Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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April 25, 2009
April 26th Holy
Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
China Retreat
May 11th thru May 14th
May 13th is the 92nd Anniversary
of Our Lady of Fatima's
first apparition
Please try to come.
Mass at 12 noon.
The church needs to have the stucco replaced
and also the community building.
It is about $38,000 to repair it.
People pray in the church 24 hours a day.
We have prayed in there for 11 years.
The archdiocese gave the church to us
for this purpose for a small price.
Can you help us?
Available for $10.00 plus postage
April 25, 2009
Who is our focus on the most when we sin —
when we do our own will —
Who do we want to please?
Jesus shows us His whole life was lived
according to the Father's will.
Jesus said "Not My will, but Thine be done" —
Jesus wants our lives given in love to
serve Him —
Jesus wants relationship with us. When we
sin we hurt our relationship with God —
we don't feel good when we are not close to
God — we were created to love God and to love
all others —
We don't feel good when we put ourselves
above God, His commandments, His will for us.
We have a heart and going to the Hearts of
Jesus and Mary is, as Fr. Carter would say, our
little heaven on earth —
Consecrating our hearts and our lives to
Jesus and Mary — mean we are surrendering
to God's will — Jesus is the King of our lives and
we fight if need be for the King Jesus, Our God.
Jesus and Mary are our models —
We fight to please our God —
We want to serve the Father —
Our heaven on earth lies in serving God —
being subject to God — letting go
Some people won't let go — they want
to hold on to their control — they will
not let go
Some people can never be under —
God calls us to be under the authority of
the Church — under the pope — obey
the commandments — obey the laws of
the Church —
A person may want control so bad they will never
be under anyone — this is the devil
The devil told Eve she could be equal to God —
Secularist put themselves as the god —
After World War II there was a bigger chastisement —
Men saw themselves as the head —
They thought they could do anything, focusing
on the might of men, not God, they proceeded
ahead in many advances thinking of
themselves as the brains, the top —
We can never even understand the Might of God —
us feeble human creatures —
Let your hearts not be troubled —
Follow the footsteps of Jesus
Live to love
Our true home is in Him
Where can I go from my God —
God is the Creator — we are the creatures
God has the Plan
we are to follow
Did you ever watch Pinocchio
the little wood puppet gets life —
April 5, 2009
while Jesus appeared in Clearwater, Florida
Transcribed from a tape Recorded live
Glorious Mysteries
R. For Pope Benedict
R. For Faith, Hope and Charity
Sing: Jesus Oh Jesus Come and fill your Lambs Jesus Oh Jesus Come and fill your Lambs
Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus
The Resurrection of Our Lord
1. Hail Mary
2. Hail Mary
3. Hail Mary
4. Hail Mary5. Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus
R. Come Holy Spirit fill us with the fire of God's love and renew the face of the earth. We believe dear God that You will hear our prayers here. We are sorry for the sins of the world and for our sins. And we want to help make reparation. Dear God we believe in Your Might. Help us please, our beloved God. We love You so much. Help us. Let us see through Your eyes. Let us know through Your Heart. Let us act as You act in us. We give our hearts to You our beloved God. Help us.
6. R. Let us think about Noah. Noah took the people with him on the Ark, his family, and he took the animals and then it began to rain for 40 days and 40 nights. The flood gates of heaven opened wide and the rain came down and all that was on the earth died. But Fr. Pasquini made it really clear, that this was a loving thing that God did, because the world had become more and more contaminated. And it would just keep going on like that, with more and more sin, and God can only act lovingly. At the end of the flood God gave the sign of the rainbow, the covenant to show that He would never wipe out the earth with a flood like that again.
We see the waters of baptism, how it washes away original sin, and yet the effects linger, the concupiscence of the flesh, the blaming like Adam and Eve did, the seeking of dominance. Eve wanted to be equal to God, the envy, the anger, the lust, the slothfulness, the greed, all of those things that we have tendencies toward, and we have to end up controlling our tendencies towards this evil. The more we go to the sacraments especially and are filled with His grace, the more the fountain of His life, His grace, is outpoured to us.
