Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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June 23, 2004
June 24th Holy Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary Mysteries |
June 23, 2004
Genesis 22: 1-18
It happened some time later that God put Abraham to the test. ‘Abraham, Abraham!’ he called. ‘Here I am,’ he replied. God said, ‘Take your son, your only son, your beloved Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, where you are to offer him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains which I shall point out to you.’
Early next morning Abraham saddled his donkey and took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. He chopped wood for the burnt offering and started on his journey to the place which God had indicated to him. On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. Then Abraham said to his servants, ‘Stay here with the donkey. The boy and I are going over there; we shall worship and then come back to you.’
Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering, loaded it on Isaac, and carried in his own hands the fire and the knife. Then the two of them set out together. Isaac spoke to his father Abraham. ‘Father?’ he said. ‘Yes, my son,’ he replied. ‘Look,’ he said, ‘here are the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?’ Abraham replied, ‘My son, God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering.’ And the two of them went on together.
When they arrived at the place which God had indicated to him, Abraham built an altar there, and arranged the wood. Then he bound his son and put him on the altar on top of the wood. Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to kill his son.
But the angel of Yahweh called to him from heaven. ‘Abraham, Abraham!’ he said. ‘Here I am,’ he replied. ‘Do not raise your hand against the boy,’ the angel said. ‘Do not harm him, for now I know you fear God. You have not refused me your own beloved son.’ Then looking up, Abraham saw a ram caught by its horns in a bush. Abraham took the ram and offered it as a burnt offering in place of his son. Abraham called this place ‘Yahweh provides’, and hence the saying today: ‘On the mountain Yahweh provides.’
The angel of Yahweh called Abraham a second time from heaven. ‘I swear by my own self, Yahweh declares, that because you have done this, because you have not refused me your own beloved son, I will shower blessings on you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars of heaven and the grains of sand on the seashore. Your descendants will gain possession of the gates of their enemies. All nations on earth will bless themselves by your descendants, because you have obeyed my command.’
Abraham went back to his servants, and together they set out for Beersheba, and Abraham settled in Beersheba.
June 23, 2004 message continues
Messenger: Oh
God You are the Bread of Life.
Oh God You give us Your Body —
Oh God You give us Your Word.
Jesus speaks: Oh
that men would realize I am God and I am
truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.
Messenger: Oh
God let us drink from the water of everlasting
Oh God let us live to be more perfected in
Jesus is the great high priest.
God is our spiritual food and drink.
Jesus is the head of the body.
Colossians 1: 15-20
He is the image of the unseen God,
the first–born of all creation,
for in him were created all things
in heaven and on earth:
everything visible
and everything invisible,
thrones, ruling forces,
sovereignties, powers—
all things were created through him
and for him.
He exists before all things
and in him all things hold together,
and he is the Head of the Body,
that is, the Church.He is the Beginning,
the first–born from the dead,
so that he should be supreme in every way;
because God wanted all fullness
to be found in him
and through him
to reconcile all things to him,
everything in heaven
and everything on earth,
by making peace through his death
on the cross.
June 23, 2004 message continues
Messenger: God
is the beginning and the end.
God is our Creator.
Jesus is our King.
Jesus our Majesty.
Let us honor and love the Holy Name.
We call ourselves Christian.
We should reflect on the titles of Christ
if we are to be Christ-like.
Oh Light of Wisdom — Send your Spirit
that we may know Thee and have
the wisdom we need to always
walk in the truth.
May our hearts be quieted like a little
child nuzzled at their mother's
May our joy be always in our hearts
as we unite in great oneness
with you.
Jesus speaks: A man walked along a path and he was
blind. When people saw him they
wanted to help him — He didn't
want any help — he did not like
people explaining his surroundings
to him.
A man was deaf, his wife was blind they
could help each other, what she needed
to see, he could explain, what he
needed to hear she wrote to him.
They were, as it seemed, inseparable.
I have given many gifts to men to enjoy,
to use to promote My Kingdom.
Many try to live isolated lives when
I need them to work with others.
