May 16, 2011
May 17th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 8 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for May 17th are Glorious.
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May 16, 2011
What is your fixis it God?
Come Holy Spirit Come
Help me now I pray to you to enlighten me to do
God's will and to fill me with the fire of God's
The Holy Spirit fills me to speak of the great gifts
God has given us in this Movement
God is love
Love beyond all love we know
Holy Spirit enlighten us to know God and His
gifts given to us
Jesus: And I held not back I gave My all
My neck ached
My back ached
I had bruises all over
And yet My greatest agony was for My precious
ones I love and they rebel against God
I am the Son of God to teach you how
perfectly I obeyed the will of My Father
How tenderly I loved
How I worked teaching the men I called
so they would bring this message to
I taught you of community life I taught you
of obedience and family life
I taught you about unity of men on this
The devil wants division
The devil wants you to rebel against just authority
The devil wants you to be a slave to him
The devil wants you to serve yourself not God
and in this rebellion to God's will you
are serving satan
I am God
I took flesh to teach you about obedience, surrender
In communities there is a rule
Men are to live under a superior and
obey the rule and to witness to their
obedience to the order the rule some do
not come and rebel or have their own plan
Many men isolate and try to rule wherever they
Men are called by Me to be priests and they
must obey their bishop be under
authority under the pope
I call you to obedience to the Father's will
Joyful Mysteries
Luke 1: 26-38
In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the House of David; and the virgins name was Mary. He went in and said to her, Rejoice, you who enjoy Gods favour! The Lord is with you. She was deeply disturbed by these words and asked herself what this greeting could mean, but the angel said to her, Mary, do not be afraid; you have won Gods favour. Look! You are to conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David; he will rule over the House of Jacob for ever and his reign will have no end. Mary said to the angel, But how can this come about, since I have no knowledge of man? The angel answered, The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow. And so the child will be holy and will be called Son of God. And I tell you this too: your cousin Elizabeth also, in her old age, has conceived a son, and she whom people called barren is now in her sixth month, for nothing is impossible to God. Mary said, You see before you the Lords servant, let it happen to me as you have said. And the angel left her.
(1) Mary: I obeyed the Heavenly
Father I loved Him so much
I wanted to do God's will
(2) Mary: Your Father created you with so
many talents and He loves you
so much.
(3) Mary: I am Mary, the perfect handmaid
of the Lord, my children, obey
your heavenly Father, Jesus
came and showed you how to
be sons of God.
(4) Mary: Jesus' whole life was lived
serving His Father so perfectly
God is love all Jesus did
was in love He loved those
who put Him to death
(5) Mary: I am Mary, your heavenly Mother
the perfect handmaid of the
Satan wants to tear apart what
others have suffered for and
St. Paul lost his head
Peter was crucified upside down
(6) Mary: My children, my children Jesus gave
you a message to love each
other He taught you about
obedience to those over you
(7) Mary: My children, satan tempted Eve
in the garden and in pride
she disobeyed God
(8) Mary: Cain slew his brother after
being warned satan was
knocking at his door
obey those over you obey
just authority
In religious communities the
religious are to live under
obedience and not argue
with superiors
One wearing a habit arguing
needlessly before others
is scandalous to those
who watch
(9) Mary: I was conceived without sin from
the moment of conception
I am Mary, your Mother,
Pray to My Spouse the Holy Spirit
The just soul serves God and
obeys authority
(10) Mary: Jesus calls a person in love in
a vocation men and women
marry under the sacrament
of marriage
Many marriages are ended
because one person
tries to possess another
force demands of control
on the other
Marriage is a man and woman
acting in love with God
giving and taking and
most raising families to serve
the Church and the world
giving and taking in love
The Visitation
Luke 1: 39-45
Mary set out at that time and went as quickly as she could into the hill country to a town in Judah. She went into Zechariahs house and greeted Elizabeth. Now it happened that as soon as Elizabeth heard Marys greeting, the child leapt in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. She gave a loud cry and said, Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Why should I be honoured with a visit from the mother of my Lord? Look, the moment your greeting reached my ears, the child in my womb leapt for joy. Yes, blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled.
