Shepherds of Christ  
       Daily Writing        

April 24, 2009

April 25th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 4 Period I.

The Novena Rosary Mysteries  
for April 25th are Glorious.


China Retreat

May 11th thru May 14th

May 13th is the 92nd Anniversary

of Our Lady of Fatima's

first apparition

Please try to come.

Mass at 12 noon.




The church needs to have the stucco replaced

and also the community building.

It is about $38,000 to repair it.

People pray in the church 24 hours a day.

We have prayed in there for 11 years.

The archdiocese gave the church to us

for this purpose for a small price.


Can you help us?


Available for $10.00 plus postage




April 24, 2009


John 4: 14

        but no one who drinks the water
        that I shall give
    will ever be thirsty again:
    the water that I shall give
    will become a spring of water within,
        welling up for eternal life.


Sirach 15: 15-17

If you choose, you will keep the commandments
    and so be faithful to his will.
He has set fire and water before you;
    put out your hand to whichever you prefer.
A human being has life and death before him:
    whichever he prefers will be given him.


                From Fr. Carter


                   "We can use life in all sorts of
                selfish ways. We can use it to draw
                attention to ourselves, pretending
                that the world revolves around us,
                and that all should pay us due acclaim
                as we strut arrogantly across the
                stage of life. We can misuse life in the
                hedonistic pursuit of pleasure,
                deceiving ourselves that we are living
                the good life, but in reality only
                prostituting our human capabilities
                and potentialities. We can foolishly
                allow the beauty of life to waste
                itself in hoarding material gain,
                while the cry of our hungry brothers
                fail to pierce the barrier of a hardened
                heart. And silly status symbols — these
                too can so grip our attention that they
                almost become life's purpose. We can
                also waste existence in the pursuit of
                myriad experiences unworthy of a human
                being, thereby marring with ugliness
                the truth, the goodness, and the beauty
                of the human life God has entrusted to

                    If there is the possibility of betraying
                the preciousness of life, there is also
                the possibility which Jesus holds before us.
                This is the choice we really want — the Authentic
                self shouts out loud and clear telling us


Genesis 1: 26-27

God said, 'Let us make man in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and let them be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven, the cattle, all the wild animals and all the creatures that creep along the ground.'

God created man in the image of himself,
in the image of God he created him,
male and female he created them.


1 John 4: 20

Anyone who says 'I love God'
and hates his brother,
is a liar,
since whoever does not love the brother
    whom he can see
cannot love God whom he has not seen.


Available for $10.00 plus postage



Fr. Carter had a dream.


From Response to God’s Love  by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J.

Becoming (excerpt)

       ... Full maturity in Christ is not suddenly achieved. Even after a relative maturity is attained, this maturity can always take deeper root. This gradual achievement in spiritual maturity can be viewed as a process of self-encounter, a process whereby we gain the proper, graced self-control amid many struggles. It is a becoming through an encounter with the true self, through a gradual achievement of that self-identity and uniqueness that God intends. This becoming is achieved through a path of progress that is not always perfectly upward: there is the reaching out for good, but also the succumbing to evil; there is the discovery of strengths and talents, but also the painful awareness of weaknesses and limitations. There are, in short, successes and failures. There is joy—sometimes intense joy—over what is achieved in personal growth; however, there are also periods of discouragement—sometimes moments of near despair—because further growth seems impossible. All this happens because the process of becoming has inherent within it a constant newness that is linked to a certain sameness. We are always the same persons, but always different persons, too.

       Moreover, the process of becoming through a proper encounter with the true self takes place not in a vacuum, but rather, within the framework of an encounter with the material world, with human persons, and with God. The encounter with the material world—and, indeed, with the entire temporal order—is meant to be characterized by a correct use of creation, by periodic renunciation, and by a spirit of creativity. The correct use of material things enables the person to grow by respecting the fact that the bodily aspect of his or her being has situated him or her in a material world that is meant to serve the person's needs. The fact that persons are in part material beings means that one aspect of God's plan for men and women intends that they grow, that is to say, that they become, through the proper encounter with, or use of, the material.

       As long as men and women are on this earth, there will always be in them both a sinful tendency and a thrust toward good, and, consequently, they do not always properly relate to the material. For an individual to achieve a correct use of material things and other temporal values, he or she must periodically renounce them. At times, becoming means not becoming in a certain way, not encountering this thing or this value.

