Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing          

May 21, 2014

May 22nd Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 4 Period I.

The Novena Rosary Mysteries 
for May 22nd are Luminous.


Package for Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II will be canonized April 27th.

Here is a wonderful DVD about his life.

12" Statue of Sacred Heart of Jesus with glass
CD of Live Rosary from Blue Book 13 October 13, 1996 –
    1st 13th – Fr. Carter leads this live rosary
Blue Book 12
Karol Movie
Pictures of Our Lady of Clearwater 8 x 10 and 4 x 6

Hard copy of October 13, 1996 Rosary
We will include this special rosary with this offer.

$100 plus postage
while supplies last

This is a limited time offer.
These statues may become scarce in the near future.


Bible Bash/Fatima Package for May

11" Fatima
Statue with
image glass

Your choice of ONE
Bible DVD – Joseph

Or Moses DVD

8x10 picture of Our
Lady of Clearwater

Or David DVD Or Esther DVD Or Abraham DVD Or Jacob DVD

$50 plus postage
while supplies last

Call Rosie – 1–888–211–3041


Package for the month of Mary and First Communion     

  The Song of Bernadette
  DVD       OR
The Miracle of Our
Lady of Fatima

11" Fatima
Statue with
image glass

Blue Book 12

8x10 and 4x6
pictures of Our
Lady of Clearwater


   OR   OR

plus CD of October 13, 1996 Rosary
$50 plus postage
while supplies last

Call 1–888–211–3041

 The Wedding Rosary 

Crystal Image Rosary

$40 plus shipping


Special First Communion Rosary with Image Center

in a gift box

white     blue     red

and an 8 x 10 picture of Our Lady of Clearwater
and a 4 x 6 picture of Our Lady of Clearwater

$10 plus postage



Original Image Rosary

8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box

$40 plus shipping



                Given March 21, 2014

                R. Pray for These Things

                1) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
                2) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
                    also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
                3) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
                4) People going to Florida and China.
                5) Vocations to all 7 categories.
                6) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
                7) Pray for pope helping us.
                8) Jeff and sales
                9) Blue Book 13 cover; Blue Book 12, Blue Book 13 – all involved.
                    For our Publisher and all involved
               10) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
              11) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
              12) Donors and members and their families.
              13) Healing of the Family tree.
              14) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
                    Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Tom & wife; Kerry.
              15) All who asked us to pray for them.
              16) All we promised to pray for.
              17) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
                    Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie,
                    2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
                    Ed, Jimmy, a special couple, Rosie & all involved.
              18) 2 babies and moms.
              19) Funds and insurance.
              20) Special intentions.
              21) Jerry's garage.
              22) Thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings.
              23) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
              24) Consecrate all hearts.
              25) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.




                May 21, 2014

                R. Dear Jesus, we want to be united all day to all the
                Masses going on around the world. We love You
                so much, we are sorry for offending You and
                want to live according to Your will. Help us to
                die according to the ways that are not like what
                You want us to be. We pray to the Father, in the
                Name of Jesus, united to the Masses going on around
                the world, we pray in the Holy Spirit, through the intercession
                of the Blessed Virgin with all the angels and
                saints and the souls in purgatory – we
                pray for grace to live as You want us to be
                today, to die to our self-will, to love the will
                of God the Father for our lives.

                Jesus: My child - you are not alone – I am with you now,
                let go and surrender to Me.

                R. Oh God I love You so much. Last night I was
                so grateful to go to China and to be before the
                exposed Eucharist – It is such a gift to have
                the Eucharist Exposed in China in the Church.

                    When we first went into the China Church,
                Fr. Carter and me, I had a vision of the Eucharist
                exposed and people venerating the sacred
                host. That was 17 years ago. God has given
                us so many blessings in the Church as we
                prayed before the Exposed Eucharist.

                    There has been so many Masses celebrated
                for us in China, Indiana during the retreats and
                Fr. Carter celebrated so many before.

                    Don't you love to be there and to have
                the Mass celebrated. China, just feels good,
                because the people have prayed there 24
                hours a day before the Blessed Sacrament
                for 10 years now. And before this we prayed
                all day in Church since we got the Church and
                the Eucharist in 1997.

                    Right away, all those years ago, Betty
                came and prayed before the Blessed Sacrament
                all day. I could tell her prayers from the
                beginning working in the Movement. What
                a blessing to have Jesus, truly present in
                the Eucharist, in His Divinity and humanity.



We pray for you from our Church in China,
24 hours a day before the exposed Eucharist.
We pray eight-day retreats for you every month.





Father Carter's Talk
February 18, 2000

    Well, what should I say to you. It comes to my heart that I should start off telling you about the Holy Family’s house, the little home they lived in, in Nazareth which is now situated/surrounded by a Basilica Church in Loreto, Italy. And I had the privilege of visiting that shrine. How did their house get there—their little home all the way from Nazareth to Loreto, Italy? There’re different theories on it. One which seems very plausible to me is that during one of the crusades, when the crusaders were in the Holy Land, they had great reason to fear that the home of the Holy Family, the little house would be destroyed by the enemies of Christianity. So they dismantled it and brought it back by ship and then it was reassembled there at Loreto. And there is scientific proof to back this up, for instance they say that the stone out of which the Holy Family home/house was built is that which is used in the Holy Land and it’s not indigenous at all to Italy. So I really do believe that is the house where Jesus and Mary lived at Nazareth. And one of the first things that strikes you about it is how tiny it is—very, very smallone more indication that Our Lord did not need the trappings of this earth, wealth and palatial surroundings and so forth to prove to show His greatness. He was and is great simply because what He is in Himself, who He is. And we get the same lesson, that’s one of the lessons which comes out of His birth at Bethlehem; the kings of this earth come into this world with great palatial showings and all the fanfare which surrounds the life of royalty and yet the King of kings comes in this world in the simplest surroundings. Again He teaches us many lessons from this, one of them certainly is where does true greatness lie. It doesn’t lie in the things which are outside of you, the things which surround you, it lies within your very depths.

    I think all of you here at China give a great witness to life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph at Nazareth and to the birthplace of Jesus in Bethlehem. Your life is so simple. It is so hidden and yet like the life of Jesus at Nazareth, it is meant to be redemptive. His life certainly was redemptive those first 33 years of His existence. And I think I said in a homily to you some months ago, that if we had it to plan we certainly would have arranged, I’m sure all of us, Jesus’ life here on earth differently. I don’t think in the depths of our heart if we’re honest with ourselves, if the Father says, “you map out the way you think Jesus, My Son, should live here below in the time allotted,” who of us, who of us would have had Him hidden away for 10/11ths of that mortal life span. We would have given much more time to His public life. And here Jesus under the Father teaches us a great lesson—that we share in His redemptive efforts proportionate to the depth of our love and as that life of love is supported by faith and hope so Jesus takes the most humble places and He takes the most simple living people and He uses those simple places and those simple people to accomplish great things. So glory in your existence here at China, in its hiddenness and ask for the faith to realize more and more the great good you are doing for the Movement and the Church and the world.