On this Saturday vigil, whether you go to church or you do not, take some time to read those scriptures. Those readings that are so beautiful, the old testament readings of the dividing of the Red Sea, and to call to mind the great gift of baptism, and the price that Jesus paid was His life, His precious Blood, that we would be able to share in His life. And He says to us —
Jesus: I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will have everlasting life.
Jesus, thank You for the gift of the Eucharist, thank You for the sacraments, for confession, thank You for the sharing in Your life, the life You give to us, and the nurturing that You give to that life, through Your very Body and Blood and the Word. Let us really take time for Jesus this week. In many of the past years when I wanted to be the closest to Jesus, they were the times I was called into other places in my life, commitments that I had to do, and it became great suffering for me, because I wanted to be alone with Jesus on those Holy Thursday nights, on the Good Fridays, and I had to do what others were calling me to do.
And I remember calling up Fr. Mike once when I was out of town — I had to go out of town, and I sacrificed and Fr. Mike said to me — "This is how you are having to endure the suffering of this time. You are going through the suffering in your life right now." And I did get to go to some of the services, but it wasn't the same.
But God is allowing all of us to go through different sufferings in our lives right now, and maybe He has allowed us to go through tremendous sufferings, since Lent started to bring us to this Easter. But then there is Easter, and then there are the Sundays of Easter, which are still in the Easter season.
And we go up to Ascension Thursday, which I remember Jesus saying on Ascension Thursday in 1995 and it's in the Apostles Manual. He shouted out, "I am Alive, I am Alive, I am Alive and I am treated like a dead object." And I cried. I cried for several days because I heard Him say that, and I knew it so intently inside of me. God has given to us an enormous amount of grace to love Him the way that we do. That is all because of His grace that we love Him, that we want to go to Church, that we know Him. This is a most precious gift that we can have, this knowledge of knowing Him more and more and more.
Let us celebrate the Liturgy for it is so beautiful. As I know more about the scriptures and how they are unfolding, and its really wonderful to have My brother's book. He has really brought a new light to helping that Word come alive in our hearts. But it is dynamism because the Word and the Eucharist are the bread of life. And the first Sunday of Lent - it says that, "Not by bread alone does man live, but by every Word that comes from the mouth of God."
When we are feeling down, we can always pick up the Bible and read some of the Word, because it is the bread of life, and we will receive tremendous grace from reading the Word — the richness of the Gospel. When God commissioned us in baptism to spread the Good News, He was assuming that we would want to know the Good News, to make ourselves better in this calling of being members of the mystical body of Christ. We can't spread anything if we don't know it. God outpours His grace in the Eucharist and in the reading of the Word, God outpours His life. The richness of laying in the bed at night and knowing that we are in the state of grace and that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell within us. This is the Good News.
The light of Christ will shine from our face. We are instruments in how we deal with others, in ways that we do not even recognize ourselves, even though we are struggling with the crosses of everyday life. Jesus wants to be so intimately one in us, but the mission of the Shepherds of Christ in spreading this devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart, in leading souls to this intimacy of dwelling in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, our little heaven on earth, of knowing the richness in the Heart of Jesus, the wisdom, the fire of God's love, the Holy Spirit filling us, constantly molding us more and more into children of holiness, of sanctity —
You say "Well I cannot make myself holy." I say "You are right." We are in the hands of the potter, molded more and more in the image and likeness of God, chosen by Him, for this mission in the Shepherds of Christ. Help me do with why Mary appeared on this building. It is major to the completion of the Fatima mission. When they disobeyed the Fatima message, Mary didn't go back to heaven and say, "Well, God the Father, they aren't listening. So I gave them that promise that You told me, which said that there would be this era of peace, and they are not listening so, well what can we do?" God can do all things.But He gives to us a free will. And with the children that are choosing the wrong path, He has put us on this earth today, and given to us a promise and great grace to love Him so that He can operate in us. We cannot say 'no' because God has called us, and it is our response to greater holiness, to loving Him more all through the day, of recognizing that unity in the Mass, while we do the ordinary things of our lives, things that are pleasurable and sufferings that we must endure, but doing them in that connection with God. Not sitting in church all day, not deciding to do other things that may be hard like wearing a hair shirt, but just doing what we are doing in the vocation God has called us, the best we can. And He will work in us in saying the prayer —
God, let me see with Your eyes,
let me know with Your Heart and
let me act as You act in me. Amen.7. R. To me the heroism is in being united to God, to loving God with our whole heart, our whole soul and our whole being, and to loving others as ourselves, to realizing that we are part of this whole world, and that God has put us here now, to be great intercessors and to help in this plan of helping to bring to completion the mission that Mary began at Fatima, in renewing the Church and the world, in sending the book, like my brother's that we sent out. God is with us this day, in every single thing that we do — in suffering and in joy. We are living more and more the life of resurrection, as we die to those ways that are not what He wants, and do the very things of our lives, with greater sincerity, for His honor and glory and in loving others. Amen.
