Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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June 19, 2009 - Feast of the Sacred Heart
June 20th Holy Spirit
Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
The church needs to have the stucco replaced
and also the community building.
It is about $38,000 to repair it.
People pray in the church 24 hours a day.
We have prayed in there for 11 years.
The archdiocese gave the church to us
for this purpose for a small price.
Can you help us?
Available for $10.00 each plus postage
Call Kathleen
June 19, 2009 - Feast of the Sacred Heart
Jesus: I Love you, I love you, I love you.
Love Letters from 1991 - 1992
September 14, 1991
R. I dreamed Jesus put His arm around me and I felt so secure.
Feed the hungry, I have been getting this
for the last 6 weeks.
October 28, 1991
Letter to Jesus
R. I played at Mass yesterday and I heard everyone
singing and praising God - I was thrilled
at all of them praising You. I kept
playing from the heart. I felt Your presence
and I felt it last week in Communion -
like a pressure on my chest knowing You are
this close to me. I know You are with me.Jesus, help me to find Your light deep inside
me, a light only You can give. I can flounder
around inside for years in darkness, but
You can turn the light on and fill me
with your peace, only You can fill me with
Your peace.God speaks: Peace, I leave My peace. I give peace
to you.R. Peace for me? Lamb of God, You take
away the sins of the world, grant us peace.Breathe in the richness, the fullness
of God, the richness, the fullness of God.
Psalm 91: 2
saying to Yahweh, ‘My refuge, my fortress,
my God in whom I trust!’
R. Jesus, here is my heart, please put on Your
spiritual bandages. And as You place a
spiritual bandage on each scar, the scar
is healed by the power of Your grace and the
bandage disappears.
Psalm 91: 2
saying to Yahweh, ‘My refuge, my fortress,
my God in whom I trust!’
R. And You are here, Lord. You stand
across the room from me and You come
close to me clothed in white. Your
body is surrounded by
a beautiful light and You come near me with
Your power and Your love. Your strong but
gentle hand You place on my head and
through my body is a feeling of warmth,
joy and peace, and I know I am
touched by Your ever present love.
October 29, 1991
Jesus: I have sent a shower of grace healing and
nourishing you.You are My child and you are precious in My eyes,
I love you.Breathe in the goodness, the richness of God.
R. I will not cease praising Him, my God.
Matthew 11: 28-30
‘Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.’
R. Glory and praise to You, Oh Lord Jesus Christ.
Psalm 66: 1-2
Acclaim God, all the earth,
sing psalms to the glory of his name,
glorify him with your praises,
R. You have touched our hearts and now we listen to Your word.
My heart is on fire with Your love deep within me.
Fill me, LORD.
Oh, Spirit of God, guide my going out and my coming in - for You have touched my heart and You will show me the way of the Lord.
R. With a contrite heart for my sins I beg of You to shower Your grace deep in my soul.
I don't want to leave, I want this peace and love to linger and be there with me all day, I want this warmth inside to continue with You Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit and God the Father. My Father, Who made me special, my Father, You created me as Your child. I have a divine lineage. My Father is God. I am His precious child.
God speaks: I have healed you and you will be set free - go in the mercy of God.
R. Permeate my heart with Your love so I may know You more and more.
As a child of God, I have dignity, I am somebody - what would God not do for His child?
Dear Jesus Keep my heart pure and free to
love, and show light to others.
I am knowing Your light in me.I know you love Jesus —
I am washed clean —
Bathed in Your precious Blood.
Fill me with love, God —
Fill me with grace.
Let me know the warmth of
Your love.
Bathe me —
Let the Holy Spirit move in me.Jesus is the real spiritual doctor —
Jesus takes away our pain —
Jesus helps us forgive and let go —
Jesus fills us with His truth —
Jesus gives us His healing —Jesus can remove the hurts if
I let the lid off —
so His grace and healing pour
inside.God I thank You for Your healing
hand —You can do all things —
I thank You for what You are
doing in my life today —All praise and honor to my God
Sing: Spirit Song
Sing Song: Healer of our Every Ill
Beg for grace to be healed
Beg for grace to forgive
Beg to know the truth about
ourselves and not project
our past hurts on others —
R. Dear Jesus
I put my head on Your lap
I ask for Your presence
I ask for Your peace
I ask for your love
Matthew 11: 28
‘Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest.
JESUSI put my head on your lap —
Jesus my Lord and my God
Pray to all who have died and we
think are in heaven and love
us very much —Litany of those I love who I think are in heaven
Mom pray to Jesus for me.
Catherine intercede to Jesus for me|
|Jesus You know my problems
help me —
Jesus You know this problem —
help me —I called on the Lord and He heard me —
He sent me a blessing
God loves me so much
I rest in the Lord
God dwells in me
God has all the power —
Men cannot harm me
Matthew 25: 34-40
Then the King will say to those on his right hand, "Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take as your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome, lacking clothes and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me." Then the upright will say to him in reply, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome, lacking clothes and clothe you? When did we find you sick or in prison and go to see you?" And the King will answer, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me."
Jesus fill me with Your blessings
Jesus fill me with light
Holy Spirit - help us get funds
for this missionFIGHT MY FIGHT GOD
I plug into God's unending power
God children are taught
many - they aren't
genuine love from a
truthful heart
deception —
how to be angry
how to not forgive
God I pray parents recognize
it is through example they
teach many lessonsHelp parents to be like
God the Father wants
Mary our Mother would motherInstruct them in the spiritual
lifeHelp them to love
Go to confession —
Great grace comes from
confessionSong: Why do we Hurt the Ones We Love
Jesus says
Forgive others as you wish Me
to forgive youYou are a human person —
You sin —
You are imperfect
Ask for forgiveness for your
sins from God —Move on
Go to confession and tell God you
are sorry for your sins —
not your brothersFocus on your imperfections
in confessionTrouble yourself not for the
wrongs of yesterday
forgiveBusy yourself for the joys of today
Every moment is golden in My eyes
Many are wrapped in shame
Your moments are goldenDo what God intends you to do
Render to others their just do
Make recompense for your
sins —
Take responsibilities for past
Matthew 18: 1-5
At this time the disciples came to Jesus and said, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?’ So he called a little child to him whom he set among them. Then he said, ‘In truth I tell you, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. And so, the one who makes himself as little as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.
‘Anyone who welcomes one little child like this in my name welcomes me.
Jesus: I love you —
I forgive your sins
I died for your sins and lies
You are precious to Me
You are wounded
You are broken
You are still My love
R. We need to see the whole picture
of life — what is important
what is notGod give me the gift of wisdom
Wisdom 14: 1
Wisdom builds herself a house; with her own hands Folly pulls it down.
My child — I come and I harken to
your call — I can protect
you from the evil one —
pray for My graceI give you a land flowing
with milk and honey. I send the
Holy Spirit to fill you —The devil wants you to suffer —
People making others suffer for
dominance are sinningYou will beheld accountable for
your sinsThe devil wants to hurt you
The devil wants you to do his
evil work and block My workDon't deviate from My Father's Plan
Don't give into satanI stand before you clothed in
white and beams of light are
flowing from My hands —
I have all the Power
I am there, Rita, I am here —
I am your God and I have rescued
you and your children, in
your pain — I have outpoured
My light, My love, My grace to
you and your children.
I fill you with My life
You will have trials.
You will be My light for the
worldYou will see My light brighter
and brighter than ever before —
I have all the power —
I wrap you in the arms of
your mother —
Be not afraid —
You should not be frightened, child
I love you all, I will be there
in your every trial —
I am all powerful —
I am your light
Psalm 27: 1
Yahweh is my light and my salvation,
whom should I fear?
You cried unto me and I heard your
pleading and your cries —Others may be blind
Others may be deafYou suffer for their deaf ears —
their blind eyes —
I speak to you —Those closed in heart have a
trial — and much unhappiness —Open your heart wide to My love
A person with a cold heart is
closed like a wall — they
become lifeless — they are
locked in a rock wallA person who has closed off their
heart is locked in a cave of
darkness, they lack spontaneity —
their hearts become hard and cold.Those whose hearts are open — know
life and spontaneity inside —Your heart is red with the fire
of My love — your heart is
warm, your touch gentle
to know My letters of love —Satan will attack to block My letters
of love — through jealous others
working for himYou are open - to My golden light —
I pour My light on each one
of your hearts —You are surrounded by My halo
of light — You know the
miracle of God's love —
you are open to receive healing —My strength is upon you.
Rays of light and warmth penetrate
your troubled souls and
the fire of the Holy Spirit
fills you —I come to heal your wounded
heart.Soak in My warmth, My
You will know My power —This healing is the real
healing that will help you —
I want you to know I heal
you and fill you —
You are dependent on Me
Soak in the light —
Breathe in PeaceKnow that Jesus loves you
so much —Live in My love —
I give you your special
children to serve Me
I have gifted themI love them
I bless you in all your trials —
I love you
I am your God and I live
in you
I am with you every minute
Be not afraid
Cast out satan
You are blessed
You are the apple of My eye.
I stand at your bed
I watch you day and night
I never sleep
I am thereI love all of you
How do you feel?
get in touch with your
feelingsDon't let them rule you —
Satan can work in feelings
(1) Love and Forgive
(2) Live in truth - not deception
(3) Don't judge things in
extremes when they can
be gray - don't judge
all white or black
(4) Don't manipulate
(5) Don't control others to be dominant
for dominance sake
(6) Don't sit on a pity-pot
and be SELFISH
Prayer for Union with Jesus
Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.
I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me.
I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.
When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.
-God's Blue Book, January 17, 1994
(7) See the big picture
(8) God will fight our fight
(9) God will heal our wounds
(10) Rely on God's grace
ask for it
(11) Don't get addicted to
excitement or misery
(12) Get unstuck from
stuffed feelings —
(13) Look at traumas that may
have you stuck
(14) Be truthful
Ask yourself
(1) Am I self-centered
(2) When I am wrong do I admit it
(3) Am I jealous, resentful,
(4) Do I know God loves me
so much
(5) Do I have fear of abandonmentWhen you make a mistake say you
are sorry — don't lie
say "Oh I made a mistake, I'm sorry"Other forces besides me affect
others' livesGratitude
November 8, 1991 - 4:00am
R. Waken from sleep at Grandma's (Carson House)
November 1991
R. Dear God,
I am drawn to You like steel is to
a magnet — drawn to You as being plugged
in — I must touch You — there is a
pull within my soul to You, You are
the power and I am filled up again by
You. I give You my will and My life, plug
me into You Jesus —Jesus: Your strength and
courage comes from the Lord. Alleluia.
