Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding
these messages |
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April 24th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 6 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for April 24th are Glorious.
Live Sidney Rosary
April 25, 2006 at 6:20pm
Please tune in!
APRIL 13, 2006.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152
We accept credit cards.
Jesus' grotto
Jesus' grotto
Jesus' grotto
Jesus' grotto
Mary's Grotto
April 23, 2006
Did you ever know you were supposed to
be in San Francisco and here you are
New York. How does it feel to know
are supposed to be on Victory Street
here you are on Dudd Circle.
— if someone said "let's go to the show"Well once you have done your own will,
when you are being called to do something
else by God, it is sort of like this and then
you try to make it work and everything you
touch is now not right because you
shouldn't even be there.But Abby Lane was a nice young girl,
but she learned to be obstinate during her
early life
In today's world
many are being taught
this through media, papers etc.
— It's
"Do your own thing"
Yet Jesus calls us
to be united — work
together for the common purpose of
His Kingdom.
When doing work,
religious work, becomes
more of a job than a way of life to be
to promote His Kingdom and do His will —
loving and serving Him for His honor and
— and having an intimate personal
relationship with Him has lost out to
competition, self-promotion, working out
unfinished business involving personal
and anger
— then the religious
work no longer provides the purpose
for which it was intended.
Always before our
eyes is that our work
is motivated by love and doing God's will
with love.
A person entering a
religious community
today as a religious must take some sort
of vow or have
a commitment in their heart to obey a
— ultimately, too, the superior
who is striving to
do God's will and promote His Kingdom, and
religious should take the vow or promise
of chastity.
We did not ask to be treated imperfectly —
we did not want to carry wounds that lead
us to be so sensitive we jump in some
angry or imperfect way when someone may
do something not so nice to us,
but we have all been wounded
by lashes, others gave to us and
Christ shows us He suffered lashes for
the sins of men, He wore the wounds, He
hung to the ultimate wound
"death on the cross"
But in that death — He shows us
the resurrection
in that death — He shows us
His all-consuming love for us to
give Himself to His death for us.
in His death — He shows us
not only His all abiding love
— He
us about love.
He teaches us about commitment —
He teaches us
about doing His Father's will.
He teaches us about His love for those
under Him.
He teaches us about truth —
He teaches us about living in the truth —
back may hurt, but His back
hurt far worse carrying our sins on
the heavy cross so that we may one
day have salvation if we do as God
wants us to.
Holiness is not doing religious
work, telling others how to live and serve
God and then ourselves being unloving
and not practicing what we preach.
Since I put out the 4th and 5th
Blue Book and work on Blue Book 6 I know
more than ever what God wants of us
in loving Him and each other and how I
fall far
short of being like this —
Jesus says: I am
— Love
— God is love.
If I write a million times a day about
God's will and loving and have failed to
really live to love and serve God and
others and practice what I preach
I would be a hypocrite, which I
do not ever want to be — for all I
do this for is because it is God's
will for me to share this and all I
deeply, ultimately want is this deep
mystical marriage, here and the beatific
vision in heaven for all eternity.
But I must serve and love and
work with others — this is His desire
for me and so I must do what He
wants to be with Him forever in
everlasting rapture in eternity.This is about the marriage of
the Lamb to me.This is about the highest mystical
union I can have with God for
all eternity in heaven.Why? Servants and Handmaids of the
Good Shepherd are to live a deep mystical
marriage with God here below — serving
Him and the people He died for and loving
them as He loved them to His death.To have a scapegoat to pin our
pain on is to put it on Christ's
back too — He carried it to the
bitter death on the cross.How could anyone call themselves
holy and do that to Jesus.Religious are to have a special
Spousal union with God.Who wants to cheat on God
with roving eyes or control or
anyway we act that
drives us from holiness.These rosaries are about holiness —
living holy lives.Division, control, bitterness —
sucks energy from people.Love energizes and builds up.
Religious should be the most
loving — they are filled up being
the Spouse of Jesus —Their children are the children
of the Church.Married couples learn a lot
from being married — give and take,
children — give and take —They learn to share and love and
give and not always focus on
themselves —Religious can become hard if they
don't know deeply the program —
deep love of Jesus —
answering the call to love the children
of the Church and pray for them
as our own children would
be — if a religious.God wants this body of religious
praying for the Church —
giving their lives for them.What can happen and satan tempts
religious — to try to be
independent — not part of
the structure — a married-single.sort of like a married man or woman
who just does their own thing
ignoring their marriage — some
married people are forced to
live like this by married-single
but do we, who are religious
want to be married-singles
to Jesus —not praying faithfully for our
children of the Church as
God intends —Fighting to be a married-single in
the community — until finally — there is
no alternative — the married-single type sister
or brother or priest is just not
living their vocation — like the
man or woman who lives a married-
single life.The fight is in them — they fight
their own vocation — the one they
committed to —They are in constant odds with
structure — there is a tension in
them — lived out with their fight
in the community —And this body of people
God calls to pray for religious, the
Church suffers as the devil presses
on them fighting their vocation —
every day — every minute of the day —I will stay, but fight for my
independence — who could have joy
like that — what a spouse to be
to Jesus, the Heavenly King — who
gives us Himself in the
Eucharist.We hold back — our will
to really be married to Him —People who are willful — fighting
their vocation while remaining in the
community keep acting out their tension.
They keep working toward greater and greater
independence — their ways are not obedience
they have not learned the lesson of
the cross — to serve, to love, to
do God's will.A religious - commits —
A married person commits —
A person baptized lives out
the commitment —The devil has attacked vocations —
Even in teachers in schools the
focus can be on teacher's personal
goals and glory and lose focus of the
students and making the student
body better people to leave and go
out and serve the world.Personal glory —
the devil has
sports people
actressesTheir pay is so high for
personal glory —The world is focused on personal
glory andyet we see figures as
Mother Angelica —
Mother Teresa —
the Virgin Mary —not for personal glory BUT
the Honor and Glory of God!!
When you put on the ring on the
5th Blue Book —Jesus wants it to be a journey
to a deep mystical marriage to
Him and to the Father, Son and
Holy Spirit —Mystical Marriage — Yes —
Transforming Union — Yes —put on the RING of commitment
Religious —
those called to marry —
baptism —You can't be single and
married at the same time —a married woman whose husband
has been married to golf,
work, etc. —
still knows she is married and
she may suffer, but she
prays for her husband —
and she can more deeply
live her life spending
time in service of God.a married man and woman to Jesus —
commits deeply when they
are a religious —
They grow ever more in
the rapturous embrace of Father,
Son and Holy Spirit and their love
of God and oneness with Him
is seen to all others —— they are strong
— they are loving
— they are married to Jesus
Married to God
Jesus speaks:
Oh My espoused, all of you —
I give you My letters of love
in the 5th Blue Book.
April 23, 2006 message continues
Jesus speaks: This is My purpose in the Shepherds of Christ.
A City on a Hill Shines to the World
February 23, 1994 5:30 a.m.
Jesus: I am the light of the world. A city on a hill will shine to the world. You at the Center will be this city when you are filled to the brim with the love of Jesus. What power, what might, to have each person a personal spouse of Jesus Christ! This is the light to the darkened world. The love of Jesus radiates from the very being of those who love Him. What light when all together are lifted by His love abounding deep within their breasts!
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. My life is the life inside that cannot be contained. It is bursting and budding forth. My life is the real life. To possess the life of Christ within your breast! Such power! I am the city set on a hill that will stand united and shine to this world. You at this Center will be this city. You will be the true Center that places the mark on this world.
The love of Christ, abounding deep within the breasts of all, will be the power and the might. Pray the Prayer for Union with Jesus. I will operate in the hearts of all there and minister to My sick world. I am the Heart of Jesus. I am on fire with love of each and every soul. When My love is found in all the hearts there, the light of God will shine to this world!
You are the city, set on a hill, that shines to the darkened world. I will light the world with the love of Jesus that shines in the hearts of those who are fed there. My light is so bright. My power is endless. You are the light to the dark world. You contain the mighty medicine to bring My sick ones to Me. You will bring so many back to Me and My intense love, burning so brightly for all!
