May 14, 2014
May 15th Holy Spirit
Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
May 15th - 11 a.m.
Package for Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II will be canonized April 27th.
Here is a wonderful DVD about his life.
12" Statue of Sacred Heart of Jesus with glass
CD of Live Rosary from Blue Book 13 October 13, 1996 –
1st 13th – Fr. Carter leads this live rosary
Blue Book 12
Karol Movie
Pictures of Our Lady of Clearwater 8 x 10 and 4 x 6
Hard copy of October 13, 1996 Rosary
We will include this special rosary with this offer.$100 plus postage
while supplies lastThis is a limited time offer.
These statues may become scarce in the near future.
Bible Bash/Fatima
Package for May
11" Fatima |
choice of ONE |
Or Moses DVD |
picture of Our |
Or David DVD | Or Esther DVD | Or Abraham DVD | Or Jacob DVD |
$50 plus postage
while supplies last
Call Rosie – 1–888–211–3041
Package for the month of Mary and First Communion
![]() |
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The Song of
Bernadette DVD OR |
The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima DVD |
11" Fatima |
Blue Book 12 |
8x10 and 4x6 |
plus CD of October 13, 1996 Rosary
$50 plus postage
Call 1–888–211–3041
The Wedding Rosary
Crystal Image Rosary
$40 plus shipping
Special First Communion Rosary with Image Center
in a gift box
white blue red
and an 8 x 10 picture of Our Lady of Clearwater
and a 4 x 6 picture of Our Lady of Clearwater
$10 plus postage
Original Image Rosary
8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box
$40 plus shipping
Given March 21, 2014
R. Pray for These Things
1) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
2) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
3) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
4) People going to Florida and China.
5) Vocations to all 7 categories.
6) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
7) Pray for pope helping us.
8) Blue Book 13 cover; Blue Book 12, Blue Book 13 – all involved.
For our Publisher and all involved
9) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
10) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
11) Donors and members and their families.
12) Healing of the Family tree.
13) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Tom & wife, Kerry.
14) All who asked us to pray for them.
15) All we promised to pray for.
16) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
Betty, Sophie, Rosie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Jeff,
Louie, 2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
Ed, Jimmy, a special couple.
17) 2 babies and moms.
18) Funds and insurance.
19) Special intentions.
20) Jerry's garage.
21) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
22) Consecrate all hearts.
23) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.
Given May 13, 2014 - Our Lady of Fatima
97th Anniversary of Mary's First Apparition at Fatima
From the Priestly Newsletter Book III - 2000 Issue 3 p. 44-45
Pope John Paul II instructs us: "The Church, as a reconciled and reconciling community, cannot forget that at the source of her gift and mission of reconciliation is the initiative, full of compassionate love and mercy, of that God who is love (see 1 John 4:8) and who out of love created human beings (see Wisdom 11:23-26; Genesis 1:27: Psalms 8:4-8)…He created them so that they might live in friendship with Him and in communion with one another.
"God is faithful to His eternal plan even when man, under the impulse of the evil one (see Wisdom 2:24) and carried away by his own pride, abuses the freedom given to him in order to love and generously seek what is good, and (instead) refuses to obey his Lord and Father. God is faithful even when man, instead of responding with love to God’s love, opposes Him and treats Him like a rival, deluding himself and relying on his own power, with the resulting break of relationship with the One who created him. In spite of this transgression on man’s part, God remains faithful in love.
"It is certainly true that the story of the Garden of Eden makes us think about the tragic consequences of rejecting the Father, which becomes evident in man’s inner disorder and in the breakdown of harmony between man and woman, brother and brother (see Genesis 3:12 ff; 4:1-16). Also significant is the Gospel parable of the two brothers (the parable of the ‘prodigal son’; see Luke 15:11-32) who, in different ways, distance themselves from their father and cause a rift between them. Refusal of God’s fatherly love and of His loving gifts is always at the root of humanity’s divisions.
"But we know that God…like the father in the parable (of the prodigal son), does not close His heart to any of His children. He waits for them, looks for them, goes to meet them at the place where the refusal of communion imprisons them in isolation and division. He calls them to gather about His table in the joy of the feast of forgiveness and reconciliation.
"This initiative on God’s part is made concrete and manifest in the redemptive act of Christ, which radiates through the world by means of the ministry of the Church." 13
13. Pope John Paul II, as in Celebrate 2000!, Servant Publications, pp. 140-141.
R. And so we ask ourselves, "What is life"
and we begin to answer – when I think of life,
I think of a little new born baby and I think of the
beauty of new life – now – the green beautiful
trees, that looked dead with the cold, barren
winter here and lots of ice and snow.
I think of life – I am moving around and its
like a little battery in me – I go and I go.
Life is a wonderful word and in it all I see
God who gives us life behind the living thing.
Life under the water – oh how beautiful all
the life under the sea, in the ocean, I
see flowers and bugs and dogs and cats, they
are alive.
I love to watch little children, they are such
a surprise, they tell you so many things from
their little minds how they are putting things
together. It must be a great joy for God to
see a man – here below – who is so obedient
to God, praising Him for his work and gifts,
and excelling at something because of his
God - given talents and living to great
heights with the gifts and talents God
has given the man.
Likewise, we know God knows the depth of our
hearts, our motives, everything about us –
we offend God when we are hateful toward him,
our brother (God loves and made) and hateful
in our heart, greedy, jealous, envious,
prideful, when God is so good to us and is
watching us and made us in His image and likeness,
for a purpose to know, love and serve Him and
we independently rebel against God and are
listening to satan, the father of lies.
It gives Christ great joy to see us walk
in His footsteps, to be truthful and loving
toward Him and our brothers and
we can offend the Heart of Jesus and
Mary when we hate and are vicious and
violent and lie –
God wants a relationship with man. Like
any relationship – we are to love and be
trustworthy. What about God giving us each
other to love and somebody lives to stand on
top of the other's head in jealousy and
envy and just trying to get over them and
push them down – a constant argument with
the person – when God gave both of us as
gifts to accomplish a powerful work for
building His Kingdom and helping souls and
what is happening that a man doesn't see
through God's eyes at all, but sees that the
other person should be put down, challenged,
fought with so they can win over – and
be over them – rebelling to God's Plan of why
He created them to bring peace and love and
joy to others – to show honor to Himself
because of their creaturehood and obedience
and love –
and instead a person doesn't want anybody
over them so they fight like two men in a
ring to get the other down and then stand
up themselves as a winner –
What winner is that when satan runs the
show because someone rebels against
God's Plan for selfish combatal pride –
wanting their will, over God's will at
all cost.
Yes God has a Plan – He created us uniquely
to serve and love Him, as He desires, as He
deserves. He enlists our help in the work
of redemption. He gives the baptized soul a
sharing in His life. Through baptism we
become incorporated into Christ and His
Church and Confirmation perfects this
And the willful, rebellious man who
sees not through the eyes of Our Heavenly
Father – living by His will – makes a
rival out of his brothers, a boxing match
because his brother is in authority over
Good, as God intends, is not accomplished
when a man gives into his pride and jealousies
and envies and greed. It is like Eve in the Garden –
Genesis Chapter
3Now, the snake was the most subtle of all the wild animals that Yahweh God had made. It asked the woman, 'Did God really say you were not to eat from any of the trees in the garden?' The woman answered the snake, 'We may eat the fruit of the trees in the garden. But of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden God said, "You must not eat it, nor touch it, under pain of death." ' Then the snake said to the woman, 'No! You will not die! God knows in fact that the day you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, knowing good from evil.' The woman saw that the tree was good to eat and pleasing to the eye, and that it was enticing for the wisdom that it could give. So she took some of its fruit and ate it. She also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened and they realised that they were naked. So they sewed fig-leaves together to make themselves loin-cloths.
The man and his wife heard the sound of Yahweh God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from Yahweh God among the trees of the garden. But Yahweh God called to the man. 'Where are you?' he asked. 'I heard the sound of you in the garden,' he replied. 'I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.' 'Who told you that you were naked?' he asked. 'Have you been eating from the tree I forbade you to eat?' The man replied, 'It was the woman you put with me; she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.' Then Yahweh God said to the woman, 'Why did you do that?' The woman replied, 'The snake tempted me and I ate.'
Then Yahweh God said to the snake, 'Because you have done this,
Accursed be you
of all animals wild and tame!
On your belly you will go
and on dust you will feed
as long as you live.
I shall put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
it will bruise your head
and you will strike its heel.'To the woman he said:
I shall give you intense pain
in childbearing,
you will give birth to your children
in pain.
Your yearning will be for your husband,
and he will dominate you.To the man he said, 'Because you listened to the voice of your wife and ate from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat,
Accursed be the soil because of you!
Painfully will you get your food from it
as long as you live.
It will yield you brambles and thistles,
as you eat the produce of the land.
By the sweat of your face
will you earn you food,
until you return to the ground,
as you were taken from it.
For dust you are
and to dust you shall return.The man named his wife 'Eve' because she was the mother of all those who live. Yahweh God made tunics of skins for the man and his wife and clothed them. Then Yahweh God said, 'Now that the man has become like one of us in knowing good from evil, he must not be allowed to reach out his hand and pick from the tree of life too, and eat and live for ever!' So Yahweh God expelled him from the garden of Eden, to till the soil from which he had been taken. He banished the man, and in front of the garden of Eden he posted the great winged creatures and the fiery flashing sword, to guard the way to the tree of life.
R. The man who is jealous and combatal is busy
not for helping souls, but standing on the
head of the one over them in a boxing ring.
It is a deficiency on their part to not see
the Plan of the Creator and have a wide vision
of how beautiful we all are in God's design
and satan wants to manipulate through
power and control to make disorder, and
fighting and threatening life giving needs
people have as power tools to force their
battles, not on a playground, battles
that tear at life, that tear people trying
to do God's will, down.
