Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages |
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April 27, 2004
April 28th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 9 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for April 28th are Luminous.
Rosary makers - we need your help please!
We have school orders that need to be filled
and lack rosaries to fill them.
We need 13,000 rosaries
to fill the orders we have now.
Schools want the rosaries.
Please if you could send in
your rosaries for the schools
as soon as possible.
We have kits available for making rosaries.
A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb
the Bridegroom of the soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
Schedule for April
28, 2004February 13, 1997
4:00 a.m. - Mass4:37 a.m. - July 28, 1995 Rosary
5:40 a.m. - Songs from Jesus
6:20 a.m. - 6:20 prayers led by Father Carter
Holy Spirit Novena
Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual
Rosary7:24 a.m. - Morning Offering and prayers
7:37 a.m. - Mysteries of Light November 1, 2002
8:24 a.m. - A talk given about the
Shepherds of Christ9:44 a.m. - Tell My People
read by Fr. Edward Carter11:15 a.m. - Songs
12:35 p.m. - Glorious Aves
1:07 p.m. - Kids praying
1:25 p.m. - February 13, 1997 Live Rosary
2:48 p.m. - Choose Life
3:50 p.m. - Songs
4:00 p.m. - Mass
4:37 p.m. - Songs
4:58 p.m. - Children's Rosary July 15, 1995
5:50 p.m. - Mary's Message
5:56 p.m. - Songs
6:20 p.m. - 6:20 prayers led by Father Carter
Holy Spirit Novena
Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual7:24 p.m. - Songs from Jesus
8:17 p.m. - Mass celebrated by
Fr. Edward Carter July 5, 20009:06 p.m. - Talk by Father Carter
9:39 p.m. - Special messages from
Jesus given to Fr. Carter and
Songs from Jesus
10:57 p.m. - Stations of the Cross
11:18 p.m. - Rosary January 26, 1995
12:36 a.m.
- Daily Messages December 11, 1998
and December 12, 1998
1:21 a.m.
- December 12, 2002
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
2:09 a.m. - Songs
3:00 a.m. - Sorrowful Aves
3:33 a.m. - Seven Sorrows
3:47 a.m. - Songs
4:00 a.m. - Mass
April 27, 2004
Messenger: Dear Jesus,
I love you so much. My heart pants for
love of you. I give you totally myself
God to have and to use to do this work.
I pray for the souls and protection for the
building and for funds for the building
payment May 1, the big bill for insurance
May 2 and all the additional expenses
due to the damage and protection of the
Dear God, I am totally in your hands.
People do not realize how God has contacted
the earth with this apparition and the
messages given.
July 5, 2000
April 27, 2004 message continues
Dear God, it is offensive to You
that such a great sign given from heaven
has been ignored.
Long before the sex sandal in the Church
July 31, 1994 you gave Fr. Carter this message.
Given to Father Carter
on the Feast of St. Ignatius
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)end of July 31, 1994 message given to Fr. Carter
April 27, 2004 message continues
And me this message as Mary appeared
August 1, 1994 early the next morning.
August 1, 1994
Pray For The Success Of The Priestly Newsletter - Shepherds of Christ
Messenger: The following is the first official message I received before the statue of Mary at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center. It is a personal message for Father Carter.
Mary speaks: (in front of the glowing statue of Our Lady of Sorrows) I am the Immaculate Heart. My Heart is glowing for love of all my beloved children. I am your most loving Mother. I am with you this day. Pray for the success of the priestly newsletter Shepherds of Christ. I am guarding your way. You will receive such graces to accomplish this task! Grace from God is so abundantly bestowed on you and will lead to the success of this endeavor! Pray for this cause at the Center. The priests will lead the people to the love of My beloved Son. This is no little task. It will take many prayers and graces. Pray hard, little one. Your prayers will change many hearts.
I am Mary, your Immaculate Mother. I bring this message to My beloved priest-son.
end of August 1, 1994 message
April 27, 2004 message continues
It will soon be ten years since these
messages and they have been ignored.
The vision of Mary that appeared for
over 7 years was ignored.
Mary appeared to me for 14 months
every day the message she gave
to me about the school children
is etched on my heart and my
fervor to deliver this message
cries in my soul.
Jesus speaks: I am the Bread of Life
John 6: 35-59
Jesus answered them:
I am the bread of life.
No one who comes to me will ever hunger;
no one who believes in me will ever thirst.
But, as I have told you,
you can see me and still you do not believe.
Everyone whom the Father gives me
will come to me;
I will certainly not reject
anyone who comes to me,
because I have come from heaven,
not to do my own will,
but to do the will of him who sent me.
Now the will of him who sent me
is that I should lose nothing
of all that he has given to me,
but that I should raise it up
on the last day.
It is my Father's will
that whoever sees the Son
and believes in him
should have eternal life,
and that I should raise that person up
on the last day.Meanwhile the Jews were complaining to each other about him, because he had said, 'I am the bread that has come down from heaven.' They were saying, 'Surely this is Jesus son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know. How can he now say, "I have come down from heaven?" ' Jesus said in reply to them, 'Stop complaining to each other.
'No one can come to me
unless drawn by the Father who sent me,
and I will raise that person up
on the last day.
It is written in the prophets:
They will all be taught by God;
everyone who has listened to the Father,
and learnt from him,
comes to me.
Not that anybody has seen the Father,
except him who has his being from God:
he has seen the Father.
In all truth I tell you,
everyone who believes has eternal life.
I am the bread of life.
Your fathers ate manna in the desert
and they are dead;
but this is the bread
which comes down from heaven,
so that a person may eat it and not die.
I am the living bread
which has come down from heaven.
