May 18, 2016
May 19th Holy Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
Please pray for Cole, a 4
year old,
who couldn't swim and lost
consciousness in the pool
and is in ICU.
Pray with all your heart,
spread the blood of Jesus
on all, consecrate all hearts,
pray for an outpouring of the
Holy Spirit on all involved,
cast devil far away.
Pray for special intentions.
Pray for Dan & Melanie, Jimmy,
Fr. Joe, Mary, Blue Book 17.
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Blue Book 16 is Available!
May 18, 2016
Today's Readings
James 4: 13-15
Well now, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow, we are off to this or that town; we are going to spend a year there, trading, and make some money.' You never know what will happen tomorrow: you are no more than a mist that appears for a little while and then disappears. Instead of this, you should say, 'If it is the Lord's will, we shall still be alive to do this or that.' But as it is, how boastful and loud -- mouthed you are! Boasting of this kind is always wrong. Everyone who knows what is the right thing to do and does not do it commits a sin.
Psalm 49: 2-3, 6-7, 8-10, 11They trust in their wealth,
and boast of the profusion of their riches.But no one can ever redeem himself
or pay his own ransom to God,
the price for himself is too high;
it can never be that he will live on for ever
and avoid the sight of the abyss.For he will see the wise also die
no less than the fool and the brute,
and leave their wealth behind for others.For ever no home but their tombs,
their dwelling-place age after age,
though they gave their name to whole territories.
Mark 9: 38-40
John said to him, 'Master, we saw someone who is not one of us driving out devils in your name, and because he was not one of us we tried to stop him.' But Jesus said, 'You must not stop him; no one who works a miracle in my name could soon afterwards speak evil of me. Anyone who is not against us is for us.
22 Years Ago
There Is Power in Prayer
end of excerptMay 18, 1994 3:00a.m.
Jesus: My dear one, come and be counted by the hand of God. You must work swiftly, for time, child, is short. Every moment must be spent in drawing your fellowman to God. Pray constantly. No one realizes the real power of prayer. Pray the rosary, pray with your children, pray the Holy Spirit prayers, pray, pray, pray!
And I say unto you, "Heaven and earth may pass away, but not one letter of My law will ever pass away." Do not doubt. You do not have time for such nonsense! You know exactly your mission. Do it. Satan will constantly work on you. Forget him and pray. Your job is quite evident.
You need to lead souls to My most Sacred Heart. I am the Alpha and Omega. I am your all. I do all the work and you, child, are working for Me. No one can stop it but you. Ask for grace to believe, faith to know. Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it will be opened unto you.
R. Alleluia. Alleluia. And He made them fishers of men!
Jesus: You are a fisher among men. Believe. Pray for faith, child. Yours is as shaky as some who need to see everything. After all I write to you! How you spend your mind in deliberation. Stop it! Stop it! Trust in Me, My beloved ones. This is for real. Read the Blue Book. Get your answers. Think of My presence with you all day and night. Quit analyzing your data for a conclusion. Believe, pray one solid hour, uninterrupted, in front of Me in the tabernacle! I love you. Amen. Amen. Do you not believe I will care for you? You doubters, let go and see Me before you, clothed in white. See My mother by My side. We walk the barren earth with you and you are raised up to such heights.
I come to you, My sweet one, in the night. Do not cast Me off. Be attentive to My pleading. Tell all of My Real Presence in the Eucharist. Jesus is in your midst this day. He loves you so.
21 Years Ago
May 18, 1995 - 9:15 a.m.
Interior PlaceR.
The Kingdom of God is within. I go to the interior room inside of myself and there is the presence of the Almighty God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If I am burned at the stake, if they hand me over, I have peace, love and joy within for inside of me, I have the presence of the Almighty God.I may be moved to compassion, sadness and tears, but within my heart is always peace, love and joy.
For the Almighty God dwells within me, it is in this my peace lies.
I am at joy in suffering for it is there I am closest to the Almighty God.