Can you see satan, instigating his
disorder – like the disorder in the Garden –
Satan hates order, it is because of the sin
of Adam and Eve disorder entered the world.
The once orderly world God created was
disrupted by the sin of Adam and Eve.
The disorder in the elements, the disorder
in the world because of Adam and Eve sinning –
the harmony God gave them, was now disharmony,
as they acted against God, for their own
independence and pride.
So in life – God gives us a Plan – and
we remember how satan was in the
reading the first Sunday of Lent –
he just wanted Jesus under him –
he wanted Jesus to bow to him –
So we see a Plan of God – to bring so many
gifts to the world, help souls to get to
heaven, bring gifts and we see one
so jealous, prideful
stand on the head of the one God
called in combat – wasting all the
energy and time while the person just
wants to raise up in disorder over
just authority – to do what they want –
put themselves first over God's will –
Remember Joseph's brothers – they hated
Joseph because God chose Joseph –
Remember Cain and Abel? Abel was murdered
by Cain –
Things were out of control so much at the
time of Noah –
God had Noah build an Ark and
All that survived the great flood was Noah and
his family and the animals on the Ark.
Remember Jesus' enemies put Him to death!
When God calls us we can say – I followed Your
will God, I did Your Plan for me – I used the
gifts You gave me as You wanted and I brought
You these people I loved and trained and
these, I built up to build Your
Kingdom for Your honor and glory –
OR we can say – I fought to be on top –
I wanted it my way, I used your things
You gave me to rebel against Your own
plan and then when I had my whole life
to love, I was selfish, trying to be
first and I stood on top of those over
me like in a boxing ring and used my
time and energy for the sport, I made
my life's work.
Jesus: And you did not serve Me. You wasted
My beautiful gifts to you and rebelled
like your ancestors and I called you
to help renew the earth – to reach
out to men and to build up My Kingdom
in love and peace and harmony.
I have called 8 days of prayer at both centers
a month.
I have called for these Ministries to be spread,
the Blue Books spread, the Prayer Chapters
Do you remember the holocaust?
Mary appeared at Fatima to warn them –
Excerpt from The Spirituality of Fatima
by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.
July 13, 1917
"During her appearance in July, Our Lady, in answer to Lucia's plea, promised that in October she would work a great miracle so that all might believe and know who she was. Again, the Mother of God told the children to sacrifice themselves for sinners and to say many times, especially when making a sacrifice, this prayer: "O my Jesus, I offer this for love of Thee, for the conversion of poor sinners, and in reparation for all the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." (11)
"During this same July apparition, Mary showed the three children a vision of Hell. She told them:
"You have seen Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish, in the world, devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If people do what I tell you, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.
"The war (World War I, then raging) is going to end. But if people do not stop offending God, another and worse one will begin in the reign of Pius XI. When you shall see a night illuminated by an unknown light [January 2, 1938], know that this is the great sign that God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its many crimes by means of war, hunger, and persecution of the Church and the Holy Father. (12)
"To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of Reparation on the five first Saturdays. If my requests are granted, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will scatter her errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, and various nations will be destroyed....
"But in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph, the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, Russia will be converted, and a certain period of peace will be granted to the world." (13)
11. For background material on Fatima, I am particularly indebted to
Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven (Rockford: TAN
Books and Publishers, Inc., 1983). pp.3-4.
12. Ibid., pp.4-5.
13. Ibid., p.5.
From Fatima Peace Plan — Tan Books p.4-5.
July 13, 1917
As she spoke these words, Our Lady stretched out her hands, and bright rays came forth which seemed to penetrate into the earth. All at once the ground vanished, and the children found themselves standing on the brink of a sea of fire. As they peered into this dreadful place, the terrified youngsters saw huge numbers of devils and damned souls. The devils resembled hideous black animals, each filling the air with despairing shrieks. The damned souls were in their human bodies and seemed to be brown in color, tumbling about constantly in the flames and screaming with terror. All were on fire within and without their bodies, and neither devils nor damned souls seemed able to control their movements. They were tossing about in the flames like fiery coals in a furnace. There was never an instant's peace or freedom from pain.
end of excerpt
Jesus: In August they interfered with the Blessed
Mother's Apparition by jailing the
children – !!
Do you see the murder of the innocent babies
in abortion –
the homosexuality –
I am God –
I have a Plan –
I have given the Shepherds of Christ Movement
to help in the renewal of the Church and
the world –
while spreading My books –
while spreading My Shepherds of Christ Prayers –
while spreading the Priestly Writing –
while spreading the School Rosary Program –
while spreading the Nursing Home Ministries –
while spreading the Morning Offering,
Holy Spirit Novena and other prayers.
I give you life - to live as God wants you
to live according to His Plan –
You can hold out in rebellion to force
your evil ways that tear at
the Plan.
I give you the sign of the Rainbow –
Mary appeared in Rainbow color –
I sent the rainbow as a sign –
Genesis 9: 11-17
And I shall maintain my covenant with you: that never again shall all living things be destroyed by the waters of a flood, nor shall there ever again be a flood to devastate the earth.’
‘And this’, God said, ‘is the sign of the covenant which I now make between myself and you and every living creature with you for all ages to come: I now set my bow in the clouds and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I gather the clouds over the earth and the bow appears in the clouds, I shall recall the covenant between myself and you and every living creature, in a word all living things, and never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all living things. When the bow is in the clouds I shall see it and call to mind the eternal covenant between God and every living creature on earth, that is, all living things.’
‘That’, God told Noah, ‘is the sign of the covenant I have established between myself and all living things on earth.’
Jesus: Remember the Tower of Babel – they
were willful – they thought they would
reach the sky –
Abraham was faithful to My Plan and I
put him over many nations –
he was obedient – ready to
sacrifice his son, Isaac, because I
put him to the test –
You test Me –
Waste time and some fight in a boxing
ring what is opposed to My order,
against harmony –
How can you fight God and expect
to win –
If it is of God - it will survive
and you were fighting God –
Acts 5: 34-40
One member of the Sanhedrin, however, a Pharisee called Gamaliel, who was a teacher of the Law respected by the whole people, stood up and asked to have the men taken outside for a time. Then he addressed the Sanhedrin, 'Men of Israel, be careful how you deal with these people. Some time ago there arose Theudas. He claimed to be someone important, and collected about four hundred followers; but when he was killed, all his followers scattered and that was the end of them. And then there was Judas the Galilean, at the time of the census, who attracted crowds of supporters; but he was killed too, and all his followers dispersed. What I suggest, therefore, is that you leave these men alone and let them go. If this enterprise, this movement of theirs, is of human origin it will break up of its own accord; but if it does in fact come from God you will be unable to destroy them. Take care not to find yourselves fighting against God.' His advice was accepted; and they had the apostles called in, gave orders for them to be flogged, warned them not to speak in the name of Jesus and released them.
Jesus: Foolish men – they jailed the children –
Look at World War II – I haven't forgotten
what they did to block My Plan
and there was World War II.
Devastation, Destruction, Death at
the hands of men serving satan for
their own pride and glory –
men did what they did killing people!!
Joseph was called by Me and his brothers
tried to kill Joseph –
Moses was a shepherd and he led the
flock – they rebelled against
Moses and made a golden calf!
Salvation History –
Rebellion and Prophets who suffered
by the men who rebelled against God!
Do you not see the rebellion today and
God the Father sent
the Lady of Clearwater to tell you
Don't stand on My Head!
You foolish men
Listen and be taught –
Help spread this Movement – now
throughout the world –
All 5ths -
Our Lady of Clearwater Florida
![]() November 5, 2003 |
![]() December 5, 2003 |
Jesus: David was a great leader –
David was a shepherd
David led the flock –
but David was not perfect –
Solomon was given the gift of wisdom –
From the Introduction of Blue Book 12
I listened to the readings yesterday about Solomon. His life became very complicated because he made bad choices and he bankrupted the country. He was given a great gift of wisdom, like never given to any man, but his lust and greed and building temples to false gods got the best of him. From being so richly favored and blessed by God he turned to so many bad things that hurt relationships for sure.R.
God gave us the 10 commandments.
The first 3 tell us about relationship with God.
The rest about relationship with each other.
We have been given a sharing in God’s life in baptism. Our knowing and loving capacity is elevated in baptism.
We can pray for an increase of the virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love.
Remember as a child we would make acts of Faith, Hope, and Love. We knew these by heart.
end of excerpt
Jesus: The King listened to the false prophet
and they persecuted Jeremiah and
there was the Babylonian Exile –
Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
‘Disaster for the shepherds who lose and scatter the sheep of my pasture, Yahweh declares. This, therefore, is what Yahweh, God of Israel, says about the shepherds who shepherd my people, "You have scattered my flock, you have driven them away and have not taken care of them. Right, I shall take care of you for your misdeeds, Yahweh declares! But the remnant of my flock I myself shall gather from all the countries where I have driven them, and bring them back to their folds; they will be fruitful and increase in numbers. For them I shall raise up shepherds to shepherd them and pasture them. No fear, no terror for them any more; not one shall be lost, Yahweh declares!
Look, the days are coming,
Yahweh declares,
when I shall raise an upright Branch
for David;
he will reign as king and be wise,
doing what is just and upright
in the country.
In his days Judah will triumph
and Israel live in safety.
And this is the name he will be called,
‘Yahweh–is–our–Saving–Justice.’ "
Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
July 19, 2009
HOMILY: There was a man who worked in a museum whose job it was to explain the different exhibits. On one occasion he pointed to the bones of a dinosaur saying the bones were 100 million and 9 years old. Someone asked how they could date those bones so accurately. He said “well, when I started working here, I was told these bones were 100 million years old and I’ve worked here for nine years.”
