June 22, 2011 - Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More
June 23rd Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 7 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for June 23rd are Joyful.
Please pray for Jimmy.
Pray for everything to do with
Fr. Joe's Cycle B Book.
The Florida Book Store
June 22, 2011 - Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More
R. St. Thomas More suffered martyrdom on
July 6, 1535.
Saint John Fisher suffered martyrdom
in London on June 22, 1535. They were
canonized in 1935.
Saint John Fisher was a bishop of
England he would not compromise
belief in the Pope as Head of the
Saint Thomas More was a holy
layman and lawyer he was the
former Chancellor of King Henry VIII
Saint Thomas More would not accept
King Henry VIII as head of the
Both men lost their head for their
This is a great movie about this.
A MAN for all SEASONS.
Henry VIII gave himself
a dispensation to marry
Henry VIII wanted Thomas
More and John Fisher to
recognize his marriage
they would not do so
So King Henry VIII
had them put to death.
We are to be faithful
to our covenant
St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More
suffered the crown of martyrdom.
May we have courage to proclaim
our faith as these martyrs were
so faithful to the Church.
They witnessed with their lives.
God asked Abraham
to be faithful to
Today's Readings
Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18
Some time later, the word of Yahweh came to Abram in a vision:
Do not be afraid, Abram!
I am your shield
and shall give you a very great reward.'Lord Yahweh,' Abram replied, 'what use are your gifts, as I am going on my way childless? . . . Since you have given me no offspring,' Abram continued, 'a member of my household will be my heir.' Then Yahweh's word came to him in reply, 'Such a one will not be your heir; no, your heir will be the issue of your own body.' Then taking him outside, he said, Look up at the sky and count the stars if you can. Just so will your descendants be, he told him. Abram put his faith in Yahweh and this was reckoned to him as uprightness.
He then said to him, "I am Yahweh who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldaeans to give you this country as your possession." "Lord Yahweh," Abram replied, "how can I know that I shall possess it?" He said to him, "Bring me a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old she-goat, a three-year-old ram, a turtledove and a young pigeon." He brought him all these, split the animals down the middle and placed each half opposite the other; but the birds he did not divide. And whenever birds of prey swooped down on the carcases, Abram drove them off.
Now, as the sun was on the point of setting, a trance fell on Abram, and a deep dark dread descended on him.
When the sun had set and it was dark, there appeared a smoking firepot and a flaming torch passing between the animals' pieces. That day Yahweh made a covenant with Abram in these terms:
"To your descendants I give this country,
from the River of Egypt
to the Great River,the River Euphrates,
Psalm 105: 1-4, 6-9
Give thanks to Yahweh, call on his name,
proclaim his deeds to the peoples!
Sing to him, make music for him,
recount all his wonders!
Glory in his holy name,
let the hearts that seek Yahweh rejoice!Seek Yahweh and his strength,
tirelessly seek his presence!
Remember the marvels he has done,
his wonders, the judgements he has spoken.Stock of Abraham, his servant,
children of Jacob whom he chose!
He is Yahweh our God,
his judgements touch the whole world.He remembers his covenant for ever,
the promise he laid down for a thousand generations,
which he concluded with Abraham,
the oath he swore to Isaac.
Matthew 7: 15-20
Beware of false prophets who come to you disguised as sheep but underneath are ravenous wolves. You will be able to tell them by their fruits. Can people pick grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? In the same way, a sound tree produces good fruit but a rotten tree bad fruit. A sound tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor a rotten tree bear good fruit. Any tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown on the fire. I repeat, you will be able to tell them by their fruits.
We read in today's first reading about the
Covenant between God and Abram
God told Abraham
he would have
descendants as
numerous as the
stars in the sky
Abraham put his
faith in the Lord
The Lord remembers
His covenant forever
Abraham is the man of
He believed what God
said was true
He was tested
Genesis 15: 6
Abram put his faith in Yahweh and this was reckoned to him as uprightness.