I see before me my whole life and the greatest sufferings were great gifts of His immense love.
The sufferings that taught me what I need to know to be strong in His love. What a gift.
Every second, every hair of our head is numbered. How personal He is with us, every second attentive to all our needs.
I praise the Almighty God for the great gift of His love and His presence within me.
I have the presence of God within me. I can truly say, I am one in Him, thru Him, with Him, in Him.
That God unites to my imperfect self. I am overwhelmed by the goodness of the Almighty God.
And He reached down and turned my sufferings into immense joy, for I was joined in such depth to Him in the suffering.
Alleluia, God has visited His people, He is Almighty, all loving and all caring, ever attentive to our every need.
It is in my sufferings I am strengthened and brought to deeper life in Him. It is in sufferings that I am given His immense joy. Alleluia, praise Him.
I will go to my interior dwelling and be bathed in His abundant love. For He is mighty
- worthy of all praise, Alleluia.
May 18, 1995 - 10:00p.m.
God Dwells in Me
Today during the Mass - Father talked about peace inside. I talked to someone this morning and was crying for the division between people. I hear Jesus say, I love this person, I love that person and they are hating one another. He laments His loved ones being angry at one another. He loves each soul so much. It makes me cry because I hear what He says.It hurts my heart when people talk about each other. Then I was filled with such peace, I was so aware of the indwelling of the Trinity within me.
I have gotten letters before about the interior life, but today as never before it was as though I could go within to that deep, deep peace inside. The heart inside, union with God. God, looks at our heart! We are one with God interiorly. Deep inside, Depth!!
Once I had an experience, last August 1994, so filled with the presence of the Trinity. It was in the wee hours of the morning in the study. I think it was light out. After He was talking to me, giving me meditations on the Glorious Mysteries, I realized the presence of the Trinity and felt as if anything that ever happened would not bother me. I felt as if they stuck pins in me or the earth crumbled around me, I would hold tight in this presence. I was absorbed with Their presence, within me in union with the Trinity.
Today as never before I realized my interior life and God’s presence within me, as if a room, warm and secure existed within me. A light was on, but it became apparent how pure I must be to be united to God this closely. I was so aware of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwelling in my graced baptized soul. I was filled with immense peace and love and felt as if nothing could ever harm me for I have found my place of deepest refuge.
Today I focused on dwelling in His Heart. I want to meditate on His wounds. I adore Him, I love Him. I cannot say how I feel for Him and how I love His precious wounds, to meditate on His wounds. When I think of His wounds this makes me so close to Him. I find refuge in His Heart. This is my interior world. When I think of entering His Heart and the Love I have for the Father, my beloved one, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, my friend, I feel a flutter in my chest, such a feeling of love within me for all Three Persons.
What a gift to go to my interior world the Heart of my Beloved one.
Jesus dwells in my graced baptized soul. I know something happened today to realize this place within, sheltered from the world outside. Such protection, what a gift, yesterday, I had a vision of His chest with the Heart and His hands on the side, today I am made so aware of the presence of Jesus dwelling in me.
I come to you with greatest love. I am your loving Savior. I am your God, I died for you I come to you today.R.
Today is Thursday. I am at Charleston. I called Thursday night and the church I will go to Mass tomorrow is Sacred Heart Church. Such joy I have in my heart.I want to go into His Heart and be in this inner sanctuary of His Heart. I feel the presence of Mary and the Holy Spirit. I do not have to see the Holy Spirit I know Him in my heart. He is such a good, good friend to me. If I am sad, I can always go to Him without any fear. He is such a good friend to me and I know He loves me, I know His love. He is such a good friend. I know my Father and love Him so much, to say the see the Holy Spirit. I know Him in my heart
- He dwells in me.I know more the presence of God; Mary, so close to me, my beautiful Mother.
