Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing          

May 11, 2015

May 12th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is 
Day 8 Period II.

The Novena Rosary Mysteries 
for May 12th
are Joyful.


China Retreat
May 10th - May 13th
Please tune in!

Mass May 12th - 12 noon
Mass May 13th - 12 noon


Pray for special intentions.


Pray for Dan & Melanie, Jimmy,
Fr. Joe, Sonny & family, Blue Book 15,

We need funds to send Fr. Joe's
homily book
to the priests.


Please pray for funds & grace.



New Cycle B - Guiding Light Homily Book
We need help in mailing Fr. Joe's
Homily Book to priests.


                Given May 10, 2015 - Mother's Day 


November 4, 2013


                Man's Goal Eternal Happiness in Heaven and Free Will and Prudence

                R. Our goal must be eternal happiness
                in heaven – to have the beatific vision of
                God –

                    If things draw our hearts from God –
                then our lives are lived farther and
                farther from the goal of our Heavenly Father –
                eternal happiness in heaven.

                    Our hearts and minds are to be so
                focused on God – one with God and
                it is that satan attacks the minds,
                of men to listen to his temptations.

                    God elevates our knowing and loving
                capacity in baptism – In knowing God
                and His love for us our minds must
                be guarded against attacks by satan
                to try to take this great gift – our
                mind from anything but what would
                lead us to our goal of knowing God
                more and more and seeing God face to face
                in eternity.

                God has elevated our loving capacity in baptism
                and He gives us the grace to love – love is a
                theological virtue. If I love God deeply it is
                because God has given me a tremendous grace
                to love Him. The word grace means gift.
                Our hearts were made for God. Our
                hearts were made for love – so God
                gives us the commandment to love –

Matthew 22: 36-40

'Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?' Jesus said to him, 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets too.'


                    A man who is prudent realizes that
                all actions are worthwhile only as they
                ultimately serve the will of our Heavenly Father,
                are done in love and ultimately lead us
                to our goal of everlasting happiness
                with God.


                R. If we are not prudent in our
                    actions it leads to great

                Man was created by God and with
                    a craving that can ultimately be
                    satisfied only by God.

                A man can give into desires that he performs
                    without right reason –
                    A man's desires need to be controlled
                        by right reason –
                    A man must learn to discipline his
                        actions – or satan can tempt
                        him with fear with anger, with
                        jealousy, with pride, with envy and
                        an undisciplined man can develop
                        vices of these deadly sins that
                        take him from his goal which
                        is God.

                A man can be questioned why did you
                    deceive people with shrieking
                    your responsibility over and over
                    again of a certain job or task,
                    paying bills and a person can give
                    no reason but – oh I didn't know –

                And they may have hidden the evidence
                    which could point to unveiling
                    evil wanting to punish others for
                    attention, abuse etc. –

                Happiness is achieved by living according
                    to God's will in love –

                Lies, deception against those above a
                    person, confusion, leaves the
                    man performing evil imprisoned
                    in his own destructive desires –
                    it can be for power, control,
                    aggravation, all mounting to anger –
                    jealousies,, pride, envy etc. –

                A man who is prudent uses his
                    actions for pleasing God –

                When questioning a person who keeps
                    using human actions to punish,
                    trick, abuse, deceive others –
                    the question cannot be answered
                    "why did you do it, for it
                        is not rooted in right reasoning"

                The prudent man is happy with his
                    actions because his actions
                    are leading him to God and
                    eternal happiness – FOREVER.

                God gives us freedom to choose how
                    we will act.
                    A person continually loving their
                    brothers and giving others their
                    due – does so from choosing
                    right. Their actions are
                    given to love and serve God, ultimately
                    if they focus on God and His will for them
                    and they operate in love if God is
                    their ultimate purpose.

                Man must be in control of his actions.
                    We are to discipline ourselves and
                    not be led by the passions of
                    anger, the fire of jealousy, the
                    desire to hurt our neighbor because
                    of emotions we give into of envy.

                A prideful man seeks dominance for
                    dominance sake –
                    probably not seeing himself as so
                    special to God or even seeing
                    his role in the Plan of the Heavenly
                    Father – his self concept is very
                    weak and he sees his fellow
                    men succeeding and loving others
                    as a threat to his looking good –
                    The envious man wants to bring
                    the just man down and show him
                    weak – envy is a deadly sin.

                Man has a free will to pray to God for an
                    increase of the virtues of faith,
                    hope and love.
                    Faith helps us believe more and more in
                    Faith helps us see through the eyes
                        of God, His plan for eternal
                        salvation for men.
                    A man of hope is one who has before
                        him the goal of eternal happiness
                        and the beatific vision forever in heaven –

                His love for his brothers makes him
                    have hope in his heart for
                    men to attain eternal salvation.
                    Mary appearing and telling me of
                    souls going to hell makes me
                    cry –
                    So I pray the way God has taught
                        us in Shepherds of Christ for
                        the Church and the world –

                Love is a theological virtue.

