Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.

We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome.

I appear my children on this former bank building in Florida, Our Lady Clothed with the Sun.

June 13, 1999

A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb, the Bridegroom of the Soul

Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.


Feast of Immaculate Heart

Jesus speaks: Please put the priestly newsletter on the Internet as soon as possible. I ask all to study it and use it for periods of reading five minutes a day. Send for the tape of this priestly newsletter, read by Father Edward Carter, S.J. for yourself and your priests.

These tapes are given away to circulate My words to you, to the priests and the religious.

Please help Me, My beloved souls.

I am the Good Shepherd, help Me reach My priest-shepherds.

I want all to be united as one body.

I love you, Jesus.

June 12, 1999 - 2nd Message



Messenger: I felt as though the journey had ended at the 12:00 noon Mass on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart. Today we finished 108 day novena.

I saw all the prayers at 6:20 early morning and late afternoon, I saw all the prayers hourly when I felt tired and weary and prayed anyway and at this point I had a presence of God. I felt so one in Him and remembered the message just today I had received from Jesus that said we had majorly affected the priests, the Church and the world by all our work, our prayers, our perseverance and our dedication.

I began to cry from the awe of it all and in thanksgiving for the fruit I knew came for His Kingdom. I knew this from the message He had given me earlier this morning.

I cried, too, because I knew I persevered when it was hard sometimes to pray and I felt a victory because we had pleased God and did what He wanted.

Then I felt overwhelmed with the experience of how it would be at the time of death to know we had helped to further His Kingdom, how all that mattered at that point would be how we had loved and served Him, how our good fruits lived on in the hearts of men.

It is as the man that reaps a healthy harvest. I had done the novena as They asked from the beginning as very best I could and persevered to the end.

I felt that satisfaction and knew He was pleased from the great grace They gave me at Mass at 12:00 noon on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart in the newly renovated chapel at Glenmary.

I remembered a dear friend who had helped us so much with the tapes and at a young age had recently passed on. He used to attend Mass there in the small chapel. I still feel very connected to him.

It is true that the days pass and the years go by and in the end we will all stand on that edge of death and what will be important is the fruit we brought forth for His Kingdom.

Oh God, that moment will flash before our eyes and we will say, "Oh, I am glad I prayed and sacrificed and endured because what do I take with me when I leave this world?"

All that matters then will be how I loved and served Him, how I grew in my greater likeness to Him, how I matured in my loving relationship with Him and others and developed spiritually to a deeper knowledge of Him.

In that moment at the end of this 108 day novena, I knew a little of the anticipation of meeting my Maker on that final day and seeing the fruit that was brought forth for the Kingdom and I will be glad I endured.

Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart of Mary, we love You and want to forever dwell in Your Hearts, our little heaven on earth.

I was touched so deeply with the presence of God and existing in Their Hearts.

My love for God and for all men had reached the greatest proportions and I begged for God to help all souls because I was just consumed with such love for them.

I connected so deeply in my heart to Them that I cannot describe the experience.

I saw Christ the Child teaching learned doctrines, and I felt how simple the mystery seems when He takes me to the depth of His Heart and gives such insights into His love. At the finding in the temple, a Child is teaching. How learned and clever we think we must become to know His word and His truths and in the "batting of an eye" He opens the eyes of our hearts and gives insight that could not be contained in volumes.

In consecration to Their Hearts as we dwell in the grace-filled womb of the Woman, the Holy Spirit guides and directs us with lights and in a personal union with Him we know Him most intimately.

Quote from Scripture:

Matthew 11:25

The good news revealed to the simple
The Father and the Son

At that time Jesus exclaimed, 'I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to little children.

Messenger: The finding in the temple.

We must find this intimate knowledge of Him deep in His Heart.

As it is revealed in the Litany:

Heart of Jesus, in whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Mary, take us through your Immaculate Heart to the depth of His Heart wherein are found the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Mother of Divine Grace, lead us to the depth of His Heart.

We love You so much, our beloved God.

God the Father, please help your children to be led through these two Hearts to a deep union with God.

Virgin Mary, Spiritual vessel, Vessel of honor, Singular vessel of devotion, lead us to greater union with God.

Spiritual womb of Our Mother, house us.

June 13, 1999 - 3rd Message




Jesus speaks: Today begins a new novena. I beg you to pray as fervently as you did the first 108 days. Stay united, no matter how difficult the trial, stay united and love one another.

Your prayers during this 108 day novena have affected the whole world, the Church and your priests. You have been given great graces to advance to a deeper spiritual level.


BE POSITIVE despite the trial.

LOVE one another.

Be a family as the Father intends you to be.

I love you so much.

I give you the greatest graces this day from My Sacred Heart.

Pray as I have directed on June 2, 1999. You will grow in holiness. Please follow the novena daily.

You do not know the great grace that has been granted because of your fervent prayer and how you have progressed spiritually.

The Holy Spirit is moving in your souls and your Movement.

Be one mind and one heart.

I love you, Jesus.

June 10, 1999 - 4th Message


Thursday before Feast of the Sacred Heart

Messenger: I saw Jesus as the Sacred Heart, dressed in a red robe and holding the cup of His Blood as in a picture window at St. Lawrence Church. He was present in the priest and I was so one in Jesus pleading for the world.

I saw Jesus' beautiful Body as I did today on the crucifix at St. Gertrudes Church.

In the Eucharistic Sacrifice Jesus was present in that way and it made me cry. My oneness with Him was with Him as Chief-Priest as I have described. Jesus is Chief-Priest and Chief-Victim in every Mass. I saw the Sacred Heart in His red garb holding the chalice, and above the chalice as He held it, I saw His most beautiful Sacred Heart.

I could see heaven and earth uniting in this Mass and the grace going to the far ends of the earth. I begged for help that the souls of the earth would know Him and love Him. Jesus we love You so...

Question for married couples and others in intimate relationships:

Q: What do I feel we can do daily to stay deeply united in all of our activities all day?

Note: Jesus wishes all married couples to pray the Morning Offering together. This can be the short one or the long one, but they should offer their day daily to the Father in union with Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.This is most powerful. (Repeated from February 3, 1999 Daily Message)

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All scripture quotes are from the New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
Revised: June 14, 1999
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