May 20, 2015
May 21st Holy Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
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Fr. Joe, Sonny & family, Blue Book 15,
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May 20, 2015
May 5, 2015 Rosary
Clearwater, Florida
live - transcribed from a tape
R. For faith, hope and charity.
R. I'm just going to do a few excerpts until They tell me to do something different, but this is from some excerpts out of the June 8th rosary of 1997 in Blue Book 15. It was said at the Morrow Center.
The Resurrection
R. Did you say the Our Father?
1. From Blue Book 15 - June 8, 1997
R. And so we pray for wider vision for the victory has been won. For the Lord came forth from the tomb victorious and we share in abundance in His Divine life. For we have been baptized and He has given to us this sharing in His life. So why are we afraid? Where is our mind at this moment? Are we so fixed on the moment that we miss the big picture that He wishes to unveil to us. Let us pray to see the vision of the Father. Let us see the events of Adam and Eve and the willfulness in the garden. And let us see in the last book of Revelation where He speaks of what He will do on this earth. That the lady clothed as the sun will come with the moon under her feet, that she will shine, Our Lady of Light, and bring forth the children into the light. Let us see the whole Bible. Think of the Bible, the Word of God. And the more that we know God the more that we are rooted in the truth, that we want to know the Word of God, we seek to know God. Know the Bible beginning to the end. Let us pray in this rosary for the grace to see with wider vision, to not be so focused as we are on the moments at hand, but to see His Divine Plan. To be one in our hearts with God. To be one with each other. To see that the plan of the Father is unfolding here. To see the events of Adam and Eve, their willfulness. To see God is displeased with the creatures of this earth. That He has called us, this small core group, to go into this world and to tell them that they must stop offending God. What God wants from us is obedience. God wants reparation for the sins that we have committed. God wants us to tell Him we are sorry for our sins. God wants us to recognize that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, truly present in His Divinity and humanity. We indeed are a sinful, willful race. And the Father has said that He wishes us over and over again to read these two messages in January for they are filled with information that He is giving to us for the unfolding of His plan. We are the shepherds that He has called to help carry the light into the dark world.
And so too, we must see with a wider vision. Constantly, keeping our vision to this wider vision to see ourselves truly in this picture for we must operate according to His plan. The devil gets us focused on ourselves. See the big picture, the Plan of God the Father.And He speaks:
I am without a beginning and without an end. I am the almighty God. I have called you. I have called you by name, My chosen shepherds to help carry this light into the darkness. Do not be concerned with the distractions in your life. Move fearlessly ahead for you have been chosen and I am giving you the most abundant grace to proceed in all of the sufferings. You will proceed ahead if you keep your focus on Me.
2. From Blue Book 15 - June 8, 1997
Jesus: Are you afraid? Are you scared? Are you tired?
R. The Father has a plan and His plan will unfold. We see Adam and Eve in the garden and we see that they were told not to pick from the tree. And they disobeyed. We know that God is displeased at their disobedience. And so the light is dimmed. We see today the willfulness of men and we see as the Father speaks. The Father speaks on January 18th. These two messages are so filled with so much. What He is really saying to us, if we keep our focus on this, on the All Night Message, if we keep our focus on the wider vision we will hear what He is saying. God is God – God is the same God Adam and Eve disobeyed. It is the same God that speaks to us, the same God that we are communicating with. Mary said “yes” to the angel – “yes” to God the Father. It is the same God, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man that said when He died on the cross that He did the will of the Father even to His death on the cross. The message is to comply to the will of God. Adam and Eve sinned. Jesus is the New Adam. Mary is the New Eve. Mary stood beneath the cross. She said, “yes”. Jesus said, thy will be done when He died on the cross.
3. From Blue Book 15 - June 8, 1997
We live the life, death and resurrection of Christ in our lives. We live out the mystery of Christ in our life. We see how the mysteries of the rosary unfold in our life. We receive a sharing in His life in baptism. But we must follow the commandments of God. This is what He has told us. The first commandment is “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any gods before Me.”
