Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding
these messages |
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April 21st Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 3 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for April 21st are Joyful.
A priest blessed the grotto.
Jesus' grotto
Jesus' grotto
Jesus' grotto
Jesus' grotto
Jesus' grotto
APRIL 13, 2006.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152
We accept credit cards.
God's Blue Book 6
Luke 24: 30-31February 9, 1995 - 7:00
Messenger: What do I take in my hot air balloon. Do I take all these worldly goods that will weigh down the balloon, Will I travel light. He has all you need. Will you operate with His gifts, or do you need tons of earthly things to secure you on your way.
Do they secure you or do they hold you bound to them. They are heavy, they weigh you down. What do you need to grow in Him?
February 9, 1995 - 9:15 after Communion
Messenger: I hear the fire of His love in the hot air balloon. No strings entirely free. He asks for surrender, total surrender. He must be first above all things. Not being attached to any person, place or thing. The willingness to surrender your all to Him.
Jesus: As I give you Myself in the Eucharist, I ask you to give your all to Me. In My goodness I give to you all you need. Everything you have is a gift from Me. I control your every breath, the food you eat is a gift from Me. Your children are gifts from Me. You give yourself to Me, I give to you abundantly all that you need. Sing Total surrender. Let go, let go you hold on so tight to the things that are near you not ever right.
Let Go, let go My child, you will know the freedom of flying, flying in My Hot Air Balloon, propelled by the fire of My love. Let go of it all and I will provide you with your needs. I give you grace abundantly to carry you on your way. My life, My love is enough for you. From My goodness I impart to you My gifts. You are totally free, totally dependent on Me, as a baby at the breast. I give you all you need. I am the Good Shepherd, I know mine and mine know Me. I hold my lambs close to My Heart. You I take deeply into My Heart, you I caress with the fire of My love. I love you so much.
Messenger: I adore You Oh Christ and I love You.
By Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world.
Opened book and saw the song Like a Shepherd
Sing: Like a Shepherd
Say to the cities - Go to the mountain top and shout -- Prepare the Way of the Lord. Pray to St. John the Baptist.
I see clearly before me, with Jesus it is like on Eagle's Wings, though fiery darts fall about you, you will stand by the fire of His love.
You are in His balloon -- He protects you, nothing can penetrate you. You are a rock, steadfast in His love, FREE, you are totally in His care.
Song: On Eagle's Wings
Psalm 91
You who live in the secret place of Elyon,
spend your nights in the shelter of Shaddai,
saying to Yahweh, ‘My refuge, my fortress,
my God in whom I trust!’He rescues you from the snare
of the fowler set on destruction;
he covers you with his pinions,
you find shelter under his wings.
His constancy is shield and protection.You need not fear the terrors of night,
the arrow that flies in the daytime,
the plague that stalks in the darkness,
the scourge that wreaks havoc at high noon.Though a thousand fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
you yourself will remain unscathed.
You have only to keep your eyes open
to see how the wicked are repaid,
you who say, ‘Yahweh my refuge!’
and make Elyon your fortress.No disaster can overtake you,
no plague come near your tent;
he has given his angels orders about you
to guard you wherever you go.They will carry you in their arms
in case you trip over a stone.
You will walk upon wild beast and adder,
you will trample young lions and snakes.‘Since he clings to me I rescue him,
I raise him high, since he acknowledges my name.
He calls to me and I answer him:
in distress I am at his side,
I rescue him and bring him honour.
I shall satisfy him with long life,
and grant him to see my salvation.’
Messenger: Go to the Mountain Top and shout the good news. Jesus has died, He is risen and He will come again. Prepare ye the way of the Lord.
He comes, you are being called to prepare the way. In the wilderness cry out, shout it from the mountain tops, Jesus is Lord. His Mother comes to tell you to turn your lives to God. Make Him first.
Jesus: I am Jesus, I am calling out an urgent call to all this day to take Me seriously. It is in this call that many will turn their hearts to God. You can no longer sit idlely by and watch. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, you must go out into this world, do not think of what people are thinking, your focus must be on Me. I CALL YOU TO ACTION, TODAY, Think of your brothers' souls. Spread My love throughout the earth, on the highways, on the byways, you hold not back, tell the Good News to every man. I call, I call, I call, I am calling YOU THIS DAY -- will you answer. Time is so short, souls are at stake. Take this message seriously. I am Jesus Christ the Son of God. Purify your hearts. I am Jesus your God.
