseph had traveled a day's journey before they realized Jesus was not with them.
- With sorrow in their hearts they returned to Jerusalem to find Him.
- After searching for Him for three days, they found Him in the temple talking to the doctors.
- The doctors were astounded at His wisdom.
- He said He had to be about His Father's business.
- Jesus teaches us today through His word.
- He went down and was subject to them.
- Mary, if we ever lose Jesus, lead us back to His tender Heart.
- Jesus, help us to love Mary more.
The Sorrowful Mysteries The Agony in the Garden
- Be with Jesus in the garden. Kneel beside Him and feel the pain in His Heart.
- How tenderly He loves us, that God came to this earth and gave Himself for love of us.
- Jesus is a Person. He loves each one of us with a most personal love.
- He is a Divine Person. He loves us more than any human person could love us.
- Jesus saw before Him all His suffering.
- He knew the sins of all men from all time.
- Because of His great love for us and for all men His Heart was in such pain.
- He knows and loves us more than we know and love ourselves.
- He is alive this day and He lives in our hearts.
- He wants us to love Him at every moment and He is forgotten and ignored and He is God.
The Scourging at the Pillar
- Jesus saw in the garden all the events that would happen and He suffered so He sweat blood.
- They led Jesus away as a criminal and they tied Him to a pillar.
- At any moment Jesus could have stopped the men, but. because of His great love for us, He allowed them to whip Him.
- Jesus did this, allowed them to whip Him, for me.
- Many times, when others are cruel to us, we feel alone and very hurt.
- Many times, when we pray and talk about God in the world today, others treat us cruelly.
- God is almighty, He controls everything. Our every breath and heartbeat depend on God.
- God first loved us and commands us to love Him.
- The greatest commandment of all is to love God with our whole heart, our whole soul and our whole mind.
The Crowning with Thorns
- God commands us to love Him first and to love our neighbors.
- He suffered for us and paid price for our sins with His blood.
- Why are men so willful, so full of pride that they ignore the Almighty God who gives them their very breath?
- Look at Jesus, crowned with thorns, His face covered with blood. He suffered because He loves me.
- God is offended by the willfulness of men today.
- Whether we go to heaven or hell depends on whether we love God and love one another.
- Jesus shows us how to love by giving Himself for love of us.
- Jesus was crowned with thorns. He was whipped, His body was torn. He suffered this that we would share in His life and go to heaven some day.
- Our life here will end soon and we will be somewhere forever and ever. Let us love God and love one another that we will share in the great gift He gives us, the gift of eternal life in heaven.
- Think of the men that whipped Jesus and crowned Him with thorns. Think how cold their hearts were.
The Carrying of the Cross
- They stood around Jesus and they hollered at Him, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!"
- They gave to Jesus a heavy cross laden with all the sins from all time and they put it on His shoulder and made Him carry the cross.
- It was so heavy that Jesus could not carry it any longer. He collapsed and fell to the ground.
- He got up and tried to move. He saw the tear covered face of His beloved mother.
- She looked into His tender gentle eyes covered with blood.
- This was the little baby that she carried and now she saw Him covered with blood and wounds.
- Mary loves Jesus with the most tender love.
- It is in going to the heart of Mary that we will learn to love our beloved Jesus.
- The Holy Spirit is the spouse of Mary.
- The Holy Spirit works within the heart of Mary to make us more holy, more like our beloved Jesus.
The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus
- Jesus was nailed to the cross.
- Jesus hung on the cross for three hours.
- His mother, in excruciating pain, stood beneath the cross and watched, watched her Son die.
- Before He died He gave His mother Mary to us as our mother.
- Our mother, Mary, loves us.
- She saw Jesus hang and die on the cross. She knows the great love that Jesus has for us.
- She wants to mother us and help us to love Jesus so much more.
- As her little children, it is important that we give ourselves to her and her motherly care.
- If we want peace and joy in our life we must give ourselves to Mary and to her Son.
- Mary said at Fatima that she wants us to give our hearts to her and to the Heart of her Son. She also said at Fatima that she wants us to pray the rosary every day. If we do this, we will have peace in the world.