For you were hungry and I fed you —
I plugged you into My power, I took
your burdens and made your weights
light, and you walked on the path
I made ready for you. For your
strength and your courage comes from Me.R. Alleluia, Alleluia, Lord Jesus, Father
Son and Holy Spirit — I was empty and
alone and scared and You filled my heart
with Your love, Your fire was planted
in my heart to burn for those around
me. Grant me your good graces that
I may not be tempted by the devil to
think of my unworthiness — my
heart is your temple, you designed
it as a place for You to live and You
want to dwell there in, there is not
room in my heart for hatred and conflict
only for love of you, that is why I
place these burdens, Lord Jesus, I place
the problem with them on your shoulders
and ask You to carry the load
for me — for I need to keep my
heart open with Your love.In the midst of confusion You
were calm, in the midst of chaos
You knew Your way — show me Your
way in the midst of chaos, please
help me to do what You want — Take
each load and fill my heart with the
fire of Your love. I was hungry and You
gave me to eat, naked and You clothed
me. You set my feet on solid ground
and made my enemies my footstools —
You put a new song in my mouth and
taught me Your ways and I listened
and found serenity and peace and joy in
my heart. My eyes were opened and
I was no longer afraid and confused,
but knew what was your way.Teach me Your way that I may
show others Your truths, especially
my children that I will give to them
the truth and that I teach them about
faith in You and faith in Jesus, Your
Divine Son, Jesus. Give to me
oh Lord the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom, Counsel, Understanding, Fear
of the Lord, Piety, Fortitude, Knowledge.Give me Your love, so I may love my
fellow beings with this gift. To
see in each human being Your
eyes, Jesus, and Your Heart oh Jesus
in each person. Please help me
to see each person's specialness.Jesus: You are My daughter
and I love you. You are special,
I want to dwell in you — I have
all the power. I give you My gift —
My light, My flame of light and
love burning in your soul. I have
all the power. You are plugged
in as to an electric plug and
you are aglow with fire
of this love.I am your God and you shall
have no other gods before Me.
Listen to Me, pray. Talk to Me
and I will make you fishers
of men. I will warm the cold heart,
I will cast out all fear and I will
be with you forever —R. Oh God, You are my light —
You give me courage,
You give me strength. You are Almighty.Jesus: I will ward off all confusion, because
you will only have to ask and I will lift
your burdens and see you through. Have
faith My child — listen for My direction,
I will be with you all your days
I neither slumber or sleep. I am
awake and I live in your heart.
You need only speak to Me and
I am attentive to your call.R. The Spirit of the Lord dwells
within me, in my heart.Jesus: You are a temple of the
Holy Spirit — You are My temple,
I am in you. Respect and care
for yourself because this is My
temple. I will be with you
forever more. I AM IN YOU!I will be with you that is My promise,
I will be with you forever more.Go in the peace of harmony of
Jesus Christ.In the midst of confusion,
be the light shining in the darkness,
be life to those who are down-hearted.
I have the power to do all things and I
am within you, so you have the
power to be My light to the world.
You are plugged into an
undying source. I am there.
I want to love, I want to give,
I want to comfort and strengthen.
I will do these things to My
brethren through you, if you
let Me. Love your family — I
have given them as gifts to
you, to love and care for. Treat
each member as a gift that
I give directly to you. I will
bless you for watching over
these little hearts. Teach them
My ways — they are children who
need to be full of My love to
have peace. Teach them love,
so they will know I live in them.
Give them a good example and
strive to be more perfected as your
Heavenly Father is perfect. Grow in
holiness. LOVE each other and be My light
to the world and I will strengthen you and give
you unending peace. My peace is not of
this world. Peace is in Me — Ask
for peace and I will give it to you.R. This is peace, this is joy, this is love,
this intensity of knowing you are my God and
You live within me. You have chosen to
live in my imperfect self. I do not want
to leave Your presence. It is warm
inside. It is good and I am filled with love
and goodness. Thank you for this.
November 15 or 16 or 17, 1991
Jesus: You are precious in My sight — I have
carved you in the palm of My hand —By name I have called you —
R. Unto you I lift up my voice, Lord. Lord
hear my prayer and be attentive to my
voice and my pleadings. Counsel me
and teach me your ways that I might dwell
in Your house forever. Be with me God
my God.
November 1991
Jesus: Dear Child,
I will fill your heart with the love
you seek, I will answer your call.I am with you now — you are
precious to Me — you are God's
child, you are My temple, I live
in you. You can be sorry, but
you are okay — tell Me
you want to do the right thing and wait
for My guidance, My love — I am
there ready to give to you —
you have a right to just be —
you are good.Song:
Come unto Me all who are weary and
find rest for your soul come to
Me all who are burdened — I will
comfort thee.Place Your yoke upon My
shoulders — do not be afraid —
for I will gently show you of
the ways of the Lord.Come unto Me all who are weary
and find rest for your soul — come
to me all who are burdened I
will comfort Thee.
Breath in the richness
the goodness of God.
November 1991
R. Dear Jesus,
Jesus: I am the way, the truth, and the light —
I am there to comfort you and
be with you in your trouble. You are
My child and I love you.Listen to Me be attentive for My
voice and I will speak and you will
know it is Me. I will give you
your direction and you will not be
afraid and you will know what to do.I love you, now and forever.
November 1991
R. Dear Jesus,
Help me Oh
God, I love You, please
be my courage and my strength. Dear Jesus
please come and dwell in my heart, when
I was hungry You gave me to eat,
when I was naked you clothed me.
I will be with
you that is my promise,
I will be with you forever more,
R. Stay with me and be my God —.
Jesus I give
You my will and my
life, I give you my life, please be with me
dear Jesus — my strength and courage
is the Lord. Thank You for helping me
with that lady. Please Jesus I leave
it up to you. Please Jesus talk to me
in this book —
Love one another and be kind to
those who hate you.
You will be more perfected in love
likened to your heavenly Father. In the
midst of confusion pray to God
with all your heart for strength
and courage and He will give it to
you. Your strength and your
courage is the Lords — Alleluia
Alleluia and you were hungry and I gave you
to eat, naked and
I clothed you —
R. My strength and my courage is the Lords,
Alleluia, Alleluia.
November 8, 1991 - 4:00 a.m.
Jesus: From this day forward, you will have love, peace and joy.
You are drawn to Me like a magnet - come home to Me and feel the inner joy in your heart.
I am with you always to the ends of the earth.
I am your God and you shall not have other gods besides Me.
I will be with you - that is My promise. I will be with you forever more. Cling to Me for I am strong.
Do not be afraid, for I will gently show you the way of the Lord.
Matthew 11: 28-30
R. Jesus, save me from the snare of the devil, from his seed. Plant me on solid ground so I can prosper and be full and follow the ways of the Lord.‘Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.’
For You have gently touched my heart and I am warm and cuddly inside.
Your wish is my command. I must follow the ways of the Lord in all things and follow His path, doing His will.
You will show me this path, if I am open to You. All I need do is ask, and I will be answered.
Open my heart and my will to Your direction, Lord Jesus. You are with me in the night, in the rising of the sun and during the day. In all my trials, You are there. Open up my heart to Your word.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Give me Your direction so I might know what path You want me to take.
If I open my heart and listen, all will be revealed to me in His time. For the honor and glory of You Jesus Christ I ask these things in Your name and open my heart to Your direction.
Please help me to put aside the ways of the flesh and follow Your direction, Lord Jesus, this day and always to dwell in the house of the Lord.
Song: All My Days
R. Today is one of those days. Sing praise to God our Father, Jesus, His Son, and the Holy Spirit. Honor and glory to You, GOD.
Thanks for this letter, You wake me from my sleep. I thought I heard a noise, but it was You waking me to talk to me.
Your word is the word of God, and all honor be Yours for Your direction. It came from God and I must heed these words.
God speaks: Put your anger aside, and make room in your heart for Jesus' love I pour into you right now. Replenish yourself with My love and My grace and be still, for I am with you this day. I will watch over you, and comfort you, and bring you into the land flowing with milk and honey. Listen to My word and be glad so that all might see your good works and praise your Father Who is in heaven.
I bless you and keep you ever in My Heart. Be ready to do My will and be blessed by Me. Listen and be glad, for I am with you until the consummation of the world.
Go now and live My word, My child. I love you.
Jesus: In the midst of confusion, be the light shining in the darkness, be life to those who are down-hearted. I have the power to do all things and I am within you, so you have the power to be My light to the world.
You are plugged into an undying source. I am there. I want to love, I want to give, I want to comfort and strengthen. I will do these things to My brethren through you, if you let Me.
Love your family, I have given them as gifts to you, to love and care for.
November 8, 1991
Jesus: Fight a good fight: wage a good war, for God will bless you in the days of battle.
November 17, 1991
Special Day of Your Life
Jesus: You are precious in My sight. I carved you in the palm of My hand. By name, I have called you.
R. Unto You, I lift up my voice, Lord. Lord, hear my prayer and be attentive to my voice. In my pleading I embark upon this special day of my life. Console me and teach me Your ways that I might dwell in Your house forever. Be with me, God, my God.
Song: From the Day You Were Born
December 17, 1991
Jesus: I am Jesus. I have spoken as never before, you will spread My love to all souls on this earth.
R. When I received this message and saw the vision on March 26, the bells tolled at 8:00 a.m. and at 9:00 a.m.
The vision of Jesus' Heart on fire I had in the same pew at All Saints Church, December 17, 1991. The heart that is on the 2nd Blue Book. The first vision March 26, 1996, I had in the same pew on the other end of the pew toward the center aisle, the first pew on the right side of the church as I faced the altar.
December 17, 1991
His Burning Heart
R. I was alone in All Saints Church after Mass and Communion, in front of the tabernacle, when I saw the Sacred Heart. It was red around the outside, then a layer of yellow and then the brightest light in the center. I felt heat and it looked like an open furnace.