Anyone who eats this bread
will live for ever;
and the bread that I shall give
is my flesh, for the life of the world.'Then the Jews started arguing among themselves, 'How can this man give us his flesh to eat?' Jesus replied to them:
In all truth I tell you,
if you do not eat
the flesh of the Son of man
and drink his blood,
you have no life in you.
Anyone who does eat my flesh
and drink my blood
has eternal life,
and I shall raise that person up
on the last day.
For my flesh is real food
and my blood is real drink.
Whoever eats my flesh
and drinks my blood
lives in me
and I live in that person.
As the living Father sent me
and I draw life from the Father,
so whoever eats me
will also draw life from me.
This is the bread
which has come down from heaven;
it is not like the bread our ancestors ate:
they are dead,
but anyone who eats this bread
will live for ever.This is what he taught at Capernaum in the synagogue.
April 27, 2004 message continues
Oh Jesus, I love you so much I long
to hear Your word.
From Church today
Acts 7: 51 - 8: 1a
You stubborn people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears. You are always resisting the Holy Spirit, just as your ancestors used to do. Can you name a single prophet your ancestors never persecuted? They killed those who foretold the coming of the Upright One, and now you have become his betrayers, his murderers. In spite of being given the Law through angels, you have not kept it. They were infuriated when they heard this, and ground their teeth at him.
But Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at Gods right hand. Look! I can see heaven thrown open, he said, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God. All the members of the council shouted out and stopped their ears with their hands; then they made a concerted rush at him, thrust him out of the city and stoned him. The witnesses put down their clothes at the feet of a young man called Saul. As they were stoning him, Stephen said in invocation, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Then he knelt down and said aloud, Lord, do not hold this sin against them. And with these words he fell asleep.
Saul approved of the killing.
John 6: 30-35
So they said, 'What sign will you yourself do, the sight of which will make us believe in you? What work will you do? Our fathers ate manna in the desert; as scripture says: He gave them bread from heaven to eat.' Jesus answered them:
In all truth I tell you,
it was not Moses
who gave you the bread from heaven,
it is my Father
who gives you the bread from heaven,
the true bread;
for the bread of God
is the bread
which comes down from heaven
and gives life to the world.'Sir,' they said, 'give us that bread always.'
Jesus answered them:I am the bread of life.
No one who comes to me will ever hunger;
no one who believes in me will ever thirst.
April 27, 2004 message continues
Jesus speaks:
Oh My child,
I do love you. I long for you to come
to Me at Mass and before the tabernacle
and give yourself to Me.
Oh child, you are so precious to
Me. I am the Bread of life.
Jesus speaks: "This is the picture I want in My messages. When you read these messages, look at My picture and know I love you. These messages are My words of love for each of you."
- Jesus to Rita Ring
April 27, 2004 message continues
Jesus speaks:
My child on May 2, 1994 I gave you this message
to circulate to the whole world.
I gave you the message May 4, 1994 to circulate
to the whole world and to put out at the
Falmouth Farm on May 8, 1994. The
message I gave was, put this message out
at the Falmouth Farm May 8, 1994.
You were told you were being tested to
see if you would obey, but they would not
put out this message on the Falmouth Farm.
You were told they disobeyed thousands
of people went to the Falmouth Farm
May 8, 1994 and thousands did not
receive the message May 4, 1994 because
they refused to put it out. I gave you
the message May 6, 1994 in Blue Book III.
Fr. Carter called you and told you to deliver
the messages as I told you.
Another man said and grabbed your hand very hard
at the Holy Spirit Center "you won this time,
but we'll see the next time." This was after
Fr. Carter was called in and he told
the priest and others to put the
message out.
They decided to put the message of
May 4, 1994 out on June 8, 1994 as
Fr. Carter said.
The messages of 2 other visionaries
were put on the handout with this
message and taken to the printer by
a man. He told them to remove the
message May 4, 1994, I gave and Fr. Carter
told them to put out.
I further requested over the time of
the visions at the Falmouth Farm that
My Blue Book Messages be circulated
on the Farm. A total of 4 boxes of Blue Books
were circulated there, the total time of the
apparitions from Mary.
I told them that they would have
troubles on the Falmouth Farm and at
the Holy Spirit Center with unity if
they did not circulate the messages
in God's Blue Book III and these
two messages given for the Holy Spirit
Center and Falmouth Farm staff.
February 23, 1994 5:30 a.m.
Jesus: I am the light of the world. A city on a hill will shine to the world. You at the Center will be this city when you are filled to the brim with the love of Jesus. What power, what might, to have each person a personal spouse of Jesus Christ! This is the light to the darkened world. The love of Jesus radiates from the very being of those who love Him. What light when all together are lifted by His love abounding deep within their breasts!
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. My life is the life inside that cannot be contained. It is bursting and budding forth. My life is the real life. To possess the life of Christ within your breast! Such power! I am the city set on a hill that will stand united and shine to this world. You at this Center will be this city. You will be the true Center that places the mark on this world.
The love of Christ, abounding deep within the breasts of all, will be the power and the might. Pray the Prayer for Union with Jesus. I will operate in the hearts of all there and minister to My sick world. I am the Heart of Jesus. I am on fire with love of each and every soul. When My love is found in all the hearts there, the light of God will shine to this world!
You are the city, set on a hill, that shines to the darkened world. I will light the world with the love of Jesus that shines in the hearts of those who are fed there. My light is so bright. My power is endless. You are the light to the dark world. You contain the mighty medicine to bring My sick ones to Me. You will bring so many back to Me and My intense love, burning so brightly for all!