The Glorious Mysteries The Resurrection
- On the third day He arose as he foretold.
- When Mary Magdalen and some other women arrived at the tomb, they saw that the entry stone had been rolled away.
- There appeared two men in dazzling garments where Jesus had been laid.
- The two angels told the women He had risen as He had foretold.
- He went to Emmaus and recounted for them all the scriptures, from Moses through the prophets, which referred to Him.
- When He had seated Himself with them to eat, He took bread, pronounced the blessing, then broke the bread and began to distribute it to them. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized Him, whereupon He vanished from their sight.
- He appeared several times to the apostles over the course of 40 days and gave them the power to baptize and forgive sins.
- Christ died to bring us to new life.
- He came that we might have life to the full.
- The good news is that Jesus has died and that He has risen.
The Ascension
- They went out of the town of Bethany and Jesus gave them his final blessing.
- He raised His arms and ascended into heaven.
- They stood below in utter amazement at what had happened.
- Think of what it would be like to see Jesus ascend bodily into heaven.
- Imagine the grief in Mary's and the apostles' hearts to see Him go!
- Jesus has not left. He remains with us in His divinity and humanity in the Eucharist today.
- He longs for us to come and receive Him. He waits for us to come and be with Him in front of the tabernacle.
- He gave Himself on the cross. He gives Himself this very day in the Eucharist.
- He loved us so much He died for us. He rose to give us new life. As He ascended into heaven he left behind the most precious gift of all--Himself!
- He said, "For John baptized with water but, in a few days, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
- The apostles were full of fear and locked themselves in the Upper Room.
- When the Holy Spirit descended on Mary and the apostles, what joy for Mary's Heart!
- Jesus had promised to send the Holy Spirit. A great wind blew and over their heads appeared parted tongues of fire.
- They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in foreign tongues.
- What joy for Mary to see the apostles transformed from fear to fearlessness!
- Oh, Holy Spirit, come to us and fill our hearts with the fire of Your love.
- Where we are full of fear, make us fearless.
- We long to have the courage to do all God asks of us. Oh, Holy Spirit, give us this courage.
- Holy Spirit, lead us to intimate oneness with You, the Father, the Son and Mary.
- Oh, Holy Spirit, set us on fire for love of God.
The Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven
- Many years after Jesus' death Mary was taken up to heaven.
- Imagine her delight to be forever united with her most precious Son.
- Imagine her joy to be united with the Father and the Holy Spirit. She beheld the face of God.
- She had lived her whole life in service of Him. Now she was taken up to her eternal dwelling place.
- Mary has not left. She remains forever with us. She is wherever Jesus is. She is our spiritual mother. She is forever by our side. She loves us. She mothers us with such motherly love!
- Who are we to have Mary as our mother?
- Mary watched it all. A young Mary, an older Mary, a sad Mary, a joyful Mary-Mary, the reflection of Christ's life!
- To know Christ is to see Him through Mary's eyes, to feel Him through Mary's motherhood, to love Him through Mary's Heart.
- She forever intercedes for her beloved children. She cares for our every need.
- Heaven is our true home.
The Coronation of Our Lady
- A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
- Mary was crowned queen of heaven and earth. Our most beloved mother now reigns in the court of heaven!
- Imagine her joy to hear the choirs of angelic voices! Imagine her joy to see the angels and saints praising God!
- She--who carried the baby Jesus in her womb, who held Him in her arms, who walked by His side during the Passion, who stood under His cross, who held His lifeless body and watched Him locked in the tomb--was now crowned Queen of Heaven, forever to reign in the court of heaven with her beloved Son.
- If we remain faithful to the Lord until death, we too will receive a crown of life. In heaven shall be found every good.
- Such treasures for us in heaven! The eye has not seen, the ear has not heard the glories that await him who serves the Lord!
- Heaven is the kingdom of God. We are His heirs.
- There is no more thirsting for union with God, no more longing for Him. We will experience such intense union with Him forever.
- We will never want for love again. We will know His love.
- We will see the face of God and live.