I thought about it all day and it instantly gave me peace and warmth in my heart. This is the purpose of these letters—to draw hearts to the ardent on-fire love of Jesus. I received the following message that day:
"Open your heart to the fire of God's love. He is ablaze in your heart. He wants to dwell in you and love you and others through you. Love God, yourself and one another and experience the fire set aglow in your heart and experience the warmth of His love."
December 1991
R. Please my
sweet Jesus, help me, my sweet
About December 31, 1991
Please help me my God to know thy holy
will, now Lord Jesus, I am your child, you know
my hurts, you are my God and I place
my trust in you, I will follow Your law,
show me Your way, nothing is too great
for You, I my Lord, place my Trust and
my heart in You, You have created me into
image likeness. You have lavished
me in Your love, with dignity and honor
you clothed me, given me rule over all, your
sun and your moon give me light and guide me in
this very night and I am indeed alive with thy holy
presence which I would not have experienced
except for this conflict. Thank you for Your love
and your peace. I am Your child, I am blessed and gifted
by You. My children are indeed great gifts.
You are my light, you are my strength
when I am bowed down, you are my hope and my rock, your
sun and your moon give me light this very night, I will love
because others need me. You are indeed my shield, my
fortress, my army against the wicked one and You will
not be shattered by any attempts to tear me down I will
be fortified and strengthened by You and filled. God is as alive in
me as me sitting here. I feel his presence, seeing God all in white
in eternity his arms outstretched and saying, "My child come to
me for I will give you rest", I see God and feel His presence in my
heart — he is as alive. I see Jesus standing His arms outstretched —
"Come to me, come to me, all who are weary of heart, place your
yoke upon my shoulder and I will give you rest" weed out my unrest
fill me with the peace and joy that only you can give, why go there
I know my undying source comes from You my God — my Father,
my Savior, my sanctifier and you live in me now — I am your
child, I am blessed, you have carved me in the palm of your hand.
have called me blessed and holy and you dwell in my heart because I
you and you come, I am your servant, I am Yours, God.
Bless and keep your servant forever. I want to love others
through you, I want to do Your will, I love you, God.
January 1992
R. I
called and He answered me, He comforted
my oh so sad heart and hugged me with
the warmth of His love, He heard
my sad songs and listened and answered
me. He gave me His strength to
wash my soul to fill my heart —
And I come to You and You heard the pleas
of my heart, You gave me a clean heart and
renewed my spirit and I was made whole.
You washed me of my pain and entered
my heart with a thundering bolt and
washed me from my sins. I am sorry
for my offenses against You and I ask
Your pardon for my sins. With love
and dignity you washed my
heart and gave me Your forgiveness
that I may ask the Lord for His
blessings on my soul and heal me of
my offense.
January 8, 1992
R. Dear Jesus,
My heart
cries out to you, Oh Lord
hear my prayer, for I was hungry and you
gave me to eat, naked and you clothed
me, for in my desperation, I cried
out and the Lord heard my pleases, he
made my enemies your footstools and
gave me love and peace and joy and pardon.
January 1992
Dear Jesus,
Come to Me, come to Me, all of you
who are weary. Put your yoke upon
My shoulder, for My Heart is merciful, My
burden light. I have heard your prayer
and am working with My light in their
heart. My light to dispel the darkness and
cast out fear and wash the pain away,
to just let it go entirely.
I am your God and you are My most
precious child, I love you in your
suffering and your pain and I am close
to you. I am the God of your
children, they are My children, you
needn't worry, I am there for them. I am
their Father and brother and I love them as much
as I love you and I am watching out
for them. They will be okay. You are
not their sole responsibility. I am
working in you, make yourself
putty, make yourself able to be
molded and I will do the work. I am
your most merciful Jesus, in My
merciful Heart, I see their pain,
I will guide you — be loose, be
attentive, listen and pray. Your life
is unfolding and I am your God, I
am with you and your children every
step of the way. I created all my children,
I love them all, you do not have to be god to
live your life, I am watching out and carrying
for you,
I want to carry you, to
nurture, love and work My light in you
to dispel any darkness and your fear —
My light is a beam in your heart —
feel its warmth and love and in ever
surrounding closeness, you are indeed
not alone. I go with you with My
light and My rod and staff, savor the moments
of your life with the joy, as I intend you
to do. I love you. I am with you,
a voice cries out in the wilderness
prepare ye the way of the Lord.
You are on the
path — follow it — surrender
to its beauty — it is there for
I love you.
January 17, 1992
Come to Me in Your Pain
Jesus: Do not go only to man, most especially come to Me. I am the only One Who can completely minister to you when your heart is broken. The worst pains are the pains of the heart. Stay plugged into My source. Know I am here with you every minute, every second of your life, and I will be there always.
Come unto Me all who are weary and I will comfort you. Do not be afraid for I will gently show you the way of the Lord.
I will be your rock. I will be your fortress. I will not leave you ever. I am there. My Heart is an undying source of fire and warmth and power.
I am your power. I am your strength. I am your God. I am there every instant of your life.
R. I can never live the moments of this day again. When I go to bed, today is gone forever. I must choose to treasure each moment because it is the only moment I have and it only lasts one moment.
January 17, 1992
R. Dear Jesus,
I want to be
close to You and feel Your
presence in my heart. I ask You to open
my heart to the fire of your love and know
Your promptings at this moment in my
life. You are my God and I am your child and
my way in life is useless without Your
direction. My life would be so full of fear
without having the relationship that You
have given me with you. The devil tempts
me to think I am unworthy. Most Sacred
Heart of Jesus I put my trust in Thee.
No matter what day and what
minute it is you will always be there because
you do not slumber or sleep.
Jesus: I
am your rock, I am your strength,
I am your Savior. I am the only one who can
to you when your heart is broken. I know
your pain and your distrust and your hurt
and your numbness and fear not to trust
again. I have been offended so many times
by so many. The worst is pains of the
heart. Stay plugged into my source, know I am
here with you every minute, every second,
of your life, and I will be there ALWAYS —
I died on the cross for you.
Come to Me all who are weary and I will
comfort you. Place your yoke upon My
shoulder and do not be afraid for I will
gently show you the way of the Lord.
I will be
your rock, I will be your
fortress, I will not leave you, I am there.
Pray for your friends — many are
suffering and will not open their hearts to
Me or you or anybody. Many say "yes"
to satan and "no" to Me. Pray hard for
them, go to daily Mass and Communion and
pray for them.
I have all the
power. All power
comes from Me —
My heart is an undying source
of fire and warmth —
I have all the power.
I am your power —
I am your strength —
I am your God —
I am there with you now
I will always be ready to help you
if you turn to Me.
January 17, 1992
Jesus: I am all powerful
They wander a valley of pain,
As "you"
stay plugged into My power —
give into satan
They weave a web of their own making —
They want power because they feel a
How can you trust a liar —
What is a promise from a man
Some seek power over others so
You are plugged into My source —
You are plugged into an endless
You know the fire of My love,
My Heart is burning for love of you —
I am here with you now in your
I love you so much —
Come Holy Spirit
The devil wants your power —
Some people want to be over authority,
People who seek power over
Where I put order —
Fallen man
My power never runs out!
It is an endless source of power
I am your strength
I am your God
I am there every breathe you take!!
You must stay plugged into My Power.
Without Me life is void, empty and
hiding —
they give their power to satan —
they think they are in charge and
yet they can be enslaved
to satan —
because of their pride
a web they are caught in
fallacious reasoning from the evil
impurities keeps them stuck.
loss of power — so they want
power over innocent others
who rocks with untruths —
full of sin
they like watching others
source —
You know My light —
You know My warmth,
You know My ever vigilant heart —
I am your God —
You should have no gods before Me
heart —
Beg for the gift of Wisdom —
Beg the Spirit of God to fill you —
but authority under God
is to be respected —
authority — seek problems —
they are challenging structure —
God has put in place —
January 27, 1992
Jesus: My
child listen to My voice, heed My
direction, days are coming when there will
not be a stone left on a stone, but you
have nothing to fear, trust in me and know
I am your God and I will watch out after
you. I love you, you are My child. Go to
I love you
R. This
was the message I fell asleep at the end.
Luke 21: 5-11
When some were talking about the Temple, remarking how it was adorned with fine stonework and votive offerings, he said, ‘All these things you are staring at now—the time will come when not a single stone will be left on another; everything will be destroyed.’ And they put to him this question, ‘Master,’ they said, ‘when will this happen, then, and what sign will there be that it is about to take place?’
But he said, ‘Take care not to be deceived, because many will come using my name and saying, "I am the one" and "The time is near at hand." Refuse to join them. And when you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be terrified, for this is something that must happen first, but the end will not come at once.’ Then he said to them, ‘Nation will fight against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes and plagues and famines in various places; there will be terrifying events and great signs from heaven.
R. After
this I lost my voice until I quit all my jobs
and wrote the Blue Books —
His voice came in me in rosaries and
R. Got this saying from Jesus
Song: Live This Day
January 1992
R. And I
called and He answered me,
He comforted my oh so
sad heart and hugged me
with the warmth of His love,
He heard my sad songs
and listened and answered
me. He gave me His strength to
wash my soul — He wiped
each tear away with His
love and bathed me in His blood and I
felt His warmth and comfort deep
in my cells as a burst of love
washed through my sad body.
He filled me
with His grace.
He restored my shattered heart —
His Spirit filled me. He breathed life into
my tattered soul and washed
me with the waters of comfort
and He said to me "Yes My child
beloved of My Father, You
are oh so precious and oh so
special to me and I am Divine.
I see your little bouncy girl,
your beauty and your innocence and
I watch your tears and sorrow and
I know the pain and trials of
your heart, I share in your
grief and I really love you,
turn to me and feel My presence and
comfort in your heart, I will
take care of you, My graces and
support are endless, I love
you, you are not alone. I am
here and I hold your hand, know
it My child, you are indeed
My precious child.
Cling to Me
and be not afraid, though you
go in raging waters, I am there with
you, My rod and my staff guide your way and
My light is there to illuminate your path
Oh ye, beloved of My Father, friend and lover
let the Holy Spirit embrace you. God loves
you, I am your God.
I listen to your cries and comfort you, I
turn not away, I love you, I know
you and I want to be with you at every
I made your
tears as a way
to release your sorrow and cleanse yourself
of your pain. I am in touch with you
and I walk with you at every turn of your
path — know Me — you are not alone, I am
here with you now, in this silence,
I speak to you,
no whisper, these are
My words to you, I am here in this
room and in your heart and I love you with
My love. My love is Divine Love. Feel My
presence, warm
and close in your heart. I am your
God, I am alive. I
neither slumber or sleep. I know
your sadness deep in your heart.
