Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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April 9, 2007
April 10th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 6 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for April 10th are Sorrowful.
The monthly retreat will be at the
St. Anthony Shepherds of Christ Center
in China, Indiana from
April 10th through the 13th.
Those who came in March
had a marvelous retreat!
The Priesthood Newsletter is coming soon.
We need funds for postage.
Please, we need your help and support.
Come to China and please help with the mailing.
Taken about a week ago in China
Grottos in China, Indiana
These writings unveil the workings of satan in our lives.
April 9, 2007
Amongst all the testing and
the toil I give You myself God.
I give myself wholly to You,
body and soul.
Sing song and
Holy is His Name.
Because I love You God.
I am Rita, God, I love You.
I give You myself wholly
and completely with the
desire to give You what
You want.
Being other-focused.
Not selfish!!
Doing God's will not wanting
to work out of our
wounded heart to make
others, innocent others,
be punished for wrongs
done to us in the past.
I forgive all who have hurt me.
I clean the walls of my heart
so I don't slip into punishing
others for the wounds in my
And Holy is His Name.
And I am to seek to be pure in all
my actions — not punishing others
for my jealousies, trying to control
for slavishly dependent parts in
my heart.
Trusting those I need to trust to
accomplish God's work and not
pinning the name of an untrusting
other on one I must trust to
do my vocation — to do what
God wants.
What should be in my basket at the
end of this day I give to the
Father for this day of my life.
Selfish weeds instead of
the flowers — so pretty — like
the Virgin Mary would have
given to God the Father.
Help me God to bring joy to the world —
loving and serving You as You
desire — not trying to heal my
wounds by getting the approval
of others for myself.
God is love and if we are to be likened
to Him — we must fight the
fallen human nature that
wants to give into the self pity.
The selfishness rather than other-
focused — the blocking of God's
plan, rebellion rather than
God help us not to be prideful,
be forgiving and loving.
And Holy is His name.
To be like the Virgin Mary who
is untainted, Mary Immaculate,
pure and sinless.
We offer You our failures God —
The gifts not fully given —
For all the times we said no
for helping God for
the sake of souls.
Yes God
Yes God
Yes God
Help us heal God —
Forgive us for the times we
punish others for our
wounds and control to
punish them —
Give us eyes to see how we
have stored anger and we
project it on others.
Thanks be to the Father —
Thanks for making us in Your
image and likeness
despite our sins. We are sorry
God —
Holy Spirit enlighten us to our
sins, sins we hold that
give us a heart of stone —
when we lack compassion —
want dominance for
dominance sake for our
selfish pride.
Help us God and empty our
tainted hearts of our sins.
God created us in His own image
and likeness — we beg for
forgiveness to be holy —
How often have we thanked God
for the Shepherds of Christ and all the
gifts He has given to us —
Why us —
Why did God pick us —
Do we take it for granted and
act selfish which drives
out purity in our hearts.
Pride and failure to recognize
the truth - stops us
from being holy
And Holy is His Name —
Mary was beautiful
Mary full of grace
Thanks God for Your gifts
to me
Thanks God
Punishing others is wrong.
Giving our heart to Jesus and Mary means
we want to be in one mind and one
heart doing His will.
In love — means our hearts
are not hard ready to
fight for dominance.
Unveiling the workings of satan in our lives.
Given April 8, 2007
Hidden anger is like a worm
in an apple.
Constant argumentation is not
from God.
Many saints suffered
Why did God show us all the wounds.
Jesus was almost naked
Jesus came into the world a little bare
We must drop the chains of slavery to
We live a deeply spiritual life.
We do not hide our weaknesses and say
we are perfect.
If we are not nice and thinking about others
we are not acting like Jesus.
A man wore a bandage like a mummy —
there was an opening so he could barely see
He had trouble moving —
His bandages were tied tight around
his body
He had very little mobility
Someone came and said —
I see you are having trouble moving
can I remove your bandages —
If you let go of the wraps you will
know a new life —
you will move freer
you will see better
He hissed and said leave me to myself
Later he saw a blind man by the road —
laughing and playing with children
he said foolish man —
Why is he so happy
He is blind
God wants us to forgive
A man had a daughter and she was killed
by a drunk driver
He had lost his wife to cancer
And she was his only child
He became so angry — he lived trapped
in a tunnel of darkness
He snapped at people —
He had a good friend about once
a week he picked a gigantic
fight with her and then proceeded
to dump his anger and hatred
walking away like one leaving
the other in a wrestling ring
We are not called to fight with each other
argumentation is from satan
A person full of stuffed, negative hurts
does not feel good
they can be tense
open a door to satan, constantly —
wanting to have dominance to win
over another
Now lets look at the snow plow
A big snow came and the streets were
covered and the road impossible
We see what clogged blood vessels do
to the heart
A lady wanted to get out of her driveway
and she was stuck
Soon late in the afternoon a big, big
snow plow came down the street
and it cleared a big path where
one was not able to pass before
The lady went out and was so happy —
Now after several days, it began to rain
and then it froze up — all the black
snow by the curb became very
And she backed out like the other day
and there was a big patch of
ice when she turned —
she slid clear across the road
and into a moving car, which
ran into a parked car —
Her new car was totaled
the other driver hit his head
the parked car badly damaged
Now I tell you a story —
We may release anger for a few days
and get out of our drive way,
but hidden hurts along the side
of the road are like big clumps
of ice stored on the sides of the
One little memory like the ugly ones we
store can be a trigger
An occurrence where our "friend"
does what they did to us 50 times
before can be a bigger and bigger
I must forgive — like the guy whose daughter
was killed by a drunk driver or
the anger will fester and fester.