I am the power. I am the might. He who abides in Me will have the light of life. I give Myself to you that you will live. You will radiate My presence from your very being. My light is the brightest light. I will live in the hearts of all who come to you for their feeding. Enkindle in them the love for My most Sacred Heart. It is on fire for love of you. It cannot be contained. It will live in all hearts who come to you to be fed.
You are the key to enkindle this burning love of Jesus in the hearts of so many. Many will know Jesus through your love of Me. Read these letters every day for I am truly speaking to you here. I love each child so dearly and want to have an intimate union with that child. Teach all about the burning love of Jesus. Read My messages with your heart on fire so you can tell all of My ardent love for them.
I long to be close to them. I am a person. I am God, on fire for love of My people. Bring all to the ardent love of Jesus. Mary is by My side constantly. Where I am, she is there. She wants all to be led to My ardent, longing love. Teach all about My love. Fill them so they are overflowing in their hearts. This is the mighty medicine. It is My letter of intense, ardent love for My people.
I am truly here, little ones. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I will live strongly in the hearts of all who come to you. You will be the key. Focus on your intense love of Me. Read My letters as a cookbook for intimacy with Me. My love waits for each person and I tell you here how to be close to Me. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus on fire for love of you. I am longing for you to come and be with Me in silence. I will give you all you need.
I am the Alpha. I am the Omega. I am your all. I am God, one, true and magnificent, and I come to you with ardent love in Holy Communion and in the tabernacle. I am present, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. I am waiting. Our love affair waits and it depends on you. I am there and I am waiting. You keep us apart.
Tell them how I long for them and have all they need. The love of Christ will light their city. You will stand as the lighted city in darkness. My love will be that by which you light this dark world. Oh, such power, such might! The love of God will reign in the hearts of all you touch. You are My vessel to draw this world to the love of Jesus.
Read and study My letters and be taught about My ardent love. I am Jesus Christ and I am teaching you about My love on fire for all. Come and be powered by the hand of God. My love will rock the world off its rocker when it reigns in the hearts of those who come to you. I love you so! You are My beloved. I will use you to light My dark world. You will shine as candles in the darkest night and you will be the instruments I use to light their wicks. I am God and I love them so dearly!
This is My love for all. Power and might will shine forth on the land. I am the brightest light. Look into the light for the light. Look into the arms of Jesus. I will light this world through you. Alleluia. And the angels sang and the choirs of heaven were heard for the earth proclaimed the Love of Jesus. Alleluia
end of February 23, 1994
Kathleen at the Beach
Kathleen Handmaid of the Good Shepherd Head of the Florida Site
Kathleen W.
I give my heart to Jesus and Mary with you in love! I write this for the honor and glory of God and in thanksgiving to Jesus for calling me to this Movement.Jesus says in St. John's Gospel, "You did not choose me, no, I chose you…" Jn 15:16.
What a calling! To be chosen to be a Handmaid of the Good Shepherd! His special spouse! The spouse of THE KING & CREATOR of the Universe!
WOW! And a Movement personally directed by Jesus! Thank you, Jesus!
Words cannot express all I would like to say. Since 1st grade I wanted to be a nun. I saw the nuns at my school and I wanted to be like them. Unfortunately growing up... all the peer pressure in school and the struggles of young adulthood took away any hope of being a nun. I followed the ways of the world and left Jesus out of my life.
During my senior year of nursing, the seed of pursuing a religious vocation sprang up again in my heart. I started attending daily Mass as often as I could, and Mary our Mother was bringing me closer to Jesus. My 1st choice was Mother Teresa's Order, however, that didn't happen for me.
After graduation from nursing school I went to a Bible Institute Retreat at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. While there, I attended a Baptism of the Spirit Seminar and felt a strong presence of the Holy Spirit.
That fall, in 1996, I went back to Ohio for another retreat, and while I was in the chapel one evening, I picked up God's Blue Book II and read a message on Communion from Jesus. I almost fell out of my pew! The message touched me deep in my heart. Thankfully, I was able to take the book home. the messages were awesome! I never knew of having such an intimate relationship with Jesus!
I started spending an hour everyday after Mass. I joined the Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart and later started a Shepherds of Christ Prayer Chapter. I got the other Blue Books, the rosary book and rosary tapes. I felt so committed to praying the prayers and the rosary mediations were so powerful! I thank Jesus and Mary for all these revelations!
I heard about the handmaids in 1998, while ordering through the Shepherds of Christ. I was really interested in them. I thought maybe this is where God is calling me. I kept praying to do His will.
Jesus, in His time, made it all work out. When we give our lives to Jesus, He can do more than we could ever ask for or imagine! Jesus loves us!
I feel so blessed and privileged to be in the formation of being a handmaid! Thank you, my Father, for this Movement and all the beautiful people in it! Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your tremendous work in my soul! Thank you, Jesus, for choosing me for this special calling. And like Mary, my life is a continuous FIAT. "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior." and "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word."
Excerpt from February 4, 2005
Jesus speaks:
My Heart is full of love bigger than
April 23, 2006 message continues
Messenger: To the Christian they know that
they can live forever —
the soul is immortal —
if they do what God wants!!
What a gift God gives to us to
know that we can live
forever —
Our body will decay and die, but our
soul will go on and all our
love and relationships go
with us, but we must serve and
love God to have our eternal reward.
I remember one of the first lengthy
messages Jesus gave Me October 5, 1992.
I asked Him if He would want to
write a book would He use My
In the early messages God taught
me about His Power and He taught
me about how fearful I was. For
months He gave me messages about
my fear and when I thought I had
enough — He gave me another.
He told me His Power never
runs out. He told me how power
in the plugs in my wall could
run out
He told me He had all the Power —
Nobody had Power over Him,
On October 5, 1992 (3:30am)
God said
October 5, 1992 - 3:30am
Messenger: Dear Jesus, Give me Your hand to write this book for you. I am your servant. I want to be Your hand to this world. If you, Lord Jesus, would write a book, what would you say?
Jesus: My dear children,
Today I come to deliver a message to each of you. I want to tell you of each person's dignity, of their beauty and their self-worth. Each child is, oh, so uniquely precious to My Most Sacred Heart. Each child is full of the talents I have given to them. Each person is divinely created by God and given all these gifts to be happy and love one another.
The problem comes when you feel you will be left out. That you will be left by another who has trodden on you and will do it again. I see you all as My most precious children. I watch your every move and know all pain and anguish in your heart. My Heart aches, you have insecure feelings about yourself. I came to this earth I died for you. I felt cold, hungry, lonely on this earth. You need not worry that no one knows the pain and anguish in your heart. God created you with such special gifts and talents. It is important for you to raise above your wound and forgive those who hurt you.
You need only turn your will and your life over to Me and I will guide you in all your ways. I have all the Power. Many are not of My ways. The key to life is to recognize your faults, but still know you are this precious gift of My Father a gift to this world. This world is in need of your strength. Running yourself down, blaming others hurting them can cause you misery and pain. At this very moment, you are the precious creation of God!! You must operate with Me in your heart.
You need not run yourself down. I am with you every day guiding your ways, lest your foot stumble and you lose your way. You will not wander far from your path if every day you keep bringing your focus back to Me. If you dare let Me be at the helm, if you dare to really let Me run your life, I will do with you such wonders that you yourself would be amazed. But you will know with such ease when you did these things that you did not do them alone. You will know My power, moving the mountain, My power chipping at the stone, My power working on your hardest problem and you will be set free.
Oh yes, you will be set free and know a serenity that only comes from letting go and letting Me run your life. To you, My child, I have given all that is good. I made you My holy soldier, My warrior in a world of pain and hatred. You are the light that shines in the darkness, you are the coat to a cold child, you are the smile that warms a troubled and lonely heart. You are the comfort for everyone you meet, because My most precious Heart powers you, smiles through you, understands and loves through you.
