Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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June 15, 2007
June 16th Holy
Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
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Priestly Newsletter on Prayer
80,000 Prayer Manuals
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80,000 prayer
manuals to our priests.
Sophie L. - Handmaid for 9 years
What my vocation in Shepherds of Christ means to me.
I am Sophie Lee a handmaid in the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
I love it very much and cannot thank God enough for His loving presence
in my heart giving me so much joy and peace. I am spending my days
praying and some time singing holy songs. I love to go to daily Mass and
and to receive my beloved Jesus in Holy Communion. This is my heaven
on earth to be so close to God and to feel His so great love in my heart.
I love all my friends here they are so good to me. The Shepherds of Christ
Ministries is my little heaven on earth and I thank God for His so great
goodness to me.
Oh! my God I love You so much
Sophie L.
Bob V. In the Movement for 10 years
Servant for 7
This vocation in the Shepherds of Christ means an awful lot to
me. All my life I wanted to be a brother or a priest but, instead I
went the way of the world and now I have this great opportunity to be
what I always wanted to be and doing what I like doing best, creating
things with my hands and praying before the tabernacle when I am
not working.
I'm enjoying what God has chosen me to be, a brother in the
Shepherds of Christ Movement.
Sincerely in Christ
Bob V.
I give my heart to Jesus and Mary with you in love.
Mary G. has been a live in apostle for 10 years
I am an apostle in China and feel very blessed to be here.
Truly, I can't imagine life anywhere else. When I think about
that, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the great privilege of
being with Shepherds of Christ and I thank the Dear Lord
for allowing me to be here.
What keeps me going is the hope that everyone in
whole world will have access to the Blue Books in their own
language, and just yesterday I added the prayer that they'll
also be in Braille. I know that some day they'll "catch on" and
people will tell other people about them and they'll go like wild-fire.
I had been given a Blue Book I to my granddaughters and sister in
'97. My granddaughters laid them aside somewhere until maybe a year
ago when trouble struck one of them and she "just happened to open the
Blue Book and wrote me to tell me what was going on. Her answer was in
the Blue Book and she told her younger sister who is one of those people
that everyone comes to with their troubles. Now, the younger one says
"Just open up this book and see what Jesus says."
My sister called me to say she has cancer and I sent her a
Blue Book immediately. (She had given her copy to St. Vincent de Paul).
I prayed for her to have peace and it really worked. She
keeps the Blue Book handy and flips it open often. I don't know how
often, but she assures me that she uses it and it's always in reach.
Mary G.
From Betty G. Handmaid for 10 years
What does my vocation in Shepherds of Christ mean to me?
I am a Handmaid of the Good Shepherd for nearly nine years.
During this time I have grown so close to Jesus, far more than I
ever thought possible for me. The hours I have spent before the
tabernacle and now the exposed Eucharist have filled me with
such peace, joy, happiness as I have never known before.
It all began in the fall of 1995 when someone gave me my first
copy of God's Blue Book. After a time I began to read it. I was soon
drawn back to attending daily Mass and Holy Communion. It wasn't
long until I was drawn to the tabernacle for an hour a day which
soon went from an hour to more than an hour a day.
I cannot physically do much labor any more, but I can and
do pray. My desire is to help support the Church in its labors by
praying for the priests and all religious and for the renewal of the
Church and the world.
By living from the God's Blue Books my whole life has
changed from one of turmoil and wondering is this all there
is to life? to one of peace and joy. God is back in my life as
the center of my life. I have found all I have ever wanted as a
Handmaid of the Good Shepherd. Like St. Therese of Lisieux
who never left her convent but did much for the missions I may
not travel around the world but I can do much for the Church
and the world through prayer. I thank God for my vocation in
the Shepherds of Christ for here I feel I am fulfilling the
purpose for which I was created.
From Jerry S. Servant for 7 years
What my vocation in the Shepherds of Christ means.
I think it's real awesome that God gave me the
grace to answer His calling out of everybody else.
When I think of that awesome calling he gave and
He gave me the grace to answer it what an overwhelming
feeling that gives me when I think of that and on
top of that great calling He gives me the grace to
do prayer every 15 minutes.
It's not just praying every but I still try to keep
that up when I am working like when I'm moving stuff
helping with other stuff. I really enjoy my vocation
in the Shepherds of Christ. I stay real busy. I found my
true home in the Shepherds of Christ.
I always wanted to serve God in some way and
I found it.
