Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages |
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April 5, 2006
April 6th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 6 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for April 6th are Luminous.
Servants and Handmaids praying in China.
Come to the Retreat in China!
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152
We take credit card donations.
We are now printing Blue Book V.
Please pray for the printing of it.
Blue Book 6
January 10, 1995
6:15 p.m. Rosary
before Shepherds of Christ meeting
Transcribed from a tape as Mary and Jesus appeared.
Mary was so beautiful.
Sorrowful Mysteries
The Agony in the Garden
1. Messenger: Hear the sounds of the night. Be with Jesus as He suffers so many agonies to His Heart for He loved souls so dearly and He saw before Him all the souls from all time who would reject Him.
Hail Mary2.
His agony was so great that His sweat became as great drops of blood on the ground.3. Messenger:
4. Hail Mary
5. Messenger: He saw all the souls that would not even think about Him for most of their lives.
6. Hail Mary
7. Sing: A Song from Jesus
8. Hail Mary
9. Sing: Rosary Song Verse 1
10. Hail Mary
Song between decades: I Love You, Jesus
Be with Jesus as they tie Him to the pillar. Be with Jesus as He is beaten and scourged, as they whip Him to their own exhaustion. And He does not cry out. Hear the blows that they give to our Beloved Jesus. With greatest love He withstood all of this.The Scourging at the Pillar
1. Messenger:
2. Hail Mary
3. Messenger: It is a darkened room. See Jesus as He is whipped so violently by these men.
4. Hail Mary
5. Messenger: Jesus' unblemished back is now covered with wounds, deep wounds from the anger that these men administer to Jesus with such violent blows.
6. Hail Mary
7. Messenger: Hear Jesus as He makes a grunting sound as He is hit.
8. Messenger: His greatest agony was to His most Sacred Heart for all the souls that He loved so dearly and do not even think of Him.
9. Messenger: His heart is most wounded by the hot and cold souls; those who love Him so much at certain times and then forget Him at other times.
10. Hail Mary
Song between decades: I Love You, Jesus
They pound into Jesus' most Precious Head, a crown of piercing thorns.The Crowning with Thorns
1. Messenger:
2. Messenger: Think of what it would be like to sit as Jesus did and be hit, to be wounded, to be hollered at, and to have blood run down your face from a crown of thorns, and He is truly God.
3. Messenger: At any minute He could have stopped all that was being done to Him.
4. Messenger: Think of how it wounds our heart when people say harsh things to us. Think of how Jesus' Heart was wounded by the violent tempers, by the abuse, by the hatred that these men gave to Jesus; and He loved them with a heart of purest love.
5. Messenger: He shows us the way to love.
6. Messenger: Love resolves conflicts.
7. Messenger: When they spit on Him and hit Him, He did not holler back. He loved those who did this to Him.
8. Messenger: When we suffer, go to the wounds of Jesus and see how He suffered out of greatest love.
9. Song: A Song from Jesus
10. Song: The Rosary Song (verse 2)
Song between decades: I Love You, Jesus
The way to Jesus is to carry our cross. He came and showed us the way. When we suffer, we can receive great grace if we cooperate with the cross He may be letting us endure, if we accept the Will of the Father. Our great gift is the gift of grace and love that we can receive when we grow in our relationship with Jesus.Jesus Carries His Cross
1. Messenger:
2. Jesus: Carry your crosses which can seem like a load. At times you carry these crosses, the cross bears down and it seems so easy to abandon the cross and take the easy way out. But I carried My cross until I collapsed under it. I showed you the way to carry your cross.
Messenger: The paschal mystery is death-resurrection. In the death there is the resurrection.
3. Jesus: My Mother walks by your side. Mary forever watches over you as she watched over Me. She is your mother, she loves you with the tenderest heart. Go to your Mother.
4. Sing: A Song From Jesus
5. Messenger: See the peering eyes of Jesus and His Mother, the immense love between these two Hearts, and these two Hearts with the immense love that they have for each one of us this day. Go to the Heart of Jesus through the Heart of His Mother and know the love, the fire of His love. The white heat of His love that Jesus pours out to you: burning love.
6. Messenger: As Mary appears here, she is radiant in light to show us the love that she and her son have for each one of us.
7. Messenger: Carry your crosses that you suffer from this day. Beg for grace for enduring the trial. It can lead you to closer and closer union with Jesus.
8. Messenger: In all love, there is suffering.
9. Messenger: The Two Hearts, the most pure symbol of Love; one heart was pierced with a lance, the other heart was pierced invisibly with a sword. In all love, there is suffering.
10. Hail Mary
Song between decades: I Love You, Jesus
Mary stood under the cross and she saw Her Beloved Son hang against the darkened sky. This is the child that she held in her arms; the child that she watched at play; the child that she fed; the child she cared for and now battered, bruised and beaten, He hung against the darkest sky His body weakened. But to His last, His thoughts were on us when He gave to us His Most Beloved Mother as our Mother.Jesus Died on the Cross
1. Messenger:
2. Messenger: How deep are the wounds in His hands and His feet. How deep -- that the nails penetrated and went through to the other side. Is there depth to a wound that totally pierces the hand?
3. Messenger: This is the magnitude of the love that He has for us: that He gave His hands to be pierced with nails, His feet to be pierced. They crowned Him with a crown of thorns and the blood rolled from His whole body. And He says to you this day: I give you My flesh, I give you My blood and I remain with you to this day in the Eucharist. I am no less present when you receive Me in the Eucharist than the day that I hung against this darkened sky. I am Jesus, Your Beloved Savior. With greatest love I come to you and I call out to you to listen to My plea. I am in your midst this day. I call out to you to come and to know My Love.
4. Song: A Song from Jesus
5. Messenger: Jesus' head was pierced, His hands pierced, His feet pierced, His body burning. Think of our little trials. He lets us experience sorrow to our heart.
6. Messenger: Why throw back in His face the opportunity to endure the trial?
7. Messenger: Do God's will
8. Messenger: Be obedient.
9. Messenger: Learn to love God and neighbor.
10. Sing: A Song from Jesus
Jesus: Open your hearts to the fire of My Love. Rid yourself of any kind of resentments or anger toward your brother. These are the things that keep you from My intense love. You must forgive, you must love, you must not harbor resentments. Pray for purity of heart. Love unites with love. If your hearts are bound up with anger, you cannot unite to the love of God. You must free yourself; forgive your brothers. Show them love when they hate you. It is My love that you are giving to this world. You will receive benefits in abundance, for My Life I pour out to you when you free yourself of your anger. I unite to a heart that is filled with love in the deepest way. Nothing compares to My Divine Love that I want to share and be close to you. But you keep yourself from Me. You put up walls. You do not open. Pray for vision to see with the eyes of God, to love with a pure heart. I am Jesus. I love you with the purest heart. Let go of anger this very day.
Song after last decade: A Song from Jesus
The rosary was prayed before the Sorrowful Mother statue.
Rita led the rosary. Jesus appeared and Mary appeared. It was prayed before the Sorrowful Mother statue just before the beginning of the Shepherds of Christ meeting. Many people were present.
Shepherds of Christ
P O Box 193
Morrow, OH 45152
We take Credit Cards.