Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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May 27, 1999 - Message given May 26, 1999
A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb, the Bridegroom of the Soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
Jesus spoke and said: Remember man that thou are dust and unto dust thou shalt return.
Messenger: Swiftly go the years, we live in time, but God is the I Am. He is truly present in the Eucharist. We have received a sharing in His divine life through Baptism. Father, Son and Holy Spirit live in us in a special way when we are in the state of grace. Oh the infinite Divine Wisdom of the Supreme Being, God, that knows all things. He knew man before man was created. This knowledge is existent in Him, present at all times. The very essence of His being is to exist as the I Am.
He is omnipresent, Almighty, All-powerful. Through this sharing in His divine life He gives through Baptism, man has insight into the divine mysteries. The thirst of the soul, created by God to know and love Him! Through Baptism our faculties of knowing and loving are elevated to a higher level so we can in a special way share in His divine knowing and in His capacity to love.
Oh the wonders of our God! The craving desire within the soul to have insight into the divine mysteries!
How often we hear "My mother and father have passed away", "my grandparents are all gone."
Jesus speaks: Remember man that thou are dust and unto dust thou shalt return.
Messenger: Men are suffering for the sins of their parents. The light was dimmed after Adam and Eve sinned. Our souls were created to want completeness in Him.
And so they were cast from the garden and they trod a barren land and He told them to obey. He always showed them His ever vigilant love. At times many suffered and were held in captivity until He acted.
And they had ways of dealing with the pain, molten calves and sex and whatever, wine, woman and now illegal use of drugs.
And He says that you must wait for the Bridegroom, that you be vigilant, that you be pure and He will take you in when He comes. The foolish virgins were not prepared.
A child in an alcoholic home lives in pain. I use this as an example of any person, a child of the earth held in captivity. The captivity might be from dysfunctional ways taught on how to relate and love in childhood, or taught by others, that leads to a person stumbling and stumbling and not engaging in healthy, happy relationships.
In a sense, we are all in captivity in this world, suffering from the unending messages we were taught from others in the past that partially block our lives being lived in obedience to God's will and living in harmony with one another. We also are given directions, promptings from the evil one to act in certain ways that really lead us off if we follow them.
He calls it a parable. It is the story of a small child in an alcoholic home. He guides me to write as I write here and he called this a parable. A child lives with so many unpredictable events and so many shattered dreams. His parents are under the influence of alcohol and their moods are controlled by the drink, their behavior is controlled by the drink, their anger flares because of the drink. The loss of active life rooted in Him which is productive is produced by the drink. A child in an alcoholic home learns isolation, for the parents do not allow the child to share his feelings, nor are they really emotionally available for the child's emotional needs. (This can be the child of an alcoholic, a sexaholic, a workaholic, a drug addict, a sportsaholic, a televisionaholic, any person that is addicted to something which becomes his god. As a result he does not engage in healthy, worthwhile living. I refer to alcohol, but all other addicting problems can be applied to the story.) A child has a lot of time to think and try to survive in this captivity. At some point, the pain of a child may become so tremendous from living this way that the child may choose something to deal with it. A child may turn to sports, television, video games, school work, drugs, alcohol, sex, food, etc. to find relief.
The child reasons, "I can not make sense of it so I will use my time in finding pleasures to pass the time and numb the feelings in my heart and soul."
A lot of dysfunction is taught, a lot of learned patterns of behavior are adopted because of the captivity. The devil can give the person a lot of false promptings which he may follow. The world teaches the child sick lessons.
In the time of Moses, the Israelites were held captive. There was no place to go but to God. He prepared His people by allowing them to be stripped bare and suffer. Some were bitter, but really their only hope was God. They had nothing else.
God works this way. When He has given and given and given to man, and man has ignored Him and disobeyed His laws, He has allowed them to suffer to get their attention.
When I write messages I write from the hand of the Almighty God, the I Am. I write from the God of Moses and Adam and Eve, I write from the God Who flooded the earth at the time of Noah, because of the sinful disobedience. I write from the God Who cast Adam and Eve from the garden. I write from the God that sent a Savior, a Redeemer, His only begotten Son, to save the sinful race.
I write for the I Am, the Savior, Jesus Christ Who reveals Himself and the plan of the Father.
And you see me, you see the flooding in Falmouth and the collapsed corner at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center and you think I am blaming one man or whoever.
I write a message from God. No one knows the name of the jailer at Fatima.
The miracle promised on October 13, 1917, was not the same as planned because they jailed the children and blocked Mary's appearance on August 13, 1917, at Fatima.
Do you know the man who put the nails in the hands of Christ?