    There are so many lives of the saints which are at witness to this hidden life of Jesus. And the one that usually comes first to my mind is that of St. Therese of Lisieux, who lived that very, very very hidden life in the cloistered convent at Lisieux and only for nine short years. She entered, as I’m sure you know it, with special dispensation from the pope. She entered at 15 and died at 24. And the good she accomplished in those nine years at Carmel, that was already achieved before she was canonized and people came to know about her great life of holiness. But during those nine short years at Carmel she was doing so so so much to help in the salvation of souls. And her life was so ordinary, so much so in its external framework, so much so that I think it’s, if I remember correctly, her sisters—the nuns with whom she lived with in the Carmelite convent there were surprised when the her cause for beatification was introduced. And why was her life so great—because she did the simplest things, everything with the great depth of faith and hope and love, those gifts which the Holy Spirit showered her with in tremendous depth.

    And so your life here at China is in such great imitation of Jesus, Mary and Joseph at Nazareth and such great saints as St. Therese of Lisieux, those saints who lived such a hidden existence. And so first of all I thank you for persevering in this life. I think I have some more than ordinary insight into the greatness you are contributing towards the Movement and the Church and the world. So I thank you very profusely and I also highly encourage you to persevere in this life and to pray for the grace to get a deepened insight into just how great your life is here at China for the cause of Christ.

    God’s ways are not our ways nor His thoughts are not our thoughts. And so contrary to the way that so much of the world thinks and even many in the Church it puts such great emphasis on those activities which attract public attention and acclaim and so forth. We know that God looks first of all to the depth of love, a love of His will, the depth of loving conformity to His will—this is how He measures the success of a life. The external framework of which that life is lived as it were as secondary, always secondary to the depth of faith, hope and love, a depth of a loving conformity of one’s will to the Father’s will in Christ, through Christ in the Spirit with a prayerful assistance of Mary our Mother. Amen.

    So in summary, thank you for persevering in your life here. Secondly, pray for a deepened insight into the greatness of your life here, what it means for the Church, the Movement and the world. And thirdly, pray for a great sense of joy for the vocation, the calling Jesus has given you, at least at this time of your life, to your life here in China.

Holy Family of Nazareth pray for us.

    Heavenly Father, I ask your most special blessings on your specially chosen ones here as I have just put before them and requesting them, suggesting to them to pray for an increased light of their greatness here and strength to live by that light. So I ask You Heavenly Father abundantly to give them that grace. Give them great sense of peace and joy here despite the trials they have to endure as Your Son showed us suffering, even deep suffering is not contrary to peace in the Lord. Father, let them know how special they are to You. Bless them most abundantly now and all the days of their life. Father, I put this petition before you through your Son Jesus in the Holy Spirit with the prayerful assistance of Mary our Mother. Amen.

    May the Blessing of Almighty God, Father Son and Holy Spirit descend upon you and remain forever. Amen.

end of Father Carter's Talk


                R. God is with us –


Picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus I Love You

 April 13, 1994

 Words of Jesus. Read before the Tabernacle.

Jesus:  How, child, do I, Jesus, tell you I love you? You hold on to silly things when God is in your midst and is ardently loving you. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am writing to each precious child this day. I am on fire for love of you. I remain in the Eucharist to be with you with My ardent love. I did not want to leave My beloved ones at the Last Supper. I love you so, My dear and ardently loved children. I remain with you this day in the Blessed Sacrament, the same Jesus Who died a brutal death on the Cross.

    Do you know I am truly present there? Do you know that God waits every day for you in the tabernacle? Do you comprehend even a minute amount of My love? You will never know of how I love you on earth.

    I, Jesus, truly the Son of God, came to earth a man and suffered a brutal death for love of you. I love you so much! I remain with you this day. I long for your love. I want you to come and be with Me in front of the tabernacle. I wait, I yearn for you to come and whisper your love to Me. I am a person and I love you this day, with such an ardent on-fire love! No human could ever compare a speck to My love for you.

    I wait, little ones, in the tabernacle. I wait for you to come and receive Me in Communion. I want you to want Me so much you cannot wait to come and receive Me. I want to be the love, the center of your life!

    I am Jesus. I am the Son of God. I am writing to you this day. I want to possess your very soul and live in you. I have all you need, sweet ones. Oh, you are so blind! I long for your union with Me. I wrote the book of love. I instituted it, yet you go to the world for your love and do not even come to Me! Oh, I love you, little ones. Little ones, beloved of the Father, loved by the Holy Spirit, mothered by My very own mother! What more can I say? The rest is up to you!

    I give you your will with such love and I want your love freely given. I am God. What do you think you could ever need that I do not give you? I am the Savior of this world. I am Jesus, the Son of God. I am waiting for you. I am longing for you. I am yearning for you. I am God. I have all you ever will need!

    Surrender this life to Me. Pray My Prayer for Union with Me. I want to possess your soul and operate from your very being. I am Jesus. I am the Son of God. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am Who am. I died and rose on the third day.

    Harken to My call, harken to My pleading. Spend your days in love with Me. Nothing matters unless it is rooted in Me and rooted in My love. I am the Son of God. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I love you with the tenderest love. I am waiting this day for just you, My beloved one. Come to Me for I am the tenderest of all hearts. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

- God's Blue Book, Volume 2 April 13, 1994


                R. We are to die to self-will and to live loving
                    the will of our Heavenly Father as Mary

                We are to hate our sins and to tell God we are
                    sorry for offending Him.

Galatians 2: 19-20

...I have been crucified with Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me.


                R. We are to live wanting the image of Jesus
                    to be more deeply imprinted on our

                We live the Mass in our lives, dying to
                    our self-will and living more and
                    more in the will of our Heavenly Father.


Prayer for Union with Jesus

Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.

    I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me.

    I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.

    When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.

-God's Blue Book, January 17, 1994


Titus 1: 1-16

    From Paul, servant of God, an apostle of Jesus Christ to bring those whom God has chosen to faith and to the knowledge of the truth that leads to true religion, and to give them the hope of the eternal life that was promised so long ago by God. He does not lie& and so, in due time, he made known his message by a proclamation which was entrusted to me by the command of God our Saviour. To Titus, true child of mine in the faith that we share. Grace and peace from God the Father and from Christ Jesus our Saviour.

