June 11, 2016
June 12th Holy Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
China Retreat
June 10th - 13th
Mass June 11th - 12 noon
June 13th - 12 noon
Please tune in!
Please pray for Cole.
Pray for special intentions.
Pray for Dan & Melanie, Mary W, Jimmy,
Fr. Joe, Mary, Catherine, Blue Book 17.
Please pray for funds & grace.
Pray for
Father's Day Mailing,
Fr. Joe's new book, a special
couple, Sanja's trip.
Give the gift that Counts.
Blow Out Sale for Reprinting of Blue Book 1, 2 & 3
While Supplies Last
Blue Book 1 - $4 each plus postage
Blue Book 2 - $4 each plus postage
Blue Book 3 - $3 each plus postageCall 1-888-211-3041 for Doris
Blue Book 16 is available.
June 11, 2016
In the Month of the Sacred Heart
R. The more a man loves God, the less
he thinks about himself.
The more a man loves God the
more he desires not to offend God
in anyway.
The more a man loves God
he does not want to be
far from Him – so he does
what is good and right
because he seeks love with
the beloved.
Greatness is found in being
united to God – in pleasing God –
in being in harmony with God –
Disharmony with God comes from
one who choose to do the opposite
of what God is asking of him.
The diseased will is the will
where a man is so set on
opposition to God's will and
obedience he will fight to
oppose God's will, punish,
pull tricks because he is
so set on not doing what is
asked of him.
If it is pointed out to him,
by a spiritual director,
how opposed he is to what is the
light, what he should do –
he can because of his life-long
commitment to power and being
in charge, do what is necessary
to win his war of willfulness.
This only proves the point
further how a man has a free
Children of two years of age
can test parents over a simple
direction to see if they will carry
out what they say. They are learning
about free choices and obedience.
Children learn the word "no".
But somewhere in the line of
a person that refuses the light
and growth, is a seeking of
darkness and self will to almost
cling to that way of thinking as
normal for them.
God wants us to be eternally
happy with Him in heaven. He has
given us a free will to make choices
about our actions and these choices
for actions to have real happiness
must be based on having the goal
of eternal life. We seek eternal
happiness with God and we know
real happiness is only in God.
We seek right reasoning, that
means our decisions and actions
are guided by God's laws, by the
commandments of love and
by the Word of God. We follow
in the footsteps of Jesus. Jesus,
our Savior, came and showed
us, with His life, how we are to
live the Christ-life.
Jesus paid a big price to do this.
Jesus shows us love – He took on
flesh to come to this earth and
teach us how to grow in His
image and likeness.
A person seeking what is right
does not want to walk in
darkness, but another rebelling
against the light must use
some force mechanism to try
to implement their darkness and
dysfunction on innocent others –
Satan can work to try to get others
to seek power for power sake
over others.
This is pride and we see this in
the Garden, when Adam and
Eve disobeyed God.
Eve wanted to be equal to God.
Eve was tempted by the devil.
Eve rebelled against the command
God gave to them and she
persuaded Adam to do so.
Sins can be communal. A person
is put in charge under another
and they tell those under
them what to do and tell
them not to tell the top
This is disorder and it is
off. God is perfect order.
Eve was out of order – she
rebelled against a good God and
God dealt with her and cast
them from the Garden –
This is a lesson for us about
obeying God's law – God gives
us the greatest commandment of
loving Him first and loving our
neighbor as ourselves. The
commandment is love. Love
is an act of the will.
We can choose the light, we can
choose obedience to just authority,
but a person can blatantly bait
authority by disobeying authority
as soon as a direction is given
and then telling the authority
they disobeyed while holding
some force over the authority's
head to get away with it.
Thinking this way is not
being in harmony with God –
with anything that will draw
us in greater union with the
All, perfect, pure God who wants
us to freely choose His will and
love what is right.
Rebelling against God's law
has consequences in an unhappy
life and we can see the consequences
of what Adam and Eve suffered
when they disobeyed God.
Our minds and hearts are
precious and we want, with
our free will, to choose what
is right in God's eyes – so
we can be closer to Him –
this is where happiness lies –
Wanting God and His will for us
above all things and we pray
for the virtues to have good
habits – fortitude to choose to
do the difficult that God wants
us to do in love, also doing it
right – in the right way to have
the results God wanted, to do it
in all the time it takes to do
it right – to do it with love
of serving our Master, God.
We pray for the virtue of prudence
to know what is the right thing
and to do it prudently.
Prudence is a virtue. We pray
for temperance not to do too much
or too little of a thing – to
control our actions. And we
pray for justice – we want to
give every one what is
right – not cheat people of
what is rightfully theirs.
When a person wants to walk
in pride and anger and jealousy
and envy, lust, slothfulness,
they give into bad habits and
vices that lead them to darkness
and unhappiness Years and years
of these ways deaden the thinking
of an individual that walks
always to prove they are right
and perfect and above others –
They practice these selfish
capital sins --
And where does this go where a
person decides they can be
undisciplined in their spiritual
life and willful. It leads to
darkness and misery.
O Most Holy Heart of Jesus –
outpour Your grace to us.
We thank You for Your love
given to us. We love You, Our
Savior and we want to please
You in all we do.
O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
we want Your grace to flow
on us. We pray for Your blessings
and ask You to shower us with
the grace to choose to live a
holy life pleasing to You.
Protect us from satan's snare
and from rebelliousness in
ourselves to disobey Your will
for us.
Give us greater faith to see
with greater vision Your plan
for us – and grace to follow
Your will.