I want to profess my love for Jesus within me, knowing Him present so, so intimately. He is not far off, I do not need a picture, God dwells in me: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Years Ago
From Blue Book 15
May 18, 1997
Morrow, Ohio
Glorious Mysteries
The Resurrection of Jesus from the Dead
Reference: Luke 24: 1-52.
Reference: Luke 24: 6-83.
R. Why do we look for the living among the dead? Is this not the question that Jesus asked of us this day? Think, think of how it was before Jesus began to give us these messages. And how it was many times in our heart that we felt that we did not communicate very well with Him. Think of the times that we sat before the tabernacle, the long waits, the wanting for Jesus to say something, to feel something, to know something. I know this. I know that Jesus promised Fr. Carter that in the Shepherds of Christ Movement, that we would receive great grace in order to be drawn closer to His Heart and the heart of His Mother. And I watch in this prayer group and I talk to people and I know that this truly is a fact. That from praying these prayers that great graces have been given to the members of the Shepherds of Christ Movement to draw them ever closer to His Heart. I know so many times this day how He communicates to me. And there are periods of dryness in which I may not feel Him sometimes. But his presence is always alive within my heart even during these periods. But think of the words of Jesus that He speaks to us over and over again. Think of the words in our heart, I love you, I love you, I love you. Jesus is a person. Jesus is alive. We must spend time alone with Jesus. Our Divine Lover, and to know Him and to feel Him and be one with Him at every second of our existence. And Jesus calls out to us and Jesus says, “ I am alive. I am alive. I am alive.” And so the angel said to them, “ why do you look for the living amongst the dead?”4. Sing:
Are Not Our Hearts5.
R. We know in our heart how truly close Jesus is to us. We know how it is especially when we go to the Eucharist and we sit in front of the tabernacle. But many times, we distance ourselves from Jesus when we are with others and when we are occupied. Do we realize that at every second that Jesus is there? I remember one time I had an experience and my heart beat very erratically and Jesus told me that in the days to come whenever this would happen I would know that Jesus was with me. And it seemed every time that this happened that I was caught off guard which gave me the realization that no matter how close I felt like I was with Jesus at a particular time, Jesus could catch me and make my heart beat a certain way. And I knew that I had taken my focus off of Jesus. Today, it is very difficult for satan wants to stop us. But there is much joy in our hearts for we do have this presence of Jesus alive within us. But it is in those periods when we are filled with suffering that we must realize that Jesus sometimes is the closest to us. And that we must focus on Jesus and give Jesus our love. Jesus, I give my heart to you in the trials and in the good times. And I want to be aware of Your presence at every single second as I breathe and as my heart beats as Jesus showed me in this experience. Jesus is with me when I am in the state of grace. Jesus is with me in a very special way. Right now my heart is beating and I am breathing and Jesus is alive within me.6.
R. It is so wonderful because sometimes I will be in the car by myself and all of a sudden I will receive a grace and I will cry because I am overwhelmed at Jesus’ presence. And I cannot help but cry out and tell God how much I love Him. This is a great grace that God gives when this happens to us. But we must keep our focus always on the fact that as we breathe and our heart beats that Jesus is there, even when we do not receive the special favors all the time. When we feel that we are walking up a hard road with a boulder on our back and we want relief as we feel as if we are carrying His cross on our back, we must realize that Jesus walked up the hill to Calvary, carrying His cross on His back and at every second Jesus was one with the Father and Jesus knew His love. The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are one. We too, are one with Jesus and the Father. And God is loving us at every second, at every moment, at every breath, at every heartbeat. We are filled with the love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And this realization should make our hearts burn for the love of God, is overwhelming.7.