I am He who comforts you and I say again,
be not afraid, I love your every cell and I
am forever within you — Cry out to
Me and I hear each cry and I free you
from your loneliness and pain. Don't
be afraid and lonely, I am here with you.
I love you.
February 21, 1992
Jesus: LET GO! RELAX — I am there
to run the show. Your most important
job in life is being the light to the
world — no tension, no anxiety —
look at your jaw, look at your
voice — pulled taunt like a
string pulled too tight — you
have pulled your throat tight
you are so tensed — you are GOOD
ENOUGH — LET GO — enjoy what
you do — no anxiety — do the same thing
without the pressure — walk and ride
the bike, it is good for you.
You are creating your own
anxiety and tension and taking it out
on your throat. What ever you
do is enough.
You have not taken the time
to write to Me because you have
not wanted to. You are being anxious
I can do more things in a minute
than you can in a week.
LET GO - TRUST in ME — be
with Me and turn it over — I will
not leave you orphaned. I will
be with you that is My Promise.
By name I have called you —
You don't need a doctor for your
throat — you need to relax and
let go — what does it profit a man
if he gains the whole world and
loses his soul.
I have worked miracles in your
life — LET GO — BE YOU —
love everyone around you and
take time for them. I will help you —
just take it slow, steady, and relaxed.
When you are tired rest — don't push
you are important. I will help you —
I love you. LET GO.
To sit by a quiet brook and listen
to God's birds chirp in the trees and
smell the freshness of the outdoor and
let go of school, of church, of work,
of the mess and just be with God and
feel the breeze on your face. You can
do that — I want you to — you are
choosing to not be serene —
You are choosing to ignore the
nurturing you need and I will give —
the warmth of the sun, the sound of
birds, the beauty of the trees — these
visions are alive in your mind — go
there, be there for a little while and
enjoy these things — they will nurture
you. See your children and spend the time
with them — these moments are gone
forever. LOVE them. I will
help you — I heal your chest —
your throat — if you want it
healed, let go, you are attacking
yourself — SO TIGHT are you —
February 21, 1992
R. He told me - let go, relax, and let Him run the show. My most important job is being a light to the world - no tension, no anxiety.
R. At the end of January, 1992, I was given a message from Jesus that I would suffer.
Next, I lost my voice and I had trouble breathing. It was the key that helped me let go of my teaching jobs in colleges, my position in a special choir, and my job as organist and choir director at a small church.
Here is a letter I began to write to Jesus and the message God gave back to me.
My first letters with Jesus were a lot of dialogue. I would write and He would speak to me as I opened up my heart to Him.
Many times He woke me in the night with a lengthy message.
This is a letter I wrote to Him March 17, 1992, when I was having a lot of trouble breathing and talking.
He was working in my suffering to help me let go of all I was doing so I could be His messenger. It was a great time of trial when I couldn't breathe very well or couldn't use my voice very well. All my jobs depended on it. It was from this cross that I was given my voice to do what I am doing today. I had to surrender to His plan-I couldn't use my voice as I had done in the past.
When I finally quit most everything about 1 1/2 years later, I had my voice to do His work, to do this job.
In this suffering, He led me to do His will.
St. John the Baptist's father lost his voice.
St. John the Baptist's mother was barren.
St. John the Baptist was the 'VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE DESERT'.
I prayed to do His will and He helped me find His will. Through great suffering and surrender I was given greater life in Him.
The story of my struggle in doing His will and losing my voice is accounted in an entry in Blue Book III which appears at the end of this message.
Jesus wanted the message of March 17, 1992, presented today, that we can carry it with us and live by it. We must surrender and let Him run our lives and do His will. Some of the greatest trials are the way He leads us on the right path for us.
March 17, 1992
Note: I couldn't breathe again. From my notebook I wrote:
R. Dear Jesus,
I am not feeling calm, I am so grateful for being able to breathe. I know an inner voice during the movie said, I will be okay. Please help me Jesus, I need you.
God: I am your God and I love you, you are precious to Me. Remember how I loved you to My death. This is the season of Lent, a time to look and listen and learn all you can about Christ and His passion. I am telling you of My great love for you and all My children. Hold close to Me and do not be tempted to go astray, keep your eyes fixed on the eternal end, the bright and beautiful light, your glory, for your reward will be great in heaven. Keep the glory of the Lord in heaven in front of your eyes.
Don't look for worldly pleasures and satisfaction here on earth. Love and give to others and forgive and know your reward will be great in heaven.
I will show you the path to follow. Listen attentively and be calm. In conflict don't react, practice removing yourself from that. It isn't necessary to criticize, to shame, to hurt, to bargain for who is right and who is wrong. Hold on to peace and love and joy and happiness. Hold My hand and see My light. See the big, big picture. The answers are in you, I love you and I will teach you what you need to know. Be still and listen, I want to instruct you, I am talking to you now in your heart. I love you always, stay close to Me and know I am your God.
R. You are my God and You love me, I am Your temple. I know You go with me with Your rod and Your staff protecting me and giving me comfort and hope and love and joy and peace. The moments I spend now will be gone in 5 minutes.
I want to spend this time with You, I don't want to be anywhere else, I want to know Your presence , Your warmth, Your love.
God: You are powered by Me. You are My child, you are precious and you know it. You are special to Me, hold tight to Me. I love you, My chosen daughter.
R. Create in me, Oh Lord, a CLEAN heart, Oh Lord—create in me a clean heart.
I offer up my suffering to You.
God, help me live my precious moments.
God, help me.
Thank you, I love you.
April 2, 1992
R. Dear Jesus,
I am so happy to have you in my
Please Jesus help me to know the
Thank you for your relationship,
That was my image from you, at that point
Jesus: I will never forget you,
heart. Thank you for this day and the sunshine,
thank you for helping me give my life to you and bringing
me to this point in my life. Thank you for
the trials that has brought me closer to
You and teaching me how to love more. Jesus,
I give you my will and my life, I give you
what I am and I ask you to run my
life, please what ever happens
I surrender to you running my life.
way of life you call me to. Help me surrender to what
ever you want me to do. I will let you
run the show. I am going to do what you want,
I know today I was to go to All Saints
and spend this time with you.
Thank you for the Holy Spirit and my
heavenly mother, thank you for real
joy which I now feel in my heart.
Thank you for the image of the
wall of rocks and the door for me
to walk through.
seeing the gray rocks oh so close like a
wall and a door, you were taking me to a
new beginning in my life — a life of
surrendering and realizing that you are
running my life. What is for today? I do your will.
That is what is to be. I am
filled with Your love and Your joy as I
walk through this door into surrender
with you — on the other side there are
still rocks, but they are not closing in
they are opening up and the light, as the
warm sun is now seen atop the
rocks and my body is warm and secure in
Your love. You oh my Lord are in
the driver's seat. I walk through that door.
My relationship with you is alive and new,
and I surrender and walk through the door.
I have a deep relationship with
my children and my close friends — they
are there, all around me — I Lord Jesus
walk through the door — the rocks
open up and I am not closed in anymore,
but I can always look up and see the
opening and the sky. You are in the
driver's seat, you are rowing my
boat and driving my car, though I
tread in raging waters, I do not
need to be afraid, you are there with
your rod and your staff and you comfort
me, I am not afraid, your warmth
and your love is always there, I am
secure, I am your child, I am
protected and held and you will stand
for me, you will say, she is indeed my
child, I love her, she is mine.
She is my child.
I will not leave you orphaned, I
will hold your hand and lead you.
You dwell in My Heart at this moment.
Die to the old ways not likened to
Me — to live a deeper life of
resurrection in Me. I am here and I am
still in your heart. My love for you is
real, I will not abandon you. I
will nurture you and prune you and
watch you grow in my light, I
will be your light, you will
not flicker or fade, but be constantly aglow
with the light of my love, I am ever
present in your heart. Reach out and
touch my heart, it is warm and alive
and beating for you, know you are loved
child. No earthly person can give this
love to you. Look up and see the heaven and
count the stars if you can, your
life will be even brighter, brighter
than all the stars. Bathe yourself
in my love and know it is constant and
there for you, I am your God — you
shall have no Gods before me, nothing
can compare to this love, I give to you.
Do not turn to the world, I will provide
you with nurturing and love, with
peace and joy, do my work and be attentive
to the voice within you, it is there and
you must constantly listen, you will
know when I am talking to you —
listen my child, I do not slumber or
sleep, I am attentive to your needs
and I love you, I will strengthen and
protect you always. Jesus died
upon the Cross, Christ arose from
the dead and you too will live a deeper
life of resurrection in Me. You are through the
door, surrender to Me. Listen to
my directions and carry them out, I am in
your life, I am in your heart, I am He
who comforts you, do not, my child,
be afraid, walk in the confidence
of knowing I your God walk
before and with you every step
of the way. I am he who comforts and walks
with you. I love you, I love you, Jesus
April 16, 1992 - Holy Thursday
R. We cannot close the door
on the past, we are a product
As in a business, the boss
looks back and sees
So too with our lives, we
must look to our
We need both sides of our
brain to live
Jesus: I am the way, the
truth and the life
The Our Father Our Father, Who art in
heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom
come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and
forgive us our trespasses as we forgive
those who trespass against us. And lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from
evil. Amen.
R. The truth shall set you
free. I
Jesus: Be of a clean
heart and you will not
For I say unto you, many are
The gift of children are the
Make each moment precious,
I am your God, you shall
I am your God, I hold
your hand, I want
of the past, it is shutting the
door on ourselves,
We can only grow if we accept
the past and
learn from it.
how he did it before and
tries to improve it.
He would never close the
door on past
interactions and start
everything new.
He can only build on the
past so
the company can grow.
past and embrace it to
know it well,
it is the key to our
happiness and growth.
a balanced life one side
is the
thinking side and the
other side is the
feeling side and
expressive side (expression of self),
we need both sides in
no one comes to the Father
except through Me.
am speaking the truth, lies are
and cause confusion and hurt.
The truth is
that which we need to embrace
and spread
to have happiness. Covering up
of the truth
usually is not to our advantage.