I am the power. I am the might. He who abides in Me will have the light of life. I give Myself to you that you will live. You will radiate My presence from your very being. My light is the brightest light. I will live in the hearts of all who come to you for their feeding. Enkindle in them the love for My most Sacred Heart. It is on fire for love of you. It cannot be contained. It will live in all hearts who come to you to be fed.
You are the key to enkindle this burning love of Jesus in the hearts of so many. Many will know Jesus through your love of Me. Read these letters every day for I am truly speaking to you here. I love each child so dearly and want to have an intimate union with that child. Teach all about the burning love of Jesus. Read My messages with your heart on fire so you can tell all of My ardent love for them.
I long to be close to them. I am a person. I am God, on fire for love of My people. Bring all to the ardent love of Jesus. Mary is by My side constantly. Where I am, she is there. She wants all to be led to My ardent, longing love. Teach all about My love. Fill them so they are overflowing in their hearts. This is the mighty medicine. It is My letter of intense, ardent love for My people.
I am truly here, little ones. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I will live strongly in the hearts of all who come to you. You will be the key. Focus on your intense love of Me. Read My letters as a cookbook for intimacy with Me. My love waits for each person and I tell you here how to be close to Me. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus on fire for love of you. I am longing for you to come and be with Me in silence. I will give you all you need.
I am the Alpha. I am the Omega. I am your all. I am God, one, true and magnificent, and I come to you with ardent love in Holy Communion and in the tabernacle. I am present, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. I am waiting. Our love affair waits and it depends on you. I am there and I am waiting. You keep us apart.
Tell them how I long for them and have all they need. The love of Christ will light their city. You will stand as the lighted city in darkness. My love will be that by which you light this dark world. Oh, such power, such might! The love of God will reign in the hearts of all you touch. You are My vessel to draw this world to the love of Jesus.
Read and study My letters and be taught about My ardent love. I am Jesus Christ and I am teaching you about My love on fire for all. Come and be powered by the hand of God. My love will rock the world off its rocker when it reigns in the hearts of those who come to you. I love you so! You are My beloved. I will use you to light My dark world. You will shine as candles in the darkest night and you will be the instruments I use to light their wicks. I am God and I love them so dearly!
This is My love for all. Power and might will shine forth on the land. I am the brightest light. Look into the light for the light. Look into the arms of Jesus. I will light this world through you. Alleluia. And the angels sang and the choirs of heaven were heard for the earth proclaimed the Love of Jesus. Alleluia
end of February 23, 1994
May 2, 1994 5:10a.m.
Oh, My child, trust. I am indeed present to all at the Center. I am working in your hearts. You are all parts of the big picture. You must unite. All there must learn to love, not as they see love, but as I am teaching you to love. You do such unloving things and do not even know.
They need these letters on love at the Center. Love and union are what will make you light up the world. You must all learn to love. Put your hate, anger and sizing each other up aside. Unite. I am using each person there.
Prayer is the answer. Prayer is silence before Me in the tabernacle. I speak in your heart. Preach to others how to become open to My promptings in their hearts. Every person is needed. Every person has a part to play. Read these letters on love. Love is the key. Satan will divide you if you do not keep yourselves rooted in My love and strive for unity. I am communicating to all there. It takes time with Me after Communion and in front of the tabernacle. Pass out the little book and message on the tabernacle. Pass out the letters of love.
There cannot be strife and competition in your hearts. You are all called. How can you show the world about love when you do not know about love yourself? Love is the key that will light the city. Love is what you need to unite!
Satan wants to divide your workers. He wants them to compete and look with anger at each other. Know, My little ones, that he is constantly talking to you and trying to divide you. Love as I have loved you. Love your brothers. That is action, that is not "tolerance." That is not seeking self, that is giving self, that is being humble, that is mending fences, that is saying you are sorry, that is being in touch with Me. You cannot love without My graces. You need to be alone with Me. I speak to your heart in the silence. Stay after Communion. I, the Son of God, Jesus, Who died on the cross, long to be with you and give you all you need. Stay with Me, My beloved ones. I love you so much.
Do not look at your brothers and size them up. Pray for them to be drawn closer to My Sacred Heart. You are not doing this alone. Do you see in the confirmations, how you are all receiving My promptings? You cannot get My messages for you if you do not sit in silence with Me. I speak in the silence to you. I speak in the inner promptings of your heart.
You do not need to promote yourselves, you need to do My work. I am using you as a unit. Unite in love. Whenever any ill thoughts of your brothers come to your head, dismiss them and pray the Prayer for Union with Me. I know everything that is happening and I want My work accomplished. Let Me take care of your brother who is irritating you. I can do it far better than you could ever do it.
Love, this is your call. Love, union, forgiveness, saying you are sorry. This takes Me. You cannot do it alone. "But," you say, "I don't want to say I'm sorry." I say that is what mends the fence. It is like the nails that hold the boards. A humble, loving heart will hold it together. Do not be prideful. Pride is the downfall. This comes from focusing on yourself. Pray my Prayer for Union with Jesus. This will help you to become more selfless and united to Me. A soul that is striving for union with Me will be a loving soul. The best gift you can give this world is to be about your relationship with Me. I mold your heart. I dismiss your fear. I wash away anger and doubt and you come away with My love.
Love will light this city. You must tend to the pruning in your own hearts. Do not criticize your brother. Be loving and pray for him. Dismiss all hate and anger. It is not from Me. I operate in love. You can accomplish so much with love. Argumentation, belaboring the point, is from Satan.