Abraham put his faith in God
Abraham did God's will
We need to follow Christ
We need to receive the sacraments
Paul used this line
If we believe in Jesus and
live a good life
we don't have to hold
on to these Jewish traditions
This was a real battle
for Paul
In the Gospel it refers to false prophets
The Old Testament and New Testament
had its share of false prophets
that taught heresy
There is a guide here
if they are
genuine prophets
if they lead a life
of holiness
if they bear good fruit
Look at what they produce
This can tell how good a prophet they are
One who speaks in the
name of the Lord
will bear great fruit
We ask God to help us to
be true to His teachings
Let's pray for the Church
Pray for Catholic judges
and lawyers they will
follow the example
of St. Thomas More
We pray for all those in the
Church that men will
see the seeds of these
martyrs who gave their
lives and followed Christ
help bring us the truth
in the Church today
Lord You are holy
From Your fountain outpour
Your grace to us
Jesus gave His Body and
Blood for us
Now the Mass is the sacrifice
of Calvary Sacramentally
made present
We eat His Body
We drink His Blood
Oh Jesus thank You for
suffering and dying for us
Oh Jesus, thank You for
rising from the dead
Oh Jesus, I love You so
Oh Jesus thank You for
shedding Your Blood
for love of me
Oh Jesus, I love the Mass
Oh Jesus, You paid a precious price
to bring us the Church
and the Mass
Oh Jesus, I eat Your Body,
I drink Your Blood
Oh Jesus, I love You
Oh Jesus I want to remain
in You
I want to bear great fruit
to help build the Kingdom
Oh God, I am filled by You
I long for Your presence
I love You my God
We pray for our friend and
their family who died
Oh God love is Your
gift You give to us
For in suffering You draw
us close to You
The Martyrs paid a precious
price to bring us Your
they walked in Your
footprints Jesus
Oh God help the family of
my friend to find comfort
in You who love them
even when they lose a
loved one to death at an
early age
Oh God help us to see the
martyrs paid a big price
for us to bring us Your
gift of the Church
Oh God thank You for the seeds
of the martyrs who died to
stand by your truth
Oh God thank You for uniquely
choosing us to help build
up the Body of Christ
We are not infants in spiritual
maturity, but we are growing
in the spiritual life
Oh God we know You more
and more
We all are different, with these
gifts to help build the
all these things are needed
to live out our calling
in love and know it is a
privilege to have these special
to thank God for our gifts, unique
to us and to use them for the
building of the Kingdom
To thank God for the gifts of
to see those gifts and to
praise God for these gifts to help
strengthen the body of Christ
Oh God You are so good to us
Oh God thank You for the martyrs
who died defending the faith
Oh God thank You for their courage
to give their lives in defense
of the truth
Oh God give us courage to love You
If we only trust ourselves we are
basing our lives on a
sinking ship
Pride is the first of the deadly sins to be
humble is to walk in the footsteps of Jesus
If we live in ourselves in selfishness
we do not grow in the spiritual life
We are to do God's will and love
others as ourselves
We need to discipline ourselves
Pride causes unhappiness in life
God wants us to trust Him
In relationships we try to grow
in goodness and love so others
can trust us
We cannot do the work as a member
of the body of Christ if
we don't trust anybody else but
ourselves and fail to work in love with
the other members of the mystical body
We must put aside pride and work for humility
If safety to us is found in working
alone and basing everything
on our talents alone, and our
we are working not
as God intends as members
of the body of Christ
We are to love God and love others as ourselves
We pray for those who especially need
our prayers
We want to help build the Kingdom
of God
We see ourselves as brothers
and sisters in God's family
A married couple of 60 may have
grown children, grandchildren,
many in number
people learned to work together
in love to have this fruit
trusting each other we must
work through the evil in us
recognizing the good in us and
praising God for this!!
Working together takes trust
Dying to the selfish, immature,
isolated ways of controlling
Being as God wills us to be
members in the body of Christ
We love like Christ
More and more
We live the Christ-life
We love God and we spend our
time with Him
We will give to that we love
We will give time
We will trust them
We want relationship
Relationships come from working
in love not closing everyone
When I taught Fr. Carter's class one
class a semester on relationship
I would ask the college students
What do you want in your
boyfriend or girlfriend?
We made a list on the board
WANTED in Relationship (1) They wanted somebody who told the truth (2) They wanted somebody who was honest (3) They wanted somebody who was true to their word (4) They wanted somebody reliable (5) TRUSTWORTHY (6) AUTHENTIC (7) Commitment |
DIDN'T WANT in Relationship (1) A liar (2) Somebody who steals (3) Somebody who stood them up (4) Not play games hold out (5) Not trustworthy (6) Kept secrets had deceptions (7) Wouldn't commit |
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From this relationship came 24 people plus the husband and wife |
Fr. Carter would have me
teach Chapter 8 in Response to
God's Love on relationships
Fr. Carter said we had to walk
It was God's will
Nobody wanted a boyfriend
or girlfriend in the college class
that was a liar, someone who
stole, someone untrustworthy or
someone who played games
someone who provoked or stood
them up nobody wanted someone
who was unpredictable
or unkind
or played games
provoked them to make them
What relationship could be
formed with these behaviors
they are selfish
they are disharmonious
they are not ordered
Jesus is the perfect
What they really described
for a boyfriend and girlfriend
was a heart like Jesus
Song: Give Me Your Heart oh Jesus
The movie Scrooge shows us
a lot
He didn't celebrate Christmas
He didn't have compassion
in his heart
He saw only himself and others
were for his use
Relationships Unity is
based - even though
people are unique
on basic goodness and
trust like in the Heart
of Jesus
If we don't trust Jesus
we won't have a
relationship with Him
In learning to trust others
work together, we build
communities we strengthen
our relationship with Jesus
How can we have relationships with
God we don't see when we can't
relate with those we see
The martyrs trusted God
so much they were
willing to die for what
they believed
They had faith in the truth
of Jesus
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Building relationships mean
we can't lie about things
we don't steal others
we trust
we don't play games
we don't hold out
We do unto others what we would have them do unto us
We let our "yes" mean "yes"
and our "no" mean "no"
The picture we present to others is
what is authentically in our
We don't say one thing, but in our
heart mean something else
Wear a mask!!