                God is love.

1 John 4: 7-10

My dear friends, let us love one another, since love is from God and everyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. Whoever fails to love does not know God, because God is love. This is the revelation of God's love for us, that God sent his only Son into the world that we might have life through him. Love consists in this: it is not we who loved God, but God loved us and sent his Son to expiate our sins.


John 14: 24

Anyone who does not love me does not keep my words.
And the word that you hear is not my own:
it is the word of the Father who sent me.


John 15: 9-17

I have loved you 
just as the Father has loved me. 
Remain in my love. 
If you keep my commandments 
you will remain in my love, 
just as I have kept 
    my Father’s commandments 
and remain in his love. 
I have told you this
so that my own joy may be in you
and your joy be complete.
This is my commandment:
love one another,
as I have loved you.
No one can have greater love
than to lay down his life for his friends.
You are my friends,
if you do what I command you.
I shall no longer call you servants,
because a servant does not know
the master’s business;
I call you friends,
because I have made known to you
everything I have learnt from my Father.
You did not choose me,
no, I chose you;
and I commissioned you
to go out and to bear fruit,
fruit that will last;
so that the Father will give you
anything you ask him in my name.
My command to you
is to love one another.


                R. God has given us the Word to teach us.

                When a man loves he has joy.

                In God all things are possible.

                God intends us to choose to
                    love and serve Him –

                In these times men can become confused
                    because of attacks on authority
                    that once made us feel secure.

                In this scripture Jesus tells us
                    "I have told you this so that my joy
                        may be in you and your
                        joy may be complete."

                Then He says
                    "This is my commandment love one
                        another as I have loved you."

                Then Jesus calls us friends
                Then Jesus tells us He chose us
                Then Jesus tells us we are to bear fruit!

                And then Jesus tells us to ask the
                    Father in His name and He will
                    give to us.

                WOW –

                Pretty clear isn't it –

                Last week Jesus said

                    "I am the vine and you are the branches'

                Jesus calls us to intimate love –
                    but we must be rooted in Him (in the vine)

                A man disconnected to the vine is
                    like a branch disconnected
                    to the vine
                    "He withers and dies"

                We see in the first reading how even
                    though Peter was Jewish –
                    the vision he had instructed
                    him how to deal with the
                    new Gentile converts –

                Peter did it God's way and so
                    many Gentiles were converted –
                    Peter didn't have a
                    plan opposed to God from
                    his own desire to hold on to his
                    ways of Jewish tradition –

                Peter opened the door to the Gentiles as
                    he was instructed by God to do.

Acts 10: 25-26, 34-35, 44-48

and as Peter reached the house Cornelius went out to meet him, fell at his feet and did him reverence. But Peter helped him up. 'Stand up,' he said, ' after all, I am only a man!'

Then Peter addressed them, ‘I now really understand’, he said, ‘that God has no favourites, but that anybody of any nationality who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. 

While Peter was still speaking the Holy Spirit came down on all the listeners. Jewish believers who had accompanied Peter were all astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit should be poured out on gentiles too, since they could hear them speaking strange languages and proclaiming the greatness of God. Peter himself then said, 'Could anyone refuse the water of baptism to these people, now they have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?' He then gave orders for them to be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ. Afterwards they begged him to stay on for some days.


                R. What good does it do us to hold onto
                    our static ways when God
                    tells us to open our hearts
                    to His Plan –

                Don't you wonder why a man holds
                    onto desires that come from
                    an unbridled desire that
                    makes no sense in right reason –
                    when God is so good to us –

                We are being tested in fire by God –
                    We have a free will –
                    A man can say in opposition to
                        God's will "I do what I want –
                                When I want
                                How I want"

                It's interesting to me how some hold
                    onto unforgiveness of people
                    who abused or hurt them,
                but take no responsibility or accountability
                    for all the fallen soldiers
                    they took out in the battle
                    to hurt others for no reason
                    but they were angry or
                    jealous or prideful or
                    envious –

                Man must learn to use his freedom to
                    serve God –
                    our eternal life depends on
                        how we choose, with our
                        free will, to obey the commandments,
                        obey God's will

Priestly Newsletter Book II - September/October 1997

Scriptural Reflections

In all this Mary offers an example. Selfishness was totally foreign to her. She did not belong to herself. She belonged to God. She was not closed in upon herself. She was completely open to God. When God spoke, she listened. When God pointed the way, she followed. She realized that life is not a process a person masters by carefully mapping out one's own self-conceived plans of conquest, but a mystery to be gradually experienced by being open to God's personal and loving guidance.