(1) Mary: Pray to my Spouse the Holy Spirit
Cast the devil away from you
all in the Movement, anyone who
touches you and your families
Consecrate all the above hearts
to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary
as far as you are able and
pray that the Blood of Jesus
is spread on you
(2) R. Oh God we pray for these things
(3) Mary: I am your heavenly Mother on
this day May 17, 2011, I want
this rosary prayed.
(4) Mary: Continue to pray this rosary
every day in May as I have
instructed together in the
centers in the cars etc.
(5) R. Dear Holy Spirit please pray for
us pray the prayer we need
(6) R. Holy Spirit we pray for all of
us, all of our families, all
who touch us
Help us to do this work of the
Shepherds of Christ.
(7) R. Dear Holy Spirit we pray for all
of us, all our families all
who touch us, all our
donors, all of their families,
all who touch us
Help us to do this work of the
Shepherds of Christ.
Help us to live our vocation in the
Shepherds of Christ as God intends
(8) R. Dear Holy Spirit enlighten all who are
to pray and support us to help us. Amen
(9) R. Dear Holy Spirit cast the devil
away from the Movement
away from all of us
Help us to be protected by
the Blood of Jesus
(10) R. Dear Holy Spirit help us to be
humble to live God's
Holy will for us in love
Dear Holy Spirit thank You for
Your gifts we love You.
The Birth of Jesus
Luke 2: 15-20
Now it happened that when the angels had gone from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, Let us go to Bethlehem and see this event which the Lord has made known to us. So they hurried away and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. When they saw the child they repeated what they had been told about him, and everyone who heard it was astonished at what the shepherds said to them. As for Mary, she treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds went back glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, just as they had been told.
(1) R. Oh Holy Spirit help us to have the
heart Jesus wants and to spread
the prayer chapters and the
love of the 2 Hearts. Amen.
(2) R. Oh Holy Spirit help us to be
more and more like your heart
and Jesus' Heart and living
our vocation according to
the Father's will in love
(3) R. Oh Holy Spirit help us not to
give into satan to tempt
us to hurt our relationship
with God and others because of
pride and jealousies and possessiveness
and power. Amen.
(4) R. Dear Holy Spirit help us to grow
in more perfect love and not
to fear fear of abandonment
fear of being left out, alone
fear of being rejected etc.
(5) R. Dear Holy Spirit help us to love
God so much and be so
grateful to God we do not
want to offend Him with
disobedience and pride
(6) R. Dear Holy Spirit
Help us to be docile, the
little child of God the Father
seeking His will
Oh God help us we pray
(7) R. Oh God the Holy Spirit
We are sorry for our
sins help us to live the
life of being converted
to turn our wills to God's will
to be more and more like our
heavenly Mother Amen.
Mary: I am Mary
. obedience to God's will
. living in a gentle heart like
mine and Jesus
. serving others in love to be
doing it ultimately for God
Lying about your sins is a
trap for you and ruptures
yours relationship with
God and others
R. Dear God the Holy Spirit
help us to be truthful
(8) Mary: Satan is the father
of lies.
(9) Put the 10 Commandments.
The Ten Commandments
1. I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.
3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
4. Honor your father and your mother.
5. You shall not kill.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not steal.
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
9. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
10. You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.
Prayer for Union with Jesus
Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.
I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me.
I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.
When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.
-God's Blue Book, January 17, 1994
The Presentation
Luke 2: 25-35
Now in Jerusalem there was a man named Simeon. He was an upright and devout man; he looked forward to the restoration of Israel and the Holy Spirit rested on him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death until he had set eyes on the Christ of the Lord. Prompted by the Spirit he came to the Temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the Law required, he took him into his arms and blessed God; and he said:
Now, Master, you are letting
your servant go in peace
as you promised;
for my eyes have seen the salvation
which you have made ready
in the sight of the nations;
a light of revelation for the gentiles
and glory for your people Israel.As the childs father and mother were wondering at the things that were being said about him, Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, Look, he is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is opposedand a sword will pierce your soul tooso that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.