Covering up the action
to protect another person can be
enabling them to
continue their lewd behavior. In
the light of truth — that which
is, is brought to light and
dealt with —
hiding the truth is what allows
it to
go on. Say for example: in an
alcoholic or
dysfunctional family you are not
protecting the
person but enabling them to
continue their problem.
have to cover things up — love
one another and
try honestly to give each their
just due and there
will be nothing to hide. All
evils shall be brought
to light and all goods shall be
in the day of reckoning. Fight a
good fight
live a good life, love, be kind
and be ever
attentive to the needs of those
around you
and you will be blessed with
ever lasting happiness.
but few are chosen, it is up to
you to follow
the path of right. You can do My
will or reject
My will. My will is the WAY, the
TRUTH and the
life. The way to a long lived
happy life and to
experience life is through the
truth. The truth
in all things. Do unto others as
you would want
them to do unto you. Love one
another and cherish
your precious moments you have
gifts of all, in them is life
love and innocence. Cherish
years when they are young and
teach them
honesty and truth at all cost,
for you are
molding them to bear fruit. They
are My
precious gifts to you to have
and hold and teach.
Your example is the way you
teach. Each
moment is precious to behold
because when
it is over it is gone forever.
More precious
than jewels are the moments of
your lives
because you will only live the
now and it is gone forever.
loving one another. God is first
always —
Before anything else — any other
order is
OUT of ORDER and does not work —
any other ORDER is not God's
His life is simple — it is not
it is simple LOVE AND TRUTH —
these are the jewels of each
Do the will of God.
no other
gods before me — not
FOOD, SEX, DRINK, I am your God
and I am first when I am first,
I give you
everything necessary to live.
You are working
for Me, I will work in you, I
will make
your life work, you let go and
know I
am your captain. I love you and
I know
what you need to make you happy.
have your best interest at
heart. Trust
in Me and come to Me and make
ways, My ways. I love you more
any other human person could
love you.
I love you with My Divine Love.
I am your
God and you are My precious
creation, I
made you to love Me and love My
children, do this and I will
bless you with
peace. I am your God and I love
you, forever,
every moment in every trial and
in every tear.
I cried, I cried when Lazarus
died. I wept
bitterly, I cried when I carried
My cross
and felt betrayed and hurt, I
created your
tears as a cleanser for you. A
way to release
that which builds up in you.
you to put your head in My lap
and weep
and come to Me and tell Me of
your joy,
I want you to be you, created by
God, I am
there to listen and support and
love you.
I am your best friend, and I
love you more
than you can love yourself —
trust Me with
your will and your life and I
will make it
beautiful for you. Be happy and
your love to each other — the
devil comes
with his lies. The devil says
"You are not enough, you didn't
do enough, you can't do it." — I
am your God, listen to Me
not the devil. Believe in your
life living
according to your vocation for
My honor
and glory. Don't be jealous,
angry, envious, mean
seeking dominance for dominance
sake —
Don't be willful. Do God's will
with love.
You were created by Me, I LOVE
My precious child.
Good Friday 1992, April 17
R. Dear Jesus,
I am sorry for my
sins. I am sorry you had to suffer for my sins. Thank you for coming to earth
and taking on a little
baby body to save me and my family.
Thank you for your pain and your sorrow and your tears, Jesus. Thank you my God.
Oh Jesus, my
Savior —
Thank you for giving me the gift of faith —
I am your child, God!
I give my will and my life to You.
I want You to talk to me.
I want to know how You want
me to act.
Dear Father, thank You for creating me.
Dear Jesus, give me Your gentleness and Your love, Your compassion and help me to give myself for others.
I love You Jesus, I love You with my whole heart and my whole soul.
God is guiding me on the right path today.
May 2, 1992 - Saturday
R. My Dearest Jesus
Please help me to do your will — fill me with your love and goodness so I can give to others what you want me to give them.
Jesus: You are My precious child, I love you every minute of the day. I am in you and I love you, I am in your heart — teach your children to love Me — teach them about the Eucharist — I am blessing you each in a special way. I love you and I will take care of you — I am there for you. I am your God. Ever present in your life, guarding you, watching out for you. I neither slumber or sleep. I am your God. I constantly watch out for you. I love you. We are to have harmony.
May 9, 1992
Though you walk in raging
waters — you will not drown,
you are precious to Me,
Live your life in the joy of
Christ — My light is within you
lighting your path,
feel My presence and My warmth
within you, I am here My daughter
My arms embrace you and
My touch is there for you,
I hold you.
R. Dear Jesus
I am Your servant Lord, I give
You my will and my life —
I surrender and ask Your forgiveness
for all my errors and ask You to
wipe away any hate and anger and
anxiety with Your spiritual
healing rays, I am here and I
feel Your rays in my heart
cleaning out my debris —
please let me live in the now
in happiness and joy —
Jesus, my Savior, Father, my
Holy Spirit my Sanctifier give to me
Your gifts of wisdom, knowledge,
May 23, 1992
R. Jesus, Jesus hear my prayer,
though I
walk in the valley of darkness You
are there with Your rod and Your
to comfort and love me —
Jesus: I will make the light
on you.
I am your God and you are My
My light is deep within you, know
it and experience this in your
I am your God, I will not leave
you —
Saturday 1992
R. In 1992 I went to the Beach
near Clearwater
with my children — I drove up 19
Lido beach and went to a shopping
center in
Realizing that I had lost my
travelers checks
or they were back at the hotel, I
left the two
oldest children (almost out of
college) at the
movies and took the younger ones
back to the hotel
on Lido Key.
That morning I had gone to Mass
it was raining so we traveled North
the Shopping Center when I missed my
Well hurricane Andrew had hit
and I thought I
wouldn't get off the key when I
returned to the hotel —
for they were closing the Key —
When I finally got the older
at the movies there were no cell
phones —
it was a gift from God The children
only minutes away from where Mary's
appeared 4 years later at 19 and
Drew —
the water in the parking lot at the
movies was
up to and past my thighs and I had
to walk
in this to rescue the older children
(college age)
We then drove out literally with
the other cars and the whole area
water — up to the bottom of my van
like driving in the ocean.
Earlier that week I had written
message on the beach.
Saturday 1992
R. I thought I smelled roses
two times
last night and this morning, what it
was make me feel honored and
important, I am honored.
I am not perfect, but I try to
be good,
I am so lucky to be here and feel
the breeze and listen to the ocean.
I have You my sweet Jesus —
I give You my life — I have the
wonderfulness of these children
you allowed me to bring into the
world and share my life with them,
I am indeed blessed in so many ways,
You are my rock and My
strength, I am Your putty, I hope
when I am home, I can close my eyes
and come to this place in my
heart, the flowers, knowing Your
life in me,
the mercy of God and yes oh yes all
gifts — this moment of love with my
children seeing each child's
and loving the moments of being here
with them, Please God I pray to You
send your special grace and love
each soul and with Your precious
paint each soul with Your blood —
solid and thick to know that we are
from outside forces. I denounce
in Your name Lord Jesus. You are my
friend, Jesus, I love You so much —
Jesus, Jesus help us all to be
holy — Cast the devil far away
from my family and every
thing in this world — God help
us to be holy — Outpour Your
grace on my husband and
children and forgive us all for
anything we ever have done
to have unity and love and to be
a strong persons loving in our
Church and the world —
Jesus, Jesus, I consecrate our
hearts as a family to You and to
Mary our Immaculate Mother.
Protect us from the evil one —
help us to be joined hand and hand
in the hearts of Jesus and Mary —
Let my family be so united to the
precious Hearts of Jesus and Mary to
ward off any evil attempts
against us and help us grow in
greater holiness.
Our strength and our courage is
from You dear Jesus and Mary and
through Your most loving hearts —
Our love will endure in the hearts
of Jesus and Mary — You, Lord, are
our strength —
We ask for healing for any
dysfunction —
generational healing — that love
abound in the Hearts of Jesus and
Mary — I ask for this healing so we
will be one in the Hearts of Jesus
and Mary —
Our family dwelling in the
Hearts of Jesus and Mary —
Help us all to go to heaven —
Dear Father, I love You, My
God hear my prayer — help us to
be heirs of the kingdom —
Oh most blessed Holy Spirit —
I beg for the gifts of wisdom,
counsel, fortitude, knowledge,
and Fear of the Lord — I beg to
love in our family — Holy Spirit —
the fire of God's love.
Holy Spirit shower on my family Your
gifts —
I want the fire of Your love over
all our heads —
impart to us the fire of the tongues
of love —
You gave Your gifts to the apostles
please Holy Spirit give them to my
family — to the world.
Protect us from the fears of the
hurting us with their errors.
Your love is Divine Love.
Your love is unending —
Your love is everlasting —
You my God
You my Savior
You Oh Holy Spirit
I know You never slumber or sleep —
I know the very hairs of my head are
numbered, every freckle and white
spot counted and You care for me
with precious love — You know
everything about me —
You know the love of my heart —
on fire for You and the love for
child and the world — a furnace
is hot and a blaze with the fire of
Your love —
Oh Holy Spirit — I love — I
more Your understanding and Your
Your counsel — I want my heart to
be consumed with love —
God help me to spread Your love
to the world —
Fill me with Your grace —
I am Your child, God
You love me with Divine Love —
You are my strength
You have all the power,
I give You Lord Jesus, my will
and my life —
I surrender to the fires of Your
love —
I give in — Help me Jesus to let go
and let You run the show,
help me to let go to You, Jesus
I am Your putty.
You are my God.
heal me
put me in Your hands —
let me feel Your presence with me.
Jesus says:
"Listen to my direction. I
talk to
you. Write these letters every day
as you get up from bed.
A new letter every morning —
my direction will be with you —
new life — I come to give you
new life.
You will have peace —
Your children are guarded.
Your life will be directed by Me.
It will be easy for you to turn
your life over to Me.
I love you, I will not leave
you orphaned — nor
your children —
celebrate and know My gift
is at hand.
I am your God —
Jesus the Lord
R. Everything that Jesus has taught me in 17
and all of us is about
is about life in Him,
is about being a branch
attached to the vine
God wants us to help in the
work of redemption,
baptized Catholics are to
live more deeply
as members of the body of
I am the vine you are the branches
May 17, 1992
R. In my journal May 17, 1992 I wrote
Dear Jesus,
Yesterday I had the
image of the
keys and Carol gave me a key
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph on
the Hearts of Jesus and
Today I had the image in
the chapel
of the brown door opened
ever so
slightly, dark inside with a
chair in front of it.
