June 27, 2015
June 28th Holy Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
Pray for special intentions.
Pray for Dan & Melanie, Jimmy,
Fr. Joe, Sonny & family, Blue Book 15,
We need funds to print Blue Book 15.
Please pray for funds & grace.
June 27, 2015
Psalm 136: 1
Give thanks to Yahweh for he is good,
for his faithful love endures for ever.
We see the healing ministry of Jesus
in the Gospel where Jesus healed
Peter's Mother-in-Law –
In the 13th Sunday of Ordinary
Time, Cycle B, we see the
Mark 5: 21-43
When Jesus had crossed again in the boat to the other side, a large crowd gathered round him and he stayed by the lake. Then the president of the synagogue came up, named Jairus, and seeing him, fell at his feet and begged him earnestly, saying, ‘My little daughter is desperately sick. Do come and lay your hands on her that she may be saved and may live.’ Jesus went with him and a large crowd followed him; they were pressing all round him.
Now there was a woman who had suffered from a haemorrhage for twelve years; after long and painful treatment under various doctors, she had spent all she had without being any the better for it; in fact, she was getting worse. She had heard about Jesus, and she came up through the crowd and touched his cloak from behind, thinking, ‘If I can just touch his clothes, I shall be saved.’ And at once the source of the bleeding dried up, and she felt in herself that she was cured of her complaint. And at once aware of the power that had gone out from him, Jesus turned round in the crowd and said, ‘Who touched my clothes?’ His disciples said to him, ‘You see how the crowd is pressing round you; how can you ask, "Who touched me?" ’ But he continued to look all round to see who had done it. Then the woman came forward, frightened and trembling because she knew what had happened to her, and she fell at his feet and told him the whole truth. ‘My daughter,’ he said, ‘your faith has restored you to health; go in peace and be free of your complaint.’
While he was still speaking some people arrived from the house of the president of the synagogue to say, ‘Your daughter is dead; why put the Master to any further trouble?’ But Jesus overheard what they said and he said to the president of the synagogue, ‘Do not be afraid; only have faith.’ And he allowed no one to go with him except Peter and James and John the brother of James. So they came to the house of the president of the synagogue, and Jesus noticed all the commotion, with people weeping and wailing unrestrainedly. He went in and said to them, ‘Why all this commotion and crying? The child is not dead, but asleep.’ But they ridiculed him. So he turned them all out and, taking with him the child’s father and mother and his own companions, he went into the place where the child lay. And taking the child by the hand he said to her, ‘Talitha kum!’ which means, ‘Little girl, I tell you to get up.’ The little girl got up at once and began to walk about, for she was twelve years old. At once they were overcome with astonishment, and he gave them strict orders not to let anyone know about it, and told them to give her something to eat.
R. We know Jesus healed and taught –
We see this in His public life –
Jesus made the lepers clean –
we can see this in relation
to how Jesus heals our spotted souls
of sin – when we go to confession –
when we ask for forgiveness.
Peter's mother-in-law was healed
of a fever, the centurion's servant
was healed –
We saw Jesus cast out demons
in his miracles. Jesus healed a
hemorrhage, palsy, Jairus' daughter
was raised from the dead.
Jesus healed the blind men and
He can heal us when our vision
about God is blinded if
we ask Him.
Jesus healed the dumb man
possessed by a devil, Jesus healed
the dumb, the lame and the
blind. Jesus cast out devils.
A woman crippled for 18 years,
Jesus healed. Jesus put on
Malchus' ear – He healed
the man at the pool and
Jesus rose Lazarus from
the dead.
Jesus, the Divine Healer,
Please heal our world – We
pray the prayers You gave us
for the priests, the Church and the world.
Help us spread these prayer chapters
with devotion to the Sacred Heart and
Immaculate Heart.
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R. Help us.
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
R. Dear God
help men to have the vision
of God – to use right reasoning
to govern their actions. Help
all man's actions to lead him
to eternal life with Thee
in heaven –
God gives us the hope of the beatific
vision. Seeing God face to face.
When I saw Mary June 5, 2015
everything the next day, flowers,
sky, people looked so beautiful
in this love, I knew from
the gift I was given the night
People need these messages about
God's love – that is why Jesus gave
them to us – Jesus is love – Jesus
loves us the way He tells us in
the Blue Books. If we meditate
on this love – we are ready to
give love to others. Our life
is like that. Our parents take
care of us and we pass it on to our
children and they give it to their
children – We give love because
it is God's desire we love Him
first and love others as ourselves.
Saying the prayers Jesus gave
us is Loving God and loving
others, loving the Church and the
world. Our prayers go all over
the world – to the people suffering
Christian martyrdom – we
pray for the world with the
prayers Jesus gave Fr. Carter centered
in devotion to the Sacred Heart and
Immaculate Heart.
R. The good
things of this world should
help us see a glimpse of heaven –
God wants us to enjoy children and
grandchildren and love of friends,
God wants us with love in our
hearts – Our earthly pleasures
can deaden thinking where we
can hardly reason –
Or if earthly pleasures lead us
to holy joy, they can lead us
closer to God.
God wants us to love – to give –
to have joy – to do what
we do for love of Him –
Dear Divine God, Dear Divine
Redeemer – Help us – lead us
to the Light – help us to pray
for the healing we need –
Dear Holy Spirit give us Wisdom
to know what is the will of
God and to do it –
Given June 23, 2015
R. Dear Jesus, I offer You all I do today.
Soon the dark night will pass and the light of day like a person opening up the store for a new day, the dark of night will peel away and the morning light will come.