    The reason I left you behind in Crete was for you to organise everything that still had to be done and appoint elders in every town, in the way that I told you, that is, each of them must be a man of irreproachable character, husband of one wife, and his children must be believers and not liable to be charged with disorderly conduct or insubordination. The presiding elder has to be irreproachable since he is God’s representative: never arrogant or hot–tempered, nor a heavy drinker or violent, nor avaricious; but hospitable and a lover of goodness; sensible, upright, devout and self–controlled; and he must have a firm grasp of the unchanging message of the tradition, so that he can be counted on both for giving encouragement in sound doctrine and for refuting those who argue against it.

    And in fact there are many people who are insubordinate, who talk nonsense and try to make others believe it, particularly among those of the circumcision. They must be silenced: people of this kind upset whole families, by teaching things that they ought not to, and doing it for the sake of sordid gain. It was one of themselves, one of their own prophets, who said, ‘Cretans were never anything but liars, dangerous animals, all greed and laziness’ and that is a true statement. So be severe in correcting them, and make them sound in the faith so that they stop taking notice of Jewish myths and the orders of people who turn away from the truth.

    To those who are pure themselves, everything is pure; but to those who have been corrupted and lack faith, nothing can be pure—the corruption is both in their minds and in their consciences. They claim to know God but by their works they deny him; they are outrageously rebellious and quite untrustworthy for any good work.


                R. We see how God worked through Paul and Peter
                and the others to build up the Church.

                    The more we are living a virtuous life – the
                more happy we are –

                    The more we live in vices the more unhappy
                we become.

                    We pray to the Holy Spirit to help enlighten us to live

                    Here are the messages of the angel at Fatima –

Excerpt from The Spirituality of Fatima

by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.

Before receiving the six apparitions of Our Lady, May through October of 1917, the three Fatima visionaries were visited by an angel on three different occasions during the preceding year. He appeared to them in the spring, summer, and fall. Lucia (now Sr. Lucia) describes the springtime apparition of the angel:

"My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You! I ask pardon of You for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love You."

Then, rising he said: "Pray thus. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to the voice of your supplications."

His words engraved themselves so deeply on our minds that we could never forget them (3)

During the summer of 1916, the angel again appeared to the three visionaries. He said to them:

Pray! Pray a great deal. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary have merciful designs on you. Offer prayers and sacrifices continually to the Most High. Make everything you do a sacrifice, and offer it as an act of reparation for the sins by which God is offended, and as a petition for the conversion of sinners. Bring peace to our country in this way.... I am the Guardian Angel of Portugal Accept and bear with submission all the sufferings the Lord will send you. (4)

In the fall of the same year, the angel visited the visionaries a final time:

The angel came...bearing a golden chalice in one hand and a Host above it in the other. The amazed children noticed that drops of blood were falling from the Host into the chalice. Presently, the angel left both suspended in mid-air and prostrated himself on the ground, saying this beautiful prayer: "Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly. I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and [the intercession of] the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners." (5)

Sr. Lucia relates how the angel gave them Communion:

Then, rising, he took the chalice and the Host in his hand. He gave the Sacred Host to me and shared the Blood from the chalice between Jacinta and Francisco, saying as he did so:

"Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men! Make reparation for their crimes and console your God." (6)

Reflecting upon these messages of the angel, we see how much they contain for our spiritual instruction.


3. Louis Kondar, SVD, editor, Fatima in Lucia's Own Words (Fatima: Postulation Center, 1976), p.62. Distributed in the U.S.A. by the Ravengate Press, Cambridge, MA.
4. Our Lady's Peace Plan, op cit., pp.1-2.
5. Ibid., p.2 (The words in brackets are my own-added for clarification).
6. Fatima in Lucia's Own Words, op cit., pp.64-65.


                R. A man that lives virtuously has peace inside
                in his union with God and his union with

                    Vice makes a man feel divided inside,
                divided in himself, divided with his brothers –
                jealousy, envy, anger, pride (rising oneself
                above God and others), greed, slothfulness,
                lust and gluttony.

                    Virtue is a good habit –
                    Vice is a bad habit –

                Virtue leads to good acts
                Vice leads to bad acts against reason.

                The cause of unhappiness in life is sin –


Excerpt from Response in Christ by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J.

SIX    The Christian and Sin 

We should not have a sin-centered mentality. Christ wants us to focus our attention on the positive aspects of the Christian existence. Still, we should not minimize the existence of sin and the part each of us has contributed to the sinfulness of the world. Anyone who tends to doubt the enormous dimension of sin throughout man's history has only to read scripture to be reminded of the truth. Every age has been hauntered by sin's presence, our own being no exception. Some say that the modern world is not conscious of sin, but this observation does not seem to be entirely true. Modern man has articulated his consciousness of sin very noticeably through contemporary literature, philosophy and theology.

To be realistic, then, each of us must be properly conscious of sin, of our own sinfulness, of the fact that sin constitutes one of the major obstacles to the proper growth of the Christian life. 

  1. The Nature of Sin

What is the nature of sin? Contemporary theology emphasizes that sin is not primarily a violation of a law, but a disruption of personal relationships. Sin is a refusal to love. Serious sin is a radical refusal to love. Venial sin is a partial refusal to love. 

The most obvious personal relationship that is affected by sin is that between God and the sinner. In sinning a man fails, to a lesser or greater degree, to accept God's loving gift of Himself. He fails also to respond with his own gift of love. In serious sin man refuses intimate friendship with God. In venial sin he dulls the ardor of that friendship. Man, in so far as he sins, maintains that he does not want his life to be directed by the loving hand of his heavenly Father. He wants to be a law for himself; he wants to be the one who decides what is good for himself and what is not. Schoonenberg observes: "Especially in the prophets sin is an aversion from and an unfaithfulness to Yahweh himself; hence it is placed in the heart rather than in the wrong deed. We see that aversion, that rebelliousness, that lack of faith which precede the act of transgressing the Law already in the story of the sin in paradise, where it is presented as the wish of possessing autonomously the knowledge of good and evil, of being independently the Law unto oneself. . .”1 

        1. P. Schoonenberg, Man and Sin (Notre Dame, Indiana: Fides, 1965), p. 8.


                R. A man can be virtuous in his actions
                A man can act in vices.
                The two do not work together.

                It is important to pray for the increase of
                    faith, hope and love in the graced baptized

                To pray from the heart as we do in the
                    Morning Offering – to meditate deeply
                    on the words in our prayers. 