Jesus: Remove the
chair from the closed door
child, Let your light shine
Open the door — let yourself
to express your joy — take
the chair away —
the negative tapes
R. I had a vision of
a brown door
yesterday a vision of keys
You my child are strong and
alive, you
have tried harder to do more
look at yourself, open the
door —
go through the door — you
are waiting to bloom as a
ready to burst open with
Your life — your potential
is like a
seed that is ready to
its pod — it cannot be
any longer.
Open the door — let
yourself out
use the key — the key is
you — you
are strong — you are not
I am the way, the truth and
the life,
I am the light of life. I
dwell in
your heart. I live in you,
I work in you, yes you have
accomplished so much, I have
by your side, I am by your
children's side, reach out
and touch me, feel
My presence in your soul, I
He who comforts you, do not
be afraid and
I say to you wait, listen,
and you
will be told what and how to
do it.
I am talking to you now. Readying you
for your journey, a journey into life —
you will know life as you never known it before and He brought a miracle
down on them and they were set free
I am He who comforts you. I
to you in all your trials, I
am with
you, I am your God and I
love you.
Do not be afraid, I will be
there for
you, My most precious child.
R. I Lord want to
do Thy will, please
live in my heart, see with
my eyes,
touch with my hands and walk
my feet, I want to do Thy
will. Love with
your heart and listen with
your ears.
Jesus: I am he who
comforts you —
Be not afraid.
Wednesday, May 18, 1992
R. Dear Jesus,
Please help me this day
to do thy
holy will. This is a day you
created for me, it is
I ask for you to mold me and
my day
I have a free will, I
surrender to You God.
I am your child please
guide me and help me to do
thy holy will
I admit my powerlessness
over this
situation and I give you my
will and
my life. The door stands
open and
I have moved the chair. I
to serve You. Here are my
my heart, my eyes, my feet,
my mouth, my life, hear me I
am here to do thy holy will,
please guide me and lead me
help me in every moment of
Jesus: You My child
are a gift I give
to this world, your smile,
warmth, your love, your
I give you as a bud ready to
and be full and let all see
your radiance
and your beauty. Everyone
the flower and looks at its
and is glad it is there,
never to abuse
or mistreat. You My child
special as a flower, never
to be used
or mistreated but to be
enjoyed and
respected. See yourself as a
flower. Many are called, but
few are
chosen. You My daughter are
one of My chosen ones.
yourself as a flower and a
people look at a gift and
it with respect and you are
gift to these children and
to the
world, you are My gift to My
other children, you are of
value, of worth, of respect,
they are given this gift
I give them through you. You
are a flower — ready to open
and omit a fragrance, the
comes from Me, I am the
where by you open and omit
love which is the fragrance
let Me use you — you are
as the flower, great to
behold and
to have in their presence.
are special and they are
favored by Me to have
received such gifts. You
have so
much to give.
I love you, you are My
child and My precious flower
— you
are a door waiting to open
and be
your new life — a pod ready
explode — you are My child
wherever you go, whenever
you go, I go
with you with My rod and My
staff —
helping and protecting you,
I am your
strong guard, your rear and
fore guard
I am your protection, your
and your life — cling to Me
and know
My presence. I go with you
in all that you do. You are
flower. I love you,
May 18, 1992 Thursday
R. Please help me Jesus — today
I am in such pain —
help me Jesus
Pour Your Blood on me
I cast the devils into hell —
away from me —
my family.My precious Savior I love You
Answer this prayer and
drive the devils into the fires of hellDrip your Blood on us Jesus —
My Jesus talk to me please —
Jesus: My child listen to my voice,
I am He who comforts you,
be not afraid —
I will not leave you orphaned —
though you walk in raging
water you will not
drown —
you are My chosen one,
beloved of My father
I am with you in your
suffering —
I suffered for you on the
cross —
I will pave the way and show
you My way to walk to
do My will
R. Dear Jesus
Help me to do your will
clean out my rubbish and
hate and anger
go deep into my heart —Help me see the good in every person
Especially those in my family
Help me to celebrate the life
I have been given —
this wonderful and glorious day.I can never live the moments
of this life again.
I ask you Mary my sweet Mother
to help me to be as you
want — a good mother to my
2 children (the other 2 children
were in college) as Jesus desires me
to be.
The Our Father
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
R. Dear Jesus —
Serenity Prayer
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can
and Wisdom to know the difference.
May 19, 1992
R. I must treasure each moment I have right now because I can never have it back again.
I love You Jesus
I love You Holy Spirit
I love You God the Father
May 27, 1992
Jesus: My ways are simple My child — You must realize this. My child I know how afraid you are I am with you now!!
May 27. 1992
My dear child, I love
you, pray to
Me, surrender.
R. I surrender my God
with all my heart.
May 30, 1992
My dear child, hold to
Me, though you
go through raging waters you
will not
drown. I am there with My rod
and My staff and I go before you
and I
comfort you and I prepare the
for you. You do not need to be
I will help you with your
children I
love them more than you, look
into their eyes and see their
I love them — look at them and
see Me, see
Jesus in them and pray for them
I give your heart love, weed out
the hate open the door to
the raging fire of My love, Love
healing — love, love, love —
love one another,
be kind and loving — don't
take in the hate — be as a ball
let it bounce off of you. You
so special to Me, I am holding
hand and I am there with you,
you are
not alone and I love you. The
is a liar. You must try to do
all you can.
Know that I love you so much —
you are special to Me. I love
Love yourself — you deserve
I am your God and I love you and
in you.
You must keep busy and do My
I will work through you every
guiding you and making your day
worth while. Turn to Me and I
will make your day a day of the
I will use you to do
work. I love you and
I am with
you. Smile your smiles and be
gentle to those around you.
Matthew 5: 13
‘You are salt for the earth. But if salt loses its taste, what can make it salty again? It is good for nothing, and can only be thrown out to be trampled under people’s feet.
Shine your light
so all can see and praise your
heavenly Father in heaven. In
My house there are many
Many are called but few are
You are a chosen one,
do My will, shine My
light and
I will dwell in you.
Come to Me now. You go not alone
you go with Me doing My work
among your brethren. You
need not worry I will guide you
lead your troubled heart into
the beauty of leading men. You
are chosen by My Father, I love
you, I want to work in you —
make yourself putty in My
hands and let Me mold you into
My image. I love you.
I will shine My light in the darkness
and make ready a place for you.
I am the way,
the truth and the light and I am
in your humble heart,
I want to work and love through
you, you
are My precious child, oh you
of My Father, loved by Me that I
lay My life down for you. I came
to earth
that you might have life and
have it
more abundantly. I am your rock,
fortress, your way. I am hope
for the
weary they know love — My way
is direct and is
simple. Give unto others as you
have them give to you. Some
My laws, they disobey the
their lives do not make sense,
you cannot
make sense out of something that
no sense. My life makes sense,
it is direct,
you live loving and forgiving.
You live in
truth. You are honest. I am He
who comforts
you, you are the beloved of My
Father. You
are My rose — never to be
on by those who are doing evil,
are to be respected. You I
comfort and love.
Beloved of My heart, I love you
Come to Me, know your
I am He who comforts you, be not
though you walk in raging waters
you will not drown. I will be
with My rod and My staff and I
set your feet on oh so solid
the days of the awakening are
follow your heart, love and
the moments with your children
you are My beloved, you are My
God is your Father. Mary is your
You are always watched over by
your God
and loved by Mary, lest your
foot stumble
and fall — let GO AND LET GOD
DO it —
get out of the driver's seat
move over,
let Me have the wheel, I will
take you
where and when you need to go —
the precious moments of your
am your God and I never slumber
or sleep. I am with you always.
Love you,
June 1, 1992 Mom died in June 1952
R. Dear Jesus,
Help me to know Your
will —
Jesus You are my best friend —
I love You so much Jesus —
I can talk to You —
Help me, Jesus
I love my family so much Jesus
Help me in everything
You comfort me
I will not be afraid
In raging waters You are here —
with Your rod and Your staff —
You love and comfort me —
Jesus: I am
your God, Rita, Rita,
you are My beloved child, I will
comfort you, I have blessed you
in oh so many ways with all
I have given you and I will help
you, I will not leave you —
You must do My will —
In suffering you are led to greater
life in Me —
I will be with you with My rod
and My staff.
Guarding you —
Giving you rest —
Though you trod in
raging waters —
I will be there —
I will comfort you,
I will bring the light to you,
The darkness bright —
I will send My light into your eyes —
I will send My light
I will send My healing,
I will put you on the right path —
I am your God —
trust Me.
I am He who
comforts you —
Do not be afraid —
though you walk in the
dark valley, know I am with
you lighting your way —
You are My child —
Oh child — know I am with you,
know I light your path —
I am your God —
feel the breeze —
I made it for you —
the beauty of the earth —
I made for you —
Feel My presence in the moment.
R. Mary my
mother come to me —
Mother me — Help me to know your
precious Son and do His will — though
I walk in the valley of darkness,
— you
are there with the light —
Jesus says:
Cling to Me — hold My
hand —
Know Me —
Oh you, beloved of My Father —
Love all that I send to you as
the Father intends.
I put you into My strength
Like dipping you in My
machine — you are made
Little girl, walk your
path, you
are not alone, feel My hand,
know My love — you are in
My care —
Little girl, walk your
you are not alone, feel My
sun light — warm and good —
you are not alone —
Little girl, walk
with Me,
tell Me your troubles too —
I am there to listen as no
other can do —
Little girl walk your
path, you
are the one I know, sweet and
kind and always there for others.
Little girl walk your
skip if you feel the need,
slow down and stop —
look at the earth —
study some "dumb old weed".
Little girl walk your
open your heart to love —
to love one another —
That is all you need do —
Love God and love others as yourself —
Little girl walk your
turn your life over to Me
if I watch out for the leaves —
do you think I would not
watch out for thee —
Little girl walk your
looking to others, but
God knows and you know that
you are to be one with
God first —
I love
the rain on a warm
dark day — to hear its calm
pitter, patter — There is something
about rain, that makes me
feel that nothing else matters —
It helps me let go.