Jesus You are always there - at every moment, with me, to be with me in the day - I am not alone.
Today is the day You have made and when I go to bed tonight I can never live this day again.The opportunities You bring, to do Your work today, are before me.
Help me to serve You and to let You operate me to do Your holy work.Come Lord, fill me now with Your life in me.
Holy Spirit sanctify me, dwell in me, enlighten me, help me to be docile to Your touch, Please bless the work of my hands today.Fear is a big way the devil tries to block what God wants us to do this day.
We can fear all kinds of things.
We can fear health, we can fear acceptance, we can fear we will be made fun of, we can fear nobody will hear us,
we can fear we are too tired or we can fear we are too fat or thin, we can fear that we won't have what we need, we can fear others will not accept us, we can fear...Isn't that the way the media works to try to get us to give in.
Jesus, I give You myself to use for Your day today operating in me, I want to serve You, Come and dwell in me now.
Come Holy Spirit help me to be an empty vessel ready to be filled.
Mary, my mother, walk by my side.
Mary, my Mother, I come to dwell in your Immaculate Heart - take me to the Heart of Jesus.
Come to me Lord and possess my soul.
I offer everything I do all day united to the Mass.
I offer all my prayers, works, joys and sufferings to You Lord, united to the Mass for the building of the Kingdom of God, for the priest, the Church and the world.
I offer my day for my private intentions, I offer my day for my family and the Shepherds of Christ members and needs.Come to me Lord and possess my soul.
Sing: Come Holy Ghost
Sing: Come to me Lord and Possess my Soul
I love you God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - come dwell in me now.
I adore You, I worship You, I love You, I thank You, God. Amen.
I surrender God in love to do Your will today.
Help me to love.
Dear Heavenly Father help me to see through your eyes.
Guardian Angel
"Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen."
end of excerpt
R. Earthly pleasures should be
used to lead us closer to God –
the greatest joy is seeing God
for eternity – face-to-face –
Pleasures here should lead us to
eternal happiness because
they are God's will and we
do them in right reasoning
in love of God and others –
not for selfish pleasures –
deadening our right reasoning and
leading us away from the eternal
joy of the beatific vision!
We pray for an increase of faith, hope
and love in us!
God wants us to love each other
warmly from the heart. People
that are wounded and hiding
secrets of abuse, may have taught
themselves it is not safe to
love and trust others.
God gives us each other to love,
to trust those He puts with us
to do His work. And we need to
work together to build His
I remember a story someone
in the Movement told me –
One person under them at work
worked by themselves and did the
work of 4 people, but he
had to let her go because he
needed people working together.
A person that tries to do it themselves
and sends others away – shrinks
the possibility for growth. We are
not indispensable – We need to work
in relationships – so each individual
can bring their unique contribution
God is calling for to the front.
God gave us each other to love –
to work with, to grow, to
work in the building of His Kingdom.
Who are we to "ace-out" the
people He is calling to have a
vocation there – so we can work
in our stilted ways –
A JOB to DO –
It isn't a job to Do, it is about
relationship, God's will, serving God
the way He calls us.
Our eternal salvation – getting to
heaven depends on learning to
love God above all else and love
our neighbor as ourselves.
Our eternal salvation depends
on learning to be obedient to
just authority and doing God's will –
Being under
"Thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven"
When we oppose God's will – we can
have some pleasure, but ultimately
it leads to sorrow for ourselves and
for the human family. Passions
used against another, a parent
hurting a child sexually, a
brother against a sister sexually
for a lifetime – until the person
seeks to get healed and brings
it out into the open. Pleasure is
involved for the abductor, but
it does not bring good, but
suffering and pain for those
A man suffering the loss of a loved one
in death, must learn to deal with
that pain in relationship to God's
Plan, but he may suffer greatly,
but in this pain, suffered
correctly he could be drawn
closer to God – if he uses right
reasoning and focuses on the
beatific vision. It is pain and
suffering – pain and suffering
is suffering. Jesus showed us
He suffered – tears can help a
man release his pain. A man
frozen from abuse in childhood
may be locked up and in denial and
unfeeling until he works through abuse –
This can result in anger because he
is frozen and not loving God
as he should and giving and
receiving companionship and love
with others.
Abuse from childhood – old marriages
that ended up in a bad way,
have to be healed.
Relationships need to be healed
in man.
We have a lifetime to grow and
heal – to be able to love –
When anger is a person's god because
they want to control things
to protect their fear from abuse and
being closed down to loving
others – they will only shrink
and suffer themselves –
God made us to love – to forgive
and to be forgiven, to work with
others and
Jesus gave us these prayers to
pray for the Church and the world.
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R. We can pray for hope – greater hope
when we are suffering because
of disease, disappointment, loss ...
We are to pray to heal –
"Say only the word and my spirit
will be healed –"
We say at every Mass –
Being angry, controlling, being
depressed, not trusting others
God sends, blocking others'
vocations for our control –
leads to misery –
If God wants a person to build up
and we send them away
because of our anger and won't listen
to correction of those over us –
we will bring a situation which
hurts ourselves and others –
A man can be too zealous where
he goes overboard doing what he
wants, ignoring authority and gets
a place into trouble, because of
his poor, unguided, bad reasoning
or a man can be depressed,
controlling, wanting what he
wants and stop all growth
of a place –
A man doing God's will –
sees with the vision of the Father.