8. Hail Mary
9. R. This does not mean that we are "yes" men where we just agree with everything that's going on. We are men of God. What God wants, we do, with love.
10. R. I remember Pope John Paul II said, "To seek, to know what He wants and then just do it." But the devil will trick us many times, in just wanting control over something, of saying to ourselves, "No one will ever tell me what to do." Well, if nobody is ever going to tell you what to do, then, you are over, even what God is telling you to do. That's not a good place to be in. We are His instruments. He is the potter and we are the clay.
The Ascension
1. R. And He took them out to a town near Bethany, and He raised His arms and He ascended into heaven, and a cloud took Him from their sight. Can you imagine what the Apostles saw? They saw Jesus come back from the dead. They saw the glorified wounds in His hands and His pierced side. He ate with them. He talked to them. He went through doors. He went up into the sky. These are the glorious mysteries, where He once walked the earth. He gave to them the miracles. He healed the paralytics, the lepers. He raised Lazarus from the dead. He turned water into wine and now what? He ascended into heaven, while they looked from below. You think we would still be talking about that, that people would believe, because it is so tremendous. If I went outside and I went up in the sky, would you believe?
2. R. But two mysteries on down the line, we see that Mary is taken, body and soul, up to heaven. So we have, and Fr. Carter said, these 2 bodies in heaven. Think of that — the pure and sinless ones, taken to heaven. Mary said at Fatima to spread the consecration to her heart and Jesus' Heart, the Hearts of greatest love, the pure and holy Hearts. We know that the more that we go to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Holy Spirit works, we know that we are sanctified, more and more to be, more and more holy. We know that in the Heart of Jesus and in the heart of Mary that we live more attuned to the will of God, and naturally we live a more loving life. How could we not — in the Hearts of greatest love. Mary appeared at Fatima and she said until a sufficient number have consecrated their hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we won't have peace in the world. And then she said there would be this great era of peace.
Read the Tell My People book, read what was in the mind of our founder, stay firmly rooted in the message that Jesus gave to him, which is a message of hope and spreading the newsletter, and allowing us today to receive the communication from the Vatican and the pope - 15 years later. Such communication. We are people of the light, going to the heart of the Virgin Mary, the Immaculate, pure and gentle heart of our spiritual Mother, with a mission given to us, and any involvement in any way, shape or form with this building, her image towering out to the world, the presence of Mary and her apparitions continue to me in this building. Mary and Jesus told me 15 years ago this same thing before any of this every happened.
Mary and Jesus are telling us what we must do to help to bring this era of peace and love, and have allowed us to be involved as intercessors in spreading the Newsletter or the writings, the prayer chapters, living by the Blue Book messages, we have to say — Yes! to our Lady. For They are not asking us for heroism, They are asking us to do the simple things that God has called us in living according to the Father's will in sanctity, holiness, unity and all the things for which we have been called to help strengthen the Church in spreading the consecration. I cannot spread unity to the Church and the world when I, myself am divided. It's hypocritical.
