Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages |
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May 23, 2004
May 24th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 8 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for May 4th are Glorious.
Special graces for healing
from the Sidney Rosary - May 25, 2004.
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on China, Indiana
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and all the candles burning
for your intentions.
Light a candle in China.
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before the altar.
Call Morrow 1-888-211-3041
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Excerpt from May 22, 2004 message
Jesus speaks:
I desire all My Apostles
to commit on June 13, 2004. The schedule
for the retreat is as follows.
St. Ignatius/Shepherds of Christ Retreat June 12,
6:20 usual opening of retreat
June 13, 2004 Feast of St. Anthony
9:00 Shepherd's Mass Cincinnati St. Al's Fr. Mike
Joyful Mysteries
June 14, 2004 Mysteries of Light
June 15, 2004 Sorrowful Mysteries
June 16, 2004 Glorious Mysteries —
Close of Ignatian Part of Retreat
June 17, 2004 Meditations on the 17th Meetings
February 17, 1994 to September 17, 1996
June 18, 2004 A Day with the Sacred Heart
Feast of Sacred Heart
Crowning Sacred Heart
June 19, 2004 A Day with the Immaculate Heart
Feast of Immaculate Heart
Songs Crowning of Mary
Close of retreat 3:00 pm China time
Call Doris for details or e-mail
End of excerpt from May 22, 2004 message
May 23, 2004
Acts 1: 6-9
Now having met together, they asked him, ‘Lord, has the time come for you to restore the kingdom to Israel?’ He replied, ‘It is not for you to know times or dates that the Father has decided by his own authority, but you will receive the power of the Holy Spirit which will come on you, and then you will be my witnesses not only in Jerusalem but throughout Judaea and Samaria, and indeed to earth’s remotest end.’
As he said this he was lifted up while they looked on, and a cloud took him from their sight.
MAY 21, 1998 (excerpt)
Jesus: (with great emotion) COME OUT OF YOUR TOMBS, COME OUT I CALL YOU!!!! I have imparted to you knowledge of Myself, transforming your heart and soul to be more likened to Mine.
I give you messages after the reception of the Eucharist for it is then I am most one with you. Put aside the thoughts of burgers and what have you in your minds and listen to Me you earthly beings.
Come out of your tombs, come out I call to you who slumber and sleep and do not hear the voice of the Mighty One. Your are like the dead that need to be raised. A trumpet horn blaring would not waken a man who is blind from birth. Only the Lord will unlock the minds of the senseless men, so foolish, but oh how I do indeed love them so.
Come out I tell you, I call you, in your sleepy state with scales in your eyes you do not see. If these scales were removed and a fresh lens graphed on the already existing eye, the men may see then clearly that I speak in these messages to bring about the Reign of My Heart and the triumph of the wailing Woman’s Heart on the earth.
I came, I gave the gifts and the world slept. My little ones, the Apostles slept in the garden when My hour was at hand.
Oh My shanty little town, you are stuck indeed, in your ways. You walk the streets as blind men and I shout to you.
My earth, come out of your tombs, come out and live a life rooted deeply in My Heart.
Messenger: I was in the cage, it was a prison held on all sides by bars, I cried, I screamed, I felt no way to escape and low and behold I turned and where I had thought I was totally enclosed, a whole wall was not even there and I gaily walked into the free night and the sun followed me as I walked.
Jesus: Your earth is enclosed in a wall of their own making. They have put up walls to enclose themselves. They have traveled around in their little boxes and spit at the freedom that I wished to give them.
Freedom is in living according to God’s will. Freedom is in Me.
Talk of chains, for you have some. You have bars and are enclosed in your stone or brick houses. A mighty fortress is your dwelling, you think. A mighty fortress is in the walls of My Heart. I am the Gateway that leads to freedom. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Holy One of the Virgin Israel. I am the Gateway to heaven. I am God!
Messenger: As I unite with Him in the most intimate experiences in the Eucharist, I become one in His desires and what He wants, I become more as He is. He is the life, He is the resurrection, He is God.
I become more in Him, His desires are my desires, the Father’s plan is imprinted in my soul during the Mass and the reception of the Eucharist and before the tabernacle. I am transformed immensely in those moments after Communion to being alive in Him.
God the Father: I am God, you are man, I have given My Son Jesus to you to unite your soul to Me. I am the Father, He is the First Born from the dead. Life will abound in heaven and on earth.