21 Years Ago

Picture of the Sacred Heart of JesusI Want Your Total Trust

October 26, 1993

Jesus: My dear child, when will you believe Me? You are so full of doubt and fear. You know doubt and fear comes from Satan but he sets his traps and you are the first to fall in. All I have told you about doubt and fear! They are like the enemies in a war! You must battle each and every minute of every day. Battle and win the war. I want your total trust. Turn your lives over to Me. Your worry is of no account. It changes nothing. It only keeps you bowed down and in a saddened state. I am God and I command the devils who come to you with doubt and fear to be gone!

Place your heart at My feet. Let Me spray you with a protective coat. This will ward off the evil forces that knock at your ear. Your heart must be a heart totally ready for Me. You are not disturbed by the devil's tactics. He wants you in this saddened state. Then he can get in and work on you. Spray yourself with My light, My power, My presence. You are protected and I dwell in you in a unique way. You are guarded by the angels and set ablaze by the fire of My love. It is hard to let go when he grabs at you. You must let go and let the power of My love enter in. Then you will run and not get weary. You will fly on eagles' wings and you will be doing My work-smiling, being, Christ present to all! In your eyes, they will see Me working. Your eyes must reflect My presence. This only comes from letting go of negative thoughts. It is hard to be happy when he is tormenting you. Only you can let go and give him no power. Send him on his way and he will leave as quickly as he came. He comes on out of nowhere and you are hurt. He grabs with the strongest claws and his grip is paralyzing. Do the hard thing. Recognize him and send him on his way. He will leave as quickly as he came in if you call on Jesus!

Write to Me. I want you to feel Me present and in your heart. I want you to know of My intense, intense love. Why do you worry when I am here and I am God? I am God and I love you with so much love. Focus on My love. Focus on Me. Focus on My face. Be selfless. Focus on My passion-all I suffered for love of you. Every day spend some of your hour focusing on My passion and My suffering. It makes your day's work easier. You realize how I suffered and My intense love for you. Kneel and think of My passion, sweet one. I love you.


Picture of the Sacred Heart of JesusPray For My Strength

November 8, 1993
St. Gertrude's After Mass

Jesus: It is not in your strength that I beckon you to come, but in your anguish and your weakness. You I love, unconditionally. Recognize your faults and come to Me and be with Me. The cares of your heart are what I want to share. Come and let Me be with you at all times. I don't love you when you are good or feel good, then abandon you when you are in anguish. I want to know your cares and I love you always. I love you the same at all times, just as when I died for you. I love you this much always. Don't think I am not pleased with you. I know how you try. Satan puts problems in your path to trip you up. You cannot control the behavior of others. You feel bad because you have problems with your family. Satan wants to divide you. Hold tight to your little ones. Remain acting as I would have you do. Do the hard thing. It is usually My way. When you feel violated and attacked, pray for My strength. Recognize Satan at work, present at that moment, and cast him out in My name. Whenever you are having a problem with anyone, know that Satan is at work there. He wants to get you, My child, and create problems for you. He wants to make you feel unworthy of Me. He wants to distract you so you turn away and don't pray. You need to pray and cast him out.

Your children are the easiest way to get to you, especially through your little ones. Be on guard when there is a problem. There, stop and pray with that child. You need your strength to fight your battle. Place your burdens at the foot of My cross now. What is past is over and you need to pray for My direction in your life. He wants you bowed down and focused on yourself. He wants to stop your communication with Me. Give him no power. Ignore him. Ask for forgiveness from Me. Pray for your children. Come and kneel with Me. Be totally empty. Empty yourself totally. Spoon out you. Let Me fill you with Me. I am filling you with My love. You are unworthy of Me, yes, but I make you My beautiful child, working constantly in your heart. Open your heart to Me now. Lay your burden aside. Practice trust in Me. I can do all things, not just some. I am truly here and ready to be trusted. The act to do so is yours or the will to doubt and stay bowed down is yours. Your will is free. You can choose to forgive yourself, knowing Satan wants you to stay bowed down, or you can choose to stay bowed down and focused on this small distraction.

To be holy is to be loving the truth. Admit your shortcomings and come to the Doctor. I wait for you, child, I bid you to come and be close to Me. I love you in all kinds of weather, in storms and on sunny days. I wait when it is cold out or when it is warm and I love you. Do you know Me a little? To know that I am always here in your weakest hour--that is when you need Me the most. Come, little one. I want to comfort you. I love you. Put your body aside. You keep telling yourself you are tired. Let your body go. Focus on Me, only Me. You are a spirit. Your body is just there to get you around. Your soul is alive in Me. Let Me fill you with My love. I am here, little one. Let Me love you and comfort you.

end of excerpts


20 Years Ago

Picture of the Sacred Heart of JesusTotal Surrender

February 7, 1994 1:00 a.m.

R. Make me selfless and unattached. I do not want to focus on myself at all. Selflessness is to let go of yourself entirely and live only for Him. Who will do His work? We will do His work. He is operating us. We selflessly comply with all He does through us!

To have union with Jesus is to die to yourself. He was so selfless. See Him hanging on the cross. His whole position, arms outstretched, hanging by His hands and supported by His crossed feet, total surrender to the will of The Father! This is what He beckons us to follow, total surrender of ourselves and our desires to the will of The Father.

I try to follow the will of The Father in little things, playing and praying with my children. This pleases Him so I feel it in my heart. It is in everything He tells me to do, no matter how small. He is so pleased with our surrender to His desire!

The way to heaven is the Way of the Cross. Our way has pitfalls and big hills, just like Medjugorje, but oh, when we reach the top, what our eyes behold! The power, the might, the vision! The climb was worth every minute of the struggle! Let us pick up each cross with such love for Him as He picked up His for us!

His power is the power of God. It radiates from our very being when we become selfless in His love. Power is emitted from our presence. Let us realize this is His might that lives within us when we come and sit with Him before the tabernacle. There is a mighty force that powers our actions. He charges us and we are operating on His power. Our hands become His hands, our faces and hearts His hearts. Total surrender, total selflessness.

Spread the good news! Shout it from the housetops! Jesus Christ is Lord and He is in our midst! He is in Communion. He is in the tabernacle. The same as the day He walked this earth, He lives this very day.

His might we behold in Him in Communion and in the tabernacle. He is dwelling, God-made-man, in our midst. Oh, how He is present, truly present, here on this earth this day!

He lives in you. You have the opportunity to make Him a vibrant force operating your soul. Sit you no more idle, little ones. His work is at hand. Spread the good news. Feed the soul in darkness. Shout His words from the housetops. Jesus is Lord and He dwells among His people this very day.

