May 2, 2011
May 3rd Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 5 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for May 3rd are Sorrowful.
Rita is doing the
Sidney Rosary Tuesday
May 3rd, 2011 - 6:20pm
Please pray with us.
Florida Retreat
May 2nd - May 5th
1:30pm and 6:20pm
Please tune in!
$10.00 plus shipping
The Florida Book Store
The Texas Priests
books of Fr. Joe's homilies
are ready and have been
for weeks
We need $1,300 postage —
Can you help us?
May 2, 2011
Jesus: Life is not life if it is not rooted in Me —
I chose you to be My own —
I want intimacy with you —
My children are hungry —
Give the babies their medicine —
They wander and need to know My messages
of love found in
Song: A Song from Jesus
Jesus: Tell the little ones coming to Holy Communion
how I long for them — How I wait for them —
The light comes and you follow the path unimpeded —
But the man intoxicated, addicted to anger,
and other addictions is driven by
his inordinate attachment —
he follows like a man wearing a blind-fold —
where he could have dropped the rag around
his eyes —
He clutches it and hangs on —
A woman had cataracts and she could
barely see —
She wanted to see —
She went to the doctor —
Her vision was improved with surgery —
A man blinded spiritually must desire to have
the rag around his spiritual vision removed,
but satan presses on him — alluring him
more into his thinking and darkness —
A man was falling from a cliff with a heavy
ball and chain around his ankle —
will he fall faster if he has a heavy ball
and chain, than one falling with a free ankle —
Now I tell you a riddle —
God the Father created you and you have dimmed
vision and
in baptism you receive a sharing in God's life —
the Christ life —
Life in the Spirit —
Now if a person doesn't take care of his
physical life he can die —
So you can focus on your fat cells and
weigh any burger you may think to
consume as a precaution before
you eat it —
Why do you not weigh your unloving, selfish,
self-seeking hearts on the heavenly scale
so you see if that is too heavy in your
unloving, selfish ways to meet the pass
to everlasting life —
Life is to be lived to please your heavenly
Father —
So many see this spiritual life as on down
the priorities of life —
Life on earth is to prepare you for
everlasting life —
Why do you weigh your burgers
Exercise your bodies and
neglect your souls —
The body is given to you as a gift to help you
to prepare on earth for the heavenly banquet —
Matthew 7: 21
It is not anyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord," who will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but the person who does the will of my Father in heaven.
Jesus: Fathers see yourselves as chosen co-creators
of your children —
Your purpose is to teach the Father's love to
your children —
Your name is father —
This should be under the heavenly Father —
Mothers pray for your children —
Love them like Mary your heavenly Mother —
Jesus: Let your "yes" mean "yes" and
your "no" mean "no"
Don't look through jealous, angry eyes
and expect a heavenly result —
The angels around God's throne sing of
the glory of God —
Only the fallen angel wants you to be
stuck in pride and ego, selfishness,
fear and jealousies —
Blind men, take off the rags on your faces
covering your eyes —
I came out of the tomb — Victorious
Jesus: Drop your burial cloths —
Prepare your hearts — filled with love for
God and others and your heart more and
more growing to be as the Heart of Jesus
Wipe the silly grin off your face —
Take the ball and chain from your ankle —
Any mom tells their child not to stand by the edge
of a cliff —
Why do you not tell yourself not to stand
by the edge of the cliff spiritually —
May 2, 2011
R. Personal Uniqueness —
We were created in the image
and likeness of God — Out of all the
possible persons God could have
created —
He created us uniquely important
to the building of the Kingdom
of God, a part for helping
men to get to heaven, for ourselves
using our talents to give honor
and glory to God —
Pope John Paul II says this
about being a rival to God's plan
From the Priestly Newsletter Book III - 2000 Issue 3 by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J. p. 44-53
Pope John Paul II instructs us: "The Church, as a reconciled and reconciling community, cannot forget that at the source of her gift and mission of reconciliation is the initiative, full of compassionate love and mercy, of that God who is love (see 1 John 4:8) and who out of love created human beings (see Wisdom 11:23-26; Genesis 1:27: Psalms 8:4-8)…He created them so that they might live in friendship with Him and in communion with one another.