(1) Jesus: I love you, I love you, I love you
My love is real
Know that place
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell in the
graced baptized soul
(2) R. The place Jesus took me to was
to His Sacred Heart there
I knew the presence of God
in me
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
I will forever dwell in the
Love of the Sacred Heart
God help us to know this place
inside Your presence with us
(3) R. Dear Holy Spirit help us to dwell deeply
in Mary's heart her
Immaculate Heart
My Spiritual womb
(4) R. Dear Holy Spirit In Mary's spiritual
womb, mold me more and more
into the image of Jesus
Oh God I give You my life
Oh God sanctify me Amen.
(5) R. Dear Holy Spirit help me to know that
place inside of me where
I know the presence of God
Oh God I love you so much
(6) R. Our Little Heaven on earth
dwelling in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
(7) From the Prayer Manual
Act of consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
"Lord Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock, I consecrate myself to Your most Sacred Heart. From Your pierced Heart the Church was born, the Church You have called me, as a member of Shepherds of Christ Associates, to serve in a most special way. You reveal Your Heart as a symbol of Your love in all its aspects, including Your most special love for me, whom You have chosen as Your companion in this most important work. Help me to always love You in return. Help me to give myself entirely to You. Help me always to pour out my life in love of God and neighbor! Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You!
(8) From the Prayer Manual
Act of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
"Dear Blessed Virgin Mary, I consecrate myself to your maternal and Immaculate Heart, this Heart which is symbol of your life of love. You are the Mother of my Savior. You are also my Mother. You love me with a most special love as a member of Shepherds of Christ Associates, a movement created by your Son as a powerful instrument for the renewal of the Church and the world. In a return of love, I give myself entirely to your motherly love and protection. You followed Jesus perfectly. You are His first and perfect disciple. Teach me to imitate you in the putting on of Christ. Be my motherly intercessor so that, through your Immaculate Heart, I may be guided to an ever closer union with the pierced Heart of Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock."
(9) From the Prayer Manual
Holy Spirit Prayer
Come, Holy Spirit, almighty Sanctifier, God of love, who filled the Virgin Mary with grace, who wonderfully changed the hearts of the apostles, who endowed all Your martyrs with miraculous courage, come and sanctify us. Enlighten our minds, strengthen our wills, purify our consciences, rectify our judgment, set our hearts on fire, and preserve us from the misfortunes of resisting Your inspirations. Amen.
Holy Spirit Novena
Opening Prayer
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus, in union with Him in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in the Holy Spirit. We come to You united to the Child Jesus of Good Health and the Infant of Prague. We come to You in the perfect, sinless heart of Our Mother Mary, asking her powerful intercession, uniting ourselves to her holy tears. We come to You united to all the angels and saints, and the souls in purgatory.
Prayer for Holy Spirit
We pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on us, to be baptized by the Holy Spirit, that He will descend mightily on us as He did on the Apostles at Pentecost. That the Holy Spirit will transform us from fear to fearlessness and that He will give us courage to do all the Father is asking of us to help bring about the Reign of the Sacred Heart and the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart. We pray for the Holy Spirit to descend mightily on the Jesuits and the Poor Clares on the Shepherds of Christ leaders and members and on the whole Body of Christ and the world.
Protection by the Blood of Jesus
We pray that the Blood of Jesus will be spread on us, everyone in our families, and the Shepherds of Christ Movement, that we will be able to move steadfastly ahead and be protected from the evil one.
We pray for healing in body, mind, and soul and generational healing in ourselves, in all members in our families, and in all members of the Shepherds of Christ Movement, the Jesuit Community, the Poor Clares, the Body of Christ, and the world.
Prayer for Strength and Light
We adore You, oh Holy Spirit. Give us strength, give us light, console us. We give ourselves entirely to You. Oh Spirit of light and grace, we want to only do the will of the Father. Enlighten us that we may live always in the Father's will.
Eternal Spirit fill us with Your Divine Wisdom that we may comprehend more fully insight into Your Divine Mysteries.
Give us lights, Oh Holy Spirit that we may know God. Work within the heart, the spiritual womb of the Virgin Mary, to form us more and more into the image of Jesus.