Further — the hidden anger of some comes
out in passive-aggressive behavior
and becomes a habit on their part to
do a simple task
Passive-aggressive behavior comes out
in control — it is because of hidden
anger — someone won't look at or
let go of
A person is now 40 or 50 years old —
They begin a relationship and have lived
very much alone all their life —
In their home they may have experienced
lots of anger —
it is normal to them
Past, hurtful wounds unhealed act like
big wounds inside that satan can
use to control others
We must realize that a person with gall
bladder stones having an attack
must do something or they die.
A man had a gall bladder attack and wouldn't
go to the hospital —
he died.
A person who has lived 40 or 50 years and
is tense and angry is like a loaded gun
if they were divorced, lost a loved one,
especially a child or spouse and never
worked through the grief — the anger —
the suffering
Another person may have lived in a very
happy house — lost a mom or dad
and the grandparents, the spouse
left helped the child work through
the loss.
Children who have been taught to be angry
are angry when they grow up many
To say — oh it doesn't bother me and then
hurt innocent others is not right —
Projection onto another can be a big problem.
If a person is wounded —
they turn their wounds into love —
if they say — I love you, but once a
week after I do nice things — I
argue and argue with an innocent
other and then start shouting
I win — you are bad
I win — you are bad
I win — you are bad
It becomes an arm wrestling game
To be like Jesus we must be focused
on loving God and loving others as
Married people that have children soon
learn how much care a child is.
Do you know how hard it is to carry
a child 9 months, have morning sickness,
maybe get run down and sick with
a virus or sore throat and then
wait and wait for a baby —
try to breast feed
get up with a baby who has their days
and nights mixed up
Working with many people —
all with different ideas in a
family and
still being united in love is
a sacrifice —
God gave us the family - to learn to love
Too many marriages are ending in divorce
because people want their way —
as Fr. Carter says —
they married to get love
rather than give love
Why are there so few vocations?
Is it because the world is so self-focused.
This is a fault of the garden —
The New Adam is so other-focused He is
whipped by men who are humans
and hung on a tree.
Jesus died for our sins
Jesus gave His all
Jesus gives Himself now.
In a family and community there must be
What bank would operate with no head.
Or does the #2 guy come and fight
in front of the customers —
What a mess you say —
Yes some people are angry inside and they
don't feel good because of
wounds and when they don't feel
good — they pick an innocent other
and try to use them to dump their anger
Hidden wounds come out many times in
passive-aggressive ways —
I don't feel good —
I am not going to cooperate to act out my
anger and get control
Who wants to deal with a person who
just argues for the sake of winning
How is this in contrast to the New Adam
who laid down His life —
Religious enter a community to grow
spiritually —
to be more loving
to be more one
Loving in a family comes because people
say — you are important to me —
I want to give and receive and love you
For a person to enter a community that is
single and say — I will not bend —
it is a real problem
A person who loves God looks into their
heart - from the past and lets go of
hidden anger at every body —
praying for grace to heal —
begging for grace to have a pure heart
I look at Blue Book 3 and remember
how important the writings are to
live in oneness and love
Satan attacks through the wounded part
of a person's heart —
A person can use passive-aggressive
measures to act out hidden anger and
it can be as addictive as a drug —
It is hidden
They lie to themselves about their actions
There is a me and God relationship
that fails to see the importance
of oneness with others —
It can be seen sometimes as
extreme selfishness
These are the enemies of why the religious
orders are dwindling
People who go to an order and want to keep
their imperfections using passive-
aggressive measures —
cannot teach love and oneness
There must be trust for a priest to
live under his bishop —
A person to live under a superior
The world is telling even children to be
over parents —
be self-focused —
Now look at the greatest commandment
there are 3 loves —
not one, or two, but 3
Love each other
Love self according to God's will
As a spiritual director of this Movement
of any order
the spiritual director tells how the
evil spirit is working to block
the love that must be among the
people —
living in harmony and joy
Discerning the spirits is important
Satan works to try to upset the
Then he tries to cause chaos
This can be in families, churches
People upsetting their boundary
Co-dependent relationships are
This is one because of hidden wounds
where one seeks to control and
punish another because they
don't feel good —
How often will they argue
Do they argue in front of others
over them
How long would McDonalds operate with
the efficiency of a meal in minutes
if no one was in charge and
every one was fighting because
they didn't like their job
I have watched the grace flowing in
China in retreats like the creeks
surrounding China
I tried hard to do the retreat —
guiding and praying so very
hard for God's grace and healing