Love your fellows for Me. There are so many troubled hearts that need to know My love. I can love through you if you let Me, I can be their friend through you if you let Me. I am He who comforts you and you are he who comforts them. My power is endless, it never runs out, there is not a power failure EVER. In your darkest hour, My light shines in the darkness and I say to you, "Oh blessed of My Father, look at yourself with awe, you are My creation, you are indeed so precious to Me, you are My light to this world, you are My hands and My feet and most of all My Heart."
Oh, you are My loving Heart, to those who are bowed down, to those who are lost in the darkness, you carry My smile and wear My armor in a world that is trying to tear one another down with hate and ugliness. There is gentleness, there is love, there is hope in you, if you open yourself up to Me. Be My knight to the world, wear My armor. I am your God and I will protect you from the darkness. Plug into My power, be not afraid, I go before you always and you can rest in My arms when you feel weary. You can put your head in My lap and weep, you will know, I am truly with you and you are My light to this world. I created you so special - to cast out fear in the darkness, to clothe the naked, to give hope to the oppressed, to be as I live in you and love through you and you are My smile and I touch My hurting ones through your love.
You are he who loves this world. You must stay plugged into My power-source. This world is hungry for My love. It needs My love, I give to them through you. I am your God and I made you as a gift to the world. You are filled.
Focus on Me and your life will be abundant and whole, joy in suffering, freedom -- but you can take the knocks because you will know you do not go it alone, but with Me. I love you My precious child.
Deuteronomy 8:2-3
Remember the long road by which Yahweh your God led you for forty years in the desert, to humble you, to test you and know your inmost heart -- whether you would keep his commandments or not. He humbled you, he made you feel hunger, he fed you with manna which neither you nor your ancestors had ever known, to make you understand that human beings live not on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of Yahweh.
Deuteronomy 8:12-16
When you have eaten all you want, when you have built fine houses to live in, when you have seen your flocks and herds increase, your silver and gold abound and all your possessions grow great, do not become proud of heart. Do not then forget Yahweh your God who brought you out of Egypt, out of the place of slave-labour, who guided you through this vast and dreadful desert, a land of fiery snakes, scorpions, thirst; who in this waterless place brought you water out of the flinty rock; who in this desert fed you with manna unknown to your ancestors, to humble you and test you and so make your future the happier.
Messenger: Here is another message that I got.
November 8, 1991 - 4:00 a.m.
Jesus: From this day forward, you will have love, peace and joy.
You are drawn to Me like a magnet - come home to Me and feel the inner joy in your heart.
I am with you always to the ends of the earth.
I am your God and you shall not have other gods besides Me.
I will be with you - that is My promise. I will be with you forever more. Cling to Me for I am strong.
Do not be afraid, for I will gently show you the way of the Lord.
Matthew 11: 28-30
‘Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.’
R. Jesus, save me from the snare of the devil, from his seed. Plant me on solid ground so I can prosper and be full and follow the ways of the Lord.
For You have gently touched my heart and I am warm and cuddly inside.
Your wish is my command. I must follow the ways of the Lord in all things and follow His path, doing His will.
You will show me this path, if I am open to You. All I need do is ask, and I will be answered.
Open my heart and my will to Your direction, Lord Jesus. You are with me in the night, in the rising of the sun and during the day. In all my trials, You are there. Open up my heart to Your word.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Give me Your direction so I might know what path You want me to take.
If I open my heart and listen, all will be revealed to me in His time. For the honor and glory of You Jesus Christ I ask these things in Your name and open my heart to Your direction.
Please help me to put aside the ways of the flesh and follow Your direction, Lord Jesus, this day and always to dwell in the house of the Lord.
Song: All My Days
R. Today is one of those days. Sing praise to God our Father, Jesus, His Son, and the Holy Spirit. Honor and glory to You, GOD.
Thanks for this letter, You wake me from my sleep. I thought I heard a noise, but it was You waking me to talk to me.
Your word is the word of God, and all honor be Yours for Your direction. It came from God and I must heed these words.
God speaks: Put your anger aside, and make room in your heart for Jesus' love I pour into you right now. Replenish yourself with My love and My grace and be still, for I am with you this day. I will watch over you, and comfort you, and bring you into the land flowing with milk and honey. Listen to My word and be glad so that all might see your good works and praise your Father Who is in heaven.
I bless you and keep you ever in My Heart. Be ready to do My will and be blessed by Me. Listen and be glad, for I am with you until the consummation of the world.
Go now and live My word, My child. I love you.
Jesus: In the midst of confusion, be the light shining in the darkness, be life to those who are down-hearted. I have the power to do all things and I am within you, so you have the power to be My light to the world.
You are plugged into an undying source. I am there. I want to love, I want to give, I want to comfort and strengthen. I will do these things to My brethren through you, if you let Me.
Love your family, I have given them as gifts to you, to love and care for.
end of November 8, 1991
August 15, 1995
Before the Tabernacle
Rosary for Nuns and other ReligiousReceived from a live recording as Rita delivered these messages from Jesus and Mary before a large group of sisters at a convent.
Glorious Mysteries
Revelation 12: 1The Resurrection
1. Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Open wide your heart and let Me penetrate your heart with My abundant grace. My dear precious ones, how I long and thirst to be ever closer to your hearts. I wait at the door of your heart and I knock to come in, to be joined ever closer in such deep union with you, to shower My gentle love upon you. I am Jesus! I came to give you new life that you will have this life to the full. Open wide your heart and let Me in. Put aside all the distractions, all of the doubts, all of the worries of this day and let Me talk to you deeply in your heart. Let Me tell you the words of My love and tell you more and more of the mysteries of My life and My mother's life. I love you! I love you! I love you! I am waiting for a deeper love relationship with you, My beloved spouse.
2. Jesus: The seeds of time move exceedingly slow. You are My soldiers that I am sending into a world that has turned their hearts to stone. I give to you the mighty medicine, My abundant love to plant these seeds in the hearts of all that you touch. I am Jesus. As you dwell more and more in My Heart and My Mother's Heart, we live in this world through you. I love you! I love you! I love you! It is through the light in your eyes, the love in your heart that many hearts will be changed this day. Open your heart and let me fill you with My grace, My burning love within your heart.
3. Jesus: Life is not life, if it is not rooted in Me.
4. R. See before you as clearly as possible, vividly, the picture of our beloved Jesus with His arms outstretched, His head crowned with thorns, the blood on His face and His body; His body withered and hanging from the cross. He gave the last beat of His Heart, the last drop of His blood. See Him, His withered body as it hung on the cross. Keep this picture in front of your eyes. As we meditate on these glorious mysteries, keep this picture vividly fixed in your mind.
5. R. Next to this picture, of Jesus' Crucifixion see the picture of Jesus as He rose on the third day, victorious from the Tomb. His glorified wounds, His body glistening in light. Our beloved Savior raised from the dead, victorious! Death has no power over Jesus. We see the withered body of Jesus hanging on the cross and next to this, we see Jesus triumphant on the third day.
6. R. He has all the power. We go through our lives, a constant struggle and rising to new life. All through our day we go through these struggles and as we live in Him as He allows these events to happen in our lives, we rise more and more to life in Him. Every moment of our day, rising to new life as we become saturated more and more on our journey toward our final home in Heaven. Who are we that at Baptism, we are given a sharing in His life that we some day will be united in deepest union with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for all eternity if we do what God wants us to do. The Rosary is the story of life. The life from the Father, in the Spirit, the life that God the Father sent Jesus into this world in the womb of the Virgin Mary. The Baby Jesus formed in Mary's womb, Jesus received this life for His little body from Mary, His Mother. The Rosary is the story of life. Life flows from the Father in the Spirit through the pierced Heart of Jesus in the Heart of Mary to us, as we carry His love to all those we touch.