Oh God help us not to be blind to the help
you send our way. Help us to learn
to work together in love. Work as
a body, united in You.
Isaiah 61: 10 - 62: 5
I exult for joy in Yahweh,
my soul rejoices in my God,
for he has clothed me
in garments of salvation,
he has wrapped me in a cloak
of saving justice,
like a bridegroom wearing his garland,
like a bride adorned in her jewels.
For as the earth sends up its shoots
and a garden makes seeds sprout,
so Lord Yahweh makes saving justice
and praise
spring up in the sight of all nations.About Zion I will not be silent,
about Jerusalem I shall not rest
until saving justice dawns for her
like a bright light
and her salvation like a blazing torch.
The nations will then see
your saving justice,
and all kings your glory,
and you will be called a new name
which Yahweh’s mouth will reveal.
You will be a crown of splendour
in Yahweh’s hand,
a princely diadem in the hand of your God.
No more will you be known as ‘Forsaken’
or your country be known as ‘Desolation’;
instead, you will be called
‘My Delight is in her’
and your country ‘The Wedded’;
for Yahweh will take delight in you
and your country will have its wedding.
Like a young man marrying a virgin,
your rebuilder will wed you,
and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride,
so will your God rejoice in you.
Deuteronomy 4: 39-40
‘Hence, grasp this today and meditate on it carefully: Yahweh is the true God, in heaven above as on earth beneath, he and no other. Keep his laws and commandments as I give them to you today, so that you and your children after you may prosper and live long in the country that Yahweh your God is giving you for ever.’
June 23, 2004 message continues
Messenger: We
turn to our Savior, who is with
us always.
Dear God dwell deeply in me that I may know
the riches of Your love more fully —
impart to me riches in my life —
that my arms are never empty for
I am a servant of Thee.
Jesus speaks: I tell you to go to daily Mass and Communion.
I am
the Light —
I am truly present in the Blessed
Sacrament. Tell them — don't
hold back.
Messenger: Let us always praise the name of Jesus
1 Corinthians 12: 3b-7, 12-13
and nobody is able to say, ‘Jesus is Lord’ except in the Holy Spirit.
There are many different gifts, but it is always the same Spirit; there are many different ways of serving, but it is always the same Lord. There are many different forms of activity, but in everybody it is the same God who is at work in them all. The particular manifestation of the Spirit granted to each one is to be used for the general good.
For as with the human body which is a unity although it has many parts—all the parts of the body, though many, still making up one single body—so it is with Christ. We were baptised into one body in a single Spirit, Jews as well as Greeks, slaves as well as free men, and we were all given the same Spirit to drink.
Romans 8: 8-17
and those who live by their natural inclinations can never be pleasing to God. You, however, live not by your natural inclinations, but by the Spirit, since the Spirit of God has made a home in you. Indeed, anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But when Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin but the spirit is alive because you have been justified; and if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead has made his home in you, then he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will give life to your own mortal bodies through his Spirit living in you.
So then, my brothers, we have no obligation to human nature to be dominated by it. If you do live in that way, you are doomed to die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the habits originating in the body, you will have life.
All who are guided by the Spirit of God are sons of God; for what you received was not the spirit of slavery to bring you back into fear; you received the Spirit of adoption, enabling us to cry out, ‘Abba, Father!’ The Spirit himself joins with our spirit to bear witness that we are children of God. And if we are children, then we are heirs, heirs of God and joint–heirs with Christ, provided that we share his suffering, so as to share his glory.
Sing: Come Holy Ghost
Say Holy Spirit prayers
John 14: 15-16, 23b-26
If you love me
you will keep my commandments.
I shall ask the Father,
and he will give you another Paraclete
to be with you for ever,Anyone who loves me will keep my word,
and my Father will love him,
and we shall come to him
and make a home in him.
Anyone who does not love me
does not keep my words.
And the word that you hear
is not my own:
it is the word of the Father who sent me.
I have said these things to you
while still with you;
but the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in my name,
will teach you everything
and remind you of all I have said to you.
