Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.

We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages
rests with the Holy See of Rome.

I appear my children on this former bank building in Florida, Our Lady Clothed with the Sun.

June 9, 2006

June 10th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 8 Period II.

The Novena Rosary Mysteries  
for June 10th are Sorrowful.


June is the month of the Sacred Heart.



Messenger:        Retreat in China

                                June 10, 11, 12, 13


                           Mass June 10 at 10:30

                           Mass June 12 at 12:00 noon

                           Mass June 13 at 12:00  noon


                            Feast June 11 Trinity Sunday

                            St. Anthony Feast June 13



Click here for the radio

Listen to the rosary from

June 5, 2006



June 9, 2006




Messenger:       I saw the sun like a gigantic Eucharist
                        peak in the sky over the trees. It looked
                        as if it was on fire. Later as I
                        drove to Mass it was pure white
                        shining and illuminated in so very
                        much light. So bright it
                        felt as if it blinded me.
                        (it could damage your eyes if you look at the sun)
                        So I had to look away.

                            When our souls are filled with
                        God's grace it is so beautiful.
                        Fr. Carter would tell me — Oh Rita

                        what beauty it would be to see your own
                        graced soul.

                            God outpours His grace to us.

                            When we go to the Eucharist and receive
                        Him He can outpour so much grace to us
                        for our thirsty soul.

                            God wants to pour out His grace to
                        us — He gifts us when we pray to Him

                        we can unite to the Holy Sacrifice of the
                        Mass going on around the world and receive
                        so much grace especially when we receive the
                        sacraments. When we sit before the
                        tabernacle, since He is truly
                        present in the consecrated host, He
                        outpours His grace to us praying
                        there, because He is there in His
                        Divinity and humanity.

                            I watched a runner — run with so much
                        energy and he just went so fast.

                            He could have been walking or sitting —
                        but he was running so fast.

                            This is how I feel about my spiritual
                        life — I want to be absorbed by His grace
                        running to my goal of living deeper
                        IN HIM and experiencing a greater
                        saturation of His life in me.

                            For me, I must leap with faith and
                        continue to pray — feeling His presence —
                        not giving into fear or anything the
                        devil can tempt me with to keep me
                        from the mark.

                            I got to Church  at a neighboring
                        parish this morning and it was roped all off with
                        white, green, orange, blue, yellow
                        flags this weekend (because of the festival) —
                        I could not get in.

                            It reminded me of all the flags
                        in front of our eyes in this world
                        that can deter us from getting in and
                        going to daily Mass —
                        Nothing can compare to the Mass —

                            When I finally got past the obstruction
                        at 7:00 a.m. Mass — Three priests
                        concelebrated Mass inside against
                        a back drop of gold behind the
                        altar —

                            What obstructions what colored
                        flags do we face every day, that block
                        us from the great gift of
                        the Mass being celebrated.

                            I remember a young priest once at
                        this Dominican parish saying how
                        he had been ordained so many days —
                        about 3 years and he never missed Mass
                        what an honor it was for him to celebrate

                            I love the Mass so much — I love the
                        Eucharist and the liturgy of the Word and
                        I feel I cannot even take it in.

                            I don't even want to go a day without
                        Mass. I had to go on a few trips, like Egypt
                        and it was awful for me, but I knew the
                        Mass was being celebrated and I could unite
                        to it.

                            We do so many things to show
                        displays — We as baptized Catholics
                        should not be so shy to tell others
                        about the gift of the priest and the

                            When others are criticizing
                        the Church, sometimes, we should
                        thank God for the gifts of the Church and
                        speak when able and if it would  be
                        right about this magnificent gift God
                        gives us.

                            I love this prayer Jesus gave me —
                        I never realized until lately how the
                        the devil can tempt through fear and I must
                        pray for the courage to do God's will —
                        Always acting appropriately as He
                        desires, but not being paralyzed by
                        fear when I need to do something.

                            I think of this great Feast of
                        Pentecost when the Apostles were
                        transformed from fear to fearlessness.

                        Tomorrow is Fr. Carter's anniversary of being
                              a priest.

                        Thank God he wasn't afraid to do
                            God's will. 





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so you can circulate them to other people.


DVDs and Videos are on sale too for $5.00

so you will circulate and show them to others.


Call Glaci for image wallets to circulate.




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