"God is faithful to His eternal plan even when man, under the impulse of the evil one (see Wisdom 2:24) and carried away by his own pride, abuses the freedom given to him in order to love and generously seek what is good, and (instead) refuses to obey his Lord and Father. God is faithful even when man, instead of responding with love to God’s love, opposes Him and treats Him like a rival, deluding himself and relying on his own power, with the resulting break of relationship with the One who created him. In spite of this transgression on man’s part, God remains faithful in love.
"It is certainly true that the story of the Garden of Eden makes us think about the tragic consequences of rejecting the Father, which becomes evident in man’s inner disorder and in the breakdown of harmony between man and woman, brother and brother (see Genesis 3:12 ff; 4:1-16). Also significant is the Gospel parable of the two brothers (the parable of the ‘prodigal son’; see Luke 15:11-32) who, in different ways, distance themselves from their father and cause a rift between them. Refusal of God’s fatherly love and of His loving gifts is always at the root of humanity’s divisions.
"But we know that God…like the father in the parable (of the prodigal son), does not close His heart to any of His children. He waits for them, looks for them, goes to meet them at the place where the refusal of communion imprisons them in isolation and division. He calls them to gather about His table in the joy of the feast of forgiveness and reconciliation.
"This initiative on God’s part is made concrete and manifest in the redemptive act of Christ, which radiates through the world by means of the ministry of the Church." 13
13. Pope John Paul II, as in Celebrate 2000!, Servant Publications, pp. 140-141.
From the Priestly Newsletter Book III - Issue 2 - by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J. - p. 21
Our Father
We have these words from Roman Guardini: "It is only through Christ that we come to the Father. When speaking of God the Father, we ought to add that we mean Him whom Christ means when He says ‘My Father.’ Thus we would signify that we were not thinking of a vague concept of deity whose power one may suspect behind the government of the world, but that holy countenance which revealed itself for the first time in the words of Christ. When we ‘go to the Father,’ we must go together with Christ, along His path and in His spirit. There can be no other way to the Father…
"So that we may be able to follow Christ we must never cease to dwell on His life and teaching; otherwise our prayer to God will inevitably assume the character of a vague cosmic worship. Only through Christ can we reach the real Father in heaven.
"Christ has laid down for us how we should pray to the Father…
"Rightfully understood, and spoken in the spirit in which Christ taught them, the words of the Lord’s Prayer have profound and eternal significance. Their key lies in the body of teaching which is known as the Sermon on the Mount. They are illumined by the parables in which Christ explains the relationship between God and man; for example, by the parable of the Prodigal Son; thus, if rightfully understood in this wider context, they become a living path leading us to the Father.
"Because the Lord’s Prayer is so full of meaning and truth, and yet so simple, it frequently suffers the fate of being said thoughtlessly, without true reverence and inner intent. It happens so much that we ought to remind ourselves of our responsibility as Christians to preserve and treasure Christ’s holy heritage. We should say the Lord’s Prayer in a collected mood, thoughtfully, and putting our heart into its words. Only then will it open the doors to the kingdom of the Father which the Son’s love has prepared for us." 7
7. Romano Guardini, Prayer in Practice, Pantheon Books, p. 115.
From the Priestly Newsletter Book III - Issue 1 - by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J. - pp. 9-10
Prayer and Self Identity
Here are words which unite prayer and one’s quest to grow in an awareness of one’s self-identity. "Since the only real identity we have is our relationship with God in Christ — we are in God’s image mediated by Christ — we grow in achieving true self-identity through growth in the awareness that each of us is a unique reflection of God, that we live by His life —indeed, we participate in his life through grace...
