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May 13th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 6 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for May 13th are Sorrowful.
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God's Blue Book 6
February 28, 1995
Shepherds of Christ MeetingBefore tabernacle. Jesus and Mary appeared.
I Love You! I Love You! I Love You!
This rosary was prayed before the statue of Our Mother of Sorrows at the front of the Holy Rosary Chapel at the Holy Spirit Center as part of the Shepherds of Christ Meeting. Mary appeared. Jesus appeared and He told Rita that this rosary was a gift to us from Him because He wants to be drawn closely to us through His Passion and death because as we meditate on this, we will know His immense love: He stated that this would be the best rosary yet. This rosary was prayed on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.
The Sorrowful Mysteries
The Agony in the Garden
1. R. See Jesus as He kneels in the Garden.
2. R. Put yourself there and see Him as if you were present. See Jesus, our Lord and Savior, as He waits, His hour is about to come, to be handed over to those who will put Him to death.
3. R. Jesus sees before Him all the battering, the whipping, the scourging, the crowning of thorns. He sees all the glaring! He knows all He will suffer in carrying His cross, the nailing to the cross!
4. R. Jesus goes to the apostles, to Peter who said how faithful he would always be. They are asleep! He wants some comfort, but they were sleeping! He says to us this day: Can you not watch one hour with Me? The Son of God waits for you endlessly to come and to have time with Him. He waits for us in the Tabernacle. He waits for us all through the day to take time in our busy lives to be with Him. He says over and over again: Can you not watch one hour with Me?
5. R. See Jesus as He kneels there in the darkened night. His greatest agonies were not the agonies that He would suffer in wounds to His body, but the agonies that He suffered to His Heart. To love each soul so dearly and to be treated with such indifference and hatred by so many souls! He saw each and every soul from all time and how they would reject Him and not even think of Him. How they would sin. How they would be cruel and hateful to each other. He saw all the sins of the world!
6. R. Jesus saw the world in the state that it is in this very day: all the people who hardened their hearts, all those who turned from kindness entirely, those who think only of themselves, those who are filled with hate and anger for their brothers. He saw all the hearts of the people that live in this day that have shunned Him, that have turned Him off, that have persecuted others, that have murdered babies! He saw all these hearts.
7. R. Such immense agony to His Most Sacred Heart for all the souls that would be condemned to eternal damnation despite all the suffering that He was about to undergo because of their willfulness. Out of greatest love, God gives us a free will. We have a free will to accept Him or to reject Him.
8. R. The Father wants us, like little children, entirely dependent upon Him; to live in His will; to think of Him as our Most Loving Father; to have a relationship with Him as we would have with our father. He is the Most Loving Father! He created each one of us out of greatest love and He loves us so much and wants us to love Him.
9. R. Jesus went to the apostles and they continued to sleep. An angel of the Lord appeared to Him to comfort Him.
10. R. How this delights the Heart of Jesus when we take time, time away from our busy lives at home and in front of the Tabernacle. How it delights His Heart when we spend time with Him in the early morning hours. He wants to be so close to us and He waits for us to come to Him and tell Him how much we love Him. He truly loves us with a Heart that is overflowing with burning love.
Song between decades: A Song from Jesus
Jesus is Scourged at the Pillar
1. R. They led Jesus away. They pulled His hair! They hit Him! They tied Him, with such anger and hatred to the pillar!
2. R. See Jesus, your Beloved Savior! Minute by minute, second by second, He says in your heart ever so silently: I love you, I love you, I love you! Do we realize that, that Jesus is with us in our hearts all throughout our busy days? He is calling out in a gentle voice for each one of us to hear in our hearts: I love you, I love you, I love you!
3. R. See Jesus at the pillar! See your Beloved! His bare back unblemished and with the blows that the men gave to Him, instantly the flesh on His back torn and bloodied, beaten raw! With their angry hearts, they pound on Jesus so hard with sharp instruments.
4. R. See the unblemished back of Jesus! Visualize it! Young, thirty-three years old! See it beaten raw and you will know in the vision that you see now that He was scourged because He loves each one of us so much.
5. R. Jesus did not call out or holler back. He suffered in compliance to the Father's Will. He was born a baby to show us that He came into this world totally helpless, dependent upon His Mother as He wants us to depend on our Father, to go to our Father, to Him and to the Holy Spirit for all our needs. For second by second, minute by minute, Jesus is inside of our hearts calling out that with that ever gentle voice: I love you, I love you, I love you!
6. R. Do we plug up our ears and close our eyes because we do not want to get too close to Jesus? This is Jesus! His back was unmercifully scourged, dripping with blood from the top of His head to His feet, standing in a puddle of His own blood and He calls out to you: I love you!
7. R. Minute by minute, second by second, He is there if we take time to listen. When others say nasty things to us and the world is pressing down on us, hear this soft voice inside of you saying ever so gently: I am here and I love you!