7. R. On the way to Emmaus, Jesus walked with two disciples and He accounted for them all the Scriptures that pertained to Him, from Moses and the early prophets. When they arrived at Emmaus He broke the bread and they recognized Him. Later they said, "Were not our hearts burning within us?" As He accounted for us the Scriptures we read the scriptures, we are given the Scriptures and the Mass. We are given the Sacraments -- we are given the Eucharistic Sacrifice of the Mass. We are given these gifts. Jesus is alive! He wants us to be saturated with His grace. The disciples on the way to Emmaus said, "Were not our hearts burning within us?" As He accounted for us the Scriptures, Jesus is giving to us these messages to help us to be filled with His grace in our hearts. Jesus loves; He loves each one of us with the tenderest, gentlest love and He is calling out in these Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary to share more and more about Their lives with us as it flows in our hearts. He wants us to know that He is alive and outpouring His life to us.
8. R. On Ascension Thursday, I had such an experience and Jesus called out, "I am alive! I am alive! I am alive! The emotion that I experienced and the sufferings; not sufferings that hurt, but great joy to hear His words. For He bids me to tell you how He is alive, and for three days I cried to hear what He said and to experience what I experienced. Jesus Christ IS truly the Son of God. The same Jesus that walked the earth and hung on the cross, and was carried in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Jesus Christ is in this room truly present in His Divinity and humanity. He is calling out from the Tabernacle for us to come and to unite in deeper and deeper union with Him. For He longs, He thirsts and He waits for our love. He stands by the door of our hearts and He calls out, "I am alive! I am truly present in the Eucharist. I dwell in your hearts. Minute by minute, second by second I am dwelling within you; when you are in the state of grace, in a special way." Who are we that God dwells in us? The Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell within us when we are baptized and in the state of grace. If we could see our own graced soul, to see the beauty of this soul filled with His life. We are given such gifts. Are not our hearts burning within us? Are we not crying out, Jesus is alive! Why do we not stand on the roof top and shout to this world that is suffering and in pain, "the medicine is the love of God." He is alive and we have the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we have the Sacraments. We have the priests. We have you beautiful sisters. We are given such gifts. The Rosary is the story of His life and Jesus is alive! We share in His life through baptism. Are not our hearts burning within us that the Almighty God unites with us? Who are we that God loves us so much? This is the story of His life. Jesus Christ came to this earth. He lived and He died. He gave His flesh and His blood and He remains with us this day in greatest love calling out from the Tabernacle, "I am alive! I am alive! I am alive! I love you! I love you! I love you!" Do we not hear His words, His tender words of love? This is how Jesus loves. He is the bridegroom of our souls.
9. Song: Are Not Our Hearts Burning Within Us
10. Jesus: My dear special sisters, you are chosen by Me, My beloved spouse. I am waiting and longing to unite ever closer to your heart. I love you with a burning love. I want you to love Me with a heart that is filled with burning love. I am waiting for you. Come to Me in silence. Let Me speak to you as you sit before My Tabernacle, I outpour to you more and more My abundant life. As you are filled more and more with My grace, you understand greater insights into My divine mysteries. I am giving to you a sharing in My life. Each day you understand deeper and deeper these mysteries. The mystery of My love for you. I am Jesus. I love you! I love you! I love you! I am sending you into a world that is filled with many hearts that are turning cold and hard. They are suffering. They are your brothers. Stay rooted firmly in the burning flames in My Heart. You are My beloved sisters, the stars in the sky. I have called you and I want to unite to you deeper and deeper in My love.
Song: "Come Holy Spirit, Come Holy Spirit....." to be sung after each decade.
The Ascension of Jesus
1. R. It is in Baptism that we share in His life and we are commissioned to go forth to carry the Gospel Message. To live His life, death and resurrection in our lives as we dwell more and more in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell in us in a special way when we are baptized and remain in the state of grace.
2. Then he took them out as far as the outskirts of Bethany, and raising his hands he blessed them. Now as he blessed them, he withdrew from them and was carried up to heaven. They worshipped him and then went back to Jerusalem full of joy; and they were continually in the Temple praising God. Luke 24: 50-53
3. Jesus: I come to you My beloved ones, with a Heart that is burning and filled with My divine love. I give to you a sharing in My life. You were commissioned in Baptism to go into this world and carry out the work that I have begun. My dear ones, My dear sisters, so precious to My Heart filled with burning love, come to Me, for I am waiting and longing for your love.
4. R. We see the apostles; simple men. We see Peter as he denied Jesus three times. They slept in the Garden. We see that they were men that lived and walked with Jesus, yet they had faults. These were the men that He chose to start His Church.
Jesus: Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build My church.
5. John baptised with water but, not many days from now, you are going to be baptised with the Holy Spirit.’ Acts 1: 5
6. Jesus: My beloved ones, The word is mission. I send you into this world My soldiers to go forth and to spread My love. The days here are short. They seem to linger, but the batting of an eye and your life is ended. I call you to love, love of God, love of one another. Many souls are suffering and in pain. They are your brothers. I ask you to love as I have loved you, to pray every day to the Father in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Spirit with Mary your Mother to pray for the souls of your brothers and to offer up all of your actions done in accordance to the Father's Will. Done in great love. Such a strong prayer -- Live in the Father's Will. Unite your prayers as offering to the Father through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for your brothers, for the souls in Purgatory. This world is suffering and in pain. You must pray as you have never prayed before. I am Jesus. I am calling to you with whatever your state in life is at this moment to be an apostle of prayer, to spend your days living in the Father's Will with love, performing all your actions for your suffering brothers and sisters.
7. Jesus: Prayers, My dear ones, can stop wars. Pray to your Father, pray with all your hearts. I call for a love relationship with you, that you will love Me with your whole heart, your whole soul and your whole being, not words that you recite, but a consecration to My Heart and to the Heart of My beloved Mother. I am Jesus. I am waiting for you all My dear ones, as I hung on the cross, My arms outstretched. The nails penetrating My hands and My feet. The thorns had punctured My head. My dear ones, I gave My All! But My greatest sufferings was not what you see when you look at the cross, the wounds that covered My body. My greatest sufferings were the sufferings of My Heart for the indifference, the neglect, the sacrileges committed against My Heart. For I would have suffered more for My beloved souls. I love! I love! I love each and every precious soul! I shed My blood for each soul. Each precious soul created by the Father, loved dearly by Him. Will you not pray for your beloved brothers? All of your days is a prayer for this world that is suffering and in pain. I am crying out to you My beloved ones. You are My apostles that I am sending into this world to spread My love. You cannot march on this world. You must pray with all your heart. You are My chosen ones. I AM JESUS! I love you with the deepest love.
8. R. Jesus gave to us His beloved Mother to mother us. She mothers us more than any earthly mother. She leads us on our way; our way to our home in Heaven. Jesus ascended into Heaven to prepare a place for us in our true home. He gave to us His Mother, to mother us, to mother the Church.
9. R. Let our hearts be filled with such joy for the great gifts that we are given. The sharing in His life through baptism, He loves His Church. He gives us the Mass, the Sacraments. He loves His priests, the religious. Let us thank the Almighty God for the gift of His life, the fact that we can share in this. That the Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell in us when we are baptized and in the state of grace. Dear God thanks for your grace poured out through the Church to us. Who are we that God the Father so loved this world that He sent His only begotten Son into this world? We are loved so far beyond our comprehension.
10. R. Let us bow and bend low and kiss the ground before the Tabernacle, for the Almighty God, Jesus Christ, the Son of God is truly present in this room, the same as the day He carried His cross on His back. If we saw Jesus walk across this room, we would be in awe. He remains in this room with us. He gives Himself to us in the Holy Eucharist. We unite in deepest union with the Almighty God and His Divinity and humanity, His true presence. Are not our hearts burning within us? God gives Himself to us.
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
1. "When Pentecost day came round, they had all met together, when suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of a violent wind which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and there appeared to them tongues as of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak different languages as the Spirit gave them power to express themselves. Acts 2: 1-4
2. R. These were the men that were filled with fear. When the Holy Spirit descended upon them, they were transformed from fear to fearlessness. They went out to preach the Gospel message. They saw Jesus die. They saw Him after He rose. They saw Him ascend into Heaven. Peter, who had denied Jesus, now went out and he went from town to town fearlessly preaching the love of God.