April 19, 2004 message continues
It cost about $9,000 to do so and get them folded
etc. and we need money for postage. We provide
this service free to Catholic schools in the
United States.
Please help us.
April 19, 2004 message continues
We really need your help.
Tomorrow is a work day for sending
out rosaries and making rosaries at Morrow beginning at
11:00, having pizza and the Sidney Rosary
at 6:20.
Please tune in (internet)
Join with us in praying
praying for the priests the Church and the world
praying deeply for our own healing
healing in the family tree
healing for the Movement members
healing for the people in the Church and
the world.
praying for our needs and yours
Come to Morrow
or Florida
pray under candlelight
worship, praise God and sing
Love to all, please help us
pray for some
very important Shepherds of Christ intentions
From January 29, 2004
God the Father speaks:
Pray like this - say:
Dear Father, in the name of Your
Son Jesus, in the Holy Spirit, I give
you myself at this moment
united to the Holy Sacrifice of the
Oh Father, I love You so much and
I thank You for Your gifts to me.
Oh Father, You are so good.
Oh Father, help me.
Dear Father I pray through the
powerful intercession of Our
Lady of Clearwater and Father Carter.
I pray in union with the saints
and the souls in purgatory.
Oh Father, I love You, I love
You, I love You and beg
for Your mercy.
Oh Father, please forgive the
human race for their sins,
we are sorry for offending
God, please Father outpour
Your grace and Your mercy
help us to be united in love
as You desire.
Dear Father cast the devil far
from us and spread us with the
Blood of Your Divine Son.
Oh Father please protect us
from the snares of the devil.
Please protect our children.
Please help us now, Father,
We pray for this particular need.
end of prayer
Acts 4: 23-31
As soon as they were released they went to the community and told them everything the chief priests and elders had said to them. When they heard it they lifted up their voice to God with one heart. Master, they prayed, it is you who made sky and earth and sea, and everything in them; it is you who said through the Holy Spirit and speaking through our ancestor David, your servant:
Why this uproar among the nations,
this impotent muttering of the peoples?
Kings on earth take up position,
princes plot together
against the Lord and his Anointed.This is what has come true: in this very city Herod and Pontius Pilate plotted together with the gentile nations and the peoples of Israel, against your holy servant Jesus whom you anointed, to bring about the very thing that you in your strength and your wisdom had predetermined should happen. And now, Lord, take note of their threats and help your servants to proclaim your message with all fearlessness, by stretching out your hand to heal and to work miracles and marvels through the name of your holy servant Jesus. As they prayed, the house where they were assembled rocked. From this time they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to proclaim the word of God fearlessly.
Psalm 2: 1-9
Why this uproar among the nations,
this impotent muttering of the peoples?
Kings of the earth take up position,
princes plot together
against Yahweh and his anointed,
Now let us break their fetters!
Now let us throw off their bonds!He who is enthroned in the heavens laughs,
Yahweh makes a mockery of them,
then in his anger rebukes them,
in his rage he strikes them with terror.
I myself have anointed my king
on Zion my holy mountain.I will proclaim the decree of Yahweh:
He said to me, You are my son,
today have I fathered you.
Ask of me, and I shall give you the nations as your birthright,
the whole wide world as your possession.
With an iron sceptre you will break them,
shatter them like so many pots.
John 3: 1-8
There was one of the Pharisees called Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews, who came to Jesus by night and said, Rabbi, we know that you have come from God as a teacher; for no one could perform the signs that you do unless God were with him. Jesus answered:
In all truth I tell you,
no one can see the kingdom of God
without being born from above.Nicodemus said, How can anyone who is already old be born? Is it possible to go back into the womb again and be born? Jesus replied:
In all truth I tell you,
no one can enter the kingdom of God
without being born
through water and the Spirit;
what is born of human nature is human;
what is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Do not be surprised when I say:
You must be born from above.
The wind blows where it pleases;
you can hear its sound,
but you cannot tell where it comes from
or where it is going.
So it is with everyone
who is born of the Spirit.
