May 23
, 2014
May 24th Holy Spirit
Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
Package for Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II was canonized April 27th.
Here is a wonderful DVD about his life.
12" Statue of Sacred Heart of Jesus with glass
CD of Live Rosary from Blue Book 13 October 13, 1996 –
1st 13th – Fr. Carter leads this live rosary
Blue Book 12
Karol Movie
Pictures of Our Lady of Clearwater 8 x 10 and 4 x 6
Hard copy of October 13, 1996 Rosary
We will include this special rosary with this offer.$100 plus postage
while supplies lastThis is a limited time offer.
These statues may become scarce in the near future.
Bible Bash/Fatima
Package for May
11" Fatima |
choice of ONE |
Or Moses DVD |
picture of Our |
Or David DVD | Or Esther DVD | Or Abraham DVD | Or Jacob DVD |
$50 plus postage
while supplies last
Call Rosie – 1–888–211–3041
Package for the month of Mary and First Communion
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The Song of
Bernadette DVD OR |
The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima DVD |
11" Fatima |
Blue Book 12 |
8x10 and 4x6 |
plus CD of October 13, 1996 Rosary
$50 plus postage
Call 1–888–211–3041
The Wedding Rosary
Crystal Image Rosary
$40 plus shipping
Special First Communion Rosary with Image Center
in a gift box
white blue red
and an 8 x 10 picture of Our Lady of Clearwater
and a 4 x 6 picture of Our Lady of Clearwater
$10 plus postage
Original Image Rosary
8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box
$40 plus shipping
Given March 21, 2014
R. Pray for These Things
1) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
2) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
3) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
4) People going to Florida and China.
5) Vocations to all 7 categories.
6) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
7) Pray for pope helping us.
8) Jeff and sales
9) Blue Book 13 cover; Blue Book 12, Blue Book 13 – all involved.
For our Publisher and all involved
10) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
11) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
12) Donors and members and their families.
13) Healing of the Family tree.
14) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
15) All who asked us to pray for them.
16) All we promised to pray for.
17) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie,
2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
Ed, Jimmy, a special couple,
Rosie & all involved.
18) 2 babies and moms.
19) Funds and insurance.
20) Special intentions.
21) Jerry's garage.
22) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
23) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
24) Consecrate all hearts.
25) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.
May 23, 2014
1 Peter 2: 9
But you are a chosen race, a kingdom of priests, a holy nation, a people to be a personal possession to sing the praises of God who called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.
R. In celibacy –
man dedicates himself entirely
to God –
Our vocation is a call from God –
Did you hear the story of the guy
who liked to spend Sunday with
his friends, but never went
to Church –
Jesus is our friend!
We were made to be brothers of each other –
God is our Father –
In Mass we give ourselves to God
He is our friend –
Love is giving of one self for the other –
At Mass God gives us Himself –
We are to give ourselves to Him –
This is love – giving ourselves to
the other as the Father intends –
Sacrifice is an offering
We should prepare ourselves
for the next Mass we will go to –
in lavishing love God gives Himself
to us.
R. Fr. Carter says in Response to God's Love
Excerpt from Response to God's Love by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.
... In reference to Christianity, God himself is the ultimate mystery. Radically, God is completely other and transcendent, hidden from man in his inner life, unless he chooses to reveal himself. Let us briefly look at this inner life of God.
The Father, in a perfect act of self-expression, in a perfect act of knowing, generates his son. The Son, the Word, is, then, the immanent expression of God's fullness, the reflection of the Father. Likewise, from all eternity, the Father and the Son bring forth the Holy Spirit in a perfect act of loving.
At the destined moment in human history, God's self-expression, the Word, immersed himself into man's world. God's inner self-expression now had also become God's outer self-expression. Consequently, the mystery of God becomes the mystery of Christ. In Christ, God tells us about himself, about his inner life, about his plan of creation and redemption. He tells us how Father, Son, and Holy Spirit desire to dwell within us in the most intimate fashion, how they wish to share with us their own life through grace. All this he has accomplished and does accomplish through Christ. St. Paul tells us: "I became a minister of this Church through the commission God gave me to preach among you his word in its fullness, that mystery hidden from ages and generations past but now revealed to his holy ones. God has willed to make known to them the glory beyond price which this mystery brings to the Gentiles—the mystery of Christ in you, your hope of glory. This is the Christ we proclaim while we admonish all men and teach them in the full measure of wisdom, hoping to make every man complete in Christ" (Col 1:25-28).