Wants what God's will is. Is sensitive
to bringing in proper direction and
structure. A Church or religious
institution, a family, even a
religious school needs love –
bonds of trust – NOT A JOB
to get done –
People in parishes need to
be under authority, respect
authority and do things to
serve God, not selfishness, or
pride, self-promotion –
think "It's all about making
myself great"
A person with a waning self-concept
can do everything to prove they
are great –
they lose the whole aspect of
serving God, helping souls
and building the Kingdom of God
while serving others –
Doing God's will brings joy because
it is rooted in Him –
in love – in building up
for our eternal salvation
and helping others to get
to heaven –
This brings real heart-felt
joy united to Christ.
A fearful man is closed down – they
don't want any unpredictable
things in their controlled lives.
Why would a policeman, or fireman
rescue others' lives for people
who need them?
Why does a doctor go to work
everyday and faces some
patients dying?
Fear keeps the guarded person –
operating in fear from
doing what they need to
do many times –
1 John 4: 17-21
Love comes to its perfection in us when we can face the Day of Judgement fearlessly, because even in this world we have become as he is. In love there is no room for fear, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear implies punishment and no one who is afraid has come to perfection in love. Let us love, then, because he first loved us. Anyone who says 'I love God' and hates his brother, is a liar, since whoever does not love the brother whom he can see cannot love God whom he has not seen. Indeed this is the commandment we have received from him, that whoever loves God, must also love his brother.
R. A man can fear and not do what
God wants – A man can be in
a stupor – a paralyzing of
his whole self because of fear.
Anger can seek vengeance – A person
who was abused when young and
unhealed – can live their whole
life with secrets, punishing others
for their vengeance as a child.
When a person is angry they
need to pray to change that anger –
not make a god of it – hugging
it – letting it control their life,
hurting others – blaming others
for their angry heart and hurting others
for their darkness, unforgiveness,
vengeance, etc.
A person abused as a child was
acted-on with an injustice
where they should have been
loved and worked through it –
they can live their
life punishing others for
the injustice done to them and
telling themselves others
deserved it.
Anger can make a person feel
some pleasure. They can
enjoy relief – enjoy that
something is being done for the
injustice done to them, they can
like the power they feel to make
others squirm under them,
they can like the negative attention,
they bring to a situation that
is peaceful and loving, acting
out their darkness and trying
to sniff out happiness and light
around them.
They can be pleased because
they feel they are receiving
recompense for what
was done to them.
This kind of retaliation against
innocent others – adds evilness
of intent to their darkness in
hurting and punishing others.
Anger hurts the person the more they
give into it –
It dulls right reasoning –
can be a vice –
a way of living they use –
Where they are to grow in love
Where they are to grow in forgiveness
Where they need to grow in
the spiritual life in Jesus.
The angry man can use his energy
meant for loving, for vengeance,
deviousness, punishment
of others –
Our real joy comes in bringing
what we need for eternal
salvation in our life and
helping others to go to heaven –
lasting joy –
joy of one day seeing God
face to face –
Angry men can be so filled with
vengeance they can take down
the house – Jesus says –
the anger grows – way
out of proportion –
A person under authority can get
angry for any directions
or corrections and try to
establish a foundation for
being in control always.
This is disordered.
God gives a man energy to
use as he wills!
God wants us to serve Him –
to do good to build His Kingdom –
When pain comes up for those abused
in the past – they can seek
a person to use their vengeance
on –
or as someone said to me – the
anger and darkness is always there –
anything can set them off and
they use force to enforce this
way, by holding out on
what is needed at work,
in conversation etc. –
just to do business.
God gives us passions and we
have to control them
with right reasoning –
A car that drives itself could
demolish a child.
What happens to a man that regularly
uses his job to show he
is in control because of
God has called us to love –
to love Him first and
love our neighbor as
A man who is angry without
controlling his anger for days,
weeks, has made his
anger his god – when
nothing matters, his house, his
children, his job – when
all that matters is his anger and
getting vengeance for his
Being enslaved to anger –
A person can become bored and
then habitual acting-out
of past abuse can lead
to destroying his relationships.
Acting-out old anger from
the past – can help the
person to remain
isolated and send others
away – so they can control things –
Love of God – is Love of Good –
love for our heavenly reward
brings real joy –
Love under right - reason!
From Blue Book 16 July 8, 1997
Apostles Creed Our Father R. This is God’s Plan. God’s Plan is that man
love one another and love God as the Father intended. He is
calling us to be the leaders, to help carry this love into the
world. And He is teaching us through much sorrow and joy to be
united to Him in a special way. This is His Plan. The world
has changed in so many ways. They are not as the Father intends
them to be. And so, the more we go into the Heart of Jesus: the
more that we are unlike the world. And when we are unlike the
world, it is uncomfortable many times when we are with those
that are more worldly. But we must stay focused on Him always. That we continue to do what He is asking us to do. For what we
do here will greatly affect this world.
Hail Mary And so He says to us: Do not be afraid.
Hail Mary R. And so we pray for this faith, for this
hope and we pray for charity, which is love. That we may love
more perfectly like Him. That we may be healed of those
imperfections which we do not even realize many times cause
great problems in our lives. We pray in this rosary that our
hearts will be healed of imperfections and that we may be more
pure like the all-perfect heart of the Virgin Mary.