4. From Blue Book 15 - June 8, 1997
R. Jesus has made it so clear to me many people complain about the one hour that they spend with Him a week at Mass. And this morning, this is what He said, “One hour, one hour and they complain but the first commandment commands that they put Me first in their lives.” What are our gods? He spoke very much this morning about the football and how it can become a god to us. How our television can be our god. And He showed us in the Falmouth Flood how unimportant our televisions are as they float down the river, for He has all the power. And we hear Him speak, “I am God. You see the little individual events in your life as so important.” And then He has showed us that He can get our attention if we do not answer to the gifts He gives. We must pray as He has asked us to pray. What happens to our gods, our televisions, whatever it is? It could float down the river as it did in a flood. This is an example of the events that can happen.
end of excerpts from bb15
5. Jesus: And I call you to be witnesses before men. And satan wants you to be selfish, to close down, to tell yourself, it's okay to treat others without the love, that I have called you to give in this world. I want you to spread the Good News that men will know that I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the Good News is, that I am here and that I am truly present with you in the Eucharist. How abundantly I outpour My grace to you, My chosen ones, and you do not even know, nor do you fathom the love of My Sacred Heart, but I come to you, and I cry to you this night, that there are so many souls, that before the end of this rosary will lose their souls for all eternity. Open wide your hearts and pray, for the souls at this moment on the edge of death. I gave My life for them. Will you give you heart and pray for souls that need your prayers now?
6. Jesus: And you go out of your house and you see that there is a full moon, and you say, 'Wow, is that a full moon!' Is that a full moon? Are those stars in the sky? Does the sun shine so brightly that you cannot even see? Does the sky look so vast and the ocean so wide and beyond any limits? My people, how blind indeed you are, for your vision is so limited. You do not see your brother starving to death. Nor do you see the anger in your own hearts, the division, the lack of love in praying as I have asked you to pray, for your world is suffering. The Body of Christ is suffering, and you, as members as the body of Christ, suffer, too, because they are suffering so much.
7. Jesus: Whip the silly grin off of your face and realize, that the devils are there at every moment, celebrating those that oppose the Plan of the Father. And how it tears at the hearts of the children, many little ones, killed in abortion, and then telling themselves what is wrong is right.
8. Jesus: If you want a solution to the world's problems, come to Me. For they have made money their god, they have made themselves their god, they have prided themselves and made their pride their god, their envy their god, their jealousy their god; and satan fuels the fire in their hearts, that is filled with vengeance and remorse. Oh My people, My people, it is only in God, that you will find relief. Listen to Me.
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
R. I want to pray for Dan, and pray for Jimmy, pray for all the people I promised to pray for, a lot of women friends' husbands, are either dead or sick that are my age, and that's how it is, the older we get the more we see our friends around us, some of them die and then all of a sudden - like Fr. Ken came today, he's in his eighties. My brother said that, how many very dear friends die and we miss them. And so we really want to listen to the message that Jesus gave to us tonight. You must really have this goal fixed in your heart at every moment, the goal of moving on to that heavenly home, and asking God to help us, to attain that goal, which is heaven. We are to live our lives helping in the work of redemption. It is, how we are with Him in our hearts, that will make the difference, that can affect so many souls, Jesus and Mary both said today, souls are on the edge of death. Many will lose their souls for all eternity, and so we want to pray for them, and all the intentions, yours, mine, the Church, the priests, the hierarchy, all we promised to pray for, and all that have asked us to pray for them. Amen. Did you say Amen?
The Ascension
1. Excerpt from Blue Book 15 - June 8, 1997
R. Think of the world today and think of how they are disobeying the ten commandments.
The first one is: I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.
The second one is: You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.
The third one is: Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
And then we read the messages from the Father and He says that we are a sinful race. He gives to us ten commandments
to follow. Are we following the commands? They are not suggestions, they are commandments that He gives to us to follow.
2. R. Moses went up the mountain to get ten commandments and when he came down they were worshipping the false gods.
Reference: Exodus 31: 12-18
3. R. Moses came down from the mountain and he was up there awhile. And when he came down he saw the people and they were dancing and worshipping false gods. With that Moses’ wrath flared up so that he threw the tablets down and he broke them.