R. We see the mutual love which
exists between the Persons of the Trinity.
Our life of grace is Trinitarian.
We were created for this love
union with God –
We need the love of God, even if we
don't know it.
If we realized the Trinity's love for
us we could focus our lives
growing in the life of the Trinity.
God has loved us into existence.
Christ so loved the world He died for us.
We are to live out our vocation
in loving union with God.
Romans 8: 19-23
for the whole creation is waiting with eagerness for the children of God to be revealed. It was not for its own purposes that creation had frustration imposed on it, but for the purposes of him who imposed it—with the intention that the whole creation itself might be freed from its slavery to corruption and brought into the same glorious freedom as the children of God. We are well aware that the whole creation, until this time, has been groaning in labour pains. And not only that: we too, who have the first–fruits of the Spirit, even we are groaning inside ourselves, waiting with eagerness for our bodies to be set free.
Response in Christ - Chapter 4 by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J.Excerpt from
In schematic outline we have discussed the manner in which the baptized Christian extends his Mass to his daily existence. As he so lives out his Mass, he is becoming more Christlike. He becomes a more perfect priest and victim for his next participation in the eucharistic sacrifice.
42 The beautiful cycle which the Mass contains lies exposed before us. As part of this cycle the Christian is intimately involved in the process of continued redemption. The Mass is the center of the Christian life: “. . . the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the fount from which all her power flows.” 4342. For a current treatment of the varied richness of the Eucharist, cf. J. Wicks, “The Movement of Eucharistic Theology” in
Chicago Studies, Vol. 10 (1971), pp. 267-284.
November 21, 2013
I call you to live your lives as devout members of the mystical body of Christ. I have given these writings that men will realize that they are to live united deeply to the Mass going on around the world. Your lives, given as an offering, a sacrifice every moment in union with the Mass going on around the world. Your life, a sacrifice, offered to the Father, in union with the Mass in oneness with Me, in the Holy Spirit through the intercession of the Blessed Mother with all the angels and saints and the souls in purgatory.Your lives given as members of My mystical body can help to bring down great graces for the priest, the Church and the world.
Excerpt from
Response in Christ - Chapter 4 by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J.“How does the Christian help Christ redeem the world? (Henceforth the term “world” is to be understood as including both rational and nonrational creation.) As previously stated, the Christian helps Christ redeem the world by reliving Christ’s mysteries. The same “events” or mysteries which accomplished the objective redemption further the subjective redemption also. Since at the heart of Christ’s mysteries are His death and Resurrection, it is especially these that the Christian must relive. As the Christian dies mystically with Christ through loving conformity with the Father’s will, he rises with Christ to an ever greater share in the Resurrection, in the newness of life, in the life of grace. As the Christian in this manner relives the paschal mystery of Christ, he is accomplishing not only his own redemption, but he is also, in a mysterious yet real manner, helping Christ redeem the world.”
R. God loves us so much. Jesus has given
us all these messages so we focus on
how much He really loves us. In the
rosary we pray for faith, hope and love
on the first three Hail Marys.
The more we grow in faith, hope and
love, the deeper is the imprint of
Christ on our soul.
The rosary is so important
because the Holy Spirit works with
Mary helping us to know God more
and more and to love God with
the fire of God's love –
From Blue Book 11
Excerpt from June 25, 1996 Rosary
2. R. We pray to the Holy Spirit to come upon us, to fill our hearts with the fire of God's love for He is alive and He lives within us in a special way when we are in the state of grace. Dear Holy Spirit, fill us with this permeating action within our hearts, that we are lifted high, that as we go about with the love of God as the apostles traveled about and they were not afraid – they were locked in prison, they were persecuted, but they knew the power of the love of God. His love is a mighty force. His love is alive this day. We must pray to the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts that we will not be afraid, that we will go forth as His apostles, into this new era – this great calling that He has called us to in the Shepherds of Christ Movement to spread the messages of His love.
3. R. Mary said at Fatima: until we consecrate our hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, pray the rosary and observe the First Saturday devotion, making reparation to her Immaculate Heart, that we will not have peace in this world. But, it is through the Shepherds of Christ Movement that we are spreading this consecration to the world. We must pray fervently for the strength to carry out this mission for the Fatima message is reaching completion and it is centered in these three things. We must fervently give our hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary that They can work in us to spread the message of His love to this world.