Today I deliver a message from the I Am to His people. We have "run amuck" He says, whatever that means. I do not know.
But His wrath blazes at the human race from the offenses since the time of Adam and Eve, and you hate me for delivering the message because it might step on someone's toes.
When great multitudes are seriously disobeying the Commandments and many are changing His word, God sends a message. Whether you like me or not does not change the message, whether you believe me or not does not change the message. You do not control God.
God is, God acts, God wants the earth the way He wants it. God wants man to obey Him.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is truly present in the Eucharist. He has given Himself to us in this way for 2,000 years.
"How could they crucify Jesus?", you say.
"How could they be so blind?"
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the Sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present today. The gift of God coming to us and giving Himself to us in the most intimate union in the Holy Eucharist is a very precious gift, God giving Himself to a sinful man and entering him, being truly present in him, no less present than He was in Mary when she carried Him. Many do not see.
Oh the offenses against our God!
When He speaks to me, it is from God, Who is, Who has no beginning and no end. Foolish we are to smite Him.
Look at the building in Florida. You cannot deny the image of Mary on the building. To my knowledge, nowhere in the history of the world has such a permanent sign been given, except the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Jesus speaks: I write the love letters in God's Blue Book to lead people back to the Eucharist and I have been blocked delivering them.
Messenger: We are men. He is God.
Open your eyes. Adam and Eve sinned, God sent the Redeemer, the Savior. Mary is the New Eve, Jesus is the New Adam, the pure spotless Ones.
2,000 years later we are more sinful than ever, and yet we have had the Eucharist all this time.
The Church can be in such a place of immense fullness where we are truly united in our hearts as a body through consecration, all of us offering up all we do all day, united in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass going on all over the world.
The connection in our hearts is not there as it should be. We are not properly connecting in our hearts to the pure and holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We are lacking in that connection of being united to each other, offering everything we do as a sacrifice in union with Him.
And the act of redemption goes on in us. Our life is a sacrifice offered in union with this Sacrifice of the Mass, the Sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present.
Messenger: 70 years later today, I write as a messenger of God.
Jesus speaks: I wish the three days, June 11, 12, 13, 1999, be celebrated in a special way, all over, and in a most special way at China, Indiana. The Feast of the Sacred Heart is June 11, 1999, the Feast of the Immaculate Heart is June 12, 1999. The anniversary of the second main apparition of Fatima is June 13, 1999. I beg you to honor these feasts. I call all who can to come to China, Indiana, for day and night adoration on these three days and nights.
Messenger: More details will be given. If you cannot attend, Our Lord wishes you to keep a vigil watch in honor of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart on these three days to pray for our priests, our Church and our world.
Jesus speaks: I wish these three days to be observed in China, Indiana, as days of perpetual adoration, June 11, 12, 13, 1999, for the offenses against God. I wish prayers to be recited all over the world before tabernacles if possible, if not, before My image of the Sacred Heart and My Mother's image of the Immaculate Heart, day and night, reciting: the prayers I gave you in My prayer manual (the Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual) and the Holy Spirit Novena and the rosary, using the Parents and Children's Rosary Book.
I beg you to implore the Father in My name in the Holy Spirit through the powerful intercession of the angels and saints and souls in purgatory, through My Mother's holy tears, the Infant of Prague, the Child Jesus of Good Health in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, that My priestly newsletter be spread to all priests in the world and that people all over the world will pray the prayers I have given to the world. I beg you to pray for the Blood of Jesus to be spread on your families, the Movement, the Church and the world and that you consecrate yourselves and all dwellings, your families, the Movement, the Church and the world to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
I beg that you cast the devil into hell in My name and that you beg as a body on these 3 days that the Holy Spirit majorly descends on the people of the earth.
On June 13, 1999, I ask you begin the novena as directed on February 23, 1999, for 108 days observing all feasts as listed. I ask that this novena be circulated to all interested parties so they will join.
I ask all who can to pray morning and night at 6:20. Many will not be able, some will, the request is for those who are able. I wish all in the Shepherd of Christ Movement who are apostles to try to gather at 6:20 every day, preferably p.m., if a choice must be made, and pray the novena. If this is impossible, pray 6:20 a.m., if possible. If it is impossible at either 6:20 service, pray the novena sometime during the day. Great grace is being granted to your earth from this novena.
I ask that Masses be said at 6:30 a.m. and p.m. for these intentions of consecrating the Church and the world to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart, for unity as never before, and for all other intentions I just listed.
Great grace is granted to all parishes having Shepherd of Christ Prayer Chapters before the tabernacle.