"Prayer plays a profound role in achieving self-identity. In the loving quiet of prayer God reveals both Himself to us and us to ourselves. These aspects are intimately connected. As God communicates knowledge concerning Himself, He also gives insight into ourselves, we who are in His image. As prayer grows, this insight concerning God and ourselves deepens. We become more aware of what is involved in living by the life of God, in living according to the divine image, in living a Christ-like existence. All these expressions point to the same reality — that we are finite expressions of the infinite, and each of us uniquely so, and that growth in self-identity means an increased lived awareness of this sublime truth.
"When this awareness reaches a certain consistency, we have arrived at a change in consciousness. This stage of the spiritual journey is of the utmost importance. If one goes forward after this change in consciousness, one’s life will never again be the same. One has achieved a new way of comprehending the answer to the mystery of human existence.
"Before this change in consciousness occurs, even the committed Christian can ask at times, ‘Is this all there is to life?’ This question can nag at the human heart even as one enjoys significant accomplishments, experiences the joy-dimension of the human condition, and feels a sense of love and security emanating from personal relationships.
" ‘Is this all there is to life?’ For the Christian, this question and the manner in which he or she confronts it, is of critical importance. It is not as though the Christian who faces this existential challenge has not previously possessed the key to life’s mystery. The vision of faith has already provided this key. The vision of faith, however, operates on different levels. The more spiritually mature person, the one further advanced in prayer, has a better grasp on how to live the mystery of life than does one less spiritually advanced...
"Confronting properly, then, the haunting question ‘Is this all there is to life?’, will lead to this deeper Christian existence which will manifest that, yes, indeed, there is more to life than one had previously known. If one follows the lead of grace, if one grows in the life of prayer and consistently lives on the level where the Christ-like self is dynamically operative, one will never again be haunted by the feeling that life is not yielding a sufficient sense of fulfillment."
17. Edward Carter, S.J., The Mysticism of Everyday, Sheed & Ward, pp. 44-46.
R. When we wake to what it means
to have a heavenly Mother
and a heavenly Father who
loves us we see the senselessness
of the world when it emphasizes
the earthly father and how
he partakes in co-creating the
child, a man - the father, who has
a wounded nature and acts
and teaches imperfectly —
and the world that can leave out
the heavenly Father who is
the one who gives power to the
earthly father — We see this
incorrect emphasis of the role
of an earthly father and ignoring
the perfection and love of the
heavenly Father who created us,
chose us, endowed us with
talents to do His Plan —
The earthly father is acting
in the name of the heavenly
Father —
We see the modeling of Jesus
to obey His Father to His
death on the cross —
We hear the words over
and over again from Jesus in
the scriptures where He says
He was sent by the Father —
The earthly father (imperfect)
is acting for the Heavenly Father
and he is accountable to God for
how he handles this most delicate
And when the imperfections
of the father affect us — we
must recognize in our love
for our earthly father —
it is time to be a child praying
to love for our earthly father
and whether they are dead or
alive we need to forgive them,
love them and pray for them
who were responsible in this
act of co-creating us —
Healing the family tree is
a prayer we must have
to pray to God —
In the Holy Spirit Novena
We pray for healing in body, mind, and soul and generational healing in ourselves, in all members in our families, and in all members of the Shepherds of Christ Movement, the Jesuit Community, the Poor Clares, the Body of Christ, and the world.
R. Our heavenly Father created
us and He is perfect and Perfectly
loves us —
Our earthly father acts in his
Name —
When we have grown, wounds
of the earthly father must be
forgiven and we move to love —
We have our Heavenly
Father, who is all perfect and
loves and created us to turn to —
(He isn't too busy for us —
He wants intimacy of us
with Him)
The Heavenly Father wants us for
all eternity to be with Him
in heaven in the beatific
vision — wrapped forever —
In a person's uniqueness we see
such gifts, but these gifts
are to be used for the honor
and glory of God —
When we use our uniqueness
and gifts as power
over others — we rebel against
the Father's will and we then
isolate more and more —
rather than working for the
honor and glory of God and realized
His will for us to be part of
the grand design of the Father —
Who wants us to give ourselves
for His honor and glory.