Messenger: Jesus told the disciples all the scriptures that pertained to Him on the way to Emmaus. How blind were they.
"Now while he was with them at table, he took the bread and said the blessing; then he broke it and handed it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognised him; but he had vanished from their sight. "
Messenger: They did not recognize Him, over and over again.
We do not recognize Jesus in our brothers starving to death.
Many do not see beyond the consecrated host and see Jesus truly present in His Divinity and humanity.
Thomas had to put his hands into Jesus' wounds
.John 20: 29Jesus said to him:
You believe because you can see me.
Blessed are those who have not seen
and yet believe.
Messenger: Look with the eyes of faith.
Mary Magdalene did not recognize Him.
They did not recognize Him in the upper room.
We do not see, we look with our eyes.
Jesus is truly present and with us this day in the Eucharist.
Jesus, You are in the exposed Eucharist here. I see so little, You are here in Your Divinity and humanity. I must reach with the eyes of God. I must see with the eyes of faith.
Jesus: Faith My children, you will know Me in your hearts. I am truly with you this day. You scratch only the surface, you tap ever so gently and I am a burning furnace of endless love.
I am God, I AM WHO AM, I came and you are oh so blind, Oh My children look beyond yourselves, reach with the soul.
See the almighty God, He longs to be one with you.
I am Jesus the Son of God, you are so blind. I am waiting in the tabernacle, My Heart on fire and burning with love.
Burning My dear ones, burning and waiting for you this day.
Song: A Song from Jesus
Song: Little Child
Messenger: They saw Him after He rose from the dead in His glorified body. They saw Him ascend into heaven and they full of fear locked themselves in the upper room. They saw and they were FULL OF FEAR -- Peter full of FEAR, afraid of what people thought, he denied Jesus.
But only through the power of the Spirit were they transformed from fear to fearlessness.
They saw Jesus and they were afraid of what people thought.
Mary was assumed into heaven body and soul. What matters when we die? Surrender your earthly good. Let go, let go, let go!
February 9, 1995
Transcribed from a tape of a live rosary as Mary and Jesus appeared
14-15Joyful Mysteries
The Annunciation
1. R. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and asked her to be the Mother of Jesus.
2. R. Mary always did the Will of the Father. She trusted totally in the Father and did exactly as she was told to do.
3. R. Mary was filled with the Spirit and the Word became flesh.
4. R. Fill us with your Spirit and lead us to closer union with Jesus. Help us to become one in Him so that we may know the Will of the Father. Dear Spirit dwell in us. Move in us. Fill us with the fire of Your Love. Help us to trust and have faith, to know that what we are doing is what we are being called to do by the Father.
5. R. And God imparted to them the Gifts of the Spirit: Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Fear of the Lord, Fortitude. He came to them. He gave them the gift to know what He was calling them to do.
6. R. All peace and joy come from doing the Father's Will. When we know that we are connected and close to Jesus, our hearts are at peace.
7. Isaiah 49:
Zion was saying,
'Yahweh has abandoned me,
the Lord has forgotten me.'
Can a woman forget her baby at the breast,
feel no pity for the child she has borne?
Even if these were to forget,
I shall not forget you.
8. Song: Come Holy Ghost
9. R. Jesus calls us to total trust in His Most Sacred Heart. He died on the cross for love of us. He will never abandon us and will take care of us at every single second. As our hearts beat and as we breathe, He is with us this very moment with His Heart on fire for love of us.
10. R. God loved this world so much that He sent His only begotten Son into the world to save us from our sins!
Song between decades: Ave, ave, ave Maria
The Visitation
1. R. Mary made haste to the hill country to be with her cousin, Elizabeth. The angel had told Mary that her cousin Elizabeth, in her old age, had conceived a child.
2. R. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out:
Luke 1: 42-43‘Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Why should I be honoured with a visit from the mother of my Lord?
3. R. The servant usually goes to the Master, but Jesus, out of greatest love for us, comes to us. It is out of love that He, Who is Almighty, comes to us in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
4. R. And Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out with a loud voice her Magnificat!
Luke 1: 46-47And Mary said:
My soul proclaims
the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit rejoices
in God my Saviour;
Luke 1: 48because he has looked upon
the humiliation of his servant.
