Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb, the Bridegroom of the Soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
Messenger: Include Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in 6:20 prayers.
Easter Sunday Message
Jesus speaks: I want you to love Me.
I want you to worship Me.
I want you to think of Me,
serving and loving Me.
I am God.
Are you a faithful spouse of Me or do you hardly think of Me at all?
Alleluia. He has risen.
Jesus speaks: As the spring bursts forth with new growth,
so too your Movement will bud forth.
April 28, 2000
Jesus speaks: Do you choose the balcony or the dirt?
Messenger: Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.
Psalm 118:1-2
Give thanks to Yahweh for he is good,
for his faithful love endures for ever.Let the House of Israel say,
His faithful love endures for ever.
Jesus speaks: Oh, I call you to holiness.
It is indeed the purity of your hearts that I seek.
What is your motive for acting?
Is it really to serve Me or to serve yourself?
Do you do it for God to promote love and harmony?
Do you act as a handmaid of the Lord?
Oh, it is joy that you seek.
Joy is found in the Savior, the One Who comes to save the fallen race.
Oh shout, oh city of Zion, "Jesus Christ is Lord, He is with us, He has risen, let your voices sound in great sound, sound the trumpet, sound the gong, oh My children I am with you, I am with you TODAY."
Messenger: So good is our God to give us this visible sign. My heart hungers and thirsts for Him in this great gift given.
Today at the consecration of the Mass the priest consecrated the Host in a silver dish. My heart longs to see the beautiful white consecrated Host so much I could hardly stand it, I desired it so much. He lifted the dish and took out the beautiful consecrated Host and a see-through Host the same size appeared above the Host. I often see a small transparent halo surrounding the top of the Host. This appeared as such:
Picture of transparent host coming soon!
Messenger: I had such a burning in my heart to see the consecrated Host and I heard the words "are not our hearts burning within us."
My heart ached with joy and wanting to be in this ecstatic state forever, but I was so aware of souls and the Sacrifice being offered, longing to be so one with Jesus as I dwell in Marys pure Heart, so that my heart would be so deeply united to Jesus in this Holy Sacrifice to the Father.
I want so much in that moment of consecration. I want my sacrifice united to His so deeply so that grace will be outpoured for our needs. I beg and I cry for the souls in the world, all of us who so desperately need Gods grace and mercy.
Oh, I want to offer such a Holy Sacrifice from the depth of my soul for grace and help from God. Oh, God, I am so sorry for our sins. Oh God, oh God, help us, I plead and I beg and I cry, I want it so much. I want all souls to love Him as I love Him and to unite in this Sacrifice as holy little children of the Father, pleading to God for help.
Jesus speaks: I want this excerpt in the front of the Mass Book II.
I want this book published quickly.
I want the Imprimatur, you must all continue to pray for this.
I want you to pray the rosary to remove blocks.
I want souls pleading and begging, united to Me at all Masses, especially the priests. The power is in the Eucharist.
Messenger: I long and thirst for Mass and that my attitude is changed from it. I am filled with love. Little details seem so insignificant. I know everything is dependent on Him. I beg for His grace, oh I beg.
Let me be a holy sacrifice and unite with God in the sacrament of His greatest love.
I want to be one in Him in this act of love, where He gives Himself to me and I give myself as a sacrifice to Him. Let me be a holy sacrifice as I become one with Him in this my act of greatest love to Him.
Let me unite with Him more, that I may more deeply love Him. May I help make reparation to His adorable Heart and the heart of His Mother, Mary. With greatest love, I offer myself to You and pray that You will accept my sacrifice of greatest love. I give myself to You and unite in Your gift of Yourself to me. Come and possess my soul.
Cleanse me, strengthen me, heal me. Dear Holy Spirit act in the heart of Mary to make me more and more like Jesus.
Father, I offer this my sacrifice, myself united to Jesus in the Holy Spirit to You. Help me to love God more deeply in this act of my greatest love.
Give me the grace to grow in my knowledge, love and service of You and for this to be my greatest participation in the Mass. Give me the greatest graces to love You so deeply in this Mass, You who are so worthy of my love.
-God's Blue Book, December 27, 1995
Jesus speaks: I want a picture holy card of Father with Chalice and Host on the front to say "Through Him with Him and in Him." Use the picture for the second Mass Book. Have the card made immediately and circulated.