For whom do we act — Do
we use these gifts given to
us from God to work with each
other as pieces of a grand
design — a piece of a puzzle
working with others as one
to have the help of strengthening
the whole — with our lives rooted
in giving God honor and
living according to God's Plan.
I put my clothes in the
washer and they were cleaned —
I put my dishes in the
dish washer and it was cleaned —
I put my heart in the Heart of Jesus
and I am on fire — ready
to do His work —
not for pride and affection of
men, but to serve God with
my whole heart, my whole
soul, my whole being —
Waking oneself up —
Praying for grace —
A long sleep of thinking
I have to be on the
throne and not Jesus —
Where you couldn't
trust the earthly
father sometimes —
you can always
trust the heavenly
Father —
always trust God —
God the Father keeps us
in existence
Fr. Carter writes in Priestly Newsletter Book III - Issue 4 - p. 90
10The Father's Love for Us
St. Alphonsus Ligouri, Doctor of the Church, speaks to us concerning the Father’s love for us manifested in the gift of His Son to us: "All holiness and perfection of soul lies in our love for Jesus Christ our God, who is our redeemer and our supreme good. It is part of the love of God to acquire and to nurture all the virtues which make a man perfect.
"Has not God in fact won for himself a claim on all of our love? From all eternity he has loved us. And it is in this vein that he speaks to us: ‘Oh man, consider carefully that I first loved you. You had not yet appeared in the light of day, nor did the world yet exist, but already I loved you. From all eternity I have loved you.’
"Since God knew that man is enticed by favors, he wished to bind him to his love by means of his gifts: ‘I want to catch men with the snares, those chains of love in which they allow themselves to be entrapped, so that they will love me.’ And all the gifts which he bestowed on man were given to this end. He gave him a soul, made in his likeness, and endowed with memory, intellect and will; he gave him a body equipped with the senses; it was for him that he created heaven and earth and such an abundance of things. He made all these things out of love for man, so that all creation might serve man, and man in turn might love God out of gratitude for so many gifts.
"But he did not wish to give us only beautiful creatures; the truth is that to win for himself our love, he went so far as to bestow upon us the fullness of himself. The eternal Father went so far as to give us his only Son. When he saw that we were all dead through sin and deprived of his grace, what did he do? Compelled, as the apostle says, by the superabundance of his love for us, he sent his beloved Son to make reparation for us and to call us back to a sinless life.
"By giving us his Son, whom he did not spare precisely so that he might spare us, he bestowed on us at once every good..."
10. St. Alphonsus Ligouri, Tract, de praxi amanda Jesum Christum, edit. latina, Romae, 1909, pp. 9-14, as in the The Liturgy of the Hours, Catholic Book Publishing Co., Vol IV, pp. 1264-1265.
From Priestly Newsletter Book III - Issue 3 - p. 70
49The virtue of trust is extremely important for growth in the spiritual life. Here are words on confidence, on trust, in God from St. Claude La Colombière, one of the great apostles of devotion to the Heart of Christ.
"My God, I am so convinced that you keep watch over those who hope in You, and that we can want for nothing when we look for all from You, that I am resolved in the future to live free from every care, and to turn all my anxieties over to You…
"Men may deprive me of possessions and of honor, sickness may strip me of strength and the means of serving you…but I shall never lose my hope. I shall keep it till the last moment of my life; and at that moment all the demons in Hell shall strive to tear it from me in vain…
"Others may look for happiness from their wealth or their talents; others may rest on the innocence of their life, or the severity of their penance, or the amount of their alms, or the fervor of their prayers. As for me, Lord, all my confidence is my confidence itself. This confidence has never deceived anyone. No one, no one has hoped in the Lord and has been confounded.