Hail Mary Jesus: And so I ask you, My beloved
ones, to reach for the stars, to look at the vision from the
Father’s eyes. My beloved ones, you are so bolted to the earth
that you miss this Godly vision. You must focus on the Plan of
the Father. Do not be afraid for I have called you to a great
vocation to help in the work of redemption. I am Jesus and you
are My chosen ones. Do not be afraid for I will be with you and
it is in My Might that great things will be accomplished, that
many souls will be turned to souls that are filled with hearts
of love. Glory Be Song: Come Holy Spirit Song: Be Not Afraid Song: Come Holy Spirit Jesus: Love is energy that is transmitted when
there is a oneness between two people that are in love with God
and with one another. There is an immense amount of energy that
is transmitted. I have called you in this
Movement to great oneness and it is in being joined in this
oneness in love with God and with one another that there is an
immense amount of energy that is transmitted when people come
around you. This is what I want at My Mass, My beloved ones. Oneness, the hearts filled with love joined in oneness in My
Heart and the heart of My Mother, united to the Holy Trinity. That the energy will be transmitted and that the love will be
felt and reverberate to the far ends of the earth, for great
grace is released in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass when all are
united in this oneness. It is very important that you circulate
to the world the Prayer before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,
that many people will give their hearts to the Hearts to Me
and to My Mother, your Mother, Mary and there will be this oneness in which hearts will be
united as one in My Heart and the Heart of My Mother in love. The Glorious Mysteries The Resurrection
l. Jesus: There are many hearts that
you will meet and they will resist the love that you give to
them. You must continue to love. You do not have to run after
the person but in your heart there is the spirit of love and forgiveness and joining and you must pray as often as you
can. That is why I have asked you to pray hourly. For it is in
this hour that I am giving to you abundant grace and your hearts
will be transformed to hearts of love focused on My Might and
not on your own. I am with you in every hour. I am refreshing
you with My grace when you come and you pray to Me. I am not
telling you to pray every hour if it is impossible. I am
telling you to pray whenever possible for I will refresh you
with My Love and with My grace. You will be strengthened and I
will comfort you. You do not believe the messages many times.
And if you do not obey you will not share the great gifts and
wisdom that I give to you. This is a great key to peace in your
heart to stop hourly and to take a few moments and to be alone
with Me. I will refresh you and I will give you confidence and
you will be filled with My Divine love. I am God, child. I
watch you and I watch you struggle and I do not comprehend why
you are so afraid when I am so close to you and you reach for
those things that are around you and you do not reach for the
heavens above. But it is because you get so focused on the
things of this earth when I am so close to you. Surrender and
let go and know that I am with you at every moment. I am with
you and I watch you struggle. Needlessly, you struggle. Come
to Me in prayer, fervent prayer, as I have taught you. Pray the
powerful novena that I have given to you and you will be
strengthened. This is a key. You can’t obey, or you can’t
ignore the great treasure that I am giving to you here. 2. Jesus: And your vision is so
limited. For you look for those things that are humanly
possible when I am God. I have created the stars in the sky. I
have created the baby in the womb. I have created the eyes that
are so beautiful and the ears that hear. And you reach with
such limited vision. And I tell you, come to Me and I will
your faith and you will know. And you must pray to the Holy
Spirit for His Divine wisdom and He will enlighten your mind. And you will not be focused so on the things of the earth. You
will see with a much wider vision. You will see that all the
lambs of this earth are mine. And they are mine to give. You
must come to Me and quit searching this barren land for those
things that you crave in your soul. For that which you crave
can only be satisfied by My immense love. I am God and your
heart craves only Me. I love you. I love you. I love you. Reach with a wider vision. Come to Me hourly for a few moments
and pray to Me, and I will touch you in a special way. And you
will be enlightened and strengthened and you will know Me. I
repeat again. If it is impossible for you to come on the hour,
in your heart say a silent prayer of love to Me and I will be
with you and strengthen you. You must always pray and be
peaceful about the prayer. I am not telling you to pray to be
anxious. I am telling you to pray to have greater peace in Me. If praying causes you anxiety because of other demands in your
life, you must always do the Father’s Will. And that is to love
first and always, to love. No matter what you do, to do the
Father’s Will with love. Every act should be an act of love. And so you say, “but I am so far from that, and I am so
imperfect”. It is the desire within your heart to love. It is
the willingness to come to Me and ask for healing of the
imperfections that will help you to grow to be more like Me. It
is in praying to the Holy Spirit to know God more fully and to
love Him more abundantly that you will grow in your intimacy
with the Almighty God. To be one with Me is to be holy. I give
to you the light to see your imperfections. Do not be
disgruntled, be gladdened. I am showing you the way that you
will be more like Me. You are not perfect. You are sinners and
you must learn My ways and I am teaching you. I am giving you
abundant grace in the Eucharist and when you sit in front of the
tabernacle. I am giving you great grace when you come to Me
alone and speak to Me. I am giving you grace hourly when you
pause and you talk to Me. I am not angered with you child. I
do not look at you and criticize you. I look at you and I see
the beloved creation of My Father. I love you with great
love. You must know how, how much you are truly loved by the
Divine God. And be grateful and thankful and love Him and
others in return. This is a rosary about My life, the life of
the Almighty God that flows to you through the sacraments. My
grace given to you abundantly in the Eucharist. I give to you
these special graces, My life when you come to Me and you tell
Me how much you love Me. I am God. I am alive and I am with
you this day.
Song: I Will Be With You
R. And we see Him, our Beloved Savior as He hangs on the cross
covered with blood. A Man that looks as if He is beaten. Jesus'
cheeks are hollow and Jesus' face is oh so gray. And Jesus breathes
His last breath and Jesus died on the cross. Look at that man they say. Why did He not save Himself? Where is His God now? And then we
see Him come forth from the tomb on Easter morn in glistening
white with the glorified wounds in His hands and in His feet. And
Jesus comes forth garbed in white. This beauteous Man who was
only three days before clothed with dried blood comes forth in
glistening light and splendor that hurts the eyes for Jesus is so
radiant with light. Jesus is God and it is with this vision that
we must proceed ahead in this Movement. As long as we are
focused with human minds, as long as we reach only so far, as
long as we are bolted to this earth, we will not reach to the
far ends of the earth with His love.