Pray for each other. Pray for union with Me. Pray for the union of your brothers to My Sacred Heart. Lead all to silent prayer with Me. Read the Scriptures. Read these letters, letters of love from Me to My beloved ones! Oh, how I love! You do not know how to love. How can you love and teach others when you do not know yourself. Circulate the letters-on the tabernacle, hate and anger, and loving your brothers-at the Center. Give them to all who are the backbone of the operation. They need to love, love God, love one another. That will light your city. You will be on fire with the burning love of Jesus in your hearts. You cannot do it alone. You must come to Me.
I am the Alpha. I am the Omega. I am your God and I am doing My work through you. I am working. Make yourself selfless. I can do all things if you surrender yourself to Me. I love you. I want you to write music and songs. Jesus.
end of May 2, 1994 message
April 27, 2004 message continues
Jesus speaks:
On November 8, 1994 after much division and
problems at both places, the Holy Spirit
Center and the Falmouth Farm, this message
was finally passed out on the Falmouth
Farm (May 4, 1994) as I had requested.
It was passed out after heated division
and the message November 3, 1994
was delivered.
November 3, 1994
Love Your Brothers As I Have Loved You
Jesus speaks: I am watching you at the Center. My Heart is an endless furnace of love. I am waiting for your time with Me. I love you each so dearly. Your soul craves My love, but I sit alone and you complain about one another. I love you with an open Heart that is ablaze for love of you. Each child there, I love with the tenderest Heart. I died for each person, I would suffer and die for you this day. My Father created each child His special and loving child. You are a child of God! You are so loved. My Father gave you Me for love of you. The Holy Spirit loves you so intently and wants to give you such love. Love on fire! He wants to lead you to such great love of Me and My Father.
My beloved Mother, who suffered so for love of you, who stood by Me and shared in My Life, appears as Our Lady of Light to light your way to the love of her precious Son. She, who suffered and experienced joy with Me, she who from a young girl to an old woman knew the love of My Heart for you, appears to lead you to such love with My Sacred Heart. She wants you to come to her pure Heart and let her place you deeply in My Heart.
My dear children, loved by My Father and My Mother, let the Spirit sanctify you, let go and be led to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am as present this day as the day I died on the cross. I am present in the Eucharist in My Divinity and Humanity. I am waiting for you in the tabernacle. I am waiting to give you My love. I pour Myself out to you.
You go into battle with your hearts filled with My love. I watch you battle everyday this spiritual battle. I cry out to you to return to holiness. I cry out to you to realize the divine love I pour out to you. Come back to love. Make Me the very center of your life. You will not light your city with hearts that are angry. It is only by the love of God that you will light your city. Come to the burning Heart of Jesus. Come to Him for your love.
I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I suffered so for those who neglect Me and My most precious love. I pour out to you Myself. I love you no less than the day I died.
Open your hearts to be hearts that are pure. Rid yourself of all hate and anger toward your brothers. Come from a heart that is pure. You cannot love Me if you do not love your brother, all your brothers. Look to your brother for the Jesus that lives in them. You must love every person. I command you to love God with your whole heart, your whole mind and your whole soul. I command you to love your neighbor as yourself.
I gave the last beat of My Heart for your brother. I live in your brother. Your Father created your brother. How can you say you love Me when you do not love your brother? I am in your brother, I love you all. I watch each of you. I love each of you and many times you hate one another. You are often divided because you are not coming to Me for your strength. You need to operate from love. Love one another. I watch you hate one another and then tell yourself you love Me. I love each person. You cannot light your city without the love of God alive in your hearts. To love God you must love your brother. To love your brother, pray to realize My love for you. Pray for grace. Pray for one another. Say the Morning Offering. You are the city of My love. Love gives, love is kind, love is compassionate, love finds its roots in the Eucharistic Christ.
Come to Me and I will pour My Heart out to you. These are the letters of My true love I pour out to you. I died for you. Why do you not think I would send you a letter of My love for you? I love you these words are My love letters to you! These messages are My instructions for holiness and love of one another. Love one another as you realize My immense love for you. I talk directly to you and profess My deepest love. I give you songs of My greatest love. LOVE is active, LOVE is from the heart. LOVE is rooted in a pure heart. You cannot hate one person and love Me. LOVE is kind, LOVE is seeing Me in your brother. This is the mighty medicine to light your city of love.
end of November 3, 1994 message
April 27, 2004 message continues
Jesus speaks:
This is the message of
May 4, 1994 which was not
circulated as requested.
I Call You to Holiness
May 4, 1994 4:30a.m.
Dear ones, I am calling you to love your brothers. I have loved you. Would you, dear ones, lay down your lives for your brothers? How are you loving this day? Are you following Christ in your actions? I am the Way, I am the Truth, I am the Life. You must constantly put the world aside and look to the Master for all your directions. I call you, My little ones, to holiness. I call you to pure hearts, hearts that are full of love and empty of hate and anger. I call you to guard your hearts and watch that they stay forever holy. You, My precious bride, I want your soul white.
Do you criticize your dear brothers? I gave the last beat of My Heart and the last drop of My blood for the soul you are displeased with. I would die for them this day. Will you not love them for Me? They are so precious to Me!
Quit sizing up your brothers. You do such unloving things in your mind. You do not even know how unloving are your thoughts. You judge your brothers by their exteriors, by their education, by their money. You do not see the beautiful creation of God the Father. He created your brothers just perfectly and He loves His creation. Who are you to criticize His creation? Love your brothers when they are hurting. It is in your loving the hurting ones that they will see the reflection of Christ in you.
Do not hold on to foolish things. One moment and your days on this earth have ended. All that remains is how you loved. Did you love God? Did you love your neighbor? Love is not selfish. It gives of itself. Its whole purpose is to draw the other closer to Jesus.