Are we alone in this sick world? Do you feel helpless to undertake such work? He goes with you where you go. He is your guide. Never are you alone on your journey. You are accompanied by the hand of God.

Jesus: Oh, My people! Oh, My people! Listen to My promptings here! I am a living God! Your society might be godless, but it is in the hearts which have been infiltrated by Satan's hand. My might is far beyond any work Satan could accomplish. I am dwelling in your midst and I come to save My beloved ones, every last soul. You have a message to deliver to the world that Jesus is God and He dwells among you this very day!

Let Me possess and operate your hearts. Seek only after your union with Me. Make this your top priority. I work through the selfless soul. I will work and operate you. You needn't fret or fume. Your job is simple. Come to my altar every day. Be with Me in adoration and I do the work through you. You cannot do the work. The might that is needed in this world must come from the hand of God. I will operate you and do all I need to through you.

Quit trying to do it yourself. Put all your trust in Me and watch your life fly. You cannot fly. Only I can make you fly. You need to be operated by My might to fight this evil world. My might is in front of the tabernacle. Be there for My love. I lament your busyness. In one second I can snatch your lives from you. No one has returned to finish the job they left.

Oh, little ones, love of God, love of one another! Let Me do My work. Quit trying to do My work for Me. You cannot do in a thousand years what I can do in a minute. The answer is your total union with Me!

I loved you to My death on the cross. Come and carry your cross with Me. My way is hard. There are bumps. There are hills. They are your mighty lessons. Ask at every moment, "What doth He teach me here?" When you are frustrated and you follow yourself around, surrender to the moment. Stop and learn the lesson. It is in the worst moments your lessons are being taught loud and clear. Patience, My children. I teach you patience and trust. Fear is dissolved. The fire of love is enkindled. I teach you so sweetly that which you need to know.

Harken, I come into your midst this day. Jesus Christ, the Son of Man. I come and dwell to be your guide. I come to teach you mighty lessons. My lessons are your way to Me. Embrace My cross. Accept all I send you as coming from Him Who loves you. Grow in your trials. Run and do not get weary. I am your God. Oh, sweet surrender! You will know My love, My little ones. You will know My might. You will be lost in Me and I will dwell in You and operate You to do the mighty work at hand!

R. Alleluia, Alleluia. Love Him Who is mighty! Alleluia.


Picture of the Sacred Heart of JesusFaith and Trust

March 4, 1994 5:15 a.m.

Jesus: I ask for this faith. It will be your faith and your steadfastness in My word that lead many to faith in Me. You must learn to trust Me totally on faith. I am speaking to you, but how you are in your faith and trust in Me speaks to those around you. You have been given a great gift. You call yourself a puppet. You are not a puppet. You make light of My love for you. I love you ardently. I have chosen you for this work. This is indeed a great honor.

You make light of My intense love for you. You are not My little puppet. Do not refer to yourself as such. I love you ardently. You are My servant. You are My beloved. You are the one Whom I have chosen to give My letters to My beloved ones.

You are missing your specialness to Me. You must be aware I have chosen you to do this and I will do the work. These obstacles from those closest to you are to strengthen you. I do not allow anything that is not for your good. This is teaching you a mighty lesson. You need to be strong. The lesson will be taught with the least problems. You will face many people and with this faith and love you are developing this day is how you will operate in adversity. Operate only for love of Me. Nothing anyone says matters. Do not be attached to the glory or the persecution. Do not doubt yourself or these letters ever. I am the Lord thy God and I am talking to you. You are My beloved. You will be strengthened in every trial you undergo. You will be taught trust for it is this trust that will give you what you need to do My work.

This is My work. These are My letters. I will see to their circulation. I will do what I need to to get them out. I am God. I am mighty. I can do all things. I have the power. I call you to two things in adversity: (1) know how I love you and (2) operate only for the love of God.

You are My beloved one. I have chosen you to do this work. I will give you what you need to do it. They are My letters of love, My mighty medicine. Satan will create all he can to stop this work. You must hold tightly to those two things. I am God and I go before you to pave the way. I am not moving the obstacles you need to develop trust and faith and strength for the road ahead.

I am God, little one. I am mighty. I will accomplish great things in these messages. Do not fret, do not fume. Be about your union with Me. Remain selfless and unattached. Pray the Prayer for Union. You need to memorize the whole prayer, not just the beginning. Say it all day. This is My powerful gift to you.

I want to possess your soul and permeate your being. When you act, you do not act like yourself. You act like God and He does not act like you.

Do not deliberate. Do not evaluate. Do not listen with your heart to others when I am speaking directly to you. When I tell you something, you obey. Your anxiousness is coming from those who want to tell you differently from what I am telling you.

Listen to My words and obey Me. I am God. I will do what I need to to accomplish My task here. You are learning trust in God. You are defining your surrendering position. I want you to operate for love of Me and love of Me alone. This is the true freedom. You operate for love of Me and I am almighty. I am the powerhouse. Do you trust Me this way? I get the job done.

You are in constant union with Me and you obey everything I tell you, whether you want to or not. You do as I tell you. This is teaching you lessons you need to learn. In your trials, you are taught the mightiest lessons. You are going through an intense study about how you must stay focused entirely on Me. Your love for Me and Mine for you. I am the Almighty God. What do you have to fear? I am Jesus. I am God. I can do all things. You can do nothing without Me.

(R. I smell roses.)

Jesus: I can take your breath away and you will cease to be. I am the Lord, your God, and you shall have no gods before Me.

Note: He told Me to look in a book. The visionaries saw purgatory. I have never been told anything about hell or purgatory.

Jesus: You shall see the face of God and live. Nothing matters here if it is not rooted in God. They saw purgatory because it really exits. Souls are burning there. You must preach of My love for the sake of the souls of your brothers. Your selflessness and your love will lead many into My kingdom. Live your life for love of Me. Do all you can to lead all into heaven. Purgatory and hell are real. You must save your brothers from the fires of hell. Preach My love. I need you to do this work. Nothing matters except to save souls. Your faith here is your strength.

Note message of August 23, 1993:

"I thought of My intense love for you, that many would go to heaven because of My sufferings and I continued to the top of the hill. At the top they laid Me on the big cross and with a big hammer they nailed My hands to the cross. It was the worst yet. My hands were nailed with a big nail and a big hammer. Oh, it was unbelievable, and then, as if that weren't enough, with a big nail they nailed both of My feet.

"My mother watched in such agony.

"Oh, God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? It is finished and your salvation is won." For your love, to My death I give you My Body. My child, I shed My Blood and gave you My life that you will be with Me forever in heaven. Not a day, a month or a year, but forever with Me in Heaven.