Today I want to give everyone a little history lesson. I’m not going back to the dinosaurs, but I am going back pretty far – to King David, 1000 years before Christ. When I was in school, I hated history. It wasn’t until we studied the history of the Old Testament in the seminary that I began to appreciate it. I cannot cram 1000 years of history into a couple of minutes. I just want to touch on the parts of Jewish history that are mentioned in today’s reading. If you want to learn more, read everything in the Old Testament, but be sure you have a commentary to help you. Otherwise, you’ll give up in despair because you won’t know what it’s all about - especially the prophets and the historical books.
When David was king 1000 years before Christ, David wanted to build a house for God, since there was no Temple for God at that time. God did not give David permission to do so, however God promised David through the prophet Nathan that he would bless him and build David a house in the sense that David’s kingdom would continue forever and one of his descendants would always rule. This blessing lasted through the reign of David’s son, Solomon; but we humans somehow have the ability to sabotage God’s blessings. Solomon turned to pagan gods and over-extended the country financially by elaborate building projects and exorbitant taxes, so when Solomon died there was a rebellion and most of Israel broke away from Solomon’s successor, David’s grandson, Rehoboam. Rehoboam continued to rule over the southern part of Israel, the area we know as Judaea . For 400 years (and this is amazing) the kings of Judaea were descendants of King David. The northern kingdom that rebelled against David’s successors suffered under a succession of kings and rebellions. In less than 300 years the northern kingdom was destroyed by the Assyrians, people from northern Iraq. About 100 years after that, the Babylonians from southern Iraq conquered the Assyrians and took control of the entire Middle East. The conquest of the Babylonians brings us up to Jeremiah whom we heard in today’s first reading. At the time of Jeremiah, here was the situation: the northern kingdom no longer existed. The southern kingdom, Judaea, was still being ruled by David’s descendants but they were not loyal to God or to God’s laws. Jeremiah spoke to these kings as they came into power, the last four being: Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoikin and Zedekiah. Zedikiah, the last reigning king, died in disgrace. After the Babylonians captured him, his sons were slaughtered before his eyes, he was then blinded and led off to Babylon in chains where he presumably died. You can read how Jeremiah spoke with them in great detail in the book of Jeremiah. He told them exactly what they needed to do to survive the invading forces of Babylon. His messages were ignored. He blames them and their leadership for the destruction that came upon God’s people. As we heard in today’s first reading, God speaks through Jeremiah: “Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock of my pasture.” God said he would take over shepherding his people; he would bring them back from exile; he would appoint leaders over them who would serve them well and lead them to peace and security. It took 600 years before God thought the world was ready for this king who would reign and govern wisely, who would do what is just and right in the land.
But then he came, through the announcement of an angel to a virgin who was engaged to a man named Joseph of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary. And the angel said to her “Do not be afraid Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his Kingdom there will be no end.”
In last week’s gospel, Jesus sent his apostles out to heal and cast out demons and to call people to repentance. In today’s gospel we are told of their return, excited over their experience and tired. Jesus wanted to some time off, but he couldn’t. The mission of Jesus and his apostles apparently was so successful that a great crowd caught up with them before they had chance to catch their breath. Mark describes Jesus taking compassion on them (his heart was moved with deep sympathy for them would probably be a better translation). He saw them as sheep without a shepherd, - people without leadership, and he began to teach them.
One of the important messages in today’s readings is that in love our Lord leads us, by teaching us and appointing others to teach us. But we need to listen, and we need to keep on listening. We’ll never be finished listening and learning as long as our world suffers from injustice, poverty, hunger, discrimination, war, hatred and killing of innocent people. Christ would be put to death before he would stop teaching. It is to our own great loss when we stop listening. That’s one of the reasons we are here each weekend, to listen and to learn. We call ourselves disciples. The word disciple means learner. When we’ve quit learning, we’ve quit being a disciple.
Mary: On this 97th Anniversary of my first apparition
at Fatima –
I beg you to see the gift God the Father has
given in this Movement and
to ask yourself how you have
listened to the messages from God, through
the Founder and Co-founder to help renew
the Church and the world –
Through the ages God has called men to be
founders of orders and communities
to do a work God was calling and
satan has interfered with these
messages through willful men
and caused sufferings and heartache –
Read the messages of Jesus given to
Fr. Carter and Rita.
20 Years Ago
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
Mary: And listen – do not give
into satan fighting the Plan
God is giving because of pride and
jealousy and envy –
Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
My dear fellow Associate Members,
Jesus is calling special apostles to join a new division of the Shepherds of Christ Movement. Here is a message from Jesus given to Father Carter:
My beloved priest-companion, I am requesting that a new prayer movement be started under the direction of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I am asking for volunteers who are willing to pray before the Blessed Sacrament for one hour, twice-weekly. Members of the Shepherds of Christ prayer chapters, as well as others, are to be invited to join this movement.
These apostles are to pray for the intentions I am giving you. For part of the hour they are to use the prayers of the Shepherds of Christ Associates Handbook. They may spend the rest of the hour as they so choose.
I will use this new prayer movement within My Shepherds of Christ Ministries in a powerful way to help in the renewal of My Church and the world. I will give great graces to those who join this movement. The name, Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, is to be given to this movement.
I am inviting My beloved Rita Ring to be coordinator for this activity.
I pour out the great love of My Sacred Heart to all. I am Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock.
This is indeed a special calling for us to unite in one heart with His Eucharistic Heart and pray for the following intentions:
1. For the spread of the devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary culminating in the reign of the Sacred Heart and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
2. For the Pope.
3. For all bishops of the world.
4. For all priests.
5. For all sisters and brothers in the religious life.
6. For all members of the Shepherds of Christ Movement, and for the spread of this movement to the world.
7. For all members of the Catholic Church.
8. For all members of the human family.
9. For all souls in purgatory.end of Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart message
October 13, 1994
The Birth of the Full Ministries
of the Shepherds of Christ
"I wish to share with you part of a message which Jesus gave us on October 13, 1994. The message tells us about the expansion of the Shepherds of Christ movement:
'My beloved priest-companion, today I come to you with another mission. I am asking you to establish Shepherds of Christ Ministries. At My request you have already begun the priestly newsletter, "Shepherds of Christ", and the prayer chapters, Shepherds of Christ Associates...
'I am giving you this message on this day, the 77th Anniversary of the Great Apparition at Fatima, because of the close connection between the Shepherds of Christ movement and the Fatima message. The Fatima message is centered in devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart, especially in consecration to Our Hearts. Shepherds of Christ Ministries is also centered in devotion to Our Hearts. I will use Shepherds of Christ Ministries as a great instrument in helping to bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. When this occurs, My Church and the world will be experiencing the great era of peace promised by My Mother at Fatima.
'Today, then, October 13, 1994, the 77th Anniversary of the Great Apparition at Fatima, marks the birth of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I pour forth the great love of My Sacred Heart to all. I am Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock.'
"Jesus has told us that Shepherds of Christ Ministries includes: the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, Shepherds of Christ Associates prayer chapters, various publications, including books, whatever else Our Lord directs us to undertake.
"As members of Shepherds of Christ Associates, you are an extremely important part of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. You have given great joy to the Heart of Jesus by responding to His invitation to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. As He draws you closer to His Heart and to His Mother's Heart as Associates members, He will fill you with an ever-increasing experience of His love, peace, and joy."
- From In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Newsletter of Shepherds of Christ Associates
by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J., Volume 1, No. 1, 1995. p. 2.
From Blue Book 13
December 19, 1996
Mary: My dear children, I give to you, my Son, Jesus, born in a stable in Bethlehem on Christmas morn. He is the Almighty God, the Light of the World.
I appear to you, my children, on a (former) bank in Florida. You have made money your god! Do you know how cold are your hearts? You turn away from my Son, Jesus, for your money. Your money is your god.
I am Mary, your Mother. I do not appear as I once appeared to you. I am asking you today to circulate my message given on a tape on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12, 1996. Please circulate this tape now. Give it to as many people as you can. I am Mary, your Mother. Please circulate my Rosary Book.
end of December 19, 1996
From Blue Book 14
January 18, 1997
God the Father: My Dear Children,
I am the Father. My plan is unfolding through you, My beloved priest, Fr. Carter, and Rita and the core group in the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
I tell you all to read the accounts concerning Noah. Nowhere in history has God been offended as He is this day by this sinful world. You will suffer a fate for the offenses against God.
Mary appeared at Fatima to warn you, the sinful children, how they were offending God, but you did not listen. The war did not change the hearts of many evil men.
I warn you through My beloved daughter, Mary. You did not heed her warnings. Disobedience against the Mother I gave you displeases Me greatly. Mary is the Mother of all children. Mary is a gift from Me, but you are willful and abuse the gift I send you.
You do not make reparation to her Immaculate Heart; you continue to offend her. I will not tolerate the deeds of evil men any longer.
My plan will unfold. Any disobedience to these messages given by Me, My Son, or your Mother Mary will cause Me great displeasure.
I am the Father, the Almighty God, the Alpha, the Omega; you are a sinful people, a chosen race sinning against a loving God.
I am angered at your ways for they are not My ways, you have run amuck, you have offended your God, you have disobeyed your Mother and My beloved Son who died to save you.
I will act on all who continue in such sin. The sheep will be separated from the goats; the goats will receive punishment for their deed. Heaven and earth will kiss, there will be love in all hearts, justice will prevail and My children will be children of light, children that obey as I intended from the beginning.
Oh indeed My sweet messenger, I look to the earth and see the darkness, I see the disobedience of men against their Mother. I know the deeds committed and the evil in the hearts of so many. Justice will prevail and I will wipe out the earth. Only the children of light will remain, those who have given their hearts to their Mother Mary.
Do you think I send your Mother Mary as a messenger to be disobeyed by willful children? What do you think about at night, the cat, the dog, the fish? You don't know love. You don't love God or one another. This is My command to you, to love. You are a sinful, willful race, and the devil will vanish from the hearts of the children of light for they will be under the protection of her Immaculate Heart, the other children will be wiped off the face of the earth.