God has visited His people and now He Reigns. He has ransomed them with the Blood of the Lamb.
The Ascension
Excerpt from September 24, 1998
Messenger: Sometime between Ascension Thursday, May 21, 1998 and Pentecost, May 31, 1998.
I saw a vision of an open door, the light within it resembled the light of the vision of March 26, 1996 that can be found in the Apostles’ Manual (p. 34-36).
The open door was glistening with this reflective golden color mirror-like light. I cannot describe, as I could not describe concerning the 3 main visions, the first being March 26, 1996.
The closest light I can describe to this is the sun reflecting on the water at Tom’s farm but this too leaves an emptiness to its description.
There was a little white sheep at the bottom of the open, glistening door and the little sheep hobbled over a small threshold and went in.
The door was rounded on the top, no corners, like a semi-circle on the top, and the wall surrounding this door was black. The light I describe was within this door and peered out to me in the vision.
I heard our Lord over and over again cry out during this period, "Come out of your tombs, dead, dead, dead, you are dead."
I heard the words similar to the message of May 21, 1998.
I was walled in on all sides – BARS – a prison of my own making. I turned and there was a wall missing and I gaily walked into the free night and the sun followed me as I walked.
I hear Jesus speak: "I am the gateway that leads to freedom."
I know the sea of glass from the vision of March 26, 1996. I know the open door from the vision.
I know the Power, I know the Intimate Burning Heart of Jesus in the Mass.
Jesus: (Ascension Day May 21, 1998)
Your earth is enclosed in a wall of their own making. They have put up walls to enclose themselves. They have traveled around in their little boxes and spit at the freedom that I wish to give them.
Freedom is in living according to God’s will, Freedom is in Me.
Talk of chains, for you have some. Your have bars and are enclosed in your stone or brick houses. A mighty fortress is your dwelling, you think. A mighty fortress is in the walls of My Heart.
I am the Gateway that leads to Freedom. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Holy One of the Virgin Israel. I am the Gateway to heaven. I am God.
Come out of your tombs, I am alive, I am treated as a dead object.
Sing a new song, the dead shall be raised.
They conquered the devil with the Blood of the Lamb.
Pray to the Holy Spirit to come mightily on you.
Jesus: I wish to refer you to Revelation Chapter 4.
Revelation 4
Then, in my vision, I saw a door open in heaven and heard the same voice speaking to me, the voice like a trumpet, saying, ‘Come up here: I will show you what is to take place in the future.’ With that, I fell into ecstasy and I saw a throne standing in heaven, and the One who was sitting on the throne, and the One sitting there looked like a diamond and a ruby. There was a rainbow encircling the throne, and this looked like an emerald. Round the throne in a circle were twenty-four thrones, and on them twenty-four elders sitting, dressed in white robes with golden crowns on their heads. Flashes of lightning were coming from the throne, and the sound of peals of thunder, and in front of the throne there were seven flaming lamps burning, the seven Spirits of God. In front of the throne was a sea as transparent as crystal. In the middle of the throne and around it were four living creatures all studded with eyes, in front and behind. The first living creature was like a lion, the second like a bull, the third living creature had a human face, and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle. Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was studded with eyes all the way round as well as inside; and day and night they never stopped singing:
Holy, Holy, Holy
is the Lord God, the Almighty;
who was, and is and is to come.’Every time the living creatures glorified and honoured and gave thanks to the One sitting on the throne, who lives for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders prostrated themselves before him to worship the One who lives for ever and ever, and threw down their crowns in front of the throne, saying:
You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honour and power,
for you made the whole universe;
by your will, when it did not exist,
it was created.A message for the Earth from Jesus
January 22, 1998
I am the Good Shepherd, these are My prayers, the prayers I give to help renew the Church and the world, all prayer chapters are asked to include these prayers (found in the Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual). As My Apostles and Shepherds I ask you to encourage all existing Chapters to try to encourage all existing prayer groups to pray the Shepherds of Christ prayers. Encourage all Churches to pray these prayers. It is most urgent that the people of this earth concur with the Father’s wishes to begin Prayer Chapters. This is an urgent request from the Good Shepherd. The flock will become one when they have given their hearts to Jesus and Mary. Encourage all priests to pray the Shepherds of Christ prayers. Your world will be lighted with great light as the people of this earth pray these prayers.