The First Station
JESUS IS CONDEMNED TO DEATHJesus: My dear child, with angry hearts and hatred on their faces, they poked at Me and condemned Me to death. I stood so silent, My hands tied, in perfect peace, because I knew the Father's love. I knew the Father's Will. You too will stand your trials in perfect peace, the more you realize the immense love the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have for you. Pray to the Spirit to transform you more and more into My image and, through this transformation, you will be led ever closer to the Father. Oh, how I love you!
The Second Station
Jesus: They gave Me a heavy cross, laden with the sins of the world. They placed it on My shoulder. It was so heavy I felt as if My shoulder would break. I ask you to carry little crosses, to experience little pains. I could not remove this cross from My shoulder. The weight was unbearable. It is through My suffering and death that you receive new life. It is through your sufferings this day that you will grow in your life with Me. Oh, child, I loved you so much that I took up the cross of salvation. I love you. Please realize that I am talking to you here. To My death I loved you. Oh, how I love you!
The Third Station
Jesus: The cross was so heavy I could hardly walk. I held on to My cross for greatest love of you and in compliance with the Will of My Father. It became so hard to walk! The cross was so heavy! I fell. I fell and the cross fell on Me. They poked at Me, they struck Me, they demanded I get up. The pain from the instruments they used to poke Me and strike Me was so great! I somehow managed to get up.
When you fall under the weight of your cross, come to My Eucharistic Heart. I am no less present in the tabernacle and in the Eucharist than on the day I carried My cross. I wait with the same love that I had for you when I carried this cross and suffered such agony. Oh, how I love you!
The Fourth Station
Jesus: I saw the face of My beautiful Mother. She was weak, her face reddened and full of tears. I saw her tender heart, her love, her anguish, her pain. I saw My dear Mother Mary. My Heart was comforted by the sight of her, but torn by her suffering.
Mary: As I looked into the eyes of my beloved Son, I saw His love. His head, bleeding and wounded. His body weak. His clothes covered with blood. I looked into His eyes and I saw His love for you. I call out to you today. I appear today with a face full of anguish and tears. I appear to call you back to the love of my Son. See through my eyes, as I peer into His eyes, the love He has for you this day to give of Himself for you. Oh, He loves you so much, my little children. See through my eyes the love of my Son. Oh, how He loves you!
The Fifth Station
Jesus: The cross was so heavy I could not move. My persecutors became angry and forced a man to help Me. The cross was so heavy the two of us could barely move it. How is your cross today? Does it seem so heavy you cannot go on? I am forever watching you. When you are suffering the greatest, I am very close to you. It is in immense suffering that you realize My great love for you. Pray for grace to do always the Father's Will. Pray for grace to grow in your knowledge and love of Me.
The Sixth Station
Jesus: My face was covered with blood. From the crowd Veronica came forward with a cloth to wipe My face. On the cloth I gave to you an imprint of My bloodied face. This, My children, remains with you this day as a sign of My immense love for you. But more than any cloth, look beyond the visible consecrated host. I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, remain with you, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Eucharist this day, waiting and longing to be with you. Oh, how I love you!
The Seventh Station
Jesus: Oh, dear ones, the road became harder and harder to walk. The cross was becoming heavier, My body weaker and weaker. My shoulders and arms hurt so much! My head throbbed as I walked. The blood came from My body, from My head to My feet. I was covered with open wounds. I could not go any farther. I stumbled and fell. Again they poked at Me, only harder, and with such hatred they kicked Me. Such vileness in the hearts of men! My greatest agony was not the agonies of My body, but the agonies of My heart for the love I have for all My precious souls. I loved them so dearly. I loved those who persecuted Me. Oh, how I love you!
The Eighth Station
Jesus: The women came to Me with their children, their tender hearts crying and wanting to comfort Me. I saw their love, their care. I saw the coldness of men's hearts for all time, the hatred, the anger, the sins, all the souls that, despite all of My sufferings and death, would be condemned to eternal damnation. I told the women to weep not for Me, but for themselves and their children. My greatest agonies were the agonies of My Most Sacred Heart. Oh, how I love you!