God is light and in Him there is
no darkness
Messenger: Jesus gives us Himself in the
Blessed Sacrament
1 Corinthians 11: 23-26
For the tradition I received from the Lord and also handed on to you is that on the night he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took some bread, and after he had given thanks, he broke it, and he said, ‘This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ And in the same way, with the cup after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Whenever you drink it, do this as a memorial of me.’ Whenever you eat this bread, then, and drink this cup, you are proclaiming the Lord’s death until he comes.
Psalm 116: 12-13
What return can I make to Yahweh for his generosity to me? I shall take up the cup of salvation and call on the name of Yahweh.
Galatians 5: 1, 13-18
Christ set us free, so that we should remain free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be fastened again to the yoke of slavery.
After all, brothers, you were called to be free; do not use your freedom as an opening for self–indulgence, but be servants to one another in love, since the whole of the Law is summarised in the one commandment: You must love your neighbour as yourself. If you go snapping at one another and tearing one another to pieces, take care: you will be eaten up by one another.
Instead, I tell you, be guided by the Spirit, and you will no longer yield to self–indulgence. The desires of self–indulgence are always in opposition to the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are in opposition to self–indulgence: they are opposites, one against the other; that is how you are prevented from doing the things that you want to. But when you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.
Isaiah 66: 10-14c
Rejoice with Jerusalem,
be glad for her, all you who love her!
Rejoice, rejoice with her,
all you who mourned her!So that you may be suckled and satisfied
from her consoling breast,
so that you may drink deep with delight
from her generous nipple.For Yahweh says this:
Look, I am going to send peace
flowing over her like a river,
and like a stream in spate
the glory of the nations.You will be suckled, carried on her hip
and fondled in her lap.
As a mother comforts a child,
so I shall comfort you;
you will be comforted in Jerusalem.At the sight your heart will rejoice,
and your limbs regain vigour
like the grass.
To his servants
Yahweh will reveal his hand,
but to his enemies his fury.
June 23, 2004 message continues
Jesus speaks: I
fill you with the finest wheat —
I give you Myself in the Blessed
Sacrament, My people are tired
and hungry — looking for love
My Heart is an endless vat of
burning love.
Sing song: I am the Bread of Life
Say Litany of the Sacred Heart
sing part of it
Song: I Love You Jesus
Song: A Song From Jesus
Oh most Sacred Heart, I give you
my heart, I give you my
love —
I adore you, I love you,
I worship you.
June 23, 2004 message continues
Messenger: Let
us pray to the Holy Spirit
to fill us —
Jesus speaks: Go
to the Eucharist, pray
to be fed by My holy grace.
Messenger: Dear
God —
We sing glory to You.
Daniel 7: 9-10, 13-14
While I was watching,
thrones were set in place
and one most venerable took his seat.
His robe was white as snow,
the hair of his head as pure as wool.
His throne was a blaze of flames,
its wheels were a burning fire.
A stream of fire poured out,
issuing from his presence.
A thousand thousand waited on him,
ten thousand times ten thousand
stood before him.
The court was in session
and the books lay open.I was gazing into the visions of the night,
when I saw,
coming on the clouds of heaven,
as it were a son of man.
He came to the One most venerable
and was led into his presence.
On him was conferred rule,
honour and kingship,
and all peoples, nations and languages
became his servants.
His rule is an everlasting rule
which will never pass away,
and his kingship will never come to an end.
June 23, 2004 message continues
Messenger: Oh
God impart to us Your goodness
Oh God we reach to see You —
to know You more deeply —
You are the invisible God.
Oh God You have robed me in
the mantle of salvation.
Oh God impart to me Your
Let me see with eyes unveiled —
Let me know you —
I want to be Your delight —
I want to be Your spouse.
Oh God dress me in Your beautiful
The devil crawls like a prowling lion
looking for one to devour.
Oh God we love you so very much —
Guard our work —
Let your light shine upon us.
We trust in you, oh our beloved
God —
Oh God we trust in Thee.
Let my heart be filled with praise to
You my God.
