Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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June 11, 2007
June 12th Holy
Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
Please help us nowWe need postage for the
Priestly Newsletter
$16,000 for US Priests (Postage Doubled)
Postage for Hierarchy
Priestly Newsletter on Prayer
80,000 Prayer Manuals
Help your
priests, the Church and
the world send
80,000 prayer
manuals to our priests.
China RetreatJune 10th thru 13thPlease come and pray!
From June 10, 2007 - Feast of the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus
I don't even
know what to write!
I love so deeply the Eucharist. I can say
today I have tried to tell the world about
the Body and Blood of Jesus.
I remember this feast
from when I was
a small child, the month of the Sacred Heart,
the deep love I have for my precious Jesus.
My mom died June 19 on a Thursday when I was 5.
Dear Jesus, I thank
You for the Eucharist,
my life centers around the Eucharist —
everything to me — I run to Jesus before the
tabernacle, I know in all my trials and
sufferings - Jesus is there.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus, Jesus, —
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes — I know.
The presence of Jesus in
Church when the
Eucharist is there — My life is changed
when I spend time with Him before the
I ponder the
consecration of the Mass —
The world around me stops (or so it seems) when the host
is raised and I am so united to God —
I can always go to that place when I am not
at Mass, but anywhere and focus on the Masses going on
around the world.
I give myself
completely — I am one
with the Masses going on around the world.
My life is His.
My song I sing.
"Ah sweet mystery of
life, at
last I've found Thee.
"Ah sweet Mystery of
life — at last
I've found Thee.
"Ah I know at last
the secret of
it all" (the song says, I don't know everything).
I see all of our
imperfections, holding
back our gifts of love to each other because
we see so imperfectly and we are all
imperfect, jealous, suspicious, angry,
not knowing how awesome our own
graced soul is.
Wait on the Lord, for
His love for us
is unsurpassing —
Real love — Pure love
— love that
surpasses our deepest imaginings —
Oh love of the Heart of Jesus.
Bricks are laid to
form a foundation —
if we stick in impure bricks we can
have all kinds of problems —
A house is built
strong on rock,
but we are tainted — and the failure to
tell the truth when we recognize faults
about ourselves keeps us stuck —
Now pretend you have
been put in
a big hole — no water or food and the only
way to get out is to get - the right clues
and follow them precisely. If a clue is
needed - you cannot tell any tainted things
about anything. You must own up to every
thing exactly the way it is.
Every clue depends on
the other to get out.
Do you think you will get out?
Now once in a while
you get a
visitor standing at the top of the hole
flashing a reminder of something you are
overlooking about your tainted motives in
acting in something.
Hell can be like a
hole, people can
deceive themselves life-long trying to
prove they are right, telling themselves
it's okay to sin and telling themselves
right is wrong and wrong is right in their
The thing about
giving into satan's
deception — since he is the father of lies
is this fallacious reasoning begins to
blind us more and more as we give into
half-truths and deception —
The way to the
deepest chamber of the Heart
of Jesus is paved with a road like the
guy in the hole, if we want to go deeper and
deeper in His Heart we have to walk
a pavement of seeking the truth more
and more as God sees things — not as we may
let ourselves believe with the taintedness
of our wounded human nature.
Blindness, spiritual
blindness, comes
in varying degrees — the more we are rooted
in the truth the clearer God's vision
becomes to us. God wants us to bring our
sins to light in confession, satan
tempts us with fallacious reasoning that
says "Oh that sin is too big to confess —
the priest will not see you so pure
anymore" — "It was no sin at all in your
particular case - you were justified."
Satan has already
used his fallacious
reasoning to get somebody to give in and
sin. People come more and more tainted and
can give in quite easily with more and
more practice. Lying about the truth keeps
people stuck.
Now I love the
sacraments so much —
God gives us Baptism and Communion and
Penance — and all 7
Marriage, Holy Orders, Sacrament
of the
Think of how important
the sacraments
and the Church are in our lives and how
we can complain and complain and fail to
thank God for His gifts to us.
I was on a plane and it
was smooth — at
one point the plane shook and shook — I had
been praying the whole trip — we need funds
for the Newsletter mailing and wasn't even
thinking about the plane in mid air.