The Ninth Station
Jesus: I fell hard the third time. I was so weakened I could not go on. My body collapsed under the cross from such exhaustion! My child, My child, My greatest agonies were not the wounds to the body. They were the wounds I experienced to My heart. Do you know a little more now how I love you? It is in meditating on My Passion and death that you will realize My immense love for you. When you fall, when you struggle, I give you the grace to get up. I never give you more than you can handle. Your strength will come from Me. Come to My Eucharistic Heart. I am waiting for you this day. Oh, how I love you!
The Tenth Station
Jesus: They took Me to the hill to crucify Me. They angrily stripped Me of My garments. They took off My clothes to whip Me. They had covered My bloody wounds with a dirty purple robe. Now, total surrender-they took off My clothes. I showed you the way to surrender, always complying with the Will of the Father. It is in living in His Will that you will have peace and joy, and life eternal some day. Oh, how I love you!
The Eleventh Station
Messenger: See Mary as she holds the little Baby Jesus. See her as she washes His tender hands and feet. See her now as she watches as they pound into those same hands and feet the gigantic nails that fix Jesus to the cross.
Mary: Oh, my dear ones, my heart was torn in my chest as they nailed His hands and feet to the cross. I ask you this day to walk the Passion with me and see through my eyes the love He has for you. He truly was nailed to the cross.
Jesus: They pounded the nails into My first hand, then they stretched My body and nailed My other hand. The blood poured from these wounds that went totally through My hands. My pain was so immense, but then they nailed My feet! You do not know what pain I suffered, My child. My children, My children, for each one of you I suffered this pain. Oh, how I loved you!
The Twelfth Station
Messenger: He hung for three agonizing hours on the cross against the darkened sky. His greatest agonies were not the agonies of His body, but those of His Heart for the great love He has for each and every soul.
Jesus: I gave Myself to you, My dear ones. I gave My all. I hung with My arms spread in total surrender. My head was punctured; My hands and feet were nailed to the cross. I gave Myself to you. I give Myself to you this day in the Eucharist. I give Myself to you. I, God, give you Myself! What more do you want?
Song: Oh, burning Heart, oh, Love divine, etc.
Messenger: They pierced His Heart with a lance and what flowed forth was blood and water, the sacramental life of the Church, water for Baptism and blood for the Eucharist. His life, death and resurrection live on in the Church this day.
The Thirteenth Station
Messenger: His totally lifeless body was placed in the arms of His most loving Mother. As she had held the little baby body in her arms, she now received His bloodied, bruised body in her arms. This is how He obeyed the Father's Will. Jesus gave His life for us. The Father gave His only Son because He loves us so much. Mary, His Mother, our Mother and the Mother of the Church, is forever by His side. See Jesus in the arms of His loving Mother under the cross. This is love.
Mary: I held His lifeless body in my arms. See through my eyes the love He has for you this day. He gives Himself to you today in the Eucharist. He loves you so much!
The Fourteenth Station
Messenger: His enemies rolled the stone up to the tomb and were pleased to have buried Jesus. Mary, outside the tomb, wept bitterly. The cold reality that He was dead! But death has no power over Jesus for on the third day He rose, triumphant, from the tomb! We are partakers in His divine life. Death has no power over Jesus. He is with us this day. He comes to bring us life to the full. He loves us so much!
February 5, 2004
February 5, 2004
February 5, 2004
February 5, 2004
February 5, 2004
March 1, 2004
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March 1, 2004
March 1, 2004
March 1, 2004
March 1, 2004
March 1, 2004
March 1, 2004
March 1, 2004
March 1, 2004
March 1, 2004
March 1, 2004
March 1, 2004
March 1, 2004
March 1, 2004
March 1, 2004
March 1, 2004
March 1, 2004
March 30, 2004
March 30, 2004
March 30, 2004
March 30, 2004
March 30, 2004
March 30, 2004
March 30, 2004
March 30, 2004
March 30, 2004
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Shepherds of Christ Ministries
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Morrow, OH 45152
(toll free) 1-888-211-3041
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Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (513) 932-4451
FAX: (513) 932-6791