Disobey My messenger, ignore your Mother, ignore the Son in these messages. Ignore My Son who died for you.
Oh you sinful people filled with pride and disobedience, I give you the directions here to turn your hearts to love.
My Son has revealed Himself as never before in history into His tremendous love for men and you treat Our gift with such indifference.
I am angered at the lack of support to spread the messages of My Son's love for all.
You worry for funds, worry more, I am God the Father, the Almighty God. You disobeyed Mary, you disobeyed Jesus, now you will disobey Me?
You must obey My directions, the directions given through My Son, Jesus for the unfolding of the Father's plan.
No longer will I wait while willful men check and deliberate and disobey.
My plan will unfold through the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
I am talking through these messages given by My Son and Mary to tell you how to accomplish this task of carrying out My plan.
You must obey. The directions are given in these messages to spread the fire of God's love across this earth, to renew the Church and the world.
Because of willful men these messages have been held in check.
I am God, the maker of all things. You have made money your god. I want obedience, the funds will come when you obey all of the directions I have given to you.
Anyone who interferes with these messages will be removed.
These are the messages I give to the world. Fr. Carter's newsletter will teach the priests, all they need to know to be holy, loving priests.
Many priests are not loving, they are cold in their hearts. I will instruct the clergy through the newsletter.
My Son is the Chief Priest and Teacher. He has taught the world the secrets of His Heart through the writings of Fr. Carter and Rita, to go to men to check the value of these writings displeases Me.
You must have faith, you must study the entire revelations given here. You are not valuing My great gift to you.
I am the power, I am God, to the ends of the earth, I will be with you. My plan will unfold. You must think big, not on a human level. You must come to Me.
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
I am telling you to circulate the tape of January 13 (1997) as soon as possible. This tape must be released to the world. It is the message to go with the apparition on the building in Florida.
You must make every connection with Mary's message given December 12 (1996) and the messages given by Mary with the apparition of her on the building in Florida.
Time is very short and My patience is very thin. I will strike the earth and the evil men will scatter and there will be a reign of peace where men will love God as I intended. The evil men will be chastised for I sent your Mother to warn you and you disobeyed. I gave My Son as a sacrifice and you treated Him with indifference. I am angry at the creatures on this earth. I will lessen the chastisement if you make reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Oh willful children, you disobey your Mother, you are unloving and willful and your ways are evil. You are a sinful race.
I am sending water, rain to quench your thirst, My beloved children of light; I am sending fire to burn the fields for the sinful children, they will suffer drought and will fall to the ground dead, they will know fire, they will know the wrath of God. For I speak and I am ignored.
I am using the Shepherds of Christ Movement to majorly carry out the plan begun at Fatima. Every day lost is a lost day. I give to you Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary as your directions to help the plan unfold. Circulate these rosaries to all chapters and stress their importance.
The tape of January 13 (1997) is important to the world. The tape must be circulated with the apparition in Florida and the messages typed and put on the Internet with the rest of the messages I have given. The connection must be made between the apparition and the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
Satan will attack you strongly, he will create division and give messages through other visionaries to get you off coarse. You must obey My directions given in these messages to help bring about the completion of the Fatima message.
I will weed out anyone interfering with My plan.
I will tell you when you have deviated from My plan, do not taunt My messenger, this displeases Me. Read the messages for direction and obey them.
The directions given are strong to correct a sick world. You must quit focusing on the messenger and obey Me.
I am the Father, these are My messages to bring about the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart.
You think of money and miss the gift given. You are men bolted to the earth. You must obey Me. I have all the power.
end of January 18, 1997
May 13, 2014 continues
Mary: On this day
May 13, 2014
My Son Jesus gives you these
messages –
God the Father has sent these
messages to you to warn
the faithful of satan's evil plan and
to tell you what to do to
avert any future destruction
at the hands of the evil one –
I am Mary your Mother –
Listen and don't fight me –
I have appeared for 20 years
delivering these messages
Please my children –
listen to me
Help me do as God the Father
asks – Obey Him and
I am Mary your Mother May 13, 2014.
May 13, 2014 - 97th Anniversary of Mary's 1st Apparition at Fatima
R. Paul was imprisoned and put in chains.
Paul suffered so much for love of Jesus.
Paul has given us the great gift of his writings.
When we look at the Gospel of John 21: 15-19
we see Peter – Shepherd of all the Lord's sheep –
John 21: 15-19
When they had eaten, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me more than these others do?’ He answered, ‘Yes, Lord, you know I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my lambs.’ A second time he said to him, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me?’ He replied, ‘Yes, Lord, you know I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Look after my sheep.’ Then he said to him a third time, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me?’ Peter was hurt that he asked him a third time, ‘Do you love me?’ and said, ‘Lord, you know everything; you know I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my sheep.
Sing Song: Do You Really Love Me?
Sing Song: Valleys of Green
From Sunday's Readings
Acts 2: 14, 36-41
Then Peter stood up with the Eleven and addressed them in a loud voice:
‘Men of Judaea, and all you who live in Jerusalem, make no mistake about this, but listen carefully to what I say.
‘For this reason the whole House of Israel can be certain that the Lord and Christ whom God has made is this Jesus whom you crucified.’
Hearing this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, ‘What are we to do, brothers?’ ‘You must repent,’ Peter answered, ‘and every one of you must be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise that was made is for you and your children, and for all those who are far away, for all those whom the Lord our God is calling to himself.’ He spoke to them for a long time using many other arguments, and he urged them, ‘Save yourselves from this perverse generation.’ They accepted what he said and were baptised. That very day about three thousand were added to their number.
1 Peter 2: 20-25
but what glory is there in putting up with a beating after you have done something wrong? The merit in the sight of God is in putting up with it patiently when you are punished for doing your duty.
This, in fact, is what you were called to do, because Christ suffered for you and left an example for you to follow in his steps. He had done nothing wrong, and had spoken no deceit. He was insulted and did not retaliate with insults; when he was suffering he made no threats but put his trust in the upright judge. He was bearing our sins in his own body on the cross, so that we might die to our sins and live for uprightness; through his bruises you have been healed. You had gone astray like sheep but now you have returned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls.
John 10: 1-10
‘In all truth I tell you, anyone who does not enter the sheepfold through the gate, but climbs in some other way, is a thief and a bandit. He who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the flock; the gate-keeper lets him in, the sheep hear his voice, one by one he calls his own sheep and leads them out. When he has brought out all those that are his, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow because they know his voice. They will never follow a stranger, but will run away from him because they do not recognise the voice of strangers.’
Jesus told them this parable but they failed to understand what he was saying to them.
So Jesus spoke to them again:In all truth I tell you,
I am the gate of the sheepfold.
All who have come before me
are thieves and bandits,
but the sheep took no notice of them.
I am the gate.
Anyone who enters through me
will be safe"
such a one will go in and out
and will find pasture.
The thief comes
only to steal and kill and destroy.
I have come
so that they may have life
and have it to the full.
Excerpt from May 11, 2014
Sing: Valleys of Green
R. The image figure of the Shepherd is very common –
The Psalm is a Psalm of the living –
The Lord will lead His people to safe pastures –
Moses and David were great Shepherds
God considers those who are bad shepherds
who are doing it for themselves –
Jesus: The sheep hear My voice and they follow Me –
R. The sheep listen to the voice of their Shepherd and
they follow him –
The sheep follow the voice of their shepherd –
A Good Shepherd leads the sheep where God
wants them to go –
Jesus Christ says: Take up your cross and follow Me –
R. Some sheep were afraid to cross the waters –
The shepherd picked up a sheep and
carried him –
So they knew they were safe and followed –
The Shepherd was the Sheep - Gate –
He protected the sheep – so
they would not get hurt –
Jesus is the Good Shepherd –
Jesus came to show us He loves us
Jesus came to show us God the Father loves us –
Bad shepherds
save their own lives rather than
helping to save the sheep –
Jesus condemns the shepherds of
His day –
The Pharisees acted like thieves
and marauders –
The Pharisees are concerned about
themselves –
The 4th Sunday of Easter is Good Shepherd Sunday –
Today is Vocation Day –
God calls us to our vocation –
single –
married life –
God is calling us to our vocation –
That we give our life to God's calling –
Jesus was willing to give Himself –
Jesus calls us to our vocation –
Jesus tells us to come follow Me –
The Lord is our Shepherd –
He has showed us the way –
Jesus gave His life for us –
Jesus leads us to green pastures –
The Lord loves us –
He is our Shepherd –
Jesus is the Good Shepherd
Easter Joy –
He brings new growth out
of what appeared to be
dead trees of winter –
His sky is open - telling us of
the limitlessness of
meditating on the
omnipotence of God –
Easter Joy –
The wideness of the road that
leads to perdition is
seen in contrast to the
road ahead which is
the way, the truth and the life –
a road of one –
following the Good Shepherd –
The Good Shepherd who lays
down his life for His sheep.
Christ is our friend –
We see the love of Christ
for Peter and John
Christ loved Peter in a different
way than He loved John
His love for John we see from
John's writings –
"the disciple He loved most"
R. All disciples were loved –
John was sensitive
John was gentle –
John the Baptist was
different than St. John
the Apostle –
We see Jesus' love for the
people –
When He was tired –
Jesus shows us love –
We can see more and more in
the Blue Books how
Christ is calling men to
the tender love of His Sacred Heart.
We see the gentleness of Jesus'
love for His Mother –
We see the gentleness of
love of Jesus for John –
We see Jesus gives to us His Church
not in a cold way –
Christ gives us the Church
through His pierced Heart –
Jesus wants this intimate love of
His Sacred Heart
How Jesus is wounded by
Sisters and Priests and brothers
who approach their marriage
to Jesus, like a cold job rather
than a marriage to Him and
devotion in love to His Sacred Heart.