I fly a lot and this never happens. All of
a sudden with the shaking I was deeper than
ever connected to God — I know that place
I can go to — so one in Him.
Some times God gives us
a little
shake as we are flying at top speed
through life and He lets us know we
need to shift gears — we are forgetting
about Him (too much) and we need
to sit straight in our seats with the
garment of His grace He gives us for
How would it be if the
plane had
a very bad engine and they took us up
and lied to us.
The Church is to be a
very good plane
in tip-top shape as we sail the
skies of life — we know we are flying
in a plane labeled TRUTH AIRLINES.
With the Newsletter — the
voice of the
Good Shepherd we send 80,000 priests
and hierarchy all over the world love and
encouragement and our prayers — in
a world that is struggling with the
truth — we help to strengthen the
Church as very fervent members of
the body of Christ living deeply in
Him. Fed with the Eucharist —
living a holy life — going to confession —
loving our priests and thanking God.
living deeper life in
Him —
help to strengthen the world —
His life alive in the branches —
Readings from Today
Genesis 14: 18-20
Melchizedek king of Salem brought bread and wine; he was a priest of God Most High. He pronounced this blessing:
Blessed be Abram by God Most High,
Creator of heaven and earth.
And blessed be God Most High
for putting your enemies
into your clutches.And Abram gave him a tenth of everything.
Psalm 110: 1-4
Yahweh declared to my Lord, ‘Take your seat at my right hand,
till I have made your enemies your footstool.’Yahweh will stretch out the sceptre of your power;
from Zion you will rule your foes all around you.Royal dignity has been yours from the day of your birth,
sacred honour from the womb, from the dawn of your youth.Yahweh has sworn an oath he will never retract,
you are a priest for ever of the order of Melchizedek.
1 Corinthians 11: 23-26
For the tradition I received from the Lord and also handed on to you is that on the night he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took some bread, and after he had given thanks, he broke it, and he said, This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me. And in the same way, with the cup after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Whenever you drink it, do this as a memorial of me. Whenever you eat this bread, then, and drink this cup, you are proclaiming the Lord’s death until he comes.
Luke 9: 11-17
But the crowds got to know and they went after him. He made them welcome and talked to them about the kingdom of God; and he cured those who were in need of healing.
It was late afternoon when the Twelve came up to him and said, 'Send the people away, and they can go to the villages and farms round about to find lodging and food; for we are in a lonely place here.' He replied, 'Give them something to eat yourselves.' But they said, 'We have no more than five loaves and two fish, unless we are to go ourselves and buy food for all these people.' For there were about five thousand men. But he said to his disciples, 'Get them to sit down in parties of about fifty.' They did so and made them all sit down. Then he took the five loaves and two fish, raised his eyes to heaven, and said the blessing over them; then he broke them and handed them to his disciples to distribute among the crowd. They all ate as much as they wanted, and when the scraps left over were collected they filled twelve baskets.
Thank God for the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
What has God done for
you through
the Shepherds of Christ Movement —
the Blue Books —
Your love for the Eucharist —
God asked Fr.
Carter on July 31, 1994
13 years ago to spread these
prayer chapters —
praying for
the priests, the
Church and the world —
Look at what
the Blue Books
did for you.
Think of God's
grace working
in 5,000,000 Priestly Newsletters
we sent in 13 years.
Listen to
this message given
to Fr. Carter.
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
We beg
for the funds necessary to
send 80,000 prayer manuals and
the Priestly Newsletter to 80,000
priests on Prayer — NOW on the
Feast of St. Anthony June 13, 2007
from St. Anthony's in China, Indiana —
2 days before the Feast of the Sacred
Heart —
What have you
been taught
about your faith through the
Shepherds of Christ.
We have sent
1/2 million Newsletters
to priests under Fr. John Pasquini
since August 15, 2006 — centered in
Consecration to the 2 Hearts —
We have
received 90 letters from the
Vatican thanking us for this — 6 inches
of letters from Cardinals, Archbishops,
Bishops in 6 months — all over the world
thanking us.