Selfishness, then, did not close Mary off from God's call. Neither did fear. God asked her to assume a tremendous responsibility. He asked her to be the Mother of Jesus. Mary did not engage in a process of false humility and say that such a great role was above her. She did not say that she did not have the proper qualifications for this awesome mission. Briefly, she did not waste time looking at herself, making pleas that she was not worthy, telling the angel he had better go look for someone else. No, Mary did not look at herself. Her gaze was absorbed in God. She fully realized that whatever God asked of her, His grace would accomplish. She fully realized that although she herself had to cooperate, this work was much more God's than hers.

Mary's words, then, truly sum up what is the authentic Christian response at any point of life, in any kind of situation: "I am the handmaid of the Lord," said Mary, "let what you have said be done to me".


                R. Man is in control over his own acts –

                Man has a free will –

                We have a lifetime to choose to
                    love and serve God –

                We have a lifetime of free
                    choices –

                The devil is the great opposer –

                The devil wants the person to
                    block God's will for them –

                God gave us a free will to choose
                    His will or reject His will
                    and serve satan.

                The devil wants a person enslaved
                    to vices.

                We see the Bible story of Moses
                    and the enslavement of

21 Years Ago

Meditations on the Rosary

May 10, 1994

The Sorrowful Mysteries

1. The Agony in the Garden.

Jesus: My agony, I knew full well every blow, every wound, the crowning, the crucifixion. I saw My Mother’s suffering. I knew all that would happen. I sweat Blood. I suffered so much mental anguish for you, beloved one, for you. I said, "yes" to all I knew would follow, "yes" for you, knowing how you one day would love Me too! Oh, how I love you. Will you say "yes" to the suffering I send to you? Will you say "yes" to loving My beloved ones? Say, "YES" to Me today. I loved you so!

2. The Scourging at the Pillar

Mary: I am the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I love you with my tender Heart. I heard the blows they gave my Son. I scarce could look up. I heard the blows, the awful blows. My Son stood in silence while they beat Him.

Jesus: All the whipping, all the brutality, the blows covered My entire Body. I bled profusely. I stood in My own Blood. These were My beloved ones who beat Me. They tore My flesh until it hung from My Body and they laughed at their handiwork.

Do your brothers persecute you and say mean things to you? Do as I did, respond with love. Pray for their conversion. Live to help them get to heaven.

3. The Crowning with Thorns

Jesus: Think of someone you love very deeply yelling awful accusations at you. How, how it wounds your heart. My child! I sat there while they crowned Me with thorns and hollered awful accusations at Me. They were My beloved ones. Yet they stood there spitting at Me and hollering awful things at Me. Those who I dearly loved mocked Me and insulted Me and hurled their ugly hatred and lies at Me. I accepted all they did with a bleeding Heart and forgave them and loved them still.

Oh, you do not know suffering. This world is wounding My aching Heart. People are indifferent and hateful. They mistreat one another and are proud of their actions. Pray for your beloved persecutors. Don’t hate them. Act as I did toward those who tore My flesh and mocked Me. They were so engulfed in darkness. They did not know what they were doing.

All that matters is how you love Me and one another. Love those who hate you. My way is a hard way. You pick up your cross. When they hurt you and holler at you, look to heaven and praise the Lord for the trial. It is in suffering you are drawn closer to My precious Heart. I shed My Blood for you. I suffered for you. Will you not suffer when I ask you to?

4. The Carrying of the Cross

Mary: I scarce could stand to walk the way with Him! I was so sick at what they had done, but I wanted to be with my Son. I walked by the grace of God.

Jesus: My suffering was intensified by the sorrow and suffering of My Mother. My eyes met hers and I saw her red, teary face. All they did to Me, but to watch My beloved Mother suffer! She heard the cross as it thumped up the hill. The sounds were so loud and at the sight she had to look away.

Stand by Me and walk this road to Calvary. Listen and see My beaten Body. Hear the jeers of the crowd. Hear the thumping of the cross. Listen when it falls hard on Me and I can scarce go on any more. Walk with Me and be there. Then, think of your little crosses I ask you to carry. Do not put them down. Accept them for Me. It is in your crosses you are drawn closer to Me. I endured all this suffering for deep and ardent love of you and I would do it today for you alone.

5. The Crucifixion

Mary (May 25, 1994): As tenderly as I beheld my beautiful Son in my arms with such love, I watched His death on the cross with such anguish. My Heart was torn apart by the sight of Him hanging in such pain. I scarce could stand. I was held up by my beloved John. Joy and pain, the pain to behold Him and His suffering and the joy to know your salvation was won through His Blood.

Such lamenting. I could not cry deep enough for the anguish I felt. His Blood was spent. His life was given. He did this, my child, for love of you. I am your Mother. I love you, my precious ones. I love you as I love my beautiful Son, Jesus.

