Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final
authority regarding these messages |
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April 30th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 3 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for April 30th are Luminous.
APRIL 13, 2006.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152
We accept credit cards.
From Blue Book 6
February 18, 1995 -- Saturday morning an experience of His presence -- went to 2 Masses
Messenger: I want such a close union with Him. Feeling so overwhelmed with His presence. Words cannot express what I feel.
Longing, wanting, thirsting after the Eucharist. My heart burns for love of Him.
Such realization of His presence. All through Mass. When I saw the Host and cup raised up, I could not hardly stand it, I realized the presence of God so strong.
Oh I cannot write here, anything that I feel. I am in love with the consecrated host (Jesus), I long, I thirst, I wait, I want to be in this state after communion constantly.
I can think of this presence after communion, such intimacy with my Jesus. This is my fondest thoughts of love to re-encount the time after communion.
Oh I love You my sweet Jesus, to behold You and want and thirst and yearn for more, more, more. I want more union with You my sweet adorable Jesus.
Jesus said so strong before both communions
"I give you Myself"
"I give you Myself"Love with Him is so spiritual, so much a union of my soul with His. So deep and fulfilling.
To love spiritually, The deep love is in the Spirit.
The love I feel for Jesus is so deep, the greatest union with Him I experience when He gives me Himself in communion. I long and wait for this time, I can't wait until I receive Him again. With great anticipation, I yearn for this union with Him.
The body expresses the deep spiritual love. The activity, the depth is in the Spirit.
Hugging each and every person comes from a deep connectedness with His love, you love Him so much, you realize How the Father loves them so much, you love them. You do not think, you love. It is in your being -- YOU LOVE, you see Jesus in them, you love them always according to God's will.
You see the image of God in all of His creatures and you love God in them. You love them, because you see His beautiful creation.
You see more and more His creation in each and every creature, you cannot help but love them.
February 18, 1995 I Want Such Close Union
Messenger: My relationship with Fr. Carter is to promote the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The strength comes from him receiving messages from Jesus and Mary, me receiving messages from Jesus and Mary. They are messages for the world, for all souls, for the Church. This is the mighty medicine to turn men's hearts to the love of God.
This is my goal to spread devotion to the HEARTS THROUGHOUT THIS LAND.
I want to tell others HIS LOVE, HER LOVE.
I see all the love He pours out to me in each and every special friend. I am so gifted with love and so full of self. God is the source of my love, I must go to Him and give love, not go to get love trying to possess my friends.
Opened the book to February 5 (BBII)
Love is not selfish, It does not demand its own way. It lives for the good of the other.
Love is from God, Love has its source in GOD. If love in anyway separates the two people it is not from GOD.
February 22, 1995
There was a Glorious rosary given February 22, 1995 and Stations before the tabernacle in the morning. Seven sorrows were also given that day published in the Red Rosary book.
Stations given in early morning as Jesus spoke so strongly, with such emotion about His Passion before the tabernacle in the Holy Spirit Chapel of the Holy Spirit Center.
I Operate in you
Jesus: My dear child,
Do you know, I never leave you, you must surrender and come to My Heart. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus on FIRE for love of you. As you operate, I operate in you, make yourself fearless and unattached, you are My precious child.
Messenger: And He came and He outpoured His grace in abundance and they were touched by His love. Father, Son and Holy Spirit so present in their lives. He touched their lives and they loved others in this world deeply.
Jesus: I am the Good Shepherd., I know mine and they follow Me. Follow Me my little lambs, I give you a free will with greatest love. You are free to do what I ask or reject Me. I want you to do the Father's work. Will you answer?
Can you not watch one hour with Me. I give to you 24 hours a day. I want one hour in silent prayer. Come unto Me all who are weary and I will give you rest.
February 23, 1995 A Little Tiny Lady Drove the Big Truck
Messenger: ( a man blew his horn because I had a right arrow)
Jesus said: It is not he who blows his horn the loudest that has the might and the power. A little tiny person can move a mountain if they are fixed on Me. See a little tiny lady driving a big truck, so big it takes up the whole road. What is the true power, it is the Lord Jesus Christ joined as one with a person. The power is in the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. He leads us ever closer on our road to sanctity. God is one, true divine. Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, transformed by the Spirit we are led ever closer to Jesus and closer to the Father. What a good God to care and love for us.
February 24, 1995 -- 4:45 Mary speaks, Be good, be holy.
Messenger: My precious Savior, how I adore and worship You, You are worthy of all praise, you are the Son of God the Savior of the world.
Jesus: I am Jesus, your heart is filled with fear. Harken to Me, you are not perfect, you are a sinner, you make mistakes, I do not love you less. Recognize all your sins, do not complain, do not exaggerate, what comes from your mouth is coming from within. Make your heart pure. Do not complain about your brother, live to spread My light to all, this is sainthood, when you talk to give love. Your trials you hold in and discuss with Me. You complain endlessly throughout the day, when you could have spread My love, you are spreading darkness. My child, it is in seeing your faults honestly you will improve. Live to spread light to this world. Do not stretch or alter the truth in any way. Be absolutely pure. Your heart must be likened to Mine. You must pray for grace. Only a pure heart will do, I want you holy, holy as the saints. Model yourself after Mary your Mother and pray for grace to change more and more into My image. Pray to the Spirit to transform you in Mary's heart. The way to holiness is hard, you must totally surrender. Be more perfected as your heavenly Father is perfect.