We are
helping to strengthen the Church
as God asked Fr. Carter.
What do you
know — about the
Sacred Heart and your love of the Eucharist
and baptism — that we had money to
keep the Virgin Mary building and still
today because someone gave and helped
us —
What about
the free Blue Books
someone gave you or someone who
knew you.
What about
all the prayer
manuals we have spread praying
for the priests, the Church and the
world in 13 years.
Has not the
Shepherds of Christ taught you
about the Mass and praying as
intercessors —
Fr. Pasquini
has been chosen to
reach are beloved priests —
The response
from the hierarchy for
his gifts in his books and the Priestly
Newsletters is overwhelming —
but we can't do it without you —
Now we have the
chance to send
80,000 prayer manuals with
the Prayer Newsletter ready
to go and printed —
Please help us with
the postage —
we need your help.
Buy a
Fatima/Clearwater statue with
a piece of the image glass.
Buy a crucifix —
All of this
will help with the Priestly
Newsletter Postage
Please help
with your donations
now in the month of the Sacred Heart.
We will send
80,000 Priestly Newsletters on Prayer
and 80,000 Prayer Manuals.
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
Strip Yourself of You
March 27, 1994
R. God is truly here. Jesus is in our midst. He numbers the hairs on our heads and knows whence they came. He wants to catch us in His loving arms. When we fall, He is there. He is truly here with me at this moment. I do not want to let go. I want to hold on to that which gives me pleasure. It is only in surrendering that God is all that is left. Then I can be about my job of loving and living for Him alone.
This is perfectly clear to me, but I feel I cannot express it any better in words. I am so attached to so many things and people, but it is only in total surrender that the things of God are all there is. Tea was a big thing for me and has been for many years. I rewarded myself at different times during the day. I got such gratification from it that when He asked me to give it up, I said, "Oh, God, I love it!" And He said, "That is what keeps you from increased union with Me."
I see that every time I let go of something very precious to me I jump into His arms. The world becomes less appealing and He is so much more alive and here for me. He is all that our craving soul desires. The more I feed my soul with Him, the more I am in harmony with the purpose of my creation.
All that He says is so simple, yet so hard to do. Who wants to let go of their most precious things? The reward is closer union with God!
end of March 27, 1994
The more you
give in prayer and
donations to this Movement — the more
we are the family - helping to strengthen
the priests, the Church and the world
by sending our encouragement, love and
prayers and the voice of the Good Shepherd,
God is calling all of us to do this — it
isn't mine or Fr. Pasquini's or John's or
the servants and handmaids.
90th Anniversary of Mary's apparition at Fatima and Mother's Day
Shepherds of Christ Servants and Handmaids
Jesus gives us
Himself in the Eucharist
and is truly present in His Divinity and
Fr. Carter had a dream.
Have you not
deeply learned about the
Body and Blood of Jesus through the Shepherds of
Christ —
The Newsletter has
been sent to 5,000,000
priests all over the world for 13 years
because of your prayers and support,
This is a vocation God has called us to
support and love our
priests in this
way and to pray for the priests, the Church and the world.
God has called you
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What would the world be like
had we not prayed in the Shepherds of Christ
for 13 years for the priests, the Church
and the world and
not spread 5,000,000
Priestly Newsletters
Say thanks for the Shepherds of Christ
Be a part of this magnificent
network of prayer —
nourishment and love —
Our primary purpose of the
Movement Shepherds of Christ as
designated by Jesus to
Fr. Carter is first and
always to spread the
Priestly Newsletter
We need your help
We need prayer and
We need donations —
This is a vocation, a family
we have been called to
The Priestly Newsletter is
sent from China, Indiana.
We need your prayers and support
so we can send out the
Newsletter and Prayer Manual
to 80,000 priests on the Feast
of St. Anthony
June 10, 1962 — 45 years ago
Fr. Carter was ordained.
Jesus called Fr. John Pasquini
to do Fr. Carter's work —
we have spread
1/2 million Priestly Newsletters
since Fr. John started and
65,000 of Fr. John's books
The image of Mary appeared in Clearwater
over 10 years ago — several years
after Fr. Carter got the message to
send the Newsletter to the priests
around the world and begin prayer chapters.