But many of those who had listened to their message became believers; the total number of men had now risen to something like five thousand. Acts 4: 4
R. He went from town to town and He healed the sick. He knew Jesus was alive. I heard Him call out, "I am alive! I am alive! I am alive!" He calls to us this day to go out into this world and to be fearless soldiers and to preach the Gospel message, the message of His love. We have the greatest gift to give to this world; the love of God alive in our hearts.
3. R. They were locked in prison and they got out singing. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit live within us when we are baptized and remain in the state of grace, dwell within us at every single second. The more we realize this, the more we are not afraid. The more we have the fearlessness of the apostles. If the sun ceases to shine and the earth shakes, I know that I am never alone. God is inside of me every single second, with the deepest love if I am baptized and in the state of grace. As I breathe, as I live, He lives in me and I am united to Him. No matter what goes on around us, we are never alone.
4. Jesus: The sun may not shine, the earth may shake. My dear, dear ones, I am alive and I am with you this day. Open wide your hearts and let Me penetrate your hearts. I want hearts that are burning, in love. Hearts that are filled with fire. Pray to the Holy Spirit to transform you from fear to fearlessness, to fill your hearts with the fire of God's love. My dear ones, you are given such great gifts of sharing in My divine life and My divine love. My precious sisters, chosen by Me for a special mission, I love you! I love you! I love you! Dearly I love you and wait by the door of your heart. Rid yourselves of any of the walls that are keeping you from a close union with Me. Remove all of the debris in your hearts, any resentment, anger that keeps you from deeper union with Me. Trade any bitterness in your heart for a heart that is filled with My Divine love. I want your hearts holy My dear ones. Hearts that are on fire and filled with love. Hearts that sing with the love of God. Hearts that love; love God and love one another. I am giving to you, My abundant life. I am filling you with great graces. As you are filled, you will march forth into this world and carry this love in your being. As you are in your hearts, so shall you be in this world. Make hearts sing with the love of God. I am alive! I am alive! I am alive! I live in your hearts this day.
5. Song: A Song from Jesus
6. Song: I Love You, Jesus
7. Song: Come Holy Spirit
Jesus: My beloved sisters, I am outpouring to you My grace. I share with you My abundant grace. I ask you to open wide your hearts. Let me penetrate your soul. Come to Me. Remove any walls and know My Divine love. I am alive. For I am longing and yearning to be closer and closer to you.
September 4, 2004
8. R. See the face of Jesus as He hung on the cross, His head crowned with thorns, the dripping blood on the side of His face. See His arms outstretched as He hung for three hours to His brutal death. His body wounded, and His hands penetrated with the nails. See Him! This is the love that He gave His All. This is how He loves! He gave His flesh, His blood and in greatest love for us, He remains with us this day as He gave Himself on the cross. He gives Himself to us in the Holy Eucharist and as the priest raises up the Host, I hear Him call out, "This is MY BODY! This is MY BLOOD!" Then He says, "I want hearts that are on fire for love of Me. This is the love that I give to you. Come to Me, My beloved ones. Trust. My Heart is on fire for love of you. SAY Sacred Heart of Jesus I trust in You.
April 5, 2001
9. R. The wind may blow and the sun may cease to shine, but in our hearts we know the presence of the Almighty God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that live within us and dwell within us. This is life, the presence of His life in us. His burning love in our hearts. We are given such gifts through baptism.
10. Song: Come Holy Ghost
Jesus: I love you! I love you! I love you! My beloved sisters, I am longing for deeper and deeper union with your hearts.
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven
1. "Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
2. R. The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph and the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign, and there will be an era of peace. The Father chose Mary from all women to be the Mother of God. God the Father sent His Son, Jesus into this world, in the Virgin Mary. How favored this beautiful daughter of the Father, that He chose Mary to be the instrument whereby He sent His Son into this world. This tells us of the great love that the Father has for the Virgin Mary.
3. R. Life flows from the Father, in the Holy Spirit into the Child Jesus through the Heart of Mary. The Rosary is the story of life. For two mysteries of the Rosary, we meditate on the Child Jesus within the womb of His mother; in Mary. The Father loved Mary so much that He chose her to be the mother of Jesus. The Child Jesus in the womb of His Mother receives His life from Mary's Heart.
4. R. He nursed at the breast of His mother and received His life from His mother. Mary is our mother. Mary is the Mediatrix of all grace. From the Father, in the Holy Spirit, through the pierced Heart of Jesus flows this life. Through the Heart of Mary, pierced invisibly seven times, and this life flows to us. God calls us to be an instrument to reach others.
5. R. Let us dwell in the Heart of the Virgin Mary. For she dwells in the Heart of her Son. As deeply as we dwell in her heart and in His Heart, we are saturated deeply in His grace. Who are we that we were given such gifts, that we partake in His divine life?
6. R. Do you feel this life within you, in your soul penetrating your being as we are saturated more and more and at every Mass? Each word of the Mass receives more and more meaning as it becomes more and more alive. As we know them more and more, each word of the Scriptures has so much more meaning as we grow to such radiance -- being saturated more and more with His grace -- an endless source that is never exhausted Our union in eternity depends on the saturation of our life here below.
7. R. As we dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary saturated with this life, this is our little eternity here. The most important thing in our life is our union with Them. As we become one in Him, as we live in Him, through Him and with Him, everything in our life works out more and more according to the Father's Plan.
8. R. He came to give us life that we would have life to the full. We must strive to live according to the Father's Will, always doing His Will. The Father has a plan for each one of us uniquely created and so special to Him. Each one of us, His beloved creation. He loves us so much. In this union with God lies our peace and joy.
9. Mary: My children, My children, My dear little children. Come to my heart. Come and dwell in my heart. I will bathe you in my love as the Holy Spirit transforms you more and more into the image of my Son. As you are transformed into His image, you are united more with your Heavenly Father. I am Mary, your mother. Come and dwell in my heart. As you dwell in Our Hearts, you will be God's instrument to spread His love to all.
10. Mary: You are in a battle this day between good and evil. The forces of satan are so strong, my dear little children. You must come to Our Hearts and dwell in Our Hearts for the times will become much more difficult. It is in dwelling in Our Hearts and realizing the presence of the Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit within you that you'll be strong soldiers and filled with peace in the deepest struggles and difficulties. You will progress more and more in your life united more deeply to God. You shall dwell and live in Our Hearts. I am Mary, your mother. My dear little children, how gently and tenderly I care for you. I protect you and spread my mantle over you this day. On this special feast of the Assumption, come to my Heart. Consecrate your heart to my Heart. Give your all, my dear little ones. For the rewards that you will receive outweigh any of your expectations.
The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
1. R. At the Holy Spirit Center, the windows in the Rosary Chapel are the Rosary. As we receive more and more of these meditations and these messages on the rosary, the windows are so alive to me. To look at the windows, I am filled with such joy. For I love more and more Jesus and Mary, and I love to meditate on Their lives. I love the fifteenth window, Mary is crowned Queen of Heaven and earth, and Jesus is crowning her, and the Father is above and so is the Holy Spirit. I want to be so united with God forever in heaven. I am so filled with joy when I look at that window. Fr. Carter called dwelling in Their Hearts our little heaven on earth. We are saturated more and more with His grace the more we go to Him in love in the Sacraments, we want to be with Him forever and ever in heaven.
Song: Eyes Have not Seen
2. Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant, and in labour, crying aloud in the pangs of childbirth. Revelation 12: 1-2
R. In the reading this morning they talked about the dragon appearing. We are living in this world and the forces of satan are pressing down. Mary is the new Eve, and Jesus the new Adam.
3. R. Satan prowls through this earth trying to devour all the souls that he can. I see the Blessed Mother over and over again. Her beautiful face as she calls out for the little children that are going to be lost to the fires of hell to see her face and to hear her saying this, "My dear little children will be lost to the fires of hell. Pray as you have never prayed before. I beg you -- I beg you to pray. I am your mother!" I hear her say this every time we do The Finding in the Temple for she lost her Child in the Temple and so many of the children are lost this day. She begs us with her motherly Heart and her beautiful face to pray.