I am Mary, your beloved Mother. Call to me. I know your sufferings. I will comfort you. I suffered for love of you. You are so precious to us. Live in the love of my Son. He is with you this day in the Eucharist. I am Mary, your Mother. Thank you for responding to my call.

Jesus: The crucifixion. How do I tell you that I died for you? Do you even know I would do it today, just for you? They nailed My beautiful hands and feet to the cross. Big gigantic nails they pounded into My precious hands. Such hard hearts. They pounded the nails through My feet. Blood squirted out and they continued. Such hardness of hearts. Look at your hands, My child. Would you allow someone to nail them to a cross? Would you withstand this torture for love? This is My love for you. It is the love that made Me lay down My life for you.

I call you to surrender. Open your arms as I did when I died on the cross. Let all your worldly possessions drop around you and you will experience the joy of being free, of being united to Me, of letting go and of knowing that I, God, tend to your every need. To My death on the cross I loved you, and I love you this way this very day. Let go and give it all to Me. I will care for you far better than you could for yourself. I am God and I love you more than you can love yourself.

R. Jesus is dead, hanging on the cross, arms outstretched. His feet are not even on the ground. He is hanging by nails on a piece of wood. What do we hold on to? He wants us in midair, in total surrender.

Jesus: Oh, little ones, how you squander your possessions. How you hold on to people. How you won’t let go. See Me in total surrender. I gave My very life for you. What do you hold on to, My little ones? Little bits and pieces you give to Me and you hold tight to your lives. All will go up in smoke and only the things of God will remain. Not one pair of shoes do you take with you. Only your love, given to God and to others!

(end of rosary meditations)



                May 11, 2015


                R. Relationship with God

                    Total Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus –

                    We repent of our sins –

                    We seek healing of the family tree –

                    We want forgiveness for our sins –

                    We want to give forgiveness to others –

                    We turn to Jesus –

                    We want to improve our relationship
                        with Jesus –

                    Must beg for forgiveness –
                        genuinely want it with all our heart –

                    Love is relationship

                    Love is unity

                    Love is caring for the other

                    Jesus loved us to His death on the
                        cross –

                    We pray for healing for our children,
                        relatives –

                    Release us from stubbornness in
                        our families –

Holy Spirit Novena

Daily Novena Prayers

Opening Prayer

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus, in union with Him in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in the Holy Spirit. We come to You united to the Child Jesus of Good Health and the Infant of Prague. We come to You in the perfect, sinless heart of Our Mother Mary, asking her powerful intercession, uniting ourselves to her holy tears. We come to You united to all the angels and saints, and the souls in purgatory.

Prayer for Holy Spirit

We pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on us, to be baptized by the Holy Spirit, that He will descend mightily on us as He did on the Apostles at Pentecost. That the Holy Spirit will transform us from fear to fearlessness and that He will give us courage to do all the Father is asking of us to help bring about the Reign of the Sacred Heart and the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart. We pray for the Holy Spirit to descend mightily on the Jesuits and the Poor Clares on the Shepherds of Christ leaders and members and on the whole Body of Christ and the world.

Protection by the Blood of Jesus

We pray that the Blood of Jesus will be spread on us, everyone in our families, and the Shepherds of Christ Movement, that we will be able to move steadfastly ahead and be protected from the evil one.


We pray for healing in body, mind, and soul and generational healing in ourselves, in all members in our families, and in all members of the Shepherds of Christ Movement, the Jesuit Community, the Poor Clares, the Body of Christ, and the world.

Prayer for Strength and Light

We adore You, oh Holy Spirit. Give us strength, give us light, console us. We give ourselves entirely to You. Oh Spirit of light and grace, we want to only do the will of the Father. Enlighten us that we may live always in the Father's will.

Eternal Spirit fill us with Your Divine Wisdom that we may comprehend more fully insight into Your Divine Mysteries.

Give us lights, Oh Holy Spirit that we may know God. Work within the heart, the spiritual womb of the Virgin Mary, to form us more and more into the image of Jesus.

Prayer to Be One with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit

We long for You, Oh Spirit of Light, we long to know God, we want to be one with Him, our Divine God. We want to be one with the Father, know Him as a Person most intimately. We want to know the beloved One, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and live and dwell in Him at all times, every moment of our lives. We want to be one with You, Oh Spirit of Light, that You move in us in our every breath.

Prayer to Be One in Jesus

Let us experience life in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so we can say as Saint Paul, "I have been crucified with Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me...." Let us live, united to the Mass, all through the day being one in Him. Let us be able to love and know in this elevated state of oneness with our God. We long for Thee, oh beauteous God, we love You, we love You, we love You. We praise You, worship You, honor You, adore You, and thank You, our beloved God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Prayer to Dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary

We seek to be one in God, to live and dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, our little heaven on earth, to experience life in the all perfect, pure, sinless heart of our Mother. We want the Holy Spirit to move in us and to be united to Jesus as the Bridegroom of our souls and be a most perfect sacrifice offered to the Father at every moment as we unite in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass around the world to help in the salvation of souls.