My promise is this to you My beloved earth: When you give your heart to Me and spread the devotion to My Sacred Heart, I will write your name in My Heart. I promise to give the greatest graces when you pray these prayers for renewal of the Church and the world and take all who pray them deeply into My Heart. The prayers I give will bring about the reign of My Sacred Heart and the triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart. I am Jesus Christ, this is My message of January 22, 1998, Please circulate this message to your world. I am the Good Shepherd, I know Mine and Mine know Me and they follow Me. Grace My Shepherds, I will give you the greatest graces for spreading these words to this earth and to your Church. I love you, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, it is the Plan of the Father that Prayer Chapters are begun immediately and the Priestly Newsletter is given to all priests. The Voice of the Good Shepherd speaks through it.
end of excerpt from May 21, 1998 rosary
excerpt from June 16, 2000 messageExcerpt June 16, 2000 Daily Message
Messenger: On Pentecost, May 31, 1998, I had 3 visions.
1. One was a big dark skinned woman twirling her pearls in front of many dark skinned people, looked like natives from Africa, dressed like Christ as He is pictured on the cross (half-naked). She was proportionally much bigger, she had a big white loose fitting gown. I saw her above her waist. She was in the foreground, the others behind.
2. I saw the dirt moving in little granules and a balcony. It was make clear to me we can focus on the dirt or the balcony.
3. One was a vision looking for the right card. Some were black cards, some were white cards.
end of
May 25, 1995
(Apostles Manual pg. 418 - 421)
Messenger: Prayer is a lifting up of our minds and hearts to God. Who am I that I can change any event that is occurring in the lives of another, that I can affect the outcome of any event? I am a child of my Father. My Father is the Almighty God. How I love my dear Father. He is God and He has created me in His own image and likeness. My beloved, dear Father, how I love You that You give me such gifts - that You allow me to share in Your life!
You are the Father of Jesus and You are My Father. Thank You, My Father, for all Your gifts and for Your life. Who am I that I can affect the life of any person?
I am a child of God. I call on my dear Father and He loves me so, He listens to me. I lift my heart to You, my dear beloved Father and You listen to little me and You care for me so much. I call upon God and the Almighty God cares for me with such love that He listens.
Jesus speaks: Such truths have been given to you from My Father because of His great love for you. You are far more precious than the finest pearls, My beloved child. The Father so loved you He gave His Son so that you would have life. He gave His Son as a sacrifice for you. The Father gives to you His life through Jesus, His Son. You partake in His divine life.
I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. My life I give to you, I live in your being, My beloved, I impart to you My divine life.
How many turn their backs on the great gift of this life given from the Father. To know this life and to know all those who have rejected this great gift!
I am the Almighty God, My power is endless. The power and might you felt within yourself is only a small sampling of My immense power.
I am God and I am allowing you to experience what you are experiencing to spread My love to others. Your immense understanding into these mysteries will help you speak and write them for others.
I have chosen you as an instrument to touch many hearts and bring them to My divine love. Great gifts and understandings into these mysteries I am giving to you. You will lead many priests to the love of God.
I am alive. I am God. I long to be loved by man and many have turned their backs on Me and forgotten Me. You must tell them all I am allowing you to experience, these sufferings and understandings into My deep love.
This is the beginning of many days when I will allow you to experience the rejection I felt from those I loved. Your heart is in immense pain for the souls who reject Me despite My love for them.
I beg you to speak and write. Make reparation for souls that have forgotten My love. Spread the love of My Sacred Heart and My Mother's heart, throughout the world.
I love, I love, I love My beloved souls. I beg you to tell them. I beg Fr. Carter to tell every soul on this earth of My love. You will continue to suffer such pain and anguish in your heart. Suffer in silence for souls. I love so deeply and am so gravely offended!
I am Jesus, My dear, little child. I am alive and in this world. I live in the hearts of men, I live in the consecrated Host, I am forgotten and ignored and treated with such dishonor.
Speak for Me, I beg you to spread this love throughout this earth. I am sending you as missionaries into this world.
On this Ascension Thursday, I have given you great sufferings and great joy. I have allowed you to experience the highest ecstasies in My love and plunge you into deep pain in your heart for those who reject Me.