Yes, from now onwards
all generations will call me blessed,
7. Jesus: Should a mother forsake her child, I will never abandon you! I am with you at every single moment. As you breathe, as your heart beats, I am here. You must totally surrender and trust in Me for I am truly Jesus Christ, the Son of God! You will not learn how to trust unless you let go! I am here with you this night and I ask you to surrender your all to Me, to let go totally and to know that I will lead you as you go on your path.
8. Jesus: Do not be afraid for I am forever by your side, guarding you, watching you, caring for you. You are My special soldier to spread My Love throughout this world. It is through your trust that you will be strong soldiers. Come to My Eucharistic Heart and know all that I have to give to you.
9. Jesus: I remain with you this day in the Eucharist, the same as the day that Mary carried Me in her womb. I am with you in My Divinity and humanity in the tabernacle. Put your trust in Me for I am truly God! I am the Master! You are My beloved souls! Trust in Me for I will never abandon you, My precious ones!
10. Song: O Holy Dwelling Place
Song between decades: Ave, ave, ave Maria
The Birth of Jesus
1. R. Jesus calls to us to have faith, to believe the things that we cannot see. To believe with our whole hearts. It is His world and He runs this world. We must have faith in our hearts that He is forever with us and forever by our side.
2. R. Jesus will not abandon us, even in our darkest hour! When we are down, He is there looking into our eyes! This burning Heart of the Sacred Heart of Jesus forever with us! Forever ready to lead us closer and closer to Him and to follow the Plan of the Father! But it takes total commitment to Him and to do all the things that He is asking us to do.
3. R. The Father so loved this world that He sent His only Son into the world to be born!
4. R. Do we think that He would send His Son into this world and not be with us this day? Pray to the Father for all your needs, for the Father created you and loves you so dearly. He will open up your minds and hearts and you will know the plan for you. Pray to the Spirit to know only those things that God can impart to you for He is truly ready to tell you what God wants you to do!
5. Jesus: I call you to action! To spread the love of God throughout the land! For there are souls that will be lost if they do not know the love of Jesus!
6. Jesus: I send these messages not for two or three, but for all the souls of this world. I ask you to pray fervently to know the Will of the Father to spread these messages throughout the land!
7. Song: On This Day O Beautiful Mother
8. Song: Trust in the Lord
9. R. Give to us, O Holy Spirit, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the faith and trust that we need to do the Will of God. Transform us more and more within the Heart of Mary, into the image of Jesus, God's Son, which will lead us ever closer to the love of our Beloved Father.
10. R. And Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born a baby in a stable in the town of Bethlehem for greatest love of us!
Song between decades: Ave, ave, ave Maria
The Presentation
1. R. Joseph and Mary and Jesus went to the Temple. Simeon, an old man, had received from the Holy Spirit, the knowledge that he would see the Messiah before he died. The Holy Spirit led him to the Temple and he held the Child Jesus and said that now he was ready to die.
2. R. But he told Mary of the sufferings that she and Jesus would undergo. And a sword, too, shall pierce your heart, O Mary!
3. R. From that point on, whenever Mary looked at her beloved child, she remembered the prophecy of Simeon and so her heart was constantly pierced by the sword for she knew of the sufferings that her little boy would undergo as she looked at Him.
4. R. How blind we are that we do not see! We want to see with our eyes when Jesus comes to us with the eyes of faith and asks us to trust and open up our hearts. It is in this faith and trust that we know Him more deeply. Look beyond the Consecrated Host and see the Divine Lord! For it is truly God that you experience when you receive Him in communion. There is such a presence, an overwhelming presence of the Divine Lord!
5. Song: Look Beyond
6. R. As Mary suffered all through the life that she shared with Jesus, think of these sorrows of Mary. Mary loves us and is with us this day. Mary walks by our side. She is truly our Loving Mother and she wants us to reach out and wants us to trust her and to realize that she will lead us ever closer to union with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
7. R. The Presentation of the child Jesus in the Temple should remind us of our own baptism. We become children of God and heirs of Heaven! It is in Baptism that we are received into a special sharing in His life - our human nature is elevated. We are God's children. He loves us so much! He gives so much to us at Baptism!