R. And if we do not for a moment, feel God’s presence, all we need do is look at the crucified body of Jesus as He hung on the cross. I saw His body. I saw Him hanging on the cross. And in all of the things that I have seen and I have experienced, it is so hard to keep my focus many times on His presence. But I want to speak about this again. I want to speak about this that we will all stop at this moment and that we will envision the body of a Man, the full size of a Man, the Man that has been beaten and bloodied and close to the point of death. That we will see how men unmercifully nailed Him to the cross. We will see the nails in His hands and the blood as it rolls down His body. And we will look at the face of this Man and we will see the hollow cheeks. We will see the weakness in His face. And we will also see the mouth of this Man move, move. But we do not hear anything for He says that people do not hear. But then He says to us that we must speak for we are His mouth in this world. We are His hands. We are His feet. We are His Heart beating in this world. As we breathe, and as our heart beats, we breathe into this world a positive energy, a life-filled energy. The beating Heart, the life and the love of the Almighty God or we breathe into this world a negative energy. An energy that may be filled with fear, an energy that will hurt those that we talk to, that will not lead others to God. We are Christ to one another in this world. How would Christ act if He was here? If He was talking? It is so difficult. I look to Jesus and I say, “ I am not a saint, Jesus.” I will try to do whatever I can. But when it gets hard, many times I give in. And then I go to Mass and I put myself so securely in the Immaculate Heart of Mary and I take the great gift that He gives to me which is union with Him. Because I can take my impurities and go to the heart of Mary. But I know that it says in the third Blue Book, “Is the glass half empty or half full?” I know that this is Pentecost and there will be a great reign of the Sacred Heart. And I know that He has called me and every person in this room to be a major part of helping to bring about the Reign of His Sacred Heart. And I know the way that I am walking now that my cross is kind of dragging on the ground and I am falling underneath it. And I am giving in many times when I could be looking into the eyes of the other and spreading His love. I am spreading that negative energy that is not what He wants me to do. Oh Jesus, I love You. I love Your Heart full of love!8.
R. Jesus went with the Disciples to Emmaus.9. Sing:
Come Holy GhostR.
Jesus appeared to them.Sing:
Veni Sancte Spiritus10. Song:
Are Not Our HeartsSong:
A Song from Jesus
The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven
Reference: Luke 24: 44-512.
R. Jesus is alive and Jesus lives in our graced baptized soul. How am I in this world today? Jesus has called us to be His special chosen ones. Jesus wants us to aim for sainthood. But I say to myself over and over again, I am not a saint. Jesus I love your messages. I love the gifts that You give to me but I am not a saint. And I complain and go my way. And many times, it separates me in my heart from Jesus when I talk about others and do not look at them with the love that Jesus would look at them, as He would look at them. I am seeing more and more how I must read the third Blue Book for when He gave these messages, Jesus talked over and over again about how we were to love Him and to love one another. How is our face? Is our face alive with the life of Jesus that lives within our hearts? Is our face radiating this joy? Do we carry the cross and suffer with Him? Or do we take our sufferings to others and give them the cross that Jesus really meant for us to carry?3.
R. It is so hard for me to be silent and to carry the cross. I know that it is only through His grace that I can proceed ahead and advance more spiritually. I know that Jesus is alive. I see the people in this group and I see Jesus in their actions. I see their fervor and I see their love. I see their service and you do not even hear of the sufferings that they are undergoing within. I see Jesus alive in my fellow members in this group. And it is a great gift that God has given, that I can watch all of you, and I can learn about Him, as Jesus lives within you. I pray for this grace that I too can be more like Jesus. That, that light of Jesus will shine through my eyes. That His light will shine into this world. And so I hear the words of this song, “Are not our hearts burning within us.” Indeed are not our hearts burning within us? For we have been given great grace and Jesus has united us in a very deep way to His most Sacred Heart. Jesus has given to us great gifts and Jesus has truly made our hearts burn with love of Him. Are we carrying this burning love to others? Are we falling under the weight of the cross? We can give a negative energy or a positive energy when we talk to others. How would Jesus act? Do we not realize that Jesus has all of the Might? That no matter what is happening around us, if the building falls in and we are under the building in a hole, that Jesus knows exactly what is happening and Jesus’ Might in one second can release us from any situation.4.