8. R. Jesus is Love! To unite closely to Him, we must rid our hearts of anything that is not love. The slightest flaws are offensive to Him. But He forgives us. He is so full of mercy. He wants us to admit what we do, to say we are sorry, to go to the priest and to not think about our sins for it is our job to spread His light to this world. He wants us to strive for perfection, but He knows we are not perfect. He wants us to have a contrite heart. He is so gentle with us. He just wants us to say we are sorry and then move on and spread His love and His light to our brothers.
9. R. The Holy Spirit is the sanctifier! God wants us to be holy. As our Heavenly Father is perfect, He wants us to strive for perfection. But we of ourselves cannot make ourselves this holy. The more we pray to the Spirit, the more He sanctifies us, the easier it becomes for us to be more and more as Jesus wants us to be. The Father created us in His own image. Such dignity and honor He gives to each one of us that He created us in the image and likeness of God. The Spirit transforms us more and more into this image of Jesus. Dear Holy Spirit, please descend upon us and transform our hearts more and more into the image of Jesus so that we may be led closer to our Most Loving Father Who loves us as the most dear Father.
10. R. And He walked away. His bloody footprints covered the earth! He shed His blood for love of us. We are blind! We are deaf! We do not see and we do not hear! And that still small voice cries out from within: This is how I love you, that I truly was scourged and gave My blood for you. I want to give you My life, more and more, in such abundance! My life I give to you in the Eucharist and when you sit in front of the Tabernacle. My abundant life ìs My grace I outpour to you!
Song between decades: A Song from Jesus
Jesus is Crowned with a Crown of Thorns
1. R. They pounded into Jesus' head a sharp crown of piercing thorns and the blood ran down His face into His eyes and into His ears.
2. R. It is through His Most Precious Blood that we are saved!
3. R. See this vision of the blood on Jesus' face in your mind. Try to visualize it as clearly as possible. The bright red blood as it flows down His face and the thorns that punctured His skull! It is in meditating and focusing on a vision that is like this, and that of His scourged back, that you will realize more and more the immensity of His great love. Jesus truly calls out to us that this is how much He loved us and He asks us this Lent to draw ever closer to His Passion, for our hearts will be joined ever closer to His in meditating on His Passion and Death!
4. Jesus: They beat My body and they crowned My head with thorns! They hollered insults at Me and they spit on Me! Do you know how dearly I love each one of you? I will outpour My grace to you if you ask this Lent. I ask you to meditate fervently on My Passion. Look at the crucifix! When you feel you are suffering, look at the crucifix for I truly say to you in your heart, minute by minute, second by second: I love you, I love you, I love you.
5. Jesus: Stop when someone is taunting you and hear My gentle voice deep in your heart for I call out to you that this is the love that I have for you this day. Will you listen to Me in your heart as I say this so gently many times throughout the day as you get caught up in your world. Others come about, they distract you, they make you feel hurtful in your hearts, and I am right there with My Heart on fire for love of you saying so gently to you how I love you. When someone hurts you, hear Me! For a heart that is filled with My love cannot be angry. It is this that will mend the fence between you and your brother when you always respond with love. But you must know My deep love for you to be able to respond this way. So I say to you this day, minute by minute, second by second, hear a soft voice in your heart say to you: I love you, I love you, I love you!
6. Jesus: You are My chosen ones. I have called you here to spread the love of My Sacred Heart throughout this world. This is not a small task. You cannot spread love unless you realize the immensity of the love that I have for you. Will you open up your heart? Will you take the time to listen? Will you focus on Me and this love that I have for you so that you can be the soldiers that I am sending out into this world? The soldiers that are filled with My love that will light this world in the dark corners through the love that you know deep in your heart, My love, ever beating within your breast.
7. R. They spit on Him. They crowned Him with thorns! They hit Him! They poked at Him! And He loved! He loved those who spit on Him!
8. Jesus: Let Me fill your every moment with My love. Focus on what I am telling you here this night for this is the key to send you out into the world with hearts that are abundantly filled with the love of God. But you must hear Me as I speak to you today and I say so gently all through the day: I love you, I love you, I love you!
9. Jesus: The more you unite with My Mother, whom I love, the more you pray to the Spirit, the more you are transformed into My image. You are My soldiers that I send to go into the world. You are to spread the love of My Most Sacred Heart and the love of My Beloved Mother's Heart. I call out to you today. Will you hear Me in your heart? This is the ammunition you need to go into this world. A heart filled with My love is fearless. I send you as fearless soldiers into a world that has forgotten God and I ask you to hear Me as I talk to you in your heart, minute by minute, second by second. For this will be the love that you give to this hurting world.
10. Song: Lord, let me walk that lonesome road with You.
Song between decades: A Song from Jesus
Jesus Carries His Cross up Calvary
1. R. Jesus carried His cross on His shoulder and it hurt so badly it felt as if it would break!
2. R. Think of an ache that could not be relieved in any way, that only got worse and worse. Now think of all the aches and pains that Jesus had all over His body, the wounds that were so deep and bleeding, and He carried the heavy cross on His back as He bled. He could not even touch the wounds. The wounds bled freely as He walked. From His Heart pounding, they bled and bled. And they poked at Him because He did not go fast enough. He collapsed under the cross. He did not give the cross up, He collapsed because it was so heavy He could scarcely move the cross. They poked at Him and they wanted Him to get up and move and move fast!