Study the crucifix. It is such a comfort! I loved you so. I died for you. I would die for you alone this very day, little ones! Look at Me dying on the cross! The way to Me is to follow Me. Be Christ-like in your ways. You must study Me to know My ways. Do not give in to yourselves. My way is love. Will you be the reflection of the love of God within you? My way is the way of the cross. They persecuted Me, they hurt Me, they tore My flesh and spit on Me. They did this to Me for My love given to all! This world is not your end. You follow My ways and you move as you should toward your goal.
I am Jesus, I am the Son of God. I love you so ardently. I died and shed My blood, My beautiful blood, for love of you. I await you this day, My little ones. I loved you so I remain with you in the Eucharist. I await, I long for you to come and share in our love. I am the tenderest of Hearts. No man can be close to you as I. I love you so. I want to dwell and live within you. I want to fill you with all My love and radiate My love to your beloved brothers. I want to shine from your souls.
Oh, little ones, take Me seriously. I am truly here, begging for you to live in My love.
You are the light that will shine in this dark world. You will light up the darkest night with My love.
The best gift you can give to this world is to busy yourself about your love affair with Me. I love you, My little ones. I love you and I want to share this love with you.
Love your brothers. Do not let Satan talk in your heads and make them wrong and you right. Love them as I have loved you. Do not look at your brothers and size them up. See them with the eyes of God, the beautiful creations of the Father.
Will you love My beloved ones for Me this day, or will you say "no" to My call? Love your brothers in darkness. They need your love. I am calling you to love them for Me this very day. They may scoff at you and persecute you, but you will plant a seed that I Myself will water and give sunlight to. Plant seeds of love. This is the most important seed you will plant, a seed of love. Watch it grow as I provide it with water and nourishment. I will shine on your brothers through you if you stay in My love. Be the light that shines on this dark world. They are crying out for the love of God. They are suffering. They need your love.
Put yourselves aside. Die to yourselves. Live only for the love of God. If the world goes one way, you stay focused on My love. Do not follow the world. Follow the risen Christ!
I love you so, little ones. I bring you new life. I fill your hearts with My love. Pray to the Holy Spirit for His gifts. Pray the Our Father. Let My mother mother you as she mothered Me. She loved you so. She suffered so for love of you. She appears to bring you back to her beloved Son. Will you answer her call? She is calling you to put God first in your life. She is calling you to love, love of God, love of one another.
Forgive your brothers. Empty your hearts of hate and anger and let go. Let all your anger go. Give Me your resentments and let Me heal your hearts. Forgiveness is the way to peace. Let go. Do not size up your brothers. Love them all. Pray for them. Unite in My love. Love is a miracle cure. Say you are sorry. Be gentle in your ways. Pray for your needs. I love you, little ones. I am with you this day.
Will you answer the call and love for Me? I love you. I am your beloved Jesus. I would die this day just for you. I love you the same as I did the day I died. Turn to Me and give Me your life. I will care for you and love you. I am your Savior. I am Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. Let Me live in your heart!
end of May 4, 1994 message
April 27, 2004 message continues
Jesus speaks:
I want this on cards and passed out at
all centers. E-mailed to your list
March 30, 1995 Rosary next and the
message April 13, 1994.
I want it circulated with Mary's Message
as a sign of My communication and
Mary's communication with the earth.
Funds are far and few coming.
Such an abomination, what has been
done to the image of My Mother's
face and those who could help you
ignore Me and the message given.
Remember September 11, 2001.
Here is a message I gave days before
September 6, 2001
Excerpt from September 6, 2001
Jesus speaks: You must pray for your donors.
I appeared and my mother appeared
for the whole world.
The apparition is not appreciated.
The fact you cannot even make
the rent payment for the
building is proof.
So much money in the world and the
state of Florida.
Look at your news on television.
Look at what the news is on the
It is not the responsibility of 100
people to support such a vision.
It is a gift from God.
This shows you the focus of men
and your news.
Your eyes are blind.
I ask today September 6, 2001 to
see Our images and to help
do what We have asked you to do.
These messages are important.
You have ignored Me.
THE PRAYER CARDS, Prayer for Union
with Jesus, Prayer Before the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass, Say daily card,
morning offering, Shepherds of Christ
Prayer manuals, Holy Spirit Novena book,
rosary meditations are gifts from God.
Messenger: Jesus also said "All materials
used for the school rosary program
printed by B&M have helped the
school children."
Jesus speaks: The Priestly Newsletter is a gift from God.
Because of these prayers your world
is a better place.
If B&M closes and the printing stops -
your world will be affected.
Again I repeat, these revelations and
materials are for the world.
Mary appears the Lady clothed in gold
for the world.
Very, very few are helping to do what I ask.
My movement is to help the priests, the
Church and the world, it is a gift.
Because of My movement, the world is a
better place.
You will feel the effects if the printing stops.
I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I speak here.
end of excerpt from September 6, 2001
April 27, 2004 message continues
Jesus speaks: How do I reach you?
Are any funds forth coming to help
preserve this site and to make
amends for the grave offense
committed against the image the
Father has given you.
No funds for the rosaries for the schools
a cry for 13,000 rosaries and rosary
makers and you have money for porno
magazines, put in the hands of the
young, look at your magazine stands
at airports
Oh I do cry to you, but you
will not listen you will not listen
at all to Me.
Letters were sent out about
the destruction of the face of My Mother
for the leaders none responded.
This place, Clearwater was chosen by
God the Father to give a sign to the earth
and it was given for 7 years of the Virgin
Mary, dot by dot, Our Lady of Guadalupe,
but you have ignored Me and your
Mother and God the Father.