Here are some few responses from Cardinals and
Archbishops and Bishops from hierarchy
for Fr. John's works
Bishops Comments 2007
1) Thank you for your letter with the enclosed book Light, Happiness & Peace - Journey Through Traditional Catholic Spirituality.
With prayerful best wishes and kind regards. (Archbishop - Apostolic Nuncio - Canada)2) We cordially thank you for sending us the book Light, Happiness and Peace by Fr. John J. Pasquini. We will use all the available
publications of Shepherds of Christ translated in Portuguese, to promote and enrich the prayers for priests at our diocese. (Bishop -
Brazil)3) We are happy to get this special book "Light, Happiness & Peace" from which we obtain immense amount of useful information for
the priests in all the eight chapters. We were deeply impressed by the quotation from Mother Teresa given on p. 143 of it, which is
specially actual in the days of Lent. (Vicar General - Poland)4) Recently I received your letter and the book on the Spiritual Life "Light, Happiness and Peace" by Fr. John J. Pasquini. Thank you
very much for sending it to me! Be assured of my prayers for your intentions: that the Holy Spirit may inspire all your initiatives!
(Auxiliary Bishop - Netherlands)5) Thank you for the special book on the Spiritual Life by Fr. John J. Pasquini "Light, Happiness and Peace." (Vicar General - Spain)
6) Thank you for your letter and the book "Light, Happiness & Peace." The thoughts presented by Fr. John J. Pasquini are very
inspiring and will help me in my prayers and talks and sermons to the people. May God continue to bless your work. (Bishop -
India)7) It has been quite a number of times that I have received your newsletter which I deeply value. I thank you for the free copy of the
book you sent me titled "Light, Happiness & Peace." (Bishop - Eritrea - Eastern Africa)8) I accept most gratefully the book "Light, Happiness and Peace" which you have sent for our priests as a mission of love. Yours in
Jesus and Mary. (Archbishop - Sri Lanka)9) Thank you for the book "Light, Happiness & Peace" by Fr. John J. Pasquini which is being put on the bookshelves of our Parish
under the care of Fr. Jun De Peralta in charge of our priests. I wish you the best for the Lenten celebration of Paschal Mystery of
Christ's Passion, Death, and Resurrection. Happy Easter! (Bishop - Philippines)10) I have received your letter, the Magazine, Prayer Manual and the book "Light, Happiness and Peace." I am very grateful and hereby
send you my best wishes and the Lord's blessings. (Msgr. - Croatia)11) The book "Light, Happiness & Peace" will make for good reading during the Lenten Season. Perhaps it could be translated to
Russian. (Bishop - Kazakhstan)12) Thank you for sending the book "Light, happiness and Peace" as a gift of thanksgiving, and also the Newsletter for our Priests and
the two Prayer Manuals (English and French). With every Blessing of the Holy Season of Lent. (Archbishop - Pakistan)13) We received "Light, Happiness and Peace" the Bible quotations are important and precious. Thank you for all you send to us and
for all you do! (Bishop - Brazil)14) Thank you for your letter of February 12, 2007 with which you enclosed the book entitled Light, Happiness and Peace:
Journeying Through Traditional Catholic Spirituality by the Reverend Fr. John J. Pasquini, the Shepherds of Christ newsletter and
the Prayer Manuals. I offer my best wishes in Our Blessed Lord Jesus. (Archbishop - Vatican City)15) I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated February 12th instant, along with an enclosed copy of the book entitled "Light, Happiness
& Peace", 2007 Issue No. 1 of the newsletter "Shepherds of Christ" and the Prayer Manuals. In sincerely thanking you for these, I
wish to congratulate you all on the completion of 12th year of your ministry of prayers for priests, the Church and the world, and
reassure you my prayers. (Archbishop - Apostolic Nuncio - India)16) Please do congratulate Fr. John J. Pasquini for his two books, In Imitation of the Two Hearts and Light, Happiness and Peace.