       Also, the material and temporal order offers wide possibilities for individual creative instincts. By shaping the raw stuff of creation through the various uses of one's creative forces, a person can become that which he or she was not. The imprint of one's creative image where it did not previously exist is a reflection of a certain development, or becoming, within the individual person.

       As significant as the encounter with the material world may be, however, it is obviously not as important as the encounter with human persons. God intends that so much of our spiritual growth occur as a result of our proper encounter with others. So much of our growth toward mature personhood occurs in the give-and-take of personal encounter. Until rather recent years, spiritual teaching placed a great emphasis upon the correct performance of certain practices. That appeal, however, did not always properly emphasize the fact that those practices were important only to the extent that they deepened the Christian's personal relationship with God and his or her fellow men and women.

       The selflessness that is required for authentic relationship to the other readily points out why encounter with persons is such an important contributing factor to true becoming. The Christian life is primarily a going out of ourselves to God and to human persons. This transcendence of self is not always easily achieved, however, precisely because it involves a process of overcoming the strong thrust of selfishness. Although going out of self to God is obviously the primordial relationship for the Christian, it is interesting to note that, through the words of Scripture, God tells us that our relationship to our neighbor is the criterion by which we are to judge our love for him:

              If anyone says, "My love is fixed on God,"
              yet hates his brother,
              he is a liar.
              One who has no love for the brother
                     he has seen
              cannot love the God he has not seen.
                                                               —1 Jn 4:20

       Going out to others, serving them, being for them, and loving them is a dynamic process. There is no set pattern that can perfectly serve all this. Surely there are certain established Christian principles and truths that govern our encountering and serving others; however, these truths have a certain flexibility built into them so that they can be assimilated to meet the particular situations of unique individuals. Our encounters with others—whether it be a case of relating to a partner in marriage or to a friend or to those who are recipients of our service or whatever—give proof to each of us, according to his or her own experience, that there can be no question of a static pattern of behavior to govern personal relationships. There is always the new, the unexpected, the surprising, or the significant change in behavior that must be considered along with the more stable elements that comprise personal encounter. Becoming by going out to the other truly is a dynamic process.

       If an individual person grows toward Christian maturity through a proper encounter with material creation and other facets of the temporal order, as well as through encounters with others, individuals must especially grow, or become, through an encounter with God. Growth through encounters with both material creation and other persons is rooted in our maturing through the relationship with the great source of all becoming—namely, God himself. He himself is infinite being, and he constantly wants to communicate himself to us so that, drawing from his infinite source of life, we might become more what we are meant to be—more of what he desires that we become.

       God draws us on to greater fulfillment according to the pattern of Christ's example and teaching. There is no other way according to which we progress to spiritual maturity. There is no Christian perfection that we can acquire, no possible development of our Christian personalities unless it occurs through Christ Jesus. The Spirit, however, does not superimpose this pattern of Christ upon us in an artificial way. The Spirit does not shape us according to the image of Christ without deep concern for our uniqueness; we are all different, and the Spirit supremely respects this fact. Furthermore, if the Spirit is of such an attitude, so must we be; we must not box ourselves in, all trying to fit into the exact same mold and maintaining that this is necessary because we must all follow the same Christ. The pattern of Christ is the creation of an infinitely wise God. He has arranged that the one pattern of Christ is also a pattern that has as many possibilities for unique assimilation as there are individual persons.

       We all follow the one and same Christ and we must all have an attitude of complete openness, of expectancy concerning the unpredictable, an attitude that will allow the Spirit to lead us according to his way of forming us in the image of Christ. At times we might have a too minutely preconceived idea of how we will become in Christ and we are, therefore, somewhat rigid about the whole process. Although the following of Christ is basically the same for all, how can we be sure what particular path of imitation—mapped out in rather complete detail—the Spirit has prepared for each of us? We can certainly be tempted to think that we know with considerable certainty the way in which our becoming in Christ should logically evolve. We must learn, however, to balance an attitude of stability that is rooted in a certain way of life, a certain way of following Christ, with a spiritual freedom that makes us really open to what the Spirit wants of us, however surprising, novel, or unusual this may seem.

end of Response to God's Love


                Attachments make us vulnerable
                    to emotional turmoil —

                Wanting God's will is not being
                    attached to persons, places
                    or things — inordinately —