Prayer to Be One with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
We long for You, Oh Spirit of Light, we long to know God, we want to be one with Him, our Divine God. We want to be one with the Father, know Him as a Person most intimately. We want to know the beloved One, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and live and dwell in Him at all times, every moment of our lives. We want to be one with You, Oh Spirit of Light, that You move in us in our every breath.
Prayer to Be One in Jesus
Let us experience life in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so we can say as Saint Paul, "I have been crucified with Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me...." Let us live, united to the Mass, all through the day being one in Him. Let us be able to love and know in this elevated state of oneness with our God. We long for Thee, oh beauteous God, we love You, we love You, we love You. We praise You, worship You, honor You, adore You, and thank You, our beloved God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Prayer to Dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary
We seek to be one in God, to live and dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, our little heaven on earth, to experience life in the all perfect, pure, sinless heart of our Mother. We want the Holy Spirit to move in us and to be united to Jesus as the Bridegroom of our souls and be a most perfect sacrifice offered to the Father at every moment as we unite in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass around the world to help in the salvation of souls.
Prayer for the Holy Spirit and His Gifts
Come Holy Spirit, come, come into our hearts, inflame all people with the fire of Your love.
Leader: Send forth Your Spirit and all will be reborn.
All: And You will renew the face of the earth.We pray for the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, we ask for perfection in our souls to make us holy, holy souls likened to God.
Dear Holy Spirit, we give ourselves to You soul and body. We ask You to give us the Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord.
Prayer for the Word Alive in Our Hearts
We know, dear Holy Spirit, the Word in His human nature was brought forth within the womb of the woman. We pray that His word will be brought forth in our hearts as He lives and dwells in us. We want the incarnation to go on in our lives. Dear Holy Spirit, work in us.
Little Prayers to the Holy Spirit
Dear Holy Spirit, help us not to be ignorant or indifferent or weak, help us to be strong with the love of God.
Dear Holy Spirit, please pray for our needs for us.
Dear Holy Spirit, help us to respect God and to avoid sin. Help us to live in the Father's will.
Dear Holy Spirit, help us to keep Your commandments and to respect authority. Help us to love all things as You will us to love them. Help us to want to pray and always serve God with the greatest love. Help us to know the truth. Help us to have the gift of faith, hope, and love. Help us to know what is right and what is wrong.
A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb, the Bridegroom of the Soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
end of holy spirit novena
The Finding in the Temple
Luke 2: 41-52
Every year his parents used to go to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. When he was twelve years old, they went up for the feast as usual. When the days of the feast were over and they set off home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem without his parents knowing it. They assumed he was somewhere in the party, and it was only after a days journey that they went to look for him among their relations and acquaintances. When they failed to find him they went back to Jerusalem looking for him everywhere.
It happened that, three days later, they found him in the Temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them, and asking them questions; and all those who heard him were astounded at his intelligence and his replies. They were overcome when they saw him, and his mother said to him, My child, why have you done this to us? See how worried your father and I have been, looking for you. He replied, Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Fathers house? But they did not understand what he meant. He went down with them then and came to Nazareth and lived under their authority. His mother stored up all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom, in stature, and in favour with God and with people.