I am Jesus and I write this to you. Pray to the Spirit to Sanctify you. You are all sinners, pray, pray, pray to be made ever pure. Do not belabor points of reference in your heads, that is satan, immediately focus on Me. It is useless to re-enact events that happened in your mind, focus on My cross. Realize that you are not perfect, you are learning how to be better Christians. I am teaching you, the Spirit will Sanctify you, you must pray to be holy as the saints, I want you so pure. Mary's heart is so pure, I am all good, I came to show you the way to Sanctity. Admit your faults, say you are sorry and pray for grace. I love you so much.
Love, Jesus
February 23, 1995
This rosary was prayed before Jesus in the Tabernacle in the Holy Spirit Chapel. Rita, Don and Marty were present.
Jesus appeared in great light during the rosary. He looked "red" and the light was flashing brightly.
Joyful Mysteries
The Annunciation
1. R. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and asked her to be the Mother of Jesus.
Song: The Angel Gabriel
2. R. Mary lived in the Father's Will.
3. Mary said, You see before you the Lords servant, let it happen to me as you have said. And the angel left her. Luke 1: 38
4. R. God the Father so loved the world He sent His only Son into the world born of the Virgin Mary.
The Word became flesh,
he lived among us,
and we saw his glory,
the glory that he has from the Father
as only Son of the Father,
full of grace and truth. John 1: 14R. Who are we that God sends His Son into this world and that His Son, Jesus Christ, takes on a human nature? Jesus is our Mediator with the Father.
6. R. There is such intimacy between Jesus and His Mother. Jesus wants us to go through His Mother to become ever closer to Him.
7. R. Jesus loves His Mother so much. He gave to John His very Mother. He gave Mary to us to be our Spiritual Mother. She is the Mother of the Church. He wants us to go through Mary to be joined ever closer to Him.
8. R. Mary leads us from our infancy as our Spiritual Mother -- if we let her. On our spiritual journey God gives us a more profound knowledge and love of God and leads us in deeper union to Him. Mary is our Spiritual Mother. She nurtures us, cares for us and leads us to close union with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit with Mary His Mother?
9. R. Through the Holy Spirit, the child Jesus was born.
10. R. Jesus shows us how important the Virgin Mary is as a Mother to each one of us. Jesus chose a woman, Mary, as the means to come into this world.
And Jesus crowns her as Queen of Heaven and Earth. This is Jesus' Mother! It is through her we are led to closest intimacy with His Most Sacred Heart. Mary is the Mediatrix of all graces. Jesus loves His Mother and He wants us to seek out and love His Mother.
Song between decades: Ave, ave, ave Maria
The Visitation
1. R. See Mary as she travels to visit her cousin Elizabeth, the child Jesus within her womb. Jesus is God, in all His Majesty and Might, yet He comes to this earth within the womb of Mary. We do not see indication of Jesus' Majesty and Might as Mary carries the child Jesus in her womb. All we see is the Blessed Virgin. Jesus remains with us this day in the consecrated host. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is truly present in the consecrated host.
2. R. Mary travels to her cousin Elizabeth's and when she arrives, the baby in Elizabeth's womb leaps for joy. John the Baptist, a voice crying in the desert,
So he said, I am, as Isaiah prophesied:
John 1: 23
A voice of one that cries in the desert:
Prepare a way for the Lord.
Make his paths straight!even before his birth proclaims such joy in the womb of his mother, Elizabeth.
Sing: A Voice Cries out in the Wilderness
3. R. Elizabeth is filled with the Spirit and she cried out:
...Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Why should I be honoured with a visit from the mother of my Lord? Luke 1: 42-43
R. The servant usually goes to the Master. Jesus came to us in Mary's womb. Mary visited Elizabeth. Jesus comes to us today in the Eucharist. Jesus is God yet He comes to mere humans out of great love.
4. R. Mary is filled with the Holy Spirit and cries out in a loud voice her Magnificat.
5. Song: My Soul Rejoices
because he has looked upon
the humiliation of his servant.
Yes, from now onwards
all generations will call me blessed, Luke 1: 487. for the Almighty has done great things for me. Holy is his name, Luke 1: 49
8. R. We are blind! We do not see! We see only what is visible and before our eyes. We want to learn with the use of our eyes and our ears. We must reach further and further and pray to the Spirit to fill us with knowledge in our hearts. Jesus dwells in the Tabernacle. Jesus was inside His Mother's womb. Mary carried the child Jesus, we do not see the majesty and the might of the Almighty God who is truly present, within our midst and in the Tabernacle.
9. Song: O Holy Mary
R. Mary is the Mother of God! Do we realize what this means?
10. R. Mary, conceived without sin and with a pure and tender Heart, is our model. It is in following after Mary and modeling our behavior after her that we will become more like Jesus, the Son of God!