                I read an example in an author
                Fr. Carter used de mello —
                of a person in a concentration camp —
                who raised his hand to his mouth
                with food — with one hand and
                with the other hand protects the
                food so his neighbor will not steal it —

                This is the image of the attached person —
                How can such an attached person
                    reach with surrender for those
                    things hoping to build the
                    Kingdom of God —

                    When one is attached to an
                object, he says, and the object
                is not attained it causes unhappiness —
                But, he says, if it is attained, it
                does not cause happiness — it is
                a flash of pleasure and weariness —

                    St. Ignatius purpose of the
                Spiritual Exercises are:


From The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, by Louis J. Puhl, S.J. p.11

21.                     SPIRITUAL EXERCISES

    Which have as their purpose the conquest of self
    and the regulation of one's life in such a way that
    no decision is made under the influence of any
    inordinate attachment


                And the 1st principle and foundation is —


From The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, by Louis J. Puhl, S.J. p.12

                        23. FIRST PRINCIPLE AND FOUNDATION

                            Man is created to praise, reverence and serve God 
                        our Lord, and by this means to save his soul.


                    Nothing makes us really happy
                but doing God's will - in love —

                    Jesus spent His life teaching
                us to give

                    Bishop Sheen talked about when
                someone loves something they
                reach out to acquire it — they
                try to look so beautiful for the
                person loved.

                    Mary and Jesus are beautiful —
                full of light — pure —

                This is the greatest commandment


Matthew 22: 36-40

'Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?' Jesus said to him, 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets too.'


                A check can be made asking
                    oneself — what really makes
                    your lasting happiness —

                If you feel something here or
                    someone here will bring you
                    fullness — you are wrong —

                Only in heaven will we have the
                    fullness of life and here below
                    we were created to long for
                    this completeness in heaven —

                A man loving God deeply knows
                    the pains of knowing Him
                    more — the agony to want to love
                    God ever more — the desire to know
                    more and more and more about God
                    insight into the hidden mystery —
                    to seek God — to be more deeply one
                    with Him —

                    Through the pierced Heart of Jesus
                the Church was born — baptism that
                gives us a sharing in His Divine Life —
                baptism that elevates our knowing and
                loving capacity to know more about
                God and the mystery —

                    God reveals Himself to us


Excerpt from Response to God's Love

The Mystery of Christ and Christian Existence

    ...God himself is the ultimate mystery. Radically, God is completely other and transcendent, hidden from man in his inner life, unless he chooses to reveal himself. Let us briefly look at this inner life of God.

    The Father, in a perfect act of self-expression, in a perfect act of knowing, generates his son. The Son, the Word, is, then, the immanent expression of God's fullness, the reflection of the Father. Likewise, from all eternity, the Father and the Son bring forth the Holy Spirit in a perfect act of loving.

    At the destined moment in human history, God's self-expression, the Word, immersed himself into man's world. God's inner self-expression now had also become God's outer self-expression. Consequently, the mystery of God becomes the mystery of Christ. In Christ, God tells us about himself, about his inner life, about his plan of creation and redemption. He tells us how Father, Son, and Holy Spirit desire to dwell within us in the most intimate fashion, how they wish to share with us their own life through grace. All this he has accomplished and does accomplish through Christ. St. Paul tells us: "I became a minister of this Church through the commission God gave me to preach among you his word in its fullness, that mystery hidden from ages and generations past but now revealed to his holy ones. God has willed to make known to them the glory beyond price which this mystery brings to the Gentiles—the mystery of Christ in you, your hope of glory. This is the Christ we proclaim while we admonish all men and teach them in the full measure of wisdom, hoping to make every man complete in Christ" (Col 1:25-28).

    The Christian life, then, is rooted in the great event of the Incarnation. We must, consequently, always focus our gaze upon Christ, realizing that everything the Father wishes to tell us has been summed up in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. It only remains for us, then, to fathom ever more deeply the inexhaustible truth of the Word Incarnate: "In times past, God spoke in fragmentary and varied ways to our fathers through the prophets; in this, the final age, he has spoken to us through his Son, whom he has made heir of all things and through whom he first created the universe" (Heb 1:1-2).
end of excerpt


                    To possess people as objects
                is to lead an empty, painful, sick
                life —

                    Ask yourself is the joy of knowing
                Jesus filling you more and more
                every day to live a more resurrected

                    Do you live an existence that is
                tense, angry, divided, manipulative,
                possessive — reaching for people
                to control because you were
                disempowered or insecure your
                life long.