4. R. I go to the Exposed Eucharist every Tuesday at All Saints. And I have seen the altar adorned in the greatest light. And there is this celestial aura and I feel the presence of God burn within me and I cry from the awe of it all. I know the presence of the Almighty God profoundly. And to see what I see, all these things happen to the altar and God is there. And this is where I had two of the great visions. The Almighty God is truly present in the Eucharist. And there are maybe one, maybe two, maybe three people in the Church.
end of excerpts from bb15
May 5, 2015 continues
R. I had to bring this in because 18 years ago, I was worrying about the people drinking beer at the festival. This was in 1997 in Blue Book 15. I mean, that almost sounds like a joke right now, because the world has gotten so awful, and that's why it is important that it is in here. So I am saying – The world is different than the world 18 years ago -- we must turn to God and PRAY -- Listen to His directions.
Excerpt from June 8, 1997 continues
R. And there are maybe one, maybe two, maybe three people in the Church, but with the festival, so many outside. So many to run to the football games on Sunday with no care of the money for the tickets, or no care of anything. How is it in the lives of so many today? What does the first commandment say to us? ‘I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.’ And then He speaks about stealing. What about stealing the time that God has given to us that His plan will unfold. What about the money that we have and that we make that we do not share and that we do not give to God. Are we following the ten commandments? What is this? God is speaking to us to you and to me. We are the ones that He is speaking to. Everything that He speaks is written in the Bible, but we are looked at and we are criticized for talking about Jesus in the Eucharist and the Mass and the rosary and the commandments.
5. Excerpt from June 8, 1997 continues
R. Mary is speaking about the first commandment that is being violated immensely. I cannot even get the messages of God the Father out. There has been great opposition especially to these messages of God the Father and the obedience is the thing that they are objecting to the most.
end of excerpts from bb15
May 5, 2015 continues
R. It's funny how they hated that word 'obedience'. We must obey God's will.
Excerpt from June 8, 1997 continues
R. This is the thing that God wants. The whole thing is that we must obey the will of God. This is the thing. What about parents and children? How is the obedience as far as children obeying their parents. They are told by the television not to obey their parents. They are told by the movies. They are told by the video games that they must think of themselves and do what they want. And the fourth commandment. Where is the fourth commandment? For the children, for the children are being taught. And this is what Mary cried out for all those months when she appeared everyday. Her beloved children and how their minds are being poisoned. We are the antidote for the poison but really we are being mistaken for the poison.
6. R. On March 27th, the message of God the Father said, “that the sufferings would be lessened and or averted if we did the prayers in the prayer manual and spread the Priestly Newsletter.” And it is with great fear that I deliver these messages because I sit back and I get them and I shake inside after I get the messages. And the thing of it is, is it’s like we are accountable if we are not delivering the messages. The message is this that we need to try to get especially this Falmouth message out to the earth, that people will respond. For it is indeed a warning and it’s important that they hear the warning and its up to us to try to circulate this.
7. R. How was it at your Mass today? I can tell you how it was at my Mass. The Mass was packed. There were so many people there and there was a choir there and they were singing and they were celebrating two teachers that had taught there many many years. The whole Church was very big and it was very packed but there was nothing from the heart that I felt in the Mass. Even the choir. The music was stiff and the words spoken were hard. They were disconnected and they were not in one heart as Our Lord wants us to be. It is through these messages that the people will turn to great love for God, that the Churches will be united in one mind and one heart. The more that we do what He asks us to do, it will help bring about the Reign of the Sacred Heart. It is majorly a task that God the Father has given to us but though we are small in number it is through His Might and through our prayers that this task will be accomplished. There is nothing to fear for He says, “I am.” He is God. We are the ones that suffer at this moment at that moment. The devil presses on us. The devil is smart – he is crafty – he has tested people for centuries. He tempts our weakest point and tries to work us up. The picture that is on the Mary card that Mary asked me to make is a picture that was covered with an immense mist of Mary that I see when she appears. Its a vision that is so hard to even reproduce when somebody takes a picture of it. But the picture there which shows her face is not the same as the face on the other. So too, with the mist video. That mist video was a great gift. We must thank God for the gifts that He has given. Our Lady of Clearwater is a gift. These are great gifts that we are given in these writings and you know yourself that they have drawn you closer to the Heart of Jesus. You know what the Mass means to you. We must be so thankful to God. This is what God wants. He wants our love. God wants our thankfulness. God wants our courage to stand out there when the whole world seems like it is different than we are but to realize that God has given to us the antidote for the poison and to be strong for we are the soldiers, we are the apostles, we are the ones that He called out to and He said, “I am alive. I am alive. I am alive, on Ascension Thursday and I am treated like a dead object.”