The city of Falmouth flooded, the
continuation by Me of the Mission
Mary began was blocked.
Mary appeared there to lead to My
Movement, the Shepherds of Christ, to circulate
the Priestly Newsletter, begin these prayer
April 27, 2004 message continues
Jesus speaks:
praying for the priests, the
Church and the world and to lead you
into deeper intimacy through these
messages given in God's Blue Book,
the Mass Book and Rosaries from the
Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
I am ignored, Mary, your Mother
is ignored, this message of God the
Father after Mary's apparition in
Clearwater December 17, 1996 was
January 11, 1997
God the Father: My plan will unfold despite the willfulness of any of My children. I am the Father. I have guided you in all of your activities.
I am telling you that the members of the Shepherds of Christ must be made aware of the importance of living the Blue Book messages.
Planning is up to Me. This is My plan and it will unfold. Men plan for the future. I AM.
I am directing the Shepherds of Christ Movement through these messages.
I am angered at the lack of response on the part of some to back these messages. You must support these messages so they are lived by man.
These messages are given from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary to bring about the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the triumph of My beloved Mary's Immaculate Heart.
You are given all you need. You must adhere to My plan.
I am the Father. I AM WHO AM. I was in the beginning, I am now and I will be forever.
I am telling you to obey the directions given by Jesus in these messages.
My plan will unfold. The completion of the Fatima message will greatly come through the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
You must circulate the tape, Mary's Message. You must circulate the messages given to you in God's Blue Books and Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
The renewal in the Church will greatly come through the newsletter and the books published with the imprimatur. You must publish all books on the Mass with the imprimatur. Prayer chapters must be started in the churches.
The instructions for the priests will come from doing as I have requested. I beg you to circulate the Priestly Newsletter Book to the priests as soon as possible. The priests must be made aware of the Mass Books.
The Children's Rosary Book must be published immediately. Your work, Fr. Carter and Rita, is to publish this material.
Heaven has contacted the earth primarily in these messages to bring about the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart.
The plan will unfold. It is My plan. You must be obedient to the directions I give to you here. The Movement is a great star of light to this world. From the Movement the earth will be covered with stars of light and the earth will be lighted through your efforts, Fr. Carter.
I will give you all you need. The plan will unfold. It is My plan to turn sinful men into obedient, loving children.
I have delivered this message that you will know My plan is unfolding. Many will be lost because of their willfulness. I demand obedience to My requests. The plan will unfold. It pleases Me greatly that you obey My messenger. She is delivering these messages to you from the Son, My beloved Son, God-made-Man.
The messages of the love of God will be written on the hearts of men through the writings of Fr. Carter and Rita to bring about the reign of His Most Sacred Heart.
I am displeased with those who have blocked these messages. Anyone continuing to block My messages given through the Hearts of Jesus and Mary will receive a shock that will envelope them.
The time is very urgent. The time has run out for sinful man. I am angered at the way the world has treated their Mother. Willful children must be punished. I demand obedience. Mary gave to her children her peace plan and she was ignored by the Church and her children. Mary is Mother of the Church and Mother of her children. Willful children must be admonished. Children must obey their Mother.
Mary appeared on the building in Florida as Mother of all. You have made money your god. You have ignored God and made this world your end.
I am God. I AM WHO AM, without a beginning, without an end. I am today, tomorrow and always. You do not comprehend My ways with your feeble minds. You must obey the messages given by My Son and His Mother. These messages I give to you as a gift and a great revelation from heaven. You must be thankful and cherish this gift given. I will not remove My gift to you for I know you will obey Me. I will admonish you when you do not respond as you should.
I have called you and anointed you, My holy priest (Fr. Carter), to lead this world to the light. The Light of the world is My Son, Jesus. His Heart will reign and the heart of your Mother will triumph. I beg you to surrender and obey and watch My plan unfold. There will be a great era of peace very soon, My little children. All you do today will help to save many souls. Many souls will know the love of God through the Shepherds of Christ Movement. Many souls will love God with burning love.
I give you this gift. Your writings, Fr. Carter, and the writings of My messenger, Rita, will help greatly to bring about the reign of the Sacred Heart.
I am the Father. I am the Almighty God. You must believe I have chosen you. I have called each member here this day to hear this message. I have called you to be the apostles of the new era of peace. I have called you by name. You will lead men to the Heart of My Son. You must listen and focus all of your attention to this mission I have given to you.
I am the Father. From the day you were conceived, I formed you in your mother's womb, knowing the great mission I would call you to today. My children, My children, do not be distracted by the evil one to lead you astray. I am counting on you, My beloved shepherds. You must not be led astray by doing other good works. I have called you, this is My plan, it is unfolding. You are a major part of the success of this plan for the renewal of the Church and the world.
Your work in the Shepherds of Christ Movement greatly pleases Me.
I AM, WHO AM. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the Almighty God. You must be obedient children. It is through your obedience that the consecration will spread to many souls on the earth.
It is through your obedience to help spread the priestly newsletter and start prayer chapters in churches that many priests will love God with the greatest love in the Mass. I am asking you to spread the Mass Book to priests and sisters. Please pray for the priestly newsletter, the quick spread of the material given in the newsletter and for the priests reading the newsletter.
Heaven has contacted the earth. The light will shine in the dark corners of the world. Men will respond to the Shepherds of Christ Movement. You must not be afraid. You must do as I have asked you.
I have called you by name, My chosen ones, from the beginning I formed you and I gave to you the talents needed to accomplish this mission on the earth.
Your talents are gifts from Me to be used for this purpose. You are the Shepherds of Christ. You are the apostles of the new era.