                    We are to live to walk in the
                footprints of Jesus, to live to love —
                that is to give to others for the sake
                of good for the other and for all others —

                To give as Christ did and not to count
                    the cost —

                Its up to us to choose life
                            or to choose death

                No one can control our free will —

                If we choose death because we
                    become more and more angry
                    from not loving which God
                    created us for —
                    and in which our happiness
                    depends —

                Then only we can get up and choose
                    to think loving thoughts,
                    thankful thoughts, thoughts
                    of unity AND LOVE —

                We are here to love

                Our eternal life and how
                    we matured in loving will
                    determine our life in
                    eternity —

                We are in school here —

                We are here to learn about obedience
                    to the Father's will,
                    to learn to love,
                    to be one as God intends —

                The Church is
                    ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC
                        and APOSTOLIC




From Response to God’s Love by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J.

        Characteristics of the Spiritually Mature Christian (excerpt)...

... Psychologists tell us that mental and emotional health are commensurate with one's ability to perceive reality and respond to its demands. The mature Christian, then, is one who increasingly sees God, himself or herself, other people, and the rest of creation with a Christic faith-vision. The mature Christian not only sees, however; he or she responds and reacts accordingly, truly living the Christian perspective. Living according to this perspective, the mature Christian is characterized by a fundamental peace that the many and varied vicissitudes and sufferings in life cannot destroy. The mature Christian's existence is rooted in the peace that Jesus came to give.

A great aid in maintaining a proper perspective is the practice of prayer. We come, then, to yet another important characteristic of the mature Christian—the consistent desire to pray. Obviously, if we are to be followers of Jesus we must put on the mind of Christ and act according to this attitude. Prayer plays and extremely important role in assimilating the attitude of Jesus. In prayer, we allow the teaching of Jesus to penetrate our consciousness to such a degree that it increasingly influences what we think, what we say, what we do. The though of St. Paul thus becomes more our thought also: "I have been crucified with Christ, and the life I live now is not my own; Christ is living in me. I still live my human life, but it is a life of faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (Gal 2:19-20).

As we put on the mind of Christ in prayer, we are experiencing a transformation of consciousness. Gradually the attitude of the false self—that is, the false self's way of viewing things—grows weaker and weaker, and more and more we arrive at the awareness of the true, Christic self. The light of prayer penetrates through the layers of the false self and increasingly illumines the dimensions of the true self. We grow, then, in the awareness of the Christic self along with a maturing realization of how the true self must manifest itself amid the various concrete circumstances of daily living. Hence, the strength derived from prayer complements its light. If the light of prayer reveals the true self, the strength of prayer yields the courage that is necessary to actually live according to this awareness.

The mature Christian is further characterized by a very noticeable trust in the Lord. The virtue of hope is an extremely important part of one's growth toward Christian maturity, and perhaps, in recent years, we have not given sufficient attention to it. The development of trust in the Lord is closely allied with a growing sense of one's helplessness. Jesus has told us that without him we can do nothing. The maturing Christian becomes increasingly aware of this truth. The further the committed Christian progresses in the ways of holiness, the more he or she realizes how much he or she needs the Lord; however, this sense of his or her weakness, far from being a source of discouragement, is rather a cause for optimism.

The mature Christian looks not only at his or her weaknesses, but much more at the strength of Christ. The mature Christian, realizing his or her helplessness, gladly abandons himself or herself to Jesus and increasingly draws upon Jesus for support. Such a Christian keenly appreciates what St. Paul has said: "But I refrain, lest anyone think more of me than what he sees in me or hears from my lips. As to the extraordinary revelations, in order that I might not become conceited I was given a thorn in the flesh, an angel of Satan to beat me and keep me from getting proud. Three times I begged the Lord that this might leave me. He said to me, 'My grace is enough for you, for in weakness power reaches perfection.' And so I willingly boast of my weaknesses instead, that the power of Christ may rest upon me" (2 Cor 12:7-9)...

end of Response to God's Love


Deuteronomy 26: 16-19

‘Yahweh your God commands you today to observe these laws and customs; you must keep and observe them with all your heart and with all your soul. 

    ‘Today you have obtained this declaration from Yahweh: that he will be your God, but only if you follow his ways, keep his statutes, his commandments, his customs, and listen to his voice. And today Yahweh has obtained this declaration from you: that you will be his own people—as he has said—but only if you keep all his commandments; then for praise and renown and honour, he will raise you higher than every other nation he has made, and you will be a people consecrated to Yahweh, as he has promised.’