"I am the true Bread come down from heaven. He who eats My flesh will have life forever. For the drink I give is My Blood and the food you eat is My Body. Who would lay down his life for a friend? I did, for you! I love you this much, My child. Forget about those who reject you. You have My life that I give for you and I give life eternal."

R. My life is to be lived to spread the love of Jesus, to help save souls from purgatory and hell. Jesus saves souls and takes them to heaven. His love is mighty medicine for the sick world.


Picture of the Sacred Heart of JesusYou Love Always

March 18, 1994 7:15 a.m.
At All Saints, After Communion

R. Dear Jesus, how holy is my soul? I do not see it as you desire. Do I judge my brothers? Do I compare myself to them and tell myself that I am right and they are wrong? Why do I judge at all? My job is to love, to love You with all my heart. My job is to preach Your gospel, to emit Your love from my very being!

When I am caught up in being wronged by my brother, how can Your love radiate to anyone? I am a clogged vessel and the love You want to give to those around me is trapped behind my anger.

Oh Lord, open my heart to Your ways. How easy for Satan to talk in my head and tell me how I should be feeling when I have a job to do. This job is more serious than any worldly job. This job is to spread Your love to a world that is hurting. When I am a clogged vessel, all those around me suffer from the loss of love they would receive if my heart were open and love were flowing out to them.

Oh, how Satan is so crafty as to steal our hearts away and fill them with such impurities, thoughts of anger at our brothers! How easily I comply. This is the self in me. Have I been wronged? Have I been threatened? Will someone think badly of me? Lord, help me to be selfless, to live only for love of You and to know You truly love me, to want not to answer any accusations of others, to remain silent when attacked unless You prompt me to speak.

Control my tongue as the doorway from my heart. Control my heart. Keep it full of Your love and free of all impurities. I want a heart that is free of hate and anger. I have a job to do, Lord, and it is to spread Your love. This job is a top priority. I receive all my love and support from You, Lord. Is that not enough or am I not thinking of how immense is the love of God?

Jesus: Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened and I give you rest. I fill you with such love. I am God. I am love. Why focus on your suffering brothers? Because they are suffering from the evil of this world. You need not suffer if you turn to Me. I have all you need. I never abandon you or leave you. I am by your side. I, Jesus, walk with you where you go, and with such love. The love of God is all-encompassing. When I am by your side, why do you fret because of your ailing brothers? Pray for them. Some are in total darkness. How will My light shine from you if you are clogged with any anger or hatred? You must remain fixed only in love--love of God, love of one another!

Put your anger aside and look to My suffering face. I loved you all to My death. I did not count the cost. I did not number your sins. I loved you. I forgave you. I loved you unconditionally. I gave My all for you. Can you not do this for your brothers? I suffered for the sins of men and I was silent. I speak of My love. I do not speak of your sins. Who of you are sinless? If you expect Me to forgive you, can you not forgive your brothers when they have wronged you?

I am the light that shines through you to the dark world. I want to shine from your hearts. To have the least taint of hate and anger blocks My light from your souls. Clean out your hearts every minute. Let the hate and anger go! Do not let it fester and grow in your hearts. Keep your hearts pure only in the love of God. When your brother wrongs you, forgive him instantly. Do not let Satan talk in your head. Do not let self come to the front lines. Be ready to withstand the attack. Remain selfless and unattached.

I live in you and you live in Me. You are immersed in a vat of My love. My might shines from your being. Your brothers are suffering. Love them, watch them in their suffering and see them as My precious ones in need of My love. They are hurting so. Will you not tend to their bleeding wounds? Or will you scoff at them and go on your way?

This world is suffering. The only cure is the love of God. You have the opportunity to spread My love or act like the world. How can I love My sick ones if you act as they do? Did I argue on the way to Calvary? Did I answer their accusations and say, "Oh, I didn't do that?" I was silent! Can you not remain silent when you are accused? Can you not turn to Me and pick up your cross and see My suffering face?

I suffer for how they are hurting you. But to strike back in anger is not the way of love. This is not My way. My way is to love. I loved those who whipped Me. I loved those who crowned My head with thorns. I loved those who spit at Me and yelled obscenities at Me. I loved you all in all your sins! I loved you to My death! I showed you the way to love. I showed you the way to forgive. I showed you the way.

Why do you look to the ways of the suffering? If they scoff at and persecute you and yell any slander against you, focus on the love of your Father in heaven Who gave His only Son for love of you! The way of God is the way of love. Any taint of anger, of hatred, of getting even, of being wronged and making yourself right, is the way of the evil one.

My ways are steadfast and direct. I operate from love. Stay rooted firmly in the love of God. See Me suffering, beaten, bloodied, crowned, slapped, kicked, slandered--and every vile thing yelled at Me. See Me, see Me and then see Me dying on the cross in sweet surrender, arms outstretched, hanging by nails, head hanging--all out of great and ardent love for you!

I showed you how to love. Can you not forgive your suffering brothers? Can you not love? I loved to My death. Can you not let go of such little things coming from them who are hurting? You are My soldiers in this cold war. Your weapons are your hearts filled with the ardent, on-fire love of Jesus. Your hearts are powerful. God has all the power. Love finds the way. The only way to warm a cold heart is through the warmth of love, true love, unconditional love, that I give to you. Love always. I loved you to My death. Will you love My hurting ones for Me? Can I use you to light the dark world? I call this day. Will you answer?

The way to Me is the Way of the Cross. Do you see your life as the way to Me? Each day is a day on the way to the end which is heaven, hell or purgatory. Do you see yourself as making it for this life or for everlasting life? Oh, if only children were taught to see their lives in their entirety, from beginning to end, only to go to another place. If only children were taught to see that this is a "layover", not the end in itself!

Look at your life. You are on your way to somewhere else. This is a journey to get you to another place. If you are traveling, you do not camp out on the train, or try to make your vehicle an end in itself. You are in transit to another life. You have not arrived. You have not come to your destiny.

I am the Way. I am the Truth. I am the Life. To have eternal life you must model yourself after the Master. I loved you to My death. I love you this much this day. I gave My life for you. Do you not believe that to turn to Me is to give you all you need?

Follow Me. I show you the Way. You need to be led to the kingdom that waits for you. If you follow other leaders, they take you from the correct way. Only one way leads to My kingdom. It is the way I showed you. It is the way I show you this day. Would you go to a tour guide who knows the way or to one who is guessing?