Jesus wants me to talk about
the mystery of His love –
the depth of the love of
the Heart of Christ –
This is the message of Jesus.
end of May 11, 2014 writing
21 Years Ago
Cling to Me
May 13, 1993
Jesus: My dear child, if you stay close to Me, then I live in you and you live in Me. I am He Who created you and I love you with such an intensity that you will never know. My words are your truth. You must abide in My heart in all things. There is no room for doubt. My ways are steadfast, direct, and without error.
You must stay rooted in Me to ward off the power of the evil one. His grip is paralyzing and crippling. His power is stronger every day.
When you live in Me, I am in your heart and he has no power over Me. I am your God. I am your true lover. I want to protect you. I want to guard you from this force. Stay rooted firmly in Me and he will have no power.
I am He Who comforts you. My hand is upon you. Hold tight to Me, My child. My eyes are fixed right on you. You are My most precious child. I love you as no other can. My arms are about you. My tenderness surrounds you. My love is in your heart. You go not alone. I walk with you.
I share every aspect of your life with you. Cling to Me, feel My presence. It is warm and secure within your chest. There is no room for fear, for I cast out fear and bring you comfort and joy.
end of May 13, 1993
May 13, 20014 continues
R. We give our hearts to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and know
the Holy Spirit, her beloved Spouse will outpour
His grace and mold us more and more in the
image of Jesus.
Oh Father of love and mercy, You created us
and love us so much – send Your Holy Sprit to
come and fill us with the fire of God's love –
Holy Spirit work in us –
97 years from Mary's First Apparition at Fatima –
Dear Holy Spirit please come to us and give us Your gifts.
We seek Wisdom in our minds to have insights into
the Divine Mysteries; Understanding to see through
the eyes of God from the side He wants us to see,
not being closed in, on one side. We seek
counsel to follow the spiritual guides God sends
to us to help us grow correctly as God wants
in the spiritual life. We pray for fortitude
to have courage to do what God asks us
to do and to do what He wants done.
We pray for knowledge – to know God more –
to develop in our capacity of knowing God, grow
in our loving and knowing capacity – elevated in
baptism – We seek knowledge to operate in
the best way to accomplish what God asks
of us in our way of life – in our vocation –
We seek piety – we know God has a purpose for
our life – we seek this purpose –
From the Priestly Newsletter
Cardinal Newman said
"... everyone who breathes, high and low,
educated and ignorant, young and old, man and woman,
has a mission, has a work. We are not sent
into this world for nothing; we are not born at
random. . . God sees every one of us;
He creates every soul, He lodges it in
a body, one by one, for a purpose. He needs,
He deigns to need, every one of us.
He has an end for each of us... we are
placed in our different ranks and stations, not to
get what we can out of them for ourselves, but to
labor in them for Him, as He rejoiced to do His work,
we must rejoice in ours also."
(Discourses addressed to mixed congregations)
R. We seek fear of the Lord, that is having basic
humility under God, we want to know and
love and serve God as He desires.
Dear God help us to grow in our knowing and loving
capacity, help the season of Lent and Easter
to live in our lives. We want to live the Pascal
Mystery of death/resurrection in our lives.
John 21: 20-25
Peter turned and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them—the one who had leant back close to his chest at the supper and had said to him, ‘Lord, who is it that will betray you?’ Seeing him, Peter said to Jesus, ‘What about him, Lord?’ Jesus answered, ‘If I want him to stay behind till I come, what does it matter to you? You are to follow me.’ The rumour then went out among the brothers that this disciple would not die. Yet Jesus had not said to Peter, ‘He will not die,’ but, ‘If I want him to stay behind till I come.’
This disciple is the one who vouches for these things and has written them down, and we know that his testimony is true.
There was much else that Jesus did; if it were written down in detail, I do not suppose the world itself would hold all the books that would be written.
R. Oh Father of mercy, we are sorry for our sins,
please forgive us for our pride and anger,
our envy and jealousies, competition with
those You have sent as gifts for us to work
with to build Your Kingdom –
Oh Father we are sorry, when we are envious and
seek dominance for dominance sake we
move away from intimacy with You who
has called us to humility and not pride. Oh Father
of mercy forgive us for our offenses against God.
Outpour Your healing grace and help us to die to
the tendencies of the wounded human nature that
offend You and divide us from others You have
called us to work with and to appreciate their
love given to us.
Oh Father help us not to be selfish and closed
in on ourselves, but open to all the
gifts You want to pour on our soul,
Sing: Veni Sancte Spiritus
From the Lectionary
Pentecost Sequence
Come, Holy Spirit, come!
And from your celestial home
Shed a ray of light divine!Come, Father of the poor!
Come, source of all our store!
Come, within our bosoms shine!You, of comforters the best;
You, the soul's most welcome guest;
Sweet refreshment here below;In our Labor, rest most sweet;
Grateful coolness in the heat;
Solace in the midst of woe.O most blessed Light divine,
Shine within these hearts of yours,
And our inmost being fill!Where you are not, man has naught,
Nothing good in deed or thought,
Nothing free from taint of ill!Heal our wounds, our strength renew;
On our dryness pour your dew;
Wash the stains of guilt away;Bend the stubborn heart and will;
Melt the frozen, warm the chill;
Guide the steps that go astray.On the faithful, who adore
And confess you, evermore
In your sev'nfold gift descend;Give them virtue's sure reward;
Give them your salvation, Lord;
Give them joys that never end. Amen.
R. Christ calls us to witness.
Christ witnessed to the Father.
Christ is truth and love.
Our entire life is to witness to the Father's truth
and love.
God has called us to live the Christ-life in
baptism – to be witnesses of the Father's
truth and love, given to us through Jesus
in the Holy Spirit.
We must live the Christ-life –
not talk about it – be as Christ
wants us to be in the world –
Come to me Lord and Possess my soul
There are to be graced communities throughout
the world as we members of the mystical body
of Christ live His life, death and resurrection
in our lives. We must live out the
mystery of death/resurrection in our lives.
Death - Resurrection
R. Our life of grace is our life of
resurrection, being more abundantly filled
with God's life in us.
R. I love Blue Book 11. It is so important – Jesus
woke me one night and told me to put this
Introduction in Blue Book 11 –
This is the theme of Blue Book 11 –
so important in our life –
From the Introduction of Blue Book 11
Response in Christ - Chapter 4 by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J.Excerpt from
In schematic outline we have discussed the manner in which the baptized Christian extends his Mass to his daily existence. As he so lives out his Mass, he is becoming more Christlike. He becomes a more perfect priest and victim for his next participation in the eucharistic sacrifice.
42 The beautiful cycle which the Mass contains lies exposed before us. As part of this cycle the Christian is intimately involved in the process of continued redemption. The Mass is the center of the Christian life: “. . . the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the fount from which all her power flows.” 4342. For a current treatment of the varied richness of the Eucharist, cf. J. Wicks, “The Movement of Eucharistic Theology” in
Chicago Studies, Vol. 10 (1971), pp. 267-284.
November 21, 2013
I call you to live your lives as devout members of the mystical body of Christ. I have given these writings that men will realize that they are to live united deeply to the Mass going on around the world. Your lives, given as an offering, a sacrifice every moment in union with the Mass going on around the world. Your life, a sacrifice, offered to the Father, in union with the Mass in oneness with Me, in the Holy Spirit through the intercession of the Blessed Mother with all the angels and saints and the souls in purgatory.Your lives given as members of My mystical body can help to bring down great graces for the priest, the Church and the world.
Excerpt from
Response in Christ - Chapter 4 by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J.“How does the Christian help Christ redeem the world? (Henceforth the term “world” is to be understood as including both rational and nonrational creation.) As previously stated, the Christian helps Christ redeem the world by reliving Christ’s mysteries. The same “events” or mysteries which accomplished the objective redemption further the subjective redemption also. Since at the heart of Christ’s mysteries are His death and Resurrection, it is especially these that the Christian must relive. As the Christian dies mystically with Christ through loving conformity with the Father’s will, he rises with Christ to an ever greater share in the Resurrection, in the newness of life, in the life of grace. As the Christian in this manner relives the paschal mystery of Christ, he is accomplishing not only his own redemption, but he is also, in a mysterious yet real manner, helping Christ redeem the world.”
R. As we live the Father's will – we die to those
things not like Jesus and we rise to
greater life in God!
Our ultimate goal in the spiritual life
is to live a greater life of resurrection –
to prepare for our heavenly reward
in the beatific vision.
From the Our Father
"Thy will be done on earth as it is
in heaven"
From Fr. Carter's writings
Fr. Carter says:
"The members of the mystical body of Christ,
the Church, are called to re-live
Christ's entire
life as centered in Death-Resurrection."
St. Ignatius leads us in the Spiritual
Exercises to live the mysteries of Christ's
life in our life.
To me, Jesus has led us in the Shepherds of Christ
to live the mysteries of the rosary
in our lives
in the Blue Book, in the retreat.
We are called to live the mystery of Christ
in our lives!
One time I had a vision at Mass in the chapel
when Fr. Carter said Mass at the Faber
House –
Excerpt from Blue Book 7
May 25, 1995 - Ascension Thursday
The Christ Event
At Mass that day, I had a revelation of Jesus in so many mysteries, His Ascension, His birth, and so forth, and how I know Him now. It was as if my whole relationship was one with His whole life, I knew Jesus. In that I knew Him in His birth, the Eucharist, as my Bridegroom. In such experiences it is the fullness of His life I experience, the depth of the mystery.R.
On Ascension Thursday 1995, I had such a deep experience at Mass. I saw Him ascending into heaven. I saw before me Jesus. I had deep insight into the Mystery of Christ. I knew Him in my deep intimate union I experience in the Eucharist, I knew Him so deeply in the Divine Mysteries. I knew Him so deep in my soul.I will never forget the deep and vivid vision I had of Him ascending into heaven, it is planted most deeply on my soul. He was clothed in a red tunic and a white gown. His hands were extended upward and there were rays of light coming down from above in the form of an upside down funnel (little end up). He was up a little from the bottom wide side, then I saw Him going upward. He ascended upward. The rays of light were bright and beautiful.