Jesus: Truly believe, My children, that I am speaking to
you. It is through you that many, many souls will know My
love. But you must believe and you must pray for faith. You
must feel good about yourselves. You must know how much I love
you. Do not let the devil talk in your minds and tell you about
yourselves and your faults. I look at you and I see you, the
child of My Father, the child that is filled with grace, radiant
from My life within you. If you could see your own graced soul,
your eyes could not even see the light. It is so radiant with
beauty. You must feel good about yourselves. You must know
that you have been called by Me. That you are holy. That it is
through the prayer and the grace that you are holy. Do not let satan talk in your head and keep you focused on yourself so you
do not reach out to others. A person focused on themselves will
not reach out and help others. They are thinking of
themselves. And so the devil attacks this way to keep you
focused on yourselves. You are the chosen ones that I have
called and I have filled you with light and holiness and My
grace. And you must look upward to the Father who looks on you
with great love. For He is pleased with your prayer and your
love and your fervor. And you are not perfect, for you have
been tainted by the sin of Adam and Eve. And you must not look
to be perfect. You must strive to be perfect. But know that it
is My grace that makes you holy. That you are dependent on Me. Be humble and loving and reach out in love to all men. Go to
them. Put your head on their shoulder and tell them that you
love them. For I love through you and they are wounded inside
and they need that love. Even when you are rejected, I love
through you, when your heart is filled with love. So will you
let the devil whip you around? Send you around with a glum
look on your face. And then you are My lights that shine?
You are not lights when you are glum. I want My light to
shine from your eyes and your face. This is why I ask you to
pray hourly for I am filling you with great light and love. What I tell you will help you in your struggle against satan. The more that you deviate from the helps and the
messages that I give to you, the more trouble that you will
have. I have given you a special knowing of Me. And
this is what your heart wants now. You are not children of the
world. You are children of My love. And you are not satisfied
with the things of this world. You are only satisfied by Me. And so you may teeter and go back and forth, but in your heart
once you know Me, there is not another place that gives you
rest. Only in Me will your heart find rest.
Song: I Will Be With You
Jesus: Sing with love My child, sing with joy in your heart. Be filled
with My Light. Come to Me hourly and I will fill your heart
with love. You cannot fight this battle alone. The messages
that I give to you are guides to help you to live, to survive in
this battle against satan. Read the messages and listen to the
words that I speak to you. Your hearts will be filled with
great joy. And others will feel the energy in that vibrating
love that is transmitted from you. Love is energy. Let the Holy Spirit
fill you with the fire of God's love. R. And so we pray to the Holy Spirit. Dear
Holy Spirit, come to us and fill our hearts with the fire of
God’s love. And we beg you to fill us with your Spirit! Help us to
fearless, to go forth, that there will be joy in our hearts
as we are lead by Him. Let us go to Mary's Heart and Holy
Spirit come and fill us, please. Work in us - in the Immaculate
Heart of Mary. Think of that. And Mary conceived of
the Child, Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. And the
angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and she was filled with the Holy
Spirit. And Mary went to her cousin Elizabeth’s and she was
filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out the Magnificat and she
said,” I am the handmaid of the Lord. All generations will call
me blessed”. Mary recognized the great gift that God gave to
her. And Mary was thankful. Mary was most humble. We must
recognize the gifts that God has given to us for He has indeed
called us to great holiness. And our souls are filled with His
life which is His grace. God has given to us great gifts. We
are children of the Father created by Him uniquely. Jesus is the
Teacher. The Holy Spirit gives us His gifts. The truth is in the
Scriptures and in the Mass. Jesus: My beloved ones, you see
these things. When you read the Scriptures, the words are all
there. You feel them alive in your hearts. R. Thank God, praise Him, love Him for the
gifts that He has given and if the world says nay, nay. you are
crazy. Who do we care? But what is in our hearts is the love
of God in this great intimacy with our Divine Lover. And
Jesus gives Himself to us in the Eucharist. We are the Spouse of
Jesus. Jesus gives us Himself, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in
the Eucharist. God has given to us a great gift to know these things. Thank
Him. And so we say. Song: Come Holy Spirit Song: Holy God We Praise Thy Name R. It is when our hearts are filled with love
that the Spirit is working in our hearts and we are lifted high
and all that we do seems so easy for we need to have that
connection with our hearts that we are filled with love and joy
in our heart. It is when the devil has taunted us, when he has
worked in us, when he has caused division, when we are too
focused on his activities and not the great gifts that God has
given, that it is as if we are pushing a boulder up a large hill that
we do all of our tasks. But we are children of the light filled
with His life and His love. And we must give ourselves to Him
hourly. Spend those few minutes. Walk away from it all and
say, God in these few minutes I want to be with You. Jesus,
you have said, “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall
find, knock and it will be opened to You.” Fill my heart with
Your joy. Let me have Your vision. Let me have Your faith. Let me not be bolted to the earth. But know that You are here
and that everything will work for You if I surrender. I want to
be with You in this moment, Lord, and I love You with my whole
heart. Thank you God. We can tell God our concerns – "this is worrying me now. This person