Prayer for the proper disposition of heart at the Consecration of the Mass
Oh God, help me to be so one with you in the Holy Sacrifice. I want to be so deeply united to Marys pure Heart so I can be so one with Jesus in offering this holy Sacrifice.
Oh Father, please look down from heaven and see this holy Sacrifice and outpour your grace on our Church and our world and especially on our priests and our youth.
Oh God, we cry to you to hear us and help us and outpour Your grace and mercy. We love You so much, and we are so sorry for all our sins and the sins of the human race for all time.
Help us unite as a body at every moment with the Masses going on around the world, and in offering up our lives as a sacrifice, let us help to bring great grace down on the earth for our priests and the Church and the world.
Oh God we love you so, we pray this prayer from all our hearts united to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We offer it to the Father, united to Jesus in the Mass, in the Holy Spirit, with Mary at our side, and united to all angels and saints and the souls in purgatory. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, help us, protect us, we place our trust in Thee.
Oh God, help us, We want to make reparation to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary for the offenses against them. Holy Spirit, fill us.
Oh God, we plead to You to grant grace for souls. Help us! Help souls Jesus gave His life for. Help us. Help our children and our priests.
Pray this prayer with all your hearts united to the Mass at every moment, living in the Sacrifice being offered.
I give you this prayer as a gift to bring down great grace on the world.
I wish the Imprimatur on this prayer. Please apply for it in English and Spanish.
I also wish the Imprimatur on the Fathers prayer and all prayers frequently used.
Revelations 1:5-6
and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the First-born from the dead, the highest of earthly kings. He loves us and has washed away our sins with his blood, and made us a Kingdom of Priests to serve his God and Father; to him, then, be glory and power for ever and ever. Amen.
Revelations 5:9
They sang a new hymn:
You are worthy to take the scroll
and to break its seals,
because you were sacrificed,
and with your blood
you bought people for God
of every race, language, people and nation
Jesus speaks: I am treated as a dead object.
I want to be alive in their hearts.
I want their hearts to burn with love of Me.
I want them to live every moment so aware of their role of existing in God, living to love and serve Him at every moment.
I want the word to be alive in your hearts.
From the Mass of Friday of the Octave of Easter
Acts 4:1-12
While they were still talking to the people the priests came up to them, accompanied by the captain of the Temple and the Sadducees. They were extremely annoyed at their teaching the people the resurrection from the dead by proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus. They arrested them, and, as it was already late, they kept them in prison till the next day. But many of those who had listened to their message became believers; the total number of men had now risen to something like five thousand.
It happened that the next day the rulers, elders and scribes held a meeting in Jerusalem with Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, Jonathan, Alexander and all the members of the high-priestly families. They made the prisoners stand in the middle and began to interrogate them, By what power, and by whose name have you men done this? Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, addressed them, Rulers of the people, and elders! If you are questioning us today about an act of kindness to a cripple and asking us how he was healed, you must know, all of you, and the whole people of Israel, that it is by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you crucified, and God raised from the dead, by this name and by no other that this man stands before you cured. This is the stone which you, the builders, rejected but which has become the cornerstone. Only in him is there salvation; for of all the names in the world given to men, this is the only one by which we can be saved.
Jesus speaks: Many are dead in their hearts. They will stone you too for preaching Christ crucified and for speaking of the resurrected Jesus.
My revelations are given from My Heart and Marys Heart so that I will live in your hearts, that your hearts will burn with love for Me.
I am granting great graces for those who come before the exposed Eucharist and worship Me as the resurrected Lord.
Revelations 7:15-17
That is why they are standing in front of Gods throne and serving him day and night in his sanctuary; and the One who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them. They will never hunger or thirst again; sun and scorching wind will never plague them, because the Lamb who is at the heart of the throne will be their shepherd and will guide them to springs of living water; and God will wipe away all tears from their eyes.
Jesus speaks: If you are unable to be before the exposed Eucharist, envision Me in your hearts, exposed before you and pray before the tabernacle. I will give you great grace for your fervor in wanting to be there and for the disposition of your heart.
So much depends on the disposition of your hearts: how deeply you love Me, how dedicated you are to live your life as servant, handmaid of God.
Mary is your model. She is Mother of the Church. You are Gods people, you live to serve Him.
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118: 1-2, 4, 22-27
Give thanks to Yahweh for he is good,
for his faithful love endures for ever.Let the House of Israel say,
His faithful love endures for ever.