R. And so Jesus wants to teach us to be very, very, very strong soldiers. Soldiers that will go into the world and will carry His Light, soldiers in which He can be one in and operating in this world in us as we give ourselves to Jesus. And so Jesus gives to us sometimes, very great sufferings. And so how do we learn our lesson? Do we learn the lesson and grow to be stronger soldiers? Or do we, give up? The lesson that Jesus is teaching us, only maybe to get a stronger lesson tomorrow.5.
R. We are the apostles that Jesus is calling to help bring about the Reign of the Sacred Heart and we must be so one in Jesus that Jesus can operate through us. We must let go of the imperfections and the impurities. We must go to the heart of our Mother and ask the Holy Spirit to help sanctify us. We must die to those ways not like Jesus. This truly is a calling from God that we are the lay apostles that will pray fervently and through our intercessory prayer great graces will be granted from the Almighty God. But it takes what Jesus is asking us to do and that is to strive always for sainthood.6.
R. And I hear myself say over and over again, “I am not a saint. Thank you for Your gifts to me, Jesus. Thank you for that great gift, Jesus.” But I am not a saint. And I pray fervently. I pray fervently for His grace to help me to be able to carry out this great calling that Jesus is calling me and calling you to, that is, to be an apostle to help to usher in this great era in which the Sacred Heart will Reign and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will Triumph.7.
R. And so on Ascension Thursday, several years ago, when I heard Him call out, “I am alive. I am alive. I am alive.” And I felt as if my insides were buckling in. I know now He cries out, but we do not hear the words. Just as they did not hear His words. He told them, He told them what would happen. He gave them enough information that they knew that He would rise from the dead. But they did not hear. And then when they saw, they did not believe. Is this not sort of like us? That Jesus has given to us grace after grace after grace, that Jesus has touched our soul, that Jesus has made our heart burn with His love. But that we are not the strong believers that we should be, that we are not the ones that are really living with His life radiating from our eyes as it could be. Because we give in and we say as I do, “I am not a saint, but thank you for the gifts You give.”8.
R. The gifts that He gives, the gift that He gives to us is the gift of Himself. The great gift given to man that the Almighty God gives Himself to him and unites in such union with him in the Holy Eucharist. Thank you God for this great gift, for this great union let me cherish every second, every moment that You are truly present in me after Communion. I ask that in these special moments, that You help me to be more likened to You.9. Song:
Give me your Heart, Oh JesusJesus:
I love you. I love you. I love you. My dear and special soldiers, I am giving to you a great grace at this moment. You must let go of any feelings of division in your heart and put the burden at the foot of My cross. It is through My might that so much will be accomplished in the Shepherds of Christ Movement. I am teaching you to surrender, to let go and to be great lovers. I am asking you to strive to be saints. You are My chosen ones. It is from your face filled with light that many will know Me alive inside of you.10.
R. But Jesus, this has been one of the hardest times and we have struggled so. For as the Movement moves more across the face of this earth, as You give us greater lessons to turn us to be stronger soldiers, it becomes more and more difficult and there are so many that want us stopped. And then You come and You say to us, Jesus, “now smile and let My Light shine from your eyes.” Jesus, give us this grace that, we can be as You ask us to be, the strong soldiers in which the Light of Your life does shine from our eyes, in which we walk away singing and not grumbling, in which we do not give in to the tauntings of satan to try to divide us in our minds from one another in which people will look at us and they will say, “we know who they are by the love that they have in their hearts.”Song:
Come Holy Ghost
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
Reference: Acts 2: 1-42.