has done this but the focus is on You, God." Every hour, take
those few moments and be alone with Him. And less and less the
focus will be on those things that are surrounding us which the
devil is doing. Think of this. The Blessed Mother appears on
the building and we stand beneath and we argue. Think of this. And it is as
if someone slaps you in the face when you walk out. And the
devil knows exactly that which will get you focused on yourself
and on the workings of the devil in your life. And so
then we are back and we are bolted to the ground. But
the Blessed Mother appeared. How could you do that? God gave
Himself most intimately to us in Communion. And we are touched
deeply within our heart. And then I walk from the
Church, and I don’t realize that God wants that thanks. Sometimes I think He lets me suffer because I did not appreciate
the great gift of intimacy that He gave to me in the Holy
Eucharist. You know how it is with us when we love somebody so
much and we go up to them and we say to them, “Oh, I love you so
much. I love you so much.” And without them even thinking they
kind of walk away and they don’t say much. And you’re just torn
up inside. God gives us a special gift in the Eucharist. Oh,
how He loves us. And then instead of saying, thanks. We walk
from the Church and kind of forget it. He can let us
suffer. We should let that glow of His love, of that special
gift, be in our face and in our heart and thank Him over and
over again. After an experience with Jesus, it can be hard
to go to the old life – I know how it is
when I tell somebody how much I love them and they ignore me. It like tears your heart apart. I
must thank Jesus for giving me special gifts – for loving Him so
much – it is a grace God gives. Jesus is a person and He gives us
these immense gifts, special gifts to us. He promised that to
Fr. Carter when we pray the prayers. Song: We Praise You Oh God 3. R. It is the prayer. The
prayer is the lifting of the mind and heart to God. Lift us up
God – protect us from satan's attacks. And we
sit in front of the tabernacle, He outpours His life. And we
are focused on the things of Heaven because He has saturated us
with this life that if we saw our own graced soul, we’d fall on
our face. And that’s what happens after we go to the tabernacle
our soul is just elated with so much of His grace and His life. And its a whole lot easier not to be tempted. It’s a whole lot
easier not to give in. God fill us with Your grace to be holy.
We want You to live in us. Jesus is telling us what to do that will help us. We
have our problems when we don’t listen many times. Not that
may let us suffer sometimes very much. Jesus may allow us
to be tested. But
sometimes our suffering is from not doing what He’s telling us
to do. Jesus has given us these messages and prayers and
writings. Jesus has given us a key to lead this
world to His Heart. We go to the tabernacle and we’re touched by Him. 4. R. The world does not comprehend.
Many do not see that the Almighty God is truly present the same as
He walked the earth and He is giving Himself to us and He is
waiting and longing and thirsting for love, and wanting us to
come and to recognize Him in the tabernacle. And He is offended
by the indifference of the creatures of this earth that treat
His love so lightly. Song: We Praise You Oh God 5. Song: I Love You Jesus 6. We want to pray that our hearts will be filled
with the fire of God's love. We want to pray the Infant of Prague Novena.
7. Song: Be Not Afraid R. And so Jesus speaks to us from
His Burning Heart, from the deepest chamber of His Heart. Hear
Jesus' words as Jesus speaks for this a gift for us, His leaders
that Jesus has called us and Jesus does not want us to be
afraid. Jesus does not want us to focus on ourselves and our
imperfections. Jesus wants us to be sorry when we know that we
have fallen and that we have not loved. But Jesus wants us to
see ourselves as His instruments to spread love to this
world. We must stay focused on Jesus and turn to Jesus. And so
Jesus speaks these words – Song: Be Not Afraid 8. Hail Mary Song: I will raise you up
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
The Ascension
1. Jesus: This is a rosary for healing, My beloved ones, for I have called you here and I am working within your heart to give you peace, love and joy. That you will die to those things that are keeping you from intimate relationships with others and with God. That you will operate as My child of love, as a soldier of love, as a soldier of light going forth into the dark world. And I speak to you. Be not afraid. And I give to you My Body, the most intimate act. I give to you Myself in the Holy Eucharist. Divinity is united with humanity in the deepest love. Reach out to Me and I will fill you with My grace, with My life. I am God. There is no God beside Me. No person on this earth can fill your heart with the love that I give to you. And I give to you, Myself in the Eucharist.
Song: I will raise you up
Jesus: I want you to thirst for Me, to come to Me, to think of Me the day before that you are coming to Me. That you long and you thirst for the Eucharist and I will give you My life, My dear ones, an abundant sharing in My life. And nothing on the face of this earth is like this sharing in My Divine life and in My Divine love. Will you come to Me thirsty? Will you come and feel My presence with you as you sit before the tabernacle? I am the Bread of Life and I feed you with My Body, such intimacy. And this world does not comprehend. You are to live as the Spouse of Jesus, that you become one with Me. More than any person can give to another person, it is the gift of God of giving Himself to sinful men. But I ask you at this point, of reception of the Eucharist, not to dwell on your sinfulness but to dwell on My abundant love for you. For I am God and I came and I gave Myself for love of you. And I give Myself to you today and I remain with you in the Holy Eucharist and in the tabernacle waiting and longing for you, your Divine Lover. And so many come with such cold hearts or they do not come at all. And so you come and you are thirsting and you are longing for Me and you give My Heart such joy. And I wait for you, I wait for you My precious, My precious one to give you a sharing in My Divine life.