(1) Jesus: I called you to obey
as long as you lie to yourselves
about your sin you are
hurting My intimacy with you
(2) Jesus:
Sing: Give Me Your Heart Oh Jesus
(3) Jesus:
Sing: Your Presence Pervades My Soul
(4) Jesus: Seek purity
Mary: Jesus was lost in the temple
Many of my children are lost for
years lying about their
lies and pride and jealousies,
disobedience to God's will
disobeying the commandments
being angry with their brothers
and projecting it on innocent
anger is from your heart
pride from your heart
When you act in pride and anger
you act for satan
I come with a pure heart
I crush the head of satan
I come in love
The Holy Spirit comes to mold you more
in the image of Jesus
Many find new tricks to not
change, manipulate others
and many lie of their sinful
Making their distance between
them and God and others deeper
and growing in more
anger and darkness
I am Mary your Mother
Pray to the Holy Spirit for purity
(5) R. Dear Holy Spirit help us to have a
pure heart
a heart doing God's will
not lying to ourselves
(6) Mary: Jesus wants to give you grace
to do His work, but you
work against yourself
with evil in your hearts
(7) Mary: I am Mary your Mother
pray to the Holy Spirit for a pure
(8) R. Oh Holy Spirit give us a pure heart
(9) Mary: I obeyed your heavenly Father
and I am loving
(10) Mary: If you are acting without love
you aren't spreading the love of
Our 2 Hearts
The Holy Spirit Sequence says
Bend the Stubborn Heart
and will melt the frozen
warm the chill
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Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and
a little bottle of
Jesus and Mary water.The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.Cost $200.00
Also available
a cup with a Mary's image on it
Cost $15
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Rosaries with Mary's Image Available
Aurora Borealis Beads6mm - $30.00
8mm - $40.00
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Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass - 18
Our Lady-Guadalupe w/glass - 12
Limpias - 8
Immaculate Heart w/glass - 18
I Heart - Ivory w/glass - 18
Our Lady of Grace w/glass - 18
Our Lady-Mt. Carmel w/glass - 18
Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass - 18
Infant of Prague w/glass - 24
Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass - 24
Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass - 24
Sorrowful Mother w/glass - 24
I Heart - Ivory w/glass - 24
I Heart of Mary w/glass - 24
Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass - 24
Our Lady-Guadalupe w/glass - 28
Our Lady of Grace w/glass - 24
Our Lady-Mt. Carmel w/glass - 24
St. Padre Pio
St. Joseph
St. Therese
St. Francis
St. Anthony
St. Claire
St. Jude
Divine Mercy
Holy Family
St. Philomena
Pieta - Marble
Pieta - Color
Holy Family
St. Anthony - 18
St. Francis - 18
St. Joseph - 18
St. Therese - 18
St. Rita - 18
St. Clare - 12
St. Rita - 12
St. Padre Pio - 12
Divine Mercy - 12
St. Michael - 11
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 627
China, IN 47250
Toll free - 1-888-211-3041
Local - 1-812-273-8405
fax - 1-812-273-3182
Size Price Quantity Holy Family
St. Anthony
St. Claire
St. Francis
St. Joseph
St. Jude
St. Padre Pio
St. Therese
Divine Mercy 22"
$125 Angel 22"
$100 St. Philomena 20"
$100 St. Philomena 16"
$65 St. Joseph 18"
$65 St. Francis 18"
$65 St. Anthony 18"
$65 St. Rita 18"
$65 St. Therese 18"
$65 Pieta - Color 15" $75 Pieta - Marble 15" $75 Holy Family 12"
$60 St. Padre Pio - standing 12"
$40 St. Padre Pio - sitting 8"
$50 St. Michael 11"
$40 St. Rita 12"
$40 Divine Mercy
$40 St. Claire 12"
$40 Limpias 8"
$25 Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass 28"
$500 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass 24"
$500 Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass
$500 Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass
$500 Infant of Prague w/glass
$500 Our Lady of Grace w/glass
$500 Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass
$500 Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass 24"
$500 Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass 24"
$500 Sorrowful Mother w/glass
$500 Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass 18"
$300 Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass 18"
$300 Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass 18"
$300 Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass 18"
$300 Our Lady of Grace w/glass 18"
$300 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass
18" $300 Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass 12"
$200 Fatima w/glass
$150 Fatima w/glass
$250 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 12"
$160 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 15" $200 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 18" $250 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 27"
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Immaculate Heart and Sacred Heart Pictures Available
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© 2011 Shepherds of Christ.
Rights for non-commercial
reproduction granted:
May be copied in its entirety, but neither re-typed nor edited.
Translations are welcome but they must be reviewed for moral and
theological accuracy by a source approved by Shepherds of Christ Ministries
before any distribution takes place. Please contact us for more information.
All scripture quotes are from the
New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
Revised: January 1, 2011
Contact Information for Shepherds
of Christ
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 627
China, Indiana 47250
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405
FAX: (812) 273-3182