Excerpt from May 17, 1996 Rosary
5. Jesus: You are the children of light. I am asking you to carry these rosary messages into the world. It is through the rosary that many will be converted - it is your weapon against the evil one. I am asking each one of you in the Blue Book team to carry out these rosaries, to carry them out into the world and to spread them to the children and to the adults, to all.
April 22, 1996
Workers in One Heart
Jesus: I have spoken to you on the 22nd of the month concerning the Center and the Shepherds of Christ Movement. The Center will light up the darkened world. I ask you to spread the messages of My love in God's Blue Book. I am a burning fire filled with such love for men. My light will shine when hearts are joined in deepest love with My Heart. You will unite in one mind and one heart when all are consecrated in their hearts and are fervently loving My Heart and My Mother's heart.
Give to Fr. S_____ the message of March 30th. All workers at the Center will join in one mind and one heart when they fervently unite in their consecration to Our Hearts. I love you with the greatest love. See the light spread speedily across the earth. The light will spread as quickly as fire when all are joined in one heart and one mind and united to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I love you. I love you. I love you.
From Blue Book 14
January 21, 1997
This rosary was received on Tuesday, January the 21st, 1997at an International Shepherds of Christ Associates Meeting at the Shepherds of Christ Center in Morrow Ohio. The rosary was led by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J., spiritual director of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. The meditations and messages were given to Rita Ring during the rosary. This rosary was received live and transcribed from the recording. All of these meditations have been discerned by Fr. Edward Carter S.J.
Song: Come Holy Spirit
Glorious Mysteries
The Resurrection
R. Let us offer this rosary for the intentions that Our Lady asked us to pray for, first of all, for the spread of the rosary throughout the world, the rosary aves, the Rosary Books for children, the Mass Books and also for Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, that the plan of the Father will unfold as He has told us that it will, that anyone that He is addressing in these issues will receive the grace, especially to obey the messages that Jesus has given for the unfolding of His plan. So I ask for a special prayer for that purpose. We also ask for this center that the chapel will proceed according to the Father’s plan, that we will be able to reserve the Blessed Sacrament here, that we will receive major amounts of funding and that we will have the lights to follow whatever it is that the Father wants us to do and also for the Priestly Newsletter, that Fr. Carter receives the inspiration and the ease to accomplish this task soon.
1. Song: Come Holy Spirit
2. R. We see the little baby in Bethlehem and we see above His bed the star. He is the Light of the world. We see our beloved Jesus as He comes forth from the tomb adorned in the brightest light with such brilliance that our eyes could not even take the brightness of the Almighty God. Jesus is the Light of the world.
3. Jesus: So you suffer My beloved ones. I watch you at every second I’m watching everything that you are doing. And you feel so alone so many times but I am by you and I am guarding you and I am watching you. I am telling you at this moment, you must come to the heart of My Mother, for it is there that you will find refuge, that you will be protected against the snares of satan who aims to stop you. You are My children of light. It is through you that the Father’s plan will unfold. You are children of the Father but you are a chosen race. I have chosen you My beloved ones to carry the light into the darkness. You must go to the heart of your Mother. You must give your heart to her.
4. Song: The Rosary Song
Jesus: I love you. I love you. I love you. My beloved ones, open your heart that I may speak to you and you will hear the words, for I am calling you, at this moment for the time is urgent. You must listen and you must pay attention to all that I am saying to you.
5. R. I see how the Father’s plan unfolded in the lives of Jesus and Mary. We see the angel appear to Mary and ask her to be the Mother of God. We see the child is born. We see that the child lived a quiet life and that Jesus went to His death out of greatest love for us. He gave Himself and now we see Him as He comes victorious as He gives to us a sharing in His Divine life.
6. Jesus: My beloved ones, you must go to the heart of your Mother. It is there that you will be protected for the devil aims to stop you. You are the light that I am sending into the dark world. It is through you that many will know Me.
7. R. My beloved Jesus, I try so hard and the devil seems like he presses harder and harder. And so many times he wins, and I am trying so hard to be so close to You. I remember at the Holy Spirit Center, Mary, on August 12th appeared to me and her face was so beautiful and she was adorned in the greatest light. And I looked up at her face and I was crying and upset because of many of the things that were not happening that Our Lord was telling me that needed to happen, and she told me needed to happen. And she told me, she said, “My child, come to my heart.”