8. R. And so there is fear in our hearts many times for we are standing out there and we are alone. I can be in a Church with a thousand people and a thousand people are not in the Shepherds of Christ Movement. They do not have the same mission that I have to accomplish. I must do whatever it is that He has asked me to do. One thing to do when I am in the Church and there are a thousand people in there is to consecrate that Church to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. To place all the people in that Church in the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. To ask God to help join them in this oneness. The Sacred Heart of Jesus will Reign. This is what we can do in every setting in our work places, wherever we are, to consecrate the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We want Jesus alive in our hearts. We are to pray for great graces to be released. We pray for the priest, as he is speaking. We pray for Masses with heartfelt love. We pray for lectors and people at Mass. We pray for the consecration of men’s hearts in Church to Jesus. So they are one in Jesus’ Heart, not stiff and heartless. We pray the love of Jesus radiates from our voice, our face, our hands, our gestures. We pray for the love of Jesus in the hearts of the priests.
9. R. It is not words spoken that we throw at Jesus. It is a love affair that God wants with man. He created us to love Him and to love each other. And He speaks, “I am alive, I am alive, I am alive. Tell them Rita, tell them.” And He let me suffer, immense suffering on Ascension Thursday. This was to carry the message to the world. You all know how you experience the depth of the love of the Heart of Jesus. And it is what propels us to go forward in the face of opposition, in the face of persecution. Jesus is God. And it is from our hearts that we speak and we want people to know Jesus, not be stiff, not focused on self, to focus on the Word of God, not ourselves.
The emphasis must be on the love of God. This My beloved ones is your Mission. I am Jesus. I am calling you to carry the messages of My Heart to this world. Each one of you go to Mass every Sunday and you see the faithful get up and leave. I am longing and I am waiting for love from my faithful ones, for I give them Myself and they do not treasure the great gift that I have given to you.R.
We must spread these messages, Father’s newsletter, the prayer chapters, spread devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We must see with the wide vision that the Father wants us to see with. We cannot be focused on the things that satan makes to try to divide us and avert us off our course. For souls are being lost as Mary said, day after day after day. Let our hearts be alive with the love of Jesus. Pray for the Reign of the Sacred Heart in men’s hearts.10. Jesus: You must not get discouraged. I need you to do this work. They persecuted Me, they mocked Me, they tore My flesh, and what had I done. You must obey Me even if you do not want to. OBEY GOD! If others try to stop you - block you – they are blocking Me. Do not ever underestimate the order of obedience. You must do My will. Listen to your heart and obey Me always. Your heart will gnaw at you until you obey. Take care of yourself and obey My will. You must always obey Me. You are given letters and directions from Me. I am Jesus, the Son of God – Listen to Me. You are My messenger here. You are being told what to do by God. If you do not obey Me, you do not feel good. You obey as I command you. Always obey your superiors. I am Jesus, the Son of God. This is not a myth. I am truly speaking to you. I will protect you child. Surrender to Me. You must realize that the very hairs of your head are numbered. Accept all your discomforts and learn the lessons I so sweetly teach you, sufferings I allow. I ardently love you.
R. Today is just so clear that Adam and Eve committed this sin against His will. And that they ate of this fruit of this tree. Jesus Christ is the New Adam. The Son of God is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. We’ve got these golden calves that we’re worrying all about. The first focus is not on God, but is on all these other things.