And yet God gives to us the Eucharist. God gives to us confession. God gives to us the consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the consecration for our homes, the prayers in which He has promised great unity, and it has molded our hearts together with people we do not even know, but we must spread the prayers more, and try to get more Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart praying for our hierarchy in front of the Blessed Sacrament, as Jesus told Fr. Carter all those years ago.
I believe it is because of the Apostles of the Eucharistic Hearts, specifically, we have had this response, in the addition to the prayers that we have prayed from the prayer manual, because Jesus promised that He would take us deeper into His Heart and Mary's heart and there, He has courted us. He has loved us. He has let us know Him as the bridegroom of our soul. Say thanks for the Shepherds of Christ. Say thanks for the gifts that you have been given. Do not give into any temptation to do anything, but do the work that Mary and Jesus have called us to do, disciplining ourselves, living by right reason, focusing on the Father's plan, keeping our eyes on Him, and having within our heart, the hope and the faith that God wants in this mission.
Noah built the Ark because He believed. Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son because he believed. Moses held the staff and the Red Sea divided because he believed. And the world and the state that it is in, we know the Church and the gifts, that it is the Ark, that can lead us to this era of peace that Mary told us would occur at Fatima. At the end of the century God has given to us this great calling, but we must believe, and from this, grow in a deeper love union with God, peace and love with others and saying to God — Let me see through Your eyes oh God, know with Your Heart and act as You act in me. Amen.
3. Sing: Dear Lady of Fatima we come on bended knee to ask your intercession for peace and unity. Dear Mary won't you show us the right and shining way. We pledge our love and offer you a rosary each day. You promised at Fatima each time that you appeared to help us if we prayed to you to banish war and fear. Dear Lady on first Saturday...
4. Mary: I am Mary your Mother and I give to you this promise — to those who help with the spread of the devotion of my Immaculate Heart, I will protect them in times of trials. I will lead their children home to the Heart of my Son Jesus, and I will be forever grateful for you who helped my little ones to reach their eternal reward. Oh I love you my children, I love you so. I am with you, here, this night. I am with you on every 5th. I am praying with you for the peace of this world. But you must have faith, and you must grow in greater holiness and love. You cannot give into the evil one, for he will try to get you astray, and you must focus on Jesus, and His Heart and His love for you. Do not give up. Give your hearts to me and to my Son.
5. Sing: Dear Lady of Fatima we come on bended knee to ask your intercession for peace and unity.
R. She says
Mary: I hear you, I hear you. I am with you. You must surrender, that you will have lives of holiness. Trust, my children, trust in my Son, who has called you and loves you so very, very much. I am praying with you now for the world, for the peace that they will let go their worldliness and turn to my Immaculate Heart and the Heart of my Son Jesus. Consecrate your homes, your schools, your churches, your families, the whole world and the Church to my Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of my Son.
R. At this time I say to you Our Lady of Fatima, I consecrate my family, our families, the Shepherds of Christ family. I consecrate this whole world, in as far as I am able, to your Immaculate Heart and the Heart of your Son Jesus, from this place where God the Father allowed you to appear, for so many years, as the Lady of Clearwater, as we meditate on baptism and the dividing of the Red Sea and the time of Noah. We meditate also on your appearance here as Our Lady of Clearwater in a world that is troubled, in a world that needs to know your outstretched arms as Mother of your children saying
Mary: Come to me my children, come — I will lead you to the Heart of Jesus. I will take you to the Church of my Son.
6. R. And Jesus speaks and He says
Jesus: For I will never abandon you. I am with you always. It is you who move from Me, and in your fear, your minds rumble, and I say "Why do you act such ways" for I am with you. Pray for the grace. Do not give in to that racing in your mind, the racing that leads you to lack of peace. I am with you now. Pray.
R. And we pray dear God, that we can see through Your eyes, that we can know with Your Heart, and that we can act as You act in us. Amen.