8. R. The Almighty God came to this earth a little baby and He gave Himself for love of us. It is today that we carry out His life, death and resurrection in our lives. The plan of the Father is unfolding and it is unfolding through us. And the Father has communicated to us for He has chosen us as major in bringing about the completion of His plan, in bringing about the completion of the Fatima message. He is telling us of the seriousness of the situation at this time. We must study the messages that He has given to us and read them as from the Almighty God, for He is counting on us. The plan will unfold through the Shepherds of Christ Movement and we are the core members. We are so important, each one of us, to the plan of the Father.
9. R. Jesus rose from the dead, victorious on the third day. We see Him in the passion. We see Jesus, He looks like a man that is suffering. We see Jesus in compliance to the Father’s will. We see Him, He carried the cross on His back. He did not worry about what other people thought about Him. Jesus just did exactly what the Father wanted Him to do. How many times today do we worry about what other people are thinking about us. And we do not do what the Father is telling us to do. Are we even aware of how many times we are thinking about others and how they are sizing us up and so, therefore, we really do not obey? Our life must be lived in doing the Father’s will. We are the teachers that are going into the world that are leading others to His Heart. It is in living according to His will that the Reign of the Sacred Heart will come about.
10. Sing: The Rosary Song
The Ascension
1. R. The first Shepherds of Christ meeting was on a Tuesday night, the last Tuesday in August, and I saw Saint Margaret Mary. She appeared to me in the sanctuary at St. Peter in Chains and she was holding a white book. And as I drove to the Holy Spirit Center that night, Jesus said that the people at the meeting were His apostles that He would send out into this world. We are those apostles. Here we are. From August of 1994 until January of 1997 and the teacher has taught us many things that we will know His ways, that we will go into the world and we will carry His teachings. He has given to the world these teachings in these rosaries. But He taught them to us. You must be grateful for the gifts that He has given to us.
2. Jesus: And so My beloved ones, the plan of the Father has unfolded. The plan has unfolded as you came to each meeting each week. And I gave to you My teachings, My teachings, My beloved apostles. Think of how it was in August of 1994 and where you were in your spiritual life. Think of how it was when you read the scriptures and you attended the Mass and you went to the Holy Eucharist. Think of how you were in your spiritual life in 1994 and think of how you are this day how My love is burning within your chest, within your heart you know My love. And I have taught to you the intimate secrets of My Heart that have never been taught before. Think of how dry and inactive your love relationship was with Me in 1994. These are My teaching that I am giving to the world to help bring about the Reign of My Most Sacred Heart. The hearts of many will burn when these teachings are released. You must spread My letters of love to the far ends of the earth for men will know Me and they will love Me in such an intimate way. I will be so close to them and My Heart will Reign. I am the King of all Kings. I will Reign in men’s hearts. You must spread the letters I give to you to the far ends of the earth that men will know how much I truly love them. How was your love relationship with Me in 1994 and how is it today? You must not hold on to these writings, My beloved ones. I give them to the world to bring about the Reign of My Sacred Heart.
3. R. And the Apostles went forth and they carried the good news and many were converted and many knew God. Today, a new era is at hand and you the apostles will go forth and many will know Jesus in an intimate love affair, in a way that man has never known Jesus before. Through these writings that Jesus has given to us. Jesus asks us to circulate these writings to the world, He will write the messages of His love on their hearts. He will write the messages of His love on the hearts of the priests through the Priestly Newsletter that He writes through Fr. Carter. What great gifts we are given for His love truly burns within my heart. And when I go to the Mass I know a little heaven on earth. I love You Jesus and I thank You for the great gifts that You have given to us. You truly are the teacher. And You have made the Word of God live within us as a two-edged sword for we love Your Word and we love You and we love You Jesus, in the Eucharist.
4. R. And look at us little and naïve, look at us before the teachings Jesus revealed to us. Look at how we attended the Mass and went to the Eucharist. And think of the first love letter that Jesus wrote to you in God’s Blue Book. And you heard, you heard Him pour His love out to you. This is the love that He wants the world to know so that His love will burn in their hearts and that His Heart will truly Reign in the hearts of all men. It will not be dry and inactive and sterile. It will be vibrant. Their hearts will pulsate and they will love God with the deepest love.