Relationship comes from
dying to oneself
not being afraid to be under
any authority
not being afraid to commit
to relationships
not having to control others by games,
holding out
Books Available
We need to print the
$1.00 plus shipping
Rita Ring |
Fr. Joe Robinson |
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Fr. Edward J. Carter |
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and
a little bottle of
Jesus and Mary water.The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.Cost $200.00
Also available
a cup with a Mary's image on it
Cost $15
Call Doris
Rosaries with Mary's Image Available
Aurora Borealis Beads6mm - $30.00
8mm - $40.00
Call Doris
Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass - 18
Our Lady-Guadalupe w/glass - 12
Limpias - 8
Immaculate Heart w/glass - 18
I Heart - Ivory w/glass - 18
Our Lady of Grace w/glass - 18
Our Lady-Mt. Carmel w/glass - 18
Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass - 18
Infant of Prague w/glass - 24
Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass - 24
Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass - 24
Sorrowful Mother w/glass - 24
I Heart - Ivory w/glass - 24
I Heart of Mary w/glass - 24
Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass - 24
Our Lady-Guadalupe w/glass - 28
Our Lady of Grace w/glass - 24
Our Lady-Mt. Carmel w/glass - 24
St. Padre Pio
St. Joseph
St. Therese
St. Francis
St. Anthony
St. Claire
St. Jude
Divine Mercy
Holy Family
St. Philomena
Pieta - Marble
Pieta - Color
Holy Family
St. Anthony - 18
St. Francis - 18
St. Joseph - 18
St. Therese - 18
St. Rita - 18
St. Clare - 12
St. Rita - 12
St. Padre Pio - 12
Divine Mercy - 12
St. Michael - 11
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 627
China, IN 47250
Toll free - 1-888-211-3041
Local - 1-812-273-8405
fax - 1-812-273-3182
web: www.sofc.org
e-mail: info@sofc.org
Size Price Quantity Holy Family
St. Anthony
St. Claire
St. Francis
St. Joseph
St. Jude
St. Padre Pio
St. Therese
Divine Mercy 22"
$125 Angel 22"
$100 St. Philomena 20"
$100 St. Philomena 16"
$65 St. Joseph 18"
$65 St. Francis 18"
$65 St. Anthony 18"
$65 St. Rita 18"
$65 St. Therese 18"
$65 Pieta - Color 15" $75 Pieta - Marble 15" $75 Holy Family 12"
$60 St. Padre Pio - standing 12"
$40 St. Padre Pio - sitting 8"
$50 St. Michael 11"
$40 St. Rita 12"
$40 Divine Mercy
$40 St. Claire 12"
$40 Limpias 8"
$25 Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass 28"
$500 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass 24"
$500 Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass
$500 Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass
$500 Infant of Prague w/glass
$500 Our Lady of Grace w/glass
$500 Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass
$500 Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass 24"
$500 Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass 24"
$500 Sorrowful Mother w/glass
$500 Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass 18"
$300 Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass 18"
$300 Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass 18"
$300 Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass 18"
$300 Our Lady of Grace w/glass 18"
$300 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass
18" $300 Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass 12"
$200 Fatima w/glass
$150 Fatima w/glass
$250 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 12"
$160 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 15" $200 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 18" $250 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 27"
Call for Shipping Price (1-888-211-3041)
Sub-Total Address
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Shipping State Zip
Donation Telephone
Order Total
Call Doris
Immaculate Heart and Sacred Heart Pictures Available
with & without frames - different sizes available
Call Doris
© 2011 Shepherds of Christ.
Rights for non-commercial
reproduction granted:
May be copied in its entirety, but neither re-typed nor edited.
Translations are welcome but they must be reviewed for moral and
theological accuracy by a source approved by Shepherds of Christ Ministries
before any distribution takes place. Please contact us for more information.
All scripture quotes are from the
New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
Revised: January 1, 2011
URL: http://www.sofc.org
Contact Information for Shepherds
of Christ
Email: info@SofC.org
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 627
China, Indiana 47250
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405
FAX: (812) 273-3182