4. Mary: You, my dear children are the children of the Light. You are going into battle. Satan intends to devour as many souls as he can. You are My soldiers that I am sending into the fields to spread My light in the darkness. I am filling you abundantly with My love, my motherly love. You are showered with abundant grace. My dear ones, your hearts filled with the fire of the love of God and you will shine as lights in the darkest night. Open your heart and receive all the gifts that are being outpoured to you. Time is urgent. The place is set. Many of my little children will lose their souls and be condemned to the fires of hell. I am begging you to pray. Pray from your heart. Pray with a heart that is on fire for the love of God. My little children will be doomed forever and ever. Pray! My Son Jesus came to this earth to save each and every soul.
5. R. The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumphant, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign when our hearts are joined to Their Hearts. Let us pray every prayer to the pure and tender heart of our mother praying in Mary's Heart. With her love for the Father, all the memories that she has in her Heart of the Son. All the love that she has for the Son and the Holy Spirit. Let us pray from her heart and LOVE with her Heart, love God and love one another with a pure and tender heart.
Jesus: Pray through the heart of My beloved Mother.
6. Jesus: I come to give you life, that you will have life to the full. Release yourselves. Let Me fill your hearts with My grace.
7. Jesus: The batting of an eye, the dropping of a pin and your life is over on this earth. My dear ones, your true home is in Heaven. Live your lives in accordance to the Father's Will. With love, always love. Love God. Love one another. Strive to be holy as the Saints, living ordinary lives, but lives of holiness. Lives of love. I am Jesus, your beloved Savior. Come to My Heart and I will teach you the ways of My love.
8. Song: I Know Your Love a Little Now
R. Jesus, teach us the ways of Your Heart. Fill us Your life, that we may know more Your Ways.
9. R. As I walked I knew the presence of the Almighty God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit within my heart. I do not want to ever lose that state of grace by mortal sin. I realize this presence within me; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God walks with me, God is in me. In my every prayer I am united with God. My heart is filled with greatest joy. The Almighty God lives in me. Who am I that God loves me so much?
10. Jesus: You, My beloved one are My child. I love you! I love you! I love you! Come and dwell in My Heart. I am waiting and longing to be so close to you. Open wide your heart and let Me fill you with My life. As you go to the Heart of My mother, as you model your lives after My mother, you will grow more and more in holiness. If you love and serve your God as He wants, someday soon you will be in the courts of Heaven in deepest union with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit united to all the angels and saints and your hearts will sing. You will know the presence of the Almighty God.
Song: Come give me life, abundant life. I thirst to be with thee.
Glory Be
September 7, 1995
From my notebook September 7, 1995, at the Convent Chapel, Mt. St. Joseph, before the exposed Eucharist and a vision of Our Lord.
QUOTE from my notebook:
Messenger: I had a vision of Jesus standing to the left of the altar, His halo around His head. There was a lot of gold, His arms outstretched.
He asked me to carry the rosaries to this world. (He referred to the meditations, "Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary")
He said "I call you to speak. Do not hold back. I am sending you into the desert. Carry nothing on your back, go as I command you. Free yourself of all worldly attachments and speak. I speak through you. I will touch the cold hearts through your speech. Do not hold back -- souls are at stake."end of excerpt from September 7, 1995
From July 14, 2000
Jesus speaks: I call you to talk to the sisters about Jesus.
Messenger: Jesus called me on September 7, 1995, to talk to the sisters about Jesus and to spread His words. His message was to reach them, telling me I must do so.
He appeared to the side of the altar, the same side as in Lucia's vision. He was adorned in a lot of gold and I saw a lot of gold.
Today Jesus sent me to the funeral of one of His precious sisters.
He told me how much He loves them and again we should try to reach them. The original messages of 1994 and 1995 were given to reach the sisters with the Blue Books.
Regarding the second Blue Book in particular, in 1994 and 1995, He gave me several messages to circulate these to priests and sisters.
We are still struggling to translate this in Spanish. The translation must maintain all that is true. It is not a little task to put Jesus' words in another language. It must be absolutely accurate. Jesus gives it to me so I can write it in English.
I do not wish to deviate from the original message given from Jesus today and from the past previous days.
Jesus speaks: My daughter, I do indeed love My sisters so, they are My special spouse. They, too, long to know more the mystery of My love. Deep in their hearts they want the greatest union with Me. I want them to have the letters of My love given especially in Blue Book II, but five years later they are not as open to the private revelation as they were five years ago.
I desire very much that the sisters receive the Mass Book with the Imprimatur. I wish people to help you through their prayers and support to reach the sisters.
I wish My center in Sidney to be a sub-center. One of its purposes is to reach the sisters through mailings, etc.
My center in Sidney is important to Me. This Tuesday, July 18, 2000, I will give special graces of healing for all who come.
I wish the sisters' mailing to be sent out to all sisters as possible. I requested the newsletter on the Mass and the Blessed Virgin with the audio tapes of these recorded by your founder be sent.
My sisters are very dear to Me, they can help to lead souls to My Sacred Heart.
I want My sisters to be consecrated to My Heart and the Heart of My Mother.
I want them to help reach the priests with the newsletter.
I want prayer chapters of sisters praying as I have instructed.
Jesus speaks: Sisters are given special graces as My special spouse. There is a special gift given to the world when sisters pray the prayers I have given, especially when prayed before the Blessed Sacrament.
I love My sisters so much. They may not marry a man, but they have many children in My Church to help lead to God through prayer.
I want sisters to lead little ones to the rosary and to love the Mass.
I want them to help older people to offer their lives up as a prayer in the Morning Offering in union with the Mass.
If the intention is there every morning of offering their sufferings and simple activities up to the Father in My name through the powerful intercession of Mary with all the angels and saints for the priests, the Church and the world, that is all that is needed.
Morning Offering
My dear Father, I offer you this day all my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings in union with Jesus in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in the Holy Spirit.
I unite with our Mother Mary, all the angels and saints, and all the souls in purgatory to pray to the Father for myself, for each member of my family, for my friends, for all people throughout the world, for all the souls in purgatory, and for all other intentions of the Sacred Heart.
I love You, Jesus, and I give You my heart. I love you, Mary, and I give you my heart.
Jesus speaks: I want sisters to help Me spread the consecration by spreading the card
"I give my heart to Jesus and Mary with you in love."
I love My sisters so much. You must reach them with My requests.
I want them to help in My Movement.
They should pray, and help reach other sisters and priests with the priestly newsletter.
I want the Holy Spirit Novena book to be given to sisters and used by their students who are to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
There are 18 different Scripture readings.
Sisters can use these materials in schools.
The sisters, especially those in schools, should be given the Parents and Children's Rosary Book and Rosary Aves.
Please, My sisters, help Me. I want you to help My children know how much I love them.
I want a deep union with you as My bride.
I want you to teach others how to be My special bride and tell the world about My Church - the good news.
I am truly present in the Eucharist - tell them.
Tell them about the Mass.
Please get my Mass Book with the Imprimatur all over the world, especially to sisters and priests.
Excerpt from the Mass Book
SPEAK TO THE SISTERS AND PRIESTS.Written before the exposed Eucharist in the
convent chapel at the college of Mt. St. Joseph:Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find.
Jesus wants us to speak. He does not want us to hold back. We will touch the cold hearts with the messages of His love. We can not hold back, souls are at stake. I can envision Jesus standing to the left of the altar, His halo around His head. There's a lot of gold. His arms are outstretched.
Through Him, with Him, and in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
I want to carry the rosaries out to this world.
