Shepherds of Christ  
       Daily Writing        



June 1, 2007

June 2nd Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 5 Period II.

The Novena Rosary Mysteries  
for June 2nd are Glorious.


June 1, 2007





                Today is the First day
                    of the month of
                    the Sacred Heart.

                Jesus we place our trust
 in You.

                    I go to the place I know so deeply
                it is the Heart of Jesus, but for me it
                is a place that exists so very real
                where I am one with the Father and
                the Son and the Holy Spirit.

                    Jesus says, "Let go to Me and let Me
                bathe you in My love. When fear mounted
                in your heart, you were drawn ever deeper
                into Mine, it is a dependence on Me now —
                a constant letting go.

                    When I carried My cross I knew the
                Father's love. It is not in the seeking of
                other's approval and love you will
                find peace. It is in one and only one
                thing — in seeking to do the will of
                the Father and doing it better and better
                for the honor and glory of God in love.

                    In the times to come this will be your
                comfort — knowing this place of refuge
                in My Heart. It is the center of all truth —
                It is the way — It is there you are
                showered with My life alive in you.

                    Now I say let go and surrender, focus
                on Me and My love for you. Let the problems
                of life filter in and out like passing
                shadows. You have your jobs, but your
                deep strength is always in the oneness
                of this mystical marriage to Me.

                    Never are you alone, for I am united to
                you in such oneness and you know My
                strength in you always."

                    A little girl was in a house one night
                and it became dark outside and a storm
                came up, there was no electric and the shutter
                on the house hit periodically making a clanging

                    The little girl was very frightened and
                ran to a warm corner of the house, covered
                her little body and she prayed —

                    "My dear Jesus, I am very afraid, but
                I know You are with me — help me to be
                strong — if the house blows in, I will
                find a way, but I must stay close to
                You in my heart now."

                    At long last the storm ceased and the
                little girl would soon feel secure
                with her parents, but she was alone
                in a storm and it was dark and Jesus
                was her refuge.

                    Soon like all storms it lifted. God
                teaches us a lesson with storms — that
                they don't go on forever, even though
                damage is done, the sun comes out and
                shines on the damage so we can try to
                fix it or start over.

                    Some storms like the hurricanes of
                Florida washed land away, destroyed
                houses — in the hurricanes in Florida there
                were not many lives taken. We can focus on
                how bad we suffered loss to homes etc.
                and forget to thank God our families
                and ourselves were spared. There is
                a silver lining to every cloud when we
                are deeply connected to Jesus.

                    Now a problem comes and shakes
                our life — some issue takes our energy,
                much concern, but had it not been
                exposed we may have had a devastating

                    I am a messenger and many times I see
                things before they occur. I wait slowly
                to act so I am doing God's will. Patience
                can be very important to an important

                    Should I rush something for the
                very wrong answer because I am
                impatient and want it NOW — even
                when God says — the timing is not

                    I wait, I watch, I act when it is
                hard when it is God's will. I want to do
                God's will every moment of every day —
                now — the way He wants —
                With my whole heart, my whole soul,
                my whole being in love — even when
                it is so very hard.

                    A little old man had lived his life
                and he was so angry — he hadn't learned
                even to surrender in his old age. He
                was like one hitting their head against a
                concrete wall.

                    To want anything, but God's will is
                to live a life of suffering. Control for
                control's sake opposed to God's will.
                Our life is a symphony and we are the
                conductor — we want not sour notes —
                so we hear the harmony of God in
                our soul as we conduct it. We smile
                with the ease and the rhythm of
                another moment, hour and day — There
                is always the harmony — even when
                a task is difficult, the harmony of
                me conducting my days and moments
                mystically married to God. I want to
                be possessed by His loving care.

                    I saw the beauty of the waters,
                a lighthouse in the middle on a
                little patch of earth, I saw the
                red and white of this cute little
                towering lighthouse and the beacon
                light turning above — flashing in
                the water. I saw a little green
                earth, but mostly vast waters —
                so blue and clear as if laid so
                magnificently there by the power of

                    I heard the beauty of the music
                of my life and I sailed over all
                this like one scanning the terrain,
                and enjoying beauty, tremendous beauty
                given from the Creator.

                    I go day by day, year by year and
                I don't see the tapestry of my life I
                am weaving, but in this tapestry
                printed in my days is the hand of
                God —There was a life I tried to live
                dancing to the harmony of my Creator,
                satan wants us to dance in control and
                impatience, fear, acting against God's

                    God wants us to be a beacon of harmony
                we can tell others "I don't want
                this", but when we know it is
                God's will for us to handle problems,
                to love — we don't blame others
                for agitation and willfulness in

                    God gives to us each day, a beautiful
                flower to unfold. Petal after petal will
                show with each hour — satan wants
                us to try to say to the Father — hurry
                God the Father You are moving too slow
                for my impatient ways —

                    And to that God the Father responds —
                a baby takes the time of a pregnancy,
                but a human person enters the

                    When we have a mystical marriage
                with God — we have harmony in our soul,
                peace, love and joy.