You, I send as missionaries to carry out the work I have begun. Be fearless and pray to the Spirit. This day I am giving you abundant graces to speak, and through this speaking, others are sent into this world as My apostles.
It is through the Shepherds of Christ Movement My love will be spread. Circulate My messages and rosary meditations. The love of the two Hearts will be known throughout this world through these messages and rosary meditations.
You will be fearless, everyone I send to you is a messenger to carry out My love. Circulate these letters with FIRE for I am delivering them to you in FIRE.
I am Jesus Christ, the Living God. I am allowing you to experience My life, alive in you and giving you these emotions to spread My love.
On this Ascension Thursday, I beg you to carry out the message to this world. Live My life in your life, every moment My life living within you.
I am the Way, I am the Truth, I am the Life. I have commissioned you to go out and to carry this message - the message of My immense love for ALL mankind, including My burning love for My priests and religious. Souls will turn their hearts to Me from these letters. This is the mighty medicine to turn a sick, cold world to hearts filled with the love of God.
Prayer, My beloved ones, is the lifting up of your minds and hearts to God. When you intercede to Me through My Mother's heart, I will pour out My greatest mercy.
I will not refuse hearts begging for grace for their loved ones. Pray from your whole being. Let My life live in you.
You can pray and ask God to send help. You do not know the power of a heartfelt prayer. I listen to your prayers. The Father and Holy Spirit are listening to your prayers. The more you unite with God, the greater you intercessory prayer. I am Jesus. I am alive this day. I ask you to spread My messages to the world. I am crying out in your heart on this Ascension Thursday. I ascended into heaven and I have left behind you to carry out what I began. I am with you. I am alive this day. I will unite with you and the earth will know the power of the Almighty God. I am Jesus Christ, Chief Shepherd of the flock. Lead My little ones home - home to the burning embers of My Most Sacred Heart, through My Mother's heart.
Messenger: I cried so hard, I have never been so immersed in heartache. I heard Him shout, "I Am Alive, I Am Alive." I cried so hard, I could hardly write.
I know Him. He is alive in my being. My soul is filled with His love. I live the life of Jesus and Mary in my life. I love His life, her life - their presence forever with me. From this great gift, these rosary meditations, His life has become one with mine. I feel His life in the Mass. I hear Mary under the cross. I hear the cries for the souls going to hell for their willfulness and sins. I hear the laments of Jesus in the tabernacle - how He longs and thirsts for souls and is neglected and ignored. I hear Him tell of the sacrileges committed against the Holy Eucharist.
I heard Him this day. I felt His presence and the presence of the Almighty God as He cries out, "I am alive, I am alive, I am alive."
He is alive. We have the Mass. He gives us Himself in the Eucharist. Mary is appearing, we are given this rosary. We are sent as soldiers by Him in the Shepherds of Christ. We are thirsting for union with Him, sent by Him, apostles to go out to this world and spread His love, one with the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, one with the Trinity. He will light this earth with hearts on fire for love of Him.
Jesus speaks: I come to you with greatest love, I am your loving Savior, I am your God, I died for you, I come to you this day.
The earth shakes and the Son of Man appears. He lives in the hearts of all. I want hearts on FIRE for love of Me. I want vibrancy and love from My beloved ones. Hold not back My love from this world.
Messenger: I adore you, Oh Lord, I praise you, I worship you, I bless Him with my whole soul. My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and holy, holy is His name! Jesus wants souls that are holy, on fire with the love of Jesus. Make novenas to the Holy Spirit to have hearts on FIRE with the love of God. Sound the trumpet, sound the gong - Jesus LIVES - He lives this day! Alleluia.
Sunday is a special day to praise Him, to love Him, to pray to Him - His day to be honored and worshipped in a special way. Pray from a pure and holy heart, a heart that sings for love of the Lord. Pray from your whole being.
end of May 25, 1995 message
May 26, 1996
(Apostles Manual pg. 32 -34)
Message given through Rita Ring
Pentecost Sunday
7:45 a.m.Jesus: I am writing to each member in the Shepherds of Christ chapters, each member in the movement, each apostle in the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Movement.
On this great feast of Pentecost, I have chosen to deliver the following message to each of you: The Apostles proceeded fearlessly ahead in one mind, in one heart, and thousands were converted. The Church has grown to its size this day from the love and the fervor of the apostles, led by the Holy Spirit.