R. Let us look at the life of Christ. For He lived a quiet life for so many years. Let us look at our lives. Are our lives hectic? Are we running around sometimes and spinning our wheels? Let us realize that the Might is in Him. Always in Him. That Jesus’ way is the way of love, always love. That if we go to Jesus and if we do as the Father wills us to do, that Jesus will give to us the grace that we need to accomplish the task that He is asking us to accomplish. It is in this austere prayer life, in this oneness with Jesus as we become one in Him, that the job will get done, that we will help to spread the consecration to the far ends of the earth. For it is in Him and so Jesus teaches us lesson after lesson and we balk and we complain and we think that we are pressed on and He says,Jesus:
Have you learned the lesson yet, My children. Have you learned the lesson that it is through Me, that you must come to My Heart and become one in Me and I will carry the load. I will accomplish the task in you. I am Jesus Christ, the Almighty God, all-powerful. This is My Movement for the renewal of the Church and the world. Each and every prayer I give to you for this purpose. Every word is a word that I have given to help to turn the priests to holy hearts, to help with the renewal of the Church and the world and to help to bring about the completion of the Fatima mission. It is through My Might that this will be accomplished. Your job first and always is to come to My Heart and to be one in Me. I am the All-Powerful, Almighty God.3.
R. And so we see the Apostles. And so many were converted for they were filled with the Holy Spirit and transformed from fear to fearlessness. How are our hearts? Are our hearts filled with fear? It is in being one with Him that we will have hearts that are hearts of peace. It is in praying to the Holy Spirit that we will be filled too with the fearlessness to carry out this mission.4.
R. The Prayer Manual is exactly the way that Jesus wanted it to help to accomplish the task at hand, to pray for the priests, and for the renewal of the Church and the world and so that people will give their hearts in consecration to Jesus and Mary. We are working the Father’s Plan. It is His Plan and He is revealing the Plan to us. We must realize that we must be open and ready to listen so we hear the Plan and that we respond as He wishes us to.5.
R. It is through the Priestly Newsletter that Jesus is instructing the priests, that He is teaching them about His burning love, that He is writing the message of His love on their hearts.6.
Jesus: And so My apostles, Amen Amen I say to you. My beloved chosen ones, do not be filled with fear in your heart but with great joy on this day of Pentecost for I am with you in a special way and I am filling you with the grace to help to accomplish the task that the Father has given to you. You are a major part of the Plan of My Father to help to renew the Church and the world. You must pray fervently. Pray all through the day the prayers for the priests and for the Shepherds of Christ members and the consecration prayers, the prayer for the human family and for the Priestly Newsletter. It is through your prayers that many graces will be granted. And this world will be brought to great renewal.7.
R. And as the prayer chapters spread to the far corners of the earth, the prayer power will become greater and greater. For Jesus has truly written these prayers that they will turn men’s hearts to hearts of love as they give their hearts to Jesus and Mary. And the prayers are prayers from holy hearts, heart-felt prayers, praying for the priests and for the renewal of the Church and the world.8.
R. Jesus has asked us in several messages to pray these prayers everyday. And I figured out that it only takes about 5 minutes to pray the Holy Spirit prayers and the prayer for priests to the end to the consecration. I figured this out last week after there were great trials that I had gone through. So I went back and read the messages and He said, “ Pray at 9, 12, 6, and 3 o’clock. For these are hours that are very special to Him. And that He is dressing us in His Precious Blood and protecting us when we pray these prayers. For these prayers will help to accomplish what He wants accomplished, renewal of the priesthood, the Church and the world and hearts that are one in the consecration.9.
Jesus: And so My beloved ones, I ask you to pray the prayers and I tell you that you will receive great grace, that you will be drawn ever closer to My Heart and the Heart of My Mother and that you will be protected. For I am dressing you in My Precious Blood. You must pray the prayers fervently and frequently.10. Sing:
Come Holy GhostSong:
I Love You Jesus
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven
R. And they were filled with the Holy Spirit and they went forth into the world and many were converted. The Holy Spirit works within the heart of Our Lady. It is there that we receive great grace, that we are sanctified and that we are transformed more and more into the image and likeness of Jesus. It is there that the Holy Spirit gives to us great lights and understanding more and more insights into the hidden mysteries. Oh Holy Spirit, we long to be intimately connected to You. We ask You to pour out Your abundant grace to us, that You work within the heart of our Mother to change us to be more and more like Jesus, that the light of God will shine from our eyes and from our hearts. For we are sinners and we are weak. But we know when we go to the Immaculate Heart of Our Mother, when we give our heart to her, that You work within her heart and bring us forth, children of Light.2.