                    Satan is the father of lies — he comes
                in our thoughts to try to trick us.

                    When great tribulations come and there
                will be more and more, it is important
                that this Ministry of Jesus has taught
                people about refuge in the Sacred Heart
                of Jesus.

                    If we spread the consecration to the
                Hearts of Jesus and Mary we will know more
                and more peace.

                    To do the work here God has called me
                to, I must endure suffering, but also
                immense joy is mine. In all things
                my beloved Spouse - Jesus, the bridegroom
                of my soul paints the picture of
                my life on a canvas entitled
                   "LIFE RITA ROBINSON RING"
                I have been RITA RING for 37 years so
                I prefer this name, but my childhood
                is a very important part of my canvas.
                When my mom died at five — I knew she
                went to heaven — that was when my deep
                relationship with God began.

                    But for me I am one with God:
                Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I live
                in the embrace of the Trinity — I
                know Them more deeply the more I am
                asked to sacrifice and turn my life
                in complete surrender to the will
                of the Father.

                    The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is for me
                this drama of self giving love to the
                Father, united to the sacrifice of Jesus,
                in the Holy Spirit at Mass —
                the sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally
                made present.



                My gift at Mass is myself completely
                surrendered as far as I am able to the
                will of the Father. I lay down myself —
                I lay down the sacrifices of my life I
                did that brought me to the altar —
                easy happy ones and hard and difficult
                ones. In doing God's will - lies my peace.

                    I waited, waited on the Lord and He
                heard my plaintiff cry — He gave
                me a Feast and I shared so deeply
                in Him. 

                    Under the cross - Mary stood.



                    I knew the suffering ever deeper of
                Mary, Mother of Jesus and my Mother —

                    I was almost if taken there and my
                heart still hurts from Tuesday — to see
                her Son.


Mary's Message
from the Rosary of August 27, 1996

Mary:  I stood beneath the cross of my Son, and my Heart was in such pain for I saw Him before my eyes. I saw Him covered with blood. I saw Him die. My Heart, my children, my Heart to watch my Son, but my Heart, my Heart, how I suffered for my little children of the world that give in to this world and give up the love of my Son. O my little children of light, I give you this message. Carry this light into the darkness for your Mother Mary, for I stood beneath the cross and I cried. I cried for the little ones. I cried for the young ones, the ones that do not care and will lose their souls. How do I make you see for you will not listen to me? What can I do? I come. I appear. I beg. I plead. I give you these gifts from my Son, and you reject me. I do not deliver messages very often anymore for I have been ignored. The message is the same. You do not read the messages I have given to you. Please help me. Help the little children. I appear. I appear. I appear, and I am ignored. I stood beneath the cross, and I cried. I cried, and my Heart was in such anguish for my little children, for I am searching for them this day as I searched for the Child Jesus. Please, please help me. I cannot hold back the hand of my Son any longer. I am Mary, your Mother. I ask you to help my children. You are my children of light.

end of August 27, 1996


                To see Him die —
                I cannot imagine what it would be like, but
                Tuesday, the intensity of that moment was
                written in my soul —

                    The loss of one precious soul —

                    There was such a unity in it all, for
                I could see the image in Clearwater that was
                there 7 1/2 years and I knew the message so




                deeply how Mary wants her little children to
                be in heaven. Anguish to know a child
                is blinded by the world and gives into the

                    Mystical marriage to my God I know. Amongst
                turmoil, suffering, pain, joy, love so deep
                I cry out in the experience Tuesday —
                help me — don't let the cat have your
                tongue any longer —
                children, Mary's children, will be lost
                for all eternity —

                    Help me —

                    Jesus wanted me to put this message on
                in RED for the Blood HE shed for His precious
                souls and for His Heart of love and Mary's
                heart of love for the month of the
                Sacred Heart.

                    I hear Mary say

                    "I stood beneath the cross of my Son —
                I watched Him die — I cry bloody tears
                for the little ones that will be lost"

                    Since Tuesday when I received the
                message of that night of prayer —
                I have not felt too good, but so weak.

                    But I know sufferings come to me in
                the month of the Sacred Heart — He
                wants us to love Him so deeply this
                month and venerate His most
                Sacred Heart.

                    God wants me to oversee all of the
                expression of the message of the
                Shepherds of Christ. This message of
                what we are to deliver is etched in
                my soul to add to deeper and deeper
                understanding of the precious mysteries
                of God.

                    I know more and more the Mystery of Christ.
                There is a oneness, a deep dimension in
                the aspect of a singular event and it
                is in a wide vision in my soul with
                the whole mystery of Christ, the Church,
                the Trinity.

                Depth and oneness
                I exist IN HIM
                I live IN HIM
                I live these mysteries in my every
                    heart beat.

                Oh so much to say and
                My life could be spent and I have said
                    so little of the layers I know of
                    the mystery of God's love — Father,
                    Son and Holy Spirit and
                    Their life alive in me —

                I am ever thankful for our precious sharing in
                    His life in baptism.




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