8. R. They pierced His Heart with a lance and what flowed forth was blood and water, the sacramental life of the Church, water for Baptism and blood for the Eucharist. His life, death and resurrection live on in the Church this day.
9. R. We do not even realize how gifted we are by our great God who is so good to us!
10. R. Holy Spirit, the more we unite with Mary, our mother, transform us more and more into the image of Jesus and lead us ever closer to the Father.
Song between decades: Ave, ave, ave Maria
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
1. R. When Jesus was twelve years old He was taken up to the Temple for the feast of the Passover with Mary and Joseph.
2. R. When it was over, they had gone from the Temple and did not realize that the child Jesus had been left behind.
3. R. With such sorrow in their hearts, they returned searching the streets, looking all over for the child Jesus.
4. R. They found Him in the Temple teaching the doctors and all were astonished at His wisdom and answers!
5. R. Teach us Your truths, O Jesus! Dear Holy Spirit, release the gifts that we received in Baptism. Give us Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding! Help us to know more and more the mysteries of our Divine God!
Excerpt from Response to God's Love, by Father Edward Carter, S.J.
...In reference to Christianity, God himself is the ultimate mystery. Radically, God is completely other and transcendent, hidden from man in his inner life, unless he chooses to reveal himself. Let us briefly look at this inner life of God.
The Father, in a perfect act of self-expression, in a perfect act of knowing, generates his son. The Son, the Word, is, then, the immanent expression of God's fullness, the reflection of the Father. Likewise, from all eternity, the Father and the Son bring forth the Holy Spirit in a perfect act of loving.
At the destined moment in human history, God's self-expression, the Word, immersed himself into man's world. God's inner self-expression now had also become God's outer self-expression. Consequently, the mystery of God becomes the mystery of Christ. In Christ, God tells us about himself, about his inner life, about his plan of creation and redemption. He tells us how Father, Son, and Holy Spirit desire to dwell within us in the most intimate fashion, how they wish to share with us their own life through grace. All this he has accomplished and does accomplish through Christ. St. Paul tells us: "I became a minister of this Church through the commission God gave me to preach among you his word in its fullness, that mystery hidden from ages and generations past but now revealed to his holy ones. God has willed to make known to them the glory beyond price which this mystery brings to the Gentiles—the mystery of Christ in you, your hope of glory. This is the Christ we proclaim while we admonish all men and teach them in the full measure of wisdom, hoping to make every man complete in Christ" (Col 1:25-28).
7. R. As you searched for the child Jesus in the Temple, dear Mary, help us on our search to know more about Jesus so that we may love Him and love the Father and the Holy Spirit more.
8. R. Dear Child Jesus, You Who are God, You Who are all Love, teach us more about Love! Our vision is so limited. Open up our hearts! Fill us with Your grace so that we may share more in Your Life to know and love You more every minute of our lives, to share more in Your Divine Love.
9. R. Draw us ever closer to the most abundant love of the Two Hearts that live in the mysteries of these rosaries: the Hearts of Jesus and Mary that love us so dearly and suffered so for greatest love of us! Draw us ever closer to these Two Hearts of such immense love!
10. R. You, Jesus, Who took on a human nature so that we might follow You! You, Mary you -- a human person! Help us to model ourselves more after you, Mary and You, Jesus, so that we may grow into the children that the Father created us to be!
Song: A Song
from JesusSong after last decade: Ave, ave, ave, Maria
Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary
1. The Prophecy of Simeon. Mary and Joseph take the child Jesus to the Temple and Simeon, the Prophet, tells Mary how she and Jesus will suffer. He says to her that a sword, too, shall pierce her heart!
2. The Flight into Egypt. Joseph was awakened after a dream that told him to take the child Jesus and flee to Egypt. So, in the middle of the night, he took Mary and the child Jesus for into Egypt to be protected from the wrath of Herod.
3. The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple. Joseph and Mary were searching for the child Jesus in the Temple, their hearts in such sorrowing to realize that the child Jesus was lost. And a sword, too, shall pierce your heart, O Mary!