R. And so we walk and it seems very difficult so many times. And we meditate on the mysteries of the rosary and we see how we are living these mysteries in our lives. We see Christ walk with the cross on His back. We see Our Lady as she stood beside Him and as she stood under the cross. And so then why should we think that our road, the road that we follow, that is the path behind Them, would be anything but have certain sufferings.3.
Jesus: Are your hearts afraid? I have allowed you to experience great trials at this time. But you have grown in your intimacy with Me. You have learned many lessons, lessons on how to pray. My beloved ones, in all of the suffering I am giving to you great gifts, jewels, that will help you to accomplish the task that the Father has given to you. I look at you and I watch you struggle and I know every trial and every suffering. But I know the end. And I know how you will be the strong soldiers to accomplish the work that I am calling you to. Be patient. Be loving. And grow more and more in your relationship with Me and with one another.4.
R. And Mary is our Mother. Mary is the Mother that walked beside Christ. Mary is the Mother that was with Him all through His life, His friend, and His companion. Mary is the one that He could talk to and that Jesus could share Himself with. Mary is our Mother too. For on His death bed, Jesus gave to us His Mother to share with us that we too could turn to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We can give ourselves to her and she will always be there with us, walking by our side. We are not alone, for our Mother walks with us as she walked beside the cross of Christ.5.
R. It is a great joy for me to go to the Mass, and when I am seeing my own sinfulness to know that I can give myself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and become most intimately united with our Divine Savior. But I long so much to be so close to Christ in the Mass that I am most grateful for this gift to be able to go to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady and to unite in the deepest intimacy with Jesus in the Mass.6.
R. Today is a day about gifts, for we see that the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and they were filled with such gifts. But look at the gifts that we’re given. We are given the great gift of Jesus in the tabernacle. God outpours His grace to us when we pray before the tabernacle. When we go to the Eucharist we are filled more with His life, His grace in us. We know that He is giving to us these great gifts that we are able to comprehend more fully insights into the mystery of His love and be more deeply one with Him. God has given to us a great mission. God has called us by name in all of the things that we may feel like we are experiencing, the persecution and the suffering. We know in our hearts that the most important thing to us, is our relationship with God. I cannot believe many times how ungrateful I am and how ungrateful men are that they are not thanking God for the great gift that He gives to us, which is, the gift of Himself in the Eucharist.7.
R. And I hear Mary as she calls out in the Mary message tape, “I stood beneath the cross of My Son and I cried.” And I read the messages in the Apostles Manual and last week it was with great suffering for there are so many strong messages in there. We must turn our hearts to hearts of prayer. We must make reparation to God for our offenses against Them. I am asking each and every person here to study the messages in the Apostles Manual. This is what He has asked me to do. The more that we study these messages, the more we will hear Him speak to us and hear Him tell us what we can do. The more we will realize the urgency of the situation, how spreading the prayer chapters is so important to the Father’s Plan to help bring about the renewal of the Church and the world.8.
R. And the days seem like they go by so quickly but it seems many times that we do not even have a chance to breathe and to look around and to take in the gifts God has given to us. God wants us to be filled with joy in our hearts, to realize that it is in God that this work will be accomplished. But Jesus wants us to read the messages too, to understand the urgency of the situation, especially the Father’s messages for He is saying that we are a sinful race, that we must make reparation especially to the heart of our Mother. That we must pray. These are very strong messages. In the five years before that I received the messages, since 1991, maybe it is six years now, they have become stronger and stronger since December. I know this. I know that the Father wants us to try to spread the prayer chapters. That it is most urgent that we do all that we can for our own personal holiness and that we pray fervently, that we unite at every second in the Morning Offering to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. That it is in the prayer that many things will be accomplished. We do the will of God in love so God’s Plan will unfold.9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
Immaculate Mary
The Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth
R. How I love Mary. Mary is the Queen of all Apostles. Look at the picture of Mary as she appears on the building in Florida. Look at Our Lady of Guadalupe. On December 12th, Jesus and Mary asked me to make the tape, Mary’s Message. And to make sure that on every tape it said that it was recorded on December 12th, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This was four days before she appeared on the building. She said in the message that she is appearing there as Our Lady of Fatima in the Americas. I know that it is very important that we are praying to Our Lady of Guadalupe to help us in our mission.