I know, alas!, I know only too well, that I am weak and unstable. I know what temptation can do against the strongest virtue. I have seen the stars of heaven fall, and the pillars of the firmament; but that cannot frighten me. So long as I continue to hope, I shall be sheltered from all misfortune; and I am sure of hoping always, since I hope also for this unwavering hopefulness.
"Finally, I am sure I cannot hope too much in You, and that I cannot receive less than I hoped for from You. So I hope that you will hold me safe on the steepest slopes, that You will sustain me against the most furious assaults, and that You will make my weakness triumph over my most fearful enemies. I hope that You will love me always, and that I too shall love You without ceasing. To carry my hope once for all as far as it can go, I hope from You to possess You, O my Creator, in time and in eternity. Amen."
49. St. Claude de la Columbière, An Act of Confidence in God, Apostleship of Prayer, Chicago Regional Office.
God's Blue Book 3
May 2, 1994 5:10a.m.
Oh, My child, trust. I am indeed present to all at the Center. I am working in your hearts. You are all parts of the big picture. You must unite. All there must learn to love, not as they see love, but as I am teaching you to love. You do such unloving things and do not even know.
They need these letters on love at the Center. Love and union are what will make you light up the world. You must all learn to love. Put your hate, anger and sizing each other up aside. Unite. I am using each person there.
Prayer is the answer. Prayer is silence before Me in the tabernacle. I speak in your heart. Preach to others how to become open to My promptings in their hearts. Every person is needed. Every person has a part to play. Read these letters on love. Love is the key. Satan will divide you if you do not keep yourselves rooted in My love and strive for unity. I am communicating to all there. It takes time with Me after Communion and in front of the tabernacle. Pass out the little book and message on the tabernacle. Pass out the letters of love.
There cannot be strife and competition in your hearts. You are all called. How can you show the world about love when you do not know about love yourself? Love is the key that will light the city. Love is what you need to unite!
Satan wants to divide your workers. He wants them to compete and look with anger at each other. Know, My little ones, that he is constantly talking to you and trying to divide you. Love as I have loved you. Love your brothers. That is action, that is not "tolerance." That is not seeking self, that is giving self, that is being humble, that is mending fences, that is saying you are sorry, that is being in touch with Me. You cannot love without My graces. You need to be alone with Me. I speak to your heart in the silence. Stay after Communion. I, the Son of God, Jesus, Who died on the cross, long to be with you and give you all you need. Stay with Me, My beloved ones. I love you so much.
Do not look at your brothers and size them up. Pray for them to be drawn closer to My Sacred Heart. You are not doing this alone. Do you see in the confirmations, how you are all receiving My promptings? You cannot get My messages for you if you do not sit in silence with Me. I speak in the silence to you. I speak in the inner promptings of your heart.
You do not need to promote yourselves, you need to do My work. I am using you as a unit. Unite in love. Whenever any ill thoughts of your brothers come to your head, dismiss them and pray the Prayer for Union with Me. I know everything that is happening and I want My work accomplished. Let Me take care of your brother who is irritating you. I can do it far better than you could ever do it.
Love, this is your call. Love, union, forgiveness, saying you are sorry. This takes Me. You cannot do it alone. "But," you say, "I don't want to say I'm sorry." I say that is what mends the fence. It is like the nails that hold the boards. A humble, loving heart will hold it together. Do not be prideful. Pride is the downfall. This comes from focusing on yourself. Pray my Prayer for Union with Jesus. This will help you to become more selfless and united to Me. A soul that is striving for union with Me will be a loving soul. The best gift you can give this world is to be about your relationship with Me. I mold your heart. I dismiss your fear. I wash away anger and doubt and you come away with My love.
Love will light this city. You must tend to the pruning in your own hearts. Do not criticize your brother. Be loving and pray for him. Dismiss all hate and anger. It is not from Me. I operate in love. You can accomplish so much with love. Argumentation, belaboring the point, is from Satan.