R. And so He ascended into heaven and He gives us this: I will be with you, that is My promise.
The prayers in the prayer manual are so important, our prayers are so important. God gives us the Mass. Wow! God gives us the Bread of Life – the Scriptures, the Eucharist.
end of excerpts from bb15
The Descent of the Holy Spirit Upon the Apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary
1. Jesus: I call you to work more and more diligently in publishing the Blue Book 15.
2. R. He told me this morning that the Shepherds of Christ is like a factory, that was being built, and it's not ready for the workers to come in, that we still have much to accomplish, before we begin the work with all the people, to help renew the Church and the world. And He said that if you were given a high-rise, you wouldn't move somebody into the top floor, before it was completed. So why do we not see, that even in this building, as God calls us, in a special way, the chosen ones, to be here, that we must judge, what God is telling us, not by what the people are doing, but obey Jesus. Many, may not be called today, but after the factory is finished, many will come.
3. Jesus: Are you tired? Are you anxious? Are you angry? How do you feel? And when you feel this way or that way, do you decide from your feelings, whether or not, you will do certain things? So if a man feels that he should go sock another man in the face, it's just fine and dandy for him to do so, because his feelings are his god. Another may decide to play a trick on somebody that is doing nothing wrong, because he feels that way. You can't judge your actions without right reason, based on your feelings only. Is it a habit of trying to coerce others, or retaliate against them, because you disobeyed to begin with. Is that right, that they go and punish when they were the ones, that were wrong to start with? How is it in your life? Is the Holy Sprit the one that is on duty, 24 hours a day, that is guiding you, because the Holy Spirit is God, and He is the third Person of the Holy Trinity? Are you the one that guides, picking and throwing away, whatever you don't want, not even consulting God, because you do it your way?
4. Jesus: I am Jesus, and I have taught you and taught you and taught you, and like the lepers, so few ever come and say thank You, God, for the gift.
5. Jesus: And some punish to block the Plan of the Heavenly Father, for it is the evil one that opposes the plan of God. And when you listen to the evil one it becomes more and more to your detriment, when you listen to him and you do as the devil advises. Have you not learned anything from the Garden of Eden, how Eve too, suffered, for listening to satan in the garden. I am Jesus. I am warning you, that you will suffer, when you turn away from Me.
6. Jesus: And I come to you today, and I outpour to you My abundant grace. Are you open? Or are you ready to close the door, because really you don't want to change. Who can change your heart? Nobody can change your heart but yourself. You have a free will to do God's will or serve yourself and satan.
7. Jesus: Satan plays tricks on people when they keep giving into him, and giving into him. For satan is a trickster – the evil man has the biggest trick on himself !
8. Jesus: Stay awake, be aware of the cunning tricks that he comes, to manipulate with.
9. Song: A Song from Jesus
10. God the Father: I am God the Father, and I put the Virgin Mary on this building, for you. It is My Plan that will unfold if you do not oppose My Plan. Why do you oppose Me?
In My house, Jesus says, there are many mansions, and I am preparing a place for those who live their lives, in service and obedience to God.
The Assumption
1. Sing: Ave Ave Maria
2. R. Mary was taken into heaven, body and soul.
3. R. Happy Mother's Day, Mary!
4. Mary: I am your Heavenly Mother, and I come to you tonight to deliver this message, on May the 5th. You were given on May the 5th of 1995, 20 years ago, a message of Consecrating the Homes to the Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart. It was a very important message, 20 years ago. You are to put this on the internet at the beginning of today's daily message and tell men to study, to read it and to obey, for their own good to obey. Tonight there are so many souls that will be lost. Pray fervently in this rosary for the souls now, on the edge of death. I am your Heavenly Mother. My children will be lost, many of them.
5. Mary: May is my month, and June is the month of my Son's Sacred Heart. Every day as you arise, think of how important it is, to me your Mother, that I have told you, I want you to focus on my love for you, this month of May, my love for my children, that will be lost, and I am asking you to pray every day, in May, for the souls on the edge of death.
6. Mary: All through the day, to keep that in your mind, in your heart, for they are your brothers and sisters. Think of how you would be at that moment, for the devil presses down at that moment and wants to take them home to him. But your prayers are so important for the souls on the edge of death – my children, my children, my children, I love.