5. R. And so we see the wounded hearts, the wounded hearts of so many hungry for love. For we are creatures of love created by God the Father to love God and to love one another. And so many do not go to Him or know His love. And the only love that they know is the love that they have received from their parents or from their lovers that did not treat them very nice. And so their hearts are wounded. Their hearts are in pain and they search a barren desert looking for love to fill their starved soul, and Jesus has given to them the mighty medicine to bind up their wounds, to heal their wounds. And it is His love letters. It is the messages that He has given in Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. For He said in the first message in the Blue Book that My life will be alive in you, that it will live within you. He is alive in our hearts. I heard Him on Ascension Thursday in 1995. After much agony I heard Him calling out, “I am alive. I am alive. I am alive.” Is He alive in our hearts? Is Jesus alive in a way that He never was in our whole life? He is alive because of these teachings that He has given to us. Do we see how our spiritual life has progressed because we have been taught by the teacher, the Almighty God. And it is up to us. He gave us these great gifts and He is asking us to go into the world and to spread these teachings that all hearts will be alive with this burning love inside of them.
Jesus: You are My apostles that will carry the light into the darkness and the wounded hearts will be healed through the fire of My love.
6. R. And so we crave love and we want love. And so many today can not find what they are craving in the world and they suffer. They do not know where to go. God the Father said that He is displeased how these writings have been held in check. But they were held in check because the devil did not want them to lead into the Reign of the Sacred Heart, these are Jesus’ letters that He wants to give to us. He loves us so much. His letters of love written on the hearts of men. And so the devil blocked these letters which would help bring about the Reign of His Most Sacred Heart. We must obey everything that the Father is telling us to do in order to get out the messages that Jesus is giving to us today to help bring about the Reign of His Heart.
7. R. And so the Father speaks and He says, “You disobeyed My messenger. You disobeyed My Mother and you disobeyed Jesus. Will you disobey Me?” The time is urgent for the Father has not spoken except on rare occasions and He has spoken now, on Saturday January 11th and Saturday January 18th. But it is a feeling of great relief for there is such power in knowing that the Father is so close to us and that it is His plan that we are trying to spread to this world.
8. R. Do you feel the oneness of the Father and Jesus? The oneness of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit? Do you know love radiating from the Trinity? Meditate on the love of God: Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Three Persons in one God. And meditate on each one of us here. Each one of us, a person, but we are one in Him. We are so close to this burning love of God. This is what must reign in our hearts, the burning love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. How can we even express what we know of the depth of God's love?
Sing: One Bread, One Body.
Sing: Give Me Your Heart Oh Jesus
R. Let us meditate on the love of God. Let us feel the presence of God within us. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit dwell in our graced baptized soul. Let us think about God’s love enfolding us. His love, His presence, filling our whole being as we exist in Him. We are one in Him, in this great love of our beloved God.
9. R. And so He gives Himself to us, gives Himself to us in the Eucharist. We are filled more and more abundantly with His grace, His life in us. We become more and more one in Him. He gives Himself to me and He gives Himself to you and we become united in such a deep way in Him. This is the unity that He wants for this world. For love is oneness. UNITY, UNITY, UNITY.
10. R. There will be one flock and one shepherd. And this oneness will be known throughout the earth and it will majorly come through the Shepherds of Christ Movement. And as priests read the Priestly Newsletter and the Mass Books (Blue Book 9, Blue Book 10, Blue Book 11, Blue Book 12, Blue Book 13, Blue Book 14) they will realize more and more, the oneness that comes through the Mass, through the Eucharist. For it is all of us being united at every second to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, that we will be one with each other in such intense love, the love of God. Love is oneness.
Song before the Glory Be: A Song from Jesus
The Descent of the Holy Spirit Upon the Apostles
1. Song: Jesus, I love you. Jesus, I care for you. Jesus, I love you. I want to be with You.
2. R. And so it was on that first day that we came to our Shepherds of Christ meeting as if we were young and were ready to be trained by the Divine Master. And we came to that meeting and He began to tell us, to tell us of His burning love, the love that He has for us, a love that I did not know before He started to write these letters to me. For it was all there before, but I was so blind that I did not know the love that I knew when He started to reveal Himself in such an intimate way as He did in His letters of love to me.
3. R. And I pray to the Holy Spirit to fill me – to come to me. And the Holy Spirit came to me and I started to feel the fire of God’s love as it would well up within my chest.
Song: Come Holy Spirit
4. Hail Mary
5. Hail Mary
6. Hail Mary
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary9. August 11th, 1994 - I Watched You
Jesus: Oh, how I watched you, child. I watched you as I gave you each little sign of My love. I watched you grow in your faith and trust in Me. I watched you suffer and stood so close you could have touched Me, but you didn't know that this suffering would be that which led you to My tender love for you.