And the person must want the grace
they must want their state in life
and live with the 3 loves —
love of God, love of others, love of
themselves as God desires
Holding onto past wounds — hurts
opens a door to satan —
people with deep hidden wounds
can project their anger on
others — trying to control
someone over them
They can be like a smoldering
fire in a rug —
it can burn real slow
and they keep sticking their
little fire in the rug
Then the rug rages
Like a house of cards — they pick
away with passive-aggressive
control to watch someone else
respond to their provoking ways —
After 10 years of this — there are so many
wounds on the innocent other —
they can be saying
"stop it"
The person with the smoldering anger
is a PRO at their game
they need the other as a host
they do not show anger themselves
they just keep doing their
provoking co-dependent
ways until they watch the
other scream —
Then they say —
I'm never angry
I never lose control
They let satan operate through the
wounded part of their heart and
Their wounds are locked up like
a mummy —
These hearts are hard and angry inside —
Where others are feeling and interacting
in love — they can be very
isolated even in the company
of others
but a wall is up like layers
of an onion and they will
never look inside
or look at the cards that fell
behind them
A community in a religious order is
to be united in love —
following the superior in obedience
practicing celibacy
Satan will use people's weaknesses
to try to run through division
and anger
How are we doing in the marriages with
all these divorces —
Remember the 3 loves
Love of God
Love of others
Love of self according to God's
Getting married to primarily get love for ourselves
doesn't work
People don't go into a community
to be a married single with Jesus
and not be united to others in
the community.
The motive force of the body of Christ
is love
Jesus died for our sins and rose
on the third day —
Don't give into pride, jealousy,
envy, lustfulness, slothfulness -
Come out of your tombs —
In this Easter season — pray to the Holy Spirit
to come out of your tombs
Drop the burial cloths
pray to be united as one
as God desires
Consecrate your hearts to Jesus
and Mary
Heaven is unity
Heaven is love
Heaven is perfection
Heaven is truth
Hell is isolation
December 26, 1993 - Sunday
Whatsoever You Do to Your Brother, You Have Done unto Me
Jesus: My child,
It is with a bleeding heart I come to you this day — the day after My special day! I know all about the trials and you withstood them very well. When you are suffering, I am the closest. Try to feel Me right with you always. If someone is being smart to you, know, My little one, they are being smart to Me. Whatever others do to you they do it first to Me. It is easy for satan to use someone to attack you and for them to think you are weak and I can do anything to push this one's buttons. No, little ones, you may think I can do whatever I want and get away with it because this person doesn't fight and forgives. I say to you, "Woe to you who push your brothers with your ugly speech. You do it to Me first. Woe to he whose tongue is as a rattlesnake: you rattle roll to your brother, but you rattle to Me. All those who sit and watch such an episode or hear are affected."
"Woe to you who have given ugly example to children: I will personally hold you accountable for every word you speak in front of innocent children. You speak not to the person, but to all whose ears hear. Woe to you, your snake-like ways will come to haunt you, My child. Your tongues are that by which you receive My body; your tongue should be kept so holy.
Guard your tongue against foul talk, abusive language and scourging your brother. You will be held accountable for every misdeed you performed against your precious brother and in front of any bystanders. All will be made known in the end. Every deed will be brought into light. Guard your body. Do not use any abusive talk or ugly words. You are My precious one, in communion you receive the Son of Man. Respect Me, My little ones. He is your brother. Whatsoever you do to your brother, you have done to Me and you will answer for all your misdeeds."
It is so silly to think that no one will hear what you do and you will not be found out. All will know the snake-like ways you so carefully hid. All will be brought into light and you will be held accountable for doing them to Me because I give you your brother to love. Guard your speech. Guard your ways. See the whole picture. What you are doing to little ones who hear. You will be judged also for giving bad example. Just as you expect Me to account all those good deeds you performed. You are accountable for your bad deeds against others.
I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I came to show you how to live. I am gentle. I am kind in Heart. I love you, My little ones, many have evil ways and I still love you. I did not fight and argue back. I was silent. A person who taunts you wants you to fight. Be of a pure heart and do not answer them back. This is satan who is out to taunt you. Do not disrespect your brother even when he disrespects you. All he says, he says to me first and he will truly answer for his deed. If you have wronged your brother, tell him of the wrong and ask for forgiveness, then beg forgiveness from Me. It is in your sorrow and the recognition of it to your brother that God forgives you.
