May 6, 2016
May 7th Holy Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
Pray for special intentions.
Pray for Dan & Melanie, Jimmy,
Fr. Joe, Mary, Blue Book 16.
Please pray for funds & grace.
Give the gift that Counts.
Blow Out Sale for Reprinting of Blue Book 1, 2 & 3
While Supplies Last
Blue Book 1 - $4 each plus postage
Blue Book 2 - $4 each plus postage
Blue Book 3 - $3 each plus postageCall 1-888-211-3041 for Doris
New Homily Book - Cycle C
Available $10.00 plus postage
Blue Book 16 is Available!
May 6, 2016
R. Focus on Jesus –
Come Father, Son and Holy Spirit
dwell in me –
Come Holy Spirit, come fill the hearts
of Your faithful –
I seek to grow as Jesus
wants of me –
I give myself to Him –
Jesus is love –
Jesus is there ALWAYS –
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell in my graced
baptized soul –
I know You Jesus, I know You
and love You so much –
Come to me Lord and possess
my soul –
Jesus: Only in telling the truth can
a person be set free –
They are trapped in lies and
falsities like a lion in
a cage of their own
making –
The man who gives love is likened
to Me –
There is no love in satan –
The man who hugs the darkness
stays there and his darkness
turns to more darkness.
Who can you turn to when you
have turned from God's will –
Unless you forgive, you are trapped
in a cage.
A man who squanders the product
and it does not belong to him
is a thief and I will pay
all according to their deeds.
I call you to justice –
I gave what I gave for the good of the
souls –
So the evil one comes in the night
and takes the seeds that I
planted so they will not produce
the fruit I came to give.
The messages and letters of love are
My letters of love to My
precious souls.
Only the evil one would want
to steal them.
I give you a free will –
All your actions are to be
for your own eternal salvation
and the salvation of souls.
The thief comes and steals, so too
the evil one comes to take what
I have given, My letters of love,
and to take them out of publication.
Oh such a bizarre affair and the
darkness is like a blind man
that cannot see –
How does a man walk when he
is engulfed in darkness, so
black and closed in on himself
to avoid any communication
with its source –
A man came and he took the treasure,
but the treasure was the gift of God –
My Father who is in heaven has
given this gift to the souls of this
earth –
My Father sent Me –
My Father sent Mary as a messenger
in Clearwater to deliver a
message to the earth –
Souls are going into hell like rain –
Souls will go to hell today –
The world is not your end –
You are pilgrims on a journey –
You will be judged how you
loved and served the Lord –
A man is wealthy – really only wealthy
in how he does the will of God –
If he does the will of God his
life prospers and he will find
peace –
A man opposing the will of God has
conflict inside with God and
this conflict inside is why
he stirs the pot – he wants
conflict with you – usurping
the power he does not have –
John 19: 10-11
Pilate then said to him, 'Are you refusing to speak to me? Surely you know I have power to release you and I have power to crucify you?' Jesus replied, 'You would have no power over me at all if it had not been given you from above; that is why the man who handed me over to you has the greater guilt.'
Jesus: The Holy Spirit comes and brings truth,
He brings order, He sanctifies.
The Holy Spirit is the source of truth.
The Holy Spirit sanctifies – He gives
grace to do what is good
and holy –
The Holy Spirit comes and leads men
in their vocations to serve
as God intends them to
The evil one comes – the father of lies –
The evil one takes what will stop
the furthering of My Kingdom –
he works in those who are
consumed with pride and
envy, jealousy and anger.
The evil one hates.
The evil one hates men who love God –
He tempts men in anger to disobey
the commandments –
This disobedience drives a man into deeper
and deeper darkness and he
will not win –
I am the Light –
I am the way, the truth and
the life.
I come and I ask you to serve
Me and to help in the
building of the Kingdom –
You can refuse – you
have a free will –
I come with My arms outstretched.
I ask for your help to spread the
message I came to give, sent by
My Heavenly Father –
You can refuse and hold onto what
the world may do to you –
the world is passing –
Your life here is passing –
All that will remain are the
things for heaven –
I ask you to have love of this mission –
I ask you to further My Kingdom
and to help Me.