Prayer for the Holy Spirit and His Gifts

Come Holy Spirit, come, come into our hearts, inflame all people with the fire of Your love.

Leader: Send forth Your Spirit and all will be reborn.
All:  And You will renew the face of the earth.

We pray for the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, we ask for perfection in our souls to make us holy, holy souls likened to God.

Dear Holy Spirit, we give ourselves to You soul and body. We ask You to give us the Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord.

Prayer for the Word Alive in Our Hearts

We know, dear Holy Spirit, the Word in His human nature was brought forth within the womb of the woman. We pray that His word will be brought forth in our hearts as He lives and dwells in us. We want the incarnation to go on in our lives. Dear Holy Spirit, work in us.

Little Prayers to the Holy Spirit

Dear Holy Spirit, help us not to be ignorant or indifferent or weak, help us to be strong with the love of God.

Dear Holy Spirit, please pray for our needs for us.

Dear Holy Spirit, help us to respect God and to avoid sin. Help us to live in the Father's will.

Dear Holy Spirit, help us to keep Your commandments and to respect authority. Help us to love all things as You will us to love them. Help us to want to pray and always serve God with the greatest love. Help us to know the truth. Help us to have the gift of faith, hope, and love. Help us to know what is right and what is wrong.

A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb, the Bridegroom of the Soul

Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.


                Sing: Veni Sanctus Spiritus

                Sing: He Has Anointed Me

                Pray for our relatives where there
                    was baptism, but no
                    funeral Mass

                Repentance from unforgiveness in
                    the family tree –


1 Corinthians 6: 15-16

Do you not realise that your bodies are members of Christ’s body; do you think one can take parts of Christ’s body and join them to the body of a prostitute? Out of the question! Or do you not realise that anyone who attaches himself to a prostitute is one body with her, since the two, as it is said, become one flesh.


                R. We pray united to the Mass
                    for healing of our family tree –

                Jesus shed His Blood on Calvary
                    for sins in our family tree –
                    secrets –


Sirach 44: 10-12

But here is a list of illustrious men 
    whose good works have not been forgotten. 
In their descendants they find 
    a rich inheritance, their posterity. 
Their descendants stand by the commandments 
    and, thanks to them, so do their children’s children. 


                R. We are your children, Heavenly Father,
                    in need of healing and great help –

  Divine Mercy Chaplet

  Begin with:

  Our Father..., Hail Mary..., The Creed.

  On the five large beads:

  Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity
  of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ in atonement
  for our sins and those of the whole world.

  On the ten small beads:

  For the sake of His sorrowful Passion have mercy on us
  and on the whole world.

  Conclude with repeating three times:

  Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One,
  have mercy on us and on the whole world.

Jesus I place my trust in Thee.

    From Blue Book 13

December 19, 1996
Message given through Rita Ring
Received in a few minutes after Communion
St. Gertrude Church

Jesus: My Beloved Ones,

You will know a great time of trial and darkness. I have written to you of the great sufferings to come. The sinfulness of this world greatly displeases Me. I beg you to pray for forgiveness and turn your hearts to love.

And darkness covered the earth and the light was cast in little corners of the earth. Those who were willful remained in intense darkness, those who were rooted in God, and giving themselves to consecration, were the children of the light.

And the light shown in the darkness and the darkness grasped it not, but to as many as responded, they became the children of the light and from them His life flowed into the hearts that were cold and dark and slowly, very slowly, the light began to steal across the darkened sky and the moon was covered with blood. The blood was the blood of the Lamb. The blood represented the blood He shed to give us life. But the blind just saw ordinary blood and were scared to death. They responded with the greatest fright and lacked peace, but those rooted in God, those whose hearts were consecrated to Mary and Jesus, knew the sign was from God--that the time of reckoning was at hand. Many were punished and suffered a great chastisement. Many were left to death, but the children of light prayed the rosary and trusted in God.

And the night was no more for the light of day came stealing across the sky and myriads of angels filled the sky and the heavens. Sing Alleluia, Praise the Lord, you saints and angels, show yourselves to the survivors for they walked in darkness and could not see, but the light was alive in their hearts and they dwelt within the furnace of His Heart.

Have no fear now, My people, for you are the children of the light and My hand is forever upon you. You may suffer now a little, but it is nothing compared to the splendor to come.

end of excerpt


December 22, 1996

Jesus: Brace yourselves in the Shepherds of Christ. You want to be Christ-like. Is this the true desire in your heart or is it just words like the other words you give to Me?