I am your servant, Lord. It is no longer I who live, but He Who lives in Me. Give to me abundant graces to live only for Thee, to be only as You want me to be, to surrender my all for Thee so I can truly say, "In fact, through the Law I am dead to the Law so that I can be alive to God. I have been crucified with Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me…" (Ga. 2:19-20)
We are His apostles that He is sending into the world. He wants us to speak of His burning love. He is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. We should cherish the precious gift of Jesus in the Eucharist. He wants us to go out and spread the devotions to His most Sacred Heart and His Mother's heart. I love the Eucharist, reminiscing on all the special moments I have had with my Lover, my Beloved, moments in front of the tabernacle, drawing closer and closer to Him.
I live my life to attend Mass. I envision a halo around the consecrated Host.
I feel the intense glow of His love that is so warm and gives me such joy.
Through Him, with Him and in Him.
I am laid waste in His precious love.
Like glowing embers, on and off - I love the Eucharist with my deepest love!
Let me put my head on Your chest. My heart is burning for love of You. My heart is burning now from the Holy Eucharist one hour ago.
I come and sit with Him in front of the tabernacle and tell Him all my problems.
I love Him so much!
(End of Excerpt from the Mass Book)
Excerpt of September 4, 2000, Daily Message
Jesus speaks: On this Labor Day, September 4, 2000, I ask you to proceed with the sisters' mailing. Help is needed to do this. I request the 2 priestly newsletters be sent and 2 tapes of these newsletters. I love you. Jesus.
(End of excerpt of September 4, 2000 Daily Message)
September 5, 2000 - Second Message
Jesus speaks: I desire you to contact the sisters with the prayer manuals
and brochure.I desire sisters to help spread the priestly newsletter
and tapes of Father delivering the priestly newsletter to all priests possible.
I desire sisters to consecrate their hearts to Me and My Mother.
I desire sisters to form prayer chapters.
I desire sisters to help spread My Movement to help bring about the reign of My Sacred Heart and triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart.
I desire sisters to help reach the children to form Junior Shepherds of Christ Chapters and to spread the rosary to them.
I desire sisters to help getting people to make rosaries and send them to My Mother's Rosary Factory in Florida, all types of rosaries, especially mission rosaries for the missions and Walter's rosary for the schools.
I desire sisters to help Me with My Movement.
I love My precious sisters so. They are My special spouse. I want sisters to request the Mass Book
that they will have a deeper union with Me.
I want sisters to request the Parents and Children's Rosary Book.
I want sisters to reach the nursing homes with My Movement and the rosary.
Give them this little card.
Jesus speaks: Please, sisters, help all to offer their days in the Morning Offering.
Jesus speaks: My sisters, lead My souls to Me, fruit for the Kingdom.
My sisters, these are your children, the ones you lead to Me in My churches, schools and nursing homes.
Oh, My sisters, you have so many children, lead them to My Heart.
Oh, My sisters,
and when you come to Me, I say "Where are your children?" and you give Me your lives offered to lead souls to Me.
Oh, My sisters, I need you to hear My call and answer Me.
Oh, My sisters, I cry to you.
Oh, My sisters, help Me.
I am your Spouse, your children are the ones you send to Me. Send them to the fires of My Heart.
Oh, My sisters,
My little ones, the ones I died for, Oh My Sisters,
I gave My life for My souls - they are your children, they are crying and being led astray.
My sisters, your babies are crying -
My sisters, I give you the School Rosary Program of My Mother.
My sisters, I give you My nursing home cards.
My sisters, I give you My prayers.
My sisters, I give you all My rosary material.
Jesus speaks: MY SISTERS -
I give you My priestly newsletter.
Oh, My sisters, help Me reach My priests.
Help Me reach My people that they will consecrate their hearts and pray as a body, united to the Mass for the priests, the Church and the world.
Oh, My sisters, this is MY MOVEMENT -
I cry to you about the children.
I cry.
Jesus speaks: My children, My Mother cries on the building for you.
My sisters, she appears and cries to her children to listen.
My sisters, today September 5, 2000, I dedicate this message to you. Please help Me, your children are crying.
From the depth of My Sacred Heart, My sisters, I cry to you.
Begin prayer chapters and pray as I have instructed. I love you so much, My sisters.
I am Jesus, your Savior.
Savior of the world - I cry to you today.
end of excerpt
An Afternoon with Mary
September 7, 2003
April 23, 2006 message continues
Jesus speaks:
My dear Florida people —please circulate My
My dear people —
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152
We accept credit cards.
July 5, 2003 during prayer service
July 5, 2003 during prayer service
July 5, 2003 during prayer service
July 5, 2003 during prayer service
April 23, 2006 message continues
Mary speaks:
Please circulate my
image picture
wallets and
Jesus' image picture
Please do as my Son
Jesus asks you —
You waste valuable time
August 20, 1994 - 2nd message
Mary speaks: My suffering was so deep, only by God's grace could a human person experience such suffering.
There were not wounds, there was no blood, there was, my Child, only the experiences of my Heart. My Heart was pierced so deeply with a sword. Such deep pain, a sword piercing would not describe the pain I had. Do you wonder how deep did the sword pierce my Heart? The depth was incomprehensible. My life was lived in such connectedness with my Son, in such intimacy with Him. I watched my beloved Son, to Whom I was so closely united for 33 years, suffer so dishonorably.
My sufferings were for you, child. I love you as no earthly mother ever loved a child. I am your most loving Mother. If I underwent such suffering for you, do you think I would not be protecting and loving you now? I have not gone. I am with you!
If I could only tell you what I saw: my Son suffering for love of you. If I could let you see through my eyes what He suffered for love of you!
If you meditate on His Passion in the rosary and the Stations, you see His immense love. I will help you to see His love more and more through my eyes.
I appear to tell all of this suffering. This is the key to understanding how much you are loved. Think of what I saw, look through my eyes, hold His lifeless Body under the cross, meditate on the Seven Sorrows that I hold deep in my Heart. It is there you will know His immense love. Look at my Son through a Mother's eyes. Look at Him as He dragged the heavy cross on His way to the Crucifixion. Stand by and watch them pull His hair and drag Him away, and beat His precious bare Body. Stand with me, little ones, as I walked with Him and look through my eyes. You will realize more His great love for you.
Go to Him, love Him, He is in the Eucharist this day. He longs, longs for your individual love. He is your lover, on FIRE for love of you. I love you so much.
I am Mary, your Mother.
August 21, 1994 - 3rd message
Messenger: We must see Christ's love poured out to us through one another. He operates in our brothers. One of the ways He loves us is through others. We must see Christ in each person.
Am I acting like Christ to my brothers?
Am I the reflection of the Christ Who lives within me?
Christ wants to love His beloved ones through me. Am I loving my brothers as He wants me to?
Did I act like Christ would?
Jesus, help me to let You live through me. Help me to be the empty vessel You use to spread Your love to others.
I love You so, thank You for the love You pour out to me this day. I am Your grateful child and I love You.
April 5, 2001
August 21, 1994 - 4th message
Jesus speaks: I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am the tenderest of all hearts. I love you so much, let go and experience all the love I pour out to you. You do not see the abundant blessing I am pouring on you. I am Jesus and I am forever guarding you. Hold tight to My hand, focus on My ardent burning Heart on fire for love of you. Release all anxieties and fears as you find such shelter in My Heart.
You are surrounded by My enfolding love. You are warmed and cradled by My arms. I am your tender Jesus, gentlest of all hearts, come to love you so ardently this very day.
Let go into My most waiting arms. My Mother will place you in the very recesses of My Heart. She is your most loving Mother. Come to Me through her Immaculate Heart.
I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus, you are My chosen ones. Experience My love poured out to you this day, My beloved ones.
December 31, 1998
UNCOVER THE IMPERFECTIONSJesus speaks: My child, you must not be sad because you have unveiled an imperfection in your heart. Be joyful, you cannot heal from that which you will not recognize. Many are filled with fear in their hearts that they will be abandoned or not have love. I will never abandon you, I loved you to My death on the cross. Hell is the absence of love, the presence of hate and the desire so intense to have love and know you will never possess it. When you feel divided and isolated from all around you, you can experience a foreshadowing of hell. Hell is total isolation and self hatred.