You are the light of the world; see that your works are a light to your brothers. Guard against dark ways. Example is the best teacher, to constantly teach ugliness is to teach the biggest lesson of all. Just as a parent who is loving teaches love to his little ones, by his actions, a parent who is selfish and angered teaches children such lessons.
Woe to you who perform vile acts in front of others, especially My little innocent ones! I will call you on your unrepented acts. To pray the "Our Father" you must repent your sins. Pray this prayer often. My Father is so pleased with the recitation of this prayer. He listens attentively as His little children address Him. He loves you to call Him Father. He is a Father Who loves His children and loves them to come to Him in prayer.
What you do in the dark will be made know in the light. All your deeds to your brothers will be brought to light. Guard your ways and strive to be holy. Be of a light heart. What is of account here is doing it for the honor and glory of God. It must be for God's glory. God is watching you like on a silent stage.
Think of all your actions being brought to light; guard against evil speech. The tongue is a party to much sin and then it is the way you receive Me, Jesus, Lord. Make your tongues so holy. Remember the snide remarks you make to your brother are snide remarks you make to Me. See Me standing there when you speak to your brothers. Even in his ugliness, see Me standing there in your brothers. Respect each other as a creation of the Father. When one is being cruel to you, pray for them and drive away satan, he is influencing their tongue. See your brother with a snake around him and struggling. Would you go and fight with the snake? Cast out the devil in My Name; don't argue with the devil. See your brother as being attacked and unable to help himself — do not listen to his utterances from his tongue when being attacked. It is not he who is out to trip you up, it is the evil one who has attacked your brother. See him in his struggle.
A person who taunts you is anything but a figure of strength; he is a figure of weakness. Look at him as coming from a bad place and needing your prayers. Do not listen to vile and nasty remarks. You are as I see you. You are as I see you in your holiness and goodness. Guard yourself. I will be your fore guard and your rear guard, I will help your brother if you pray for him. Pray he does not continue down his dark road. He usually is not praying for himself at such a moment, so you need to pray for him.
Do not allow yourself to be attacked by others. It is satan who uses your brothers to get to you. Cast him out and ask for My strength. You will be judged — how you respond to your brother. Strive to be Christ-like. Realize he is a figure of weakness, not strength and pray for him and strength for yourself.
I am He Who is forever by your side guarding you. Do not go it alone. Turn to Me and I will give you strength. It is no myth, little one. I am this close and this personal with you. Treat Me like a person who is right there. Do not overlook My presence. In love and in adversity, I stand by to be your guide. I am He who never leaves you — you are never alone.
I am such a good God. Your life will become so much easier when you realize I am right by your side. No one can hurt you and get away with it. They will answer to Me if they do not repent. Repented sins will be forgiven and unrepented sins will be brought to light.
You must be truthful in your examination of self. As soon as you realize that you have offended your brother, and it is prudent to do so, go and beg his forgiveness and then pray to be forgiven. I love you even when you sin. I love the truth. I want the truth. Deception is the work of the devil. All evil ways will be made known in the light and woe to he who has accused his brother of his own sin. Such deception is indeed the work of the evil one and will not go unpunished.
Review your sins often during the day, clear away the rubbish. Confessing your sins is cleaning for the heart. It is freeing for you. Denying the truth keeps you stuck to the sin. Examine your consciences, ask for guidance on how you have offended others by your words, thoughts and example, and beg to be forgiven. Tell your brothers of your wrong and ask for forgiveness. If he does not forgive you, he will have to deal with Me. Do not feel guilty; go to confession and do as the priest directs and free yourself of guilt. Satan wants you to wallow in your guilt. Move out of your sin with resolution with God's help to try not to sin again.
Oh, little ones, it is not the sin as much as the unrepented arrogance of an act. This displeases Me so. This is so rooted in the devil, to offend another and then to act innocent or blame another for your sins. Such vileness is from satan. Repent, I tell you — go to confession and confess your wrongs be freed of your sin, unrepented sins will be punished. Listen to Me and follow the words of the Master. Follow My example to love your brothers at all times and respect them as the temple they are. Kindness and love for one another — this is paramount. Strive to be Godly; strive to be as He expects you to be. Guard your tongue, little ones; it is by this tongue you receive God, the Savior. Do not give in to abusive talk and snide remarks; speak with love to your brother.
end of December 26, 1993
Crucifix - hand carved by Felix
who carved the crucifix 22'
at the Virgin Mary building.
Giclee Art Print
Canvas Stretched on a wood frame
Print is suitable for direct hanging
12 x 16 - $150.00
18 x 24 - $200.00
Call Glaci