We are caught up many times in the
snare of the evil one —
Oh God help us, truly dear God,
we speak of love to You.
Mark 9: 2-10
Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and John and led them up a high mountain on their own by themselves. There in their presence he was transfigured: his clothes became brilliantly white, whiter than any earthly bleacher could make them. Elijah appeared to them with Moses; and they were talking to Jesus. Then Peter spoke to Jesus, ‘Rabbi,’ he said, ‘it is wonderful for us to be here; so let us make three shelters, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.’ He did not know what to say; they were so frightened. And a cloud came, covering them in shadow; and from the cloud there came a voice, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him.’ Then suddenly, when they looked round, they saw no one with them any more but only Jesus.
As they were coming down from the mountain he warned them to tell no one what they had seen, until after the Son of man had risen from the dead. They observed the warning faithfully, though among themselves they discussed what ‘rising from the dead’ could mean.
June 23, 2004 message continues
Messenger: God
we are blind —
you are the Alpha and the Omega —
Dear God many times we are
blind and deaf —
Dear God open our eyes and our
ears that we may see and hear
your glory.
Psalm 45: 10-12, 16
Listen, my daughter, attend to my words and hear;
forget your own nation and your ancestral home,
then the king will fall in love with your beauty;
he is your lord, bow down before him.
The daughter of Tyre will court your favour with gifts,
and the richest of peoplesInstead of your ancestors you will have sons;
you will make them rulers over the whole world.
June 23, 2004 message continues
Messenger: Dear Mary help.
You are the Lady Clothed with the
February 5, 2004
June 23, 2004 message continues
Messenger: Oh God we love You so much.
Jesus speaks:
Sing to Mary — she is your Mother —
she is your model
she is the handmaid of
the Lord —
sing to Mary a song
Sing Ave and Holy Mary
Luke 1: 46-55
The Magnificat
And Mary said:
My soul proclaims
the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit rejoices
in God my Saviour;
because he has looked upon
the humiliation of his servant.
Yes, from now onwards
all generations will call me blessed,
for the Almighty
has done great things for me.
Holy is his name,
and his faithful love extends age after age
to those who fear him.
He has used the power of his arm,
he has routed the arrogant of heart.
He has pulled down princes
from their thrones
and raised high the lowly.
He has filled the starving with good things,
sent the rich away empty.
He has come to the help
of Israel his servant,
mindful of his faithful love
—according to the promise
he made to our ancestors—
of his mercy to Abraham
and to his descendants for ever.
June 23, 2004 message continues
Jesus speaks: As you
carry your crosses — Mary will
be by your side.
January 2, 1999
Mary speaks: I am Our Lady of Snows. I come to cover the earth with a soft white blanket of my love.
I come to bring peace to the earth. I tell you to let go of the anxiety in your heart and experience my peace and His love.
I am your heavenly Mother. I come to hold you and caress you and take you to my Immaculate Heart.
June 23, 2004 message continues
Messenger: I
will be in Florida July 5, 2004 —
It will be the big anniversary —
Mary first appeared to me
July 5, 1994 — 10 years ago
She then appeared every day for
14 months
Please come for a special prayer
service July 5, 2004 — 6:20
Retreat in China July
Jiffy Sheet: 108 day Novena beginning June 22, 2004 to October 7, 2004
You will need: 1. This sheet
2. Holy Spirit Novena Book
3. Shepherds of Christ Prayer ManualI. Begin at 6:20 p.m. by singing, "Come Holy Ghost" (verse 1).
- Say, "I want to make a Spiritual Communion."
- "I give my heart to Jesus and Mary with you in love." (This will unite us in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.)