7. Jesus: Let me take you to the high mountain, that you will hear the voice of the Father. "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." That you will reach for the heights, to be molded more and more in My image and likeness, that your lives will be lives of order, but that you will know, you will still suffer, but suffer in joy. Endure the trials, love the joys, be always firmly rooted in My Sacred Heart. I am the Son of God. I am Jesus who appears before you. Why are you afraid, when I give to you such gifts? I have given to you the letters of love in My Blue Books. Use them and it will quiet the fears of your heart, and instruct you in My ways, lavish My love upon you and give you the confidence to be the soldier of My Sacred Heart, that will go out into the world, unafraid, for you will know that I walk with you and that you never walk alone.
R. He is just covered with light, that just flashes on and off, all around Him. That's what Fr. Carter said, "If we could see our own graced soul, we would fall over.", and yet we know when we are in the state of grace. But the devil is just tricky. He wants us bowed down. He doesn't want us to have this faith and hope, and God is calling us to walk out front. We can't hide behind a bush. The devil can talk negative talk all day.
Jesus said to me once, "that thoughts just flutter through your head" and I thought, well the thoughts of God that are light, flutter, and they are light — and the thoughts that satan comes, he comes with his crane and he wants to drill down deep so he can make you feel angry, focused on fear. For the first 6 or so months when Jesus gave me messages, back in 1991 — every day I got a message on fear. And it must have been because He wanted me to be able to do what I have done now, these 18 years later. Because I remember my dad was always kind of fearful, and yet he was great. He said his rosaries, he raised us and he did all he did for us, but he sure had his things too.
We all have our things, and yet God has given to us this tremendous opportunity in the Shepherds of Christ to help to bring the completion of this Fatima mission and He is calling us to holy lives, to really living that consecration, not to say those consecration prayers like bzzz-zzz! Amen. But to engage in the depth of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and empty ourselves that we can grow in greater holiness, that the Holy Spirit will give to us, as He outpours the gifts of wisdom and understanding, of knowledge, of all the things that will help us to do what we are doing as children of light in the world. Light is so beautiful Jesus — Your light against the darkness.
8. Hail Mary
9. R. That we aren't afraid to ever say — Most Sacred Heart of Jesus I place my trust in You. To quiet the voices that we just - "oh you should worry about this — oh you should worry about that — oh - oh - h" — But when we go to Mass, do we quiet those voices to really focus on Jesus Christ who died for us? Do we stand with Mary beneath the cross? Do we unite to the Eucharist that is being raised, the sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present? Have we given our hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, that we become more holy in our offering, a more pure sacrifice? God we pray for the discipline to help our minds to be focused on You, especially in the Mass, in our days when we pray the Morning Offering.
Did you ever watch the garbage man? He picks up everybody's garbage, and then he goes and dumps it somewhere. Is that what happens? I'm not sure. Satan don't need to pick up any garbage. He's just picking on things that he knows will get to us, and then he's dumping all these things to keep us focused, so we are not focused on our vocation, of really looking at the world and seeing how it is, and seeing how God has called us to this, that's why we are all here. And we are going to be intercessors united, and know the peace of knowing that God is always with us.
I know I was talking to somebody today. I take my Jesus Water with me. They said they drove almost all day to get here to get their Jesus Water. God has given us a tremendous gift in this building, and the waters, and the glass, and the prayers and the Blue Books, and the knowing about the Mass and the scriptures, and more and more the excitement of the Catholic Church, as being that ark in the torrential waters.
Oh Mother Mary, how grateful we are that you came to this place, and you allowed us to see the beautiful image of you, on the building for years after year after year after year. Oh heavenly Father, the sign of the rainbow, the covenant that was made with Noah, that You would never flood the earth again as You did at the time of Noah. Here in this building, our refuge, our ark, our prayers raise as incense to You our God, to help make reparation for the sins of the world and our sins. And we ask for healing in our hearts to be more holy, to help our vision to be as it needs to be, to see how our little prayers, like that of the saints made tremendous differences on the world.