Song: I Am the Bread of Life
R. And so Jesus said on Ascension Thursday, Jesus called out and I was folded over in pain. It was as if swords were inside of me and I couldn’t even straighten up. For He was so strong in His words and He called out,” I am alive. I am alive. I am alive.” The world is blind and they do not see and God is truly present. We are the bearers of this great news and so He has given to us an abundant sharing in His life. And He has given Himself most intimately to us that we will continue to go forth and to do this work. For Jesus has called us, though small in number. Jesus has called us, for with Jesus' Might we can reach the far ends of the earth. It is in the prayer, it is not in what I do or what you do. Jesus tells us to pray hourly, Jesus is telling us the way that it will get done. And Jesus is not telling you to pray hourly if it is impossible. Jesus is telling the ones here that if it is possible the great benefits that we will receive, how the Movement will spread to the far ends of the earth when we obey Jesus' messages. It’s not us. The more I pray these prayers, the more I see with God's vision. Jesus is talking about the Pope and the bishops and the cardinals. How we get so frustrated. God has given us this Movement. It is His instrument to help in the renewal of the Church and the world. The apostles went through so much suffering. The enemies put Jesus to death. We are persecuted and we suffer and we are pressed back. If we focus on the negative things we will not proceed ahead. John is always saying. He just keeps going ahead. The day that Father Carter was told that news. The next day or the next few days or the next week, he sent 8,000 letters to the elementary schools to spread the rosary and the consecration. John keeps moving ahead because he sees the vision. We can’t focus on the little stuff, the little fires that satan makes here and there. I don’t mean that you should hold them inside, because we need to know what is going on in the Movement so we can deal with it. But on a regular basis to not let it damper our feelings of moving ahead. Mary appears on the building in Florida, the Heavenly Mother and she calls someone to help spread this to the world. Does it matter or are we so numb to the gifts that we are thinking about what other men do to try to stop us? "What did she think? What did they do?" And Mary’s up there and the Father is looking down and says, “Why don’t you have vision? I am God.” Every word that He speaks is right on with the Scriptures. We need to move ahead. Like John, spreading the rosary to the school children and the consecration. We need the wide vision of God and it helps with the praying hourly. We are the apostles of this day and what we do will help bring about the Reign of the Sacred Heart. And the devil knows that, so he is hot and heavy on our trail. And Jesus tells us exactly in the messages what to do. Pray hourly. Spend that hour in front of the tabernacle. Spend an hour of intimacy with Me. Go to daily Mass and Communion. And it works.
2. R. When I miss my hour before the tabernacle everyone around me suffers for I am bolted to the earth. Jesus outpours grace to me when I do my hour before the tabernacle. And if you cannot go to the tabernacle, you must realize the importance of that hour of intimacy with Him at home. Some people do not see this vision God is giving us. We take in lots of ideas etc., in that hour God helps us sort things out to do His will in love and we get great grace to do it! And so He sifts out the good and sifts out the bad and when He tells us exactly what is going on. You write the letter of intimacy and it gets down to the bottom of the heart and it puts on the paper the feelings that need to go out so they don’t end up going out on somebody else. They went to Jesus. Jesus is the one we have to go to. Jesus is the one that we must turn to. Jesus wants us to turn to Him. Jesus wants our hearts to be hearts of joy. Jesus wants this hourly prayer. That will do it. I believe what He says. It’s like moving a mountain doing some of the things He said. It’s not a mountain at all if we turn to Him for His Might. It’s just praying. It’s not a mountain at all. I thought Jesus would really like the building where Mary is appearing. Why should I not pray for that? Why should I not pray for the pope and the cardinals to support the Shepherds of Christ Movement? But I should pray for the pope, the Bishop and the cardinals. This is His Movement for the renewal of the Church. The prayers are not that way. They are for the whole world and the whole Church. He wrote the prayers. We’ve got this little limited vision.
3. R. God is helping us see with wide vision. We pray for this.
4. R. I see in the Movement how there were some people that were in charge that were not spending their time. I see in the Movement and I’m not trying to say that I am better than anyone, but I see where the focus on the quarters and the nickels and the paper and the words is not what He wants. He’s giving us the Plan of the Father to help bring about the Reign of His Heart, all of the lambs are His. And so someone that does not spend that hour is saying, “you can’t do this, you’re running out of money now. Let’s stop it. We’re going to hold you back. They’re coming after you. This person’s got it. He’s writing this letter. Come on.” What do you think God is thinking? We keep moving ahead. We’re moving ahead because of the prayers and it’s His Plan. We’ve got to get out of this frame of mind where we’re worrying about what the people around us are doing. The Apostles didn’t do that. They had all these people that were opposing them and they went around singing. Christ didn’t fight with the people on the way to Calvary. He carried His cross. That was the Father’s Will. Do you think any words that He would have said to the people by the lines that were standing there making Him carry the cross would have changed their mind? The devil is working in a lot of the people that are opposing us to stop us. We’re arguing with the devil. What we have to do is tell them all the good things, all the good things about the Eucharist, all the good things about praying for the renewal of the Church and the world, all the good things about Consecration, what happens when we are one, that there is peace. We have to be hearts of joy and the hourly prayer will help us.
5. R. I spent my time and I went to Mass, and I got more done than I ever did, and thinking I’ve got to get this done. Jesus wants that time. Jesus can make it all work. Is Jesus going to do it? Or are we going to do it? When we go to the tabernacle and spend the hour, Jesus works in us. A lot of times we’re working really hard and pushing the boulder up the hill because the devil is pressing down and he’s focusing our minds on ourselves. And if we went to the tabernacle, we wouldn’t be focusing on ourselves. We would have His grace in us moving the mountain. We need to be focusing on His vision. And so we’re pushing our rock up the hill, and up the hill, and up the hill. We’re not getting nothing done and it’s so hard. And if we gave Him that hour, we wouldn’t be pushing that rock. We’d be up high with the power vacuum, sailing in the hot air balloon. Do we want to push the rock up the hill with our own might or sail the skies in the hot air balloon with the fire of His Love in the basket.