                Felix is coming to the site
                    next week —

                    Please come and get a
                    signed crucifix by
                    Felix and your picture






      Betty is a handmaid who has prayed in the

        China Church for 11 years. To get from her

        house to the church she uses a walker and

        must go over a creek and a little bridge.

        We wanted a little place she could rest

        by the Church. We need about $1,000 to

        make this happen. Can you help us?




We are trying to get

Response to God's Love

and the Mass Book out.

Anybody who wants to help us

with a donation to get these 2 books

out in the Priestly/hierarchy mailing —

Please call Kathleen 1-888-211-3041



July 31, 1994

Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:

"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.

"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.

"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."

- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)






The China Church is over 140 years old

and we pray in there 24 hours a day.

It needs stucco and so does

the community building.

Can you please help us?

Call Kathleen 1-888-211-3041


Likewise the priest house

is 150 years old.

Jesus told us to repair it

which we have been doing.

We need $13,000.00 for this work.







You can help put the Blue Book V

in the hands of 1,000 people

we need $1,200 postage for this

It is ready to go

Call Kathleen



You can help put Fr. Joe's homily

book in the hands of

1,000 priests — it costs $1,100

This can help 1,000 parish priests

talk about Covenant for Lent 

Please help us

It is ready to go

Call Kathleen  1-888-211-3041




Call Kathleen to Order any of the items below



Fr. Joe's Homily Books

Guiding Light -
The Word Alive in Our Hearts


Guiding Light -
Focusing on the Word




Rita Ring

God's Blue Book 5
So Deep Is the Love of His Heart
Books written by the cofounder of Shepherds of Christ Ministries

Writings by Rita Ring
Mass Book
A Journey Into the Heart of Jesus - Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
$ 12.00 plus postage
Rosary Meditations for Parents and Children
From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
$ 10.00  plus postage
God's Blue Book I
Teachings to Lift You Up. Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00  plus postage
God's Blue Book II
The Fire of His Love. Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by Fr. Edward J. Carter S. J.
$ 10.00  plus postage
God's Blue Book III
Love God, Love One Another. Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00  plus postage
God's Blue Book 4
The Love of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Author: Rita Ring
$ 5.00  plus postage
God's Blue Book 5
So Deep Is the Love of His Heart. Author: Rita Ring.
$ 5.00  plus postage
God's Blue Book 6A
He Calls Us to Action Author: Rita Ring.
$ 10.00  plus postage
Rosaries From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary - Volume I
Red Rosary Book - Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00  plus postage
Blue Rosary Book
Rosaries From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary - Volume II
$ 12.00  plus postage
Short Rosary Meditations for the Ederly, Ill, and Homebound
From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary: Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
This book is 8 1/2" by 11" and you can open it up and sit it on your lap.
$ 10.00  plus postage
Messages From Jesus
Given by Jesus to His Messenger Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
This book is 8 1/2" by 11" and you can open it up and sit it on your lap.

$ 10.00  plus postage

Daily Messages From Heaven
From the Florida Apparition Site Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00  plus postage
Rosary Meditations for Little People and Elderly
Short Meditations for the Rosary
$ 3.00  plus postage
Color the Lives of Jesus and Mary, Book 5
A Coloring Book with Short Meditations on the 15 mysteries of the rosary. Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 5.00 plus postage
Fr. Edward J. Carter

Books written by the founder of Shepherds of Christ Ministries

Shepherds of Christ Spirituality Newsletters 1
Selected Writings on Spirituality—for All People Editor: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
$ 10.00  plus postage
Spirituality Newsletters 2
Selected Writings on Spirituality — for All People Editor: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
$ 12.00  plus postage
Shepherds of Christ Spirituality Newsletters 3
Selected Writings on Spirituality — for All People Editor: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00  plus postage
Tell My People
Messages from Jesus and Mary Author: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimi Potest (spiral bound)
$ 10.00  plus postage
Spirituality Handbook
Shepherds of Christ Associates Spirituality Handbook - A Way of Spiritual Life
Author: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimi Potest

$ 3.00  plus postage
The Spirituality of Fatima
Fatima: The Setting, The Message, The Spirituality of Consecration
$ 5.00  plus postage
Shepherds of Christ 6:20 Prayers CD
Holy Spirit Novena, Associates Prayer Manual and the Rosary Led by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00  plus postage
Priestly Newsletter 2000 Issue 1
Audio CD - Read by Father Edward J. Carter
$ 10.00  plus postage







Yes — All the ends of the earth have seen
the power of God.