I ask you to be humble –
to walk in love –
I outpour My grace to you for
the building of My kingdom –
I have put structure into My Plan
and satan is the great deceiver
to steal the power that is not
even given to a man –
Some men are called to rule –
others are called to obey –
What happens when a man called
to obey - rebels against
just authority and willfully
forces his domain by
using the things of God for
his power –
He has no power to start with –
Power comes from God –
So he has false power that in
My world will work against
him – opposing the Father's will –
Opposing the Father's will makes
conflict in the man with God –
His life is a life of conflict –
Who is the Master in his life?
He thinks he is –
He is out of order –
He uses force to try to
implement his evil
design –
The man of justice just is –
He is working in harmony
with God, all Powerful,
in his soul –
He just does in sync
what God desires –
He may suffer with the man opposing
the plan of God given to
him –
Greed is a way satan presses
on a man –
an appetite – filled with
selfishness and fired up
in anger –
When one possesses truth and
love – he has the treasure
that waters the heart
with peace and love –
The man of darkness has no
He is in conflict with God –
God has a plan –
The heavenly Father has sent
Me in these messages to
reach My beloved souls
with My letters of love –
This is the purpose of this
Movement to reach My
precious souls with these
gifts from Me –
They are treasures I have
given under the direction
of Fr. Carter and the
messenger Rita Ring –
They are My messages for the world –
I have called My priests to write
the books
My messenger to deliver these
love letters and prayers –
Satan wants them held back –
The purpose of this Movement is to
spread them and the Ministries –
I have given the directions to
Fr. Carter and to Rita Ring –
This is My will –
This is the will of My Father –
My Movement is left in the hands
of Rita Ring, co-founder,
after the death of Fr. Carter –
She is the chief messenger and
leader of My Movement –
to her I entrust My Movement
Shepherds of Christ –
It is the will of My heavenly Father –
Give the gift that keeps giving.
Blue Book 1 & 2 – $4.00 each plus postage
Blue Books 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7,
6A, B, C, 3 –
$3.00 each plus postage
Blue Books 4 & 5 –$2.00 each plus postage
Blue Books 14 & 15 –$5.00 each plus postage
The more you use the Blue Books and
become one with Jesus – more
intimate with Jesus –
the more your lives are a blessing and
everything you do in life can help
to bring down great grace for the world
because of your being so
one with Jesus.
Guiding Light Homily Book Series
Fr. Joe’s Books
Cycle A –
Steadfast to the Son
Cycle B –
Focusing on the Word
Cycle C –
Feed My Soul
Cycle A –
Inspired to be Genuine4 for $20 plus postage of $5.95
These books can be given to:
1) All Priests
2) Good for Music Ministers
7) Good for Mom and Dads
3) Good for DRE's
4) Good for Deacons
5) Good for Principals of Schools
6) Good for Teachers
Given March 21, 2014
R. Pray for These Things
1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
6) People going to Florida and China.
7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
9) Pray for pope helping us.
10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
11) Blue Book 16 and cover and all involved.
For our Publisher and all involved
12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
15) Donors and members and their families.
16) Healing of the Family tree.
17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
18) All who asked us to pray for them.
19) All we promised to pray for.
20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple, Rosie & all involved.
21) 2 babies and moms.
22) Funds and insurance.
23) Jerry's garage.
24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
26) Consecrate all hearts.
27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.
The Wedding Rosary
Crystal Image Rosary
$40 plus shipping
Original Image Rosary
8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box$40 plus shipping
Give the gift that counts.
Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.
Tell My People $5.00
Response to God's Love $8.00
Response in Christ $8.00
Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur
$2.00 plus postage
New Mass Book with Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage
Give the gift that keeps on giving!
Give to your priest.
Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 627 China, Indiana 47250
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405
FAX: (812) 273-3182
Copyright © 2014 Shepherds of Christ.
Rights for non–commercial reproduction granted:
May be copied in its entirety, but neither re–typed nor edited.
Translations are welcome but they must be reviewed for moral and
theological accuracy by a source approved by Shepherds of Christ Ministries
before any distribution takes place. Please contact us for more information.