R. Mary is the woman clothed as the sun with the moon under her feet. And there are twelve stars about her head. And Mary is bringing forth the children of Light.3.
R. Mary is Queen of Heaven and of earth.4.
R. Mary is Mother of Divine Grace. Mary is Mother. Mary is full of grace. Mary is the Mother that the Father has chosen for His children.5.
R. Mary is the Mother of Jesus, and Mary is our Mother, which makes a great bond between us and between her.6.
R. We must fervently pray to spread this consecration that all men will realize that they must go to their Mother, Mary. That it is through her that they will see the Light.7.
R. Oh Mary, the Holy Spirit came down upon you and together you gave us the Child, Jesus. Help us to prepare our hearts so that we also may receive the Holy Spirit and allow Him to work in us. Grant this through Christ Our Lord, Amen.8.
Acts 2: 1-2When Pentecost day came round, they had all met together, when suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of a violent wind which filled the entire house in which they were sitting;
Jesus is alive and Jesus is with us. Jesus is alive in our hearts and He has called us on this most special mission. We have been given great gifts. The Apostles got out of prison singing. How are we this day? How is His life showing alive in our hearts? Are we the instruments that God wants us to be to carry the Light into the darkness? It is in going to our Mother Mary, in giving ourselves to her, that the Holy Spirit will work within her heart to make us more like Him.9.
Mary: And so my children, I am your Mother Mary. And I deliver this message to you this day. You are the apostles that My Son has called to go into the darkness and to spread the Light. You must pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Do not be afraid. You must have hearts of love. You must give your heart to me and I will take your heart to my Son, Jesus. You must smile that the Light of His life will shine through your eyes and from your heart. And it will go into the hearts of others for you have been given great gifts. You have been called and chosen, His apostles, the apostles to help bring about this new era of great peace and love. Do not be afraid, come to my heart, for I am crushing the head of the serpent. And you will be protected. I am asking you to pray the prayers given by my Son, Jesus in the prayer manual frequently. For you will be protected against satan. Do not be afraid, for I walk by your side and I am guarding you and I am protecting you, my little children of Light. I am your Mother Mary. I am the Lady clothed as the sun bringing forth my children of Light.10.
Jesus: My beloved ones, I am asking you to go into the darkness and to carry My Light, My life alive within you. Will you smile or will you curse the darkness and walk away? You have been called. You must spend time every day in intimacy with Me or satan will trip you on your way. I am Jesus. I love you with the most burning love on this Pentecost. Give Me your heart and I will fill you with My burning love. I love you. I love you. I love you.Song:
I Love You JesusR.
And Jesus feeds us with His Body and His Blood and we are one in Him. Jesus is God, All-Powerful and Almighty and we are Jesus’ chosen ones.Sing:
I Am the Bread of Life
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Given March 21, 2014
R. Pray for These Things
1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
6) People going to Florida and China.
7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
9) Pray for pope helping us.
10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
11) Blue Book 17 and cover and all involved.
For our Publisher and all involved
12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
15) Donors and members and their families.
16) Healing of the Family tree.
17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
18) All who asked us to pray for them.
19) All we promised to pray for.
20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple, Rosie & all involved.
21) 2 babies and moms.
22) Funds and insurance.
23) Jerry's garage.
24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
26) Consecrate all hearts.
27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.
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