When it's warm outside and
the rain comes there is
comfort in sitting out
under and when it is cold
there is pleasure in
listening to rain on the roof —
I think I may not
feel the pleasure in the rain,
I feel today, but in quiet
moments of my life that
is when the rain has gain.
I love to listen, I
love to just
be in the moment — if I only
take the time — it is precious
moments like this God has
given us the rain.
After my mom died
at 5, I would
sit by the window at the Carson
house upstairs and stare at the
rain drops as they fell and changed
on the window. They were so
beautiful and it comforted my little
heart thinking of the rain drops and the
mystery of life and death and mom who
died of cancer when I
was so little and left 5 children motherless.
Serenity is mine.
June 1992 - For healing
R Dear Jesus
I offer You my pain
for the sake
of souls —
Please come into my
heart and dispel
all hate, anger, "poor me"
and replace
with your healing power of
Your love,
please wash me with a bath
pure water and fill me with
Your grace — help me enjoy
present moments —
I have this moment and I let
and give it to You Jesus —
Jesus I want to cry —
Help me let go of the pain
Let go — Let go, Cleanse me
with Your precious blood —
drip Your precious blood on
me —
on the person or persons who
offended me —
all in the past
ancestors who taught any way
have been passed on to
Bathe our families in Your
blood —
all relatives —
neighbors —
school mates
old relationships
(people involved)
people at Church
people at work
people in the U.S.
The Church and the
world —
God have mercy on the human
for we have sinned.
Help me to let go — to
love — to forgive.
Let go, Let go —
let go.
I surrender to Thy
I give You my heart and
I ask You to hold it
the fire of Your love
heal any scars and
Bathe me in the bath of
spring water —
I give my day to You Jesus!!
I surrender and I know how
precious Your love is for
My dear child —
Think of the vast ocean.
See the vast ocean
Think of the water
cleaning you
to make you more and
holy and pleasing to
Me —
Feel the gentle sway and
to the waves —
I created the ocean — I
you the beautiful water —
I bathe you —
Know My Power.
Know My Love.
You are My precious child —
look at yourself —
created with such talents by
I bathe you in My love
I bless your children
My love is endless
I am the Almighty God.
Focus on My Power.
My Power does not run out.
Let Me work in your heart —
Your job is clear now —
It is to let Me live in you
and minister through
you —
to those around you.
Prayer for Union With Jesus Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.
I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling in me.
I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of The Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.
When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.
I am your strength
I hold your hand
I am the power.
I love you with the fire of
Divine Love.
Recognize your pain —
Don't stuff it
Let go — Embrace your pain
Let go.
Be loving and Be likened to Me
If one person upsets you —
you cannot give into that —
you must think of your
mission, do the Father's
will —
otherwise the devil can
provoke you
with one individual and
your peace.
Live to love.
You indeed are My child.
I will watch over you.
See the lilies of the field
they grow
and who watches over them —
You are My child —
Much more precious than
all of these
I have bathed you in My
I will bring you to a special place
of ownership of the land
I am your rock
I am your stronghold.
You don't go alone —
Express the pain — then let go —
Forgive - love
I love you.
I know your pain and your
joy —
I have taught you in suffering —
I have led you to joy.
The Pain and the Joy.
You are loving and giving —
Let go of tension —
You know I love you.
You are precious to Me.
I have chosen you.
I love you with such love —
See the ocean.
Hear the waves.
I know your pain —
Let go to My hands —
Be My Heart to the world
Be My hands.
Love your brothers in the
world —
Be My love — My Heart
beating in the world —
Be Me to your children
Be their loving mother.
I am He who comforts you
Be not afraid
though you walk in raging
waters —
I will be there with My rod and
My staff and
I will hold you up —
You are held up by Me —
I will love through you —
I have put you on this earth today —
I love you, I love you, I comfort you,
I am He who is your
I love you in a special way —
cling to Me
I will be there with you.
I am your Power source.
I love you,
June, 1992
Be of a clean heart — free
of blame and hatred. Open your heart
the fire of My love.
For I
was hungry and you gave Me to eat —
naked and you clothed Me, I am your
God, I am your refuge and your rock —
you are My child and I love you —
Be attentive to My call —
Do the Father's will
I am guarding you, I love you so much.
I know your hurt and pains, you
are to forgive and love —
It is in forgiveness you find peace,
happiness and joy —
Love the unloving —
Pray for those who persecute you.
R. Oh Father You made us so beautiful and
You do not make junk —
We are so precious — You
sent Your
only begotten Son to save
us —
Oh Father You want us to be saved —
We are to obey and love You, Father —
You are our heavenly Father —
God gives us special gifts in
children —
We are to treasure and love these
Jesus: Respect human life.
R. We are called to love —
We are to forgive and have joy and
happiness because we are
so loved.
Do good to those who hate you —
more wars are won with love than
hatred —
The devil wants hatred among men —
Don't get even or rage
You are ready to love —
I am your God and I love you.
God's love is endless.
Love resounds from generation to
Hate goes from generation to
Cast away fear and hate.
Look at Me hanging on the cross.
I died for you —
I died for your sins —
I want you to share in My life —
I am with you —
Feel My presence.
Jesus, Jesus, my rock,
my strength, my hope,
my all —
My Lord
and My God — I love You —
I give You my heart, I give
You my soul —
teach me to love — Show me
the way.
I was
spit on, mocked, hated,
slapped, My head crowned with
I know all your pain —
I am
with you in all your
trials —
I have
been with you, your
whole life.
Trust Me.
Turn to Me.
I love you, forever.
I turn my life over to You, Jesus —
I want to do Your will —
I turn this day over to You —
I love You so much —
You are my God — I love You.
dear child, I am He who comforts
you, feel the breeze on your face
it blows away your troubles,
it feels so good, the birds sing a
song for you — feel My breeze blow
on you — it blows away the cares
that trouble you — let go — let
Me run your life.
June 3, 1992
The Lord has sent a light to His people
He has comforted them in their sorrow
pain and sent them His light and given
them a sharing in His life.
Jesus gives us Himself in the
Holy Eucharist — He fills us with His
life. We are saturated with His gifts.
Jesus is our rock and our fortress —
to those who love Him they will have
the light of life.
Jesus brings His love into our
hearts — We have the gift of the
Jesus says:
Pray constantly and know that I
your God,
Oh you My child, blessed of
My Father, if I care for
the birds of the air do you
think I would
not care for you and your
I am, Rita, ever attentive to
your needs
your sorrow, your pain —
I will lead you out into
a land flowing
with milk and honey.
Cling to Me
and know that I am there
every moment
I do not ever slumber or
sleep or —
some days you do not have
to wonder
for I am with you always.
You experience My
presence with
you, that is not a drip
to how
it really is.
Love one another —
do good
to one another —
June 5, 1992
My dear child,
Turn to Me — though you pass
through raging waters — I am with
you — I speak to you here — I love
you — I will not leave you orphaned
I will always comfort you.
My child — hold on — to Me
I will show you your path at the time
take no action — I will work in your
life — you are My precious child,
you are plugged into Me —
feel the gifts I give you now —
feel the intensity of My presence
with you.
feel My love.
is the only day you can live —
tomorrow this day will be gone —
have the gifts of this day —
I am He who comforts you —
Lean on Me,
I am all powerful,
I want what is best for you —
You are never alone
I dwell in you.
Serenity prayer
grant me the serenity to accept
the things I cannot change and
the courage to change the things
I can and the wisdom to know
the difference."
Let go to Me.
Do not
be tense, or fearful —
Let go of fear
Everything in your life put in
My hands.
I love you,
My Mom died June 19, 1952.
40 Years Later
June 20, 1992
R. I
want to help a soul who is suffering
now, that they may choose good instead
of evil, please help all those who have
suffered and are now acting out anger
etc. and doing evil or about to
do evil or hurt others out of anger,
hatred, misabuse — lack of love —
etc. —
Help us
God to spread Your love —
Help people to tell the truth and come
out of denial — hurting others —
Give people Your light Oh
Holy Spirit —
Oh God have mercy on the human race.
Oh My child —
I outpour My grace to you —
let go of all past hurts and forgive everyone
be of a clean heart so you can be
more deeply one with Me —
Seek purity, My child
Seek purity
I hold your hand, I wipe your tears —
I know you — I love you so much —
be of a humble heart,
I am your God, I am there in
all your sufferings, I will
show you the way, ask and
you will receive —
seek and you shall find —
knock and it will be opened unto you —
for you were hungry and I reached out
My hand to you and I gave you
comfort —
I gave to you the keys of the
kingdom — oh you — little one
living in this world —
reach high
help build the kingdom of God
while you are on earth —
In My house there are many
mansions — do My will.
Do good to
those who persecute you —
I am your God
I am your strength
I am ever constant and ever
vigilant, in all your struggles
I come with My peace and My love
and My forgiveness.
I am He who
comforts you, Oh beloved
of My Father,
Cling to Me —
Pray for mercy —
you are beloved — you are
blessed —
you are in My Heart — now
Feel peace.
I am the Lord
thy God, I run
the show, you are My child
and you must know I have
all the power.
I am your Savior.
If someone is
unloving — you must
be ready to still do My work
for others —
I am your strength.
You are to
give and to love and to forgive
and be holy.
You were
created in the image
and likeness of God —
You are to be
holy despite a
close friend who is nasty —
don't close your heart to
others who need you —
Do God's will.
I am He who comforts you —
I am your strength —
I am your fortress —
I am Jesus and I really love you.
I am gentle and meek of heart —
I am alive —
I live in your heart
Do not be
afraid, I come to nurture
you and I am always before you,
child —
You are kind and humble of heart —
I know your gentle and kind ways —
Strive always to do My will —
Cling to Me —
I know you, Rita, blessed
child of My Father —
You are dear to My Heart — always —
Your heart is to be kind, merciful
I love you so much.
I am God-made-man.
I am kind and gentle of heart
I know you
and the desires
of your heart.
You grow to
be stronger in your
trials —
Make your
children's lives calm and simple,
happy —
These are days to long remember
I give you peace and tranquility —
I go with
you with My peace and love.
I go with you with My peace and love.
I shower
you with the wealth of
My love and drive the devil
far from you —
Let My
waters wash you so you
are ever purer —
You are
free — feel this washing,
you have been washed, I am
with you, and I go with you in
love and with peace.