Let those who fear Yahweh say,
His faithful love endures for ever.The stone which the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
This is Yahwehs doing,
and we marvel at it.
This is the day which Yahweh has made,
a day for us to rejoice and be glad.We beg you, Yahweh, save us,
we beg you, Yahweh, give us victory!
Blessed in the name of Yahweh is he who is coming!
We bless you from the house of Yahweh.
Yahweh is God,
he gives us light.Link your processions, branches in hand,
up to the horns of the altar.
Jesus speaks: You have rejected Me. I am the One Who comes to save, to set the captives free.
John 21:1-14
Later on, Jesus revealed himself again to the disciples. It was by the Sea of Tiberias, and it happened like this: Simon Peter, Thomas called the Twin, Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee and two more of his disciples were together. Simon Peter said, Im going fishing. They replied, Well come with you. They went out and got into the boat but caught nothing that night.
When it was already light, there stood Jesus on the shore, though the disciples did not realise that it was Jesus. Jesus called out, Havent you caught anything, friends? And when they answered, No, he said, Throw the net out to starboard and youll find something. So they threw the net out and could not haul it in because of the quantity of fish. The disciple who Jesus loved said to Peter, It is the Lord. At these words, It is the Lord, Simon Peter tied his outer garment round him (for he had nothing on) and jumped into the water. The other disciples came on in the boat, towing the net with the fish; they were only about a hundred yards from land.
As soon as they came ashore they saw that there was some bread there and a charcoal fire with fish cooking on it. Jesus said, Bring some of the fish you have just caught. Simon Peter went aboard and dragged the net ashore, full of big fish, one hundred and fifty-three of them; and in spite of there being so many the net was not broken. Jesus said to them Come and have breakfast. None of the disciples was bold enough to ask, Who are you? They knew quite well it was the Lord. Jesus then stepped forward, took the bread and gave it to them, and the same with the fish. This was the third time that Jesus revealed himself to the disciples after rising from the dead.
Jesus speaks: The vast sea of the earth is your hunting ground. You have tried in My Movement to bring in the fish. It takes time. Things seem to move slowly.
I speak as I spoke in yesterdays message.
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Jesus speaks: As the spring
bursts forth with new growth,
so too your Movement will bud forth.
More and more My life is coming alive in their hearts. Please keep praying.
Do you see the sea, do you see that they fished all night, do you see that their nets were full because of Me?
It is My grace. If you pray as I have instructed and use My revelations given, My word will live in your hearts, you will be alive.
Revelations 3:1
Write to the angel of the church in Sardis and say, "Here is the message of the one who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars: I know about your behaviour: how you are reputed to be alive and yet are dead.
These are My revelations and prayers given to help bring about the Reign of the Sacred Heart, that I will live in your hearts.
I love you, Jesus.
Mary speaks: I stood beneath the cross of my Son, and my Heart was in such pain for I saw Him before my eyes. I saw Him covered with blood. I saw Him die. My Heart, my children, my Heart to watch my Son, but my Heart, my Heart, how I suffered for my little children of the world that give in to this world and give up the love of my Son. O my little children of light, I give you this message. Carry this light into the darkness for your Mother Mary, for I stood beneath the cross and I cried. I cried for the little ones. I cried for the young ones, the ones that do not care and will lose their souls. How do I make you see for you will not listen to me? What can I do? I come. I appear. I beg. I plead. I give you these gifts from my Son, and you reject me. I do not deliver messages very often anymore for I have been ignored. The message is the same. You do not read the messages I have given to you. Please help me. Help the little children. I appear. I appear. I appear, and I am ignored. I stood beneath the cross, and I cried. I cried, and my Heart was in such anguish for my little children, for I am searching for them this day as I searched for the Child Jesus. Please, please help me. I cannot hold back the hand of my Son any longer. I am Mary, your Mother. I ask you to help my children. You are my children of light.
Song: O Lady of Light, shining so bright, be with us this day, guiding our way, O Lady, O Lady of Light.
Mary speaks: I appear to you as Our Mother of Sorrows.
(End of Mary's Message)
AND THE WORLDI _________________ give my heart to
You Jesus and Mary on this day
I promise to help spread the devotion to
the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Q: How do you feel we can help one another pray the rosary every day?
If you pray the rosary every day, answer this question:
How do you feel we can meditate more deeply on the mysteries of the rosary every day?
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