7. Mary: In the month of the Sacred Heart, you are to awaken everyday and to remember this message, from Mary, your Heavenly Mother, that Jesus loves you so much. That is why God the Father has allowed me to appear all these years, and in this building, that the souls of the earth will know this reality, of the love of the Heart of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And so every day as you awake, be excited, for it is a day in the month of the Sacred Heart, and know that there may be sufferings in your life, in this month, for there are many souls that ignore Jesus, that treat Him with such disrespect, that are ungodly, and they hurt their brothers on purpose. Jesus is love my children. Jesus has a Heart on-fire for love of you. There is not any reason in your lives why you would not realize how much love He has for you, that you will be filled as a source of love, to be able to give love to others.
But I have this question to ask you, as your Heavenly Mother. You are now approaching a well, and you are thirsty, for you have not any water to drink, for a long time. And you look into the well, and the well is dry. How much water will you be able to retrieve from the dry well? Well, you say, 'Mother Mary, none'. And I say to you, the more that you focus on other things, and do not listen to this message, of how much Jesus truly loves you, in the messages that He has given, His letters of love, in the message that I tell you today, to focus on, every day of the month of the Sacred Heart, the more that you too will be that big dry well. And when the devils from hell come to you, and they tell you how jealous and envious that you should be, how you should be prideful and selfish, you will fall for their games, and not give the love that Jesus wants of you. Are you the empty well?
Are you the well that is reading the message, from December 17th of 1991, 5 years before I appeared on this building, Jesus showed His Sacred Heart, on-fire, opened wide, white with the white heat of His love, burning like a furnace, for the love of souls. And 24 years later, how have you meditated on this vision, so that you too will be a source of love? Or have you listened to satan, who wants you to be the empty well, to sit on your pity-pot and be selfish, when souls are at stake? Jesus loved to His death on the cross. He gave, He gave, He gave the last beat of His Heart and the last drop of His blood, for the souls that you are to pray for, that you are to love, that you have been called by me, your Heavenly Mother and by the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to spread this devotion – this devotion, that men will know the love of Our Two Hearts, and give their hearts to Our Loving Hearts. Why would you be the empty well, to give no water to your own self and to the others, that are parched as a dry desert, longing to be watered by the Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus.
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
Mary is Crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth
1. Mary: If the Queen of this earth were to come to my building now, and if it was broadcast and spread throughout the world, how many people would come from afar, that they could be in the presence of a Queen? My beloved children, I am Mary your Mother, Queen of Heaven and of Earth, and I appeared on this building for 7 1/2 years, and appeared to you this day. Where are your hearts? Where are your minds? Are they seeking the spiritual gifts that God has given and thanking Him? Or are they listening to satan, that plays the negative tapes, that will get you focused on your past, on things that never worked to begin with, to replay over and over again, negative tapes -- satan knows the exact temptation, so that you will be tempted to fall, so that he can press on you, and he doesn't let up. You need to realize how strong satan's grip is in this world, and how he knows exactly what to use, to lure you, like Eve, in the garden.
2. Mary: I am Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth.
3. Mary: What is your goal? Have you decided how important the goal, that Jesus told you about, was? Or do you just want to have it in the back of your mind, so that every day you can taste the senseless pleasures, as if the day, the last day that you are on this earth, will never come? If you do not focus on your goal, you are foolish in your behavior.
4. Mary: The factory is being built. The pillars are being put in place. The books are the Mighty Medicine, and you say, 'Well Mary, who is here?' And I say, distractions – distractions could be sent to you, but God wants the Blue Books published.
5. Mary: You are given the statues and the waters, and the statues need to be in every home. You must realize that I am telling you this, and tell them to pray the prayers. The statues in the home are really important, let me tell you as your Heavenly Mother, as Queen of Heaven and Earth, and that the waters bring healing to those who use them. Do not ever under-estimate these gifts, God the Father has given to the earth, from Clearwater. I am Our Lady of Light, Our Lady of the Universe. I am Queen of Heaven and Earth. I am the Lady Clothed with the Sun.
6. Mary: May is my month, and June is the month of my Son's Sacred Heart. Do not waste these days.
R. Dear Heavenly Mother, we pray for all the souls at this moment, on the edge of death, and we ask you to help us to focus all through May, all through the day, on our brothers and sisters, that are dying now, at the edge of death, and that souls would pray for us too, when we are on the edge of death. And that we do not overlook the fact, that someday, we too, will be on the edge of death, that we have a goal, and the goal is to see God face to face for all eternity. Amen.