3. R. Jesus fell once because it was so heavy. As He went on, His condition was weakened. He bled more and the cross became heavier as He went. Can you, even a little, think about the third time He fell under the cross? Three times He fell under the cross. Three times Peter denied Him. Three times is used so much in His life. He died when He was thirty-three. There are three Persons in the Trinity. Three Persons in one God! We are loved so dearly by each Person, Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
4. R. Jesus was locked in the tomb for three days. He was lost in the temple for three days.
5. R. Jesus calls us to unity. Look at the Trinity. There are three Persons in one God. There is such love between the Persons of the Trinity. We receive the body of Christ, we are many members, but we are one in Him.
6. R. Jesus loves us so much that He gave His body and His blood and He gives His body to us this day. When we receive Him in the Eucharist, I become one in Him, you become one in Him. If I am one in Him and you are one in Him, we are so closely united. We are united with Jesus.
7. Song: One Bread, One Body
8. R. Jesus took upon His back the weight of the sins of the world. He died on the cross. He gave His flesh and His blood for love of us so that we may share in His Divine Life. This is how He loves us. We are all brothers in Christ.
9. R. How can I say that I love if I do not love my brother? How can I love God, Whom I do not see, if I do not love my brother, whom I do see?
10. R. We are one body in Christ; He is the head, we are the members.
Song between decades: A Song from Jesus
Jesus is Crucified and He Dies on the Cross
1. R. Jesus hung on the cross against the darkened sky. Jesus hung for three hours. Three agonizing hours! He gave His flesh and He gave His blood!
Song: Take and Eat
2. R. When the priest raises the Host at the consecration of the Mass, I hear Jesus say: This is My body, given up for you. This is My blood, given up for you. When you go to Mass, hear in your heart Jesus as He says in a clear voice: This is My body. This is My blood. The priest has the power to change the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. If we realized even a minute amount of what is transpiring: the Father is present and the Holy Spirit is present; Jesus is saying "This is My Body"; the altar is covered with angels and saints praising God, who is truly present; we are in the presence of God and the priest has this power. We should kiss the hands of the priest that consecrates the bread into Jesus' body. Hear Jesus' voice in your heart the next time you go to Mass say: This is My body, This is My blood. Then think that this is the same Jesus Christ that hung on the cross. The same Jesus that hung on the cross. He is right there out of greatest love for us!
3. Song: Take and Eat
4. R. Who are we that God loves us so much that He gives us Himself in such union when we receive the Eucharist and we become one in Him. One in God! Who are we that we can be united to God! That I become one in God and you become one in God! We become one with each other. Who are we that God loves us so much?
5. Song: I Love You Jesus
6. R. Jesus died on the cross so that we could share in His life and He nourishes this life through His very own Body and Blood!
7. R. Jesus waits in the Tabernacle in this world and longs and thirsts for us to come and to be with Him for He is no less present than the day He hung on the cross. This is Jesus Christ, the Son of God! He is so close to us in this room, for He is in the Chapel and He is in our midst!
8. R. God is here! Let us bend low and realize how we are loved and favored that He cares for us!
9. R. Let us see ourselves as the Father's creation. God the Father created us with greatest love in His own image and likeness. Let us hear the gentle voice of Jesus as He calls out in our hearts: I love you, I love you, I love you. Even though we are not perfect, when we sin, we recognize our sin and tell Him we are sorry and then go about our job to spread the light to this world for He knows that we are not perfect although He wants us to strive to be perfect. He is so gentle and loving to us. He forgives all our sins and He gave the power to the priest to take away all our sins! Who are we that God gives the priest the power to remove our sins through Him? We are His chosen children! We are the children of God! We are His loved ones for whom Jesus Christ came to this earth, shed His blood, gave His body and remains with us this day in His Divinity and humanity, waiting for us to come and to be with Him.
10. Jesus: My dear children, you are on your spiritual journey. I want to walk hand in hand with you. As you go through these days in Lent, draw yourselves ever closer to My Passion and My Death. Realize more and more My immense love for you, for I truly want you to go out into the world and spread this love to your brothers. These are your brothers! You are one body!
Song after last decade: A Song from Jesus
This rosary was prayed before the statue of Our Mother of Sorrows at the front of the Holy Rosary Chapel at the Holy Spirit Center as part of the Shepherds of Christ Meeting. Mary appeared. Jesus appeared and He told Rita that this rosary was a gift to us from Him because He wants to be drawn closely to us through His Passion and death because as we meditate on this, we will know His immense love: He stated that this would be the best rosary yet. This rosary was prayed on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.
Pray for urgent intentions.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152
We take credit card donations.