I wish that great emphasis is placed on all Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus as a major part of the Movement.
They must be reached with the novena and this message. I beg, I beg for them to follow their pledge to try to pray weekly for two hours before the Blessed Sacrament as directed.
I further wish Florida to follow a special time June 11, 12, 13, to encourage all to consecrate their homes and hearts to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart. I wish you to realize how the devil will try to get you distracted in June, especially on these dates. You must be fervent, on-fire apostles, telling all who come about praying for priests and the priestly newsletter. Give out booklets of the Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart to anyone who you think will become one. You must increase your prayer power.
This will be a month of the Sacred Heart as never before. Send this message and the novena message to all members.
They must pray. Please come to China, Indiana, for these days. If it is impossible, go to Florida, or pray before the Blessed Sacrament. I want hours of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on these days.
If your town does not have a church open on June 13, 1999, try a Catholic hospital or Catholic college. They may have a tabernacle. But pray, pray My prayers in the prayer manual, I beg you.
You need your heavenly Father and your heavenly Mother.
When a child goes off, the parents lovingly try to bring him back.
When a child decides to be willful and do whatever he wants, he weaves a web that can trip him into a life of trouble.
The parents may pray and pray, but once the child is without parental authority and is operating to do whatever he wants, many problems often occur in his life.
Many of you are like the children who are anxious to leave home and go into the world. You are determined to follow no rules and be in control, doing your own will.
The parent has to let go of a child of age and many times a willful child of 18 or 19 gets himself into very much trouble.
The Father sees the willfulness of the children. They think they do not need the Mother or the Father. They are going to do what they want.
They weave a web of evil that exists in their lives and in the world when they disobey God. Soon their lives are disasters.
Because of the prayers of so many, We have given great grace that has helped the world from becoming more vile.
If we hold back the grace working in many willful men's lives, they would be more vile in their ways.
In the end, only those who have followed our ways will be able to tolerate the enemy pressing on all sides.
The rosary is the prayer of the child imploring Father and Mother. The rosary is a powerful weapon against evil, against the evil one.
You have been taught many dysfunctional ways. You have rewarded yourself with a quick release when I sent you suffering. You must turn to Me in great suffering and I will help you grow more in your spiritual maturity. Many people in suffering turn to a drink, an illegal drug, a pleasure and they miss the opportunity to become closer to Me.
I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This month, June, 1999, I want to be honored and adored as never before in the Blessed Sacrament. I want to be honored in homes. I want all to give Me their hearts and consecrate their homes to Me.
I want to be King and Center of all men's hearts and their lives and their dwellings.
I want to reign above My people.
They will be My people and they will turn to ME.
Many of you are enslaved by the evil one.
You are not free when something else controls you, such as pleasure, drugs, alcohol, sex. You are enslaved to the enemy.
Freedom is living in God's will.
Messenger: I was encircled on all sides then I walked gayly into the night.
Reading from today's Mass:
Ecclesiasticus 36: 1, 5-6, 10-17
Take pity on us, Master, Lord of the universe, look at us,
spread fear of yourself throughout all other nations.Send new portents, do fresh wonders,
win glory for your hand and your right arm.
Rouse your fury, pour out your rage,
destroy the opponent, annihilate the enemy.Gather together all the tribes of Jacob,
restore them their heritage as at the beginning.
Take pity, Lord, on the people called by your name,
on Israel whom you have made your first-born.
Have compassion on your holy city,
on Jerusalem, the place where you rest.
Fill Zion with your praises
and your sanctuary with your glory.
Vindicate those whom you created first,
fulfil what has been prophesied in your name.
Give those who wait for you their reward,
let your prophets be proved true.
Grant, Lord, the prayer of your servants,
in the terms of Aaron's blessing on your people,
so that all the earth's inhabitants may acknowledge
that you are the Lord, the everlasting God.
Responsorial Psalm:
Psalm 79:8-9,11,13
Do not count against us the guilt of former generations,
in your tenderness come quickly to meet us,
for we are utterly weakened;
help us, God our Saviour,
for the glory of your name;
Yahweh, wipe away our sins,
rescue us for the sake of your name.May the groans of the captive reach you,
by your great strength save those who are condemned to death!And we, your people, the flock that you pasture,
will thank you for ever,
will recite your praises from age to age.
January 29, 1994 5:00a.m.
Jesus speaks: The world is out for the world. It follows idle pursuits. Its main goal is to have instant pleasure. It seeks not for the hereafter. It busies itself with all the details at hand. It operates in a box, unable to see the view in front of it, instant pleasure and gratification.
Q: When we suffer trials, how can we share these trials with each other in the greatest love?
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