     God has called us to be united as a family in
the Shepherds of Christ.

     This is a vocation — to pray deeply for
the priests, the Church and the world and
to help support the Newsletter and the

     Remember the image of Our Lady
of Clearwater on the building. We have
very special Fatima statues so you can
have a special place of prayer in your
homes, praying the rosary for your family
and for the priests, the Church and the
world. If you are interested in these
very special Fatima/Clearwater statues
e-mail me with your phone number
and address

     Those using the special statues
will be united to us in a special way —
We want you to pray the Shepherds of
Christ prayers for the priests, the Church
and the world from your special place
in your home.

     When people have set up a prayer corner/niche
with this statue, Fatima/Clearwater glass, they have
reported that their families have received special
blessings. With this statue it is important to pray
the prayers in the red prayer manual and consecrate
your home and family to the Sacred Heart and
Immaculate Heart.

Call Sheila or Doris about statues or go to China or

1-888-211-3041 or 1-812-273-8405


27” - $450.00
18” - $250.00
15” - $200.00
12” - $160.00
11” - $150.00
plus shipping

We send these. 

They are good for people
in the family for Christmas,
give with a prayer manual.


Shepherds of Christ   P. O. Box 627
China, IN  47250   1-888-211-3041





Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Our Lady of Lourdes


Our Lady of Grace




Sorrowful Mother

Immaculate Heart - Ivory

Immaculate Heart of Mary





Sacred Heart of Jesus -Blessing

Sacred Heart of Jesus




Infant of Prague

Divine Mercy

Holy Family




St. Jude


Our Lady of Guadalupe

Holy Family




St. Therese

St. Francis

St. Anthony




St. Claire

St. Padre Pio

St. Joseph



St. Philomena

St. Rita - 18


Immaculate Heart of Mary - 18

Immaculate Heart - Ivory - 18

Sacred Heart of Jesus - 18


Our Lady of Lourdes - 18

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel - 18

Our Lady of Grace - 18


St. Francis - 18

St. Anthony - 18

St. Joseph - 18

St. Therese - 18

Our Lady of Guadalupe - 12

St. Clare - 12



St. Padre Pio - 12


St. Rita - 12


Divine Mercy - 12




Pieta - Color

Pieta - Marble

Limpias - 8

Fatima w/glass - 11

Pilgrim Virgin w/glass - 12

Pilgrim Virgin w/glass - 15




Fatima w/glass - 18

Pilgrim Virgin w/glass - 18


Pilgrim Virgin w/glass - 27


Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 627
China, IN  47250


Toll free - 1-888-211-3041
Local - 1-812-273-8405
fax - 1-812-273-3182


  Size Price Quantity   

 Holy Family




 Immaculate Heart of Mary




 Immaculate Heart - Ivory




 Infant of Prague








 Our Lady of Grace




 Our Lady of Guadalupe




 Our Lady of Lourdes  




 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel



 Sacred Heart of Jesus



 Sacred Heart of Jesus -Blessing




 Sorrowful Mother




 St. Anthony




 St. Claire




 St. Francis




 St. Joseph




 St. Jude




 St. Padre Pio




 St. Therese



 Divine Mercy




 St. Philomena


 St. Philomena


 Immaculate Heart of Mary


 Immaculate Heart - Ivory


 Sacred Heart of Jesus


 Our Lady of Lourdes  


 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel


 Our Lady of Grace


 St. Joseph


 St. Francis


 St. Anthony


 St. Rita


 St. Therese


 Pieta - Color 15" $75  
 Pieta - Marble 15" $75  
 Holy Family


 Our Lady of Guadalupe


 St. Padre Pio



 St. Rita


 Divine Mercy


 St. Claire





 Fatima w/glass



 Fatima w/glass


 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass


 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 15" $200  
 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 18" $250  
 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass



Call for Shipping Price (1-888-211-3041)

 IN Tax (7%)
  State                                            Zip
 Order Total





Available for $750.00


Fatima/Clearwater Glass Statues available.

Call or go to China


6015 N. State Rd 62
China, IN  47250


or call Clearwater

21649 US 19 N
Clearwater, FL  33765



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