7. Sing: Ave Maria gratia plena
8. Mary: As your Heavenly Mother, I have this to say to you. Many are so foolish in their ways, for they have been given so many tremendous gifts from God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and they do not even show any gratitude for the gifts that they have been given. And when the well is dry, will they be so sorry, for the gifts that they once had, that they were too busy, to even recognize, or to say thank you for. Great gifts have been given, but ignorance, rejection, nastiness, have been given back in return, offending your God. Do not look the gifts that God has given to you, as if they are nothing. That offends God greatly. Where would you be if God took the gifts that He is giving to you, away from you today? If there are things that you know God is giving to you, as great gifts, why aren't you thankful in expressing to Him, your gratitude? Cold and dry hearts, empty wells, these are not like the Heart of Jesus. Meditate on the vision of December 17th, 1991 and put this too, on today's daily message, about that vision, besides May the 5th of 1995, the message 20 years ago.
I am your Heavenly Mother. What We tell you to do, take seriously. Why do you think I have appeared as I did here in Clearwater, so that you could ignore me, as they ignored the message from the angel, that said, 'Pray for those who do not believe, do not hope and do not love thee'. And since they did not have that wide vision, look at what happened with World War II. They did not pray for the people. They thought, oh, isn't that nice. And they paid no attention, to really apply those messages as a rigorous part of their life, and there was the great war, the World War II, in which almost 66,000,000 people were killed. Listen. This is a message. Listen.
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
Hail Holy Queen
The Memorare
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
For the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and Lent
$10.00 plus shippingBlue Book 14
One of the following DVD
Prayer Brochure
Give the gift that keeps giving.
6 different Blue Books for $30.00 including postage
Books available in limited supply for this sale.
The more you use the Blue Books and
become one with Jesus – more
intimate with Jesus –
the more your lives are a blessing and
everything you do in life can help
to bring down great grace for the world
because of your being so
one with Jesus.
Guiding Light Homily Book Series
Fr. Joe’s Books
4 for $20 plus postage of $5.95
These books can be given to:
1) All Priests
2) Good for Music Ministers
3) Good for DRE's
Good for Deacons
5) Good
for Principals of Schools
6) Good for Teachers
Good for Mom and Dads
This statue was handmade and
and has a little piece of the glass
from the image face of Mary –
PV-Fatima w/glass - 27 ![]() |
PV-Fatima w/glass - 18 ![]() |
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OL-Fatima w/glass - 18 ![]() |
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These statues are a treasure, a work of art
Given March 21, 2014
R. Pray for These Things
1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
6) People going to Florida and China.
7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
9) Pray for pope helping us.
10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
11) Blue Book 14 cover; Blue Book 13 – all involved.
For our Publisher and all involved
12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
15) Donors and members and their families.
16) Healing of the Family tree.
17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
18) All who asked us to pray for them.
19) All we promised to pray for.
20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple, Rosie & all involved.
21) 2 babies and moms.
22) Funds and insurance.
23) Jerry's garage.
24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
26) Consecrate all hearts.
27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.
We need money for
Fr. Joe's new homily book
(we sent almost 40,000 to priests,
cardinals, bishops)
Can you please help us?
The Wedding Rosary
Crystal Image Rosary
$40 plus shipping
Original Image Rosary
8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box$40 plus shipping
Special Sale Statues with image glass
15" Pilgrim Virgin Fatima – $85
12" Our Lady of Fatima – $75
plus shipping
while supplies lastCall Regina 1–727–776–2763
Call Rosie 888–211–3041
In Spanish with the Imprimatur
Also we are ready to print
5000 copies of the
Parents and Children's Rosary Book
Can you help with a donation?
Give the gift that counts.
Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.
Tell My People $5.00
Response to God's Love $8.00
Response in Christ $8.00
Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur
$2.00 plus postage
New Mass Book with Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage
Give the gift that keeps on giving!
Give to your priest.
Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage
Special sale statue with glass
27" Statue of Our Lady of Fatima
$175 plus postage
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage
Dan called and gave the report to me, when I hung up I saw this rainbow and took a picture for him.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 627 China, Indiana 47250
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405
FAX: (812) 273-3182