I was in a very deep state of ecstasy. When I left Fr. Carter’s Jesuit house I could hardly walk. The mud looked so dirty and the trees so plain. It was hard to go from this experience to the world outside. I saw this vision and was taken so deeply into this experience and then I saw the world as it was. It was such a let down.
This was May 25, 1995, but I remember it all so vividly and I see the vision clearly as I saw it that day. Whenever I meditate on the ascension I can see this vision. It fills my heart with joy.
May 25, 1995—I left Church and was in such a weakened state. When I got home I experienced deeper and deeper revelations. I was made so aware that the Father would answer my prayers. Here is the writing I received.
Then I went into an ecstatic experience and terrible suffering and I heard Jesus call out. I am alive, I am alive, I am alive. Here is the message I received that day It was very strong and for days afterwards I just wanted to cry from the experience of hearing Him shout this out.
end of excerpt
R. How are we to put on Christ in our vocation?
God has called us to different vocations
in the Church.
Each Christian lives out his vocation and
lives the mystery of Christ in their lives –
As we live in our vocation we project
Christ into the world in our lives –
This is our calling to live His life,
death and resurrection in our lives!
We are one in Him. We receive the Body and
Blood of Jesus, the sharing in His life we
receive in baptism is nourished
by receiving His Body and Blood.
We say to Jesus when He asks us –
Do you love Me?
We shout – Lord we love You!
Thank You for the Bread of Life!
We are to bring Christ to the world as
God has called us in our vocation
with our uniqueness, our gifts and
talents in the vocation He called
us to – our gifts and talents in
living our vocation and building
the Kingdom of God –
We are one body in Him. The Mass is
the sacrifice of Calvary, sacramentally
made present.
We are to work with others in our lives.
Man does not go to God alone. We were
created social beings. God in Salvation
History communicated to man in
a framework of community.
We pray united as one in the Mass.
We come together as one. We are united
as members of the mystical body of
Christ to all the Masses going on around
the world.
We unite in the Morning Offering to all
the Masses going on around the world.
Here is a long Morning Offering Jesus
gave me June 8, 1995 – 19 years ago –
My dear Father, I offer You this day all my prayers, works, joys and sufferings, my every breath, my every heartbeat, my every thought, all my actions, in union with Jesus in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in the Holy Spirit. I pray the Holy Spirit is with me every second today, enlightening me to do the will of the Father and filling me with the fire of God's love.
I ask Jesus and Mary to be one in me in all that I do and I unite with all the angels and saints and souls in purgatory to pray continually to the Father for these intercessions, in this prayer, for this day.
For myself, I pray for grace-abundant grace, to know and love God more and more and to follow the will of the Father. I pray to the Holy Spirit to transform me in the heart of Mary to be more and more like Jesus. I pray that I can forever dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. I pray for conversion of all those I hold dear who need conversion. I pray for each member of my family that they will be filled with Your abundant grace to grow in their knowledge and love of God.
I pray for all my friends that they will receive abundant grace to carry out the great plan of the Father, that they will grow forever closer to Jesus' Heart through Mary's heart, that we will all be led by the Holy Spirit to do His work, that we will, together, carry out the plan of the Father as He intends us to, to spread the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary's heart to this world.
Jesus, I pray for myself so the Holy Spirit descends upon me and opens my heart to Your love so I will grow more and more deeply in union with You. I pray that I do not worry what other people think but try always to please the Father and do His will. I pray that I may help lead many to Your burning love.
I pray for the following people in particular that they will be filled with the Spirit and grow deeply in their union with You, that they will receive abundant graces to know, love and serve You more. (Include special friends by name...)
I pray for priests the world over, for the success of the Priestly Newsletter, the Chapters and for the finances needed for the Newsletter. I pray for the circulation of the Blue Book messages, rosary meditations and tapes. I pray for all those involved in the publication of these messages.
I pray that You will shower Your abundant graces onto the priests reading the Newsletter the people reading and hearing the Blue Book messages and Rosary Meditations and all of Fr. Carter's publications.
We pray for the intentions we hold deep within our hearts, for our families and friends, for those requesting our prayers. We pray for children the world over and for the souls in purgatory. We ask God to shower His abundant grace on us and the members of our Shepherds of Christ chapter so that we may grow more and more in our knowledge and love of God.
We consecrate ourselves to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We pray for Father Carter, for Father Smith, for Rita Ring, and for John Weickert, for all leaders and helpers in the Shepherds of Christ Movement, for Shepherds of Christ Ministries, and Our Lady of Light Ministry. We pray for all those who are working in these ministries.
We bind ourselves and our children and our friends to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We place the precious blood of Jesus on ourselves, and all we touch, so that we will be protected from the evil one. We pray to St. Michael to cast the devil into hell.
We love You, God, we love You, we love You. We beg that we may receive the grace to love You more and more deeply. We adore You, we praise You, our beloved Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
R. Here is a very short Morning Offering.
R. We like to send to Nursing Homes in
big print the Say Daily Card
to put by their bed –
Unity – Unity – Unity
The Church is
One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic –
We are united at Mass –
We respond individually to God at Mass.
We as members of the mystical body of
Christ, the Church, are members
of a religious community –
the People of God –
"Through Baptism the Christian becomes
incorporated into Christ and His Church"
Davis, Sacraments of Initiation pp. 30-83
"Confirmation perfects this incorporation"
Ibid, p. 127
Fr. Carter says:
"Through these two Sacraments the image
of Christ is indelibly imprinted upon
the soul. The task of the Christian is to
grow in this likeness of Christ more
and more through the development
of the life of sanctifying grace, the
Baptism primarily initiates us into Christ's
Paschal Mystery, His Death and Resurrection.
St. Paul tells us:
Romans 6: 3-5
You cannot have forgotten that all of us, when we were baptised into Christ Jesus, were baptised into his death. So by our baptism into his death we were buried with him, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the Father’s glorious power, we too should begin living a new life.
R. Baptism incorporates us into Christ's
Death and Resurrection and it unites
us with Christ in all His mysteries.
Excerpt from Priestly Newsletter January/February 1997
Thoughts on the Eucharist
Our personal relationship with Christ is characterized by the realization of the great, personal love of His Heart for each of us and of our need to love Him in return. The chief source for growth in the personal relationship with Jesus is the Eucharist. The Catechism tells us: "The Eucharist is 'the source and summit of the Christian life.' The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and work of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole good of the Church, namely Christ himself, Our Pasch."5
5. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 1324.
R. Here are the Mass Books Jesus gave me for
the Church and the world.
Christ enlists our help in the work ofRomans 8: 19-23
for the whole creation is waiting with eagerness for the children of God to be revealed. It was not for its own purposes that creation had frustration imposed on it, but for the purposes of him who imposed it—with the intention that the whole creation itself might be freed from its slavery to corruption and brought into the same glorious freedom as the children of God. We are well aware that the whole creation, until this time, has been groaning in labour pains. And not only that: we too, who have the first–fruits of the Spirit, even we are groaning inside ourselves, waiting with eagerness for our bodies to be set free.
We are called to help souls to
Excerpt from Response in Christ by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.
e) Relationship with Members of the Church
There is but one true Church of Christ. Yet this one Church has three different states of existence. There is the pilgrim Church, the Church of this world, composed of members who have received the grace of Christ and strive for its development. They have not yet obtained the goal of their efforts, as have the members of the heavenly Church, who enjoy God in eternal happiness. The Church suffering is an intermediate state of existence necessary for those who had not achieved the required purification as members of the pilgrim Church. Although there are these three phases of the Church’s existence, there is a profound union existing between all the members. All these members possess the same basic life of grace in Christ, and this common life establishes the most intimate bonds of love. In our preceding chapter, we discussed the pilgrim Church. Let us now consider the Church suffering and the heavenly Church.
The members of the Church suffering are those who have departed from this life in an incomplete state of Christian development. Their development is incomplete in the sense that grace has not fully taken possession of them, and, as a result, they are yet closed in upon themselves to a greater or lesser degree. They as yet cannot open themselves out in complete love to the Triune God in the beatific vision. They must undergo a further purification, a purification which could have been achieved upon earth with merit. Now the purification must be achieved with no merit attached. The pain of this purification is mixed with the certain expectation of achieving the vision of God. We can hasten the advent of this vision for this people by the offering of prayers and other good works. Scripture itself refers to our action on behalf of those in purgatory in Chapter 12 of the Second Book of Maccabees beginning with verse 38.
The members of the heavenly Church are those in whom the life of grace has taken full possession and has reached its completion in the life of glory. Faith now is unnecessary, as the light of glory gives the human intellect a new strength and capacity for seeing God face-to-face. While the Christian was a wayfarer, he received the imprint of the indwelling Trinity as he shared in God’s own life. Now in heaven that grace-life and possession of God reaches its completion—the absolute completion is not achieved, however, until the resurrection of the body. The divine persons give Themselves to the beatified in a profound union far surpassing that of the indwelling of the Trinity experienced here below.
This life of heaven is still the Christ-life, for just as we possess a share in Trinitarian life here below as mediated by Christ, and exercise this grace-life as structured by Him, so also in heaven is the mediation of Christ present. In the words of Rahner, "One always sees the Father through Jesus. Just as immediately as this, for the directness of the vision of God is not a denial of the mediatorship of Christ as man."14 And not only does the humanity of Christ unite the blessed to God, but also, in some way, to the whole of creation. This is merely a completion of what is begun here below, namely, the union with Christ in His humanity establishing the Christian in a special relationship with God, with other men, and with the whole of creation. We have a glimpse, therefore, of the fullness of life which members of the heavenly Church possess.