4. Jesus and Mary Meet on the way to the Cross. And their eyes peer into one another's. Mary's eyes peered into Jesus' eyes. There was such intimacy between them. There is such intimacy between them this day. The union of their Two Hearts, the hearts that love us so dearly. See them as they look into each other's eyes. Jesus, with blood running down His face and crowned with thorns, with a cross on His back. Mary, with her face reddened from the tears that she shed for her beloved Son. She calls out today to come for His most ardent love. He truly is waiting and longing for us. And a sword, too, shall pierce your heart, O Mary!
5. Jesus Dies on the Cross. Jesus with His weakened, bloody, battered body dies on the cross against the darkened sky. Mary stands below and sees her Son as He hangs for three hours of agony to His death!
6. Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross and Laid in Mary's Arms. Mary receives the lifeless body of her Son into her arms after He is taken down from the cross.
7. The Burial of Jesus. When Jesus is locked in the Tomb, they were so happy because they thought they had locked Him away. But on the third day He rose triumphant because death has no power over Jesus!!!!
This rosary was prayed before Mary, in the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows. Rita, Cathy, Joe, Carol and Marty were present
Mary appeared so sweet looking -- so beautiful full of light -- she was all white, her head moved -- light flashed -- especially pinkish/purple light.
Jesus appeared.
February 10, 1995
Jesus: My child, My child
,You will know My might. I am your God, open up your heart to complete surrender. You must be so steadfast in My love. The devil will press down and tell you to fear, but dear child, I am forever guarding you and you must trust totally in Me.
February 12, 1995
Messenger: These messages are not my messages. They are His love letters to this world. We are all called here to help Him to spread them. He is in this world now. He is with me at Frisch’s. God is in our midst this day. We are being called to go out to the world and spread the Good News. Jesus came to this earth, born a baby of the Virgin Mary. Jesus died. He rose on the third day and He will come again!
Jesus and Mary are sending us into the world to spread the love of Their two Hearts. He is the same as during the Rosary, at a meeting with the three priests, as He was in Debrovnik, as He was at St. Phillips Church, as He was in the pew in Steubenville, Ohio, as He was when He was with me in the parking lot at St. Vincent Ferrer Church. My heart is burning at His presence. He is here in the ordinary occurrences of life, present in this world. He cries out for His message to be spread to this world. His people are in the world. He wants us to carry the message to His beloved souls in this world. He loves each and every one of His precious souls. We must see with the eyes of God. Each soul He loves. He loves each so dearly! He wants to love through us. This world is in pain. We contain the mighty medicine. THESE ARE HIS MESSAGES FOR THE WORLD.
Jesus: I send you into the world to give My love to the souls that are hurting. You contain the medicine for this sick world — it is the love of My most Sacred Heart! I call you this day, will you answer My call?
My letters are My love letters. My personal love letters for this world. I gave My all for each and every precious soul. I gave My flesh and Blood for them. I came to bring life. Can you not give My love to this world? I call you to union with Me. Surrender. Let Me operate your soul. It is in your surrender and time alone with Me you will go into the world with Me to spread My love to this world. I want to be one with you. If you unite with Me, all will go according to the Father’s Plan.
I am Jesus. Oh, how I love and thank you, My beloved ones, so dearly. I press you to My Heart, so dearly. I love you!
Jesus.Messenger: Jesus loves all to the poorest beggar. A man hollered in Church at the consecration. I prayed for him and wanted to give him a
Blue Book. Jesus died for each and every soul. There is not one person He did not suffer for. We need to reach out to this world, spread His love to each and every soul. Send the books to the prisons, send them to all those who are hurting. Their prayers will help in the salvation of the world. And I went out into the highways and the byways and I beheld there a precious child of God the Father, one of His very own, one of His precious creations, I beheld a most precious child of God, clothed in such dignity because He is a brother of Jesus Christ and a son of the Father. How can we not spread the love of God? How can we screen some people as worthy of this love, others are not as worthy.Jesus: You are all children created by My Father, I beg you to reach out to this hurting world. Those who are hurting the most are the hungriest. I beg you to be fearless and spread My love to this world. How can you hold back, love is giving -- you must give My love to this world. The very nature of loving is giving, if you are holding back you are not loving. Love all My precious souls, pray for your brothers in pain. Pray, pray, pray for all your brothers. I ask you to love your brothers as I have loved you. I spread My arms, I gave My all, will you Love for Me this day.
Pray for urgent intentions.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152
We take credit card donations.