6. Song: Yahweh, I Know you are Near
Song: You are the Voice
7. R. Then He talks about the water. That the water of Baptism is poured on us and we receive a sharing in His life in Baptism. The waters of Falmouth were polluted waters because we are not even appreciating our great gift that He gives to us. So many gifts He gives to us and we take them for granted and we do not even say thanks. We are human creatures and He elevates our knowing and loving capacity in Baptism. And how many times do we thank Him?
Continue song: You are the Voice
R. And this is us. This is the Shepherds of Christ Movement. We are the center of this wheel, the hub of the wheel in this core group. How much are we in Him, thanking Him for what He has given to us and realizing the great mission that He has called us to. We cannot go out there and look to the people to see what they are thinking for the vision has been given to us to help lead the souls to the light. And so He speaks and He says
Song continued: You are the Voice
8. Hail Mary
9. R. Mary is the all-perfect sinless one, the Mediatrix of grace. We intercede through Mary. Mary is full of grace. Mary takes us to Jesus' Heart.
10. R. And Mary says to us that she is the handmaid of the Lord. But Mary said "...all generations will call me Blessed." And when God gives us great gifts we must thank Him. We do not act in humility when we are not grateful and we do not acknowledge the gifts God has given each and every person in this room. God has given great gifts to lead them here, to be in greater intimacy with Him. And we have been chosen. Mary was chosen from all women. We have been chosen apostles to help bring about the new era. And not recognizing this gift, we are not pleasing God. We must thank God and humbly go to God and tell God we know that it is because of His Might. We thank Him like Mary. She said, I am the handmaid of the Lord but all generations will call me Blessed. And you too, will be called Blessed because of the work you have done here. And it is like that song, “thank you for giving to the Lord, I am a soul that is changed.
And this is what we are. We are like mothers bringing forth children into conversion. How many, how many will be up there because of what we have done? God doesn’t want us to be barren. He wants us to be leading people to the light that when we get up there we say, “what is that thing about burying it in the field?” And He just put the gift or whatever it was in the field. And He didn’t like that. So He gives us the gift. Are we going to bury it in there or are we going to take it out and share it with others? "And then how many are going to be walking along that crystal lake? And we say thank you for giving to the Lord because I am a soul that is changed. And I’m so glad that you gave."
Song: I Dreamed I went to Heaven
R. And so this is how it will be. We will walk along. And how many converts have we brought to Heaven? How many people are there because of what we did? Why are we here? We are here for this reason: to love, to love God and love one another, to be with Him for all eternity. This is a little stopping place on the way to everlasting life. But so many have made this their end. And so Mary said, “I stood beneath the cross and I cried.” For her children that will be lost and will go into the everlasting abyss of suffering forever. Yes, there is fire and it is wonderful, for it is the fire of God’s love and it is as I saw in the front of the second Blue book like a potbellied stove with the whitest white in the middle and I felt heat and I saw His Heart open. And then there is the fire of Hell. And it is a place where there is no love, where there is no community, where there is total isolation. As the most awful day that we have ever had in our entire life when we felt abandoned by all and hated. Except it is so much worse for we know God and we know that we will not have this love for all eternity. And when the body is united to the soul there is physical suffering on top of all the spiritual suffering. This is our mission. Are we bolted to the earth where we do not see? Do we see clearly? Do we see the thunder and the baby? The little intricate ear. Only God could make that. “I am God. This is My Movement to renew the Church and the world. See with the wider vision.”
"I Dreamed I went to Heaven and you were there with me." Song: Thank you for giving to the Lord
For the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and Lent
$10.00 plus shippingBlue Book 14
One of the following DVD
Prayer Brochure
Give the gift that keeps giving.
6 different Blue Books for $30.00 including postage
Books available in limited supply for this sale.
The more you use the Blue Books and
become one with Jesus – more
intimate with Jesus –
the more your lives are a blessing and
everything you do in life can help
to bring down great grace for the world
because of your being so
one with Jesus.
Guiding Light Homily Book Series
Fr. Joe’s Books
4 for $20 plus postage of $5.95
These books can be given to:
1) All Priests
2) Good for Music Ministers
3) Good for DRE's
Good for Deacons
5) Good
for Principals of Schools
6) Good for Teachers
Good for Mom and Dads
Given March 21, 2014
R. Pray for These Things
1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
6) People going to Florida and China.
7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
9) Pray for pope helping us.
10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
11) Blue Book 15 and cover and all involved.
For our Publisher and all involved
12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
15) Donors and members and their families.
16) Healing of the Family tree.
17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
18) All who asked us to pray for them.
19) All we promised to pray for.
20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple, Rosie & all involved.
21) 2 babies and moms.
22) Funds and insurance.
23) Jerry's garage.
24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
26) Consecrate all hearts.
27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.
The Wedding Rosary
Crystal Image Rosary
$40 plus shipping
Original Image Rosary
8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box$40 plus shipping
In Spanish with the Imprimatur
Also we are ready to print
5000 copies of the
Parents and Children's Rosary Book
Can you help with a donation?
Give the gift that counts.
Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.
Tell My People $5.00
Response to God's Love $8.00
Response in Christ $8.00
Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur
$2.00 plus postage
New Mass Book with Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage
Give the gift that keeps on giving!
Give to your priest.
Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage
Dan called and gave the report to me, when I hung up I saw this rainbow and took a picture for him.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 627 China, Indiana 47250
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405
FAX: (812) 273-3182