Your brothers are following paths that lead to destruction. I show you the way to the kingdom of heaven. Why would you follow an amateur who knows not the way? You pay the price for your foolishness. My way is the Way of the Cross. If you try to find another way more to your liking, you get off course. The way to My kingdom is led by Me. I am with you this day in the Eucharist and in the tabernacle. Will you come and sit with Me in silence and listen when I give you your directions or will you go to a bad guide and try to find a short cut?

There is no short cut to My kingdom. My way is the only way. Pick up your cross and follow Me. Do not try to put your crosses down. Accept what I send you as coming from Him Who loves you. It is in this acceptance that you grow in your relationship with Me. My hand is in everything you experience.

See Me clothed in a white tunic, My love radiating from My being. See My hand outstretched as I walk before you and say, "Sweet one, this is the way to My kingdom. I bring you such love along the way. You will suffer, but My love will see you through. Come and follow as I lead. I walk before you backwards, right in front of you. Do you not see Me? Keep your eyes on Me, sweet one. I love you so. I will never lead you off the right road. I lead you with such love and peace. You will not know all My love here, sweet one, but when we get to My kingdom, what a reward for following Me! My house has many mansions. I have a place prepared just for you. I ardently love you. I am your Jesus, Son of the Living God. I come, you follow. We will live in My kingdom soon."

9:45 a.m.

Jesus: Unless a grain of wheat dies, it does not produce fruit. Such dying must be cultivated by obedience and your covenant with God, rooted in love and forgiveness. Die to yourself and live in My love, child. Child, I love you. Do you know now?

R. Jesus, I believe. Jesus, I believe. Jesus, I believe. I believe in you.

You know that what I tell you is truth. Do not even think. I will bring them to you. You remain set in your place. Pray all day. Be busy about My work. I need you to do My work for Me.

end of excerpts


19 Years Ago

March 1, 1995

Sorrowful Mysteries

The Agony in the Garden

  1. Jesus:  Surrender! Surrender to Me as I surrendered to the Father in the Garden. I said to My Father, "Nevertheless, let your will be done, not mine." (Lk 22:42) As you are in your hearts troubled and anxious, I am there ever present to comfort you, to give you My peace. Let go, let go, let go! I am forever with you at every second, at every moment. I do not go! I forever remain in your hearts. Let go! As you live, so do I live in you!

  2. Jesus:  I knelt in the Garden in such agony! I saw before Me all that I would undergo, all the beatings, all the scourging. I knew the Father's Will. I complied with the Father's Will as I ask you to surrender totally to Me. Let go! Focus on Me! Do not focus on those things that are parading in your mind, but release your mind to the mysteries of heaven, to My Passion and My death!

  3. Jesus:  And My faithful ones, who came to comfort Me-they slept!

  4. Jesus:  Indifference! Ingratitude! Neglect! I saw before Me all those who would neglect Me and treat Me with indifference. How My Heart ached with pain to see the souls that I loved so dearly filled with such nonsense!

  5. Jesus:  My Heart, an endless furnace of divine love, of divine life, beating and burning for love of precious souls and they do not see! They have closed their eyes and plugged up their ears and I wait and long to be ever close to them! Spread My love throughout this world. You will be met with resistance on all sides. But I beg you this day to listen to My cry. I cry out to you to stand firm. I am calling you to stand up against the world.

  6. Jesus:  As one crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord. I cry out to you to go to the highways and byways. Shout from the rooftops that I am Lord and that I am in your midst this day. Prepare Me a way, for I am coming!

  7. Jesus:  I saw before Me all the souls that would be lost to eternal damnation despite all My sufferings. I call out to you this day to harken to My pleading to be about this world spreading My love. There are souls that are at stake, depending upon what you do with your lives. Will you spread My love? Will you be My mouthpiece to this world? I call out to you. You must stand strong and pray to the Spirit for He transforms you from fear to fearlessness. You are My apostles to go into this world and spread the love of My Most Sacred Heart!

  8. Jesus:  As I knelt in the Garden, as I suffered so many agonies in My Heart, I was comforted by the love that you show to Me this day.

  9. Song: O Burning Heart, O Love divine! How sweet You are to me. I see the Host, I know You are here, to love and care for me.

  10. Jesus:  The world is blind and deaf! They have plugged up their ears and covered their eyes. You must go into this world. You must stand strong. You have a message of My love to give. I beg you to give this message to the world that is in much pain, that has covered its eyes and plugged up its ears. I beg you to spread this love in every corner of this world this day. You are apostles that I send into this world.

Song between decades: I come to you with greatest love. I am your loving Savior. I am your God. I died for you. I come to you this day.


Jesus Is Scourged at the Pillar

  1. Jesus:  The blood that I shed when I was scourged was blood red! My Heart, which beats out of endless love for you, is a Heart that is red, beating with a burning fire for love of you. I call out to you to draw yourselves ever closer to My Heart for I am waiting and longing and thirsting for your love. Let go of the little distractions you have this day that keep you from increased union with Me. Release yourself and be totally alone in deep union with Me. See only Me. Let go. Release yourselves! I am here with You!

  2. Jesus:  Totally focus on Me!

  3. Jesus:  Release yourself from all the distractions in your heart. Be alone in deep union with Me!

  4. Jesus:  Just as I shed My blood for you as they scourged Me, My Heart cries this day in endless love.

  5. Jesus:  See them as they beat Me at the pillar. Hear the blows! This is the love that I have for you. This day will you be alone with Me and totally focus on only Me? Let yourself go. Be in a room where we are together in close union.

  6. Jesus:  And our hearts beat so closely, as one!

  7. Hail Mary ...

  8. Jesus:  See Me at the pillar! See Me as I stand with the deepest love for all souls.

  9. Song: Come unto Me all who are weary and find rest for your souls. Come unto Me, all who are burdened. I will comfort you.
    Jesus:  I am with you in deep union despite the distractions and all that goes on around you. I am so closely connected with you! Your concentration on Me is important to your union with Me. Focus totally on My beating Heart and the love that I have for you. My Heart beat with deep love as I stood at the pillar and bled dark red blood.

  10. Jesus:  It is this blood I shed for you, this blood I gave for you, that I ask you to focus on this day. Think of what it is like to shed your blood for another person. Would you shed your blood for another person? I shed My blood for you. In meditating on this blood that I shed, you will realize more and more the immensity of My love.

Song between decades: I come to you with greatest love…


Jesus Is Crowned with a Crown of Thorns

  1. Jesus:  I come to talk to you to tell you the desires of My Heart. As people are blind and do not see, I talk to you this day and ask you to focus on Me and to know that I am truly with you. As you breathe and as your heart beats, I am ever present and within you. I am here present with you. I am the Almighty God! My love I outpour to you. My grace I give to you.