- Cast out Satan: "We cast Satan into the fires of hell, far from us, our families, our Movement, Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, the Church and the world in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
Day: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Period I | Jun 22 - J | 23 - L | 24 - S | 25 - G | 26 - J | 27 - L | 28 - S | 29 - G | 30 - J |
II | Jul 1 - L | 2 - S | 3 - G | 4- J | 5 - L | 6 - S | 7 - G | 8 - J | 9 - L |
Period I | 10 - S | 11 - G | 12 - J | 13 - L | 14 - S | 15 - G | 16 - J | 17 - L | 18 - S |
II | 19 - G | 20 - J | 21 - L | 22 - S | 23 - G | 24 - J | 25 - L | 26 - S | 27 - G |
Period I | 28 - J | 29 - L | 30 - S | 31 - G | Aug 1 - J | 2 - L | 3 - S | 4 - G | 5 - J |
II | 6 - L | 7 - S | 8 - G | 9 - J | 10 - L | 11 - S | 12 - G | 13 - J | 14 - L |
Period I | 15 - S | 16 - G | 17 - J | 18 - L | 19 - S | 20 - G | 21 - J | 22 - L | 23 - S |
II | 24 - G | 25 - J | 26 - L | 27 - S | 28 - G | 29 - J | 30 - L | 31 - S | Sep 1 - G |
Period I | 2 - J | 3 - L | 4 - S | 5 - G | 6 - J | 7 - L | 8 - S | 9 - G | 10 - J |
II | 11 - L | 12 - S | 13 - G | 14 - J | 15 - L | 16 - S | 17 - G | 18 - J | 19 - L |
Period I | 20 - S | 21 - G | 22 - J | 23 - L | 24 - S | 25 - G | 26 - J | 27 - L | 28 - S |
II | 29 - G | 30 - J | Oct 1 - L | 2 - S | 3 - G | 4 - J | 5 - L | 6 - S | 7 - G |
- Pray the Holy Spirit Novena using the Holy Spirit Novena Booklet.
- After the novena, read the appropriate meditation. For example: period 1, day 1; period 1, day 2; etc. This will continue until further indicated.
- It is enormously important that you feel as a body praying together, asking for the special coming of the Holy Spirit.
- After the meditation say: "We consecrate the Movement, Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, the Church and the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
- Ask that the Blood of Jesus be spread on the Movement, Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, the Church and the world.
- Begin the 6:30 p.m. prayer service as usual.
II. Begin the 6:30 prayer service
- Begin praying: Dear Father in the name of Your Son Jesus, in the Holy Spirit, through the powerful intercession of the Virgin Mary, with all the angels and the saints and the souls in purgatory, we join in one mind and one heart and ask the Holy Spirit to come to all the world in a special way, especially to our priests. We pray all prayers for the priests and the renewal of the Church and the world and for the Shepherds of Christ intentions. By the precious Body and Blood of Jesus we cast out Satan far from this place, our families, the Shepherds of Christ Movement, Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, the Church and the world. We ask the Blood of Jesus be spread on us, the Shepherds of Christ Movement, Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, the Church and the world. We beg for grace and mercy for the world and wish to make reparation to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We give our hearts to Jesus and Mary with all gathered here in love. We wish to be forgiven for offending one another. We love You God, help us.
- Sing A Song from Jesus. Refrain: "I come to you with greatest love, I am your loving Savior. I am your God, I died for you, I come to you this day."
- Then begin the prayers of the Good Shepherd (Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual).
- Sing The Rosary song Refrain: "Oh the rosary, the rosary is the love of Their two Hearts, Oh the rosary, the rosary is the love of Their two Hearts."
1) Ave Maria, Ave Maria.
2) Jesus we love You, Mary we love you.
3) This is her peace plan, Children must pray it.
4) We turn to Mary, She is the Queen of Peace.
5) Oh Sacred Heart Divine, Oh Heart of Mary pure, Ave Maria, We love to pray it!- Begin the rosary. Please use the Rosary Books and the Rosary Aves. The important thing is to pray the prayers and the rosary at 6:30 p.m., if possible. (Rosary mysteries need to be according to the Rosary Novena.)
- Read the Ten Commandments.
- I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me.
- You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.
- Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
- Honor your father and your mother.
- You shall not kill.
- You shall not commit adultery.
- You shall not steal.
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
- You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.
- Pray A Prayer of Thanksgiving then read the Daily Message for the day.
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