Brace yourselves. I will lead the way with My rod and My staff, but you must be strong to follow for the way is rocky and the rocks are sharp. They cut through to the soul. They cut through to your heart.

You will be brought to your knees, you will beg for Me, you will be molded and helped with in the abundant grace flowing from My Heart. My little shepherd, so willful and so stupid in your ways, but I love you just the same to My death, child. I love you and you do not see that all I give to you is for your good.

I am not angry with you, My messenger. You must suffer now to write My messages for the world. How could you write had you not experienced My pain in your soul? You are My hand, that I am using to write the messages of My Heart for the world. My Heart was crowned with thorns. So, too, will your heart be pierced and wanting to bleed. Bleed, little heart, My Heart bled for you.

And the moon will be covered with blood. It was the blood of the Lamb and it poured forth on a sinful world to cleanse them of their sin, and I give you My Body and Blood in the Mass and I am ignored.

He slapped their hands and He smite their cheeks and they laughed in their pain and continued their willful ways. But the day of reckoning is at hand and I will separate the sheep from the goats and the sheep I will take home with Me. The goats will know a day as they never knew before for My justice will prevail.

When I warned they would not turn from their evil ways and I could not reach them. They walked as blind men down the path of destruction and who would have thought that the end of the road was so near. And at the end of the road they continued to walk for in the darkness they could not see and they fell into an everlasting pit of doom and suffering.

Justice will prevail. I am a good God. Justice and truth will kiss. When I gave to them My warning they said, "Oh no, Lord," and continued their sinful ways.

The time is at hand. My efforts and yours were in vain. I will wipe their sick smiles from their evil mouths and they will suffer forever the death of the soul.

I will not have mercy on these hard-necked cowards who thought, in their pride, they could smite Me. I will throw the book at them and they will suffer for their sinful ways.

Woe to them who led My children astray. Woe to them. They will burn the eternal death of intense suffering for the murder of My young. And who will help them then? They will know a death beyond all deaths and suffering beyond all suffering. For a few moments of pleasure, they lost their souls forever.

I am a just and merciful God. I give water to quench your thirst, I bathe you in My divine love, but to the evil doers, I will curse their name and wipe them from the face of the earth. I have spoken. Justice will prevail. My hand is struck with power. The senseless ones will know My might.

Who will you call? You said 'no' to God and He struck you for your sinful ways.

All honor and glory be to God for He has visited His people and they cast Him aside. I will light the earth with My love and the dark hearts will curse the night for they will be no more.

And justice will flourish in His time and fullness of peace forever.

I have spoken. The deaf will not hear. My hand is the hand of God and it is struck with power.

I say to the grass to grow and it grows, to the sun to shine and it shines and to you I say, "Be ready for you know not the day nor the hour. I come as a thief in the night to take your soul home to Me. Will you be ready or will you be caught unprepared?"

Prepare ye a way to the Lord. Make ready His steps, My shepherds. I guard you but you will suffer. You must be strong and not caught off guard.

Purify your souls for I am coming and the earth will know My light this Christmas for I will shine in the hearts of the just. I will shine on My shepherds this Christmas. My light will shine in the hearts of those consecrated to My Heart and the heart of My Mother.

Alleluia, a King is born this day. Put aside your silly ways, your bows and tinsel, and praise God. He is in your midst. He reigns this day. You are ignoring the King of Glory. Oh, sinful world, you are in for a weird awakening.

And the light stole across the sky and the light of day shown brighter than seven suns, not to the eye but in the hearts of His faithful ones, the hearts consecrated to God.

        end of excerpt


                R. Mary help heal us

                All angels and saints help us to heal.


Luke 4: 38-44

Leaving the synagogue he went to Simon's house. Now Simon's mother-in-law was in the grip of a high fever and they asked him to do something for her. Standing over her he rebuked the fever and it left her. And she immediately got up and began to serve them.

At sunset all those who had friends suffering from diseases of one kind or another brought them to him, and laying his hands on each he cured them. Devils too came out of many people, shouting, 'You are the Son of God.' But he warned them and would not allow them to speak because they knew that he was the Christ. When daylight came he left the house and made his way to a lonely place. The crowds went to look for him, and when they had caught up with him they wanted to prevent him leaving them, but he answered, 'I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns too, because that is w hat I was sent to do.' And he continued his proclamation in the synagogues of Judaea.


                R. Our sickness goes back to
                    our childhood –

                How we were taught to
                    love, to forgive, to relate
                    with others

                God wants unity in relationships –
                We see Jesus healing and teaching –

                Where has the damage been in our
                    past –

                We need to heal our hidden
                    memories –

  Exodus 34: 6-7

Then Yahweh passed before him and called out, ‘Yahweh, Yahweh, God of tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich in faithful love and constancy, maintaining his faithful love to thousands, forgiving fault, crime and sin, yet letting nothing go unchecked, and punishing the parent’s fault in the children and in the grandchildren to the third and fourth generation!’ 