You are My apostles for the renewal of the Church and the world and for future generations to come. This is not a little task. I am giving to you abundant graces that you will proceed fearlessly ahead.
The Holy Spirit will descend upon you. You must pray fervently for His grace and direction. Before every gathering, business meeting, any time that you are called to meet, I am asking you to pray the following prayers from the Handbook:
Pray always the Holy Spirit Prayer,
Pray always the consecration prayers,
To be joined in one mind and one heart, you must take the consecration to your heart. Praying the consecration prayers together will bind you in one mind and one heart, in Our Hearts.
Pray the consecration prayers as a family. Pray the consecration prayers before the Mass. I am asking that prayer cards be published with the consecration prayers. I am asking that some laminated prayer cards be made available.
The Movement will proceed in one mind, in one heart, led by the Holy Spirit as the plan of the Father unfolds.
I am asking that you circulate the Morning Offering, in which all members offer every prayer, work, joy, and suffering to the Father in union with Me in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in the Holy Spirit.
You will unite in one mind and one heart in this offering of your lives to the Father, united to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in the Holy Spirit. You will be one in all the Masses offered around the world. The graces will flow and many souls will be saved through this offering.
I am asking you to continue fervently to publish the Mass Book.
I am asking that you pray the rosary fervently, and from the heart, that you circulate the rosary meditations given to you from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. You will be joined in one mind and one heart, in Our Hearts. Our lives will live in your lives from praying the rosary.
I am asking you to publish the Rosary Book and the Children's Rosary Book as soon as possible. I am asking you to publish the Children's Rosary Book with meditations and to receive an imprimatur. The book should not be referred to as children's rosaries only, it is rosaries for children and their parents, given through the Junior Shepherds of Christ's meetings. In the beginning of this book, the messages of Fatima from Fr. Carter's book on Fatima, are to be included.
It is through the Shepherds of Christ Movement that I will greatly renew the Church and the world. You, the members. must unite in one mind and one heart and offer your lives, united to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Then, grace will speedily spread across the earth and souls will be saved through your prayers. You are My apostles this day. I am sending you into the darkness to light the world with the fire of My love.
All members in the Movement are encouraged to read the Blue Books. These are messages of My on-fire love for you. This Movement will flourish with burning hearts filled with My love when you circulate these messages. All members should read the second Blue Book, if possible before the tabernacle. I am talking to you and giving you My tender love letters.
The earth will be lighted and hearts, filled with My love, will sing the Song of Jesus across the land. I beg you to sing to Me the song, I Love You, Jesus. I long to hear you tell Me of your love for Me.
I am waiting for you to unite in deeper and deeper union with Me. There will be one flock and one Shepherd. Hearts united as one in the Shepherds of Christ Movement will spread the fire of My love on this earth.
I am Jesus. I am begging you to publish sheets with the Handbook prayers, to make available the red prayer books with the imprimatur, to circulate tapes with the prayers on them.
The prayers in the Handbook are a key to spreading the Movement. All must have access to these prayers. The prayers should be recited daily by the members.
Encourage apostles in the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus to continue their commitment to pray before the tabernacle twice a week.
When the apostles proceeded fervently ahead in one mind and one heart there was no bumping of heads and many were converted because of the burning love of God in their hearts. Millions and millions of souls are at stake. Millions and millions of souls will fervently love Me and adore My Heart with greatest love because of the work you do.
You are the apostles this day. This is the feast of Pentecost. This is My message for each one of you.
You do not know how I suffered for the loss of one precious soul. Your Mother is calling you in a special way on this feast of Pentecost to help to save her children from going into hell. As you join in one mind and one heart and unite every action to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, many souls will be converted--many souls will be saved and many souls will fervently love Me.
I am Jesus. Please publish the message of March 26 (1996) to Father Carter telling him how the fire of My love will spread across the earth when hearts fervently love Me.
I love you, I love you, I love you. I show you My Heart - My Mother shows you her heart--this is a symbol of Our love for you. I gave My life that you would have life. I want to live in you. Many will be converted as I become one in you. I no longer walk this earth-you are My apostles that I am sending into the world to spread the fire of My love.
end of May 26, 1996 message
March 26, 1996
Very carefully discerned by Fr. Carter
Messenger: I came to All Saints Church before a beautiful Monstrance of gold that contained Our beloved Savior. He was adorned in light, the altar beneath shone with the brightest light and the cross behind was entirely silhouetted with the same celestial light. I was overwhelmed with the presence of God and cried deeply from the awe of it all.