The heavenly Church, as St. Thomas says, is the true Church.15 The Church of this earth and the Church of purgatory are, each in its own way, reaching out in loving hope for the heavenly Jerusalem. Vatican II puts it very simply: "The Church, to which we are called in Christ Jesus, and in which we acquire sanctity through the grace of God, will attain her full perfection only in the glory of heaven."16
The members of the heavenly Church can help us in living our life of grace until we too share its fullness with them. Their power of intercession on our behalf is but another ramification of the communal aspect of Christianity. We are meant to help others grow in Christ. We, in turn, are intended by God to receive aid from others—yes, from members of the heavenly Church, as well as from those with whom we dwell here below.
Not only can we be aided by the saints’ intercession, but the example of the canonized saints can also be of great value to us. They have concretely proved that full holiness is possible. Such an inspiration is of real worth when we are tempted to think that Christian sanctity in its higher degrees is impossible of attainment. Moreover, the canonized saints, in their diversity, teach us that there are many authentic versions of Christian holiness. They can be innovators in showing us that there are numerous possibilities in assimilating the mystery of Christ, although the basic assimilation remains the same for all Christians of all times. In the opinion of Rahner this is one of the chief roles the canonized saints exert in the life of the Church.17
14Karl Rahner, Theological Investigations, Vol. III (Baltimore: Helicon, 1967), p. 44.
15 Cf. St. Thomas Aquinas, In Ad Ephes., c. 3, Lect. 3.
16Second Vatican Council, Constitution on the Church, No. 48.
17Cf. Karl Rahner, Op. cit., pp. 100-101.
Excerpt from Response in Christ by Fr. Carter S. J. pp. 99-100
Each Christian, according to God's plan for him, must have a vital and dynamic desire to help Christianize the whole world. Perhaps he can do very little through direct, external apostolate. But his prayers and sacrifices – indeed, his entire life – can touch the whole world. Through an intense Christian life the individual can help Christ further the redemption of the family, the business world, the social structure and the like. The Christian is called to have this deep desire: to see the whole universe imprinted with the name of Christ. How true it is to say that the Christian's vocation, rooted in the liturgy, calls for deep involvement in this sacred activity.41
In schematic outline we have discussed the manner in which the baptized Christian extends his Mass to his daily existence. As he so lives out his Mass, he is becoming more Christlike. He becomes a more perfect priest and victim for his next participation in the eucharistic sacrifice.42 The beautiful cycle which the Mass contains lies exposed before us. As part of this cycle the Christian is intimately involved in the process of continued redemption. The Mass is the center of the Christian life: ". . . the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the fount from which all her power flows."43
Cf. Second Vatican Council, Constitution on the Church, No. 36.
For a current treatment of the varied richness of the Eucharist, cf. J. Wicks, "The Movement of Eucharistic Theology" in Chicago Studies, Vol. 10 (1971), pp. 267-284.
The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, No. 10.
Excerpt from Response in Christ by Fr. Carter S. J. p. 188
In conclusion, we repeat that every state of life within the Church is fundamentally a particular life-form of Christian love. According to his vocation it is the primary task of the Christian to open himself to God's love and to respond to that love, to love man and to open himself to receive love from other human persons. These various dimensions of love are at the heart of our participation in Christ's death-resurrection. It is in trying to love properly that we really learn what it means to die with Christ. Receiving God's love and giving ourselves in return can cost us much, very much, at times. And to love others and open ourselves to their love can involve its own share of pain, hurt and frustration. Yes, to love properly truly means to die with Christ. Yet more importantly, to love properly also means to share in His Resurrection, His newness of life. Life here and hereafter is essentially a life of love. Without love there is no real happiness, no real joy, no real peace. If we are not willing to pay the price of loving, then we do not really wish to experience life in its fullness. For the Christian especially, to live is to love.
Excerpt from Response in Christ by Fr. Carter S. J. p. 226
In the meantime, we cannot receive the fullness of the Spirit's presence. There are various reasons for this. One reason is the sinful aspect of man which still remains despite his basic redemption in Christ. Sometimes we are tempted to think that man's sinfulness and the forces of evil have all but extinguished the Spirit's presence. Whatever the violent and blatant eruption of evil may be, we must not lose faith in the Spirit's presence among us. That presence is redemptive, and, therefore, productive of good; but for various reasons the goodness in men's hearts often goes largely unnoticed compared to our observance of the evil in men. We must learn to be more aware of the good in others. The Spirit is present to assure the continuance and growth of this goodness. He is present to deepen this goodness within human existence. He is present to deepen the imprint of Christ Jesus upon this universe. He is present to renew the face of the earth ever more perfectly. His work will be hastened in proportion to the willingness of each of us to receive Him. His work will tend toward completion to the degree that each of us becomes an instrument of the peace, the joy, the life, the love, that He has come to give. "Send forth your spirit, and they shall be created; and you shall renew the face of the earth. ... Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful; and kindle in them the fire of your love."10
10. From the Gradual of the Mass for the Feast of Pentecost.
Excerpt from Response in Christ by Fr. Carter S. J. pp. 285-286
We hereby arrive at the conclusion of our study of the Christian life. We have seen all the various facets of this life, both in its fundamental structure and in its means for expression and growth. Christ is the one who gives unity to all these facets; Christ is always central. In Him God continually gives Himself in loving self-communication. In Christ we make our own response in love. In Him we also exercise the other dimensions of our God-life. In Christ we love people and the creation which serves man. In Christ we likewise open ourselves to the love which others give us. Cutting across all these dimensions of our life in Christ is the pattern of death-resurrection. It is an important pattern, as we have often stressed. But remember, it is a pattern of love. The true Christian is one who is continually trying to love, who is always opening himself up to love. For the authentic Christian, life is a life of love.
Jesus is Life
Jesus tells us
John 6: 48-51
I am the bread of life.
Your fathers ate manna in the desert
and they are dead;
but this is the bread
which comes down from heaven,
so that a person may eat it and not die.
I am the living bread
which has come down from heaven.
Anyone who eats this bread
will live for ever;
and the bread that I shall give
is my flesh, for the life of the world.'
John 14:6 I am the Way; I am Truth and Life…
We live out His life, death and resurrection in our lives – Jesus is the bread of life. Jesus gives us Himself in the Eucharist. Jesus gives us His Word. We are living in the world with a purpose: God has created us and we are to die to those ways, not likened to Him and come forth living that life of resurrection in our lives. Baptism gives us a sharing in His life – In baptism our knowing and loving capacity is elevated. We have this capacity. We have been commanded in the greatest commandment to love God with all our hearts and love our neighbor as ourselves.
Fr. Carter says in
Response in Christ “As we progress, we hope to show in detail that Christian holiness is life in Christ, for our life in Christ contains everything – our love of God, our love of men, our love of all creation.We hope to portray the Christian as one who believes from the depths of his being that to live is Christ... “Man rejected this self-communication of God in original sin. Yet God’s desire to give Himself to man was not withdrawn. He determined to save man from his sinfulness, and thereafter the divine communication centered around the promised Redeemer.” Life is not life if it is not rooted in God.
Satan has pressed on man from the beginning in disobedience to a good God, a generous God, the Almighty and All Powerful and All Just. Satan wants this culture of death.
We live out the mystery of Christ in our lives. A constant dying to those ways not like Christ. Dying to vices and not giving into the deadly sins of seeking dominance for dominance sake, greed, pride, anger, envy, lust, jealousness, slothfulness. We rise to new life in Him – Our Christ-life – Our life in Jesus. Life in the Spirit. Life, Life, Life! Life is in Him.
This book, like
Response in Christ tells us about life! Living in Christ – Dying to the selfish ways of the wounded human nature – God and His rules are first in our lives – We live to please our heavenly Father - to do His will – This is why we act – we operate in Him, our beloved God – We live in the Heart of Jesus - a Heart on fire for love of man.The Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell in our graced, baptized soul – We beg God to increase in us the virtues of faith, hope and love.
We go into the tomb at every Mass and die more and more to our selfish sinful ways to live more the life of resurrection in Him. In the Prayer before the Mass we pray with lavishing love to God – The greatest gift we can give to God is our obedience and love to Him.
A Prayer before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Let me be a holy sacrifice and unite with God in the sacrament of His greatest love.
I want to be one in Him in this act of love, where He gives Himself to me and I give myself as a sacrifice to Him. Let me be a holy sacrifice as I become one with Him in this my act of greatest love to Him.
Let me unite with Him more, that I may more deeply love Him. May I help make reparation to His adorable Heart and the heart of His Mother, Mary. With greatest love, I offer myself to You and pray that You will accept my sacrifice of greatest love. I give myself to You and unite in Your gift of Yourself to me. Come and possess my soul.
Cleanse me, strengthen me, heal me. Dear Holy Spirit act in the heart of Mary to make me more and more like Jesus.
Father, I offer this my sacrifice, myself united to Jesus in the Holy Spirit to You. Help me to love God more deeply in this act of my greatest love.
Give me the grace to grow in my knowledge, love and service of You and for this to be my greatest participation in the Mass. Give me the greatest graces to love You so deeply in this Mass, You who are so worthy of my love. - Mass Book, December 27, 1995
At every Mass – we pray in the beginning to be forgiven for our venial sins, to be cleansed –
We receive the Bread of Life – We listen to the Word – we are fed we eat His Body – we are fed – We are one in the Consecration – Praying to the Father united to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We unite to Jesus in the Holy Spirit through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, with all the angels and saints and souls in purgatory, we pray.
We are one – begging for grace to be outpoured on this sinful world – We tell God we are so sorry for our sins and the sins of this world – I cry in my heart begging to God to hear My prayer –
I wrote the
Mass Book for this – To tell the world about God and this intimate love union God wants with us – Come to me Lord and Possess my Soul.
Prayer for Union with Jesus
Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.
I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me.
I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.