  2. Jesus:  I am the Almighty God! I am forever present. It is in your suffering that you are strengthened. I ask you to focus on the crown of thorns they placed on My head. As the blood ran down the sides of My face, think of how this felt! As I sat wounded, My body covered with deep wounds and bleeding, the blood ran into My eyes and into My ears. This is the blood that I shed for you.

  3. Jesus:  Put yourself there as I sit. Feel as they spit on Me! Feel as they poke at Me! Think of how you would feel to be treated the way they treated Me! Put yourself on the chair and go through My sufferings with Me.

  4. Jesus:  Feel your head as it pounds from the thorns! Feel the blood as it runs on your body! Feel the gashes that burn so deeply under the cloak! Feel the spit as it hits your face! This is the love that I have for you!

  5. Jesus:  I ask you to be My soldiers, to go out into this world. They persecuted Me. They whipped Me. They crowned Me with thorns and they put Me to death. I loved those who treated Me so violently. I ask you this day to focus entirely on Me. If the earth falls down around you, interiorly the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are forever within your breast with such love.

  6. Jesus:  No person can ever take away your union within with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Your union forever and ever and ever in eternity depends upon the union you have with God here.

  7. Jesus:  I call you to sainthood! I call you to holiness! As I suffered this spit that hit My face and body, I call you to suffer with Me all the persecution that you may receive. For in this persecution I am totally present at every second. As your heart beats, as you breathe every breath, I never leave you! If the earth shakes around you, if it rocks and the floor cracks, you will sit steadfast for I never leave you. Hear the small, gentle voice within your heart as it calls to you, "I love you, I love you, I love you!"

  8. Jesus:  My Heart is bleeding from the indifference I receive in this world. I call out to you to be strong soldiers. You must focus on Me and this interior committedness to Me.

  9. Hail Mary ...

  10. Song: Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon His throne. His regal scepter knows no bounds. All kingdoms are His own. All Christians come and sing to Him who died for Thee. And hail Him as our Savior King for all eternity.

Song between decades: I come to you with greatest love…


Jesus Carries His Cross Up Calvary

  1. Jesus:  Hear the still, small voice as it says so gently inside: "I love you, I love you, I love you!"

  2. Jesus:  I ask you to carry your crosses as I carried Mine. The cross was so heavy I could scarcely move. I fell under its weight. I ask you to accept your crosses willingly. It is in accepting these crosses that you will be strengthened for I provide everything you need. Your lessons I teach you with the greatest love. Your crosses I give you out of great love for you. It is in these crosses that you receive new life, new life in Me! Accept all that I give you!

  3. Jesus:  As I walked with My cross on My back, I peered into the beloved eyes of My dear Mother. Her face was reddened! The tears from her eyes! I could see the sufferings deep within far more than the features of her face. How My Heart was torn to see My beloved Mother, whom I love so much, riddled with such suffering!

  4. Jesus:  I watch you, My child. I am forever with you! I know all the desires, the sufferings, of your heart. It is in your sufferings, your acceptance of your sufferings, that you give Me such great love.

  5. Jesus:  How do you love Me, child? You love Me through holiness, through loving your brothers. Always love! I loved those who persecuted Me. You must always love! Focus on the love I have for you and hear the still, small voice as it whispers within your heart: "I love you, I love you, I love you!"

  6. Jesus:  You are My beloved ones. You I love. You I want closer union with. You, you, My precious loved ones!

  7. Jesus:  Carry the crosses that I give to you with great joy, for they are given to you with My great love. It is in carrying these crosses that you will receive new life in Me.

  8. Jesus:  I was crowned with thorns! I was beaten over My entire body! I was always at peace. Remain at peace for you know the immense love that I have for you. I never leave you.

  9. Jesus:  It is in following the Father's Will and living in His Will as a little child that you will have peace, joy and true happiness.

  10. Jesus:  My dear soldiers, you are being strengthened for the days ahead. I am totally with you and present. All that you undergo I am allowing. I ask you to accept each and every suffering that I give you as a gift from Me to you, given out of great love! It is in these sufferings that you will be drawn ever closer to My Most Sacred Heart.

Song between decades: I come to you with greatest love...


Jesus Dies on the Cross

  1. Jesus:  I hung for three agonizing hours to My death on the cross! Put yourself on the cross. Your hands nailed, your feet nailed to the cross! Your body covered with wounds! Put yourself there!

  2. Jesus:  It is in meditating on My passion that you will know of My immense love.

  3. Jesus:  I truly hung there to My death!

  4. Jesus:  I accepted death on the cross in compliance with My Father's Will and in great love for you.

  5. Song: I come to you with greatest love. I am your loving Savior. I am your God. I died for you. I come to you this day.

  6. Jesus:  This is the love that I have for you this day. I ask you to put the world aside. Focus on loving one another. Focus on Me! I fill you with this immense love. Hear the cry of the voice inside: "I love you, I love you." Do not be angry with those around you. It is your committedness to Me, committedness to this union with Me, to making Me the center of your every thought, to letting Me live in you, through you and with you, and at every second to totally surrender, that allows Me to operate in you. It is no longer you who live, but I who live in you!

  7. Jesus:  You are My chosen ones, to whom I give My Heart!

  8. Jesus:  My Heart was pierced with a lance and what poured out was the abounding love from My Heart, blood and water for your salvation!

  9. Jesus:  It is up to you to let go! Always love! I loved those who persecuted Me. I did not hold grudges. I loved. There is no division in love. There is always unity in love. You must love all! I loved those who put Me to death! I surrendered always to the Father's Will. Anything that happens to you this day I am allowing! Accept what I am giving to you today and love it as coming from Me.

  10. Jesus:  Among the thorns there will be a bed of roses. Come to My bed of roses!

Song after the last decade: I come to you with greatest love…

end of March 1, 1995 Rosary



20 Years Ago

Prayer for Union with Jesus

Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.

    I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me.

    I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.

    When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.

-God's Blue Book, January 17, 1994



Special Sale Statues with image glass


15" Pilgrim Virgin Fatima – $85

12" Our Lady of Fatima – $75

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In Spanish with the Imprimatur

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Response to God's Love    $8.00
Response in Christ              $8.00



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Blue Book 4

Blue Book 5

Blue Book 6A

Blue Book 6B

Blue Book 6C

Blue Book 7

Blue Book 8

Blue Book 9

Blue Book 10



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New Mass Book with Imprimatur   
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Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
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Special sale statue with glass

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$175 plus postage


Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage


Dan called and gave the report to me, when I hung up I saw this rainbow and took a picture for him.



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