Song between decades: Ave, ave ave Maria
The Birth of Jesus
1. R. God, with all His might and majesty chooses to come into this world in a little baby body. See a little baby!
2. R. God the Father so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son into the world to be born. The Word was made flesh! Jesus Christ, a Divine Person with two natures: a human nature and a Divine nature, lived on this earth to show us the way. He was born from Mary's womb. He came, He humbled Himself.
3. R. Through His life, death and resurrection, Jesus has come to give us life, and to give us this life in abundance. Jesus loves us so much that He was born a baby in poverty in the town of Bethlehem. Jesus was born in a stable because there was not room for Him in the Inn.
4. R. The horn that beeps the loudest is not the mightiest! The person that is fixed in union with God has such might that he can move a mountain! God is mighty! He is all powerful! Yet Jesus was born in a little stable in the town of Bethlehem. Jesus was laid on bare wood. He comes without noise, without proclamation. But a star shines above Him, a star from the heavens, proclaiming that Jesus Christ is truly the Son of God!
5. R. Who are we that the Son of God remains with us this day in this room in the Eucharist, in His Divinity and humanity, no less present than the day He was born in a stable in Bethlehem. He is in this room at this very moment with the same love that He had that led Him to come, to give His life and to rise on the third day in order to give us new life.
6. Song: A Song from Jesus
7. R. Jesus came into this world a little baby so that we may have life eternal if we love and serve Him.
8. R. Jesus laid His head on bare wood and at His death, His head hung from a cross. Jesus showed us the way, the way to comply to the Father's will. As Mary always said:
Mary said, ‘You see before you the Lord’s servant, let it happen to me as you have said.’ And the angel left her. Luke 1: 38
R. Mary always did the Will of the Father! Jesus always did the will of the Father! It is in living in the Father's will that we will obtain happiness, joy and peace. If we try to follow our own will, opposed to God's will, we will not be at rest.
9. R. Surrender! Surrender! Surrender! All through the lives of Jesus and Mary, they surrendered to the will of the Father. Not just doing the Father's will, but as a child, living in the will of their Father!
10. R. It is through Jesus' birth that we are made brothers in Christ. God is our Father. We are one in Him!
Song between decades: Ave, ave ave Maria
The Presentation
1. R. The child Jesus is taken up to the Temple by Mary and Joseph.
2. R. The old prophet, Simeon, was told by the Spirit that he would not die until he had seen the Messiah. He was led to the Temple by the Spirit.
3. R. Simeon held the child Jesus and he prophesied the sufferings of Jesus and Mary to come.
4. R. From that moment on, whenever Mary looked at her beloved child, she remembered the prophecy of Simeon and her Heart was in such sorrow.
5. R. It is through the pierced Heart of Jesus that the sacramental life of the Church was born.
6. R. Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, He gave to the Apostles the power to baptize. It is in Baptism that we are made children of God and heirs of Heaven, that we share in His life in a special way. Jesus outpours His grace. We are given so many gifts in Baptism!
7. R. As Jesus was presented in the Temple, it reminds us that in our own Baptism that we are reborn into His life, this sharing in His life, through Baptism.
8. R. Our human natures are raised to such heights through the sacrament of Baptism.
9. R. Help us always to live out our commitment to God we made when we were baptized.
10. R. We are called through Baptism to go out and spread the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to this world.
Song between decades: Ave, ave ave Maria
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
1. R. When Jesus was twelve years old He was taken up to the Temple for the feast of the Passover.
2. R. When the Passover was over, His parents left with the caravan and did not realize that they had left Jesus behind.
3. R. With their hearts filled with such sorrow, they returned to the Temple to search for the child Jesus.
4. R. Jesus told them that He was about His Father's business as He was teaching the doctors in the Temple. But then He went down and was subject to them. Are we about our Father's business? The Father has a unique and special plan for each one of us.
5. R. We are the Father's children. The relationship between us and the Father should be as His favored, precious children that He loves so much.
6. R. Jesus created us so special, so unique. For each one of us He has this unique plan. It is only in living in His will that we will have peace, love and joy. If we try to go against His will, we will not be happy.
7. R. The will of God is made known to us in the quiet of our hearts. When we are in communion with God, it is through the Spirit that He releases His gifts of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding to know more and more what the Father's plan is for each one of us. We can only know what God plans for us by listening and being obedient to Him.
8. R. And Jesus cried out from the Tabernacle to come to Him and abide ever so closely within His Most Sacred Heart. His Heart is beating and on fire. It is waiting and longing for our love. He wants each one of us to be in close union with Him.
9. R. Do we blush to be in love with someone? Jesus blushes for us here. He loves us so much. His Heart is burning with abundant love for each one of us. He bids us to come and be in closer union with His Most Sacred Heart.
10. Song: I Love You Jesus
Song after last decades: Ave, ave ave Maria
This rosary was prayed before Jesus in the Tabernacle in the Holy Spirit Chapel. Rita, Don and Marty were present.
Jesus appeared in great light during the rosary. He looked "red" and the light was flashing brightly.
Pray for urgent intentions.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152
We take credit card donations.