I am happy that the book Light, Happiness and Peace takes head on a challenge that I had underlined in the 3 of the documents of
this Discastery. While appreciating your work in helping people to pray and in emphasizing and promoting traditional Catholic
Spirituality, I implore God's Blessings on you and your work. (Cardinal - President - Vatican City)17) I thank you for your letter of 12 February 2007 to which you attached the book "Light, Happiness and Peace," the recent issue of
"Shepherds of Christ" spirituality newsletter for priests and the Prayer Manual of the Shepherds of Christ Associates. In
commending you for the work you do for the clergy, the church and the world, please be assured that these reading materials will
be included in the library collection of this Apostolic Nunciature to which our staff will have easy access. May I invite you to also
send similar literature Episcopal Commission on the clergy, of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines. (Archbishop -
Apostolic Nuncio - Philippines)18) I acknowledge the receipt of a copy of the Light, Happiness & Peace. Thank you and may the Lord Jesus bless you all with His
abundant spiritual gifts. (Cardinal - Japan)19) I have received the book, "Light, Happiness & Peace", which you kindly sent me, and I am much obliged. Please count on my
prayers. (Bishop - Republic of Panama)20) Thank you for the book "Light, Happiness & Peace" Which I found to be very inspiring and useful. My prayers are with you for the
success of your apostolate. (Bishop - India)21) Recently I received your letter of February 12, 2007, with its enclosure of a copy of Light, Happiness and Peace (authored by Rev.
John J. Pasquini). Please accept my appreciation for these materials. With most cordial regards I remain. (Bishop - Vatican City)22) I hereby write to acknowledge the receipt of your letter and the gift of the book, Light, Happiness and Peace. I am grateful to you
for sharing with me your mission as a ministry. I am also glad to note that you love priests and the church. (Bishop - Ghana - West
Africa)23) I am writing to acknowledge receipt of the book, Light, Happiness & Peace, written by Fr. John J. Pasquini. Thank you for
providing me with these publications. Know that I am most grateful for your zeal in encouraging prayers for priests, church and the
world. (Auxiliary Bishop - USA)24) We received the copy of Light, Happiness and Peace, Journeying Through Traditional Catholic Spirituality, by Fr. John J. Pasquini,
the newsletter and the Prayer Manual that you kindly sent to me for the Vatican library. I gladly take this opportunity to express my
gratitude for the books and for your kind attention to our Institution. (Prefetto - Vatican City)25) I would like to thank you for the book "Light, Happiness & Peace" that I have received. I ask God to bless you in a special way.
Also I invite the protection of Holy Mary, about your projects. (Archbishop - Brazil)26) Thank you very much for your kind letter of the 12th instant and for the book, "Light, Happiness and Peace," by Fr. John J.
Pasquini. I assure the members of the Shepherds of Christ Ministries of my special prayers and blessings. (Cardinal - Prefect -
Vatican City)27) I received your letter of February 21, 2007, wherein you kindly enclosed a copy of the Shepherds of Christ Newsletter, Prayer
Manual and the book "Light, Happiness and Peace" by Fr. John J. Pasquini. Thank you very much for your consideration in this
regard. With renewed sentiments of gratitude, and prayers for continued blessings. (Cardinal - Vatican City)28) Thank you for your kindness and generosity in forwarding the booklet "Light, Happiness & Peace." The prayer book too will be
used. (Bishop - Australia)29) Thank you for the copy of the book by Fr. John J. Pasquini "Light, Happiness & Peace" as well as the Newsletter. Be assured of
my prayers for you and the work your apostolate does in praying for priests, the church and the world. (Bishop - USA)30) Thank you so much for the letter of February 12, which I received now. Many thanks for the rich and precious book "Light,
Happiness & Peace" and the Prayer Manuals. God Bless you and grant His richest gifts and blessings. (Patriarch of Alexandria of
the Copt Catholics - Egypt)31) I thank you for the copy of Light, Happiness & Peace, which is a journey through traditional catholic spirituality by Fr. John J.