From Sheila W. Handmaid for 9 years
My vocation in Shepherds of Christ has meant so much to me.
I know for certain that being a Handmaid of the Good Shepherd
is God's will for me.
For many years, I longed and pined for a deep love
relationship with someone and when I realized it was Jesus
who was calling me, I was in awe. Whenever I hear or
read the Gospel or see a picture of Jesus, it moves me
deeply in my heart that He chose me for Himself. Jesus
fulfills this longing and pining in my heart.
I've been a prayerful person most of my life and was
especially drawn to praying for priests.
It wasn't until I was 27 that I completely understood
about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Eucharistic
adoration became very attractive to me.
Then I began to go to daily Mass and doing a holy hour
every day and found that I loved and needed Jesus so much
that I couldn't go a day without the Mass and holy hour.
When I read my first Blue Book from Shepherds of Christ --
I found out I was doing exactly what the messages said.
Being a Handmaid has fulfilled a dream I had to spend
all my time and energy on Jesus, serving Him in what ever
way He asks me to.
Also, the main purpose of Shepherds of Christ is to
send the Newsletter to priests and praying specifically for
priests -- another dream fulfilled.
I love so much to work on the Newsletter mailing,
knowing that priests will be receiving it.
Having the Blessed Sacrament here in China and
the exposed Eucharist is such a gift and honor to me.
And I love, love, love being with Jesus before the
exposed Eucharist between 12:00 and 3:00 a.m.
It is a special time for me to be alone with my beloved
Spouse and that time energizes me for the rest of the day.
Being a Handmaid in Shepherds of Christ
has taught and helped me to be a better intercessor,
praying for the priests, the Church and the world.
I love my vocation in Shepherds of Christ and
wouldn't want to do anything else.
Sheila W.
Rosie R. In the Movement for 10 years
Handmaid for 7 years
My vocation as a Handmaid of the Good Shepherd in Shepherds of Christ
means the world to me! My world is Shepherds of Christ.
When Jesus called me, He called me for life and this is where
I'll be until He calls me home. I'll remain a Handmaid, by His
grace, no matter how difficult it may be and no matter what happens.
I love Jesus with all my heart and soul and I love the vocation
He has called me to in Shepherds of Christ.
Rosie R.
Joe L. in Movement for 13 years
Servant for 8 years
Kathleen Handmaid for 7 years
My vocation as a Handmaid of the Good Shepherd is the most
rewarding work I could ever do. I worked as a nurse prior to becoming
a handmaid. I got my 1st Blue Book volume 2 while on retreat in Ohio
in September 1996. I loved reading the Blue Books and I wanted others
to know of Jesus' tremendous love for them. When I got Blue Book one in
November 1996 I first learned about the 12 promises to St. Margaret Mary
and the 9 First Fridays, from the front of Blue Book I.
I started praying the Shepherds of Christ prayers in January of 1997.
I loved going to daily Mass and spending an hour with Jesus. I love
praying the rosary and using the rosary meditations.
I started reading the daily messages on the Internet every day
by going to the Library in 1998.
I felt such a strong calling to be a handmaid in the summer of 1998.
I visited Mary's Image in Clearwater in September 5, 1999 and went to
China, Indiana and Morrow, Ohio in October 1999.
I quit my job as a nurse on January 31, 2000 and joined the handmaids
first living in Morrow, Ohio then Cincinnati, Ohio and now I am the
site leader in Clearwater, Florida.
I love giving out the Sacred Heart of Jesus picture with the Prayer
for Union and Mary's Image wallet. I love telling people about
the Blue Books and Daily Message Books and writings and
the Rosary Books. I love giving people a rosary and asking them
to pray.
I love praying for priests around the world and telling people
to pray for the priests. I feel -- through God's grace working in
my life -- I can affect many souls by praying for them, and showing
them God's love. In the Shepherds of Christ we have been
taught to be great intercessors of prayer. I have been praying
the hourly Infant of Praque Novena since 1997. Thank You Jesus
for calling me.
I love being a Handmaid of the Good Shepherd.
Kathleen W.
Doris Handmaid for 9 years
Shepherds of Christ means everything to me.
I love it! I waited 40 years to find it and I will
never leave. I thank You God from the bottom
of my heart for choosing me. I love You so much.
This is all that I want to do. I don't want to do
anything else.
I love doing the daily message and working for
You Jesus. Thank You Jesus for calling me to be
your Handmaid. I love You.
Glaci in Movement for
9 years
Handmaid 7 years
7 Years Ago