I watched you when you surrendered and turned your will over to Me and I watched you cry, knowing this was the most joyous day of your life. I watched you see visions of doors and knew you would want to go through those doors, but they were not the doors you thought, they were the doors I gave you for greater union with Me. I watched you, child, when you wrote down My first letter to you and I saw your confusion and joy, knowing what these letters would do to touch so many hearts.
I watched you, child. I watched you when I showed you My Heart and you were so warmed by this Heart and so awed by its vision, but you didn't know what this vision would mean for many to draw their hearts to My burning love.
I watched you surrender each time as you let go of each little thing, as you were dying to self. I watched you through this surrender grow closer to Me.
R. And this is the journey that He has taken us on in the Shepherds of Christ Movement and He continues and He says –
August 11th, 1994 - I Watched You continues
Jesus: I watched you grow in this deep love for Me, step by step. I watched our love grow as you gave more of yourself in prayer. I watched you, child, and I loved being ever closer to you.
I watched you struggle in such trials that you thought tomorrow would never come, knowing that this trial was what would give you more freedom and love for Me. I watched you learn each lesson through hard tests and I was so close while you struggled, but did not remove the struggle, knowing you would not learn your lesson if I had.
I watched you, child, through each joy and pain and I loved you silently, always with you, and you never knew how close I truly was to you.
Song: From the Day you were Born
Jesus: From the day you were born, I watched you. Forever by your side, I guarded you, I loved you. I know the most secret desire of your heart far better than you yourself know. I know the Father's plan for you. I know the Father's love for you. I know the love poured on you from the Holy Spirit and how Mary is forever by your side.
I watch you, child, constantly guarding you and your ways and you do not know the love I have for you. You do not know how My Heart burns for love of you. And, someday, My beautiful child, you will know what I have in store for you, My beloved.
Come and be with Me. Grow in your love with Me. I never leave you, My beloved. Remember, I am forever watching you.
10. Song: From the Day you were Born
The Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven
1. October the 3rd, 1993, Jesus told me the Talent Message.
Use Your Talents - October 3, 1993 Chicago Marian Conference 11:30a.m.
Jesus: I have a divine plan for you. I created you with special gifts and talents to be used to do My work. They are not for your own self-promotion. You, My child, are nothing except as I created you. Why try to promote yourself? It is none of your own doing. I gave you the talents you are using. You had nothing to do with it. These talents were given to you to do My work. To use these talents to make yourself feel better than your brother is indeed a sin. You must realize they are loaned to you to work for Me. As you give someone a car, or loan them a place to stay, I loan you your talents to use to work for Me. If you do not work for Me and use them to make yourself better than your brother, you are offending Me. Likewise, if I give you talents and you do not use them because you think you are not as good as your brother, you are not being thankful to Me for My gifts to you. You are not using My gifts and that offends Me greatly. Each person was created by Me to do My work. Each person has all he needs to do My work. To be envious of others is fruitless. They have their job. You have yours. You are not supposed to do their work. That is why you were not given their talents.
Do your own work. Don't be envious of your brothers. Don't hide your talents. You did not earn them. I gave you your talents. You must sing because I will it. Others must do as I will them to do. It displeases Me to give you a gift and watch you hide it and make light of it. I give the gift. You must use all your gifts. They were given to you to do My work. Your brother has his gifts. Be grateful for your brother and he should be for you. You are all chosen by Me for a special mission. You know what to do. It feels right. I plant little seeds in your heart and all you do that is for you in the end feels right. You are not to be doing your brother's work or he yours. Talk to Me that you might know just what your work is and do it.
Do not hide your talents. Praise your God Who gave you these talents. Embrace and use them. This is not pride. This is My plan. I love you. I give to each of you, My precious children, as a mother who buys special Christmas gifts for each child. To buy gifts all the same for all your children is not to respect their specialness, their individuality.
Oh, I love you, little ones, so much. Please come to Me. I am so good and I wait to be with you and share My love with you. Come now. This is your top priority. All else will work when you come to Me first. I love you. You are My chosen children. Come and be filled and I make your loads light and I fill you with the Spirit of Salvation.