We cannot give in to getting focused into division to whoever's doing what to us, and for one moment miss the opportunity at Mass, or in our days of trying to live holier lives, going to confession, going to Mass and asking to be forgiven for our venial sins — to be more pure that is our goal. You get a lot of grace from going to confession, a special grace. It doesn't have to be involved, if we are not in the state of mortal sin. Frequent confession helps us. Don't listen to satan, who can say this, that or the other that can give us an excuse. Coming to the 5th, you get a lot of grace. Praying with these prayer services, you get a lot of grace. Because of the 13ths, it is major, that has helped us, and the 5ths, to be united, powerfully as intercessors. That's what we want, the greatest power that we can have, to help the world now, to help the souls Jesus died for, to help the souls that we love too and want to go to heaven.
10. Hail Mary
Sing: Jesus Oh Jesus Come and feed your Lambs, Jesus Oh Jesus Come and feed your Lambs
Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and the Virgin Mary
Sing: Oh let the Son of God enfold you with His Spirit and His love. Let Him fill your heart and satisfy your soul. Oh give him all your tears and sadness give him all your years of pain and you'll enter into life in Jesus name. Jesus Oh Jesus Come and feed your Lambs, Jesus Oh Jesus Come and feed your Lambs.
Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus
Sing: Come Holy Spirit fill our hearts enkindle in us the fire of your love. Come Holy Spirit fill our hearts enkindle in us the fire of your love.
1. Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus
2. Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus
3. Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus
4. Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus
5. Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus
6. Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus
7. Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus
8. Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus
9. Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus
10. Sing: Veni Sancte SpiritusJesus: Pray that you may break the chains that hold you bound in any way, that lead you from Me.
Mary is Taken Up to Heaven
1. R. And Jesus says
Jesus: Don't give in to satan. Pray. Stay united to Me. Spend that time with Me every day.
2. Hail Mary
3. Hail Mary
4. Hail Mary
5. Hail Mary
6. Hail Mary
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail MaryR. So Mary is taken up to heaven. Jesus is in heaven. So now we can think about ourselves. Right? God wants us to be holy and He wants us to be in heaven with Him someday. And our bodies too some day to be glorified.
Mary is Crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth
1. Hail Mary
2. Hail Mary
3. Hail Mary
4. Hail Mary
5. Hail Mary
6. Hail Mary7. R. I want to pray for personal intentions and a little girl that was almost one, that was really just about ready to die. Well, she doing better now. I want to keep praying for that and for your personal intentions too. I want to get the Mass Book printed. Fr. Carter's book is up at the printers, then there's the priest house, we been whittling away on for years, but it's finally almost finished. And so he needs some money, and you can just see if you look on the internet, but this mailing is really, really important to God. I know that. So I want to pray for that and please help us with your prayers.
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail MaryHail Holy Queen
R. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
end of rosary
Felix is coming to the site
next week —
Please come and get a
signed crucifix by
Felix and your picture
Betty is a handmaid who has prayed in the
China Church for 11 years. To get from her
house to the church she uses a walker and
must go over a creek and a little bridge.
We wanted a little place she could rest
by the Church. We need about $1,000 to
make this happen. Can you help us?
We are trying to get
Response to God's Love
and the Mass Book out.
Anybody who wants to help us
with a donation to get these 2 books
out in the Priestly/hierarchy mailing —
Please call Kathleen 1-888-211-3041
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
The China Church is over 140 years old
and we pray in there 24 hours a day.
It needs stucco and so does
the community building.
Can you please help us?
Call Kathleen 1-888-211-3041
Likewise the priest house
is 150 years old.
Jesus told us to repair it
which we have been doing.
We need $13,000.00 for this work.
You can help put the Blue Book V
in the hands of 1,000 people
we need $1,200 postage for this
It is ready to go
Call Kathleen
You can help put Fr. Joe's homily
book in the hands of
1,000 priests — it costs $1,100
This can help 1,000 parish priests
talk about Covenant for Lent
Please help us
It is ready to go
Call Kathleen 1-888-211-3041
Call Kathleen to Order any of the items below