                R. Contamination – Willfulness,
                    Disobedience, Selfishness –

                What is the damage done to you –
                    from birth, from being carried.

                We want healing from any kind of
                    fear of abandonment,
                    pain we don't even remember

                Jesus we pray for all the healing we
                    need –

                We ask God to heal us –

                We ask for an increase of faith,
                    hope and love –

                So many of Jesus' miracles were
                    healing miracles –

                We believe in the power of Jesus –

                We ask for our relationship with
                    Jesus to be a relationship,
                    where we trust Jesus!

                We need healing –

                We pray for the Holy Spirit –

                We need faith to believe in the power
                    of Jesus –

                We can pray to prepare ourselves
                    for heaven


Excerpt from Response in Christ by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.

e) Relationship with Members of the Church

There is but one true Church of Christ. Yet this one Church has three different states of existence. There is the pilgrim Church, the Church of this world, composed of members who have received the grace of Christ and strive for its development. They have not yet obtained the goal of their efforts, as have the members of the heavenly Church, who enjoy God in eternal happiness. The Church suffering is an intermediate state of existence necessary for those who had not achieved the required purification as members of the pilgrim Church. Although there are these three phases of the Church’s existence, there is a profound union existing between all the members. All these members possess the same basic life of grace in Christ, and this common life establishes the most intimate bonds of love. In our preceding chapter, we discussed the pilgrim Church. Let us now consider the Church suffering and the heavenly Church.

The members of the Church suffering are those who have departed from this life in an incomplete state of Christian development. Their development is incomplete in the sense that grace has not fully taken possession of them, and, as a result, they are yet closed in upon themselves to a greater or lesser degree. They as yet cannot open themselves out in complete love to the Triune God in the beatific vision. They must undergo a further purification, a purification which could have been achieved upon earth with merit. Now the purification must be achieved with no merit attached. The pain of this purification is mixed with the certain expectation of achieving the vision of God. We can hasten the advent of this vision for this people by the offering of prayers and other good works. Scripture itself refers to our action on behalf of those in purgatory in Chapter 12 of the Second Book of Maccabees beginning with verse 38.

The members of the heavenly Church are those in whom the life of grace has taken full possession and has reached its completion in the life of glory. Faith now is unnecessary, as the light of glory gives the human intellect a new strength and capacity for seeing God face-to-face. While the Christian was a wayfarer, he received the imprint of the indwelling Trinity as he shared in God’s own life. Now in heaven that grace-life and possession of God reaches its completion—the absolute completion is not achieved, however, until the resurrection of the body. The divine persons give Themselves to the beatified in a profound union far surpassing that of the indwelling of the Trinity experienced here below.

This life of heaven is still the Christ-life, for just as we possess a share in Trinitarian life here below as mediated by Christ, and exercise this grace-life as structured by Him, so also in heaven is the mediation of Christ present. In the words of Rahner, "One always sees the Father through Jesus. Just as immediately as this, for the directness of the vision of God is not a denial of the mediatorship of Christ as man."14 And not only does the humanity of Christ unite the blessed to God, but also, in some way, to the whole of creation. This is merely a completion of what is begun here below, namely, the union with Christ in His humanity establishing the Christian in a special relationship with God, with other men, and with the whole of creation. We have a glimpse, therefore, of the fullness of life which members of the heavenly Church possess.

The heavenly Church, as St. Thomas says, is the true Church.15 The Church of this earth and the Church of purgatory are, each in its own way, reaching out in loving hope for the heavenly Jerusalem. Vatican II puts it very simply: "The Church, to which we are called in Christ Jesus, and in which we acquire sanctity through the grace of God, will attain her full perfection only in the glory of heaven."16

The members of the heavenly Church can help us in living our life of grace until we too share its fullness with them. Their power of intercession on our behalf is but another ramification of the communal aspect of Christianity. We are meant to help others grow in Christ. We, in turn, are intended by God to receive aid from others—yes, from members of the heavenly Church, as well as from those with whom we dwell here below.

Not only can we be aided by the saints’ intercession, but the example of the canonized saints can also be of great value to us. They have concretely proved that full holiness is possible. Such an inspiration is of real worth when we are tempted to think that Christian sanctity in its higher degrees is impossible of attainment. Moreover, the canonized saints, in their diversity, teach us that there are many authentic versions of Christian holiness. They can be innovators in showing us that there are numerous possibilities in assimilating the mystery of Christ, although the basic assimilation remains the same for all Christians of all times. In the opinion of Rahner this is one of the chief roles the canonized saints exert in the life of the Church.17



 14Karl Rahner, Theological Investigations, Vol. III (Baltimore: Helicon, 1967), p. 44.
Cf. St. Thomas Aquinas, In Ad Ephes., c. 3, Lect. 3.
 16Second Vatican Council, Constitution on the Church, No. 48.
 17Cf. Karl Rahner, Op. cit., pp. 100-101.