To be so aware of the Almighty God truly present in His splendor and glory—to know the presence of God, to see the glistening of the gold and the light and reflection of the cross behind Him—my beauteous love—words do not exist to describe the rapture of a heavenly embrace! I cry because of the immense awe within my being to know Him. God truly present in His majesty and glory and oh, God, I behold the presence of a heavenly court. You opened wide the heavens and lifted up the veil and I knew You in Your splendor and glory. I behold God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." He is the Almighty God. He shows us the celestial lights with which He will light this earth. Many must surrender their hearts to His Heart and Mary's heart. It is in surrendering, the Spirit will move in the hearts of men and the light of God will shine on the darkened earth. Not with a light that you comprehend, but a light that is divinely granted—a light beyond all lights, a vision beyond all visions. It takes the surrender of minds and hearts to God. The Spirit cannot move in us when we are in control. Surrender and give Him our heart and He will make us fishers of men.
We are His apostles in the Shepherds of Christ Movement. He is sending us out into the world to light the hearts with His burning love. We are chosen by Him and He is giving us abundant graces to grow in our union with Him. He will light this world with His burning love. Our hearts must be open. We must surrender and let go and reach beyond the senses, reach with our hearts. Pray for faith, pray for the vision of God.
Note: I cried all through this writing, having the presence of God and being in great ecstasy to behold Him. May God touch your heart and may His Spirit move within you. May you be filled with the grace of God to surrender and let Him accomplish a great work within you.
And I was filled on high with His miraculous light and He reached down and spoke within me. I was filled as never before and knew the presence of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Note: As I finished, the bells at All Saints Church rang at 9:00 A.M. As I began to experience the immense splendor, the bells of 8:00 rang. Words do not express anything that I saw or experienced or know from this ecstasy. This was the greatest and the first of three visions, which defined clearly to me our role in the Shepherds of Christ Movement. Jesus defines clearly the role of Fr. Carter in this great mission given to him by the Father.
For Fr. Carter from Jesus:
Jesus speaks: To him who has eyes to see, they will see - not with earthly vision, but with the eyes of faith, and to him who has ears to hear, he will hear with the fluttering of the Spirit moving within him.
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I am the Almighty God. I say to the rocks to fall and they fall and to the grass, grow, and it grows, and to the sun, shine, and it shines. I give to you My love in these letters. Filled with My love, you will conquer this earth, not with weapons and powder or force, but with fires of My love. The fire will wipe out the hatred in the cold hearts and the earth will be covered with My celestial light. The earth will rock and I will appear in the heavens adorned in power and glory and the contrite hearts will be saved. I came to separate the sheep from the goats, the light from the darkness. I come and no one pays Me heed.
To you, My beloved son, Father Carter, I have sent you on a mission to spread this fire that will cover this earth. The hearts of men will turn from their sick and desolate ways to hearts gentle as a little lamb.
There will be one flock and one Shepherd and My staff will rule over all. Hearts consecrated to Our Hearts will lead the light across the earth. This light will be a light of intense brightness, brighter and hotter than any light from a flame. It will be the fire of God's love. The Spirit will move in the hearts of all consecrated to My Heart, and you will know how fire truly spreads, for the love of God is a fire. It is vibrant. It is encompassing. It is smoldering, burning deep within and speedily spreading on the outside. No fire on this earth can ever describe the burning embers that burn from the Sacred Heart of Jesus. No fire burns like the fires coming from My Heart and hearts filled with the love from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
I have written your name, Fr. Carter, in My Heart, never ever to be blotted out and this earth will be renewed with the fire of God's love through you. You are My beloved priest-son, forever, according to the order of Melchizedek. Most holy and most sacred are your hands that consecrate the Host and write My precious newsletter for My beloved priest-sons. You are never unguarded. You are held within the deepest chamber of My Heart, and you will spread My love to the priest-sons of this earth.
I am Jesus. You will spread My love to all souls on this earth. I love you with the tenderest burning love. I am Jesus, your beloved Savior.
end of March 26, 1996 message
Please remember us in your will.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
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Morrow, OH 45152
(toll free) 1-888-211-3041
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Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (513) 932-4451
FAX: (513) 932-6791