Give us the grace to hope
for eternal salvation someday
and to live our lives with
this goal in all our actions.
Comfort us in our afflictions
and help us to be healthy in
body, mind and soul.
Oh Divine Jesus, thank You
for Your gifts to us. Oh Bread
of Life we love You so much.
We seek the light in our hearts,
lest we walk in darkness and
Dear God help us in our
actions to always choose
what is in harmony with
You – to live by Your light,
to choose what is Your will
in love –
Sing: Glory Be
God come and help us –
Psalm 36: 1-3
Sin is the oracle of the wicked
in the depths of his heart;
there is no fear of God
before his eyes.
R. A man who seeks God knows
his sin – he does not give
into deceit but asks for
God's forgiveness and mercy –
he is truthful to God and
truthful in himself so he can
grow to greater perfection in God.
Dear God, I know the abundant
love You want to pour out
on the just man who seeks
You –
Dear God I beg for Your grace,
fill me abundantly –
let me walk in Your light –
help me to serve You in love –
Jesus: How precious you are to Me, My child –
Sing: A Song from Jesus
Sing: God's Love
R. God is mighty – He has all the
power, why would we seek
power over Him –
Only a fool rebels against
God –
God stretches out His hand to us –
we can take it –
or throw back the grace
God is giving us for our
deceit and willfulness.
How precious is the Divine Love
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus –
Evil doers fall!
God is just –
Sing: I Am a God of Justice
Sing: Glory Be –
R. Sing in joy, Oh Jerusalem,
your Savior comes to save
a fallen race –
Let your shouts of joy be
heard around the world –
Live to Love and Serve God
And proclaim His works to
the captives –
God is all powerful –
He rules the world with
Raise up and honor your King –
do not put yourself above
God – only fools walk
the road of darkness –
Jesus: You have a free will –
You can choose My will
or do your own will
opposed to Mine –
The willful man is a
man of misery –
1 Samuel 2: 1-10
Hannah then prayed as follows:
My heart exults in Yahweh,
in my God is my strength lifted up,
my mouth derides my foes,
for I rejoice in your deliverance.There is no Holy One like Yahweh,
(indeed, there is none but you)
no Rock like our God.Do not keep talking so proudly,
let no arrogance come from your mouth,
for Yahweh is a wise God,
his to weigh up deeds.
The bow of the mighty has been broken
but those who were tottering
are now braced with strength.
The full fed
are hiring themselves out for bread
but the hungry need labour no more;
the barren woman bears sevenfold
but the mother of many is left desolate.
Yahweh gives death and life,
brings down to Sheol and draws up;
Yahweh makes poor and rich,
he humbles and also exalts.
He raises the poor from the dust,
he lifts the needy from the dunghill
to give them a place with princes,
to assign them a seat of honour;
for to Yahweh belong the pillars
of the earth,
on these he has poised the world.He safeguards the steps of his faithful
but the wicked vanish in darkness
(for human strength can win no victories).
Yahweh, his enemies are shattered,
the Most High thunders in the heavens.Yahweh judges the ends of the earth,
he endows his king with power,
he raises up the strength of his Anointed.
R. Dear God, I cry for Your help –
please hear my prayer –
I love You God –
I love You –
Jesus: Let the waters wash away the
darkness –
water is used to purify –
You wash your body –
what about cleaning
your hearts
Give the gift that keeps giving.
Blue Book 1 & 2 – $4.00 each plus postage
Blue Books 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7,
6A, B, C, 3 –
$3.00 each plus postage
Blue Books 4 & 5 –$2.00 each plus postage
Blue Books 14 & 15 –$5.00 each plus postage
The more you use the Blue Books and
become one with Jesus – more
intimate with Jesus –
the more your lives are a blessing and
everything you do in life can help
to bring down great grace for the world
because of your being so
one with Jesus.
Guiding Light Homily Book Series
Fr. Joe’s Books
Cycle A –
Steadfast to the Son
Cycle B –
Focusing on the Word
Cycle C –
Feed My Soul
Cycle A –
Inspired to be Genuine4 for $20 plus postage of $6.95
These books can be given to:
1) All Priests
2) Good for Music Ministers
7) Good for Mom and Dads
3) Good for DRE's
4) Good for Deacons
5) Good for Principals of Schools
6) Good for Teachers
Given March 21, 2014
R. Pray for These Things
1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
6) People going to Florida and China.
7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
9) Pray for pope helping us.
10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
11) Blue Book 17 and cover and all involved.
For our Publisher and all involved
12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
15) Donors and members and their families.
16) Healing of the Family tree.
17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
18) All who asked us to pray for them.
19) All we promised to pray for.
20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple, Rosie & all involved.
21) 2 babies and moms.
22) Funds and insurance.
23) Jerry's garage.
24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
26) Consecrate all hearts.
27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.
The Wedding Rosary
Crystal Image Rosary
$40 plus shipping
Original Image Rosary
8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box$40 plus shipping
Give the gift that counts.
Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.
Tell My People $5.00
Response to God's Love $8.00
Response in Christ $8.00
Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur
$2.00 plus postage
New Mass Book with Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage
Give the gift that keeps on giving!
Give to your priest.
Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 627 China, Indiana 47250
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405
FAX: (812) 273-3182
Copyright © 2014 Shepherds of Christ.
Rights for non–commercial reproduction granted:
May be copied in its entirety, but neither re–typed nor edited.
Translations are welcome but they must be reviewed for moral and
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