When one looks into the heart, when one finds an imperfection in the heart from dealing in deep love relationships with others, the tendency is to remain the same, to stay doing that which is comfortable. That which is comfortable to you and is an imperfection does not work in an intimate relationship. What helps to heal imperfections in intimate relationships is when both recognize the problem and want to love each other and grow out of the imperfection. Many times one must be very gentle and loving to another who experiences great pain and loss. One may have to give tremendous love while the other learns to trust more. It is in opening the hearts and realizing the imperfections and dealing with them in love that healing will take place. To cover up your imperfections and wounds is to wear a mask. Satan works in the imperfections of the people to divide them. If you do not talk about problems in intimate relationships, many times Satan continues to work and tries to tear the couple apart by playing on the imperfections. Relationship is growing hand-in-hand with one another in love. You must love. The flaws are there under the surface.
Bringing them up is not the problem.
Bringing them up can end a flaw that can be in your family for generations. You are the product of your past. You learned how to relate from imperfect parents.
Many experience fear in their hearts, the fear of exposing themselves and being rejected. Consequently, they never really show their true selves.
If you are afraid of abandonment from a young age, this fear will remain with you unless you deal with it. I can give you a great grace, but I want you to be humble and see your faults and imperfections and grow to be beautiful lovers, modeling your lives after Our Hearts. You must be true to yourselves and ask for grace to be more perfected lovers. DO NOT BE PRIDEFUL. YOU ARE NOT PERFECT.
I am Jesus. I love you.
I wish this coming year to be a year of great love in men's hearts. I wish men to let Me be the King of their hearts.
July 5, 1998
Fr. Carter Blesses Mary's Image
From July 2, 2004 message
Messenger: On December 17,
1991 (Mary appeared in Clearwater on the building 5 years
later on that
date December 17, 1996)
I saw the
Heart of Jesus enflamed like a pot bellied stove. The
white center the pure white —
pouring off so much I felt I
experienced heat and the outside layer of the
heart was
a red rim. I received the following short words.
"Open your heart to the fire of God's love. He is ablaze in your heart. He wants to dwell in you and love you and others through you. Love God, yourself and one another and experience the fire set aglow in your heart and experience the warmth of His love."
Messenger: Pray the prayers given
to you
Novena of the
Holy Spirit. (click on)
I come as a
messenger of God to the people of this earth.
In 1992 I asked God if you would write a book would
use my hand. This was October 5, 1992. I began
receiving more
and more writings and a summoning from Jesus to
daily. This I did and now as I look back over it
all so very
much may look to be published, so much remains
deep secrets into the hidden mysteries.
The guidance of my
very holy spiritual director for 6 1/2 years was very constant — daily. It was his message that Jesus gave that began the newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, but Our Lord's wish in January 1994 that the following messages go to all the Bishops of the United States December 27, 1993 "The Bridegroom Awaits" Blue Book I and January 17, 1994 "I want My Priests to Come Back" Blue Book II before Fr. Carter got the message to send the newsletter May 31, 1994. I did not even know Fr. Carter when I got the message in January 1994 nor had I even said the word priest in a message until January 17, 1994.
![]() |
My intention is
not to focus on myself at all, but how God
worked in this body of revelations.
Handmaids of the Good Shepherd Brochure
We give our hearts to Jesus and Mary with you in love.
As Handmaids of the Good Shepherd, we live out this consecration. God wants our love. Jesus, our most precious Spouse, is so personal. He is a Person, waiting and longing for our love, outpouring His divine life and His divine love to us. He gives Himself completely to us in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Mass and Communion is the center and essential part of our day. This is the greatest gift to man that God gave His only Son as a sacrifice. The Mass is the most binding prayer for oneness. Gathered in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we will be one united to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present this day. In these moments of intimacy with our Spouse in Communion, He imprints knowledge of Himself on our souls and fills our hearts with great life and love to go out and to spread His love to the hurting world.
"What power, what might, to have each person a personal spouse of Jesus Christ! This is the light to the darkened world. The love of Jesus radiates from the very being of those who love Him. What light when all together are lifted by His love abounding deep within their breasts!"
The Almighty God died for each one of us, can we not give Him our love this day? We respond, as handmaids, to this immense love by giving ourselves completely to Him with Mary as our model. Mary always did the Father's will. "You see before you the Lord's servant, let it happen to me as you have said." (Lk 1:38) Our lives, at every moment, are this dying and rising in Him, constantly striving to surrender and let go to His will, to let Him operate us so we can say as St. Paul, "...yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me." (Ga 2:20)
As young and older women, Jesus has taken us as His special spouses, the spouses of the Lamb, women who have given their lives in community primarily to pray for priests, the renewal of the Church and the world, and the Shepherds of Christ Movement. We are not a religious order, we are just women who wish to live a life of deep special spousal relationship with God.
of the Good Shepherd
Handmaids live a life of prayer, praying for the Church and the world, spending much time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament as special prayer apostles praying for the priests and the Reign of the Sacred Heart and triumph of the Immaculate Heart. We work in carrying out what Our Lady asked at Fatima. Her peace plan includes:
1. Pray the daily rosary.
2. Consecrate your hearts to my Heart and the Heart of my Son.
3. Observe the First Saturday devotion.
4. Make reparation to Our HeartsThe Shepherds of Christ Movement is major in helping to bring about the completion of the Fatima mission.
In China, Indiana, and in Clearwater, Florida, the handmaids are a big part of the nightly prayer service Jesus and Mary have requested. At 6:20 PM we begin with the Holy Spirit Novena, begging the Holy Spirit to descend on the earth in a most powerful way, and at 6:30 we continue with the Shepherds of Christ prayers (found in the Prayer Manual). The handmaids in China pray before the Blessed Sacrament while the handmaids in Florida pray under Mary's Image reading and listening to rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Handmaids are contemplatives in action. When we unite our activity which is according to God's will, whatever it is, (even sleeping and eating ) to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we are helping in the salvation of souls.
In Florida, the handmaids use their talents in spreading the fire of God's love in direct contact with people that come to the site: giving them the priestly newsletter to give to priests, telling them how to start prayer chapters and allowing them to experience Jesus' tremendous love for them in all our other materials. We also do "behind the scenes" work: publication, duplicating tapes, and many other little tasks all working together for our beloved Spouse.
All handmaids have a special calling to pray for the priestly newsletter and for all the needs of priests the world over.
The China handmaids participate in sending out the newsletter. Now the priestly newsletter goes to some 70,000 priests in the world in English and Spanish. Over and above the U.S.A. distribution, more than 210 bishops, including 4 cardinals, in about 90 countries have responded to the newsletter. The priestly newsletter is centered in consecration. In this newsletter is a prayer for the priests to consecrate their hearts to Jesus and Mary. The China handmaids have many other little jobs to do during the day, but the main focus is Mass, Communion, prayer, and adoration.
We can somewhat summarize a handmaid's life in a prayer from our Holy Spirit Novena:
"We seek to be one in God, to live and dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, our little heaven on earth, to experience life in the all perfect, pure, sinless Heart of our Mother. We want the Holy Spirit to move in us and to be united to Jesus as the Bridegroom of our souls and be a most perfect sacrifice offered to the Father at every moment as we unite in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass around the world to help in the salvation of souls."
To be considered a candidate to join the Handmaids of the Good Shepherd, one must be at an apostle level in the Shepherds of Christ Movement for at least six months. For more information or questions on how to be an apostle or handmaid, please write or call:
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
PO Box 193
Morrow, OH 45152Call: (888) 211-3041
"What power, what might,
to have each person
a personal spouse of Jesus Christ!"
Handmaids of the
Good Shepherd
"You see before you the Lord's servant, let it happen to me as you have said." - Luke 1:38
A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb, the Bridegroom of the Soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
Prayer for Union with Jesus
Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart. I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me. I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work. When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 193
Morrow, OH 45152(End of Handmaid of the Good Shepherd Brochure)
Pray for urgent intentions.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152
We take credit card donations.