Pray for each other. Pray for union with Me. Pray for the union of your brothers to My Sacred Heart. Lead all to silent prayer with Me. Read the Scriptures. Read these letters, letters of love from Me to My beloved ones! Oh, how I love! You do not know how to love. How can you love and teach others when you do not know yourself. Circulate the letters-on the tabernacle, hate and anger, and loving your brothers-at the Center. Give them to all who are the backbone of the operation. They need to love, love God, love one another. That will light your city. You will be on fire with the burning love of Jesus in your hearts. You cannot do it alone. You must come to Me.
I am the Alpha. I am the Omega. I am your God and I am doing My work through you. I am working. Make yourself selfless. I can do all things if you surrender yourself to Me. I love you. I want you to write music and songs. Jesus.
We need to print the
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Fr. Edward J. Carter |
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and
a little bottle of
Jesus and Mary water.The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.Cost — $200.00
Also available
a cup with a Mary's image on it
Cost — $15
Call Doris
Rosaries with Mary's Image Available
Aurora Borealis Beads6mm - $30.00
8mm - $40.00
Call Doris
Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass - 18
Our Lady-Guadalupe w/glass - 12
Limpias - 8
Immaculate Heart w/glass - 18
I Heart - Ivory w/glass - 18
Our Lady of Grace w/glass - 18
Our Lady-Mt. Carmel w/glass - 18
Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass - 18
Infant of Prague w/glass - 24
Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass - 24
Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass - 24
Sorrowful Mother w/glass - 24
I Heart - Ivory w/glass - 24
I Heart of Mary w/glass - 24
Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass - 24
Our Lady-Guadalupe w/glass - 28
Our Lady of Grace w/glass - 24
Our Lady-Mt. Carmel w/glass - 24
St. Padre Pio
St. Joseph
St. Therese
St. Francis
St. Anthony
St. Claire
St. Jude
Divine Mercy
Holy Family
St. Philomena
Pieta - Marble
Pieta - Color
Holy Family
St. Anthony - 18
St. Francis - 18
St. Joseph - 18
St. Therese - 18
St. Rita - 18
St. Clare - 12
St. Rita - 12
St. Padre Pio - 12
Divine Mercy - 12
St. Michael - 11
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 627
China, IN 47250
Toll free - 1-888-211-3041
Local - 1-812-273-8405
fax - 1-812-273-3182
Size Price Quantity Holy Family
St. Anthony
St. Claire
St. Francis
St. Joseph
St. Jude
St. Padre Pio
St. Therese
Divine Mercy 22"
$125 Angel 22"
$100 St. Philomena 20"
$100 St. Philomena 16"
$65 St. Joseph 18"
$65 St. Francis 18"
$65 St. Anthony 18"
$65 St. Rita 18"
$65 St. Therese 18"
$65 Pieta - Color 15" $75 Pieta - Marble 15" $75 Holy Family 12"
$60 St. Padre Pio - standing 12"
$40 St. Padre Pio - sitting 8"
$50 St. Michael 11"
$40 St. Rita 12"
$40 Divine Mercy
$40 St. Claire 12"
$40 Limpias 8"
$25 Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass 28"
$500 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass 24"
$500 Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass
$500 Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass
$500 Infant of Prague w/glass
$500 Our Lady of Grace w/glass
$500 Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass
$500 Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass 24"
$500 Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass 24"
$500 Sorrowful Mother w/glass
$500 Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass 18"
$300 Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass 18"
$300 Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass 18"
$300 Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass 18"
$300 Our Lady of Grace w/glass 18"
$300 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass
18" $300 Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass 12"
$200 Fatima w/glass
$150 Fatima w/glass
$250 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 12"
$160 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 15" $200 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 18" $250 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 27"
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© 2011 Shepherds of Christ.
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May be copied in its entirety, but neither re-typed nor edited.
Translations are welcome but they must be reviewed for moral and
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before any distribution takes place. Please contact us for more information.
All scripture quotes are from the
New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
Revised: January 1, 2011
Contact Information for Shepherds
of Christ
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 627
China, Indiana 47250
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405
FAX: (812) 273-3182