                R. Jesus may not want to heal us –

                But God may heal us if we
                    pray –

                We give ourselves completely to the
                    Sacred Heart of Jesus –




For the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and Lent

$10.00 plus shipping

Blue Book 14

One of the following DVD

Picture of Our Lady of Clearwater  4X 6

Prayer Brochure




Give the gift that keeps giving.

6 different Blue Books for $30.00 including postage 

















   Books available in limited supply for this sale.


The more you use the Blue Books and
    become one with Jesus – more
    intimate with Jesus –
    the more your lives are a blessing and
    everything you do in life can help
    to bring down great grace for the world
    because of your being so
    one with Jesus.


Guiding Light Homily Book Series

Fr. Joe’s Books

Cycle A –
Steadfast to the Son

Cycle B –
Focusing on the Word

Cycle C

Feed My Soul

Cycle A
Inspired to be Genuine

4 for $20 plus postage of $5.95 


These books can be given to:

1) All Priests

       2) Good for Music Ministers
       3) Good for DRE's
       4) Good for Deacons
       5) Good for Principals of Schools
       6) Good for Teachers
       7) Good for Mom and Dads


Give the gift that keeps giving this Christmas!!

This statue was handmade and hand-painted
and has a little piece of the glass
from the image face of Mary –

w/glass - 27
w/glass - 18
w/glass - 15
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w/glass - 12
w/glass - 11

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OL-Mt. Carmel
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OL-Mt. Carmel
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I Heart
w/glass - 18

I Heart - Ivory
w/glass - 18

w/glass - 18

w/glass - 18
w/glass - 12

We cannot get these statues any more –
the men making them were from
Portugal and no longer do so

We will have a limited number
until they are gone –

These statues are a treasure, a work of art

At the end of this message are healings
from statues and the Jesus
and Mary waters –




                Given March 21, 2014

                R. Pray for These Things

                1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
                2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
                    Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
                4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
                    also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
                5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
                6) People going to Florida and China.
                7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
                8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
                9) Pray for pope helping us.
               10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
               11) Blue Book 14 cover; Blue Book 13 – all involved.
                    For our Publisher and all involved
               12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
               13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
               14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
               15) Donors and members and their families.
               16) Healing of the Family tree.
               17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
                    Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
               18) All who asked us to pray for them.
               19) All we promised to pray for.
               20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
                    Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
                    2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
                    Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple
, Rosie & all involved.
               21) 2 babies and moms.
               22) Funds and insurance.
               23) Jerry's garage.
               24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
               25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
               26) Consecrate all hearts.
               27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.



We need money for
Fr. Joe's new homily book
(we sent almost 40,000 to priests,
cardinals, bishops)
Can you please help us?


 The Wedding Rosary 

Crystal Image Rosary

$40 plus shipping


Special First Communion Rosary with Image Center

in a gift box

white     blue     red

and an 8 x 10 picture of Our Lady of Clearwater
and a 4 x 6 picture of Our Lady of Clearwater

$10 plus postage



Original Image Rosary

8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box

$40 plus shipping




Special Sale Statues with image glass


15" Pilgrim Virgin Fatima – $85

12" Our Lady of Fatima – $75

 plus shipping
while supplies last

Call Regina 1–727–776–2763
Call Rosie 888–211–3041



In Spanish with the Imprimatur

Also we are ready to print
5000 copies of the
Parents and Children's Rosary Book
Can you help with a donation?


Give the gift that counts.

                Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.

Tell My People                    $5.00
Response to God's Love    $8.00
Response in Christ              $8.00



    God's Blue Books 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
        $4.00 each plus postage

Blue Book 4

Blue Book 5

Blue Book 6A

Blue Book 6B

Blue Book 6C

Blue Book 7

Blue Book 8

Blue Book 9

Blue Book 10

Blue Book 11

Blue Book 12 & 13


Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur 
$2.00 plus postage

New Mass Book with Imprimatur   
$8.00 plus postage

New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage

Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage

Give the gift that keeps on giving!

Give to your priest.

Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage


Special sale statue with glass

27" Statue of Our Lady of Fatima
$175 plus postage


Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage

Dan called and gave the report to me, when I hung up I saw this rainbow and took a picture for him.

Shepherds of Christ Ministries  
P.O. Box 627  China, Indiana 47250

Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405  
FAX: (812) 273-3182

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Rights for non–commercial reproduction granted:
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