There will be a new earth, there will be love on this earth as I intend it to be. My children will love one another, you will walk hand in hand, loving God and one another in harmony and peace.
R. ...Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven...
Jn 1:1-18 (From The New Jerusalem Bible):
In the beginning was the Word:
the Word was with God
and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning.
Through Him all things came into being,
not one thing came into being except through Him.
What has come into being in Him was life,
life that was the light of men;
and light shines in darkness,
and darkness could not overpower it.A man came, sent by God.
His name was John.
He came as a witness,
to bear witness to the light,
so that everyone might believe through him.
He was not the light,
he was to bear witness to the light.
The Word was the real light
that gives light to everyone;
he was coming into the world.
He was in the world
that had come into being through him,
and the world did not recognize him.He came to his own
and his own people did not accept Him.
But to those who did accept Him
he gave power to become children of God,
to those who believe in his name
who were born not from human stalk
or human desire
or human will
but from God himself.
The Word became flesh,
He lived among us,
and we saw His glory,
the glory that he has from the Father as only Son of the Father,
full of grace and truth.John witness to him. He proclaims:
'This is the one of whom I said:
He who comes after me
has passed ahead of me
because he existed before me.'Indeed, from his fullness we have, all of us, received--
one gift replacing another,
for the Law was given through Moses,
grace and truth have come through Jesus Christ.
No one has ever seen God;
it is the only Son, who is close to the Father's heart,
who has made him known.R. We do not even see Our Father as so important to us.
A little child is always aware of their father. A little child knows how dependent he is on his father, always wanting to please his father.
A little child is always aware of his mother and obeying her. A little child loves his mother. Look at how unloving we are to Mary.
We are children of God, with God the Father as Our Father and Mary as our heavenly Mother.
end of January 11, 1997 message
April 27, 2004 message continues
Jesus speaks:
and this second message of God the Father
was ignored.
January 18, 1997
God the Father: My Dear Children,
I am the Father. My plan is unfolding through you, My beloved priest, Fr. Carter, and Rita and the core group in the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
I tell you all to read the accounts concerning Noah. Nowhere in history has God been offended as He is this day by this sinful world. You will suffer a fate for the offenses against God.
Mary appeared at Fatima to warn you, the sinful children, how they were offending God, but you did not listen. The war did not change the hearts of many evil men.
I warn you through My beloved daughter, Mary. You did not heed her warnings. Disobedience against the Mother I gave you displeases Me greatly. Mary is the Mother of all children. Mary is a gift from Me, but you are willful and abuse the gift I send you.
You do not make reparation to her Immaculate Heart; you continue to offend her. I will not tolerate the deeds of evil men any longer.
My plan will unfold. Any disobedience to these messages given by Me, My Son, or your Mother Mary will cause Me great displeasure.
I am the Father, the Almighty God, the Alpha, the Omega; you are a sinful people, a chosen race sinning against a loving God.
I am angered at your ways for they are not My ways, you have run amuck, you have offended your God, you have disobeyed your Mother and My beloved Son who died to save you.
I will act on all who continue in such sin. The sheep will be separated from the goats; the goats will receive punishment for their deed. Heaven and earth will kiss, there will be love in all hearts, justice will prevail and My children will be children of light, children that obey as I intended from the beginning.
Oh indeed My sweet messenger, I look to the earth and see the darkness, I see the disobedience of men against their Mother. I know the deeds committed and the evil in the hearts of so many. Justice will prevail and I will wipe out the earth. Only the children of light will remain, those who have given their hearts to their Mother Mary.
Do you think I send your Mother Mary as a messenger to be disobeyed by willful children? What do you think about at night, the cat, the dog, the fish? You don't know love. You don't love God or one another. This is My command to you, to love. You are a sinful, willful race, and the devil will vanish from the hearts of the children of light for they will be under the protection of her Immaculate Heart, the other children will be wiped off the face of the earth.
Disobey My messenger, ignore your Mother, ignore the Son in these messages. Ignore My Son who died for you.
Oh you sinful people filled with pride and disobedience, I give you the directions here to turn your hearts to love.
My Son has revealed Himself as never before in history into His tremendous love for men and you treat Our gift with such indifference.
I am angered at the lack of support to spread the messages of My Son's love for all.
You worry for funds, worry more, I am God the Father, the Almighty God. You disobeyed Mary, you disobeyed Jesus, now you will disobey Me?
You must obey My directions, the directions given through My Son, Jesus for the unfolding of the Father's plan.
No longer will I wait while willful men check and deliberate and disobey.
My plan will unfold through the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
I am talking through these messages given by My Son and Mary to tell you how to accomplish this task of carrying out My plan.
You must obey. The directions are given in these messages to spread the fire of God's love across this earth, to renew the Church and the world.
Because of willful men these messages have been held in check.
I am God, the maker of all things. You have made money your god. I want obedience, the funds will come when you obey all of the directions I have given to you.
Anyone who interferes with these messages will be removed.
These are the messages I give to the world. Fr. Carter's newsletter will teach the priests, all they need to know to be holy, loving priests.
Many priests are not loving, they are cold in their hearts. I will instruct the clergy through the newsletter.
My Son is the Chief Priest and Teacher. He has taught the world the secrets of His Heart through the writings of Fr. Carter and Rita, to go to men to check the value of these writings displeases Me.
You must have faith, you must study the entire revelations given here. You are not valuing My great gift to you.
I am the power, I am God, to the ends of the earth, I will be with you. My plan will unfold. You must think big, not on a human level. You must come to Me.
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
I am telling you to circulate the tape of January 13 (1997) as soon as possible. This tape must be released to the world. It is the message to go with the apparition on the building in Florida.