Pasquini. I look forward to reading this work and I appreciate your thoughtfulness in sending it to me. With every good wish for you
and your staff and the promise of prayer, I remain. (Bishop - USA)32) Thank you for sending to me the book "Light, Happiness and Peace" and the Prayer Manuals. I ask God the Father and the Holy
Mother to illuminate your work. (Bishop - Peru)33) Thank you very much for your post from February 12, 2007, and for the book by Fr. John J. Pasquini, Light, Happiness and
Peace. Thank you for your prayers for the priests. In this time of Lent I wish you the spirit of contemplation of the face of our Lord
Carrying the cross and the joy of Resurrection. (Archbishop - Poland)34) I am very grateful to you for having forwarded to me the new book of Fr. John J. Pasquini: Light, Happiness & Peace, the Prayer
Manual and the Newsletter. I thank you very much for everything. Remembering you in my prayers. (Apostolic Nuncio - Belgium)35) Thank you for your letter of February 21, 2007, for the book; Light, Happiness and Peace and all the materials. Thanks for all you
do for our priests. May God bless you. (Archbishop - USA)36) My sincere appreciation for the inspirational book "Light, Happiness & Peace" by Fr. John J. Pasquini and the Prayer Manuals. I
am grateful for your thoughtfulness. God Bless! (Bishop - USA)37) Thank you so much for the book entitled, Light, Happiness & Peace, written by Reverend John J. Pasquini, and the Shepherds of
Christ Prayer Manuals and Newsletter. With every best wish. (Bishop - USA)38) For the time and effort you have taken to share your publications and other materials with me, I am most grateful. Fr. John J.
Pasquini's work "Light, Happiness & Peace" is a good spiritual work on the essential life. Please be assured of my prayers for you
and the work of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. (Vicar general - USA)39) I am really grateful to receive a new issue of the Priestly Newsletter "Shepherds of Christ" with the enclosed book of Fr. John
Pasquini "Light, Happiness and Peace". Wishing you to spread love towards the Church and her Ministries everywhere, I avail
myself of this opportunity to renew to you my sentiments of high esteem. (Bishop - Vatican City)40) Thank you for your kind gift of Light, Happiness & Peace, by Fr. John J. Pasquini. May Almighty God continue to Bless your
ministry, and with prayers for a Holy Lenten Season I am. (Bishop - USA)41) Thank you for sending me the Shepherds of Christ Newsletter and a complimentary copy of the book, "Light, Happiness & Peace." I will read this book with interest. (Bishop - USA)
42) Thank you for the courtesy of sending me Light, Happiness & Peace along with the Prayer Manuals. I appreciate receiving
them and will pass them along to staff. My prayers to you for a blessed Lenten Season. (Bishop - USA)43) I sincerely appreciate your generosity and the sacrifice you make in helping the priests all over the world. Your Priestly Newsletter is a rich source of spiritual nourishment for our priests. Please continue to send them. (Archbishop of India – 06-03-07)
44) I am greeting you in the most cordial way to thank you for the Newsletters from Shepherds of Christ by Fr. John J. Pasquini you have sent to me. (Bishop of Ecuador – 03-26-07)
45) Thank you for sending the materials which I received from Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I would like to share some texts with some of the seminarians, and I ask If you have some of the Newsletters translated in Spanish, please send them to me. (Msgr. of Argentina – 03-16-07)
46) I received your letter, the Magazine, Prayer manual and the Book "Light, Happiness and Peace". I am very grateful and hereby send you my best wishes and the Lord’s blessings. (Archbishop of Croatia – 03-14-07)
47) I thank you heartily for the copies of Shepherds of Christ publications that you have been sending to me for many years. This is much appreciated. With renewed heartfelt thanks and prayerful best wishes, I am. (Bishop of Bangladesh – 03-15-07)
48) The priestly Newsletter is displayed in our Chancery for visitors who may be inspired to read. The book Light, Happiness and Peace by Fr. John J. Pasquini is being put to the bookshelves of our Bahay Pari under the care of Fr. Jun De Paralta in charge of our priests. I wish you the best for the Lenten celebration of Paschal Mystery of Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection. (Bishop of the Philippines – 03-08-07)
49) Thank you for your recent letter and the enclosed newsletter. Your prayerful support for priests, the church and the world is much appreciated. Please be assured of my prayers and best wishes for you and your work. (Archbishop of the Vatican City – 04-26-07)