All roads that lead to Me are the right roads. Praise Me for I am good and I love you, little dear ones.
end of excerpt
2. Hail Mary
3. R. And we see the plan of the Father unfold in the life of Mary. We see the angel come to Mary and ask her to be the Mother of God. And we see Mary as she is taken into heaven. We see all of the days in our life from the beginning when we were born until this time. Do we see ourselves as we came to the first Shepherds of Christ meeting, not really knowing what was going to happen there? But, oh, how our hearts have changed, how He has written the messages of His love on our hearts, how our hearts burn for love of Him. And the greatest of all is, there is more to come that we will know Him more and more, and we will be more and more satisfied with what our hearts crave.
4. Jesus: Oh children of light, you must dwell in the heart of My Mother for it is there that the Holy Spirit gives to you lights to know and to love Me more. I am Jesus. You must give your hearts to your Mother Mary. It is there that you will feel such love of God.
5 Jesus: It is there that you will be protected against the evil one.
R. For we see Mary in the statues with her foot on satan. When we give ourselves to Mary, she crushes his head. We must realize that we must consecrate ourselves continually all through the day to Mary and ask the Holy Spirit to move in us. The Holy Spirit will be that motivating force within us. It is in Mary’s spiritual womb, Mary’s heart that we are protected from the evil one that we will know peace, that we will be able to go into the world as His apostles, and to carry out this great work that the Father has given to us. For He is the Father. He has spoken to us. He truly is with us. He has called us. We are the chosen race. It is in doing all that He has told us to do that we will help greatly in bringing about the Reign of the Sacred Heart. Jesus is the King of all Kings and Jesus will Reign in the hearts of the beloved children on this earth.
6. R. Think of the altar and the tabernacle, how majestic and beautiful it is. Jesus is the King of all Kings. Jesus is on His throne in the tabernacle. We want to make Jesus the King and Center of our hearts. "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name." Now listen to this. "Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done." Thy Kingdom come. The Reign of the Sacred Heart is at hand. Thy Kingdom come and it will only happen when men are obeying the will of the Father. When we are living according to the Father’s will, there will not be any bumping of heads. Thy Kingdom come. "Oh Father, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
7. R. And the children of light were brought forth from the womb of their Mother. And she appeared there at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center as Our Lady of Light. For it is there that the children of light were to go forth and to go into the world. It is through the Shepherds of Christ Movement as we give our hearts to Mary and to Jesus that we will truly be the lights that are shining in the darkness. For He has given to us great gifts and He has taught us. The Divine teacher has taught us individually in these Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, secrets into His Heart that He has never revealed before. And think of how Jesus feels that He has opened up His Heart to us, and to such intimacies and to such an outpouring of His intimate love. And think of how His love letters have been treated and rejected. How would we feel if we open our heart to a lover and they do not accept the gift of ourselves. Think of Jesus. He gives to us the intimate secrets of His Heart and He is rejected by many. The Father is displeased that these letters have not been circulated. We are the children of light. We must carry these messages of His love to the wounded hearts that are suffering, that are bleeding and they will be mended with the fire of His love. The messages of His love will be written on their hearts where the wounds once were and they will be healed. And the Sacred Heart of Jesus will Reign and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will Triumph. And the children of light will be children that will shine brilliantly in what once was a dark world.
8. Song: Oh Lady of Light
R. On August the 12th Mary appeared the entire night and I looked up into her beautiful face as I whined and cried and begged and laid on the floor because I wanted so much for God to hear my plea. And Mary said to me, “My child, come to my heart.”
9. R. And the children of light were protected from the evil one and she smited the dragon. And those that survived were the children of light, the ones that were obedient to Mary. For she appeared, the Father allowed her to appear. How do you think the Father feels about Mary appearing and us ignoring and disobeying our Mother? The fourth commandment says that we must obey our mother. Is the Father going to reward us with gifts?Is He going to reveal Himself to us if we are disobeying what our Mother has told us? The children of light will know God in a way as no other children. The others will remain blind. It is only in doing what Mary said at Fatima, that is giving our heart to Mary that we will know, that we will see light, that the Holy Spirit will work in the heart of Mary and we will see lights that we have never seen before.
10. Mary: My little children of light, I bid you to come to my heart.
The Coronation of Our Lady
1. Song: Oh Lady of Light
R. The light will steal across the sky and the earth will be covered with intense light as hearts are consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Revelation 12: 1 And there appeared in the sky a woman clothed as the sun, the moon under her feet and there were twelve stars about her head.