You must make every connection with Mary's message given December 12 (1996) and the messages given by Mary with the apparition of her on the building in Florida.
Time is very short and My patience is very thin. I will strike the earth and the evil men will scatter and there will be a reign of peace where men will love God as I intended. The evil men will be chastised for I sent your Mother to warn you and you disobeyed. I gave My Son as a sacrifice and you treated Him with indifference. I am angry at the creatures on this earth. I will lessen the chastisement if you make reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Oh willful children, you disobey your Mother, you are unloving and willful and your ways are evil. You are a sinful race.
I am sending water, rain to quench your thirst, My beloved children of light; I am sending fire to burn the fields for the sinful children, they will suffer drought and will fall to the ground dead, they will know fire, they will know the wrath of God. For I speak and I am ignored.
I am using the Shepherds of Christ Movement to majorly carry out the plan begun at Fatima. Every day lost is a lost day. I give to you Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary as your directions to help the plan unfold. Circulate these rosaries to all chapters and stress their importance.
The tape of January 13 (1997) is important to the world. The tape must be circulated with the apparition in Florida and the messages typed and put on the Internet with the rest of the messages I have given. The connection must be made between the apparition and the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
Satan will attack you strongly, he will create division and give messages through other visionaries to get you off coarse. You must obey My directions given in these messages to help bring about the completion of the Fatima message.
I will weed out anyone interfering with My plan.
I will tell you when you have deviated from My plan, do not taunt My messenger, this displeases Me. Read the messages for direction and obey them.
The directions given are strong to correct a sick world. You must quit focusing on the messenger and obey Me.
I am the Father, these are My messages to bring about the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart.
You think of money and miss the gift given. You are men bolted to the earth. You must obey Me. I have all the power.
end of January 18, 1997
April 27, 2004 message continues
Jesus speaks:
The all-night message explains My
Mission days after Mary's
apparition on the building
December 17, 1996.
Jesus speaks:
You see the hour glass.
The days of your lives are numbered.
A short while to serve Me.
Your life here on the earth is a short
You have made this earth your end.
Oh so much money in Florida and you
do not even take notice
Your money is your god.
The Ten Commandments
I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.
You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.
Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not kill.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Deuteronomy 10: 12-22
And now, Israel, what does Yahweh your God ask of you? Only this: to fear Yahweh your God, to follow all his ways, to love him, to serve Yahweh your God with all your heart and all your soul, to keep the commandments and laws of Yahweh, which I am laying down for you today for your own good.
Look, to Yahweh your God belong heaven and the heaven of heavens, the earth and everything on it; yet it was on your ancestors, for love of them, that Yahweh set his heart to love them, and he chose their descendants after them, you yourselves, out of all nations, up to the present day. Circumcise your heart then and be obstinate no longer; for Yahweh your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, triumphant and terrible, free of favouritism, never to be bribed. He it is who sees justice done for the orphan and the widow, who loves the stranger and gives him food and clothing. (Love the stranger then, for you were once strangers in Egypt.) Yahweh your God is the one whom you must fear and serve; to him you must hold firm; in his name take your oaths. Him you must praise, he is your God: for you he has done these great and terrible things which you have seen for yourselves; and, although your ancestors numbered only seventy persons when they went down to Egypt, Yahweh your God has now made you as many as the stars of heaven.
April 27, 2004 message continues
Jesus speaks:
No money for the building that
now shows My face.
You wipe off her face
you do not come and pray
How should heaven try to
reach you
Ten years later
Your world is more evil
You live worrying about
terrorist and you allow
someone to wipe out
Mary's face
You would wait in your glass
houses with money for your
window shades while
they wipe off My face too.
March 29, 2004 at 10:30pm
April 27, 2004 message continues
Jesus speaks:
Oh you of little faith
a fortress you have build
a tower of money
million dollar homes
you will not listen
you will not help
like a hour glass the sands
are dropping to the glass below
My hand is raised
you will not listen
and you will not help Me.
What sign would move you?
Our Lady of Clearwater Florida
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 193
Morrow, OH 45152-0193 USA
We couldn't even put just one of these 5ths because they were so good. |
![]() November 5, 2003 Jesus instructed the prayer service be done inside |
![]() November 5, 2003 Jesus instructed the prayer service be done inside |
![]() December 5, 2003 Jesus instructed the prayer service be done inside |
![]() December 5, 2003 Jesus instructed the prayer service be done inside |
![]() December 5, 2003 Jesus instructed the prayer service be done inside |
![]() December 5, 2003 |
![]() January 5, 2004 |
![]() January 5, 2004 |
![]() January 5, 2004 |
![]() January 5, 2004 |
![]() February 5, 2004 |
![]() February 5, 2004 |
April 27, 2004 message continues
Jesus speaks:
You don't want to change.
So few years on the earth below
December 19, 1996
Mary: My dear children, I give to you, my Son, Jesus, born in a stable in Bethlehem on Christmas morn. He is the Almighty God, the Light of the World.
I appear to you, my children, on a (former) bank in Florida. You have made money your god! Do you know how cold are your hearts? You turn away from my Son, Jesus, for your money. Your money is your god.
I am Mary, your Mother. I do not appear as I once appeared to you. I am asking you today to circulate my message given on a tape on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12, 1996. Please circulate this tape now. Give it to as many people as you can. I am Mary, your Mother. Please circulate my Rosary Book.
end of December 19, 1996 message
Please remember us in your will.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 193
Morrow, OH 45152
(toll free) 1-888-211-3041
© 200
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (513) 932-4451
FAX: (513) 932-6791