When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now. - God's Blue Book, January 17, 1994
A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb, the Bridegroom of the Soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
So in this culture of death – we know as members of the mystical body of Christ we are united to all the Masses going on around the world – The Mass the sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present – We say our Morning Offering – We give ourselves in total consecration to God – Our lives, all we do, united to the Mass.
(this we use extensively, nursing homes etc.)
Here we have consecrations for children.
We are united ever deeper to each other as members of the mystical body of Christ, by offering ourselves, united to the Mass in everything we do praying to the Father, in the Holy Spirit through the intercession of Mary our Mother with all the angels and saints and the souls in purgatory.
The Eucharist is the Mighty Medicine – God wants our love. We need adoration chapels all over the world praying for these things.
Fr. Carter, S.J. said Jesus gave him a message to have Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
People spend at least 2 separate hours a week before the Blessed Sacrament praying for these intentions:
1. For the spread of the devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary culminating in the reign of the Sacred Heart and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
2. For the Pope.
3. For all bishops of the world.
4. For all priests.
5. For all sisters and brothers in the religious life.
6. For all members of the Shepherds of Christ Movement, and for the spread of this movement to the world.
7. For all members of the Catholic Church.
8. For all members of the human family.
9. For all souls in purgatory.
Fr. Carter said Jesus told him on July 31, 1994 to pray these prayers in prayer chapters all over the world. We have them in 8 languages.
To combat the fear of death – we say the rosary and pray 53 Hail Marys saying – “pray for us now and at the hour of death”
Fr. Carter prayed the 7 sorrows after every rosary. He saw himself as a baby in Mary’s arms – When he died he had a holy card of the baby Jesus in the arms of Mary clenched in his hand.
In the Shepherds of Christ prayers he put before the 7 sorrows – “Mary has promised very special graces to those who do this on a daily basis. Included in the promises of Our Lady for those who practice this devotion is her pledge to give special assistance at the hour of death, including the sight of her face.”
Then in the prayers we pray the promises to St. Margaret Mary and we thank Jesus after every promise.
The last promise says “I promise you in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the first Friday in nine consecutive months the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in My disgrace nor without receiving their sacraments; My divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment.”
WOW! Jesus promises if we make the 9 First Fridays we will not die without receiving their sacraments; and His Divine Heart shall be our safe refuge in this moment.
Fear of death – God gives us so many gifts. What a gift this is
- dying in the arms of Jesus and Mary – I am praying the Seven Sorrows every day – I knew of death, my mom and Fr. Joe’s mom, died when I was 5 years old. Response in Christ – Living in Him. Going into the tomb and dying to our ways not likened to God.Preparing ourselves for the beatific vision – Living deeply knowing God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell in our graced baptized soul – Knowing God more and more deeply dwelling in us.
Jesus is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament in His Divinity and humanity – no less present than when He walked the earth –
Come to me Lord and Possess my Soul –
The mission Fr. Carter wanted in the Priestly Newsletters was to get out the message that we go to the Heart of Mary, our spiritual womb and the Holy Spirit works to mold us more and more into the image and likeness of God. Here is a message Fr. Carter received.
The Holy Spirit
Jesus: "My beloved friend, tell My people to pray daily to the Holy Spirit. They are to pray for an increase in His gifts. My people must realize that the Holy Spirit comes to transform them. The Spirit desires to transform you more and more according to My image. Those who are docile to His touch become increasingly shaped in My likeness. He performs this marvel within Mary's Immaculate Heart. The more one dwells in My Mother's Heart, the more active are the workings of the Spirit. The Spirit leads Mary to place you within My own Heart. In both Our Hearts, then, your transformation continues. The more you are formed after My own Heart, the more I lead you to the bosom of My Father. Tell My people all this. Tell them to pray daily for a greater appreciation of these wondrous gifts. I am Lord and Master. All who come to My Heart will be on fire to receive the gifts of the Spirit in ever greater measure! I love and bless My people!"
Reflection: The Holy Spirit is given to us to fashion us ever more according to the likeness of Jesus. And the more we are like Jesus, the more Jesus leads us to the Father. Do we, each day, pray to the Holy Spirit to be more open to His transforming influence? Do we strive each day to grow in union with Mary? The greater our union with our Mother, the spouse of the Holy Spirit, the greater is the transforming action of the Holy Spirit within us.
From Tell My People
Here is what Bishop Martinez says –
The Holy Spirit and Mary
The late Archbishop Luis M. Martinez of Mexico strikingly speaks of the ongoing cooperation of Mary with the Holy Spirit regarding the reproduction of Jesus within us: "Christian life is the reproduction of Jesus in souls…
"Now, how will this mystical reproduction be brought about in souls? In the same way in which Jesus was brought into the world, for God gives a wonderful mark of unity to all His works. Divine acts have a wealth of variety because they are the work of omnipotence; nevertheless, a most perfect unity always shines forth from them because they are the fruit of wisdom; and this divine contrast of unity and variety stamps the works of God with sublime and unutterable beauty.
"In His miraculous birth, Jesus was the fruit of heaven and earth…The Holy Spirit conveyed the divine fruitfulness of the Father to Mary, and the virginal soil brought forth in an ineffable manner our most loving Savior, the divine Seed, as the prophets called Him…
"That is the way He is reproduced in souls. He is always the fruit of heaven and earth.
"Two artisans must concur in the work that is at once God’s masterpiece and humanity’s supreme product: the Holy Spirit and the most holy Virgin Mary. Two sanctifiers are necessary to souls, the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, for they are the only ones who can reproduce Christ.
"Undoubtedly, the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary sanctify us in different ways. The first is the Sanctifier by essence; because He is God, who is infinite sanctity; because He is the personal Love that completes, so to speak, the sanctity of God, consummating His life and His unity, and it belongs to Him to communicate to souls the mystery of that sanctity. The Virgin Mary, for her part, is the co-operator, the indispensable instrument in and by God’s design. From Mary’s maternal relation to the human body of Christ is derived her relation to His Mystical Body which is being formed through all the centuries until the end of time, when it will be lifted up to the heavens, beautiful, splendid, complete, and glorious.
"These two, then, the Holy Spirit and Mary, are the indispensable artificers of Jesus, the indispensable sanctifiers of souls. Any saint in heaven can co-operate in the sanctification of a soul, but his co-operation is not necessary, not profound, not constant: while the co-operation of these two artisans of Jesus of whom we have just been speaking is so necessary that without it souls are not sanctified (and this by the actual design of Providence), and so intimate that it reaches to the very depths of our soul. For the Holy Spirit pours charity into our heart, makes a habitation of our soul, and directs our spiritual life by means of His gifts. The Virgin Mary has the efficacious influence of Mediatrix in the most profound and delicate operations of grace in our souls. And, finally, the action of the Holy Spirit and the co-operation of the most holy Virgin Mary are constant; without them, not one single character of Jesus would be traced on our souls, no virtue grow, no gift be developed, no grace increased, no bond of union with God be strengthened in the rich flowering of the spiritual life.
"Such is the place that the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary have in the order of sanctification. Therefore, Christian piety should put these two artisans of Christ in their true place, making devotion to them something necessary, profound, and constant." The Sanctifier, op. cit. pp. 5-7.
So in summation – I see Fr. Carter when he did his doctorate on the Sacred Heart outlined much of what he said Jesus told him to do in the Shepherds of Christ in circulating over 17,000,000 Priestly Newsletters, loose and in books, to priests and hierarchy in these 18 years we have existed.We circulated my brother’s book of homilies – 5 times now – last year to the Pope and all the Cardinals in the world and all the priests and Bishops of the United States. (at least 40,000 of Fr. Joe’s book last year to priests and hierarchy) His book is centered on the bread of life – on the Word and the Eucharist.
John 11:25 I am the resurrection and the life.
Response in Christ
Praying the Shepherds of Christ Prayers in the tri-fold paper for the priests, the Church and the world in 8 languages with the Imprimatur.
Mary said at Fatima until a sufficient number of people have consecrated their hearts to Jesus and Mary we won't have peace in the world. Mary said at Fatima: Bishops need to consecrate their dioceses to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart - putting pictures of Jesus, the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in their homes, businesses, Churches where Jesus is the King and Center of their hearts.
To have the vision of the heavenly Father for each one of us – each one of us uniquely created for a purpose to contribute to the Plan of the Father in salvation history – We need adoration chapels around the world - praying for these things –
1. For the spread of the devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary culminating in the reign of the Sacred Heart and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
2. For the Pope.
3. For all bishops of the world.
4. For all priests.
5. For all sisters and brothers in the religious life.
6. For all members of the Shepherds of Christ Movement, and for the spread of this movement to the world.
7. For all members of the Catholic Church.
8. For all members of the human family.
9. For all souls in purgatory.
Please help us circulate these prayers and materials praying for the priests, the Church and the world.
Rita Ring. Co-founder
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
Special Sale Statues with image glass
15" Pilgrim Virgin Fatima – $85
12" Our Lady of Fatima – $75
plus shipping
while supplies lastCall Regina 1–727–776–2763
Call Rosie 888–211–3041
In Spanish with the Imprimatur
Also we are ready to print
5000 copies of the
Parents and Children's Rosary Book
Can you help with a donation?
Give the gift that counts.
Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.
Tell My People $5.00
Response to God's Love $8.00
Response in Christ $8.00
God's Blue Books 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7, 8, 9, 10
$4.00 each plus postage
Blue Book 4
Blue Book 5
Blue Book 6A
Blue Book 6B
Blue Book 6C
Blue Book 7
Blue Book 8
Blue Book 9
Blue Book 10
Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur
$2.00 plus postage
New Mass Book with Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage
Give the gift that keeps on giving!
Give to your priest.
Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage
Special sale statue with glass
27" Statue of Our Lady of Fatima
$175 plus postage
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage
Dan called and gave the report to me, when I hung up I saw this rainbow and took a picture for him.