2. R. And men will see with a light that is brighter than seven suns. The moon will be bright as the sun as we give our hearts to Our Lady, the woman clothed with the sun. The Holy Spirit works within her womb and we see such lights and we know God, our Almighty God, in a way that we did not know before. Men are blind and they do not see. Mary has told us exactly what we must do but we disobey our Mother. Will the Father give us gifts when we are disobedient to our Mother?
3. R. “You disobeyed My messenger. You disobeyed My Mother. You disobeyed My Son. And will you disobey Me?” This is what the Father says in the message on January 18th.
4. R. And the plan of the Father will unfold. The Father has told us through the Shepherds of Christ Movement that He is behind these messages, that He is behind the writings He has given in God’s Blue Book and the Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and the writings that He has given to Father Carter especially in the Priestly Newsletter to help renew the Church. We indeed have received such great gifts from heaven. And we must be so grateful and obedient as little children always trying to please their Father, always trying to love their Mother and to do what their Mother tells them to do.
5. R. For we are the children of the woman clothed with the sun. We are the children of light for we have indeed given our hearts to the heart of Mary. But we see that so many times we still seem to fall and give in to the tauntings of satan. We must, all through the day, give our heart to Mary. We must realize that it is in giving our heart to Mary that she crushes the head of the serpent.
6. Mary: I am bringing forth my children of light in the Shepherds of Christ Movement. You will walk into this dark world and you will carry the light of My Son in the darkness. And all will know how God is alive and the great gift that He has given to man, the gift that man has rejected, the Son of God.
R. He is alive and we treat Him as a dead object. Look at how willful and disobedient man is this day. The Father has spoken because He is serious. His plan is about to unfold. And we are the ones that He has called in the Shepherds of Christ Movement to be the leaders to lead the light in the darkness.
7. R. And the children of darkness and the children of light walked next to each other. But only the children of light survived the attacks of the devil.
8. R. Mary is the woman clothed with the sun. Mary is Queen of heaven and earth. Mary was chosen by the Father to be the Mother of His Son. Mary is the pure and the sinless one, the spotless Virgin, highest human person. And Mary comes to warn sinful men of the deeds that they do and they ignore their Mother. Eighty years later she has spoken to us. Mary has called us, the children of light, and she has asked us to carry the light into the darkness.
pict mary on truck
Mary: My beloved children, I am your Mother Mary. I am asking you to make the connection with my appearance in Florida with these messages. I am asking you to do all that you can to spread these messages and to connect them with my apparition on the building in Florida. I am your Mother Mary. I have appeared on the building that men will take notice, that men will come to the heart of My Son.
9. Mary: I am the Queen of Heaven and earth, and I give to you my message in the Mary message tape. I am asking you to circulate my message to the world that my children will come to my heart and they will be children of light.
10. Mary: Oh my little children, many will lose their souls. I am asking you as the Queen of Heaven and earth to heed my wishes. My little children of light, you are given such gifts. Be grateful to God the Father for what He has given to you for His plan is unfolding around the Shepherds of Christ Movement. I am Mary your Mother. You are my children of light who will light up a dark world.”
Message before the Glory Be:
Song: From the Day you were Born
Jesus: My beloved ones and here you are this day in January 1997. Think of how you were when you came to the first Shepherds of Christ meeting. Think of how you were in your spiritual life. Think of how I have given to you great gifts and you have blossomed and you are so close to My Heart. You must carry these letters out into the world. You must do all that you can to lead men to My Heart for these are My writings given here, secrets to lead men to the inner most part of My Heart. I have taught you about Myself in a way that I have not given in all human history. I have called you the chosen ones. I have given to you great gifts and I am asking you to spread these writings to the world that they will know how much I love them, and that they too will intimately love Me. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus and My Heart will Reign. There will be an era of peace. I am King of the Kingdom.
Song: A Voice Cries out in the Wilderness
"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
Meditation after the Salve Regina:
R. And Jesus taught us to pray. Jesus told us to pray, “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Special Sale Statues with image glass
15" Pilgrim Virgin Fatima – $85
12" Our Lady of Fatima – $75
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Response to God's Love $8.00
Response in Christ $8.00
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Blue Book 6B
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Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur
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Special sale statue with glass
27" Statue of Our Lady of Fatima
$175 plus postage
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with a sliver of glass and a little
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$200.00 plus postage
Dan called and gave the report to me, when I hung up I saw this rainbow and took a picture for him.
Shepherds of Christ
Ministries P.O. Box 627 China, Indiana 47250
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405 FAX:
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