Cling to
this thought you are
never alone —
utilize every moment of this week —
pray for healing
be in harmony with the people
in the family.
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They will know
your peace.
June 29, 1992
You my Savior is in my heart —
Body and Blood. You have come into my
humble heart, I am a sinner, I
am sorry, work in my heart to love
You and others more. I want to love
do your work — to love others as You
Jesus: Open your heart and let Me come
in and sup with you —
Jesus I hear You knocking — come
into my heart — wash away — flush
with water my anger and hatred —
My heart is wounded, I need Your
grace to be like Mary — a pure
heart — Jesus, Jesus help me —
You are
all Powerful.
You are full of love.
Thank you God.
Jesus I give You my will and my life
talk to me, I am powerless, I wait
on Thee — You can give me what
I need to serve You and do Your work
Create in me a clean heart —
I hold the cross — I surrender to You
my God.
hold Your cross today and I ask You to
cast the devil into hell, by Your
precious Body
and Blood. I pray for me and my family
and the Church and the world —
God I pray that Your Blood will
be spread on us —
Your love change us —
Dwell in me —
I let go, I let go.
Jesus: My child listen to My voice — I
am the voice of your supplication —
I cry to you My child — be strong
make ready a way for the Lord.
My way is truth and love —
You cannot have peace without
truth and love —
Free yourself —
must pray that those who trouble
you open their hearts to My
love —
must love others for Me —
Love your children — love to lead
others home to My Heart —
Know My
love — My truth and
My strength —
live your day in friendship
with Me and others —
have a choice to love or
not to love.
Be open, Be loving
I love and comfort you —
I am your love —
Open now your heart —
Be holy —
outpour My clean and bountiful
water over the wounds
of your heart —
I want
you to love with a
heart that is pure
so you can deeply know Me and
My mysteries —
Wash away my iniquities my Lord so
I can be open more and more for Your
I want to love as You want me to love.
Jesus: I fill you with My Divine love —
I have given you this day to love to
love Me and love others — to serve
your God.
I want you to promote the Reign
of My Heart —
Take me Lord — I give myself
to You — Be there for me, my
God — You have given me your
mercy and Your love —
Oh Lord
hear my prayer, turn not
away from my pleading, empty me,
let me hear You speak to me and know
Your promptings and do the Father's
Wash away guilt — be my strong hold
my heart — God always be in me —
free to work for You —
Oh God love through me —
Lord hear my prayer
hear my cry of anguish
Comfort me, Lord when I
need comfort —
Be my strong guard and my rear
guard — ever vigilant
and ever ready at the door
of my heart and a
protector of the house — you
guard my
heart so it will never be hard
bleeding, but open and filled
with the fires of Your most
precious love.
you, God, for the persons you
send to me to comfort and love
support me when You know
I am in need —
Oh God
I cried out to You in my distress and
You heard my cry — You came
to the aid of my heart, You
answered my call — God —
You rebuilt my shattered
hopes and my fallen
dreams — you put a
new song in my mouth — and
filled me
with the flowing grace I
after — You took the tattered
torn heart and You rebuilt the
scars with Your rebuilding kit,
I sit loose and wait for Your
to be poured over me as to
knock me over and know my path
is only directed by Your words.
Hold me, care for me, replenish
me, comfort me, I then in turn
can help others who are tattered
torn to know Your healing and
vibrant love —
Oh sing a song of love of the
song of His most bountiful gifts —
Let not your tongue be quiet —
Jesus is the Savior
He loves us this much!!!
Jesus says:
I am the Light.
I am the candle that never
I am the candle that never goes
but shines to others because
I am on fire for love of you
and My precious souls —
My Heart is an endless burning
fire for you and My precious
souls —
My fire never goes out —
Live in Me.
Dear God — fill me, forgive me
for all I may have done in anyway
to hurt others, thinking of my own
wounds — I want You to pour out
Your grace on me and all I have
touched — am touching or will
touch —
I want to spread Your love
Always The Sacred Heart
On Fire for love of men.
You are
the fire that never goes out —
The power that never stops —
Forgive me God — help me to forgive
others and to love.
Make my
heart humble —
on fire with Your love —
for I was hungry and You gave me
to eat.
and You clothed me.
I am Your servant.
I am Your handmaid —
The devil presses in — to tell
us we need things
that we don't need —
Help me
Jesus to be strong and love You
so intimately — help me not to
offend You — My precious God —
love is filling my heart —
Your Divine love is filling my heart.
I go to You to learn to let go and
love more and more likened
to You.
I love
You God —
help me to love others as You desire
not slavishly dependent —
not inappropriately —
Help me
to be as You want me to be in
all I do —
To love as You want me to love.
You are my God —
You are the Lord that fills me —
You give me milk and honey —
devil wants you to turn to
anger, envy, jealousy,
lust, slothfulness,
greed, pride —
listen to satan — come for
My love.
My ways are gentle
My ways are true.
My ways are loving as the Father desires —
R. You call God and I come.
call and I come, I fill you
with My gentle love — your
heart is gentle with love and
you thirst not for the water
because you are filled
with the gifts I give you —
I fill your soul.
I work in you.
I am attentive to your calling.
I stand at your door and
I knock and
I come and sup with you.
You are my God and You love
the others in my life —-
when I turn my life
over to You and I ask
for help in prayer —
I know You are
working in their lives.
Live, Love and be happy for I am
your God and you shall
have no Gods before
October 5, 1992 - 3:30am
R. Dear Jesus, Give me Your hand to write this book for you. I am your servant. I want to be Your hand to this world. If you, Lord Jesus, would write a book, what would you say?
Jesus: My dear children,
Today I come to deliver a message to each of you. I want to tell you of each person's dignity, of their beauty and their self-worth. Each child is, oh, so uniquely precious to My Most Sacred Heart. Each child is full of the talents I have given to them. Each person is divinely created by God and given all these gifts to be happy and love one another.
The problem comes when you feel you will be left out. That you will be left by another who has trodden on you and will do it again. I see you all as My most precious children. I watch your every move and know all pain and anguish in your heart. My Heart aches, you have insecure feelings about yourself. I came to this earth I died for you. I felt cold, hungry, lonely on this earth. You need not worry that no one knows the pain and anguish in your heart. God created you with such special gifts and talents. It is important for you to raise above your wound and forgive those who hurt you.
You need only turn your will and your life over to Me and I will guide you in all your ways. I have all the Power. Many are not of My ways. The key to life is to recognize your faults, but still know you are this precious gift of My Father a gift to this world. This world is in need of your strength. Running yourself down, blaming others hurting them can cause you misery and pain. At this very moment, you are the precious creation of God!! You must operate with Me in your heart.
You need not run yourself down. I am with you every day guiding your ways, lest your foot stumble and you lose your way. You will not wander far from your path if every day you keep bringing your focus back to Me. If you dare let Me be at the helm, if you dare to really let Me run your life, I will do with you such wonders that you yourself would be amazed. But you will know with such ease when you did these things that you did not do them alone. You will know My power, moving the mountain, My power chipping at the stone, My power working on your hardest problem and you will be set free.
Oh yes, you will be set free and know a serenity that only comes from letting go and letting Me run your life. To you, My child, I have given all that is good. I made you My holy soldier, My warrior in a world of pain and hatred. You are the light that shines in the darkness, you are the coat to a cold child, you are the smile that warms a troubled and lonely heart. You are the comfort for everyone you meet, because My most precious Heart powers you, smiles through you, understands and loves through you.
Love your fellows for Me. There are so many troubled hearts that need to know My love. I can love through you if you let Me, I can be their friend through you if you let Me. I am He who comforts you and you are he who comforts them. My power is endless, it never runs out, there is not a power failure EVER. In your darkest hour, My light shines in the darkness and I say to you, "Oh blessed of My Father, look at yourself with awe, you are My creation, you are indeed so precious to Me, you are My light to this world, you are My hands and My feet and most of all My Heart."
Oh, you are My loving Heart, to those who are bowed down, to those who are lost in the darkness, you carry My smile and wear My armor in a world that is trying to tear one another down with hate and ugliness. There is gentleness, there is love, there is hope in you, if you open yourself up to Me. Be My knight to the world, wear My armor. I am your God and I will protect you from the darkness. Plug into My power, be not afraid, I go before you always and you can rest in My arms when you feel weary. You can put your head in My lap and weep, you will know, I am truly with you and you are My light to this world. I created you so special - to cast out fear in the darkness, to clothe the naked, to give hope to the oppressed, to be as I live in you and love through you and you are My smile and I touch My hurting ones through your love.
You are he who loves this world. You must stay plugged into My power-source This world is hungry for My love. It needs My love, I give to them through you. I am your God and I made you as a gift to the world. You are filled.
Focus on Me and your life will be abundant and whole, joy in suffering, freedom but you can take the knocks because you will know you do not go it alone, but with Me. I love you My precious child.
Prayer Card 4" x 6"
.50¢ each plus postage
size 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
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Holy Cards available
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Holy Spirit Prayer Act of Consecration to
Immaculate Heart of MaryAct of Consecration to
Sacred Heart of JesusPrayer for Priests
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Prayer before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass |
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Prayer for Union with Jesus |
Available for .25¢ each plus postage
Call Kathleen
Betty is a handmaid who has prayed in the
China Church for 11 years. To get from her
house to the church she uses a walker and
must go over a creek and a little bridge.
We wanted a little place she could rest
by the Church. We need about $1,000 to
make this happen. Can you help us?
We are trying to get
Response to God's Love
and the Mass Book out.
Anybody who wants to help us
with a donation to get these 2 books
out in the Priestly/hierarchy mailing —
Please call Kathleen 1-888-211-3041
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
The China Church is over 140 years old
and we pray in there 24 hours a day.
It needs stucco and so does
the community building.
Can you please help us?
Call Kathleen 1-888-211-3041
Likewise the priest house
is 150 years old.
Jesus told us to repair it
which we have been doing.
We need $13,000.00 for this work.
You can help put the Blue Book V
in the hands of 1,000 people
we need $1,200 postage for this
It is ready to go
Call Kathleen
You can help put Fr. Joe's homily
book in the hands of
1,000 priests — it costs $1,100
This can help 1,000 parish priests
talk about Covenant for Lent
Please help us
It is ready to go
Call Kathleen 1-888-211-3041
Call Kathleen to Order any of the items below