50) Greetings in the name of the risen Lord. Thank you for sending me the regular newsletter of the Shepherds of Christ Ministries. It is very inspiring. (Msgr. of Malaysia – 04-26-07)
51) I was so glad to receive your mail with the enclosed information. It a joy to say that I am satisfied with the information to a considerable degree. I remain deeply grateful and will be on my way to forming a chapter in my parish. Surely, I will communicate when the ball starts rolling. (Priest of Nigeria – 03-28-07)
52) A belated, but nonetheless sincere thanks for the copy of the book you sent to me authored by Fr. John J. Pasquini. I look forward to read it. (Msgr. of the Philippines – 04-18-07)
53) Thank you for your recent letter and for enclosing the newsletter together with a prayer manual and Light Happiness and Peace. With good wishes and an assurance of my prayers. (Auxiliary Bishop of London – 04-20-07)
54) A note to thank you for the 2007 issue No. 1 of “Shepherds of Christ” and the Book ‘Light, Happiness & Peace’. Your kindness is appreciated. Every blessings and Peace for Eastertide. (Bishop of Australia – 04-18-07)
55) I am writing to you first of all to tell you how much I appreciate your publications “Shepherds of Christ Ministries”. It is a great apostolate and you would know through your own experience, how much it is needed in the church specially in our times. May the Good Shepherd bless you and reward you for all that you are doing for our priests. (Archbishop of Sri Lanka – 05- 04-07)
56) I am most grateful for your kind gesture and will keep you and the Shepherds of Christ Ministries in my masses and prayers. With every good wish. (Archbishop of Australia – 05-01-07)
57) Thank you very much for the first issue of 2007 “Shepherds of Christ Ministries” by Fr. John J. Pasquini and the book Light, Happiness and Peace. As always the newsletter have been distributed to all our priests with great appreciation. (Bishop of Bethlehem – 04-18-07)
58) Thank you for your leadership with Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I appreciate the Commitment that you and those associated with you have made to strengthen the spirituality of priests and the church. May God continue to bless you in your efforts abundantly.(Archbishop of USA - 04-25-07)
59) Thank you for kindly sending me this Newsletter on the priesthood. I greatly appreciate your tremendous support and prayers on behalf of our priests. May God bless you, and may He continue to guide your important work with Shepherds of Christ Ministries. (Bishop of USA – 04-26-07)
60) I am really grateful to receive a new issue of the Priestly Newsletter “Shepherds of Christ” with the enclosed the prayer of Fr. John J. Pasquini. Wishing you to spread love of Christ and Mary everywhere, I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you my sentiments of high esteem. (Bishop of the Vatican City – 04-30-07)
61) Thank you for your letter of April 13th, 2007. I am grateful for your prayers before the Blessed Sacrament for me and the priests of our Diocese. With prayers and best wishes, I remain. (Bishop of USA – 04-26-07)
62) I wish to thank you for the materials you sent and I send my appreciation and best wishes to all the members of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. With kind regards and prayerful good wishes. (Archbishop – Apostolic Nuncio of India – 04-26-07)
63) We will use all of Shepherds of Christ’s publications to promote and to enrich the prayers for priests vocations at our Diocese. (Bishop of Brazil – 04-20-07)
64) I have long wished to express my thanks for the newsletter and other publications which you send me. I appreciate very much your mission to promote the renewal of the spiritual life through devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. (Bishop of Albenia – 03-21-07)
65) Thank you for sending me your publications “Shepherds of Christ" ministries regularly. It gives good directions for the life of priests. (Bishop of India – 04-21-07)
66) I express my deep gratitude to the Shepherds of Christ Ministry, for being generous is sending us the shipment of books of prayers and prayer manuals. (Bishop of Papua New Guinea – 04-03-07)
67) It is very encouraging to know that there is a movement whose members are constantly praying for the priests, the church and the world. Be assured of my prayers for your intentions, that the Holy Spirit may inspire all your initiatives! (Bishop of Nederland – 04-27-07)
end of comments
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focus of the Shepherds of Christ
(1) Newsletter
(2) Prayer Manual
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Daily for 9 years July 8, 1998
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